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Jurnal MANDIRI: Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi, Vol. 7, No.

2, Desember 2023: 116 - 128

ISSN : 2580-3220, E-ISSN : 2580-4588

J. Mandiri., Vol. 7, No. 2, Desember 2023 (116 - 128)
©2017 Lembaga Kajian Demokrasi
dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (LKD-PM)

The Influence of Trust and Ease of Using Paylater on Impluse Buying in Users E-Commerce

Sari Budiarti
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Nasional
[email protected]
Resti Hardini
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Nasional
[email protected] (correspondence)
Putri Fitrah Sudirdja
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, Institut Ummul Quro Al-Islami Bogor
[email protected]
Resi Annisa
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, Institut Ummul Quro Al-Islami Bogor
[email protected]
M. Fuad Hasannuddin
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, Institut Ummul Quro Al-Islami Bogor
[email protected]


The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of trust and ease of using Paylater on impulse buying
tendencies of e-commerce users. This study uses quantitative methods based on a questionnaire obtained
from 100 respondents using a Likert scale. This research data was calculated using SPSS through validity
& reliability test, normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, simple linear regression
analysis, partial t test, simultaneous f test, & coefficient of determination test. The results of this study
show that the ease of use of Paylater has a significant positive effect on impluse buying, while trust in
Paylater is not proven to have a significant effect on impluse buying. However, the finding of no significant
effect of trust in the use of Paylater on impluse buying contradictsprevious research (Verhagen et al, 2011).
This difference may be due to different research contexts or other factors that influence consumer trust in
Paylater. The conclusion of this study is that the findings of this study add new insights in studying what
factors influence impulse buying in the context of e-commerce, especially related to the use of Paylater.
Keywords: Trust, Paylater Convenience, Impluse Buying, E-Commerce

Jurnal MANDIRI: Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi, Vol. 7, No. 2, Desember 2023: 116 - 128

INTRODUCTION only for workers but also for students can now
In today's fast-paced digital era, the easily access and use online loans with Paylater
development of e-commerce has significantly facilities. This feature allows consumers to buy
changed the way we shop. The ease of access and products in advance and pay for them at a later
convenience offered by e-commerce platforms date, providing financial flexibility that appeals
have attracted massive consumer interest. to many consumers. Paylater comes as a more
E-commerce offers various advantages, such convenient payment alternative to traditional
as the ability to browse products from various methods, such as credit cards or bank transfers
sellers without geographical restrictions, access (Khare et al, 2012).
to detailed product information,and a convenient This facility also makes it easy for students to
purchasing process without leaving home buy the goods they need such as primary needs of
(Laudon et al, 2017). fashion, furniture, electronics, entertainment and
In Indonesia, after theemergence of others such as airline tickets,hotels, recreation
e-commerce and the development of innovative tickets and other needs. The facility provides
service delivery methods, lendingactivities, an easy and flexible service where usersonly
one of which is shown by the existence of need to upload personal data such as photos of
an online money lending service. One of the ID cards, and photos of themselves as collateral,
changesis marked by the behavior of gadget which only takes only 1 to 3 days for users to
users by getting used to using e- commerce get a credit limit, which can be accessed via
to fulfill transaction activities such as online smartphones,computers, and laptops anywhere as
shopping. Fintech is a bond of technology long as they are connected to the network.
collaborating with the financial system to create In research conducted (Andista et al, 2021) that
new technology-based financial services (Putri Paylater was developed by a FinTech company in
& Iriani, 2020). collaboration with e-commerce that provides the
Various applications and websites are now Paylater facility. Many e-commerce companies
increasingly widespread that provide various thatuse a very simple payment system are known
facilities that make it easier for its users, not by the wider community.

Chart 1. Social Daily Fintech Report 2021.


Jurnal MANDIRI: Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi, Vol. 7, No. 2, Desember 2023: 116 - 128

According to the Social Daily Fintech Report the marketing and consumer behavior disciplines
2021, shopee Paylater is the most widely used (Rook et al, 1995). However, impulse buying
Paylater or payment service in Indonesia. For also has positive impacts, such as increased
the record, 78.4% of respondents have used satisfaction and enjoymentin shopping.
the application Shopee Paylater payment, In the context of e-commerce, the online
GoPay Paylater is in second place with 33.8% shopping environment offers different challenges
of respondents using it. Then Kredivo and and opportunities compared to the traditional
Akulaku users accounted for 23.2% and 10.4% shopping environment. While the lack of direct
respectively. Traveloka Paylater is in second physical interaction with products and sellers
place with 8.6% of respondents using it out of may reduce impulse buying, the ease of access,
3.3% of respondents using the service pay later. convenience, and features such as Paylater may
2.8% of respondents use Home Credit payment increase the risk of impulse buying (Verhagen
service. Meanwhile, up to 0.4% of respondents et al, 2011). Trust is a key factor influencing
use other payment applications. consumer behavior in the context of e-commerce
However, the presence of the Paylater (Gefen et al, 2003). In an online environment
feature also raises questions about its potential that is prone to risk and uncertainty, trust is the
influence on consumer behavior, particularly in foundation for consumers to feel comfortable in
the context of impulse buying. Impulse buying transactions.
is a phenomenon in which consumers make In the discussion of Paylater, trust is a very
spontaneous and unplanned purchasing decisions, important factor because consumers must be
often based on emotional impulses or momentary confident that the Paylater provider will fulfill
desires (Rook et al, 1995). With the Paylater its promises and will not misuse their financial
option, there is a concern that consumers are more information. A high level of trust in the Paylater
easily influenced to make impulse purchases provider can increase consumers' comfort in
because they do not have to pay directly. using theservice, which in turn can affect their
Trust and ease of use are important factors propensity to make impulse purchases.
that influence consumer decisions to use Paylater On the other hand, ease of use is also an
services (Davis et al, 1995). Trust refers to the important factor influencing the adoption and use
consumer's belief that the Paylater provider will of technology by consumers (Davis et al, 1995).
fulfill its obligations and promises, while ease of In the context of e-commerce, ease of use refers
use refers to the consumer's perception that using to consumers' perceptions that shopping online
Paylater does not require great effort. and using features such as Paylater does not
This study was conducted to explore the require great effort. If the process of purchasing
influence of trust and ease of using Paylater on and using Paylater is well designed and easy to
impulse purchase tendencies in e-commerce users. use, consumers willbe more likely to adopt the
By understanding these factors, e-commerce feature.
providers and Paylater may find ways to improve This study was conducted to explore the
the consumer shopping experience and prevent influence of trust and ease of using Paylater on
the possible negative effects of excessive impulse impulse purchase tendencies in e-commerce users.
buying. By understanding these factors, e-commerce and
Impulse buying has become an interesting Paylater providers can find ways for consumers
research topic in the disciplines of marketing and to discover the shopping experience and prevent
consumer behavior. Although impulse buying the possible negative effects of excessive impulse
is often perceived as an irrational behavior and purchases. The findings of this study should be
can havenegative consequences for consumers, useful for those with an interest in the e-commerce
such as overspending and post-purchase regret, and Paylater industries, and contribute to the
impulse buying has become a topic of research in development of more effective marketing theory

Jurnal MANDIRI: Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi, Vol. 7, No. 2, Desember 2023: 116 - 128

and practice. An explanation of the variables in discounted goods, which is one of the marketing
this study is explained as follows. techniques, especially in e-commerce. Implicit
Trust buying behavior is a tendency for consumers to
Trust is one of the requirements in a buy an item spontaneously or directly. Impulse
transaction, especially in buying and selling buying is the willingness to buy a product,
transactions so that each party trusts each other without a plan or intention at the beginning and
in the first step in doing business. Trust is the not thinking about the impact for a long time of
belief and knowledge gained by consumers the purchase (Sari et al., 2021).
about objects or products related to their various This behavior is where a person tends not to
functional advantages according to (Sinaga et al, be able to control and hold back to buy an item
2022). Consumer trust in the services provided to even though the item is not his need and purpose.
users is simplyspread, not only on social media, Sometimes purchases based on emotions are said
but also in the real world. This will cause people to be emotional, hedonic buyers, who always
to be more interestedand seek more information prioritize momentary desires. Based on several
which ultimately leads to a purchase decision. opinions, implusive purchases or unplanned
There are several considerations for consumers purchases can be interpreted as unconsidered
to do online transactions, entrusting purchases and irrational purchases that arise due to strong
to online services and trustin online sellers as feelings of wanting to own an object, and tend
well as building long-term relationships created to ignore the consequences. Fromthe literature
by e-commerce. However, many ofthe buyers review above, the research model is shown in
were disappointed with their purchases at shopee Figure 1 below.
where they bought items that did not fit andthe
Trust (X1)
items purchased online came later than consumers
Impulse Buying (Y)
Ease Ease (X2)
The ease of doing something gives a person
a sense of interest, including the ease of making Figure 1. Research Model
transactions.The changing times provide the latest
ideas, one of which is in e-commerce, where there Based on the results of research and theoretical
is a Paylater facility, there is convenience for studies, the following hypotheses are obtained.
users starting from services, and requirements. H1: Trust affects impluse buying to e- commerce
In addition, the Ease ofUse of online loans is users
very easy to learn and understand so that almost H2: Ease affects impluse buying to e-commerce
everyone can use it. The convenience and benefits users
offered by Paylater are in accordance with the H3: Trust & Convenience affect impluse buying
perceived benefits, namely theextent to which in e-commerce users
users trust the system to improve its performance
if used. METHODS
Deciding to use the Paylater service is very This research uses primary data from
important, for which the company's marketing e-commerce users who have used the Paylater
manager must fully understand. feature with quantitative methods. The survey
Impluse buying method was chosen because it allows data
Shopping is an activity that people always do to collection on a large scale and facilitates the
fulfill their daily lives, such as shopping for food, statistical analysis needed to determine the
clothing and others. However, it often happens relationship between the variables inthis study
that shopping activities are not at all the needs (Creswell, 2014).
thatare needed, just because they are tempted by The population in this study are Indonesians

Jurnal MANDIRI: Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi, Vol. 7, No. 2, Desember 2023: 116 - 128

who have used Paylater in the past year. The questions about the respondents' demographic
sampling technique used is non-probability characteristics and onlineshopping experience.
sampling with purposive sampling method In data analysis, it is calculated using SPSS.
(Etikan et al., 2016). The inclusion criteria Multiple linear regression analysis can be used in
for participants are at least 18 years old, have testing the effect of trust and ease of use of Paylater
an active e-commerce account,and have used on impulse buying tendencies. Before regression
Paylater at least once in the past year. analysis, assumptions such as normality, linearity,
This research began in February-May 2024 multicollinearity, and heteroscedasticity will be
with questionnaire data collection using Google checked to ensure the validity of the analysis
Foam. The respondents collected were 100 results (Hair et al, 2010). If these assumptions
respondents. The questionnaire was prepared are not met,data transformation or alternative
based on a review of the literature and instruments analysis methods will be considered.
that have been validated in previous studies.
The dependent variable in this study is impulse RESULTS
buying tendencies which are measured through Validity and reliability test
the adaptation of the Impulse Buying Scale (Rook In this study, the validity and reliability of
et al, 1995). Independent variables include trust the research instruments were tested so that the
in Paylater and ease of use of Paylater. Trust data obtained were true and consistent. As stated
in Paylater is measured by adapting the online by (Hamid et al, 2019) in his journal entitled
trust scale (Gefen et al, 2003), while the ease "Validity andReliability of Quantitative Research
of use of Paylater is measured by adapting the Instruments", validity and reliability testing are
ease of use scale studied by (Davis et al., 1989) important steps to ensure the quality of data and
in the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). research results. The results of the validity and
In addition, the questionnaire also included reliability tests in this studyare presented as follows:

Table 1. Results of the validity test of the impluse buying variable (Y)
No. Item r calculate r table (5%) Information
Y.1 0,605 0,195 Valid
Y.2 0,669 0,195 Valid
Y.3 0,696 0,195 Valid
Y.4 0,527 0,195 Valid
Y.5 0,486 0,195 Valid
Y.6 0,272 0,195 Valid
Y.7 0,645 0,195 Valid
Y.8 0,727 0,195 Valid
Y.9 0,618 0,195 Valid
Source: Data processed by researchers 2024

Jurnal MANDIRI: Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi, Vol. 7, No. 2, Desember 2023: 116 - 128

Validity and reliability testing was carried out (X1) in this study can be seen below:
in the first level on data that had been collected Based on table 2, the trust variable uses 8
using SPSS using 100 respondents. And obtained statements & the rcount value> 0.195, as the
rtable, namely significance at 5%. From Table output shows that each statement of the trust
1 illustrates that the variable impluse buying variable is declared valid. X1.5 highest score,
there are 9 statements of consumptive behavior considered most important, X1.2 lowest score,
variables described as valid impluse buying is considered least important.
declared valid because the rcount value> 0.195. After conducting the validity test, the next step
In addition to the validity test for the dependent is to test the reliability test in order to determine
variable, the validity test was also carried out on the consistency and reliability of the research
the independent variable in this study, referring instrument. As explained by (Heale et al, 2015)
to the results of the study (Azwar et al, 2018) in in his journal entitled "Validity and Reliability in
his journal entitled "Validity and Reliability of Quantitative Studies", the reliability test needs to
Social Research Instruments", validity testing be carriedout in order to determine the reliability
is a way to find out if research instruments can and consistency of measurements if repeated.
be measured on what should be measured. The The results of thereliability test in this study are
results of the validity test on the trust variable presented below:

Table 2. Results of the trust variable validity test (X1)

No. Item r count r table 5(%) nformational
X1.1 0,574 0,195 Valid
X1.2 0,524 0,195 Valid
X1.3 0,634 0,195 Valid
X1.4 0,605 0,195 Valid
X1.5 0,786 0,195 Valid
X1.6 0,660 0,195 Valid
X1.7 0,680 0,195 Valid
X1.8 0,680 0,195 Valid
X1.9 0,690 0,195 Valid
Source: Data processed by researchers 2024.

Table 3. Reliability test results

Variable Cronbach's Alpha Information
Trust 0,871 Reliable
Convenience 0,909 Reliable
Impluse buying 0,848 Reliable
Source: Data processed by researchers 2024.

Jurnal MANDIRI: Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi, Vol. 7, No. 2, Desember 2023: 116 - 128

Table 3 above explains the value of Table 4 indicates that the Kolmogrof-Smirnov
Chronbach's alpha in the trust, convenience and significance value is ,200 > 0.05, so it can be
impluse buying variables. It can be observed stated that the data is normal.
based on the Chronbach's alpha value in impluse According to research described by
buying of 0.848>0.6, the trust variable of 0.871> (Midi et al, 2010) his journal entitled "A
0.6, and the convenience variable of 0.909> 0.6. Knowledge-Based Approach for Detecting
The normality test needs to be done in order to Multicollinearity Among Regression Variables",
find out whether the data in this study is normally multicollinearity can cause problems in the
distributed or not. Quoting from the journal interpretation of regression models and reduce
(Ghasemi et al, 2012) which contains that the the predictive power of the model. Therefore,
normality test is important to ensure the accuracy multicollinearity test is important to ensure the
of statistical analysis and the interpretation of absence of multicollinearity in the model. The
valid results. The results of the normality test in results of the multicollinearity test in this study
this study are: are:

Table 4. Normality test results

One Sample Kolmogrov Smirnov Test
Unstandardized Residu
N 100
Normal Parameters Mean ,0000000
Std.Devitation 4,58081614
Most Extreme Differences Absolute ,071
Positive ,046
Negative -,071
Test Statistic 0,07
Asymp.Sig.(2-tailed) ,200
X1.9 0,690 Valid
Source: Data processed by researchers 2024.

Table 5. Multicollinearity test results

One Sample Kolmogrov Smirnov Test
Model Collinearity Statistic
Tolerance VIF
Trust ,344 2,908
Convenience ,344 2,908
Source: Data processed by researchers 2024.

Jurnal MANDIRI: Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi, Vol. 7, No. 2, Desember 2023: 116 - 128

Observing Table 5 above illustrates that the of the residual scatter plot are:
variables actually have VIF variable values < In Figure 2 heteroscedasticity describes the
10,000 and tolerance values > 0.1, as a result they points spreading above, below or at approximately
can be said to be free of multicollinearity. 0 (zero). It can be seen that the results of the
To ensure that the assumption of scatterpot graph produce randomly scattered data
homoscedasticity is met in the regression model, that does not create a certain pattern, this indicates
a scatterplot of the residuals is analyzed. As that there is no heteroscedasticity.
explained by (Albright et al, 2020) in his journal After ensuring that the assumptions in
entitled "Interpreting Regression Output: A Guide regression analysis are met, the next step is the T
for Health Services Researchers", a good residual test.
scatter plotshould show a random distribution The results of the T test in this study are
pattern and not form a specific pattern. The results presented as follows:

Dependent Variable: Impluse Buying
Regression Studentized Residual

Regression Standardized Predicted Value

Table 6. Test results

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig
B Std. Beta
1 Constant ,610 2,995 2,995 ,204 ,893
Trust ,330 ,167 ,167 1,970 ,052
Convenience ,550 ,123 ,123 4,095 ,000
Dependent Variable consumptive behavior
Source: Data processed by researchers 2024.

Jurnal MANDIRI: Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi, Vol. 7, No. 2, Desember 2023: 116 - 128

The simple linear regression equation through 1. Hypothesis 1

the table above is as follows:Y = 0.610 β +0.330 Based on the test results, the Sig value on
X1 + 0.505 X2. The regression equation means: the effect of X1 on Y is 0.52> 0.05 and the t
1. Constant = 0.610 value is 1.970 < 1.98472, it shows that H1 is
Based on the results, the trust and convenience rejected, which means that there is no effect
variables are calculated to be zero, the impluse of X1 on Y. Where in this study trust has no
buying variable will be higher by 0.610. effect on impluse buying to e- commerce
2. Coefficient X1 = 0.330 users.
Based on the results, the value shows that trust 2. Hypothesis 2
and convenience are positive, and if the trust Based on the test results, the Sig value for
and convenience variables increase by 1% the effect of X2 on Y is 0.000 <0.05 and the t
which will cause an increase in the impluse value is 4.095> t table 1.984, it shows that H2
buying variable by 0.330. is accepted, meaning that there is an effect of
3. Coefficient X2 =0 ,505 X2 on Y.Where convenience affects impluse
Shows that the effect of trust and convenience is buying to e-commerce users.
positive, and if the impluse buying variable gets After conducting a significance test using the
an increase of 1% which results in an increase T test, the next step is to conduct an F test.As
in the consumptive behavior variable by 0.505. explained by (Duller, 2019) in his journal entitled
In Table. 6 states that the statistical test output "Significance Testing in Multiple Regression: An
processed using SPSS 25 on the convenience variable Overview". The results of the F test in this study
(X1 ) obtained the following hypothesis output: are presented below:

Table 7. F test results (anova table)

Model Sum of df Mean F Sig
Squares Square
1 Regression 2099,986 2 1049,933 49,027
Residuals 2077,404 97 21,417
Total 4177,390 99
a. Dependent Variable Impluse Buying
b. Predictors: (Constant) Trust, Convenience Paylater
Source: Data processed by researchers 2024.

Jurnal MANDIRI: Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi, Vol. 7, No. 2, Desember 2023: 116 - 128

From Table 7, the output shows that the sig importance of perceived ease of use in technology
result on the effect of X1 and X2 simultaneously adoption. (Davis et al, 1995), as well as previous
on Y is 0.000 <0.05 and the value of F count research which found that the ease of use of
49.027> F table 3.09, then the result is that H3 online payment systems has a positive influence
is accepted and hasthe result of the simultaneous on impulse purchases (Xu, 2014).
influence of X1 and X2 on Y. Where trust & The effect of trust and convenience of Paylater
convenience affect implusebuying in e-commerce on Impluse buying in simultaneous data analysis
users. and testing with two independent variables,
The next step is to evaluate the strength of the namely trust and convenience of Paylater on the
relationship between the independent variable and dependent variable impluse buying, obtained a
the dependent variable through the coefficient of calculated F value of 49.027> F table 3.09. This
determination analysis. As explained by (Goyal et al, shows that H3 is accepted, which means that there
2021). The results of the coefficient of determination is a significant effect of trust and convenience of
analysis in thisstudy are presented below: Paylater simultaneously on impluse buying.

Table 8. Results of analysis of the coefficient of determination X on Y

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 ,709a ,503 ,492 4.628
a. Predictors: (Constant) Trust, Convenience Paylater
b. Dependent Variable: Impluse buying
Source: Data processed by researchers 2024.

Based on Table 8, the R Square value is 0.503, DISCUSSION

which means that the effect of variables X1 and Paylater's trust in impluse buying
X2 simultaneously on Variable Y is 50.3%. The results of data processing using SPSS,
The effect of Trust on Impluse buying shown namely the Sig value on the effect of X1 on Y
by the results of data processing using SPSS is worth 0.52> 0.05 and the t value is 1.970 <
shows that the significance value (Sig.) on the 1.98472, then it shows that H1 is rejected, which
effect of trust on impluse buying is 0.52> 0.05, means thatthere is no effect of X1 on Y. Where in
and the t value is 1.970 < 1.98472. This indicates this study trust has no effect on impluse buying
that H1 is rejected, which means that there is to e- commerceusers. So it can be concluded that
no significant effect of trust on impluse buying H1 is rejected, so there is no influence of X1 on Y.
in e-commerce users. This finding contradicts Ease of paylater on impluse buying
previous research which found that trust in online Ease of use can be interpreted as a person's
stores has a positive influence on impulse buying level of confidence in using technology using
(Verhagen et al, 2011). minimal effort. The Sig value on the effect of
The effect of the ease of use of Paylater on X2 on Y is 0.000 <0.05 and the t value is 4.095>
Impluse buying is shown by the significance value t table 1.984, so it can be concluded that H2 is
(Sig.) on the effect of the ease of use of Paylater accepted, so there is an effect of X2 on Y.
on impluse buying, which is 0.000 <0.05, and the Trust and ease of paylater on impluse buying
t value is 4.095> t table 1.984. This shows that In the output of data analysis and testing
H2 is accepted and there is a significant effect on simultaneously on 2 independent variables,
the ease of use of Paylater on impluse buying. namely trust and convenience of Paylater on the
This finding is consistent with the Technology dependent variable, namely impluse buying, the t-
Acceptance Model (TAM) which emphasizes the value is 49.027>F table 3.09, which is concluded

Jurnal MANDIRI: Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi, Vol. 7, No. 2, Desember 2023: 116 - 128

that H3 is accepted, there is an influence of X1 may no longer be asignificant differentiating

and X2 simultaneouslyon Y. factor in influencing impulse buying tendencies.
This study aims to explore the influence of The findings of this study provide new insights
trust and ease of using Paylater on impulse buying into what factors influence impulse buying in
tendencies in e-commerce users. The main finding thecontext of e-commerce, especially related to
of this study is that the ease of using Paylater has the use of Paylater. Although trust in Paylater is
a significant influence on impulse buying, while not provento have a significant influence, the ease
trust in Paylater is not proven to have a significant of use of Paylater is proven to be an important
influence on impulse buying. The results of this factor that encourages impulse purchases in
study can be seen in Table 9 below: e-commerce users.

Table 9. Results of analysis of the effect of trust and ease of use of paylater on impluse buying
Variable Sig. t calcute T table Conclusion
Trust in Paylater 0,52 1,970 1,98472 refused
Ease of use of Paylater 0,000 4,095 1,984 accept
Paylater trust and Ease - alculate = F table = 3.09 accept
(Simultaneous) 49.027
Source: Data processed by researchers 2024.

The findings on the significant effect of The results of this study have practical
Paylater's ease of use on impulse buying are implications for e-commerce and Paylater
consistent with the Technology Acceptance providers in designing features that are easy
Model (TAM) proposed by (Davis et al., 1989). to use and minimize the effort required by
According to TAM, perceived ease of use is consumers. A simple paymentprocess, and other
an important factor influencing user adoption features that enhance ease of use may encourage
of technology. In the context of this study, if Paylater adoption and increase thepotential for
consumers feel that using Paylater is easy and impulse purchases. However, it is important to
does not require great effort, they will be more remember that excessive impulse purchasescan
likely to adopt the feature, which in turn can have negative consequences for consumers, such
encourage impulse buying behavior. This finding as overspending and post- purchase regret (Rook
is also in line with previous research by (Xu, et al, 1995). Therefore, e-commerce and Paylater
2014) who found that the ease of use of online providers should also consider strategies to
payment systems has a positive influence on manage the risk of excessive impulse purchases,
impulse purchases in the context of e-commerce such as providing warnings or self-control
in China. mechanisms for consumers.
On the other hand, the finding of no significant Future research should focus on examining
effect of trust in Paylater on impulse buying other factors that may influence consumer trust
contradicts previous research (Verhagen et al, in Paylater and impulse purchases in the context
2011) where trust in online stores has a positive of e-commerce. In addition, longitudinal research
influenceon impulse purchases. This difference can also be conducted to observe changes in
may be due to a different research context or other consumer behavior in the long term along with
factors that influence consumer trust in Paylater. the developmentof new features in e-commerce
One possible cause of the absence of a significant and paylater.
effect of trust in Paylater on impulse buying is the
characteristics of the respondents in this study. If CONCLUSIONS
the respondents' level of trust is relatively high in This study aims to explore the effect of trust
Paylater providers in general, then the trust factor and ease of using Paylater on impulse buying

Jurnal MANDIRI: Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni, dan Teknologi, Vol. 7, No. 2, Desember 2023: 116 - 128

tendencies in e-commerce users. The results of Our gratitude goes to all the relatives who have
the analysis show that the ease of use of Paylater participated in the process of making this research.
has a significant positive effect on impulse Finally, we are very grateful to all respondents
buying, while trust in Paylater is not proven to who took the time to fillout the questionnaire.
have a significant effect on impulse buying.
Overall, the results of this study emphasize the REFERENCES
importance of considering ease-of-use aspects Albright et al. (2020). Interpreting regression
in designing Paylater features in e-commerce, as output: A guide for health services researchers.
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