Excellent Source of Vitamin C and A

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Tomatoes are native to South America and belong to the nightshade family, which also includes

white potatoes, eggplant, and bell peppers. Worldwide it is the most cultivated plant for its fruit
but to the people of the United States it is considered a vegetable. The most
commonly consumed ones are the yellow, orange, green, and red tomatoes, but there are
ornamental colors like white pink, purple, and black with patterns. Tomatoes are a very
versatile vegetable that you can eat cooked, raw off the vine, drink, in salads, etc. They are used
not only for their flavor, color, and taste but also for their many health benefits they can offer
you. To get the most health benefits of tomatoes choose the brightest reddest ones.

1. Excellent source of vitamin C and A

Just one medium tomato can provide you almost one half of the recommended daily allowance
of vitamin C that your body needs. Although it is a vitamin, it acts like an antioxidant in your
body by helping to access iron, keep your capillaries and gums healthy, and helps your body
form connective tissue. Vitamin A helps to keep your skin and hair healthy, aids in teeth and
bone development, helps to maintain normal cellular growth, immune system
and reproduction function, and helps to promote the correct vision. Together these vitamins
travel throughout your body to help neutralize the dangerous free radicals that can damage
your cell membranes and the cells.

2. Tomatoes contain many other vitamins and minerals your body needs

In addition to vitamins A and C, tomatoes also contain calcium, proteins, and vitamin E. It is also
a good source of chromium, which is a mineral that can help a diabetic keep their blood sugar
levels under control. The fiber, vitamin K, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, and potassium in
tomatoes can help to lower your blood sugar and cholesterol levels, enhance blood-clotting
abilities, and reduce the risk of developing kidney stones. If you are one that suffers from
migraine headaches, the riboflavin in tomatoes can help reduce the frequency of having these

3. Helps to prevent heart related diseases

Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants, which play a major role in helping to reduce the risk of your
arteries and veins narrowing referred to as atherosclerosis along with helping to prevent heart
diseases. Tomatoes are also rich in niacin, folate, vitamin B6, and potassium which helps to
lower your high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. Lowering both of these will greatly
reduce the risk of developing heart-related conditions. Vitamin B6 can help to
convert homocysteine, a dangerous chemical, into molecules that are benign. This will help to
prevent damage to your blood vessels and lower your risk of strokes and heart attacks.

4. Can help prevent certain cancers

Tomatoes contain an antioxidant and carotenoid called lycopene. It also gives the tomato its
red color. It has been shown in studies that some people who have a diet that are rich in
tomatoes have a lower risk of developing certain cancers like prostrate, lung, or stomach
cancers. Lycopene will also help to neutralize the free radicals that can damage the cells in your
body. In addition to helping to lower your risk of developing certain cancers the lycopene is also
a powerful inhibitor of these cancers plus endometrial, colon, and breast cancers. Many
consider tomatoes a natural cancer fighter.

5. Protect your body against thrombosis

Thrombosis is when a person has developed blood clots in their blood vessels but drinking
eight ounces of tomato juice or eating a medium size tomato each day can help reduce the
clumping of platelets which causes blood clots to form.

6. Can give you a healthy digestive system

Eating tomatoes can encourage digestion and are often used for medical conditions such as a
diminished appetite, constipation, anorexia, indigestion, and food retention. Eating tomatoes
can help to prevent the occurrence of diarrhea also. Tomatoes are also a natural blood purifier
and will help detox your body of all impurities, keeping your digestive system healthy.

7. Can help you to lose weight

Tomatoes are mostly water so they will help you feel fuller longer. You can eat tomatoes by
themselves, in salads, in sandwiches, as a snack, etc. Tomatoes also contain a lot of fiber that
can help you keep your appetite under control. Weight Watchers refer to tomatoes as a “filling
food” without adding a lot of fat and calories to your diet plan.

8. Can help to reduce chronic pain

Eating tomatoes can help give relief to people who deal with mild to moderate chronic pain
from medical conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,
back pain, etc. Tomatoes contain two known anti-inflammatory agents carotenoids,
and bioflavonoids. This is a natural way to help with the pain without having to take
prescription or over-the-counter inflammatory medications.

9. Strengthen your bones

The lycopene in tomatoes can help improve your bone mass and help to fight osteoporosis. The
calcium and vitamin K will help to strengthen and repair your bones, especially in older women
who seem to be more prone to falling and breaking bones like their hips.

10. Helping to prevent vision diseases

It has always been said that eating carrots will help improve and give you good vision
but tomatoes can also do this. Both contain vitamin A which helps to improve vision. Eating
tomatoes can help to prevent night blindness, and reduce your risk of developing
macular degeneration which is a serious, irreversible eye disease.

11. Can help protect your skin

In many sunscreen and anti-aging products tomato pulp and juice are part of the ingredients

although they may not be mentioned. Eating tomatoes can help to reduce pre-mature wrinkles,
soothe and heal sunburn, help to improve overall skin tone and texture, and help to protect
your skin against the harmful UV rays. The lycopene in tomatoes can also help boost a molecule
in your body called pro-collagen, that will give you a youthful look and keep your skin firm. This
molecule can also help to keep you from getting a sun burn. Lycopene will also make your skin
less sensitive to the damage from UV light.

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