Msds Autosol 1000
Msds Autosol 1000
Msds Autosol 1000
Section 1 - Identification
Chemical nature: Polishing agent.
Trade Name: Metal Polish
Product Code: ART1000, 1000, 1035, 1100, 1101, 1102, 1103
Product Use: Metal polist for household and professional use.
Creation Date: February, 2023
This version issued: February, 2023 and is valid for 5 years from this date.
Poisons Information Centre: Phone 13 1126 from anywhere in Australia
This is a commercial product whose exact ratio of components may vary slightly. Minor quantities of other non
hazardous ingredients are also possible.
The SWA TWA exposure value is the average airborne concentration of a particular substance when calculated over a normal 8 hour working day
for a 5 day working week. The STEL (Short Term Exposure Limit) is an exposure value that may be equalled (but should not be exceeded) for no
longer than 15 minutes and should not be repeated more than 4 times per day. There should be at least 60 minutes between successive exposures
at the STEL. The term "peak "is used when the TWA limit, because of the rapid action of the substance, should never be exceeded, even briefly.
persons using the product in the workplace. Also, avoid contact or contamination of product with incompatible
materials listed in Section 10.
Storage: Note that this product is GHS Flammable Class 4 and therefore, for Storage, meets the definition of
Dangerous Goods. If you store large quantities (tonnes) of such products, we suggest that you consult your state's
Dangerous Goods authority in order to clarify your obligations regarding their storage.
Make sure that the product does not come into contact with substances listed under "Incompatibilities" in Section 10.
Some liquid preparations settle or separate on standing and may require stirring before use. Check packaging - there
may be further storage instructions on the label.
Section 8 - Exposure Controls and Personal Protection
The following Australian Standards will provide general advice regarding safety clothing and equipment:
Respiratory equipment: AS/NZS 1715, Protective Gloves: AS 2161, Occupational Protective Clothing: AS/NZS 4501
set 2008, Industrial Eye Protection: AS1336 and AS/NZS 1337, Occupational Protective Footwear: AS/NZS2210.
SWA Exposure Limits TWA (mg/m3) STEL (mg/m3)
Exposure limits have not been established by SWA for any of the significant ingredients in this product.
No special equipment is usually needed when occasionally handling small quantities. The following instructions are
for bulk handling or where regular exposure in an occupational setting occurs without proper containment systems.
Ventilation: This product should only be used where there is ventilation that is adequate to keep exposure below
the TWA levels. If necessary, use a fan.
Eye Protection: Eye protection such as protective glasses or goggles is recommended when this product is being
Skin Protection: You should avoid contact even with mild skin irritants. Therefore you should wear suitable
impervious elbow-length gloves and facial protection when handling this product for lengthy periods. See below for
suitable material types.
Protective Material Types: We suggest that protective clothing be made from the following materials: rubber,
PVC, nitrile.
Respirator: Usually, no respirator is necessary when using this product. However, if you have any doubts consult
the Australian Standard mentioned above.
Section 9 - Physical and Chemical Properties:
Physical Description & colour: White fluid.
Odour: Characteristic odour.
Freezing/Melting Point: No specific data. Liquid at normal temperatures.
Boiling Point: Approx 100°C at 100kPa
Flash point: 65°C
Upper Flammability Limit: No data.
Lower Flammability Limit: No data.
Flammability Class: Flammable Category 4 (GHS), C1 combustible (AS 1940)
Volatiles: No data.
Vapour Pressure: No data.
Vapour Density: No data.
Specific Gravity: Approx 1.26
Water Solubility: Insoluble.
pH: 9.5 at 20°C
Volatility: No data.
Odour Threshold: No data.
Evaporation Rate: No data.
Coeff Oil/water Distribution: No data
Particle Characteristics: Not applicable for liquids.
Viscosity: Kinematic: >21 mm^2/s at 40°C