TEIP6219 - TE206 Observation Learning Log
TEIP6219 - TE206 Observation Learning Log
TEIP6219 - TE206 Observation Learning Log
Table of Contents
Preamble ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Guidelines for Classroom Observation ................................................................................................... 4
Task Instructions ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Task 1: General Classroom Observations............................................................................................ 5
Task 2: Subject-Specific Observations................................................................................................. 7
Annexure A: Lesson Observation Template............................................................................................. 8
You should dedicate your first week of Teaching Experience to observe and learn from your Mentor
Teacher and complete all tasks in your Observation Learning Log. These observation tasks require you
to observe and analyse teaching and learning strategies, teaching, and learning support materials, ICT
integration in the classroom, classroom management strategies and diverse learning needs. You will be
required to think critically about teaching and learning in the Grade 5 classroom. The general classroom
observations and subject-specific observations will scaffold your opportunities to learn from practice in
the classroom and develop your ability to teach lessons and manage the Grade 5 classroom
This Observation Learning Log (TE206) constitutes 25% of your final TEIP6219 PoE as per the table
This Observation Learning Log (TE206) contains tasks that have been designed to draw your attention
to specific areas in your classroom observation. You are required to complete all the activities in this
Observation Learning Log (TE206) as part of your final PoE for Teaching Experience.
NOTE: All tasks completed in the Observation Learning Log (TE206) must be uploaded under ‘My
Portfolio’ on LEARN on the link provided.
What follows in the Observation Learning Log are focused observation tasks designed to:
Be mindful of:
• Vague generalities such as “nice lesson”, “interesting and well presented”
• Questioning the integrity of the decisions made by the school.
• Evaluating. You are here only to observe and learn.
• Passing judgement on your host school.
• Becoming overly familiar with staff or learners.
Task Instructions
Task 1: General Classroom Observations
Classroom observation plays an important role in developing your observation skills and is a critical
opportunity for you to learn from experiences in the classroom. Some of the areas you will focus on
in this Observation Learning Log include learners’ interactions with the mentor teacher, discipline
and management styles, teaching strategies, ICT integration and the use of Learning and Teaching
Support Materials. It is important to highlight that you are not evaluating your mentor teacher during
the completion of these tasks. You are merely, observing and collecting information on specific
aspects of your experiences in the classroom.
In Task 1 of your Observation Learning Log (TE206) you are required to complete the five (5) tasks
below. Answer these questions in one word document, pdf and label this document as Observation
Learning Log: Task 1.
Submission Instructions:
• Task 1 should be submitted as one (1) typed document, which includes your answers to each
task below (Tasks 1.1 to Task 1.5).
• Submit Task 1: General Classroom Observations on ‘My Portfolio’ on Learn, under the link to
your Observation Learning Log.
Note: The Lecturer/Supervisor will mark the Observation Learning Log, using the rubric included
in the Institutional Assessment Log & Report (TE203)
Task 1.1. Teaching and Learning Strategies (10 marks)
In your observation of lessons taught in this class, consider the teaching and learning strategies
used and answer the questions below (+- 200 words):
• Name the teaching strategies you have observed being used by your Mentor Teacher.
• Choose one teaching strategy you have observed and explain how it was used to teach a
particular lesson.
• Why/why not was this an effective strategy to teach this lesson?
• How will the observation of the teaching and learning strategies used by the Mentor Teacher
inform your teaching practice?
Task 1.2. Learning and Teaching Support Materials (LTSM) (10 marks)
In your observation of lessons taught in this class, consider types of Learning and Teaching Support
Materials (LTSM) used by the Mentor Teacher to facilitate teaching and learning and answer the
questions below (+- 200 words):
• Identify two types of Learning and Teaching Support Materials (LTSM) used by the Mentor
Teacher to facilitate teaching and learning.
• Describe how the two types of Learning and Teaching Support Materials identified were
integrated into the lesson to promote teaching and learning.
• Discuss how you could include these examples of Learning and Teaching Support Material to
design learning in your teaching.
If no Learning and Teaching Support Materials were used in any lessons observed complete the
below. Choose one lesson you observed:
• What specific Learning and Teaching Support Materials would you introduce into this lesson to
support the lesson objectives?
• Discuss how Learning and Teaching Support Materials could be used in a lesson you observed
to improve the learning experience and engagement of the learners.
Task 1.3. ICT Integration in a Classroom (10 marks)
Worldwide research has shown that ICT can lead to improved student learning and better teaching
methods. Does your Host School integrate technology into teaching and learning?
Submission Instructions:
• Each subject-specific lesson observation for Task 2 should be typed up on the Lesson
Observation Template.
• Click here to access to editable version of the Lesson Observation Template. No handwritten
submissions will be accepted.
• Save all four (4) lesson observations as one document, pdf and upload on Learn.
• Submit Task 2: Subject-specific Observations on ‘My Portfolio’ on Learn, under the link to your
Observation Learning Log.
Note: The Lecturer/Supervisor will mark the Observation Learning Log, using the rubric included
in the Institutional Assessment Log & Report (TE203).
Lesson Information
Lesson Topic:
Duration of lesson
Lesson Observations
Describe the CAPS specific focus of this lesson.
• Consult the CAPS termly focus for the subject
area and identify the concepts, content and
skills that map to this lesson.
Reflection Questions
• Describe aspects of the lesson that worked
• Re-visit the lesson objectives. Were they