Physics: Sub - Module 03
Physics: Sub - Module 03
Physics: Sub - Module 03
2.3 - Thermodynamics
(a) Temperature: thermometers and temperature scales: Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin; 2
Heat definition;
First and second law of thermodynamics;
Gases: ideal gases laws; specific heat at constant volume and constant pressure, work
done by expanding gas;
Isothermal, adiabatic expansion and compression, engine cycles, constant volume and
constant pressure, refrigerators and heat pumps;
Latent heats of fusion and evaporation, thermal energy, heat of combustion.
There are formulas that allow us to convert from
Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa. These formulas
One BTU of heat energy = 778 ft-lb of work are:
5 9
C = (F - 32) and F = C + 32
9 5
One pound of aviation gasoline contains 18 900 BTU
of heat energy. Since each BTU is capable of 778 ft-lb The absolute minimum temperature of any object in
of work, the universe is -273.15oC. This is called Absolute
1 lb of aviation gasoline is capable of 14 704 200 Zero. You can convert between Celsius and Kelvin
ft-lb of work.(18900x778) like this: Kelvin = Celsius + 273.15.
One kWH of energy is greater than a mega joule Often, the value of 273 is used instead of 273.15.
In engineering it is often necessary to use
TEMPERATURE temperatures in the Kelvin scale, which uses
What is the difference between heat and absolute zero as its base point.
temperature? Absolute zero = -273.15oC = 0 K. (Kelvin
Heat is a form of energy. temperatures are written without a symbol for
Temperature is the degree of “hotness” or degrees.)
“coldness”. For purposes of calculations, the Rankine scale is
Temperature is a measure of the amount of commonly used to convert Fahrenheit to absolute.
vibration of molecules. For Fahrenheit readings above zero, 460° is added.
Temperature Scales
Our common notion of hot and cold has its precise
expression in the concept of temperature. As objects
are heated their molecules move faster. In a solid the
molecules vibrate more rapidly. In liquids and gases
the molecules move all over in the container at a
Dew point refers to the temperature at which the relationship is expressed by the equation:
rate of conversion of liquid water to water vapor is
equal to the rate at which water vapor is converted Expansion = (coefficient) × (length) × (rise in temperature)
to liquid water. If the temperature of air is lower than
the dew point, water vapor condenses and leaves the Linear Expansion
air in the form of water. At this point relative The relationship governing the linear expansion of a long
thin rod can be reasoned out as follows
humidity is essentially 100%.
Coefficient of Expansion
Substance Per Degree Celsius
Aluminum 25 × 10 -6
Brass or Bronze 19 × 10 -6
Brick 9 × 10 -6
Copper 17 × 10 -6
Glass (Plate) 9 × 10 -6 The mercury column expands or contracts in
Glass (Pyrex) 3 × 10 -6 response to changes in temperature.
Ice 51 × 10-6
Advantages of Mercury Disadvantages of Mercury
Iron or Steel 11 × 10-6
Can be seen clearly in a fine glass Its movement is sometimes jerky as it
Lead 29 × 10-6 tube. does not wet the glass.
Its expansion is regular over a wide
Quartz 0.4 × 10-6 temperature range.
Silver -6
19 × 10 It is easily obtained in a pure state.
Figure - Coefficient of expansion for various materials. Advantages of Alcohol Disadvantages of Alcohol
Alcohol has a greater expansion than Inaccuracies may occur due to the
HEAT ENERGY UNITS mercury for a given temperature rise; alcohol distilling over the cooler part
When the Watt is multiplied by a unit of time, an it is therefore more sensitive. of the tube.
energy unit is formed as follows: It wets the tube and therefore does
not stick to the glass.
1 Ws = 1 J.
The use of the kilowatt-hour is more common: A bimetallic thermometer is very useful in aviation.
1 kWh = 3600 k W s = 3.6 MJ. The temperature sensing element of a bimetallic
thermometer is made of two dissimilar metals strips
THERMOMETERS bonded together. Each metal expands and contracts
Thermometers are devices that measure at a different rate when temperature changes. One
temperature. In order to measure temperature some end of the bimetallic strip is fixed, the other end is
physical property of the thermometer must change coiled. A pointer is attached to the coiled end which
as temperature changes. There are various types of is set in the instrument housing. When the bimetallic
thermometer used for measuring temperature: strip is heated, the two metals expand.
Since their expansion rates differ and they are
NON-ELECTRIC TEMPERATURE INDICATORS attached to each other, the effect is that the coiled
The physical characteristics of most materials end tries to uncoil as the one metal expands faster
change when exposed to changes in temperature. than the other.
The changes are consistent, such as the expansion or This moves the pointer across the dial face of the
contraction of solids, liquids, and gases. The instrument. When the temperature drops, the metals
coefficient of expansion of different materials varies contract at different rates, which tends to tighten
and it is unique to each material. the coil and move the pointer in the opposite
The commonest type of thermometer is the mercury direction.
in glass thermometer. Since the freezing point of
mercury is about -390C, and the boiling point +3570C
Figure : Structure and principle of a bimetallic strip
Figure : U-tube manometer
sliding bearing
rotatable rod
cylindrical pin (pressed in stem)
helical bimetal strip
R Sensitive
Element (bulb)
Figure -A ratiometer temperature measuring indicator has K-type thermocouple (chromel-alumel) in the
two coils. As the sensor bulb resistance varies with
standard thermocouple measurement configuration.
temperature, different amounts of current flow through the
coils. This produces varying magnetic fields. These fields
The measured voltage v can be used to calculate
interact with the magnetic field of a large permanent temperature Tsense, provided that temperature Tref
magnet, resulting in an indication of temperature. is known.
Back of Indicating Instrument
piston engine is a good example of convection being
used to transfer heat.
.40 .37
.22 Both conduction and convection require matter to
.20 .18
transfer heat.
.10 .08
Radiation is a method of heat transfer that does not
the sun even though we are not touching it. Heat can
Figure - Heat conductivity of various metals. be transmitted though empty space by thermal
radiation. Thermal radiation (often called infrared
Silver, copper, and aluminum are also excellent radiation) is a type electromagnetic radiation (or
conductors of electricity. Liquids are poorer light).
conductors of heat than metals. Since conduction is a Radiation is a form of energy transport consisting
process whereby the increase in molecular energy is of electromagnetic waves traveling at the speed of
passed along by actual contact, gases are poor light. No mass is exchanged and no medium is
conductors. required. In short, heat travel through vacuums by
INSULATORS radiation. Radiant heat heats up the intervening
Materials that are poor conductors are used to medium.
prevent the transfer of heat and are called heat The point source model assumes that radiant energy
insulators. A wooden handle on a pot or a soldering is released at a point located at the center of the fire.
iron serves as a heat insulator. Certain materials, Example The heat given off by burning block of
such as finely spun glass or asbestos, are particularly wood.
poor heat conductors. These materials are therefore The radiant heat flux at any distance from the source
used for many types of insulation. fire is inversely related to the horizontal separation
q” = radiant heat flux (kW/m )
Q = heat release rate of the fire (kW)
R = radial distance from the center of the flame to
the edge of the target (m)
xr = fraction of total energy radiated
Picture is self explanatory
Objects emit radiation when high energy electrons in
a higher atomic level fall down to lower energy SPECIFIC HEAT
levels. The energy lost is emitted as light or If equal amount of heat is added to equal masses of
electromagnetic radiation. Energy that is absorbed different substances, the resulting temperature
by an atom causes its electrons to "jump" up to higher changes will not be the same. It implies that every
energy levels) substance has a unique value for the amount of heat
absorbed or rejected to change the temperature of
unit mass of it by one unit. This quantity is referred to
as the specific heat capacity of the substance
The specific heat capacity is the property of the
substance which determines the change in the
temperature of the substance (undergoing no phase
change) when a given quantity of heat is absorbed (or
rejected) by it.
It is defined as the amount of heat per unit mass
absorbed or rejected by the substance to change
its temperature by one unit. It depends on the
nature of the substance and its temperature.
CONCLUSION The SI unit of specific heat capacity is J kg–1 K–1
The differences between conduction, convection, Difference Between CV and CP
and radiation may now be considered. First, although Definition
conduction and convection are extremely slow, • CV: CV is the amount of heat energy that a
radiation takes place at the speed of light. This fact is substance absorbs or releases (per unit mass)
evident at the time of an eclipse of the sun when the with the change in temperature where a volume
shutting off of the heat from the sun takes place at change does not occur.
the same time as the shutting off of the light. Second, • CP: CP is the amount of heat energy that a
radiant heat may pass through a medium without substance absorbs or release (per unit mass) with
heating it. For example, the glass through which the the change in temperature where a pressure
sun's rays pass. Third, although heat transfer by change does not occur.
conduction or convection may travel in roundabout
routes, radiant heat always travels in a straight line. Constant Parameters
For example, radiation can be cut off with a screen CV: In CV, volume is constant.
placed between the source of heat and the body to be CP: In CP, pressure is constant.
temperature. The latent heat associated with
melting a solid or freezing a liquid is called the heat
of fusion; that associated with vaporizing a liquid or a
convert heat, extracted from a single reservoir, Such phenomena as these have been explained and
entirely into work without leaving any change in the set forth in the form of laws pertaining to gases
working system.” and tend to support the kinetic theory.
This means that a single heat reservoir, no matter
how much energy it contains, can not be made to BOYLE'S LAW
perform any work. A cylinder containing gas is fitted with a light piston.
This cylinder contains a certain mass of gas and
This is true of oceans and our atmosphere which
therefore a certain number of molecules of gas. The
contains a large amount of heat energy but can not be gas has a definite absolute temperature. This
converted into useful mechanical work. temperature is a measure of the average speed of the
gas molecules in the sample. Some of the molecules
HEAT CAPACITIES OF GASES. are moving faster and some are moving slower. The
The heat capacity at constant pressure Cp is greater average speed determines the temperature.
that the heat capacity at constant volume Cv, If the temperature of the gas remains constant and
because when heat is added at constant pressure, the the volume of the gas sample is decreased, the
substance expands and work. molecules, still moving with the same average speed,
are "squashed" into a smaller space (see figure
When heat is added to a gas at constant volume, we below).
Qv = Cv ∆T = ∆U + W = ∆U
because no work is done. Therefore.
dU = Cv dT and Cv =
When heat is added at constant pressure, we have
Qp = Cp ∆T = ∆U + W = ∆U + P∆V.
A cylinder fitted with a piston contains gas at a
pressure of 35.5 lbs/inch as indicated by a gauge
mounted to the outside of the cylinder. The
atmospheric pressure is 14.5 lbs./in if the piston is
forced down reducing the volume in the cylinder to
one fourth of its original volume while holding the We say that the volume is directly proportional to the
temperature of the gas constant, determine the new absolute temperature, provided that the pressure
reading on the pressure gauge. remains constant. We write the equation as:
P₁ = (35.5 + 14.5) lbs./in
P₁ = 50 ibs./in
V₂= ₄ V₁
V/T =k
P₁V₁ = P₂V₂
P₁V₁ P₂V₂
T₁ T₂
This third gas law relates the absolute pressure to the
absolute temperature of a gas when its volume is held Note that this equation gives us the three gas laws
constant. that we have studied. If the temperature of the gas
Again we consider a certain number of molecules of remains constant, we can cancel the temperatures
gas in a closed container where the volume of the gas in the denominators and obtain:
is held constant. If we increase the absolute P₁V₁=P₂V₂ Boyle's Law
temperature of the gas, the average speed of the
molecules increases. As these molecules strike the If the pressure remains constant, we can cancel the
walls of the container they exert a greater pressure pressures in the numerators and obtain:
since they are moving faster (see figure below). V₁ V₂
T₁ T₂ Charles' Law
P₁ P₂
= Gay-Lussac's Law
T₁ T₂
revolutions of the crankshaft). cylinder pushing all of the exhaust gas out thus
returning the volume (and pressure) in the engine to
their minimum values to begin the cycle again.
Note :-Area enclosed by the P-V plot of an engine
V = Volume Constant Volume Process
cycle represents work done per cycle
p = Pressure
Adiabatic Process
Cumbustion Process CONSTANT PRESSURE
A constant pressure engine cycle occurs in a turbine
Power Stroke
p 3
engine. The Brayton cycle is the name given to the
Heat Rejection thermodynamic cycle of a gas turbine engine to
Work produce thrust. This is a variable volume constant-
pressure cycle of events and is commonly called the
Compression Stroke 1 6
2 constant-pressure cycle. A more recent term is
"continuous combustion cycle." The four continuous
Intake Stroke Exhaust Stroke
and constant events are intake, compression,
V expansion (includes power), and exhaust. These
Figure- Constant volume engine cycle of a reciprocating cycles are discussed as they apply to a gas-turbine
internal combustion engine. engine.
Calculating the heat of combustion is a useful tool in
analyzing fuels in terms of energy. The Heat of
Combustion of a substance is defined as the amount
of energy in the form of heat is liberated when an
amount of the substance undergoes combustion
Heat of combustion is typically measured in mega-
joules per kilogram or in BTU's per pound.
Thermal energy is the internal energy of an object
due to the kinetic energy of its atoms and/or
molecules. The atoms and/or molecules of a hotter
object have greater kinetic energy than those of a
colder one, in the form of vibrational, rotational, or,
in the case of a gas, translational motion. Thermal
energy does not refer to the motion of an object as a
whole (that is, kinetic energy). While a hot object has
greater thermal energy than a cold object of the The ratio of useful work done by an engine to the
same type (for example, a hot brick versus a cold heat energy of the fuel it uses, expressed in work
brick), it is possible for a large cold object, such as a
impossible for heat engines to achieve 100% thermal THE MAGIC OF LATENT HEAT
efficiency (h = 1) according to the econd law of Take one Lb. of water and heated it one degree
thermodynamics. his is impossible because some Fahrenheit. The amount of heat that was required to
waste heat is always produced produced in a heat do this was called one BTU (British Thermal Unit).
engine, shown in above igure by the term. If we did a little experiment and added 1 BTU of heat
lthough complete efficiency in a heat engine is at a time to 1 LB of water, we would notice that the
water temperature would increase by 1 degree each
impossible, there are many ways to increase a
time. That is until you reached 212 degrees. Then
system's overall efficiency. something changes. We would keep adding BTU's, but
the water would not get any hotter! it would change
A high thermal efficiency also means low specific fuel state into a gas and it would take 970 BTU's to
consumption and, therefore, less fuel for a flight of a vaporize that pound of water.
given distance at a given power. Thus, the practical This is called the Latent Heat of Vaporization and
importance of a high thermal efficiency is threefold, in the case of water it is 970 BTU's per pound.
and it constitutes one of the most desirable features SUCTION LINE FLOW OF REFRIGERANT
in the performance of an aircraft engine. EVAPORATOR COIL
The thermal efficiency of an engine may be based on
either bhp or indicated horsepower (ihp) and is
represented by the formula: EVAPORATOR CONDENSER
ihp x 33 000 LIQUID LINE
Weight of Fuel Burned/min. x Heat Value x 778
Figure- The Six Main Components of a Refrigeration System
Refrigeration and Heat Pumps
First of all, let us know that there is no such thing as
When we hear the word refrigeration, we usually
cold? We can describe something as cold and
The sole purpose of the evaporator is to remove the
unwanted heat from the product through liquid
refrigerants. The liquid refrigerant must be at a low-
pressure. This low-pressure can be determined by
two factors – one is the heat being absorbed from the
product to the liquid refrigerant and the other is the
removal of low-pressure vapour by the compressor.
High-Pressure Liquid
Liquid refrigerant absorbs
OUTSIDE AIR cabin heat and changes
into a vapor
Low Pressure Vapor