Digestive Health
Digestive Health
Digestive Health
Restoring Your
Digestive Health:
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Restoring Your Digestive Health: Natural Solutions for Your Guts Problems
There are over 35 million people in the United States that suffer with gut
problems. Other common and popular names for this condition are leaky
gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and gastric reflux disease.
Sometimes the gas pains in the chest can be so painful that it is often
mistaken for heart attacks or heart problems. Other symptoms include
abdominal cramps, constipation, excessive burping or belching and
diarrhea. These symptoms can occur with no forewarning and can linger
for days, sometimes even weeks, before the realization occurs that there is
a problem with the gut.
Ideally, a person would want to avoid treating the problem with synthetic
medications and harsh ingredients, as this could exacerbate the condition.
One natural solution that can be used to treat gut problems is through
abdominal massage. Abdominal massaging is just what its name suggests.
This practice gently breaks apart gas bubbles and make it easier to release
the gas. Start by massaging the abdomen at the base or bottom of the
stomach, going in a circular motion. Working from one side of the abdomen
to the other side of the abdomen, slowly work up the stomach in the
direction of the upper chest area.
There are many types of herbs that are used in treating different problems
with the body, but the oil from peppermint is a commonly known herb that
really works. Peppermint oil is one such herb that has shown tremendous
results in helping to solve gut problems the natural way.
The scientific name for peppermint is derived from the name Mintha, a
Greek mythological nymph who transformed herself into the plant, and
from the Latin piper meaning "pepper." Peppermint is believed to be a
cross (hybrid) between spearmint and water mint. In several medical
Restoring Your Digestive Health: Natural Solutions for Your Guts Problems
studies, it has shown that peppermint oil reduces the pain of Irritable Bowel
Syndrome (IBS) in over seventy-five percent of its patients. Peppermint oil
is a natural oil that works quite successfully as a digestive aid.
This delightful tasting herb also helps to eliminate gas, abdominal bloating,
stomach discomfort and abdominal cramps. The oil also helps to improve
the body’s blood circulation and works to make the body’s production of
digestive fluids work at an optimal pace.
Peppermint oil has also been known to aid in reducing spastic colons. The
most popular form of peppermint oil is in the form of the hard candy,
peppermint candy. The history behind the idea of the peppermint is rich in
its ties to the after dinner mint that we’re accustomed to having. The
ancient Romans would be in the habit of ending their large meals by
chewing sprigs of peppermint to settle their stomachs.
To gain better results from this herb, it is suggested that it is used in small
doses rather than large doses to gain maximum results. If it used in high
dosages, it can cause adverse effects include allergic reactions, heartburn,
perianal burning, blurred vision, nausea, and vomiting.
The gut then just has the job of digesting the food in it and moving it along.
Working harder can make the colon sluggish and cause additional
problems to the gut that can become harder to cure. Eating certain foods
can benefit the gut by quickly relieving diarrhea and constipation.
A fresh fruit, raw vegetables and limited to no sugar or salt intake is much
better on the gut and its food absorption. It is better to eat certain foods
than to ingest synthetic medications, which can exacerbate problems
within the colon. Diarrhea is when the body loses fluids too rapidly and
there is loose stools coming from the colon.
For the treatment of diarrhea, mix one tablespoon of carob powder, which
can be found in natural food stores, and one cup of natural applesauce,
and eat the entire mixture. The tannins in the carob mixture and the pectin
in the apples will quickly and effectively bind your stools. This will also
relieve any pain also that accompanied the diarrhea.
They take about two hours to effectively work and cause a bowel
movement. There are certain foods that could make the gut suffer worse if
ingested. The main culprits of this are caffeinated products and fatty foods,
which may cause diarrhea.
Also, hard to digest foods like dairy products, beans and broccoli can also
aggravate and prolong any existing gut problems. Since every individual
Restoring Your Digestive Health: Natural Solutions for Your Guts Problems
body is different, to find out what foods do not agree with your gut, try
keeping a food diary and track it for one month.
Write down each food you eat, and note any symptoms that follow. If you
make connections between eating a particular food and having stomach
problems, stop eating the food for three days.
Take note of any stomach upsets over the three-day period. If you
experience improvement, limit this food in your diet or try low-fat versions
of problematic high-fat dishes, says Magee.
With the proper mixture of the right fruits, vegetables and sufficient water,
many gut problems can be significantly cured without any external choices.
Finding Fiber
Regularly eating fiber will help to normalize your bowel movements. This
will help the gut in digesting foods rapidly and aids in thorough and
complete digestion.
Fiber is a substance in plants while dietary fiber is the fiber that you can
eat or can be ingested. You can find dietary fiber in fresh fruits, raw
vegetables and whole grains. Dietary fiber is the part of the plant that your
body can't digest, yet, it is an integral part of a healthy diet in avoiding any
stomach or gut-related problems.
Dietary fiber adds bulk to your diet and can make you feel full faster, and
assists greatly in helping you control your weight. Fiber can help digestion
and help prevent constipation. This relieves any pressure from the gut that
may be a result of constipation or diarrhea.
Fiber can be found in whole grains, beans, nuts, fruits and vegetables. It is
highly recommended to add fiber to your diet slowly as too much fiber
introduced into the gut can cause abdominal distress. Also, increasing
dietary fiber too quickly can cause excessive gas, bloating and cramps.
Dietary fiber adds bulk to your stool and reduces the total time that food
sits in your bowels.
It is theorized by some experts that the intake of dietary fiber can decrease
the irritable bowel syndrome associated spasms that attempt to push
waste out of the body.
Restoring Your Digestive Health: Natural Solutions for Your Guts Problems
Dietary fiber encompasses two very broad classes of fiber. One is soluble
and the other is insoluble. The insoluble fiber is generally found in wheat
bran and helps to soften stools and make bowel movement significantly
easier. The other type is soluble fibers which come from such materials as
fruits, barley and oats.
Soluble fiber tends to form gels in the gut, helping to delay the absorption
of other food components. This is ideal for overweight people because they
will feel fuller longer. Soluble fiber is also good for reducing cholesterol and
by carrying bile salts out of the gut.
When soluble fiber reaches the large intestine (colon), the bacteria there
breaks down the contents, sometimes accompanied with gas. The
recommendation for fiber ingestion is 2/3 insoluble fiber and 1/3 soluble
fiber. It's recommended to add fiber gradually to your diet.
Ideally, begin by eating at least two daily servings of fiber-rich fruits and
raw vegetables. Good ideas are apples, carrots or salad greens and at
least one daily serving of whole grains, like oatmeal. Increase your dietary
intake up to five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables and three
servings of whole grains daily.
In addition to eating fiber-rich foods, there are other ways to satisfy fiber
intake. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of ground flaxseeds on cereal, or mix 1
teaspoon of the fiber-rich herb psyllium with 8 ounces of water and drink
daily. Flaxseeds and psyllium can be found at natural food stores.
You can slowly work up to at least one tablespoon of each fiber daily over
a two-week period. Initially, gut symptoms may seemingly get worse, but
with consistency in fiber ingestion, you will see improvement within a few
The lactic acid bacteria has been used as a natural substance in the food
industry for numerous years.
The number of flora in all bacterial types can be thrown out of balance by a
wide range of circumstances. The use or practice of certain things can be
harmful to the bacteria including the use of antibiotics or other drugs,
excess consumption of alcohol, stress and factors that increase stress
levels, disease, exposure to toxic substances, or even the use of
antibacterial soap.
In cases like these, the bacteria that work well with our bodies may
decrease in number, an event which allows harmful competitors to thrive.
This can prove to be detrimental to our health. Maintenance of a healthy
gut flora is essentially dependent upon many factors, especially the quality
of food intake.
Proper and clean foods is the key to keeping a healthy gut flora.
Eliminating fried or greasy foods also does wonders in keeping the gut
flora healthy. Including a significant proportion of probiotic foods in the diet
Restoring Your Digestive Health: Natural Solutions for Your Guts Problems
Colon Cleansing
Since all food substances go through the stomach or gut to the colon, it is
highly beneficial to keep the gut as ill-free as possible. To effectively do
this, colon cleansing is recommended as a natural and effective way to
completely get rid of matter than can cause significant problems if not
This is also partly caused by eating and drinking products that form waste
build up and hardened fecal matter. There are a lot of products that we
consume is large amounts that we may not even be aware of as causing
gastrointestinal distress.
To begin the colon cleansing process, there are certain amendments that
must me made to the daily diet. Large improvements in nutrition often bring
adequate results alone, and the colon starts cleansing naturally. It is
necessary to ingest sufficient fiber, at least 25-30 grams daily, dissolved in
water or in food.
Restoring Your Digestive Health: Natural Solutions for Your Guts Problems
Drinking water is also essential for a healthy colon. To stimulate the natural
peristaltic action, a person should drink half of his or her weight in ounces
of pure non-carbonated water.
Herbs are also a great way to perform a mild colon cleansing naturally.
Herbal colon cleanses help rid the body of toxins by removing fecal matter,
preventing toxin formation, killing the harmful bacteria and parasites, and
improving the function of colon muscles to promote natural and regular
bowel movements.