Guariguata, 2000
Guariguata, 2000
Guariguata, 2000
q 2000 by the Ecological Society of America
(Saldarriaga et al. 1988), and by monitoring tree re- soil vary? (2) Are there differences in the capacity of
cruitment over long periods (Lang and Knight 1983). their seeds to germinate under closed canopy and of
Thus, timber-management guidelines targeted at sec- their seedlings to tolerate shade? and (3) What is the
ondary forests should include recommendations for numerical contribution of their seeds to the seed bank?
‘‘drastic’’ canopy opening to facilitate regeneration Because many of the study species are currently being
from seed. However, further research on the seed ecol- extracted selectively from primary forest in the region,
ogy of timber species is warranted for assuring long- their abundance is likely to remain low under this har-
term forest productivity in these successional forests vesting scheme. Thus, their management appears both
and for adding flexibility to management prescriptions. economically and ecologically more attractive in high-
Early studies on tropical-forest succession opened density, secondary stands (Wadsworth 1997).
the way for classifying tree species based on their light
preferences for germination, establishment, and growth METHODS
(e.g., Budowski 1965), a topic that still attracts forest
Study site
ecologists (e.g., Swaine and Whitmore 1988, Welden
et al. 1991, Clark and Clark 1992). Management of The study was conducted between late 1996 and mid-
these ecological groups (as opposed to targeting indi- 1998 at La Selva Biological Station, owned by the Or-
vidual species) has been proposed as a practical option ganization for Tropical Studies (OTS) and located in
in species-rich tropical forests (Panayotou and Ashton the Sarapiquı́ region, Heredia Province, Northeastern
1992). Yet, even among those tree species that domi- Costa Rica (108269 N, 848009 W). The natural vege-
nate the canopies of secondary forests (which usually tation is classified as ‘‘tropical wet forest’’ (sensu Hold-
include species classified as either ‘‘pioneer’’ or as ridge et al. 1975; see Hartshorn and Hammel [1994]
‘‘late successional’’ or ‘‘long-lived pioneer’’), no con- for vegetation descriptions), and annual rainfall and
sistent patterns in terms of seed dormancy and disper- temperature average 3800 mm and 268C, respectively
sibility seem to emerge based on their seed biology (Sanford et al. 1994). A mild dry season occurs during
(e.g., Dalling et al. 1997, 1998). Discerning further January–April, but no month receives on average less
differences in the regeneration from seed within this than 100 mm of precipitation. The landscape is of vol-
ecological group should help in designing sound sil- canic origin, and the topography varies from flat, al-
vicultural systems. luvial terraces to moderately undulating hills. Approx-
In Costa Rica, high deforestation rates for cattle rais- imately 63% of the total area of La Selva (;1500 ha)
ing during the 1970s, followed by pasture abandonment is covered by primary and lightly logged forest, while
due to a drop in export meat prices one decade later secondary forests account for about 11% of the total
(Butterfield 1994), have resulted in the development of area (Hartshorn and Hammel 1994).
secondary forests, particularly in the wet, Caribbean I selected three replicate secondary forest stands,
lowlands. As the agricultural frontier closes in this re- which are ;4–5 ha in size, separated from each other
gion, secondary forests have the potential to serve as ;2 km. These stands regrew after the abandonment of
a low-cost source of timber, at least at the farm level pasture that was used for not more than 10 yr after
(e.g., Schelhas 1996), especially because high-value forest conversion to agriculture. One secondary stand
timber from primary forests is diminishing (Kishor and (‘‘Holdridge,’’ ;30-yr-old at the time of study and lo-
Constantino 1993, Sánchez-Azofeifa and Quesada-Ma- cated on the easternmost part of La Selva) rests on
teo 1995). As is the case elsewhere throughout the low- alluvial soils. The other two secondary stands (‘‘Lin-
land neotropics, secondary forests in northeastern Cos- dero’’ and ‘‘Peje,’’ ;18–20-yr-old at the time of study
ta Rica are characterized by a low number of canopy- and located on central and western La Selva, respec-
tree species but in high relative dominance (Finegan tively) are underlain by residual soils derived from
and Sabogal 1988, Guariguata et al. 1997), two attri- Pleistocene lava flows (Sollins et al. 1994). The can-
butes that are assumed to facilitate their management opies of the three study stands are floristically and
(Ewel 1979). Thus the purpose of this study was to structurally similar to others in the region with com-
develop baseline information on regeneration from parable age and land-use history. Stem density and bas-
seed for nine coexisting tree species that commonly al area of individuals $10 cm in diameter at breast
occur in secondary forests in northeastern Costa Rica, height d.b.h. range between 500 and 600 stems/ha and
many of which have local commercial value for con- 20–25 m2/ha, respectively (Finegan and Sabogal 1988,
struction and furniture (Carpio 1992). Because most of Guillén 1993, Guariguata et al. 1997, Herrera and Fine-
these species range throughout Central and South gan 1997), while those of old-growth forest range be-
American moist and wet lowlands (Croat 1978, Maury- tween 350 and 550 stems/ha and 25–30 m2/ha, respec-
Lechon 1982, Faber-Langendoen 1992, Gentry 1993, tively (Lieberman and Lieberman 1994, Guariguata et
Killeen et al. 1993) the outcome of this research has al. 1997). The three study stands are surrounded at
the potential to be generalizable to similar ecological some point either by pasture or open, successional veg-
regions elsewhere. Specifically, I asked the following etation. All experiments described below were carried
questions: (1) How do patterns of seed longevity in the out at least 300 m away from any of these habitats.
TABLE 1. Characteristics of the nine study species at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica.
Nomenclature follows Wilbur (1994).
Commercial mass Dispersal
Species (Family) status† (mg) mode Fruiting peak
Cordia alliodora (Ruiz & Pavón) Oken C 40 Wind Feb.–Mar.
Hampea appendiculata (J. D. Sm.) NC 68 Vertebrates Dec.–Jan.
Jacaranda copaia (Aubl.) D. Don C 9 Wind Aug.–Sep.
Laetia procera (Poeppig) Eichl. C 7 Vertebrates Jul.–Aug.
Rollinia microsepala Standley C 40 Vertebrates June–July
Simarouba amara Aubl. C 370 Vertebrates Mar.–Apr.
Stryphnodendron microstachyum C 80 Vertebrates Jan.–Feb.
Poeppig & Endl.
Trichospermum grewiifolium (A. Rich.) NC 3 Wind Feb.–Mar.
Vochysia ferruginea Martius C 32 Wind Aug.–Sep.
† C 5 commercial; NC 5 noncommercial. Data are from Camacho and Finegan (1997).
To determine the capacity of seeds of the study spe- Natural seed banks
cies to germinate in the forest understory, I placed (con- I determined the density and composition of the seed
currently with the burial of the mesh bags) seeds inside bank by taking core samples (10-cm diameter 3 3 cm
pots under the canopy. For each species two replicates deep) at 5-m intervals along a transect that started from
per stand (50 seeds per replicate) were prepared, each the northernmost corner of the plot used for the ex-
consisting of 10-cm-diameter plastic pots filled with perimental seed banks (see previous section). To detect
the same substrate (alluvial soil) as above. Pots were potential seasonal variations in seed input to the soil,
attached to a wooden bench that was leveled 0.5 m sampling was spaced over 6 mo: May 1997 and No-
above the forest floor to avoid seed predation. Each vember 1997, roughly corresponding to the beginning
pot was placed inside a larger one (20-cm diameter), and end of the wet season. The second sampling was
in order to retain any seed that might have been carried done in a parallel fashion, 1 m away from the first. Soil
away due to splashing raindrops. Germination was fol- samples were thinly spread (#5 mm, following Dalling
lowed weekly for each species over nine consecutive et al. [1995]) in plastic trays over a 2-cm-deep heat-
months. Falling leaf litter was removed at each census. sterilized sand layer, and watered every 2–3 d in a shade
house located in a clearing (;20% full sunlight). Seed-
Seedling transplant experiment ling emergence was followed for 6 wk. Three control
trays with sterilized soil were used to check for poten-
Additional batches of seeds of six of the study spe-
tial airborne-seed contamination. Species morphotypes
cies—Cordia, Hampea, Jacaranda, Simarouba, were transplanted and allowed to grow (2–3 mo) for
Stryphnodendron, and Vochysia—were collected to further identification. Species identification of tree
raise seedlings in order to evaluate among-species seedlings was assisted by the local expert, Orlando Var-
seedling performance (growth and survival) in under- gas (OTS). All other emergents were identified at the
story conditions. Species selection was based on pre- life-form level only (sedge/herb, shrub, liana).
vious observations in the study area that suggested
some capacity to persist under closed canopy following Data analysis
germination. However, how long these seedlings are Longevity of experimental cohorts (percentage ger-
able to tolerate shade under natural conditions had re- mination) and seedling transplants (percentage surviv-
mained unexplored. Recently germinated seeds were al) was analyzed for each species with two-way ANO-
transferred to plastic containers (3-cm diameter, 15 cm VA with time and forest stand as fixed main effects.
deep) filled with alluvial soil and grown under shad- Among-species comparisons in percentage seedling
ecloth for at least 3–4 mo before transplanting. For survival were performed with one-way ANOVA only
each species in each stand, 100 seedlings were trans- at 12 mo following transplanting. Interspecific com-
planted in 10 random locations witin the adjacent 20 parisons were not possible for both the seed longevity
3 20 m plot (300 seedlings total per species). Removal and germination experiments because of species-spe-
of existing vegetation was kept to a minimum. At each cific differential seed availability over time (see above,
random location, I demarcated a 1 3 1 m subplot and Study species). Percentages were subjected to arcsine
transplanted 10 seedlings of the same species, spaced transformations to improve normality, and graphic
15–20 cm from each other. Seedlings were transplanted analyses of residuals were assessed to check for ho-
during 3 d during mid-June 1997 (one day for each mogeneity-of-error variances. To test for seasonal dif-
stand) and censused for survival at 2, 4, 7, and 12 mo. ferences within sites in germinant density from the seed
The height growth of surviving seedlings was measured bank, Mann-Whitney U tests were performed. Repli-
only at 12 mo. At each stand, seedling survival was cated goodness-of-fit G tests (Sokal and Rohlf 1981)
calculated from each of the 10 subplots as the number were performed to test both for seasonal differences in
of seedlings that were alive at census time divided by the absolute abundance of germinants of different life-
the initial number (10) of transplants. Thus, each spe- forms across stands, and for within-species differences
cies had a total of 10 observations per census time per in seed germination in the understory across stands.
stand. I assessed the understory light environment at Statistical significance was fixed at a 5 0.05. Post-hoc
the transplant plots through black-and-white (ASA comparisons follow the Tukey procedure (Neter et al.
400) hemispherical photographs (with a Nikkor 8-mm 1985). All analyses were run on SYSTAT (Wilkinson
lens) taken 1 m above the ground in forty randomly et al. 1992).
selected points 1 wk before transplanting. The photo- RESULTS
graphic negatives were analyzed with the CANOPY
software (Rich 1990), and weighted canopy openness Seed longevity and seed germination in the
(indirect site factor) was averaged at each stand. These understory
values were similar across the three stands, and aver- Over a 1-yr period, experimental seed cohorts of the
ages ranged from 5.8 to 7.7 (coefficients of variation study species showed three distinctive longevity pat-
ranged from 24% to 30%). terns in the soil (Fig. 1). Seeds of Cordia, Hampea,
Simarouba, and Vochysia showed no capacity to remain cies, no germination was recorded in Laetia, and seeds
viable for more than 3 mo following burial; seeds were of Rollinia and Hampea germinated poorly (,25% on
found either decomposed or germinated within the average). The highest percentages were recorded in
bags. Two other species, Jacaranda and Rollinia, Cordia, Simarouba, and Vochysia, whose seeds also
reached 0% germination at 9 mo after burial. Of the germinated quickly (completed in ,1 mo). The hard-
remaining species whose artificial seed cohorts did not coated seeds of Stryphnodendron were the only ones
decline to zero 1 yr after burial, Stryphnodendron that showed prolonged germination, recorded up to 8
seemed to retain the highest germination percentage mo after sowing. The remaining species did not show
(;40%) compared to Laetia and Trichospermum (;9% any germination beyond 4 mo after sowing.
and ;5%, respectively). Only three species showed a
statistically significant effect of forest stand on per- Seedling transplant experiment
centage germination of the retrieved seeds: Jacaranda Overall, few seedlings survived under shade one year
(ANOVA, P , 0.05), Laetia (ANOVA, P , 0.01), and post-transplanting (Fig. 3); Stryphnodendron survivor-
Trichospermum (ANOVA, P , 0.05). However, no sta- ship was highest (Tukey, P , 0.01). In contrast, seed-
tistical interaction between forest stand and census time lings of Jacaranda and Simarouba reached nearly zero
was significant for any species (ANOVA, P . 0.2), survival at 7 mo after transplanting. A statistical effect
suggesting that seed decay over time was similar for of forest stand on seedling survival was detected for
all species in all three stands. Simarouba, Stryphnodendron, and Vochysia (ANOVA,
Germination percentages under closed canopy were P , 0.01) but as with the seed-longevity experiment,
also very different, ranging from 0 to .75% (Fig. 2). no statistical interaction between forest stand and cen-
Nine months after sowing seeds in pots for each spe- sus time was evident for any species (ANOVA, P .
Sampling date
May November
Species (Family) 1997 1997
Apeiba membranacea Spruce ex Benth 1 0
Casearia arborea (L.C. Rich) Urban 1 0
Cecropia spp. 40 33
Goethalsia meiantha (J. D. Sm.) Burret. 18 6
Laetia procera 16 2
Miconia multispicata Naudin 24 6
Rollinia microsepala — 1
Trema sp. 22 0
Vitex cooperi Standley 1 0
FIG. 3. The percentage of seedlings of six of the nine (Verbenaceae)
study species (see Table 1) that survived over one year at the Total 123 48
forest understory of three replicate secondary stands at La
Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Data are means and 1
SE , averaged across stands. Survival curves for Cordia, Si-
marouba, and Vochysia fell between Hampea and Jacaranda observed in much lower numbers. Only at the ‘‘Lin-
after 7 mo post-transplanting. Seedlings were sown during dero’’ stand was seed density higher in May 1997 (ini-
May 1997. The black line on the top right roughly corre- tial census) than 6 mo later (Mann-Whitney U, P ,
sponds to the dry season.
0.01); seed density did not differ within this time in-
terval at the ‘‘Holdridge’’ and ‘‘Peje’’ stands (Mann-
0.4). Annual height growth was also higher for Stryph- Whitney U, P 5 0.36 and 0.11, respectively). However,
nodendron seedlings compared to the other study spe- when plant life-form is taken into account, absolute
cies (Tukey, P , 0.01; Fig. 4). abundance of shrub germinants as well as of sedge/
herb germinants was not consistent across stands on
Natural seed banks both census dates (replicated goodness-of-fit G, P ,
In all three stands, mean densities of seeds that ger- 0.001 in both cases), suggesting seasonal changes in
minated from the seed bank ranged from ;1000 to seed output of these life-forms. In contrast, no seasonal
4000 seedlings/m2, but the relative abundance of tree shifts in the absolute abundance of tree and liana ger-
germinants was remarkably low, not exceeding 14% minants were statistically significant across stands (rep-
(Fig. 5). Of all tree species recorded, Cecropia spp. licated goodness-of-fit G, P 5 0.9 and P 5 0.5, re-
dominated (Table 2). Emerging seedlings from only spectively). Relative abundance of shrub germinants
two of the study species, Laetia and Rollinia, were appeared slightly lower in May than in November (45%
linia), canopy removal should be performed within 6 seeds in the study stands were sedges, herbs, and
mo post-dispersal in order to guarantee adequate shrubs. This dominance of ‘‘weedy’’ seeds is a common
amounts of viable seeds in the soil for germination. phenomenon in forest stands surrounded by agricultural
Third, for species that are able to germinate and es- or early successional vegetation (e.g., Cheke et al.
tablish as seedlings in the understory (e.g., Cordia, 1979, Young et al. 1987, Quintana-Asencio et al. 1996,
Simarouba, Vochysia), canopy removal should also not Dupuy and Chazdon 1998). Again for Cordia allio-
occur later than a few months after germination in order dora, competition by weeds reduces seedling growth
to guarantee adequate densities for management pur- and survival, even when substrate conditions in the
poses. In contrast to the above-mentioned species, how- open are suitable for seed germination (Tschinkel
ever, features of the seed ecology of Stryphnodendron 1965). Because the large majority of secondary stands
make this species not very attractive for management in the region (and across neotropical lowlands) are sur-
based on natural regeneration. The delayed germination rounded by agricultural or pasture land, research on
of the hard-coated seeds may preclude the build up of site-preparation techniques that aim to control the ef-
substantial amounts of seedlings either before or after fect of competing vegetation with tree establishment
canopy manipulation. This is supported to some extent seems justified. Interestingly, 20–100 yr old secondary
by the fact that although locally common, Stryphno- forests in Central Panamá that have been historically
dendron is rarely abundant in secondary stands in the surrounded by primary forests or spatially isolated
area, as opposed to other study species such as Cordia, from agricultural fields showed a very low proportion
Laetia, Simarouba, and Vochysia (Guillén 1993, Guari- of forbs and grasses in their seed banks (Dalling and
guata et al. 1997, Herrera and Finegan 1997). Denslow 1998).
In addition to the above recommendations, formal Decades ago, the Trinidad Tropical Shelterwood Sys-
experiments are further warranted to test directly how tem (Baur 1964) opened up the way in the neotropics
different management techniques may affect early re- for experimental forestry on secondary stands based
generation of the study species. Small-seeded, shade- on a monocyclic approach. Yet silvicultural knowledge
intolerant species such as those in this study are gen- at the seed level of many tree species still needs to be
erally negatively affected during germination and es- refined if we are to fully utilize the potential that sec-
tablishment by the presence of leaf litter (e.g., Vázques- ondary forests offer as timber sources. In particular,
Yanes et al. 1990, Guzmán-Grajales and Walker 1991). knowledge of seed biology has been largely overlooked
However, the magnitude of the affect varies with the from a forest-management perspective (at least in the
species considered and their developmental stage. In neotropics), except for developing strategies for ex situ
tropical moist forest in Central Panamá, Molofsky and conservation of germplasm. To date, most silvicultural
Augspurger (1992) found that for one of my study spe- guidelines in moist and wet neotropical forests narrow-
cies, Cordia alliodora, surface leaf litter had an effect ly focus on increasing stem-growth rates, and few take
only at postgermination emergence compared to other into account the ecological requirements at the seed
light-demanding tree species for which seed germi- and seedling stage (but see Stanley and Gretzinger
nation was more affected. Removal of litter by soil [1996]). Because in Costa Rica in particular (and even-
scarification and controlled burning enhance germi- tually in other neotropical countries) many tree species
nation and seedling survival of some timber species in that occur in secondary forests are becoming usable,
the understory of secondary forests with respect to un- the time is ripe to encourage research on monocyclic
manipulated areas (e.g., Baur 1964, Granados 1995). timber management with a solid knowledge base on
This practice may be suitable for species that can es- the seed and seedling ecology of their component spe-
tablish in the shade such as Cordia, Simarouba, and cies.
Vochysia. Extensive seedling ‘‘carpets’’ of these spe- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
cies usually appear in the understory a few weeks after I thank Bernal Paniagua for his assistance in both seed and
data collection throughout this study and Leo Campos and
dispersal around fruiting trees (personal observation), William Miranda for assistance in hemispherical photo anal-
and their densities could be further enhanced by ap- ysis. Giselle Arroyo and Carolina González also helped dur-
plying these substrate-preparation techniques at the on- ing various stages of this work. I am grateful to the Orga-
set of seed dispersal. In contrast, species whose seeds nization for Tropical Studies, and especially to Bruce Young
for permission to carry out this study and for facilitating my
show limited germination in the shade, such as Laetia,
work at La Selva. Partial support was provided by the Swiss
Jacaranda, and Rollinia, may not be suitable for these International Cooperation (COSUDE) through CATIE, Costa
substrate-preparation techniques unless light levels are Rica, where thanks are also due to William Vázquez at the
concurrently enhanced, a prescription that may become seed laboratory. Robin Chazdon, James Dalling, Kathy Ewel,
impractical. Bryan Finegan, Rebecca Ostertag, Michelle Pinard, and two
anonymous reviewers provided helpful comments and sug-
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