Genre Based Literacy

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Cirebon 28 November 2016


Class : PBI-C 5th

Remove Illiteracy

Using Text-Based Literacy

In English Teaching In Indonesia Curriculum

Some schools in Indonesia are already implementing genre-based teaching methods. The
teachers teaching English has also been widely claimed that they have applied Genre-Based
Teaching methods in teaching English. In fact, the process of teaching and learning English is
not in accordance with the provisions of Genre-Based Teaching Method. there are several factors
that teachers face problems in applying this method, the factors is a factor in terms of teaching
activities, teaching materials, teaching aids and classroom management. The use of GBA in the
teaching of English as a foreign language is based on the perception that when someone
communicates, they actually creates texts through stretches of clauses that make sense (Agustien,
2007: 1).

Then Indonesian text-based learning implemented by applying the principles that, the
language should be in view as text, not merely a collection of words or language rules, the use
of language is the electoral process linguistic forms to express meaning, functional language, the
use of language can never be separated from context because it's the kind of language used
reflects the ideas, attitudes, values, and its ideology, and language is means of forming ability of
human thinking. In connection with it, students should be able to produce and use the text in
accordance with the purpose and function of the socio-cultural academic.

Indonesian text-based learning in curriculum 2013 carried out by applying the principles
that the language should be used as a text, not merely a collection of words or linguistic rules, the
use of language is a process of selecting the forms of language to express meaning, functional
language is the use of language that is never out of context because it's the kind of language used
reflects the ideas, attitudes, and its ideology, and language is a means of forming ability of
human thinking. Literacy in general were linked to school-based writing, resulting in serious
limitations in accounts of literacy – particularly in the claim that it improves faculties of
reasoning (Scribner and Cole, 1978; Olson, 1977). In the other hand Paltridge (2004: 2) teaching
English, especially in using GBA, teachers usually encounter with constraints when talking about
communicative competence. Reviews These constraints include: the strategy how to make the
students speak up, how to make them understand a reading text Easily, and how to make them
write a short text Correctly.

Generrally, Indonesian text-based learning The purposes to activities aimed at creating a

communicative setting suitable for the production of texts with the students’ active involvement
and creative participation are very limited, The selection of texts is problematic, since the
discourse produced in students’ everyday interactions, and in particular spontaneous discourse, is
not exploited at all. The social characteristics of the student population are not taken into
account. The application of this approach has very often been limited to creating ideal,
predetermined, and standardized communicative circumstances in class, while it usually avoids
collecting ethnographic information on students’ social environment, their difficulties, needs,
goals, and objectives. The communicative/text-based approach does not take into account and
does not make reference to the critical diagnosis of the presuppositions for communication as
this evolves in a specific context.

Lin (2006: 2) said that in Text Based learning, teaching and learning focuses on the
understanding and production of selected genres of texts. In implementing the instructional
activity based on the requirements of GBA, teachers found difficult, to conduct all the steps of
teaching totally Because students sometimes did not understand about Reviews their teaching
Because they had lack vocabulary. In conducting the step of Building Knowledge of the Field,
teachers could not do the step of building cultural context. They did not do this due to the
teachers' lack of knowledge about the way to implement.

The problem of Text- Based Literacy approach In the context of our national education,
interest in reading and writing our society is very worrying. So, It is a sad fact that Because It
could be an indicator of poor reading culture in every schools. School as formal education
institutions, Often do not have the literacy development program, or foster a culture of literacy in
systemic, Culture watch more dominant in our society. Therefore the balance approach literacy
and information literacy movement is believed to allow for such purposes. Balance literacy
theoretically recognized its success in developing a culture of reading and writing students by
experts (Ellery, 2005; Green, 2005; Cappellin, 2005).

The purpose of the Implementation Text-based literacy approach in Indonesia should be

to helps preparing composition to produce write and undermine a deficit view the which sees
writing Difficulties as learner weaknesses, and participating in communities, and Also change
the poor of reading culture Because ganre based literacy in education begin from reading writing
skills as cognitive process. While Beers (2009) said that the purpose of the GLS (Gerakan Literasi
Sekolah) in Indonesia is to Cultivate character familiarization of learners through literacy schools
ecosystem embodied in the literary movement School so that they become lifelong learners.

It can be conclude The use of Text Based Literacy Approach in the teaching of English as
a foreign language is for emphasizing the mastery of language competence to be Able to
communicate in written and spoken form in daily life. Although many have problems. While the
purpose of the GLS (School Literacy Movement) in Indonesia is to Cultivate character
familiarization of learners through literacy schools ecosystem embodied in the literary movement
School so that they become lifelong learners. Then Alwashilah (2014) Genre-based literacy Also
focus to Become someone critical thingking to develope Reviews their knowledge to Become
critical thinking, and sensitive to the environment and critical thingking Also such as when
somenone read not just read but the reader must knowing the other meaning from the book.

1.233 words


Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Veteran Bantara University of Sukoharjo,
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