Factors Affectig Suicidal Ideations Among Teenagers
Factors Affectig Suicidal Ideations Among Teenagers
Factors Affectig Suicidal Ideations Among Teenagers
Life is the most beautiful gift that is given to us by God. It is something that
cannot be bought or exchanged with someone else’s. There are people who
crave for a longer life. However, there are also people who wants to end theirs.
Life may be hard at times, but, we must not end it. It’s too precious to waste.
There are many important things that we are yet to finish and experience. There
are many challenges that are waiting for us to make us stronger, better and
However, we cannot also judge or blame those who choose to end their lives
or attempted to. We have never been in their shoes and we don’t know how
hard it was for them. Each and every person have different threshold for pain
and all our sufferings are valid no matter how deep or shallow the reason may
feelings and situation. Suicide is not something that we should take lightly or not
give much attention to. It is something that has been going on for hundreds and
own death. Some suicides are impulsive acts due to stress (such as from
Although suicide is relatively rare among children, the rate of suicides and
leading cause of death for 15- to 24-year-olds, according to the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, after accidents and homicide. It's also thought
that many more attempts are made for every completed teen suicide.
The researchers observed that the topic was a timely and relevant issue,
especially with everything that’s going on in the world today. Life as a student
and as a person has been very challenging because of the pandemic. Education
system has been altered in order for it to fit the new normal that the government
has set. Learning has become more challenging especially to those students who
are intellectually and academically challenged. Due to these, more and more
This study seeks to investigate the factors affecting the suicidal ideations
among teenagers. This study aims to help the students to express their
perspective regarding suicide. This study also intend to raise awareness about
This study aims to investigate and discover the factors affecting the suicidal
a. Gender
b. Age
c. Religion
e. Financial status
f. Sexuality
g. Civil Status
2. What are the factors that affects suicidal ideations among teenagers in terms
2.1 Depression
2.4 Bullying
Theoretical Background
influential force during the first half of the twentieth century. Those inspired and
influenced by Freud went on to expand upon Freud's ideas and develop theories
of their own. Of these neo-Freudians, Erik Erikson's ideas have become perhaps
growth and change throughout life, focusing on social interaction and conflicts
Psychosocial theory does not focus on the obvious physical changes that
occur as children grow up, but rather on the socioemotional factors that
describe the behavior of the students during their teen years. Specifically, the
fourth stage of the theory which is “Industry vs Inferiority” is the main focus of
this study.
Industry vs. Inferiority is the stage in which children enter into the greater
society beyond the family for the first time. It is where they develop and build
their mentality. Most often, this is also where teenagers start to develop conflicts
that affects their mental health, academic performance, and their social life.
1. What are the profile of the respondents in terms of:
a. Gender e. Financial status
b. Age f. Sexuality
c. Religion g. Civil Status
d. Parents living arrangement
2. What are the factors that affects suicidal ideations among
teenagers in terms of:
2.1 Depression 2.7 Family Problems
2.2 Academic Challenges
2.3 Financial Status
2.4 Bullying
2.5 Emotional Problems
2.6 Drug Abuse
3. Based on the results, what is the proposed output?
The data are obtained through:
▶ Producing and distributing the Survey Questionnaires
▶ Tabulating the Data
▶ Analyzing the data through its statistical treatment
▶ Interpreting the data
This study can be a learning example to the senior high school student of
Carmen National High School to raise their awareness about suicide and
importance mental health. The study’s goal was designed to describe the
perspective of the Grade 12 students about suicide and suicide attempts. The
mental health and help them know what they should do to strengthen their
provide further information about the importance of mental health and they will
Parents. This study will benefit the parents because they will be able to
understand their children more and they will know what to do in order to help
their children who are suffering from stress, depression, or academic challenges.
affecting the suicidal ideations among teenagers and help them as a student.
to the future researchers. This will help them complete their study easier and
Definition of Terms
In order to make the reader understand the study, the following terms are
Mental Health. In this study, it is one of the factors that might affect
to explain how suicidal ideation among teenagers is developed and describe the
Bullying. In this study, it is one of the factors that might affect the
Suicide is the act of taking one’s own life. According research, suicide is the
10th leading cause of death in the World. Suicidal behavior refers to talking
about or taking actions related to ending one’s own life. Suicidal thoughts and
given year this is roughly 12 per 100,000 people. Rates of completed suicides are
generally higher among men than among women, ranging from 1.5 times as
much in the developing world to 3.5 times in the developed world. Suicide is
generally most common among those over the age of 70; however, in certain
countries, those aged between 15 and 30 are at the highest risk. Pangeta mug
There are lot of types or names for each kind of suicide. Attempted suicide
least some desire to end one's life that does not result in death. Suicide
attempts can result in serious and permanent injuries and/or disabilities. People
who attempt either hanging or charcoal grill carbon monoxide poisoning and
survive can face permanent brain damage due to cerebral anoxia. People who
take a drug overdose and survive can face severe organ damage (e.g., liver
failure). Individuals who jump from a bridge and survive may face irreversible
damage to multiple organs, as well as the spine and brain (Stone, 2001).
Assisted suicide is when one individual helps another bring about their own
death indirectly via providing either advice or the means to the end. In Europe,
provides the means of killing oneself. It is often used to describe the condition
when someone gives details on how to end one’s life. Individuals then use them
Suicidal ideation is thoughts of ending one's life but not taking any active
efforts to do so. The term “suicidal ideation” is often used in the technical
and elaboration. In the literature, the term also refers to a feeling of being tired
of life, a belief that life is not worth living, and a desire not to wake from sleep.
suicide) is where the individual aims at taking the life of others at the same time.
an act in which an individual kills one or more people before (or while) killing
Suicide in which the reason is that the person feels that they are not part of
society is known as egoistic suicide. Egoistic suicide results from poor integration
into society, as a result of the way a individual behaves, for example by virtue of
mental illness. It is committed by individuals who are social outcast and see
their own place in society and have problems adjusting to groups (Stein &
Wilkinson, 2007).
Risk Factors
There are a lot of factors that can trigger people to commit or attempt
suicide. Mental issues, drug abuses, psychological states, cultural, family and
knowledge, existence, and the meaning of life) are factors that influence the risk
of suicide. Factors such as mental challenges and drug abuse problems often
coexists. Further risk factors include past suicide attempts, ready access to a
means of taking one’s life, family history of suicide or traumatic brain damage.
around the world. It has been burdening people for a very long time. Some are
fortunate enough to overcome it, however, some were not strong enough to
fight it and ended up taking their life. Individuals suffering from depression,
anxiety, and post traumatic stress disorder are the ones who are at risk of
According to Wikipedia, the second most common risk factor for suicide
following mental health disorder is drug abuse. It is associated with both chronic
drug abuse and acute toxicity. In combination with personal distress, for instance
neglect, the risk increases further. Most people are under the influence of
Aside from the above mentioned factors, the media, including the internet,
also plays an important role. Social media is the most used platform where
people communicate with each other from all over the world. It is also where
people share even the most personal aspects of their life. However, due to the
vast number of its users, it is inevitable that people will abuse it. Cyberbullying
arises due to social media misuse and it also triggers people to attempt suicide.
signals of their intentions. The best way to prevent suicide is to recognize these
warning signs and know how to respond if you spot them. If you believe that a
friend or family member is suicidal, you can play a role in suicide prevention by
pointing out the alternatives, showing that you care, and getting a doctor or
psychologist involved.
Major warning signs for suicide include talking about killing or harming
oneself, talking or writing a lot about death or dying, and seeking out things that
could be used in a suicide attempt, such as weapons and drugs. A more subtle,
hopeless may talk about “unbearable” feelings, predict a bleak future, and state
feelings can be extremely difficult for anyone. But if you’re unsure whether
someone is suicidal, the best way to find out is to ask. You can’t make a person
suicidal by showing that you care. In fact, giving a suicidal person the
opportunity to express their feelings can provide relief from loneliness and pent-
challenged. The best thing to do when when dealing with someone suicidal is to
sensitive and open-minded. Always be ready to listen. People don’t always need
self-pity, despair and loneliness cannot see any way to get a relief except by
suicide. But while they are willing to stop the suffering, the majority of suicidals
among college students: A multivariate analysis” stated that suicide is the third
leading cause of death among 15-to-24 year olds (Anderson & Smith, 2005) and
the second leading cause of death among college students. Results of the study
suicide ideation. Only 40% of individuals with suicide ideation were classified as
depressed according to standard criteria. The study reveals that among all the
leading risk factors of suicide among students, mental health disorder like
depression, along with social and family conflict are the main reasons for suicide
In Islam, Potenza, Tansim, et al’s (2020) study, they concluded that over
one in eight university students reported suicidal ideation during the COVID-19
with suicidal ideation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Effective strategies are
needed to support the mental health of students. This study shows that the
mental health of students were greatly affected by the pandemic, thus, giving
27.2% and that of suicidal ideation was 11.1%. However, further research is
needed to identify strategies for preventing and treating these disorders in this
systematic review” which aims to assess the effectiveness of middle and high
decrease in self reported ideation was reported in two studies. None reported on
suicide rates.
In conclusion, among all the leading risk factors of suicide, mental health
suicide among teenagers and students. Other factors include social and family
conflict, stress and anxiety brought by the pandemic, and academic challenges.
health strengthening activities, and other programs that helps students forget
about their misery can gretly help prevent suicidal ideation among teenagers.
The purpose of this chapter is to explain in detail the research methods and
the methodology implemented for this study. This chapter will explain first of all
the research design and technique being used, then the place where the study
will be conducted, the respondents, as well as the processes and how the
Research Design
descriptive method. Researchers express and evaluate the views and perspective
of Senior High School students of Carmen National High School about the
methodology focuses more on the “what” of the research subject rather than the
Research Respondents
This study focused on the Grade 12 Students in Carmen National High School
from S.Y. 2020-2021. The total population of the Grade 12 students of Carmen
National High School is 787 but only 120 students was given the chance to
participate in this study. The participants were selected through simple random
chance, but with a known probability of selection. After using the simple random
sampling technique, the researcher then used the stratified random sampling
technique to get the number of respondents in each class room. Then the
researcher uses the fish bowl method to select the respondents in each
classroom. The respondents of this study was the Grade 12 students of Carmen
National High School. To get the number of the students that will be the
respondents of the study, the researchers used the Slovin`s formula to calculate
the sample size given the population size and a margin of error. After getting the
sample size from the whole number population, it will be divided by the number
Slovin’s Formula :
n= N
1 + Ne²
n = sample size
n= N__
1 + Ne²
n= 787___
1 + 787(0.0840)²
n= 787____
1 + 787(0.007056)
n= 787___
1 + 5.553072
n= 787___
n= 120.096345652848 (120)
120 students
Computation for the sample per class:
N= total population
N= total population
n= sample size
Research Environment
Cogon West, Carmen, Cebu. The chosen environment was the specific and exact
environment for the researchers to collect data from the Senior High School
students about their perspective regarding the factors affecting the suicidal
Carmen National High School because it is accessible and convenient for the
Research Instrument
France Laurence Puebla, Zaldin Entienza, and Gil John Anasco. It is modified or
changed to best fit the need of the researcher. The researchers conducted a
National High School on their impression on the factors affecting the suicidal
For this study, the survey questionnaire instruments were used to achieve
the main objective of the study. The questionnaires were distributed to the
selected Grade 12 students that aimed to determine the factors affecting the
Statistical Treatment
your research. The researcher used descriptive statistics in collecting the data
which only aims to describe the Grade 12 impression about the factors affecting
the data to show the current condition of the perspective of the students
After collecting the data needed, the researchers tabulated and analyzed the
gathered data with the help of statistical tools. The following are the statistical
Weighted Mean
contributing equally to the final mean, some data points contribute more
“weight” than others. The weighted mean is a type of mean that is calculated
or outcome with its associated quantitative outcome and then summing all
The researcher will use this to get the weighted mean of the factors
X̅ = Σf x
X̅ = weighted mean
f = frequency
x = scale
n = total respondents
This chapter presents the data gathered, the results of the statistical analysis
done and the interpretation of findings. These are presented in tables following
the sequence of the research problems regarding the factors affecting the
suicidal ideations among the SHS students of Carmen National High School.
Table 1.1
Frequency and Percentage of the Profile of the Respondents
Gender Frequency (n= 120) Percentage
Male 59 49.17%
Female 61 50.83%
Table 1.1 shows that out of the 120 respondents, 59 or 49.17% students
are male and 61 or 50.83% students are female.
Table 1.2
Age Frequency (n= 120) Percentage
Table 1.2 shows that out of the 120 respondents, 0 or 0% students are
below 16 years old, 26 or 21.67% students are 16 to 17 years old, 77 or 64.17%
students are 18 to 19 years old, and 17 or 14.17% students are 20 years old and
Table 1.3
Religion Frequency (n= 120) Percentage
Table 1.3 shows that out of the 120 respondents, 113 or 94.17% students
are catholic and 7 or 5.83% students are non-catholic.
Table 1.4
Parent’s living Frequency (n= 120) Percentage
Parents living together 88 73.33%
Parents not living together 32 26.67%
Table 1.4 shows that out of the 120 respondents, 88 or 73.33% students
have their parents living together and 32 or 26.67% students have their parents
living separately.
Table 1.5
Financial Status Frequency (n= 120) Percentage
(monthly income)
Below P5,000 51 42.50%
P5,001-P10,000 44 36.67%
Table 1.5 shows that out of the 120 respondents, 51 or 42.50% student’s
family have a monthly income of P5,000 and below, 44 or 36.67% student’s
family have a monthly income of P5,001 to P10,000, 16 or 13.33% student’s
family have a monthly income of P10,001 to P15,000, and 9 or 7.5% student’s
family have a monthly income of above P15,000
Table 1.6
Sexuality Frequency (n= 120) Percentage
Table 1.6 shows that out of the 120 respondents, 110 or 91.67% students
are heterosexual and 10 or 8.33% students are homosexual.
Table 1.7
Civil Status Frequency (n= 120) Percentage
Table 1.7 shows that out of the 120 respondents, 119 or 99.17% students
are single and 1 or 0.83% student is married.
Table 2.1
Distribution of the Factors Affecting Suicidal Ideations
Statement Weighted Interpretation
1. Depression
1.1 Teenagers suffering from depression 2.49 Agree
often attempt suicide.
1.2 Depression and anxiety are one of the 2.66 Agree
most common causes of suicide.
1.3 Lack of knowledge on how to address 2.34 Neutral
depression and anxiety can often lead to
1.4 Trauma caused by an accident or 2.47 Agree
harassment can lead to suicide.
suicide” with a mean of 1.93 which is still interpreted as “Neutral”. This means
that the respondents still neither agree nor disagree to the said statement.
Table 2.3
3. Financial status
3.1 Financial crisis can make a person 2.19 Neutral
suffer from stress that may lead to suicide
3.2 Decrease in income can affect a 2.15 Neutral
family’s financial status which may cause
stress and depression and may soon lead
to suicide attempt.
3.3 Financial crisis caused by educational 2.14 Neutral
expense can affect a student’s academic
performance and may lead to suicide.
3.4 Too much debt can make a person 2.21 Neutral
depressed and may give them ideas on
Subtotal 2.17 Neutral
Table 2.3 shows that out of the four statements under the factor Financial
status, statements 4 “ Too much debt can make a person depressed and may
give them ideas on suicide.” got the highest weighted mean of 2.21 which is
interpreted as “Neutral”. This indicates that the respondent’s general response
was that they neither agree nor disagree the most to the said statement. On
the other hand, the statement with the least weighted mean is statement 3
“Financial crisis caused by educational expense can affect a student’s academic
performance and may lead to suicide.” with a mean of 2.14 which is still
interpreted as “Neutral”. This means that the respondents still neither agree nor
disagree to the said statement.
Table 2.4
4. Bullying
4.1 Teenagers who are victims of bullying 2.51 Agree
Table 2.6
6. Drug Abuse
6.1 The use of illegal drugs can greatly 2.44 Agree
affect one’s mental health which may lead
to suicidal ideation.
6.2 Some people use dangerous drugs 2.23 Neutral
to attempt to commit suicide.
Interval Description
2.35-3.00 Agree
1.67-2.34 Neutral
1.00-1.66 Disagree
This study aims to asses the factors affecting the suicidal ideations among
teenagers. The researchers utilized the Senior High School students of Carmen
questionnaire to measure the factors that may affect the suicidal ideations of the
Grade 12 students.
This study determined the factors affecting the suicidal ideations among the
SHS students of Carmen National High School in terms of: Depression , Academic
Challenges, Financial Status, Bullying, Emotional Problems, Drug Abuse, and Family
The results of the research was treated, analyzed, interpreted and tabulated
1. What are the profile of the respondents in terms of their:
a. Gender
Based on the data gathered, the findings of the study shows that
b. Age
The results of the study revealed that most of the Senior High
years old.
c. Religion
The finding of the study revealed that most of the Senior High
The results of the study shows that most of the Senior High
e. Financial status
The finding of the study shows that most of the Senior High
f. Sexuality
Based on the results, study reveals that most of the Senior High
g. Civil Status
2. What are the factors that affects suicidal ideations among teenagers in
terms of:
2.1 Depression
2.4 Bullying
In general, the findings indicate that out of the seven factors affecting the
suicidal ideations among teenagers, the factor Bullying got the highest grand
mean of 2.54 which is interpreted as “Agree”. This indicates that out of the
seven factors, the respondents agree most to the Bullying factor. On the other
hand, the factor with the least grand mean is Emotional Problems with a mean of
2.02 which is interpreted as “Neutral”. This means that the respondents neither
Based on the data analysis and findings of the study, the results revealed
that majority the Grade 12 students of Carmen National High School are mostly
females, catholic, heterosexual, and single. The results also reveals that most of
the students are of ages 18 to 19 years old, have their parents living together,
and have a monthly income not more than P5,000. Based on the findings,
statement 1.2 “Depression and anxiety are one of the most common causes of
suicide.” got the highest mean of 2.66 which means that the students agree to
the fact that depression contributes a lot to the suicidal ideations among
teenagers, the same with the statement in page 10, paragraph 3 said “Mental
health disorder is a problem that is being battled by many people around the
world. It has been burdening people for a very long time.”. The study also
revealed the factors affecting the suicidal ideations among teenagers. This
Problems, Drug Abuse, and Family Problems . With this, the researchers suggest an
symposium for the students so that they would be able to learn more about the
1. The students should read more article about the importance of mental
health and other related article so that they have more knowledge it.
2. The students should not be afraid to open up to other people and seek
Islam, S., Potenza, M., Tansim, R., et al (2020). “Suicidal ideation among
Bangladeshi university students early during the COVID-19 pandemic:
Prevalence estimates and correlates”. Retrieved from
Kahn, A. (2019). “What You Should Know About Suicide”. Retrieved from
Krug, E. (2002). “World Report on Violence and Health”. Retrieved from
Lester. D. (2009). "Extended suicide". Retrieved from
Stein. G. & Wilkinson, G. (2007). “Seminars in general adult psychiatry”.
Retrieved fromhttps://books.google.com.ph/books?
Stone, G. (2001). "Suicide and Attempted Suicide". Retrieved from
Värnik, P. (2012). "Suicide in the world". Retrieved from
Wkipedia (N.A.). "Suicide". Retrieved from
January 28,2021
Secondary School Principal III
SHS Assistant to the Principal Designate
Dear Ma’am,
Greetings of peace!
We, the Grade 12 Home Economics students of Carmen National High School are
conducting a research study entitled “Factors Affecting Suicidal Ideations
Among Teenagers”. In line with this, we would like to ask permission from
your good office to conduct a survey on the Grade 12 students of our school. We
plan to distribute the survey questionnaires to their respective advisers to be
distributed during module distribution.
Respectfully yours,
Group Member
Noted by:
Research Mentor
Approved by:
SHS Assistant to the Principal Designate
Dear Respondents,
Good day!
We are the Grade 12 HE students of Carmen National High School. As one of our
requirements, we are conducting a thesis entitled “Factors Affecting Suicidal
Ideations Among Teenagers”
Although your participation as respondents is completely voluntary, we are
humbly asking you for your time and consideration to answer our questions. Rest
assured that any information you will share will be treated with utmost
Your participation will be of great help in accomplishing our endeavor.
For any clarifications, please do not hesitate to ask any of the members.
Thank you and God Bless.
Abayon, Aissa
Alga, Paula Chavelle
Alga, Pia Chavelle
Andrade, Michelle
Banzon, Camelle
Banzon, Kressa
Enriquez, Kyla
Geraldez, Vinz Carmel
Gultiano, Mary Cris
Noted by:
Abayon , Aissa
Basic Education Department
Poblacion, Carmen, Cebu
[email protected]
You are being asked to take part in a research study. Before you decide to
participate in this study, it is important that you understand why the research is
being done and what it will involve. Please read the following carefully. Please
ask the researcher if there is anything that is not clear or if you need more
The purpose of this study is to measure the factors affecting suicidal ideation
among teenagers
Before giving the survey questionnaires, the researchers will take a sample
from the population to be used as the respondents for the study.
Research Questionnaire
To or Respondents:
This is to inform you that this questionnaire which you are about to
answer is solely for research purposes. The researchers will treat all information
with utmost confidentiality. Hence, we ask for your honest and sincere answers
regarding each question.
-The Researchers
Direction: Read the following statements or questions carefully that indicate
your perception about Suicidal Factors among Teenagers. Put a check
mark (✓) on the space provided.
Name (Optional):______________________________
Items Choices
Gender Male:: Female:
Age Below 16: 16-17: 18–19: 20 & Above:
Statements 3 2 1
1. Mental/Psychological Health Challenges (e.g.
Depression, Anxiety, PTSD)
1.1 Teenagers suffering from depression often attempt
1.2 Depression and anxiety are one of the most common
causes of suicide.
1.3 Lack of knowledge on how to address depression and
anxiety can often lead to suicide
1.4 Trauma caused by an accident or harassment can
lead to suicide.
2. Academic Challenges
2.1 Teenagers who are intellectually challenged often feel
discouraged and sometimes lead to suicide attempts.
2.2 Too much stress from school may give students ideas
on suicide.
2.3 Failing grades are one of the main reason why
teenagers attempt suicide.
2.4 Failure to perform well in school often discourages
students that may lead to depression and soon suicide.
3. Financial status
3.1 Financial crisis can make a person suffer from stress
that may lead to suicide attempts.
3.2 Decrease in income can affect a family’s financial
status which may cause stress and depression and may
soon lead to suicide attempt.
3.3 Financial crisis caused by educational expense can
affect a student’s academic performance and may lead to
X̅ = Σf x
1. Depression
1.1 71(3) + 37(2) + 12(1) 1.3 54(3) + 53(2) + 13(1)
120 120
= 2.49 = 2.34
1.2 87(3) + 25(2) + 8(1) 1.4 67(3) + 42(2) + 11(1)
120 120
= 2.66 = 2.47
2. Academic Challeges
2.1 31(3) + 69(2) + 20(1) 2.3 35(3) + 58(2) + 27(1)
120 120
= 2.09 = 2.07
2.2 44(3) + 57(2) + 19(1) 2.4 32(3) + 47(2) + 41(1)
120 120
= 2.21 = 1.93
3. Financial Status
3.1 42(3) + 59(2) + 19(1) 3.3 37(3) + 63(2) + 20(1)
120 120
= 2.19 = 2.14
3.2 32(3) + 74(2) + 14(1) 3.4 46(3) + 53(2) + 21(1)
120 120
= 2.15 = 2.21
4. Bullying
4.1 72(3) + 37(2) + 11(1) 4.3 78(3) + 36(2) + 6(1)
120 120
= 2.51 = 2.60
4.2 66(3) + 45(2) + 9(1) 4.4 76(3) + 34(2) + 10(1)
120 120
= 2.48 = 2.55
5. Emotional Problems
5.1 32(3) + 45(2) + 43(1) 5.3 47(3) + 53(2) + 20(1)
120 120
= 1.91 = 2.23
5.2 30(3) + 59(2) + 31(1) 5.4 30(3) + 55(2) + 35(1)
120 120
= 1.99 = 1.96
6. Drug Abuse
6.1 68(3) + 37(2) + 15(1) 6.3 63(3) + 47(2) + 10(1)
120 120
= 2.44 = 2.44
6.2 44(3) + 58(2) + 19(1) 6.4 53(3) + 52(2) + 15(1)
120 120
= 2.23 = 2.32
7. Family Problems
7.1 51(3) + 44(2) + 25(1) 7.3 54(3) + 53(2) + 13(1)
120 120
= 2.22 = 2.34
7.2 69(3) + 45(2) + 6(1) 7.4 58(3) + 39(2) + 23(1)
120 120
= 2.53 = 2.29
Gender: Female
Citizenship: Filipino
Gender: FEMALE
Gender: FEMALE
Gender: Female
Citizenship: Filipino
Gender: Female
Religion:Roman Catholic
Citizenship: Filipino
Gender: Female
Religion:Roman Catholic
Gender: Female
Citizenship: Filipino
Gender: Female
Birthdate: July 19
Citizenship: Filipino
Gender: Female
Citizenship: Filipino