#2 CHPTR 3
#2 CHPTR 3
#2 CHPTR 3
Review of Financial Statement Preparation, Analysis, and business.
Interpretation 1. Employees
Basic Financial Statements: 2. management
• Ca- currrent assets
• Nca- non-current assets
• Cl- current liabilities 4 Basic Guideline in the preparation of Financial Statement:
1. fair presentation
• Ncl –non-current liabilities
2. going concern assumption
• Equity 3. accrual basis of accounting
4. consistency of presentation
• Statement of Profit or Loss is also known as Income
• the income reported by a company is not that useful if the
accounting period is not stated.
Statement of comprehensive income (income statement)
• is a structured financial statement that shows the
financial performance of a business entity for a given
Key Terms
non-cash financing activities:
Non-cash financing activities may include leasing to
purchase an asset, converting debt to equity, exchanging
non-cash assets or liabilities for other non-cash assets or
liabilities, and issuing shares in exchange for assets.
Self-Test Question
How can you identify and describe the financial information that
can be found in the following financial statements:
a. Statement of Financial Position;
b. Statement of Profit or Loss;
c. Statement of Cash Flows; and
d. Statement of Changes in Stockholders’ Equity?