Contoh Paper 1
Contoh Paper 1
Contoh Paper 1
Abstract: - In the digital era, numerous organizations and businesses are attempting to influence teenagers to
make purchases of their products. In this context, a business needs to gain trust to attract customers in the
transaction process. This research aims to examine the relationship between the influences of Security and
Privacy on the Trust of Gen Z in Indonesian E-commerce. The research method employed is quantitative. This
study involves 400 respondents who are Gen Z consumers (born between 1997-2012) frequently engaging in
transactions through e-commerce platforms. The data processing utilized the Partial Least Square - Structural
Equation Model (PLS-SEM). The results indicate that Security and Privacy each have a positive and significant
influence on Trust.
Received: March 19, 2023. Revised: January 23, 2024. Accepted: February 15, 2024. Published: March 15, 2024.
1 Introduction
Development and growth in E-Commerce have willingness to allocate substantial budgets for
been remarkable and rapid since Internet access online promotion. The development of online
became more widely available in the mid-1990s. In expenditures is facilitated by the availability of
2019, in the United States, the market share for E- information from online connections, online
Commerce reached 11.1%, experiencing a 5.8% recommendations, and various technologies that
increase from 2013, [1]. This percentage figure is help reduce existing risks associated with online
estimated to rise to 13.7% in 2021. Conversely, the transactions, [4]. Data obtained from the Central
market share for E-Commerce in Indonesia stands Statistics Agency (BPS), indicates that the total
at only 3% of total retail, [2]. Considering the population in Indonesia is projected to reach 275.77
behavior and preferences of Indonesian teenagers, million in 2022, with the Gen Z population
who exhibit a strong inclination towards online representing the largest segment at 24.2%, totaling
shopping, the E-Commerce sector in Indonesia is 66.74 million individuals.
poised for significant growth, [3]. Data from Trust plays a crucial role in all transactions due
Statista in 2023 indicates that the number of E- to uncertainties and risks inherent in these
Commerce users in Indonesia is projected to reach transactions. In E-Commerce, trust is pivotal and
196.47 million by 2023. In the current digital era, one of the most influential factors . Consumers are
the online realm has become a mandatory aspect unlikely to engage in online transactions if they do
for organizations and businesses. This is evident in not trust the seller, [5].
companies' endeavors to influence especially
teenagers to buy their products, with a
In E-Commerce, trust is a belief that fosters platform. The stronger a platform is in safeguarding
consumer confidence and loyalty due to the consumer privacy, the more it can reduce their
positive behavior of the seller, [5]. The function of concerns, according to [12]. If customer privacy is
trust in E-Commerce transactions is to facilitate violated, customers tend not to use online shopping
business transactions between two parties with no platforms because they lose trust, [12].
prior experience in mutually beneficial dealings. Besides the need to confirm the relationship
Confidence not only reduces perceived risks but between security privacy to e-commerce trust, this
also enhances the perceived value or gain for study also wants to fill the gaps in the current
customers. Trust has a moderate effect on the literature on the topic particularly Gen Z in
process and behavior, [6] and can help reduce Indonesia. Moreover, there is still limited data in
anxiety, vulnerability, and uncertainty that may be current literature on the relationship of security and
caused by a transaction, resulting in greater privacy to trust in e-commerce.
satisfaction. Additionally, trust can create a positive
attitude toward transaction behavior, leading to
consumer intent to transact, [7], and is crucial in 2 Literature Review
achieving outcomes as expected and satisfying in
online transactions, [8]. Various studies have 2.1 Social Cognitive Theory of Trust
shown that trust positively influences online According to the Social Cognitive Theory related to
purchase intentions, with higher levels of consumer trust, trust encompasses mental states, attitudes, and
trust correlating with higher levels of consumer social relationships. Mental trust is based on our
purchase intent, [8]. Furthermore, trust in e-reviews goals and beliefs regarding something. According
positively impacts choices, [9]. Trust also to this theory, trust remains a gamble because it
influences customer loyalty and creates an intent to involves risks, requiring careful analysis, especially
repurchase. Customers will only make repurchases in the formation of complex social trust. Trust
from sellers they know and trust, [10]. needs to be built on cognitive theories related to
Despite the importance of trust in online morality, reputation, disposition, and authority.
business, the level of customer trust remains low. Commitments, contracts, and authorities can
IDC and Microsoft, in Microsoft Indonesia 2019, enhance and build our mental trust. Trust is
conducted a study titled "Understanding Consumer rational; therefore, it is not an irrational concept,
Trust in Asia Pacific," revealing consumer [13].
concerns about digital services. Table 1 shows that
the level of consumer trust in the use of digital 2.2 Grand Theory TAM
services is only 31% in the Asia Pacific region. In The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is a
Indonesia, the customer trust value is slightly method or model used to predict the acceptance of
better. The same institution's survey involved 91 new technology users, [14]. TAM is an adaptation
respondents from the Gen Z population in of the Theory of Reasoned Action, which discusses
Indonesia, indicating that 44% of customers trust user behavior towards new technology, [15]. This
digital services. theory suggests that people's intention to accept or
The same survey explored the reasons behind adopt technology is influenced by two factors: the
consumer distrust. There are five factors ease of use and the usefulness of the technology in
influencing Consumer Trust in the use of e- daily life, [16]. Ease of use refers to the level of
commerce. First is the issue of Security voiced by difficulty in using the technology, while the
59% of respondents. This is followed by concerns usefulness of technology in daily life refers to users
about Privacy (57%). After that, customers are also agreeing that the technology makes their lives more
worried about reliability (53%), ethics (42%), and efficient and effective, [17]. Therefore, many other
compliance (29%). This study will focus on studies recommend the use of TAM, considering its
confirming the influence of two factors, Security better explanatory power, especially when
and Privacy in Online Transactions on Trust. extending to exogenous variables, [18].
The main concerns of people who do not
engage in online transactions, as claimed by the
2.3 E-Commerce
Better Business Bureau, are security in online
Online shopping is a growing trend due to the
payments, company reliability, and the lack of
increasing number of people who find it convenient
privacy and policies, [11].
to purchase goods or services using the internet.
According to [12], customer concerns about
Online shopping or E-Commerce continues to
privacy depend on how familiar they are with a
Trust has important role in transactions. Since to assist in the research, (3) a Page outlining
trust can lower the perceived risk of the transaction. respondent requirements based on the scope of the
It holds higher importance in e-commerce. study; (4) Page collecting demographic information
Therefore trust should be built. A study from [25], of respondents, including initials, gender,
showed how trust is influenced by security, educational background, current location of
privacy, guarantees, customer service, website residence, and occupation; (5) Page containing
information, and laws regulating consumer questions about the variables under investigation,
protection in e-commerce. The role of security in namely Security, Privacy, and Trust (Appendix 1);
trust is also emphasized by [11] and [23]. (6) Page expressing gratitude to respondents for
Based on the preliminary research above, the first their availability in completing the questionnaire.
hypothesis of this study is:
H1: Security has a positive and significant effect on 3.1 Population and Sample
Gen Z's trust in Indonesian E-commerce. The population to be utilized in this study is
Generation Z, born between the years 1997-2012.
[21], conducted a study in 2018 on how privacy Data obtained from dataindonesia. id, as mentioned
impacts trust. The study involved 403 respondents by [29], states that the population of Generation Z
from groups with knowledge of technology and is approximately 68,662,815 individuals. The
coding and groups with little technology sampling method used to determine the
knowledge. The results showed that privacy has a questionnaire in this research is determined using
positive impact on the level of trust. Another study the Slovin formula. The Slovin formula is
from [12], which involved 1200 respondents determined by the margin of error used. The higher
confirmed how the guarantee of privacy from a the margin of error used, the fewer the. If the
provider had a positive impact on trust. tolerance level in this research is set at 5%, then the
A study from [26], further confirm how privacy calculated sample size is 400 respondents.
practices by organizations can positively influence
trust which will lead to purchase intention. The 3.2 Data Analysis
influence of privacy practices to trust is further The analysis technique employed is Partial Least
confirmed from study from [10] and [27]. Square (PLS), executed through computer
Based on the preliminary research above, the programs. In elucidating variance in the dependent
second hypothesis of this study is: variable, PLS adopts a "causal-predictive" approach
H2: Privacy has a positive and significant effect on to Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Jöreskog &
Gen Z's trust in Indonesian E-commerce. Wold, 1982, as cited in [30]. PLS focuses on
explaining the variation in the model of dependent
variables based on its ability to simulate
3 Method relationships among variables simultaneously. The
The method employed in this research is a survey use of PLS-SEM aims to test predictive
method. [28], defines a survey as a means of relationships among constructs by examining
collecting information from individuals to describe, whether there are relationships or influences among
compare, and explain knowledge, attitudes, and constructs and employing latent variable scores for
behaviors. Information collection will be carried further analysis. Additionally, PLS is used when
out by presenting a questionnaire to individuals in the research has a small sample size, and non-
the form of a survey. A questionnaire is a series of normally distributed data, and prioritizes accuracy
formulated questions designed to record in prediction results, [30].
respondents' answers in the closest alternative form The PLS analysis program is divided into two
and collect a large amount of quantitative data, parts: Measurement model analysis and Structural
[28]. analysis. Measurement model analysis is used to
This study utilizes the convenience sampling define the measurement of latent variables and aims
distribution technique focused on gathering to measure the reliability and validity of the
information from members of the population measurement model, [30]. Meanwhile, Structural
willing to provide their responses, [28]. The model analysis is useful for showing the
distribution of the questionnaire questions uses interrelationships among latent variables in the
Google Forms, consisting of sections that include: form of a structured model, [30].
(1) a Description of the ongoing research, (2) a
Confirmation page of the respondent's availability
4.2 Measurement Model Analysis From the second Fornell-Larcker Criterion test,
Convergent Validity and Discriminant Validity it can be concluded that the results are acceptable
measurements were employed to determine the and meet the criteria. This is evident from the data,
level of validity, crucial for the feasibility of further values of 0.811, 0.837, and 0.794 are greater than
testing. Convergent Validity results, utilizing Outer the data below them.
Loadings and AVE, indicate that the sum of AVE
exceeded 0.5, and Outer Loadings exceeded 0.708. Reliability Test
Discriminant Validity was measured with the It can be concluded that all variables meet the
Fornell-Larcker Criterion. The Fornell-Larcker criteria, as the test results indicate values between
maximum limit should not surpass the square root 0.70 and 0.90 (Table 2). Additionally, the
of AVE. From the results of Fornel Lacker Composite Reliability values show satisfactory
Analysis, it is concluded that the correlation values results, with values greater than 0.6. Therefore, the
between variables are still not valid. The AVE conclusion is that the variables are deemed
square value for the Security variable at 0.811 is sufficiently satisfying.
smaller than the correlation value between Privacy
and Security at 0.826. Similarly, the AVE square Table 2. Cronbach’s Alpha and Composite
value for the Privacy variable at 0.794 is smaller Reliability
than the correlation value between Trust and Cronbach's Composite
Privacy at 0.828. This does not meet the criteria Alpha Reliability
according to the Fornell-Larcker Criterion. A retest
is performed by removing indicators PV4, PV5, Security 0.827 0,885
TR4, and TR9. From the second analysis, the AVE
Privacy 0.803 0,884
values for each variable are greater than 0.5.
Consequently, further testing proceeds to the next Trust 0.902 0,922
stage, considering outer loading values as per Table
4.3 Structural Model Analysis
Table 1. Outer Loading 2nd Run Coefficient of Determination (R Square)
Security Privacy Trust The variables tested influence Trust by 68.2%.
Hence, it can be inferred that the impact generated
PV1 0,845 is moderate, as the value exceeds 0.5.
PV2 0,858
Predictive Relevance (Q Square)
PV3 0,838 The value obtained for the Trust variable is 0.423.
Therefore, it can be concluded that this value is
SC1 0,835 greater than 0, indicating relevance from the path
model's prediction to the dependent construct. This
SC2 0,816 implies that the model can predict without using
SC3 0,777
category. Thus, it can be concluded that this obtained for the relationship between these two
research falls under the moderate fit. variables is 8.109. This value exceeds the
maximum limit of 1.66. The p-values for the
Path Coefficient relationship between these two variables are 0.000,
Based on Table 3, the results for Security towards considered less than the maximum limit of 0.05.
Trust are 0.425, and Privacy towards Trust is 0.452. Additionally, the path coefficient for these two
These values have positive figures and are close to variables is positive. Therefore, it can be concluded
+1. Therefore, the conclusion is that Security that Security has a positive and significant
towards Trust and Privacy towards Trust have a influence on Trust.
positive and strong relationship. This study contributes to the existing body of
knowledge by confirming a positive and significant
Table 3. Path Coefficient relationship between security and customer trust.
Trust The result of this study is aligned with previous
research findings, [11], [22], [23], [24], [25].
Security 0,425
This study showed that efforts by service
providers to ensure a robust security system
Privacy 0,452 directly contribute to fostering trust. The findings
have practical implications for businesses and
Trust service providers, making the argument for
academic attention even more compelling. In an era
Hypothesis Testing where cybersecurity threats are increasingly
Based on the T-Test results in Table 4, the prevalent, understanding the tangible benefits of
following conclusions can be drawn: investing in security measures becomes paramount
for organizational success. The academic
Table 4. Hypothesis Testing discussion on the positive relationship between
security and trust serves as a foundation for
T-Statistics P Path Result
(|O/STDEV|) Values Coefficient
evidence-based decision-making in real-world
H1 : 8,109 0,000 0,425 Supported On the relationship between privacy and trust
Security- this study confirms that there is a positive and
>Trust significant relationship. The T-statistics value
H2 : 8,747 0,000 0,452 Supported
obtained for the relationship between these two
Privacy- variables is 8.747. This value exceeds the
>Trust maximum limit of 1.66. The p-values for the
relationship between these two variables are 0.000,
H1, Security - Trust, is supported as it has a T- considered less than the maximum limit of 0.05.
Statistics value greater than 1.66, specifically Additionally, the path coefficient for these two
8.109, and a p-value less than 0.05, specifically variables is positive. Therefore, it can be concluded
0.00, indicating a significant influence. that Privacy has a positive and significant influence
H1, Privacy - Trust, is supported as it has a T- on Trust.
Statistics value greater than 1.66, specifically The results of this study align with the findings
8.747, and a p-value less than 0.05, specifically from the following studies, [10], [12], [21], [26],
0.00, indicating a significant influence. [27]. These studies state that positive Privacy has a
positive and significant relationship with Trust.
These results have important real-world
4.4 Discussion
implications for both researchers and practitioners
From the hypothesis testing results presented in
in academic fields. In a time when privacy is a
Table 4, it can be observed that both hypotheses are
growing concern in different areas, recognizing
accepted. The explanation regarding the influence
how privacy positively affects trust is crucial. The
of each variable has been formulated. Therefore, it
study's conclusion offers valuable insights for
can be stated that the hypothesis formulation aligns
organizations looking to build and keep trust with
with the hypothesis testing results.
their stakeholders by giving priority to and
On the relationship between security and trust
improving privacy measures.
this study confirms that there is a positive and
significant relationship. The T-statistics value
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1. Operational Variable
Variable Definition Code Indicator References
Security Security is A system owned by the company to SC 1 In e-commerce, I do safe spending _ guaranteed . Modified
make the transaction process safer and preventive [24]
internal fraud occurs do payment [24]
SC 2 Ecommerce ensures giving information with
Privacy [10] illustrates Privacy as A ability of consumer PV 1 Policy e-commerce that delivers consumer Modified
in control information sensitive . information about the seller so which creates a [10]
feeling of security in the transaction .
Trust Trust is the fulfillment hope consumers For TR 1 Ecommerce capable of fulfilling all promises Modified
interesting consumer in do purchase [24] given _ to consumers. [24]