EN Inserting Local Culture in English Langu
EN Inserting Local Culture in English Langu
EN Inserting Local Culture in English Langu
Siti Sudartini
Faculty of Languages and Arts Sciences Yogyakarta State University
email: [email protected]
Abstract: This study attempts to critically analyze the practices of foreign language teaching
parti- cularly English which commonly pay less attention to the accompanying intercultural
communication and also to propose an alternative solution to support and promote the character
education in this country. It is commonly believed that the practices of the English language
teaching are always accompanied by the insertion of foreign cultural values which are not always
in harmony with our own values. In line with the national education goals, it seems that the most
possible way to overcome this problem is by integrating the Indonesian local cultural values in the
practices of the English language teaching to promote character education, which is commonly
believed to play important roles in encouraging, improving, and maintaining the spirit of nationalism
of our future generation.
Abstrak: Kajian ini hendak mencoba menelaah secara kritis praktek-praktek pembelajaran bahasa
asing khususnya Bahasa Inggris yang umumnya kurang memperhatikan aspek akulturasi budaya
yang menyertainya dan juga mencari alternatif solusi pemecahannya demi mendukung
tercapainya pendidikan yang berbasis character building di negara ini. Pada kenyataannya,
praktek pengajaran bahasa Inggris senantiasa menyediakan ruang adanya insersi nilai-nilai
budaya asing masyarakat penuturnya yang belum tentu sejalan dengan nilai-nilai budaya
masyarakata kita. Sejalan dengan tujuan pendidikan nasional, nampaknya salah satu upaya yang
bisa dilakukan untuk mengantisipasi dampak insersi budaya asing tersebut adalah dengan
mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai budaya lokal Indonesia pada pembelajaran bahasa Inggris sebagai
alternatif cara guna mendukung upaya pemerin- tah dalam menggalakkan pendidikan berbasis
karakter yang diyakini sangat penting untuk menum- buhkan, meningkatkan dan memelihara
semangat nasionalisme generasi penerus bangsa ini.
explicitly the definition of the term edu-
It is commonly believed that edu- cation in the Act of Republic Indonesia on
cation plays the most significant role in the
National Educational System that may be
development of a nation. Education may be
considered as: ... conscious and well plann-
regarded as an investment in human ca-
ed effort in creating a learning environ-
pital formation that lays the foundation for
ment and learning process so that learners
future economic growth and development
will be able to develop their full potential
of a country not to mention our country,
for acquiring spiritual and religious
Indonesia. Our government even has given
strengths, develop self-control, personality,
14) that views culture as transgenerational culture is created and socially construct -
domain of practices through which
human organisms in a social system
communicate with each other. These
definitions parti- cularly see culture as
something inherited from generation to
On the contrary, Nieto (2010:136) de-
fines culture as “the ever-changing values,
traditions, social and political relationships,
and worldview created, shared, and
trans- formed by a group of people
bound to- gether by a combination of
factors that can include a common history,
geographic lo- cation, language, social
class, and religion”. This definition
provides a new idea of the term culture.
Nieto also makes it clear that everyone has
a culture because all people participate in
the world through social and political
relationships informed by history as well
as by race, ethnicity, language, so- cial
class, gender, sexual orientation, and
other circumstances related to identity and
In addition to this definition, Nieto
(2010:137-144) also mentions some charac-
teristics of culture. Those characteristics in-
clude the followings. First, culture is dyna-
mic, in the sense that it is active, changing,
and always on the move, that even in its
native contexts, culture is always changing
as a result of political, social, and other
mo- difications in the immediate
environment. Second, culture is multifaceted .
This means, for one thing, that culture
cannot be con- flated with just ethnicity
or race. Third, culture is embedded in context
meaning that it is influenced by the
environment in which it exists. Fourth,
culture is influenced by social, economic, and
political factors . It is commonly agreed that
culture is bound to a particular context,
that it is greatly in- fluenced by the
political, historical, and economic
conditions in which it is found. Fifth,
It is widely known that the common My gratitudes go to the reviewers of
practice of English language teaching has Jurnal Pendidikan Karakter for the input,
been focused on preparing the students important notes, and corrections on the
to be able to communicate effectively language aspects to make this article
by using the language. Most people agree acceptable. May this article broaden the
that the practice of English language readers’ perspectives on the efforts of in-
teaching of English will not be effective serting the local culture to support the
without dis - cussing its culture, therefore implementation of character education.
teaching a language will be impossible
without teach- ing the culture. This,
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