Pe1 Las Week3

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Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education

"Your Future Is Our Commitment"


Physical Education 1 (Movement Enhancement)
First Semester (A.Y. 2023-2024)

Learning Content: Physical Education: Safety Guidelines and Performance Task (Week 3)
Competency/ies: Analyze fitness as the major goal of physical education; Define and interpret the meaning of physical education and its
relevance to wellness development as well as to their course; Demonstrate the components of physical fitness.
Learning Outcomes: Explain fitness as the major goal of physical education; Discuss and interpret the meaning of physical education
and its relevance to wellness development as well as to their course. Execute the different components of physical fitness test.
Reference/s: Physical Education 1 Movement Enhancement College Textbook by Dr. Michelle D. Punzalan,, page 9-12.
Concept Notes:

Physical Education and Health Safety Guidelines:

This guideline includes procedures that help prevent accidents or injury in Physical Education classes and activities. It
should be recognized that many safety guidelines and cooperation to all class activities.

1. Teachers need to be aware of the medical background and physical limitation of every student.
2. Teachers must inform their students the locations of the fire chains, fire exits, and alternative routes from the
beginning of the semester.
3. Consideration must also be given to informing parents of activities that take students off the immediate school proper
(e.g. fun run, camping)
4. Teachers are not only looking at activities that include contact, but also at issues surrounding body contact.
5. Teachers must demonstrate that all proper precautions will be taken in the interest of student safety.
6. A fully stocked first-aid kit must be readily accessible in the gymnasium.
7. Teachers must inform their students to use clean comfortable clothes and shoes.
8. Exercise either in the morning or late afternoon when it is not so hot.
9. Teachers have the recommended qualifications and experience for sports education.
10.Teachers are recommended to supervise student's first aid training.
11.All records of inspections, using the facilities regularly inspected. Equipment and
facilities are safe measures to minimize any potential risk to students.
12.Severe exercise must be avoided unless the individual is young and athletic.
13. There is not one best form of exercise. It depends on what the individual can achieve.
14. Medical information of the student is communicated through school medical clinic with
the supervision of the teacher.
Procedures and Expected Timeline:
 Based on your stock knowledge and to check whether you have really remembered the different physical fitness test during
your high school years, perform the following physical fitness test.
 Make it sure that you will always check your own state of health. Your safety in doing the task is still our primary consideration.
Always ask the guidance of your parents/guardians.
 If you have underlying health conditions and comorbidities that will not permit you to the task or activity, just write a short
reaction paper about the importance of the different physical fitness test.
 Prepare the different materials and equipment needed for the activity. (tape measure/meter stick, stopwatch or cellphone,
masking/scotch tape)
 Please perform warm-up exercises before doing the test. Prepare towels, extra shirts if necessary and water.
 Always ensure the safety of your performance area and follow the different health protocols.
 Record your scores in your answer sheet following the format found in the table below.
 Respecting and appreciating individual performance and output is highly encouraged. No to bullying.
 For your clarifications and queries about the task please feel free to chat me in our group chat or text or call me with the
numbers that I have given to you.

Processing Questions:
1. Why is it important to be aware and to know the different Physical Education and Health Safety Guidelines?
Prepared by:

PE1 Instructor

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