MHI2 - ER - SEG11 - P4709 - 1 MU1447 AIO - Outline
MHI2 - ER - SEG11 - P4709 - 1 MU1447 AIO - Outline
MHI2 - ER - SEG11 - P4709 - 1 MU1447 AIO - Outline
Seat with MIB2 High system
quality SD card, 16GB capacity or more (how to check SD card),
Update package (download:
module=fileman§ion=do&page=download&paths\[\]=%2FROOT%2F1%2F9%2FMHI2 -
HARMAN%2FFirmware%2FSeat%2FMHI2_ER_SEG11_P4709_1_AIO_MU1447_20230320.7z ). - HARMAN/Firmware/Seat
Check for more info:
How to install
Fully automated FW update
With this new method you ony have to place the created SD card in unit and reboot unit via key
Installation will automatically start after reboot of unit.
Check more key combinations and shortcuts.
Swdlautorun.txt in root will trigger an automatic installation of M.I.B without further user interaction.
Manual FW update
1. Format SD card with FAT32 file system.
2. Extract the content of All-In-One package to the root directory of SD card.
3. Turn the ignition on, wait for the infotainment system to boot up.
Make sure that the car key will not leave the vehicle during the firmware update procedure
(learn more about Kessy and updates).
If you are stuck in bootscreen for a long time, check this information.
Outline 1. Patched IFS-Root (FEC & CP patch) will be used during the installation. 1/4
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2. FecContainer will be adjusted with missing FECs during the installation including code for latest maps
( 073000EE ).
addFecs.txt in /common/tools/ can be adjusted as needed. Change add FECS with e.g.
Version: 20220627
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