Dev Psyc Test
Dev Psyc Test
Dev Psyc Test
If you live without a catastrophic illness (cardiac arrest, stroke, etc.) before age 50, your life
expectancies by gender are:
Female-93 yrs. Old
Male-87 yrs. Old—men die sooner because of anger. They stuff up their feelings and that leads
to health problems (heart attacks, hypertension, stomach ulcers, etc.)
People born in the world: 49% are male, 51% are female
ADLS: Activities of Daily Life, comprised of eating, bathing, toileting, walking, and dressing.
IADLS: Instrumental Activities of Daily Life, which require some intellectual competence and
forethought such as paying bills, shopping, and so forth.
Dementia refers to severely impaired thinking, memory, or problem solving ability. It can occur
before old age and is not an inevitable development even among the very old.
Stage 1. General forgetfulness—more than normal
Stage 2. Much more confusion/no concentration/losing short-term memory/personality
Stage 3. Total, constant care necessary/don’t even know who close family are
Alzheimer’s Disease
70% of dementia victims have Alzheimer’s.
Onset during middle age is usually characterized by rapid progression (3-5 years.)
Onset in late adulthood is marked by a more gradual development of symptoms, often taking as
long as 10 years to become full-blown.
No medications known that will reverse the effects of dementia. If caught very early in stage
one, some meds can slow it considerably.
1. Cannot remember recent events
2. Difficulty with familiar tasks
3. Problems with language
4. Confusion about time & place
5. Poor or weak judgment
6. Problems with abstract thinking
7. Misplacing things
8. Changes in mood & behavior
9. Personality changes
10. Loss of initiative
15% of other dementia is Parkinson’s Disease, Down Syndrome, Huntington’s Disease, Pick’s
Disease, brain tumors, and AIDS.
Dimensions of Psychological Well-Being in Adulthood (Ryff)
1. Self-acceptance
2. Positive Relationships with Others
3. Autonomy
4. Environmental Mastery (IADLS, not something you always have control over)
5. Purpose in Life
6. Personal Growth
When a parent must be cared for, the order of responsibility is usually 1st daughter > middle
daughter(s) > last daughter > daughter-in-law > son.