Stamovlasis 2011 NDPLS152145-173
Stamovlasis 2011 NDPLS152145-173
Stamovlasis 2011 NDPLS152145-173
Z = (Y – Ymin) / s (1)
Location correction is made by setting the zero at the minimum value of Y and
the scale was measured by the ordinary standard deviation, s.
The specific equation to be tested for a cusp catastrophe model is:
Δ Z = Z2 - Z1 = b1 Z13 + b2 Z 12 + b3 F Z 1 + b4 M + b5 (2)
Δ Z = Z2 - Z1 = b1 Z13 + b2 Z 12 + b3 L Z 1 + b4 M + b5 (3)
Linear 2: ΔZ = b1 M + b2 B + b3 M B + b4 (6)
Linear 3: Z2 = b1 M + b2 B + b3 Z1 + b4 (7)
Z is the normalized behavioural variable, while M and B are the normalized
asymmetry and bifurcation respectively, with B= F or L. The variables entered
simultaneously in the Least Squares (LS) procedure.
Figure 4 shows frequency distribution of scores in Test 1 (Time 1) and
Test 2 (Time 2). Test 1 comprises a mental task of low demand and gives a
unimodal distribution with relatively small variance (mean = 6.01 and SD =
0.95). Test 2 comprises a task of high mental demand and gives a bimodal
distribution with larger variance (mean = 3.91 and SD = 1.85).
In Fig. 5 and Fig. 6, which shows the graphical representation of
achievement frequencies versus the different levels of field dependence-
independence and logical thinking (bifurcation variable) respectively, the
bimodality of the system as a weak ‘catastrophe flag’ can be noticed. However,
a ‘catastrophe flag’ provides merely an indication and it is not sufficient for
demonstrating a catastrophe effect.
DPLS, 15(2), Nonlinearity
N an
nd Self-organiization in Probblem Solving 1157
Model R2 b seb t 95% CI Model F
Linear 1 .03 2,8*
M 0.017 0.008 2.02* 0.008 0.025
F -0.002 0.009 -0.22 -0.011 0.008
Linear 2
M .12 0.032 0.014 2.29* 0.018 0.045 11.4***
L 0.027 0.027 1.00 0.000 0.054
MXL -0.003 0.001 -3.17** -0.003 -0.002
Linear 3 .43
Z1 0.112 0.069 1.64 0.043 0.180 40.1****
M 0.017 0.0062 2.75** 0.010 0.023
L -0.054 0.008 -6.43**** -0.062 -0.046
Cusp .60
Z1 0.112 0.028 3.94**** 0.012 0.024 56.3****
Z1 -0.649 0.134 -4.86**** 0.083 0.140
L X Z1 -0.012 0.002 -6.32**** -0.783 -0.515
M 0.018 0.006 3.02** -0.014 -0.010
* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, **** p < 0.0001.
The first linear model based on Eq. 5 accounted for 12% of the vari-
ance in the dependent variable and the weight of M was insignificant, even
though the weight of L was statistically significant (F(2, 83) = 11.4, p < 0.001).
The second linear model based on Eq. 6 also accounted for 12% of the variance
in the dependent variable and the weight of M the interaction effect M X L were
significant, even though L was statistically insignificant (F(3, 82) = 11.4 p <
The third control model based on Eq. 7, was able to predict a
significant portion of the variance in the dependent variable (Adjusted R2 = 0.43,
F(3, 82) = 40.1, p < 0.0001). The weights of Z1 was insignificant, while the
weights of M-capacity (t(82) = 2.75, p < 0.01) and L (t(82) = -6.43, p < 0.0001)
DPLS, 15(2), Nonlinearity
N an
nd Self-organiization in Probblem Solving 1161
were in nsignificant, and
a thus, they can be considdered as prediictors within tthe
linear model
m explaining 43% of the variance in thee dependent vaariable.
The cusp mo odel, based on n Eq. 3 was abble to predict a significant poor-
tion off the variance in the dependeent variable, a change in acchievement, froom
Time 1 to Time 2 (Ad djusted R2 = 0.60, F(4, 81) = 56.3, p < 0.00001). All termss in
the bassic cusp modell significantly predicted channge in the behhavioral variabble:
the cubbic term (t(81) = 3.94, p < 0..0001), the quaadratic term (t((81) = -4.86, p <
0.0001), the asymmeetry parameter, M, (t(81) = 3 ,02, p < 0.01) and the bifurcca-
tion parameter, L, (t(881) = -6.32, p < 0.0001).
The cusp model,
m based on n Eq. 4 with booth bifurcationn variables, F aand
L present did not im mprove the model,
m thus it is not considdered as a bettter
candidaate and it is noot presented. Finally,
F the prooposed model is the one bassed
on Eq.. 3, with logiccal thinking, L, L as bifurcatiion and its thhree dimensionnal
represeentation is depiicted in Fig.1.
Moreover, cusp
c catastroph he models weere tested for cases where tthe
Time 2 mental task was simple ap pplication andd algorithmic pproblem. In booth
cases thhe cusp modell was not supeerior to the lineear counterpartt. The results aare
summaarized in Fig. 7,7 which showss the adjusted R 2 versus the ccomplexity of tthe
problemm for immediaate comparison with the demaanding problem m case.