Jyotish - P.S. Sastri - Jaimini Astrology

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M.A.. M.Litt.. Ph.D.. D.Litt.
Foreword by Dr. B.V. Raman
1. Aspects and Argalas 1
2. Karakas 6
3. Different Lagnas 10
4. Strength of the Rasis 15
5. Strength of the Planets 21
6. Some technical concepts 26
7. Longevity 30
8. Chara Dasa 39
9. Sthira and Trikona Dasas 43
10. Varnada and other Dasas 49
11. Judgement of Karakamsa 56
12. Arudha 62
13. Upapada 65
14. Houses and Interpretation 68
1 5 . D i s e a s e s a n d Death 73
16. Timing of Death 78
17. Female Horoscopy 83
18. Timing of Events-Chara Dasa 88
19. Timing and Ayanamsa 93
20. Timing of Events-Sthira Dasa 99
21. Timing of Events-Navamsa Dasa 104
Jaimini astrology is different from the system of Parasara
as developed and explained by Varaha mihira and others.
But there are chapters in Parasara's text explaining this
system which was later developed by Jaimini. This system
is unique in its aspects, interpretation, and dasas. One can
time the events within a month by following Jaimini's
Prof. B.S. Rao rendered valuable service by publishing
the first two chapters with translation and notes. Then Mr.
Kar brought out the next two chapters with his reading and
notes. In between Dr. B.V. Raman enlightened the readers
with his Studies in Jaiminy-Astrology. I am deeply
indebted to these three. Moreover, it was Dr. B.V.
Raman who prevailed upon me to write a series of articles
on the system of Jaimini as lessons for the common reader
interested in astrology. These lessons appeared in the
Astrological Magazine between January 1982 and October
1984. I am deeply obliged to Dr. B.V. Raman for enabling
me to bring these articles in a book form. By favouring me
with his valuable foreword he has placed me in a deep debt
of gratitude.
I am much obliged to Shri Narinder Sagar for bringing
out this book in an elegant style.
Jaimini Astrology
Editor: The Astrological Magazine Banglore.

Editor The Astrological Magazine
It is with great pleasure that I write a few words by way
of a Foreword to Prof. P.S. Sastri.s JAIMINI ASTROLOGY.
Prof.Sastri has been known to me for over three decades.
His erudition and deep insight into astrology, apart from his
scholarship in philosophy, Mantra Sastra etc., is profound.
Unassuming and not seeking limelight, Prof. Sastri's
dedication to astrology is sincere and sustained, as could
be seen from his innumerable articles published in THE
ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINE during the past four decades.
This work generally serialised in THE ASTROLOGICAL
MAGAZINE ;"Lessons in Jaimini Astrology" , explains as
simply as possible the distinguishing features of the Jaimini
system and its practical application and sets forth reliable
methods, peculiar to Jaiminis's genius, for forecasting lon-
gevity, profession, marriage and other important life-events.
Prof. Sastri.s treatment of Jaimini is clear, comprehen-
sive and easy to understand even by those who may not
know astrology. The book provides techniques and insights
which are eminently applicable to all horoscopes.
Principles of Jaimini astrology set forth in the following
pages will, I trust, contribute to a clearer understanding
and appreciation of a system that is unique though not very
popular with the majority of astrological scholars and
I wish the author all success and look forward to his
bringing out authoritative books on other aspects of astrol-
20 3 86
- -
1. Aspects and Argalas
In Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, Chapters 8 to 12 deal
with a system of astrology known popularly as Jaimini
system. There is also a work called Jaimini Sutras in four
chapters which offers a detailed account of a new system of
prediction. The Sutras are short aphorisms which have to
be elaborated and explained. They are difficult and prob-
ably because of this Jaimini is only casually referred to by
astrologers. He has only developed one of the path-ways
found in Parasara. Most of the principles are common to
both. But the methodology is different. These differences
are not insurmountable. The two systems are the two sides
of the same coin. While Parasara offers a more comprehen-
sive system, Jaimini develops an important aspect of the
same more thoroughly.
Jaimini gives a new set of planetary indications (
Karakatvas), a peculiar view of aspects, and a detailed list
of new Dasas. Each Dasa is earmarked for a particular
aspect of life. Karakatvas are variable. There is no distinc-
tion between a sign and a house. The methods for calculat-
ing the strength of planets and signs are very simple. But
this system presupposes a special ability on the part of the
astrologer for interpreting the chart. Yet on the points he
does not touch upon, he directs us to follow Parasara.
In this series we propose to explain Jaimini's system in
order to create an awareness of this system and of its
usefulness at a time when this tradition is fast disappear-
We start with an illustrative chart which we will call the
standard horoscope. It is that of a male born on September
28, 1948 at 5-23 a.m. I.S.T.(Lat. 23.50 N, Long. 78-50 E).
Ayanamsa was 21° 41' 51". The positions are shown in
Chart 1.
1. Following the text of Jaimini, we begin with aspects.
Here it is not the planet that aspects a sign or a planet. It
is the sign in which a planet is that determines the signs and
the planets there in that it can aspect. All movable (cardinal)
sign aspect all fixed signs except the one nearest; all fixed
signs aspect the cardinal signs except the one nearest; and
2 Jaimini Astrology
... Mandi Sat.
Mand 3.48 X Venus Juptt. Mar
Rahu 13.34.28 2.33 44 Sun

M n Ketu
RASI Navamsa
9.15.36 Lagna NPP
Jupit. Mer.24.44.58
0.8.8 M rc.
Ke 13.34.28
M 8.53.45 13.3 45

all common signs aspect onlythe common signs.

We tabulate these:
Aries aspects Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
Taurus aspects Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
Gemini aspects Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces
Cancer aspects Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus
Leo aspects Libra, Capricorn, Aries

Virgo aspects Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini

Libra aspects Aquarius, Taurus, Leo
Scorpio aspects Capricorn, Aries, Cancer
Sagittarius aspects Pisces, Gemini, Virgo
Capricorn aspects Taurus, Leo, Scorpio
Aquarius aspects Aries, Cancer, Libra
Pisces aspects Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius

Since the signs have the aspects, we take the planets in

the signs as having the aspects. In the standard horoscope
we get the following aspects:-
(a) The Moon and Venus do not aspect any planet be-
cause there is no planet except Saturn in a fixed sign
which is nearest to them.
(b) Saturn aspects Mars, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu: and is
in turn aspected by these four.
(c) The Sun and Jupiter aspect each other.
Jaimini Astrology 3
(d) The Moon and Venus aspect the houses the 3rd. the
6th, the 9th from Lagna.
(e) Saturn aspects houses the 2nd, the 5th, the 8th.
(f) The Sun aspects houses the 4th. the 7th, the 10th.
(g) Mars, Mercury and Ketu aspect houses the 6th, the
9th, the 12th.
(h) Jupiter aspects houses the 7th, the 10th, the 1st.
(i) Rahu aspects houses the 12th, the 3rd, the 6th.
The words sign and house mean the same in this system.
The planets thus do not have fixed aspects as in Parasara.
2. The effects of the planetary aspects are modified by
certain agencies called argalas. Planets in the 4th, the 2nd,
the 11th and the 5th from an aspecting planet or sign cause
argala. Ketu is an exception here. Planets in the 9th from
Ketu cause argala. In these places if there are benefic
planets, they develop or augment the indications given by
the planets and house. If there are natural malefics, they
obstruct the results. More than two malefics in the 3rd from
the aspecting body cause malefic argala.
Argala means that which obstructs the influence of a
planet. It can be a malefic or a benefic, argala. If there are
planets in the 5th and the 9th from the.aspecting body, they
work as counteracting forces to the argala. If the planets
causing argala are few or if they are Weak, they will not be
able to modify the influence of the aspecting body. The
planet in the 9th from Ketu or Rahu causes argala; and it
is counteracted by a planet in the 5th. That is, planets in the
4th, the 2nd, the 11th, the 3rd and the 8th from Ketu and
Rahu do not cause argala.
Planets in the 4th, the 2nd, the 11th and the 5th from an
aspecting planet or house cause obstruction or argala. This
is neutralised or counteracted by planets in the 10th, the
12th, the 3rd and the 9th respectively to the houses
mentioned above. Thus a planet, causing argala from the
4th houses to it, is rendered powerless to obstruct by a
planet placed in the 10th from it. A planet in the 2nd
causing argala is powerless if there is one in the 12th.
4 Jaimini Astrology
Similarly, the planet in the 1 1 th is counteracted by one in
the 3rd , and one in the 5th is counteracted by one in the 9th.
For Ketu the argala is caused by a planet in the 9th and it
is counteracted by one in the 5th. A planet in the 3rd
causing argala has no planet to counteract its influence. If
the planet causing argala is stronger (or having a more
advanced longitude in the sign) than the one obstructing it.
its power is not modified.
If a planet has a benefic argala, during its major or minor
period, it gives fortunate results. The period of a planet
having malefic argala will be unfortunate. When a benefic
argala falls in Arudha Lagna, Lagna or the 7th, the planet
makes one prosperous, if this argala is not counteracted.
Let us find what argalas are operating in the standard
The Sun has Mars, Mercury and Ketu in the 2nd causing
argala. This is neutralised by Saturn in the 12th. But Mars
and Ketu, causing argala, have a greater longitude (13.35
and 24.47) than Saturn (9.16). Hence the argala is not
neutralised. It is a malefic argala.
Jupiter in the 4th from the Sun causes a benefic argala,
and it is not counteracted because there is no planet in the
10th. Similarly, the benefic argala caused by the Moon and
Venus from the 1 1 th is not counteracted as there is no
planet in the 3rd from the Sun.
For Mars and Mercury and Ketu the argala caused by
Saturn in the 11th is not counteracted by Jupiter because
he is just on the first degree only.
Jupiter has a malefic argala from Mars, Mercury and
Ketu in the 11th, and there is no counteraction. The argala
caused by Rahu is counteracted by Saturn.
Rahu has an argala from Jupiter and it is counteracted
by Saturn.
The Moon and Venus have in the 4th Mars, Mercury
and Ketu; and Rahu in the 10th is powerless, to counteract
it. They have an argala from Saturn and there is no
counteraction. The Sun in the 3rd cannot cause argala
because he is alone.
Jaimini Astrology 5
Saturn has an argala from the Sun, counteracted by the
Moon and Venus. He has benefic argala from Jupiter and it
is counteracted by Rahu.
Let us tabulate these results:
Planet Argala caused by Argala.counter-
acted by
Sun (a) Mars, Mercury, Ketu Saturn
(b) Jupiter, the Moon,Venus.
Moon and (a) Mars, Mercury, Rahu
Venus Ketu
(b) Saturn

Mars, Mer- Saturn Jupiter

cury, Ketu
Jupiter (a) Mars, Mercury, Ketu
(b) Rahu Saturn
Saturn (a) Sun (a) Moon,
(b) Jupiter (b) Rahu
Rahu Jupiter Saturn
The planets in italics are powerless to counteract argala.
The Sun has one malefic argala, and one benefic argala. The
Moon and Venus have two malefic argalas. Mars, Mercury,
Ketu and Jupiter have each one malefic argala. The other
malefic argala of Jupiter is neutralised. The malefic and
benefic argalas of Saturn are neutralised. The benefic
argala of Rahu is neutralised. With the help of this informa-
tion we can measure the kind of results the planets can give
to this native.
By benefics is meant natural benefics. These are Jupiter,
Venus, the Moon from the 8th day of the bright fortnight to
the end of the 7th day of the dark fortnight, and Mercury
who is not in conjunction with a malefic. All the others are
Jaimini Astrology
2. Karakas
In Parasara each planet and each house is said to govern
certain things. These are fixed for every horoscope, for every
Lagna. But in Jaimini some of these are not fixed for the
planets. They change from horoscope to horoscope. Plan-
etary indications here depend to a large extent on the
longitudes of the planets; and many of the guidelines for
predictions refer to the positions of the planets in Navamsa
The planet that occupies the most advanced degree in a
sign is called Atmakaraka; and the sign he occupies in the
Navamsh chart is the Karakamsa Lagna. In Parasara.
Atmakaraka is always the Sun. But here it is not constantly
the same planet. In the standard horoscope we find Venus
on 28°48'. No other planet occupies a degree greater than
this. Hence Venus is the Atmakaraka. He is in Pisces
Navamsa; and Pisces becomes Karakamsa Lagna.
Atmakaraka is to be determined taking only eight plan-
ets; Ketu is omitted. Rahu.s longitude has always to be
deducted from 30 degrees in order to determine the degrees
he has transited. In our example Rahu is on 13.35 which
means he has transited 16.25 in that sign. Why is Rahu
included for determining the karakas?
When two or more planets are on the same degree and
minute they become just one karaka or indicator for some
events. This gives rise to a vacancy among the seven
Karakatvas. In such a case Rahu fills the vacancy. But
when there are two or more such vacancies, we have to bring
in the natural or natsargika karakas as given by Parasara.
The planets after the Atmakaraka have to be arranged in
the descending or decreasing order of the degrees they have
traversed. These are called respectively Amatya, Bhratri,
Matri, Putra, Jnati, and Dara Karakas. We illustrate from
the horoscope given.
Venus 28° 48' Atmakaraka
Mars 24° 47' Amatya (the 5th and the 9th house affairs)
The Sun 13° 4' Bhratri (brothers and the 371 house and
Jaimini Astrology 7
the 11th house affairs)
Saturn 9° 16. Matri (mother and the 4th and the 10th
house affairs)
Mercury 8° 54' Putra (children)
The Moon 6° 6. Jnanti (relatives, the 6th and the 8th
house affairs)
Jupiter 0° 9' Dara (wife or husband).
Here we have to consider only the longitude of a planet
from the beginning of the sign. To prepare a chart of the
karakas note the longitudes of the planets in signs, degrees,
minutes, and seconds. Omit the number of the sign from
Aries. Arrange them in the decreasing order.
We give an example to show where two planets have the
same longitude. This girl was born on 1948 12 23 at 10-35
- -

a.m. (LMT).

R ahu 1 0 .1 4
Here the
Sun and the
Moon have
the same
Asc. 14.26
Saturn R
(9.36) while
14.27 Rahu has
Sun 9.36 traversed
Mar .
28 31 Ketu 10.14 Moon 9.36
Mer . 15.30 Venus 11.55 1 9 °- 4 6 ' .
is Mars.
Since the
Sun and the Moon become merged in to one karakatva,
Rahu becomes the Amatyakaraka. Rahu is yet to cover 10°
14'. In Aries, and hence he covered 19° 46'. This gives him
a karakatva which has fallen vacant. In Jaimini, Rahu owns
Aquarius and Ketu is the owner of Scorpio.
Parasara.s system has natural or naisargyka karakas.
Persons born during the day have the Sun and Venus as the
karakas of father and mother respectively, and for a night
birth there are respectively the Moon and Saturn.
The native of the standard horoscope was born before
8 Jaimini Astrology
sunrise. We give the karaka lords of this chart as perJaimini
and Parasara.
Jaimini Karakas Naisargika
Atma Venus the Moon
Amatya Mars Mercury
Bhratri The Sun Mars
Math Saturn Saturn
Putra Mercury Jupiter
Jnati The Moon Mars
Dara Jupiter Venus
The strength or weakness of Atmakaraka determines
the general strength or weakness of the chart as a whole.
Rahu becomes a Karaka only when two or more planets
have the same longitude. Otherwise, he is not to be consid-
ered. By virtue of his benefic or malefic dispositions like
ownership, placement and exaltation or debilitation, the
Atmakaraka gives good or bad results. Amatyakaraka gov-
erns the intellect, religious or philosophical disposition and
the like. The other Karakas are to be interpreted in a similar
According to some authorities mentioned by Jaimini,
one and the same planet may represent the Karaka for
mother and children. If the'two karakatvas are given to the
same planet, difficulties n interpretation can possibly
arise. But these will be solved by pada, ghatika, and other
Lagnas mentioned by Jairnini. We will explain them later.
Jaimini gives the views of some authorities. According to
them we can know from Mars the details regarding brothe
rs, sisters, brother-in-law, stepmother, and paternal rela-
tions. Mercury refers to the maternal relations. Let us list
these views.
Mars Brothers, sisters, brother-in-law,
step-mother, paternal relations.
Mercury : Maternal relations.
Jaimini Astrology 9
Jupiter Paternal grand parents.
Venus Wife's or husband's parents, mater-
nal grand-parents, and disciples.
These minor karakas are important in prediction. When
two or more planets have the same longitude, these take
their place. The natural or naisargika karakas are:
The Sun Soul, vitality, fame, father.
The Moon : Mother, mind, genius.
Mars Lands, houses, strength, brothers.
Mercury Intellect, wisdom, speech, uncles.
Jupiter : Children, wealth, education, spiri-
tual progress.
Venus Wife or husband, pleasures.
Saturn Longevity, death, means of livelihood.
Rahu Maternal grand-parents, poison.
Ketu Paternal grand-parents, moksha.
There are many other karakatvas: but we have given only
the most important ones.
Of all the planets the strongest is the Sun and the
weakest is Saturn. In between the order of decreasing
strength is the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus. It is
possible to interpret the fortune of elder brothers from
Saturn. Varahamihira gives the strength of the planets in
the descending order thus: the Sun, the Moon, Venus,
Jupiter, Mercury, Mars. and Saturn. Where Jaimini is
specific, we should not accept in this system the views of
Varahamihira and others. Where he is silent, we are at
liberty to import their views into this system.
The sign occupied by Atmakaraka in Navamsa is
Karakamsa Lagna. Some valuable predictions are to be
made from this Lagna. Hence this Lagna should be noted
carefully, and the Navamsa chart should be prepared
correctly. -Jaimini Astrology
Jaimini Astrology
3. Different Lagnas
We have found out the method whereby we can fix the
karakamsa Lagna. There are some more Lagnas which play
a significant part in Jaimini's system. We will now turn to
them. Some Lagnas determine the Dasa system and the
order of the sub-periods; some are useful in prediction; and
others for a deeper analysis of a house. In calculating some
of these Lagnas there are different methods and we give here
the method suggested as scientific by Dr. B.V. Raman in his
Studies in Jaimini Astrology.
1. Arudha: This is also called Pada Lagna. Count from the
sign concerned to the place where its lord is ; and from
the sign the lord is, count the same number to get the
Arudha of that sign. In the standard chart Lagna is
Virgo. Its
lord is in the
Mantra Kos 2nd; and the
2nd from
Rajya him is Scor-
Arudha Chart pio which is
the Arudha
Lagna The
Vahana Lagna Upapada ♦
Dara. lord of the
bhratri 2nd is in the
10th from it
and the 10th
from him is Aries which is Kosapada. The lord of the
12th is in the 2nd from it, and the 2nd from it is Libra
which is called Upapada. The Arudha of the 3rd is called
Bhratripada, of the 4th vahana, of the 5th mantra, of the
7th dara, of the 9th bhagya. and of the 10th rajya. These
are the technical names employed. The chart gives the
Arudhas of nine houses. For the other three houses also
we can calculate similarly. Thus if the lord of the Lagna
is in the 4th, Arudha Lagna will be the 7th, and if he is
in the 7th, Lagna itself will be the Pada Lagna.
2. Chandra Lagna: The sign in which the Moon is located
at the time of birth is the Chandra Lagna or Janma Rasi.
In the standard horoscope the Moon is in Cancer and
this is the Chandra Lagna.
Jaimini Astrology 11
3. Bhava. Lagna; The sign that rises at birth is sometimes
called Bhava Lagna byJamini. In the example it is Virgo.
At many places this has a different meaning and we have
to arrive at it by calculation.
Find the time that elapsed from sunrise to the time of
birth. If it is in hours and minutes, convert it into ghatis
and vighatis. Multiply this by 6. Add the product to the
longitude of the Sun or to that of the Lagna. If the Lagna
is an even sign, the product is to be added to the
longitude of the Lagna: and if the Lagna is an odd sign,
the addition is to the longitude of the Sun.
The native of the standard horoscope was born at 5.
22.48 a m. (I.S.T.) and this is 5.8.8. L.M.T. The sunrise
that day was at 5. 54. 8. The birth ghatis were 58 ghts
45 vgh. Multiplying this by 6 we get 348.30 or in
decimals 348.5. The Lagna being Virgo is an even sign,
and its longitude from the beginning of Aries is 152°35'
or in decimals 152.6. Adding these two we get 501.1.
Expunging 360 we get 141.05. The Bhava Lagna is Leo
21° 05..
4. Hora Lagna: Each hora has a duration of two and a half
hours which is equal to one sign or 30 degrees. Each
ghati covers 12 degrees. Multiply the birth ghatis by 12.
Add the product to the longitude of the Sun if the Lagna
is an odd sign; or add it to the longitude of the Lagna,
if the Lagna is an even sign.
In our example the birth ghatis 58 5'multiplied by 12
give 697. Lagna being even, add 152° 35. (in decimals
152.6) to this. We get 849.6. Expunging multiples of
360. we get 129.6. Hora Lagna is Leo 9.6 as the Hora
5. Ghatika Lagna: Here each ghati is equivalent to 30
degrees. Multiply the birth ghatis by 30 and add the
product to the longitude of the Lagna.
In our example the birth ghatis are 58.5. Multiplying
this by 30 we get 1742.30 (in decimals 1742.5). Adding
this to the longitude of Lagna 152.6 (in decimals) we get
1895.1. Expunging multiples of 360 we get 95.1. Ghatika
Lagna is then Cancer 5.1.
12 Jaimini Astrology
6. Vamada Lagna:
(a) When Janma Lagna is an odd sign, we have to
count from Aries to the Lagna in the clockwise manner.
When it is even, count from Pisces to the Lagna in the
anti-clockwise manner.
(b) Likewise count from Aries or Pisces to the Hora Lagna
as it is odd or even.
(c) If both Janma Lagna and Hora Lagna are odd signs, or
if both are even signs, add the above two. If one is odd
and the other even, take the difference between these
(d) Then count the product from Aries if the Janma Lagna
is odd, and from Pisces if it is even.
In the example Janma Lagna is Virgo, an even sign. Hora
Lagna is Leo, an odd sign. From Pisces the 7th is Virgo
and from Aries the 5th is Leo. The difference between
these is two because one is even and the other odd.
Since Janma Lagna is an even sign, we have to count
from Pisces backwards. The 2nd is Aquarius which is
the Varnada Lagna.
On these lines we can arrive at the Varnada signs for all
the other 11 signs. The Varnada of the 2nd house can
be had by considering the 2nd house from Lagna and
the 2nd from Flora Lagna as Lagnas. The 2nd house in
our example is Libra, the 7th from Aries. The 2nd from
Hora Lagna is Virgo. the 7th from Pisces. The difference
is zero. Since the Lagna here is Libra, zero which means
12 is counted from Aries in the clockwise manner. Then
the Varnada of the 2nd house is Pisces. In this way we
get the following for the other houses of the standard
Vamada of the 3rd house : the 5th and the 7th =the2nd =Aquarius.
Varnada of the 4th house : the 9th and the 5th = the 4th = Cancer.
Varnada of the 5th house : the 3rd and the 9th = the 6th = Libra.
Vamada of the 6th house : the 11th and the 3rd= the 8th = Scorpio.
Vamada of the 7th house : the 1st and the 11th = the 10th= Gemini.
Jaimini Astrology 13
Varnada of the 8th house : the 1st and the 1st = 0th = Pisces.
Varnada of the 9th house : the 11th and the 1st = the lOth = Gemini.
Varnada of the 10th house: the 3rd and the 11th = the 8th = Scorpio.
Varnada of the 11th house: the 9th and the 3rd = the 6th = Libra.
Varnada of the 12th house: the 5th and the 9th = the 4th = Cancer.

7. Nisheka orAdhana-lagna: This is the Lagna rising at the

moment of conception. Jaimini refers to it, but he does
not give any method for ascertaining it. It is dealt with
by Parasara, Varahamihira and others. This is borrowed
by the Western astrologers who treat it as the prenatal
epoch. We will not treat it here as it is not very impor-
tant. Still we mention the method given by Parasara.
Find the distance from the Sun to Mandi. Add this to the
distance from the 1st to the 9th house. Count it in terms
of signs and degrees back-wards from the Sun. This
gives the interval between the time of conception and
that of birth. When at birth the Moon has the same
longitude as the Lagna, the period of gestation would be
273 days. If these are 180 degrees apart, it would be 258
days. By the rule of three we can determine the period
of gestation.
8. Pranapada: Convert the birth time into vighatis and
multiply it by 2. Add this to the Sun's longitude if the
Sun is in a movable sign. Add to this 120 degrees if the
Sun is in a common sign. If the Sun is in a fixed sign add
the vighatis of birth, the Sun.s longitude and 240
In our example the birth ghatis are 58.5 or 3485
vighatis. Doubling it we get 6970. The Sun is in a
common sign at 163° 4'. Adding these two and 120
degrees we get 7253.4. Expunging multiples of 360, we
get 53° 4' or Taurus 23° 4' as Pranapada.
Another method can be given, though it gives a different
result. Find the time that elapsed after sunrise up to the
time of birth. Convert this into minutes. Divide this by
6. The quotient gives the Rasi of the Pranapada. If the
Sun is in a movable sign add this to the Sun's longitude
to get Pranapada Lagna. If the Sun is in a fixed Rasi, add
14 Jaimini Astrology
to his longitude 240 degrees. If he is in a common sign
add 120 degrees to the Sun.s Rasi.
In our example the native was born 23 hours 14 minutes
after sunrise. This gives 1394 minutes. Dividing this by
6 we get 232 Rasis as quotient and 1/3 as the remainder.
One -third of a sign gives 10 degrees. Expunging mul-
tiples of 12 from 232 we get four signs and 10 degrees
or 130 degrees. Add to this the Sun's longitude 163° 4.
and 120 degrees for the common sign. This gives 413° 4.
Expunging 360 degrees we get 53° 4' or Taurus 23° 4.
Pranapada Lagna.
9. Gulika: For determining profession Jaimini asks us to
refer to the place of Gulika. Gulika is different from
Mandi. Divide the duration of the day into eight equal
parts. The first part belongs to the lord of the weekdays.
The count follows the order of the weekdays. At the end
of Saturn.s part we get the moment when Gulika rises.
Let us assume that on a Friday the duration of the day
is 30 ghatis. Each part will have 3 ghatis and 45
vighatis. The first two parts are ruled by Venus and
Saturn. Thus Gulika rises 7 ghatis 30 vighatis after
When a person is born during the night, divide the
duration of the night into eight equal parts. Count from
the lord of the fifth weekday from the day of birth. Gulika
rises at the end of Saturn.s part.
In our standard horoscope the native was born on the
night of Monday. The fifth day is Friday ruled by Venus.
At the end of the second part Gulika rises. The duration
of the day was 11 hours, 53 minutes and 25 seconds.
Then the duration of the night was 12 hours, 6 minutes
and 35 seconds. Each part is for one hour, 49 minutes
and 19 seconds. The parts of Venus and Saturn cover 3
hours, 38 minutes and 38 seconds after sunset. The
sunset was at 5.47.43. Then Gulika rose at 9.26.21 p.m.
From the Tables of Houses we find 41° 12' 46" rising at
that time. Gulika Lagna was Taurus 18° 13..
Jaimini Astrology
4. Strength of the Rasis
In Parasara.s system we have Shadvargas and
Saptavargas. The strength of the Saptavarga forms an
integral part of Sthana Bala (positional strength). To this we
add Dik, Kala, Cheshta, Naisargika, and Drishti balas. With
the help of these six sources of the strength, we determine
the strength of the planets. Adding the strength of the
owner of a house to the Dik and Drishti balas of that house,
we get the strength of the various houses (Refer to Dr.
Raman's Graha and Bhava Batas).
Jaimini.s method is simpler and more convenient. The
strength of the planets and houses is necessary also to
determine longevity. Jaimini puts greater emphasis on the
strength of the Rasis. In his Studies inJaiminiAstrology, Dr.
B.V. Raman simplified the process and he gave a method
where by we can determine the strength numerically. We
follow it here.
In the third pada of the second chapterJaimini has some
important aphorisms. We will first translate them. "The
Rasi having the Atmakaraka becomes the strongest." This
is the primary source of strength. "If other sources of
strength are equal, the Rasi having .a greater number of
planets has a greater strength. If these sources are equal,
then the strength depends on a planet being exalted, in
moolatrikona and in the house of a friend. After this
consider the natural or permanent (naisarga) sources of
strength." The movable signs are weaker than the fixed
ones, and these are weaker than the common signs. This is
one naisargika source.
"The second set of sources for the strength of a Rasi
conies from the aspect of its own lord, Jupiter or Mercury."
The third source depends on Kendras, succeedent and
cadent houses. .The planets that are in kendras, panaparas
and apoklimas from the Atmakaraka become more or more
powerless than him." That is, in apoklimas (3,6,9 and 12)
from the Atmakaraka they have the least strength.
"If the lord of the Rasi falling in a masculine sign (odd
sign) has malefic conjunctions or aspects, this will be the
16 Jaimini Astrology
fourth source of strength to the Rasi." These are the sutras
2, 3, 5 to 17. We will explain these.
1. The Atmakaraka is the most important planet in this
system. The Rasi in which he is found at the time of birth
becomes the strongest. It will have 60 shashtyamsas.
2. The strength of a Rasi is determined by the presence or
absence of planets in it.
(a) A sign having a planet is stronger than the one in which
there is no planet.
(b) If two or more planets are together in two or more signs,
the sign having a larger number of planets is stronger
than the other one.
(c) It may so happen that two signs have an equal number
of planets. Then what should be done? In such a case
the stronger sign would be determined by considering
the planets in it. If a planet is in exaltation, moolatrikona,
friend.s house, neutral's house, or enemy's house, its
strength will gradually decrease. We should accept the
following numerical values given by Dr. B.V. Raman:
Exaltation 60 Shashtyamsas
Moolatrikona 45
Own house 30
Friend.s house 22.5
Neutral's house 15.0
Enemy's house 7.5
Debilitation 3.75
(d) In spite of these three conditions if two Rasis acquire an
equal strength, then consider whether the Rasi is mov-
able, fixed or common. The common (dual or
dwiswabhava) sign is stronger than the fixed one and
the fixed (sthira) is sign stronger than the moveable (
chara) one. The following are the numerical values of
Common 60 Shashtyamsas
Jaimini Astrology 17
Fixed sign 30

Moveable sign 15

3. A Rasi becomes stronger by the conjunction or aspect of

its own lord, Jupiter or Mercury. Here we have to follow
aspects as given by Jaimini only. The aspect of any
one of these three gives that sign a strength of 60
4. The sign whose lord has a greater strength becomes
stronger. The strength of the lord of a sign depends on
moolatrikona, kendra and amsa balas. These will be
explained later.
5. An odd sign (counted from Aries) is stronger than an
even one. There are six odd signs. An odd sign having
planets in the 2nd and the 12th from it is stronger than
the other odd signs.
6. The Rasis whose lords are in kendras and other houses
from the Atmakaraka have different kinds of strength.
Lord in a kendra (1,4,7,10) :60 shashtyamsas
Lord in a panapara (2,5,8,11) :30 "
Lord in an apoklima (3,6,9,12) :15 "
Let us recapitulate. The strength of a Rasi is to be
calculated with reference to the following:
(a) The strength of the owner of the sign.
(b) The location of the sign as chara (moveable), sthira (
fixed), dwiswabhava (common).
This is subject to the signs being odd or even. This will be
called Chara-bala.
(c) The sign receiving the aspects of its own lord, Jupiter or
(d) The sign having a planet or no planet.
(e) The sign having two or more planets.
These (d) and (e) may be referred to as occupational strength (
Sthiti Bala).
18 Jaimini Astrology
(f) The sign in which the Atmakaraka is located gets an
additional 60 shashtyamsas.
(g) The lord of the sign being placed in kendra and other
houses from the Atmakaraka.
7. We referred to the occupational (sthiti) strength. A sign
having no planet is the weakest. A sign having one
planet is weaker than the one having two planets. In this
way we can arrange them.

When there is no planet in a sign :

Let us apply these principles to the standard horoscope:

(a) As we will find out in the next section, the planets from
the Sun onwards have the following strength: 60.0,
97.5, 120.0,97.5. 63.75, 127.5 and 60.0.
(b) Moveable signs are Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Aries,
each having 15, shashtyamsas. Fixed signs with 30
shashtyamsas are Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus.
The others are common signs having 60 shashtyamsas.
Of these Cancer, Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo and
Pisces are even signs. In the standard chart planets are
in Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aries only.
(c) Cancer is occupied by its own lord. Jupiter aspects
Jaimini Astrology 19
Pisces, Gemini and Virgo, and he is in Sagittarius.
Mercury is in Libra and aspects Aquarius, Taurus and
Leo. These get 60 shashtyamsas each. Venus aspects
Taurus and Saturn aspects Capricorn.
(d) There are no planets in six signs.
(e) Cancer with two planets get 75 shashtyamsas, while
Libra with three has 90 shashtyamsas. Leo, Virgo,
Sagittarius and Aries have one each; and hence each
gets 60 shashtyamsas.
(1) Cancer has Atmakaraka and gets an additional 60
(g) Lords of the 1st, the 4th and the 11th, the 5th and the
10th, the 3rd and the 12th from the Atmakaraka are in
kendras. Hence these signs get 60 shashtyamas each.
Lord of the 7th and the 8th is in a panapara and these
signs have each 30 shashtyamsas. Lords of the 2nd, the
6th and the 9th are in apoklima, and these signs have
each 15 shashtyamsas.
In the standard chart Virgo is in an even sign; and since
it is stronger than the other owned by Mercury. Similarly
Libra is stronger than Taurus, Sagittarius than Pisces, and
Aries than Scorpio. The following table gives the strength of
the 12 signs beginning with Aries (Mesha). Drigbala of
Taurus comes from the aspects of Mercury and its owner.
From the chart it becomes clear that the strongest sign is
Cancer, followed by Taurus and Virgo-the 1st, the 9th, and
the 11th houses from Lagna. In the descending order the
strength then belongs to Gemini, Sagittarius. Aries. Leo.
Scorpio, Pisces, Libra, Aquarius and Capricorn. The weak-
est is the 5th house from Lagna.

Presence of planets Chara Kendra

Sthiti Bala bala bala
Jaimini Astrology
5. Strength of the Planets
We have noticed the various sources of strength for the
Rasis. Let us consider how to determine the strength of the
planets. Some of these sources were explained earlier. Still
we will explain them again.
1. The different karakas of Jaimini.s system have different
kinds of strength.

2. Planets in kendras and other houses from the

Atmakaraka have different kinds of strength:
In a kendra (the 1st, the 4th, the 7th, the 10th): 60
In a Panapara (the 2nd, the 5th, the 8th, the 11th): 30
In an Apoklima (the 3rd, the 6th, the 9th, the 12th): 15
3. The third is the Moolatrikona Bala. Here we have to note
whether a planet is in exaltation, moolatrikona, own
house, friend.s house, neutral.s house, enemy's house,
or debilitation. These refer to the natural or naisargika
relationships between the planets. The numerical val-
ues are:
Jaimini Astrology 23
Mercury 60.0
Jupiter 15.00
Venus 60.00
Saturn 30.00
Next we must take the moolatrikona strength. Here we
may remember the principles already given by Parasara. For
the sake of the convenience of the readers we give them. The-
exaltation signs of the various planets in the order of the
weekdays are Aries (10). Taurus (3), Capricorn (28). Virgo (
15), Cancer (5), Pisces (27), and Libra (20). The Moolatrikona
signs of these planets are Leo (0-20), Taurus (4- 20), Aries
(0-12), Virgo (16- 20), Sagittarius (0-10), Libra (0-15) and
Aquarius (0-20). The own houses of these planets are Leo,
Cancer, Gemini and Virgo, Taurus and Libra, Aries and
Scorpio. Sagittarius and Pisces, and Capricorn and Aquarius.
Rahu owns Aquarius and Ketu has Scorpio in Jaimini's
24 Jaimini Astrology
Saturn Mercury, The Sun,
Venus The Moon,
Applying this to the standard horoscope, we get the
following details:

Let us add these three strengths and find out the total
strength of the planets.
Planet Moolatrikona Amsa Kendra Total
The Sun 15.00 30.00 15.00 60.00
The Moon 30.00 7.5 60.00 97.5
Mars 15.00 45.00 60.00 120.00
Mercury 22.5 15.00 60.00 97.5
Jupiter 45.00 3.75 15.00 63.75
Venus 7.5 60.00 60.00 127.5
Saturn 7.5 22.5 30.00 60.00
The strongest planet in the standard horoscope is Ve-
nus, followed by Mars, the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, the Sun
and Saturn. Mars and Mercury have the same strength; and
so have the Sun and Saturn.
Lord of the 2nd and the 9th is very powerful and he is
with the lord of the 11th who has only the third place. Lord
of the 3rd and the 8th is powerful and is with the lord of the
Jaimini Astrology 25
1st and the 10th who has a third place. The weakest planets
are in the 1st and the 12th indicating his weak constitution.
His Karakamsa Lagna is aspected by Mercury (lord of the
4th and the 7th) and Saturn (lord of the 11th and the 12th).
The Sun (lord of the 6th) and Jupiter (lord of the 1st and the
10th) are in the 2nd aspected by the 5th lord from the 6th.
The lord of the 2nd and the 9th is in the 3rd unaspected. The
Karakamsa chart is important. The sign in which Atmakaraka
is located is an important point. Here it is Cancer and it is
unaspected. These are to be remembered before we go
Jaimini Astrology
6. Some Technical Concepts
There are some technical terms employed by Jaimini for
determining longevity and other things. We will explain
them now.
Dvara Rasi: It is the sign in which a Dasa begins or the
sign whose Dasa is under consideration. It is also known as
Paka Rasi. When we consider the Dasa of Virgo, then Virgo
becomes Dvara Rasi.
Bahya Rasi: Count from Lagna to the Dvara Ras': and
when the same number is counted from Dvara Rasi we get
the Bahya or Bhoga Rasi. If the Lagna is Virgo and the Dvara
Rasi is Capricorn, it is the 5th from Lagna: the 5th from this
is Taurus which is Bahya Rasi.
If the Dvara Rasi is 2nd from Lagna the Bahya Rasi is 3rd

These two Rasis are employed mostly to determine

Brahma: The planet who becomes Brahma has an impor-
tant role in Sthira Dasa and also in determining the period
of death. The lord of the 8th from Atmakaraka is Brahma,
if he is not Saturn. Otherwise we have to accept the
following method.
Jaimini Astrology 27
Find whether Lagna is stronger than the 7th or vice
versa. From this house find the strongest among the lords
of the 6th, the 8th and the 9th. The strongest of these
becomes Brahma if he is in an odd sign and in the visible
half. From Lagna the visible half covers from the 7th house
to the 12th; and from the 7th it covers from lagna to the 6th
There are some exceptions to be noted. As per the above
method if Saturn, Rahu or Ketu becomes Brahma, he is only
a nominal one. The real Brahma will be the 6th counted
from this nominal one. The order of counting is the Sun, the
Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and
If two or more planets are qualified to be Brahma, the one
having a greater longitude in the sign or having greater
strength is to be selected. The longitudes of Rahu and Ketu
are to be deducted from 30 degrees to determine how far
they have advanced in a sign.
If two planets have the same longitude, then find out the
strength of the signs in which these two are. The planet in
a sign having greater strength becomes Brahma.
Let us apply these principles to the standard chart. The
lord of the 8th from the Atmakaraka is Saturn. He is in an
odd sign and in the visible half. He cannot be Brahma
because he can be only a nominal one.
We have seen that the strength of the Lagna (Virgo) is
337.5 and that of the 7th house is 198.75. Lagna is stronger.
The visible half of Lagna covers houses 7th to 12th-from
Pisces to Leo.
From Lagna, the 6th. the 7th. and the 8th lords are
respectively Saturn. Jupiter. and Mars. The strengths of
these planets, as we found out earlier. are-Saturn 60.0,
Jupiter 63.75, and Mars 120.00. Mars is the strongest
among these three lords. Mars is qualified for Brahma. But
he is in the house which is an odd sign but which is not in
the visible half of the Lagna. Hence Mars cannot be Brahma.
Rahu and Ketu have not become Brahma; and as such
these are not even nominal Brahmas.
28 Jaimini Astrology
Jaimini.s aphorism 2.1.51 reads: .The lord of the 8th
house from the Atmakaraka as also the planet who occupies
that house becomes Brahma." Then in our example Saturn
becomes Brahma. But the Sutra 2.1.48 states: "If Saturn,
Rahu or Ketu becomes Brahma, the 6th planet from him will
be designated as Brahma." The planets are counted in the
following order: the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,
Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. In our example since
Saturn has become only a nominal Brahma, the real one is
the 6th from him. This is Mars who becomes the real
We give the Sutra 2.1.52 to make the problem clearer. It
states: "Between the lord of the 8th from the Atmakaraka
and the planet who joins that 8th house the stronger one
becomes Brahma." What is the meaning of the word bali (
stronger) in this Sutra? Different interpretations are pos-
sible. Some will take it to mean the planet having a greater
longitude. Others will take it to mean the strength of the
planet as arrived at through calculations. This we have
explained in the previous section. While Dr. Raman appears
to accept the first view, we are in favour of the latter. Let the
readers solve it for themselves.
In the standard chart Mars is Brahma.
Mahesvara: Mahesvara is the lord of the 8th house from
Atmakaraka. If the lord of the 8th from Atmakaraka is
exalted or is in his own house. then the stronger of the lords
of the 8th and the 12th houses will also be called Mahesvara.
If the Atmakaraka is joined with Rahu or Ketu. or if the 8th
house from Atmakaraka has Rahu or Ketu. then the 6th
planet counted from the Sun will be Mahesvara. The count
follows the order of the weekday at the end of which we have
Rahu and Ketu (Jaimini Sutras, 2.1.44-46). When more
planets are qualified as Mahesvara. choose the stronger
Let us find out Mahesvara from the standard horoscope.
The lord of the 8th house from the Atmakaraka is Saturn.
He is not exalted or in his own house. Then we need not
bring in the lord of the 12th house. Rahu or Ketu have not
joined the Atmakaraka; nor are they in the 8th from him.
•Jaimini Astrology 29
Hence we need not take the 6th from the Sun. Two or more
planets are not eligible. Hence in the standard horoscope
Mahesvara is Saturn.
Rudra: Find who is stronger-the lord of the 8th or the lord
of the 2nd? The stronger one becomes Rudra. If the weaker
one is aspected by malefics. he becomes a nominal Rudra (
Jaimini Sutras, 2.1.35-36).
In the standard horoscope the lord of the 8th is Mars
whose strength is 120. The lord of the 2nd is Mercury whose
strength is 97.5. Mars being stronger becomes Rudra. But
Mercury is aspected by malefic Saturn; and he then be-
comes a supplementary Rudra.
These three play an important part in determining
Jaimini Astrology
7. Longevity
It is a general rule that prediction should be made only
after ascertaining the longevity of the native. Various meth-
ods and different systems of Dasas were propounded by
Parasara in Chapters 35 and 36 of his BrihatParasaraHora.
After enumerating a number of Dasas, he mentions Chara
Paryaya Dasa, Navamamsa Sthira Dasa, Sthira Dasa, Uttara
Dasa, Brahma Mahasrita Dasa, Kendra Dasa, Karaka Dasa,
Manduka Dasa, Sula Dasa, Yogardha Dasa, Trikona Dasa,
Varnada Dasa and others in the 35th chapter. These have
been ignored by later savants probably because they appear
only in Jaimini.s system. These have great peculiarities.
Each Dasa has a special function in Jaimini. We will explain
Jaimini's views on longevity first, and then consider the
most important Dasas as outlined by him. '
Jaimini.s method of determining longevity is one of the
methods available to us. The span of human life is divided
into short (alpa), middle (madhya) and long (deergha).
Taking the span to cover 100 years, we can fix the upper
limits of these three as 33, 67 and 100. Here we take up the
sutras given in the first pada of the second chapter.
1. "Longevity of a person should be determined with refer-
ence to the lagna and the 8th from it. If these lords are
in movable or common signs, or if one is in a movable or
common signs, there is good longevity. If these lords are
in movable and fixed signs, or if both are in common
signs, there is middle life. If both are in fixed signs, or
if one is in a movable sign and the other in a common
sign. there is short life. These rules are to be applied to
Lagna. and Chandra (the lunar) Lagna also. They should
also be applied to Lagna and Hora lagna" (2.1.1.to 6).
Taking 1,2 and 3 to stand respectively for movable, fixed
and common signs, we give the following which covers
all the three sets:
Long life: 1 and 1 ; 2 and 3 ; 3 and 2.
Middle life: 1 and 2 ; 2 and 1 ; 3 and 3.
Short life : 1 and 3 ; 3 and 1 ; 2 and 2.
We have to apply these to
Jaimini Astrology 31
(a) the position of the lords of the 1st and 8th house in
movable. fixed or common signs
(b) the position of the Lagna and Chandra Lagna in these
signs; and
(c) the position of Lagna and Hora Lagna in these signs.
Let us apply these to the standard horoscope.

(a) The lord of Lagna is Mercury who is in Libra, a movable

sign. The lord of the 8th is Mars who is in Libra, a
movable sign. Both are in a movable signs.
(b) Lagna is Virgo, a common sign; and Chandra Lagna is
Cancer, a movable sign. This indicates short life.
(c) Lagna is Virgo, a common sign. Hora Lagna is Leo, a
fixed sign. This indicates long life. Thus we get two
different versions of longevity. What should we do ?
2. Jaimini states: "If different terms of life (Visamvade) are
indicated by these methods, then the terms of life
obtained by Lagna and Hora Lagna should be accepted" (
2.1.8). The preceding Sutra reads: .Whichever longev-
ity is determined by the greater number of combina-
tions, that term of life should be predicted" (2.1.7).
In our example two give long life and this is to be
accepted. Moreover, this is also indicated by Lagna and
Hora Lagna.
Jaimini gives some more principles. If the Moon is in the
7th from Lagna, the longevity obtained from Chandra Lagna
and Janma Lagna is the definite one (2.1.9.).
Later in the third chapter Jaimini is more specific. "If
different results are obtained from different methods, then
the result supported by a majority of methods is to be
accepted. If a strong Sun joins or aspects the factors that
determine longevity, then the method having such factors
is the strong one" (3.2.21). Here the reference is to the 3rd
and the 11th houses.
We must fix up first to which group a chart belongs. Then
we have to find out the probable limit of life.
32 Jaimini Astrology
Dr. Raman's method is as follows : If, for example, middle
life is indicated. the full term of 66.66 years will be granted
if the planets or houses concerned are at the beginning of
the signs; and if they are at the end. they give the bare
minimum of 33.33 years. Similarly for short life and long
life. If they are in intermediate position we should calculate
the term by the rule of three.
Assume that long life is indicated by the lords of Lagna
and the 8th house; and these are at 25° and 12° One has to
traverse five degrees and the other to go another 18 degrees.
Each division of life covers 33.33 years and it is spread over
30 degrees. If he gives 33.33 years for 30 degrees, how much
does he give for five degrees?
5 x 33.33 4- 5.555 years.
Similarly for 18 degrees he would give 18 x 33.33 + 30 =
roughly 20 years. Add these two and take half of it. This will
be 12.78 years. Long life begins at 66.66 years. Add 12.78
to this to get the duration of life. This will be 79.44 years.
If it is short life add this to zero years; and if it be middle life
add this to 33.33 years (For details see Dr. B. V. Raman.s
Studies in Jaimini Astrology, pages 104-106).
Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao in his Jaimini Sutras, page 130
gives the same method at the beginning, though his illus-
tration appears to be contrary to this one. A slight correc-
tion in lines 22-3 will remove this contradiction. His expres-
sion "say they are in..." must have been in the manuscript "
say they are yet to cover...". This will solve the difficulty.
Jaimini.s alpayu includes Balarishta (upto 8 years),
madhyarishta (8 to 20 years) and yogarishta (20 to 33
3. Longevity is to be determined also from the trines of the
7th from Lagna and A.K. (3.2.10). This is the second
method according to which we have to consider houses
the 3rd and the 11th from Lagna and from A.K. Since the
7th is a maraka house, its trines also are treated as
death-inflicting houses. Then the Maharishi adds: .The
above method of determining longevity is to be consid-
ered from the Atmakaraka, Lagna and the Moon" (3 .2.11-
15) . Here he follows a new method : Long life-1 and 1, 1
Jaimini Astrology 33
and 2, 2 and 1; Middle life-2 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 1
short life-3 and 3. 3 and 1, 1 and 3.
4. A third method asks us to find out the stronger of the
lords of the 2nd and the 8th houses; if this lord is in
kendra, panapara, or apoklima, he gives respectively
long, middle or short life (2.1.19). We are sceptical about
this method as it has not worked in many cases.
Probably there is some missing link. The readers may
experiment with this idea and arrive at their own
5. A fourth method is to apply the earlier principles to the
lords of the 2nd and the 8th houses from the Atmakaraka,
and then determine the term of life. Jaimini observes: "
Death or longevity is to be determined from the lords of
the Lagna and the 8th and also from the Lagna and
Atmakaraka" (3.2.1). Thus in determining longevity we
have to consider 5 sets :
(i) Positions of the lords of Lagna and the 8th ;
(ii) Lagna and Chandra Lagna ;
(iii) Lagna and Hora Lagna ;
(iv) Lagna and Atmakaraka ; and
(v) Lords of the 2nd and the 8th from A.K.
This longevity is to be determined from the lords of the
1st and the 8th from Lagna or from the 7th house
whichever is stronger. In the standard chart Lagna is
stronger and hence our earlier conclusion stands.
6. Before we proceed further we should note the condi-
tions under which the term of life given is increased or
decreased. If it is increased, short life becomes middle,
middle life becomes long and so on. If it is decreased.
long life becomes middle, middle life becomes short and
short life can become balarishta.
First we will note the conditions under which the increase
in longevity (Kaksha Vriddhi) is possible:
(I) The Lagna and the 7th house should have benefics on
both sides-that is, the 2nd and the 12th signs to these.
34 Jaimini Astrology
(ii) There must be benefics on both sides of the Atmakaraka
and on both sides of the 7th house from him.
(iii) Benefics should be in Lagna or the 7th or in the trikona (
trine) from these-that is, houses the 5th, the 9th, the
3rd or the 11th from Lagna.
(iv) Benefics must be with Atmakaraka or in a trikona (the
5th, the 9th) from him.
(v) The Atmakaraka being a benefic must not be debili-
tated; but he should be exalted or be with benefics.
(vi) Jupiter has benefics on either side or in the trikonas
from him.
(vii)Jupiter must be in Lagna or in the 7th without any
aspect or conjunction of a malefic (2.1.14).
7. So far we have described the increase (Kakshsa Vriddhi)
in longevity. Now let us note the conditions underwhich
a decrease (Kaksha Hrasa) is possible. Under this, a
long life becomes middle life and a middle life becomes
a short one.
(i) When the lord of the 2nd or of the 8th joins the
(ii) When Lagna and the 7th are between malefics or when
they have malefics in the trikonas.
(Hi) When the Atmakaraka or the 7th from him is between
malefics, or has malefics in the trikonas.
(iv) When Atmakaraka being a malefic is debilitated or
associated with malefics.
(v) Earlier we have given the conditions under which short
or middle or long life can be predicted. If in these
combinations Saturn causes long life, then treat it as
middle life; and if he causes middle life, treat it as short
life and so on (2.1.10). But if this Saturn occupies his
own or his exaltation house, no reductions should be
applied. If this Saturn has malefic aspects and conjunc-
tion, then there is no reduction ( The same
is true if benefic aspect Saturn or join him; (3.2.19).
Jaimini Astrology 35
(vi) If Saturn is in the sign occupied by the Atmakaraka, in
the Lagna, or in the sign occupied by the Moon. one
Kaksha of life is to be deducted (3.2.16).
(vii)If Saturn is in the 12th, the 6th or the 8th from
Atmakaraka, Lagna, or the Moon, one Kaksha is to be
deducted (3.2.17).
(viii)In determining longevity from a moveable and a fixed
sign, or from a common and a fixed sign, note if Saturn
occupies one of these. If he does, one Kaksha is to be
reduced (3.2.18). We have noted that long life is indi-
cated when one sign is moveable and the other fixed;
and that it is middle life if one is fixed and the other
common. If Saturn is in any of these signs, long life
becomes middle life, and middle life becomes short.
(ix) If Saturn Joins the lord of Lagna or of the 7th, one
Kaksha is reduced (3.2.20). The references in Sutras 3.
2.16 to 20 are to the 3rd and the 11th houses.
8. Longevity is to be considered from the 8th house or from
the 7th whichever is stronger (3.2.2.). The kendras are
important both for increase and for decrease. Hence the
Sage states: "If the kendras of Jupiter are aspected by
Saturn and Mars, or if any of these kendras is occupied
by Saturn, then a compartment of life is to be deducted" (
(xi) If the Moon is in the 8th or the 12th, then also there is
a reduction. This applies also to the Moon in the 8th or
the 7th from the Atmakaraka (3.2.4, 5, 6).
(xii)If Saturn is in the 7th from Lagna or from Atmakaraka,
death will be in the first part of the compartment. If Ketu
is there, death will be in the third part; and if Rahu is
there, it will be in the second part (3.2, 7-9).
Let us take the standard horoscope.
(1) The principles given under (1) appear in this chart thus:
(1) Lord of Lagna in a moveable sign: lord of the 8th from
Lagna in a moveable sign. Long life is indicated.
(ii) Lagna is a common sign: Chandra Lagna is a moveable
36 Jaimini Astrology
sign. Short life is indicated.
(iii) Lagna is a common sign; Hora Lagna (Simha) is a fixed
sign. Long life is indicated.
Two sets indicate long life; and Hora Lagna favours
it.Hence the native has long life.
2. Lagna is Virgo 1° 9' ; Chandra Lagna is Cancer 4° 40'.
Lord of Lagna in Libra 7°. 27' and lord of the 8th in Libra
23° 21'. Hora Lagna is Leo 9° 33'. Since Lagna and
Chandra Lagna sets do not apply here, we take the other
two sets. Long life begins at 66.66 years. 28° 51' in Virgo,
6° 39. in Libra for Mars remain to be transited under the
first set.
Then 28° 51' x 33 1/3 % 30 = 32.05
years (decimals)
6° 39. x 33 1/3 % 30 = 7.4
years (decimals)
32° 05' plus 7.4 % 2 = 19.725 years.
Adding this to 66.66 we get 86.385 years as longevity.
Under the third set the degrees to be transited are 28° 51'
in Virgo and 20° 27. in Leo. For the first we got 32.05 years.
For the second we got 22.72 years. Half of these two added
to 66.66 gives 94.05 years. Since the Hora Lagna is the
deciding factor, we have to accept the figure.
3. Let us consider houses the 3rd and the 11th from Lagna, A.
K. and the Moon.
(a) The 3rd house from Lagna-fixed sign (Scorpio). the 3rd
from A.K. -common (Virgo). This indicates medium life
as per Sutras 3.2, 10-15.
(b) The 1 1 th house from Lagna-moveable (Cancer), the
1 1 th from A.K.-fixed (Taurus). This refers to long life.
(c) The 3rd from Lagna-fixed (Scorpio), the 3rd from the
Moon-common (Virgo). This is short life.
(d) The 11th from Lagna-moveable (Cancer), the 11th from
Jaimini Astrology 37
the Moon-fixed (Taurus). This is long life which has to
be accepted.
4. Of the 2nd and the 8th lords Venus is stronger as we have
noted. He is in a panapara, the 11th house. This
indicates middle life.
5. The lords of Lagna and the 8th have indicated long life
as we have seen. Lagna is a common sign and the
Atmakaraka is in a moveable sign (Cancer). This sug-
gests short life and it does not apply here. The lord of the
2nd from A.K. is in Virgo, a common sign and that of the
8th from him (Saturn) is in Leo, a fixed sign. This
indicates long life. They have to traverse 18° 23. and 22°
7' in these signs. They give 20.4 plus 24.6 divided by 2
= 22.5 years. Adding this to 66.66 we get 89.16 years as
6. Next we have to see whether any increase in the Kaksha
is possible. Lagna has no benefics on either side. No
benefics on either side of A.K. or on the sides of the 7th
from him; no benefices in 3,5,9, but a benefic in the
11th; the Moon is a malefic here. The conditions about
Jupiter are not present here. Hence there is no increase
in the Kaksha.
7. Let us see whether there is a decrease in the Kaksha.
(i) Lord of the 8th has not joined A.K. who is lord of the 2nd
and the 9th.
(ii) There are malefics on both sides of the Lagna, and not
of the 7th: and there are no malefics in the trines. There
is then no reduction of one Kaksha. If there is, this
means adding the years obtained to 33.33, and not to
(iii) A.K. has a malefic on one side only and none in his
trines. The 7th from him has one malefic in a trine.
Hence no reduction.
(iv) A.K. is not a malefic, but is associated with a malefic.
This can cause a reduction in the life given by the set
which includes A.K.
38 Jaimini Astrology
(v) Only the set involving A.K. refers to Saturn. This sug-
gests a reduction. No benefic aspects him as perJaimini,
but a malefic Mars does. Then there is no reduction.
(vi) Saturn is not in Cancer where A.K. is, not in Lagna, and
not with the Moon. Hence no reduction.
(vii)Saturn is not in the sign occupied by A.K. or by the
Moon. He is not in the Lagna. Hence no reduction. But
Saturn is in the 12th from Lagna, and thus reduces one
(viii)The reductions referred to in (viii) and (ix) refer to
houses the 3rd and the llth from Lagna, the Moon, and
A.K. Under 3 above we have found that Leo having
Saturn does not figure at all.
(ix) Saturn is not in Lagna or in the 7th.
(x) The kendras (quadrants) of Jupiter are neither aspected
by nor joined with Mars or Saturn.
(xi) The Moon is not in the 8th or the 12th from Lagna, nor
is he in the 8th or the 7th from A.K.
(xii)Saturn is not in the 7th from Lagna or A.K. nor do we
find Rahu or Ketu there.
The standard horoscope shows that there is long life.
This maybe, as we have seen, 66.66 years plus 27.39 years.
if one Kaksha is to be reduced, it will be 33.33 plus 27.39
which gives 60.72 years.
Jaimini Astrology
Chara Dasa
THE SYSTEM of Parasara as it was followed in later
times has many Dasa systems. All these are based on the
positions of the planets or Lagna. Jaimini, on the other
hand, has Rasi Dasas, the Dasas based on the zodiacal
signs. He refers to Chara, Sthira, Yogardha, Trikona, Sula,
Rasi, Varnada, Kendra. Navamsa, Brahma, Drig, Manduka,
Nakshatra and other Dasas.

Parasara tells us when to follow which Dasa. But

Jaimini is not explicit on this point. but he refers to certain
events in a particular Dasa: and on this basis we can make
out which Dasa is to be followed for predicting certain
events. Prof. V. Suryanarain Rao was right in observing that "
Chara Dasa and Trikona Dasa could be applied to all
horoscopes and that all important human events could be
timed with sufficient accuracy with the aid of Navamsa
Dasa", while for determining the longevity Chara and Sula
Dasas are to be preferred. Yet Dr. B. V. RAMAN prefers
Chara and Sthira Dasas. We will explain some of these
Dasas in detail.
Chara Dasa
1. For purposes of reckoning the sequence of the
Dasas the signs of the zodiac are divided into two groups.
These are odd and even signs. The odd signs are 1,2,3,7,8
and 9 counting from Aries and the even ones are 4,5,6,10, I 1
and 12. In the odd group the counting is clockwise for Aries
and in the even group it is anti-clockwise from Pisces.
2. If the 9th house from Lagna falls in the odd group the
first Dasa proceeds from Lagna Rasi in a clockwise manner.
If the 9th house falls in an even group, the order of the Dasa
is from Lagna to the 12th house and so on (2.3.28).
For example, Virgo is Lagna. The 9th house is Taurus,
an odd sign. The Dasas will be those of Virgo, Libra, Scorpio
and so no. For a Cancer Lagna the 9th is Pisces, an even
sign. Then the order of the Dasas will be Cancer, Gemini,
Taurus and so on.
40 Jaimini Astrology
3. The period of a Chara Dasa varies from sign to sign.
Find the distance between a sign and its lord in terms of
signs. If the sign belongs to an odd group, the counting is
clockwise; otherwise it is anti-clockwise. Deduct one from
this to get the number of years given by that Rasi.
Let us illusttrate.from the standard horoscope. The
Lagna.is.Virgo and the 9th Taurus, an odd sign. The
order of the Dasas is clockwise. The first Dasa is that of
Virgo, an even sign. Its lord is in the 12th from it and
therefore Virgo gives eleven years only. The second Dasa is
that of Libra, an odd sign. Its lord is in the 9th from it and
hence this sign gives nine years. The third is that of
Scorpio, an odd sign. Its lord is in the 12th from it, and he
gives 11 years. The fourth is the Dasa of Sagittarius, an
odd sign. Its lord is in the 1st and he gives on years. The
fifth is the Dasa of Capricorn, an even sign. Its lord is in
Leo. Counting anti-clockwise he is in the 6th from it, and
he gives five years. Thus we get these years for the standard
horoscope: Virgo-11, Libra-9, Scorpio-11, Sagittarius-
0, Capricorn-5, Aquarius-6, Pisces-3, Aries-6, Taurus-2,
Gemini-4, Cancer-0, and Leo-11.
4. These periods are modified by benefic or malefic
dispositions of their lords.
(a) If the sign is occupied by its own lord, the Dasa is for 12
(b) If the owner of the sign is exalted, the number of years
is increased by one:.
(c) If the owner is debilitated, it is reduced by one year.
In our example the Dasas of Sagittarius and Cancer will
be for 12 years each as the signs have their own lords.
5. According to Jaimini, Aquarius is owned by Saturn
and Rahu, while Scorpio is owned by Mars and Ketu.
(a) If Mars and Ketu are together in Scorpio, the Rasi Dasa
is for 12 years; and the same applies to Saturn and Rahu
being together in Aquarius.
(b) If Mars and Ketu are together in a sign other than
Scorpio, and if Saturn and Rahu are together in a sign other
Jaimini Astrology 41
than Aquarius, the counting is the same as that given in 3
(c) If of Mars and Ketu one is in Scorpio and the other
in a different sign, we have to ignore Mars and count from
Scorpio to Ketu only. Similarly if of Saturn and Rahu one is
in Aquarius and the other elsewhere, we have to count only
from Aquarius and the other elsewhere, we have to count
only from Aquarius to Rahu.
(d) If Saturn and Rahu are in different signs separately,
not one being in Aquarius, we have to prefer the planet
having one or two associates. The same applies to Mars and
Ketu when they are separately in different signs other than
In our example Mars is in Libra and Ketu is in Aries.
Mars is with Mercury and Ketu is alone. Hence from Scorpio
Dasa we have to count only upto Mars. Saturn is in Leo and
Rahu is in Libra: and Rahu is with Mars and Mercury.
Hence for Aquarius Rasi we have to count up to Libra in the
anti-clockwise way. This gives five minus one or four years
only, not six as we noted earlier.
(e) When both the lords (Mars and Ketu, Saturn and
Rahu) are with the same number of planets, we have to
prefer the sign having greater Rasa Bala. Here we have also
to consider their position in movable, fixed, or common
signs, the last being the strongest and the first the weakest.
(f) If the two Rasis have the same strength, we have to
prefer the sign whose lord gives a greater number of years.
(g) If both the lords give the same number of years,
ignore the sign whose lord is debilitated.
In the standard horoscope, Cancer and Sagittarius are
occupied by their own lords. No planet is exalted or debili-
tated. Mars is with more planets than Ketu, and Rahu is
with more planets than Saturn. Thus we get the following
years. The 9th sign being in the odd group the sequence of
Dasa is in the regular order,
Virgo 11.0.0.
Libra 9.0.0
42 Jaimini Astrology
Scorpio 11.0.0
Sagittarius 12.0.0
Capricorn 5.0.0
Aquarius 4.0.0
Pisces 3.0.0
Aries 6.0.0
Taurus 2.0.0
Gemini 4.0.0
Cancer 12.0.0
Leo 11.0.0
Total 90.0.0
6.(a) We have now to find how the sub-periods (antardasas)
in each period are to be calculated. Here the principles are
the same as thoscloclwisetermine the sequence of the
Dasas. For any Rasi Dasa find out whether the 9th from it
is an odd sign or an even sign. If it is an odd one, the sub-
periods follow the clockwise sequence from the next sign; if
it is even, they are in anti-clockwise sequence. Thus the sub
periods of Sagittarius proceed from Scorpio to Libra and so
on since the 9th from Sagittarius is Leo, an even sign. The
sub periods of Virgo follow the regular order of Libra,
Scorpio and so on as the 9th is Taurus, an odd sign.
(b) The sub-periods in each Rasi Dasa are only 12 since
there are only 12 signs. Each sub - period has 1/12th
duration of the total Rasi Dasa.
Let us illustrate from the standard horoscope. We need
the sub-periods in the Dasa of Sagittarius. This sign gives
12 years. Each sub-period is for one year. The 9th is Leo, an
even sign. The sub-periods are Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Leo,
Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capri-
corn and Sagittarius.
The Sub-periods of Capricor will start from Sagittarius in
an anti-clockwise manner. Those of Aquarius will proceed
from Pisces in a regular order. Those of Taurus will start
from Aries. In this way the sub-periods are to be calculated.
Jaimini Astrology
9. Sthira and Trikona Dasa
Sthira Dasa
1. The duration of each period in Sthira Dasa is fixed. This
Dasa is of particular importance in finding out the time
of death.
The 12 signs are divided into Chara (moveable). Sthira (
fixed) and Dwiswabhava (common) signs. The Sthira
Dasa of a Chara Rasi is seven years, of a Sthira Rasi is
eight years, and of a Dwiswabhava Rasi is nine years.
The total comes to 96 years. Aries, Cancer, Libra and
Capricorn are moveable sign; Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and
Aquarius are fixed signs; and the others are common
signs (Jaimini, 2.3.3).
2. From which Rasi does the Sthira Dasa system start?
Jaimini states that the Sthira Dasa commences from
the Rasi occupied by Brahma (2.3.4). Another view.
which Parasara and Jaimini do not support, states that
it starts from Lagna or the 7th house whichever is
stronger. We should follow Jaimini.
In the standard horoscope Mars is Brahma, as we
explained earlier. He is in Libra at 24° 47'. Libra is a
moveable sign and the Sthira Dasa starts from Libra.
3. What is duration of the first Sthira Dasa? One view
holds that we should note how many degrees this
Brahma has yet to traverse; and then by rule of three we
should calculate the balance of the first Dasa. The
second view accepted by Dr. B.V. RAMAN does not
favour this position; and it gives the total number of
years assigned to that sign as the period of the first
In Vimshottari and other systems we take the balance
of the nakshatra to be transited for calculating the
duration of the first Dasa. In these lessons we prefer to
follow the first view.
In the standard horoscope Mars is determined as

He is in Libra, a moveable sign. Its duration is seven

44 Jaimini Astrology
years. Mars is on 24°47'. The remaining portion is 5° 13'.
If Libra covering thirty degrees gives seven years. How
much does 5° 13' give? 5° 13, x 7 =36 31 + 30 = 1 years,
2 months and 18 days.
4. According to some authorities, if the starting Dasa is
that of an odd sign, the order of the Dasas follows the
regular order. If it is of an even sign, the sequence is in
the anti-clockwise direction.
Jaimini states: "In all odd signs the counting must
be in the right direction. In even signs the counting is in the
reverse order. In some cases this does not apply" (1.1.25-
27). As we learn from Sutra 2.4.22 Jaimini refers to the odd
signs (0j a Kuta) which are signs 1,3,5,7,9,11 from Aries
onwards. The others are signs. But this order does not apply
always, as per Sutra 1.1.27. The exception is given in Sutra 4.
4.116 which reads: 'The counting is direct or in the usual
direction in the two Subha (even) signs (Scorpio and Tau-
rus) of the odd (Krura) group; and it is in the reverse order
in the two odd signs (Leo and Aquarius) of the even group."
The order of Dasas in signs 1,2,3,7,8,9 from Aries
onwards is clockwise and that of Dasas in signs
4,5,6,10,11,12 is anticlockwise. This is supported by
Nilakantha in his commentary as 1.1.25-27.
The Sthira Dasa of signs 1,2,3.7,8 and 9 (from Aries)
follows the regular order; and in the others it is in the
reverse. Similarly the sub-periods of the Dasas of these
signs. Dr. B. V. RAMAN does not accept this view.
In the standard horoscope the Sthira Dasas follow the
clockwise sequence because Libra is in the odd group. The
Dasas are:
Libra 1.2.18
Scorpio 8.0.0
Sagittarius 9.0.0
Capricorn 7.0.0
Aquarius 8.0.0
Pisces 9.0.0
Jaimini Astrology 45
Aries 7.0.0
Taurus 8.0.0
Gemini 9.0.0
Cancer 7.0.0
Leo 8.0.0
Virgo 9.0.0
Total 90.2.18
Trikon.a Dasa
1. For purposes of Trikona Dasa we have to find out the
strongest of the 1st, 5th and 9th houses (2.4.24). The
first Dasa will be that of the strongest. If this is in the odd
group, the order of the Dasas will be direct: and if it is
in the even group, it is in the reverse order.
Thus if the first Dasa is that of Sagittarius, the
second will be that of Aries, the third that of Leo, the
fourth that of Capricorn, the fifth that of Virgo and so on.
If the first Dasa is that of Capricorn, the second will be
that of Virgo, the third that of Taurus, the fourth that of
Sagittarius, the fifth that of Leo and so on.
In the standard horoscope the three houses from Lagna
are Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus. We have noticed the
strength of these signs is respectively 337.5, 165.0,
337.5. Two Trikonas have the same strength. But of
these Virgo is a common sign which is stronger than the
fixed sign Taurus. Moreover, there is a planet in Virgo,
and none in Taurus. Hence the first Dasa will be that of
2. What is the duration of each Trikona Dasa? Here we
have to follow the principles laid down for determining
the period of Chara Dasas.
Thus if we need the Dasa period of Virgo whose lord is
in Libra, we have to count back-wards because Virgo is
in an even group. He is in the 10th from it. Deducting
one we get 11 years. What is duration of the Trikona
46 Jaimini Astrology
Dasa of Leo? Its lord is in Virgo and Leo is an even sign.
This gives 11 years. To find the Dasa of Libra, an odd
sign, note the lord in the 10th from it and this sign gives
9 years.
In the standard horoscope Jupiter is in Sagittarius, the
Moon is in Cancer, Mars and Ketu are in Libra with
Mercury, Saturn is in Leo, and Rahu is in Aries. We get
the following durations:
Virgo 11.0.0
Capricorn 5.0.0
Taurus 2.0.0
Leo 11.0 .0
Aries 6.0.0
Sagittarius 12.0.0
Cancer 12.0.0
Pisces 3.0.0
Scorpio 11.0.0
Gemini 4.0.0
Aquarius 4.0.0
Libra 9.0.0
3. Each sub-period has a duration of a 12th part of the Rasi
Dasa. These Antardasas follow the order of the main
Dasas. In a certain Rasi Dasa, if the sign belongs to the
odd group, the sub-periods will follow the regular order
of 1,5,9,2,6. 10,3,7,11,4,8,12 from that sign. If the sign
is in the even group the, sub-periods will be in the
reverse order-1,9,5,12,8,4,11,7,3,10,6,2 from that sign.
What will be the order and duration of the sub-periods
in the Trikona Dasa of Sagittarius in the standard
chart? Sagittarius is in the odd group, and the sequence
is regular. Its duration is 12 years and each Antardasa
will be for one year. Then the order of succession will be
Sagittarius, Aries, Leo, ' Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo,
Jaimini Astrology 47
Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio.
If we require the sequence of sub-periods in Cancer
Trilona Dasa, to have to count in the reverse order as
Cancer is in the even group. The duration is 12 years for
this horoscope, and hence each sub-period is for one
year. The sequence will be Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio,
Gemini, Aquarius, Libra, Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo,
Aries, Sagittarius, Leo.
Yogardha Dasa
1. The first Dasa in this system commences from Lagna or
the 7th house whichever is stronger. If the Rasi whose
Dasa is the 1st is an odd sign, the sequence of the Dasas
is direct. If it is an even sign there sequence is anti-
cloclwise (2.4.20).
2. Add the Chara Dasa of a sign and the Sthira Dasa of the
same sign, and take half of it. This is the duration of the
Yogardha Dasa of a sign (2.4.19).
In the standard horoscope Lagna (Virgo) has a strength
of 337.5 and the 7th has 198.75 only. Hence we have to start
with Virgo. This being an even sign, the sequence will be in
the anti-clockwise manner. We tabulate the Dasa periods
on the basis of our earlier calculations:

Sign Charadasa+ Sthiradasa/2 = Yogardhadasa

Virgo 11.0.0 + 9.0.0%2 = 10.00
Leo 11.0.0 + 8.0.0%2 = 9.6.0
Cancer 12.0.0 + 7.0.0%2 = 9.6.0
Gemini 4.0.0 + 9.0.0%2 = 6.6.0
Taurus 2.0.0 + 8.0.0%2 = 5.0.0
Aries 6.0.0 + 7.0.0%2 = 6.6.0
Pisces 3.0.0 9.0.0%2 = 6.0.0
Aquarius 4.0.0 + 8.0.0%2= 6.0.0
Capricorn 5.00 + 7.0.0%2= 6.0.0
Sagittarius 12.0.0 + 9.0.0%2 = 10.6.0
48 Jaimini Astrology
Scorpio 11.0.0 + 8.0.0%2 = 9.6.0
Libra 9.0.0 + 1.2.18%2 = 5.1.9
Total 90.1.9
It is observed by Prof.B.S. Rao in his elaboration of Sutra
2.4.7 that "for males preference should be given to Lagna
and for females the 7th should be preferred provided it is
strong". This is the view of the commentators which de-
serves acceptance.
Jaimini Astrology

10. Varnada and other Dasas

Varnada Dasa
EARLIER we have noted how to calculate Varnada for Lagna
and the other houses on the basis of the commentaries of
Nilakantha and others as per Sutra 1.1.32.
1. Sutra 4.2.15 states: "The Varnada Dasa periods should
be taken as equivalent to the distance in Rasis from
Lagna and other houses to its Varna." The counting is
regular or reverse depending on the odd or even nature
of the sign. It is from the sign, not from or upto the lord
of the sign.
2. According to Parasara the Dasa starts from the stronger
between Lagna and Hora Lagna. But Jaimini, whom we
follow here, very clearly states in Sutra 4.2.16. "The
Yamada Dasa should be from Lagna or the 12th accord-
ing to the system of Chara Dasa." It starts from the 12th
when the Lagna is an even sign. Here by odd we refer to
the Rasis 1,3,5,7,9 and 11 counted from Aries.
If Lagna is Leo and the Varnada Lagna is Scorpio, the
first Varnada Dasa would be that of Leo. Its duration will
be four years, counting cloclwise. But if the Lagna is
Scorpio and its Varnada Lagna is Aries, the duration
would be seven years, counting from the 12th house of
the Lagna.
3. In the case of an odd sign as Lagna, the second Varnada
Dasa would be that of the 2nd house. Its duration is the
same as the distance between the Lagna and the second
Varnada Rasi. The counting is cloclwise. If the Lagna is
an even sign, the second Varnada Dasa would be that of
the 11th house. The duration is the distance between
the Lagna and the second Varnada Rasi. The counting
is anticlockwise. In this way we have to fix the Varnada
Dasa years for all the 12 signs.
Let us illustrate from the standard chart. Here Lagna is
Virgo, an even sign. The counting is therefore in the reverse
order. We have to start from the 12th house which is Leo.
We have earlier given the Varnadas of the 12 signs. These
50 Jaimini Astrology
are: Lagna Aquarius, the 2nd house Pisces, the 3rd house
Aquarius, the 4th house Cancer, the 5th house Libra, the
6th house Scorpio, the 7th house Gemini, the 8th house
Pisces, the 9th house Gemini, the 10th house Scorpio, the
11th house Libra, the 12th house Cancer.
In this chart Janma Lagna is Virgo, an even sign. The
Varnada is Aquarius. The first and the subsequent Dasas
are from Leo to Cancer in the reverse order. From Leo to the
Varnada Lagna Aquarius we get seven signs. Thus the
Varnada Lagna Dasa is for seven years. The second Varnada
Dasa is from Cancer to Pisces, again in an anti-cloclwise
manner; and this gives five years. The third is from Gemini
to Aquarius which gives five years. In this way we get the
following periods:-

Varnada Lagna Dasa 7.0.0

2nd Varnada Dasa 5.0.0
3rd 5.0.0
4th 11.0.0
5th 7.0.0
6th 5.0.0
7th 9.0.0
8th 11.0.0
9th 7.0.0
10th 1.0.0
11th 1.0.0
12th 3.0.0
Total 72.0.0
Brahma Dasa
1. Note the sign where Brahma is located. If the Lagna is
odd the Dasa starts from Brahma Rasi in a clockwise
direction. If it is even, the Dasa is from the seventh
counted from Brahma Rasi. The Dasas succeed in the
reverse order (2.3.261.
Jaimini Astrology 51
2. Sutra 2.3.25 states: "If the Lagna falls in a Purusha (odd)
Rasi, the Dasas commence from the sign occupied by
Brahma. The extent of the Rasi Dasa is determined
thus: Tale the 6th from the Dasa Rasi. Find out the
number of the house occupied by its lord. That number
is the extent in years of that Dasa."
When we need the Dasa duration of a Rasi, note the 6th
house from it. Find where the lord of this 6th house is
located. Note the distance from Brahma Rasi to this
place. From this deduct one and the remainder gives the
number of years. Here in counting the distance we
follow the regular clockwise sequence.
In the standard horoscope Lagna is Virgo, an even sign.
The first Brahma Dasa begins from the 7th house of
Brahma. The Dasas will follow the anti-clockwise sequence.
Mars is Brahma in this chart. He is in Libra. We have to take
the 7th from Mars, namely Aries. The 6th lord from Aries is
Mercury who is in Libra. From Aries to Libra we have seven
signs. Hence the first Dasa of Brahma is for six years only.
The next one is Pisces. The 6th from it is Libra whose lord
is in Cancer. This is the 5th from Pisces. Hence the next
Dasa is for five minus one year, that is four years. In this way
we calculate thus:

The 1st Brahma Dasa 6.0.0

the 2nd 4.0.0
the 3rd 5.0.0
the 4th 9.0.0
the 5th 7.0.0
the 6th 11.0.0
the 7th 2.0.0
the 8th 11.0.0
the 9th 0.0.0
the 10th 5.0.0
the 1 1 th 4.0.0
the 12th 2.0.0 .
Total 66.0.0
52 Jaimini Astrology
Sula Dasa
This Dasa is of great importance in Jaimini.s system for
predicting death. If the Lagna is an odd sign, the Dasa starts
from Lagna and proceeds in the cloclwise direction. If it is
an even sign, it starts from the 7th and proceeds in an anti-
clockwise manner. Each Dasa is for nine years (2.4.17).
In our standard horoscope Lagna is Virgo, an even sign.
The Dasa starts from Pisces and proceeds through Aquarius,
Capricorn, Sagittarius and so on to Aries.
Jaimini states: "To persons having short, middle and
long lives death happens in the first, second and third Sula
Rasi Dasas" (2.1.43). The Sula Rasis are 1,5 and 9th from
the Lagna or the 7th as started earlier; or they can be the
signs from a malefic maraka. This is explicit in the Sutra: "
Find the stronger house between Lagna and the 7th; and
from the stronger one take the Dasas of 1, 5 and 9 which are
Sula Rasis. The strongest of these Sula Rasis brings death" (
2.3.18). Sula Dasas bring death. We have to take the 7th
from the most powerful of the Niryana Rasis (2.4.16). This
Niryana Sula is of different linds like Rudra Sula, Mahesvara
Sula and Rudra Sula.
The utility of this Dasa will be explained later.
Navamsa Dasa
1. If the Lagna is an odd sign, the Navamsa Dasa begins
from it (2.3.1). Each Rasi has nine amsas. Each Rasi
Dasa is for nine years. If the Lagna is an even sign, the
Navamsa Dasa starts from "darsa" (2.3.2). By "darsa" is
called the Adhimukha Rasi.
2. These Rasis are explained in 12.4.8. -12:
"If the Dasa commences with a moveable sign, then the
sequence of the Dasas will be regular starting from that
sign. If it commences with a fixed sign, then the succes-
sive Dasas will be the sixth, seventh and so on. If it starts
from a common sign, the successive Dasas are deter-
mined by lendra (specially the 7th), Panapara and
Apollimas from the karaka become the lords of the
Navamsa Dasas. Those Rasis which are in kendras from
Lagna give the first Dassa."
Jaimini Astrology 53
These sutras need explanation. Sutra 2,4,9 states : "
Dviteeya Ravltah". It refers to the fixed signs. By
Ravitah is meant from the 6th. This can mean the 6th
from Lagna, the 6th from the 6th, the 6th from it and so
on. Thus if Lagna is Taurus, the sequence will be Libra,
Pisces, Leo, Capricorn, Gemini, Scorpio, Aries, Virgo,
Aquarius, Cancer, Sagittarius and Taurus.
Regarding the common signs, we have to take first the
kendras according to their strength. Then we proceed to
Panaparas and next to Apollimas.
3. Death is to be Judged in the Navamsa Dasa of the 8th
Rasi (3.2.27). This applies to the Dasa of the 8th Rasi in
Sthira Dasa. If Saturn is in the 8th, the native dies in the
period of that Rasi in the Navamsa Dasa (3.2.28). If the
8th has both benefic and malefic planets, the native
does not die during the Dasa of that Rasi (3.2.29).
Let us illustrate from the standard horoscope:
Lagna is Virgo, an even sign. The 7th is Pisces, a common
sign. The kendras are Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagit-
tarius. Their strengths, as we have found, are respectively
198.75, 277.5, 337.5 and 258.75. Hence first we have the
sequence of Dasas as Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces.
These are followed by the Dasas of the Panaparas, namely
Cancer (367.5), Aries (255.0), Libra (192.5) and Capricorn (
165). Then follow the Apollima Dasas of Taurus (337.5),
Leo (22), Scorpio (210) and Aquarius (180). At present he is
having the Navamsa Dasa of Pisces. Here the sub-period is
that of Capricorn from the end of September 1981.
Drig Dasa
Drig Dasas start with the 9th from Lagna, according to
trikuta-rupa-pada (2.4.21). This is a variant of Trikona
Dasa. From the starting sign the three angles are 1,5,9.
Then we have 2,6,10, followed by 3.7,11 and 4,8,12.
Karaka Dasa
The Karalas will be moving between the Lagna and the
7th (2.4.13). Note whether Lagna or the 7th is stronger. The
lord of the house is karaka. See where he is located. If he
54 Jaimini Astrology
occupies an odd sign, count forwards; otherwise count
backwards. Then he gives the Dasa years as are counted
from Lagna or the 7th. Tale the Dasa duration by the larger
number. For other planets, count the number from them to
the larala, forward or backward. Results must also be
predicted from 1,3,7 and 9 Rasis (2.4.26).
In our example the Lagna is stronger and it is an even
sign. The lord is in Libra. From Lagna he is in the 2nd
counting forwards. He gives two years. The 2nd house is
owned by Venus who is in an even sign Cancer and he gives
four years. The third (Scorpio) has its lord in Libra and he
gives 12 years. In this way we can arrive at the Dasas thus:
Virgo 2.0.0
Libra 4.0.0
Scorpio 12.0.0
Sagittarius 1.0.0
Capricorn 8.0.0
Aquarius 7.0.0
Pisces 10.0.0
Aries 7.0.0
Taurus 11.0.0
Gemini 5.0.0
Cancer 1.0.0
Leo 12.0.0
Nakshatra Dasa
Jaimini observes: "Dasas based on the constellation in
which the Moon was at birth are to be Nalshatrarom the
established authorities" (2.4.18) like Parasara. The refer-
ence is to Vimshottari and other Dasa systems.
Apart from this, Jaimini also speaks of a Nakshatra
Dasa: "Divide the birth constellation into 12 equal parts
corresponding to the 12 Rasis. Note the division in which
the birth time falls. The lord of the Rasi corresponding to the
division is the lord of the first Dasa" (2.4.27).
Jaimini Astrology 55
In the standard horoscope the Moon is at 6° 6' of Cancer.
Pushyami begins at 3° 20. and ends at 16°40.. The nakshatra
is for 13° 20'. A 12th part comes to 1° 6. 40". At the time of
birth the Moon has passed 2°46. in Pushyami. That is. at the
time of birth the Moon is in the third part. According to
Prof.B S. Rao we have to find from birth Lagna. This would
be Scorpio in the example; and the Dasa commences from
this sign. Possibly we may have to count from the sign in
which the Moon is located.
If the lord of the Rasi Dasa is exalted or debilitated, the
native becomes wealthy and influential. If in such a Lagna,
its lord occupies a friendly sign, the wealth will be moderate.
If the lord is situated otherwise, the person becomes poor (
For each Rasi the Dasa is for nine years. The Dasas have
to be counted forwards or backwards as the starting Dasa
of a Rasi Is odd or even (2.4.31-32). It would be scientific if
we calculate the balance of the starting Dasa by noting the
portion already covered by the Moon.
In our example the Moon has covered 2° 46' in Pushyami.
That is, in the third Rasi whose duration would be 1° 6. 40"
he has covered 32' 40". He is yet to cover 34' 0". For 1° 6 40"
the Rasi gives nine years; and for 34. 0" it gives four years,
seven months and two days. Since the sign is an even Rasi
the Dasas follow in the reverse order.
11. Judgement Karakamsa
The most important factor determining longevity and the
Dasas is that of judging a horoscope and interpreting it.
Jaimini's method is unique in so far as his approach differs
from that followed traditionally. Here we should remember
seven primary karakas, karakamsa in Navamsa where
Atmalarala is located ,the strength of Rasis and planets,
and Jaimini's aspects' and argalas. If we forget these and
apply his principles in the traditional manner of Parasara
and other, our predictions will go wrong.
The most important planet is the one who has the
highest longitude in the signs. He is Atmalaraka. The sign
he occupies in Navamsa is Karakamsa Lagna. In Parasara
the Lagna enables us to determine the nature of the
constitution, appearance, nature and colour. In Jaimini
these are determined by Lagna, Karakamsa, lords of Na-
vamsa and Karakamsa Lagnas, Yamada Lagna, Atmalaraka,
and the planets associated with these.
Whatever is left unnoticed by Jaimini has been taken
from the Parasara system. He states: "Siddham anyat" (2-
4-37)-Every thing else has been established elsewhere. The
Sun and other planets to represent red, white, reddish,
green, yellow, mixed and black colours respectively. Apply-
ing these to Varnada Lagna we can determine the complex-
In the standard horoscope Varnada Lagna is Kumbha (
Aquarius) ruled by Saturn. This gives black colour. It is
modified by Saturn being in the Sun's house and aspected
by Mars and Mercury. Varnada Lagna itself is aspected by
the Moon, Venus. Mars and Mercury. The complexion is not
black, but brownish.
Saturn-Ketu conjunction gives light red, Saturn-Rahu
dark, Saturn-Venus blacl, Saturn-Jupiter golden, Saturn-
Mercury blue, Saturn-Mars reddish golden, and Saturn-
Moon white.
If Pranapada falls in Virgo. the native has ruddiness.
softness and delicacy. If it is Capricorn, he will have a ruddy
complexion. If it is Leo, he will not have a good appearance.
Jamini Astrology 57
If Ketu is in the 2nd from Arudha Lagna, one appears to be
more aged than he is. If Saturn is in the 2nd from the lord
of the 7th from Upapada, he will be uncouth. Mercury and
Venus in the 2nd or the 5th give unbecoming jaws and lips.
Atmakaraka gives bondage (bandha) or liberation (
moksha) as he has malefic or benefic dispositions (1.1.12).
Exaltation, location in a benefic sign, aspect or conjunction
of benefics gives liberation. The rules of prediction given by
Jaimini are not to be applied literally. They have to be
modified by the conditions prevalent in each chart. First we
give the results given by Atmakaraka with reference to the
sign he occupies in Navamsa.
In Aries Navamsa he males the native subject to fears
from rats, cats and the like. In Taurus there is danger from
the quadrupeds. That is, when Atmalarala is strong, there
will be gains from these; and when he is weak there are
losses and fears from them. This is the way one has to
interpret the indications given by Jaimini for all the 12
signs. In Gemini he gives skin diseases and corpulence.
Cancer-troubles from water and skin. Leo-troubles from
dogs and the like. Virgo-as in Gemini. Libra-gains from
commerce. Scorpio-danger from aquatic creatures and
snakes and loss of mother's milk. Sagittarius-danger of falls
from conveyances and the lile, accidents. Capricorn-dan-
ger from aquatic creatures, birds, skin diseases, wounds
and defective glands. Aquarius-charitable acts like digging
of wells and tanks. Pisces-righteous deeds, charities and
final emancipation (1.2.2-13). Depending on the strength
or weakness and benefic or malefic nature of Atmakaraka,
these results have to be modified.
Next we have to consider the planets with whom
Atmakaraka is associated in Rasi and Navamsa, their
nature and relationship, ownership, aspects and the lile.
These factors modify the results given below. If he joins the
Sun, one will do public service or be in the service of the
government. If Venus and the Full Moon join him, one will
have wealth and comforts and earn as a teacher. If Mars
joins, him, one is engaged in preparing drugs and chemi-
cals, carry weapons, and live by an occupation connected
with fire. When Mercury joins Karalamsa, one can be
58 Jamini Astrology
trader, weaver, sculptor, or versed in social affairs. With
Jupiter in Karakamsa one becomes a scholar of the Vedas (
scriptures), a devoted observer of rituals, or a philosopher.
Venus in Karakamsa makes one an officer in the govern-
ment department, a passionate or deeply attached one and
a virile one till he completes a 100 years. Saturn in Karakamsa
makes one famous in his own line of activity. Rahu in that
amsa enables one to become a manufacturer of weapons, a
thief or a dacoit, a manufacturer of objects in metals, or a
doctor dealing with poisons. Ketu in that amsa gives a job
connected with elephants or theft. When the Sun and Rahu
join Karalamsa, one may die of snale-bite; but if benefics
aspect them, he will be free from it and he will be a medical
person dealing with poisons. When the Sun and Rahu in
Karakamsa are aspected by Mars alone, one may indulge in
burning houses or he will be an abettor in arson. But when
these have the aspect of Venus, he will not indulge in such
an activity, though he can be an abettor. The aspect of
Jupiter on these will make him burn the houses nearby. If
karakamsa has Gulika, he will administer posion to others
or he will be poisoned. When such a Gulika is aspected by
the Moon, he becomes a thief or a receiver of stolen goods.
If such a Gulila is aspected by Mercury, the native will have
enlarged testicles. When Ketu joins this Navamsa, one will
have the ailments of the ear. When such a Ketu joins Venus,
one becomes engaged in religious activities. If Ketu in
karakamsa has the aspect of Mercury and Saturn, one
becomes impotent. If this Ketu has the aspect of Mercury
and Venus, one will go on saying the same thing over and
over again, or he will be the child of a servant or dancer. If
this Ketu has the aspect of Saturn, he becomes a tapasvi (
saint) or a dependant. If Saturn alone aspects such a Ketu,
one will have merely the robes of a Sannyasi, an imposter.
The aspect of the Sun and Venus on karalamsa makes one
an employee under the government, or an ambassador (
The aspects referred to are those given according to
Jaimini. In the example chart Karakamsa is Pisces and this
is aspected by Mercury and Saturn. Karaka Venus is in
Pisces. This males the native engaged in virtuous deeds
and charity and confers Kaivalya on him as per Sutras Jupiter joining the karala makes him versed in
Jamini Astrology 59
traditional scriptures sacrificial activities, and philosophy (1.
A benefic in Karalamsa leads one to Kaivalya. If this
amsa is Aries or Sagittarius and has a benefic in it, the same
result follows; and so will it be if these are the 12 signs from
the amsa having Ketu therein (1.2.69-70). According to
Jaimini Ketu becomes a benefic in a movable sign and in
Jupiter's Moolatrikona which happens to be his sign of
The Sun and Ketu in Karakamsa make one a devotee of
Siva'. The Moon there leads him to worship Gauri. The
deities indicated by the planets in the karalamsa are:
Venus- Lakshmi; Mars-Skanda; Mercury, Saturn-Vishnu;
Jupiter-Siva; Rahu-Tamasi and Durga; Ketu-Ganesa and
Skanda; Saturn or Venus in the malefic karakamsa-evil
spirits (1-2-72-81). Venus is in the karakamsa of our
example; and the native will acquire beneficial results if he
worships Lakshmi. The deities mentioned by Jaimini refer
to the Hindus. Persons following other religions have to find
out the equivalents of these in their religions.
If Venus aspects the Moon who is in the amsa, one
becomes an alchemist. If the Moon in this amsa is aspected
by Mercury, he can become a medical practitioner (1-2-86-
87). If the Moon and Jupiter are in the karalamsa or in the
5th from it, one becomes a celebrated author. With the
Moon and Venus in a similar position, he becomes an
ordinary author. He becomes still less famous if Mercury is
there instead of Venus. If Venus is in Karakamsa or in the
5th from it, one becomes a great poet, an eloquent spealer,
and well versed in literature. Jupiter alone there makes one
all knowing, learned in varied branches of knowledge. and
a reputed author; but he will not be a good speaker; though
he becomes a great scholar in grammar, scriptures and
philosophy. Saturn in Karakamsa or in the 5th from it
makes one nervous in an assembly. Mercury in these
positions makes one a mimamsaka, an authority on dharma
and rituals. Mars there makes him a logical, a dialectician.
The Moon there males one an authority on the systems of
philosophy called Sankhya and Yoga (theories of spiritual
evolution and meditation). In this combination one be-
60 Jamini Astrology
comes a litterateur and /or a musician. If the Sun is in
karakamsa or in the 5th from it, one becomes a philosopher
and /or a musician. If Ketu is also present, one becomes a
mathematician. If this has the association or aspect of
Jupiter one becomes an expert in traditional knowledge
and rituals (1-2-102-115).
If the 10th from Karakamsa is aspected by Mercury he
becomes an imposter in religion. But if he is aspected by a
benefic, he will have great determination. If in this 10th you
find only the aspect of Jupiter. the native will do business
with cattle. If the 4th from this amsa has the association of
the Moon and Venus. one will have a storeyed house. The
same result will follow if this 4th has an exalted planet. If
the 4th from this amsa has Saturn and Rahu, the house will
not be a plastered one. If this 4th has Mars and Ketu, the
house will be constructed of lumps of earth and bricks. It
has Jupiter, it will be a wooden house. It it has the Sun, it
is a thatched but (1.2.39-47).
If the 9th from Karakamsa has a benefic conjunction or
aspect, one is truthful, righteous and religious. The reverse
happens with a malefic. Saturn and Rahu aspecting the 9th
from this amsa make one a betrayer of his teacher. Jupiter
and Rahu there will see that one betrays his parents and
teachers. If this 9th has the vargas of Venus and Mars. one
becomes immoral. Even Ketu with Venus in this 9th is no
exception, and so is Jupiter. With Rahu in this 9th, one
spends his wealth on other women (1.2.48-56).
Jupiter and the Moon in the 7th from karakamsa give a
handsome and affectionate partner. Rahu's association
with the 7th shows laxity of morals. Saturn.s association
gives an aged, sickly, or saintly wife. Mars association gives
a partner with defective limbs. The Sun's association makes
the wife well protected from the members of the husband's
family. Mercury's association gives a wife having artistic
talents (1.2.57-62).
Malefics in the 3rd from karakamsa give courage and
heroism, while benefics make one a coward. Malefics in the
3rd and the 6th encourage agriculture; and so does Jupiter
in the 9th (1.2.64-67).
Jamini Astrology 61
Malefics in the 5th and the 9th from larakamsa male
one engaged in magic and evil spirits; and his power will be
greater if these malefics have other malefic associations. If
they have the association of benefics. he will help others
relieve their psychic and spiritual worries (1.2.83-85).
Some ailments can be read from the 4th and the 5th
houses of karakamsa. The Moon in the 4th aspected by
Venus, Mars or Ketu gives rise to acute skin diseaes. Mars
and Rahu in the 4th or the 5th give consumption; and this
is certain when they are aspected by the Moon. Mars alone
in the 4th or the 5th gives sweating, itches, boils, sores and
cuts. Ketu in the 4th or the 5th degets ailments of the
glands, dropsy. diarrhoea, diabetes and the like. Rahu and
Gulika there give poisonous bites. Saturn in the 4th makes
one skilled in the use of weapons. Ketu in the 4th males one
manufacture time-machines. One lives by his sword if the
Sun is there. Mars there gives skill in handling maces and
long sticks (1.2.88-101).

These results about the 1st and the 5th from karakamsa
can be applied to the 2nd and the 3rd houses also (1.2.116-
117) .
Interestingly enough, Jaimini gives a new definition of
Kemadruma Yoga in 1.2.119. If malefics are in the 2nd and
the 8th from Janma Lagna, Arudha Lagna or Atmakaraka,
there is Kemadruma Yoga. The Moon.s aspect on these
makes it still worse (1.2.120).
The results given above will be experienced in the major
or minor periods of the Rasis (signs of the zodiac).
12. Arudha
We have noticed how to find the Arudha of any house.
The number of signs from the house to where its owner is
located has to be counted from that planet to get the Arudha
of that house. In the standard horoscope, the lord of the
Lagna is in the 2nd, and the 2nd from him is Scorpio which
is the Arudha Lagna, also called Pada Lagna. These padas
of the 1st, the 7th and the 12th play an important part in
Jaimini's system. In our standard chart, these padas are
respectively Scorpio, Virgo and Libra. Just as we used the
term Karakamsa to mean the sign in Navamsa occupied by
Atmakaraka, we use Pada or Arudha to mean the Arudha of
Lagna only.
Planets in the 1 1 th from Arudha make one wealthy. If
benefics are associated with it, the wealth is lawfully
acquired. In our example. the 1 1 th from Arudha is Virgo
which has the Sun aspected byJupiter. A malefic joining or
aspecting it makes the sources unlawful. It is better if the
11th has benefics, planets in exaltation or in moolatrikona
or in own house. and the like. Planets in the 12th from
Arudha makes one a spendthrift. The Sun, Rahu and Venus
joining or aspecting the 12th make one lose his money by
governmental actions; and this is definite if the Moon
aspects them. Mercury.s association with the 12th brings
losses through relatives or quarrels. Jupiter there makes
one pay more and more taxes. The association of Mars and
Saturn in the 12th gives expenditure through brothers. If
the planets mentioned in the 12th house are in the 11th.
there will be gains through those very sources (1.3.1-12).

Let us consider the 7th house from Arudha Lagna. Rahu

or Ketu there gives stomach complaints. Ketu in the 2nd
from Pada Lagna shows signs of premature old age (1.3. 13-
This Lagna in the 7th from Janma Lagna or Karakamsa
or in the angles and trines make one very wealthy. It is bad
if it falls in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th houses. The Arudha
of the 7th house falling in angles or trines, or in the 3rd. the
10th and the 11th houses shows great attachment between
Jamini Astrology 63
the husband and wife. In our example it falls in Lagna. The
Arudha or any house should not fall in the 6th, the 8th or
the 12th from Lagna. To be fortunate there should be no
malefic argala for Pada Lagna and for the 7th from it (1.3. 18-
The Moon. Jupiter and Venus-severally or collectively-in
the 2nd from Pada Lagna bestow wealth. An exalted planet
in the 2nd also gives wealth. All these results, says Jaimini,
can be interpreted also with reference to karakamsa (1.3.
15-17). We can extend this to include the ascendant as well.
Some Raj ayogas may be noted here:
(1) One planet aspecting the ascendant, Hora Lagna,
and Ghatika Lagna;
(2) One planet aspecting Chandra Lagna (natal Moon).
Navamsa Lagna. Drekkana Lagna, and the 7th
houses from there;
(3) One planet aspecting any five out of the ascendant.
Ghatika Lagna, Hora Lagna. Chandra Lagna, Na-
vamsa Lagna and Drekkana Lagna;
(4) One planet aspecting Navamsa, Hora and Ghatika
(5) One planet aspecting Hora, Ghatika and Drekkana
These are probably rare combinations (1.3.24-27).
Venus and the Moon in mutual aspects or in the 3rd and
the 11th from each other; Venus, Mars and Ketu in mutual
aspects or in the 3rd and the 11 th from each other; benefics
in the 2nd and the 4th or in the 5th and the 8th having equal
strength with the concerned karaka; equal strength of
planets in the 3rd and the 6th houses from Atmakaraka:
benefics in the 2nd, the 4th, the 5th and the 8th from the
lord of Lagna or of the 7th-these are auspicious yogas
conferring power and wealth. Malefics with benefics in
these houses give ordinary status. Malefics in benefic signs
and benefics in the malefic places give rise to poverty (1.3.
64 Jamini Astrology
Jupiter. Venus or the Moon in the 5th from the lord of
Lagna or from the lord of the 7th make one a government
official or a statesman. Malefics in the 3rd and the 6th
houses from the above lords make one an army commander.
These have to be considered also from Arudha Lagna. When
the lords of the 3rd and the 6th from Lagna or Pada Lagna
aspect the lords of the 3rd and the 6th from Atmakaraka, or
when the planets in those aspect those in the 3rd and the
6th from Atmakaraka. and at the same time if the 5th lord
also aspects them, one becomes a genius. Lagna or Pada
Lagna and Karaka Lagna must be aspected by the 4th lord
if one were to be happy. But if the lord of the 8th from Lagna
or Pada Lagna and from the karaka aspect them, one suffers
from poverty. The aspects of the lord of the 12th on these
make one a spendthrift. It is desirable to have the lord of the
Lagna for a good yoga. It is not desirable to have the same
number of planets in the 2nd and the 12th. or the 5th and
the 9th, or the 6th and the 12th, or the 4th and the 10th,
from any one of these three Lagnas (Janma, Arudha and
Karaka); for, this leads to imprisonment, Rahu in the 5th
from Arudha Lagna aspected by the Sun causes loss of eye-
sight (1.3. 35-34). Most probably, Jaimini, as the late Prof.
B. Suryanarain Rao noted, refers here to the Arudha of the
5th house. We reproduce his illustration here. The Arudha
of the 5th is Lagna which has Rahu. This Rahu is aspected
by the Sun and Venus. Because of Venus he lost his sight
later in life.
Rahu Saturn
Ascendant Moon Sun
Mercury Venus



Jupiter Ketu

For great prosperity, power and luxury, Venus and the

Moon should be in the 4th from Atmakaraka, or Pada Lagna,
or Lagna.
13. Upapada
UPAPADA is the Arudha of the 12th house. In our
example the lord of the 12th house is in the 2nd from it, and
hence the Upapada is the 2nd from him. This is Libra where
we have Mars, Mercury and Ketu aspected by Saturn. Some
followers of Jaimini interpret Upapada as the Arudha of the
7th house. This gives us Darapada which in our example is
Virgo. Many things about marriage and family life are to be
read from Upapada. This led these followers to identify
Upapada with Darapada. But Jaimini means by Upapada
only the Arudha or the 12th.
If a malefic joins or aspects Upapada or if the 2nd from
it has a malefic, one will lose the wife or husband or take to
asceticism (1.4.2). The late Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao had
the Moon and Rahu in his Upapada aspected by the Sun,
Mercury and Jupiter. The aspect of a benefic delayed the
event and he lost his first wife in his 47th year.
The Sun in the 2nd from Upapada is not a malefic.
Benefic associations to Upapada or its 2nd house prevent
or delay the event. A debilitated planet in the 2nd brings
about the death of the partner; and the contrary happens if
the planet is exalted there. Plurality of marriages can
happen if the Upapada is Taurus. If in the 2nd there is
Atmakaraka or its own lord, one will have no wife in the
latter part of his life. The lord of the 2nd in exaltation gives
a wife from a respectable family; and in debilitation the
opposite result can be expected. Benefic conjunction or
aspects to the 2nd give a beautiful wife. When Saturn and
Rahu joins or aspects the 2nd from Upapada, the wife may
die or be deserted by her husband because of some scandals (
About the health of the wife or husband, we have some
principles. When Venus and Ketu join or aspect the 2nd, the
wife ails from discharges or complaints of the blood. The
association of Mercury and Ketu there leads to the decay of
the bones or she may be corpulent or both. The association
of the Sun. Saturn and Rahu there gives rise to chronic
bone-fever. When the 2nd is a sign owned by Mercury and
has the association of Mars and Saturn, she suffers from
66 Jamini Astrology
nasal ailments. If it is owned by Mars, and has the associa-
tion of Mars and Saturn, we can predict the same result. If
the 2nd is owned by Mars or Mercury and has the associa-
tion of Jupiter and Saturn, there will be ear complaints and
nervous diseases; the association ofJupiter and Rahu with
such a 2nd house gives rise to dental complaints. If the 2nd
is Virgo or Libra and has the association of Saturn and
Rahu, she has defective limbs or she suffers from wind (
Vata) complaints. But if benefic associations are also
present, these bad results are not to be predicted. All these
results, says Jaimini, are to be predicted after considering
also the 7th from Upapada, the Dara-Karakamsa, and the
owners of those houses (1.4.13-23).
When the 7th from Upapada and its lord, and Dara-
Karakamsa and its lord are joined or aspected by Mercury,
Saturn and Venus, there will be no children. If the 5th
house from the 7th of Upapada and from its lord, the 5th
from Kalatra-karakamsa and its lord, have the association
of the Sun, Jupiter and Rahu, there will be many children;
and if this combination or if these houses have the associa-
tion of the Moon, there will be only one son; but if mixed
influences operate on this 5th house, there will be children
late in life. When this 5th has the association of Mars and
Saturn, one adopts son. If this 5th house falls in an odd
sign, there will be many children; and if it is an even sign,
there will be few children. Along with Upapada and the 5th
from it, we have to consider Putrakarakamsa (1.4,24-31).
Putrakaraka comes after atma, amatya, bhratru and matru-
karakas. In our standard horoscope. Putra karaka is Mer-
cury and the Amsa he occupies is Sagittarius.
From the Upapada, many other events can be predicted.
Saturn and Rahu in the 11th or the 3rd from the Upapada
or its lord will destroy brothers. Venus in the 3rd or the 11th
from the same kills the younger or elder brother. The 3rd is
for the younger brother and the 1 1 th for the elder. The
aspect of Venus on Lagna or the 8th brings about the loss
of brothers (1.4.32-34). Lagna would be the 3rd from the
1 1 th and the 1 1 th from the 3rd, while the 8th is the 10th
from the 11th and the 6th from the 3rd. These appear to be,
in Jaimini's view, the maraka houses for brothers.
Jamini Astrology 67
Mars, Jupiter, the Moon and Mercury in the 3rd and the
11th from Upapada and its lord give many brothers. These
houses aspected by Saturn and Mars destroy the brothers.
The aspect of Saturn on these gives the same result. If these
houses have the association of Ketu, there will be many
sisters (1.4.35-38).
Next take up the 2nd house from the 7th of Upapada.
Rahu here gives protruding teeth, and Ketu makes one
unable to speak properly. Mars gives an ugly appearance.
The complexion is to be judged, as stated earlier, from
Atmakarakamsa (1.4.39-42).
The religious and spiritual tendencies are to be studied
from Amatyakaraka. In our example Mars is Amatyakaraka
and he occupies Taurus in Navamsa and the 2nd house in
Rasi. Malefics should not be in the Navamsa of
Amatyakaraka. But if he is himself a malefic and is not
associated with malefics, there is no defect. Saturn and
Rahu in this Amsa make one notorious. Two planets there
make the native famous in his family.
14. Houses and Interpretation
We have considered the interpretation of the planetary
positions from Karakamsa lagna. Arudha lagna and
Upapada. The principles can be applied to janma lagna
also. All the while the aspects are those approved by
Jaimini. When we speak of the association of a planet, we
mean the placement of the planet or its aspect. The prob-
lems not considered by Jaimini have to be examined with
reference to Parasara. Now we take up some specific prob-
lems. In so doing a certain repetition is inevitable. The
results take into consideration Karakamsa lagna, Arudha
lagna and Janma lagna. Some sort of a synthesis has to be
arrived at from these.
The 5th governs the mind and so does Atmakaraka.
Pranapada in Aquarius makes one a hypocrite. The Moon
and Rahu in the 5th by conjunction or aspect make one
hypochondriac. One will be gloomy if the Moon and Rahu
are associated with the 5th. One becomes wicked and
destructive if the Moon and Rahu are in the 9th. If Ketu is
in karakamsa, or if the Sun and Rahu are there, one
develops a destructive temperament. Firm mind is indi-
cated if the 10th has benefic associations other than
Mercury's. Generosity appears if the 5th and the 9th from
Karakamsa have benefic associations. Saturn in the 1st or
the 5th from karakamsa makes one nervous.
Houses 2. 9, 11 govern financial gains, and houses
6,8,12 indicate expenditure or losses. The 8th and the 6th
refer to health. The diseases suggested by the karakamsa
have been explained earlier. Education refers to the 4th
house and to the 5th. The Sun is pitrukaraka and
matrukaraka is the Moon as per the Jaimini system.
Younger brothers and sisters are governed by the 3rd from
Upapada, and the elder ones from the 11th.
Marriage is to be examined from the Upapada and its
lord, from the 2nd and the 7th houses of Upapada and from
darakaraka, along with karakamsa.
Children are to be predicted from the 5th house of Lagna
and Upapada, and also from the 5th to the lord of the
Upapada. The various combinations have been given ear-
Jamini Astrology 69
Profession is to be judged from karakamsa and the 10th
house from it. Here attention has to be paid to the sign
occupied by Atmakaraka in Rasi and also in Navamsa,
along with the 10th from both the signs. In these places the
result are:
The Sun : Political power, government
service, minister, governor.
The Full Moon and Venus: Authors, teachers, minister.
The Moon : Government service.

Mars : Printing press. factories,

chemicals, metallurgy, fire,
army, police department.
Mercury : Business, sculptor, artist. tex-
tiles, versed in classics.
teacher of philosophy, author,
editor, journalist, weaver, law-
yer, intellectual.
Jupiter : Priest, judge, teacher, leader,
scholar in religious subjects
and philosophy.
Venus : Author, ruler, minister, am-
bassador, government offi-
Saturn : Ordinary professions, manu-
facture of ammunitions and
arms, hardware merchant,
printing, body-guard.
Rahu : Dhanurvidya (archery), drug-
gist. mechanic, machinery,
doctor, body-guard, swindler.
Ketu : Labourer, driver, mechanic,
mason, brick layer.
The Sun with Rahu : Chemist, dealingwith
poisons, doctor.
Gulika aspected by the Moon : Swindling.
70 Jamini Astrology
Ketu aspected by Venus : Religious ceremo-
The Sun with Venus : Ambassador, govern-
ment or semi-gov-
ernment official.
The Sun in the 10th aspected by Jupiter alone:Dairy farm.
Malefics in the 3fd and the 6th from karakamsa give
agriculture or horticulture. Jupiter in the 9th gives income
from estates or lands. The Moon in the amsa aspected by
Venus suggests alchemy. If this Moon is aspected by
Mercury, there is medical practice. Saturn in Karakamsa or
in the 4th gives skill in using arms, and one may be
employed in the army or the police department. Ketu in the
amsa or in the 4th gives work related to time-pieces. Rahu
similarly placed gives mining or work with machinery.
The Sun or Mars in the 4th from karalamsa gives a job
connected with arms. The Moon and Jupiter or Venus in the
amsa or in the 5th makes one a famous author, editor, or
journalist. Venus alone in the amsa or in the 5th makes one
a great poet and an authority on literature. Jupiter alone in
these places gives authorship and versatile knowledge.
If Jupiter or Venus is in the 5th from the lords of Lagna
and the 7th, one becomes a distinguished official. If male-
fics are in the 3rd or the 6th from these lords, one becomes
a commander. If malefics and benefics are together in these
houses, one becomes a leader of his community or society.
These indications get modified by the strength of planets
and houses, by the aspects, and by their associations.
Further details can be had from Dr. B. V. RAMAN'S Studies
inJaiminiAstrology. In the earlier sections we have given an
account of yogas mentioned by Jaimini.
In the standard horoscope Venus is in larakamsa Pisces
with Mercury in the 10th. The native is a good teacher of
literature and is deeply interested in religious subjects.
The Dasa of a Rasi gives the results of the concerned
house counted from Lagna-karalamsa and Arudha Lagna.
A Rasi having its own lord or an exalted planet gives
Jamini Astrology 71
favourable results in its Dasa. We have also to note the
disposition or the planets in relation to that sign. Malefics
in the 2nd give financial losses during the Dasa of the sign
having them in its 2nd. If the 5th has the Sun or the Moon
associated with Saturn, or if the Moon and Rahu are in the
6th or the 8th, one suffers during the Dasa having such
dispositions from the government. The Sun in the 6th gives
favours and gains. A Rasi hemmed in between malefics or
having malefics in it or in its 8th gives losses, misfortunes.
A Rasi Dasa brings wealth and happiness if the Moon
and Venus are in its 3rd; losses if these planets are in its
12th; Rahu in its 12th gives ill-health; Rahu in that sign
gives travels; malefics in its 9th bring danger to the father,
malefics in its 9th bring danger to the father; malefics in its
4th affect the mother's health.
The Dasas of Libra, Cancer, Taurus, Aries, Sagittarius,
Virgo and Gemini are generally favourable ones. The results
indicated for a sign are realised during the Dasa and
Antardasa of that sign.
Pranapada in Cancer is a case of balarishta; in Virgo-
charming appearances; in Capricorn-ruddy appearance: in
Leo-ugly form; in Sagittarius-dignity and honour; in
Aquarius-a hypocrite. Benefics in the 3rd from it makes, the
native attached to the father; malefics-attached to the
mother; both benefics and malefics-attached to brothers. If
both benefics and malefics are in pranapada, the native is
indifferent to his parents and brothers. Malefics in the 5th
from pranapada make one gloomy and sorrowful; more so
if the 5th is associated with the Moon and Rahu. If the 9th
from Lagna or Atmakaraka has the Moon and Rahu, the
native puts an end to family wealth and reputation; but if
these are aspected by Pisces, this will not happen. Long life
is assured if houses 2 and 11 or 4 and 11 are aspected by
the Moon and Jupiter (4.1.42-54).
If the 8th is aspected by the lord of Lagna, the native will
be unhealthy; aspected by the lord of the 9th, gives health
and poverty; aspected by the lord of the 11th, makes one
extravagant; aspected by the lord of the 12th gives a
suitable job; aspected by the lord of the 5th makes one
powerful; aspected by the lord of the 4th-happy; by the 3rd
72 Jamini Astrology
lord-future gets ruined; by the 2nd lord-beautiful. These
results can be interpreted with regard to the 2nd and 4th
houses also (4.2.33-43).
Some hints about Varnada may be given. If in the trines
of Varnada lagna and Arudha lagna there are benefics and
the Sun is in the 12th to these, one becomes miserable.
Benefics with kalabala (temporal strength) in the angles
and trines of these two Lagnas give stability and honour (
Complexion is determined by the ruling planet of Nav
amsa Lagna (4.3.9). If the Varnada Lagna is in the 12th of
the Lagna, determine the complexion from the Navamsa
lord of the Varnada of the 4th house (4.3.14). Complexion
can be determined also from the strongest planet in
Atmakaraka. The Sun and Mars are red, Mercury and
Venus are green or blue; the others are black (4.3.18-21).
15. Diseases and Death
Chara(moveable) and Sthira (fixed) Dasas are helpful in
fixing the period of death. Niryana Sula Dasa enables us to
predict the death of parents, brothers, sisters and relatives.
Niryana Phala Sula Dasa can determine the native's death
if he has medium longevity (madhyayu).
Concerning Rasi Dasas which have the power to kill,
death is possible in the Rasi Dasa and the sub-period of the
Rasi of Navamsa which is aspected by the lord of the 6th
from the former (2.1.34). If a strong Rudra is aspected by
benefics, death is possible in the Rudra Rasi or in the trinal
signs from it (2.1.37). We have stated earlier how to find out
a weaker Rudra. Even this one having benefic associations
extends life to the Dasa of the Rudra Rasi and its trines. But
if there are planets other than the Sun in its trines, these
results are not to be given. If the two Rudras are malefic,
death is in the first Sula Dasa (trinal signs) ; if one is malefic,
in the second; and if both are favourable, in the third (
If the Moon has an association with an afflicted Dvara
Rasi, death is in the period of the Dvara Rasi (3.2.23). If
Lagna and the 8th are afflicted, death comes in the period
prior to that of the Dvara Rasi (3.2.25). If Saturn is in the
8th, one dies during the period of that sign in the Navamsa
Dasa (3.2.28) when it does not have mixed influences.
Generally, death comes in the period of a moveable sign of
Navamsa Dasa. The Dasa periods of signs 3,6,8,12 from the
6th and its lord are fatal. Malefics in these signs give an
early death (3.2.34 36).

If the 3rd houses from Lagna and 7th Arudhas or their

Navamsas are not moveable signs, one dies in the room
where he keeps his wealth (3.3.18). When these are aspected
by Aries and Jupiter is in Lagna, death is in the house.
When these have malefic associations, death comes from
stones or falling from a high place. If Ketu is there or if
such a Ketu has a malefic association, one is destroyed by
his own fault. Even benefic association to Ketu is of no
help (3.3.9-15).
74 Jamini Astrology
If the 8th from Lagna or Atmakaraka, and the 3rd from
Navamsas of the Arudhas of the 1st and the 7th are
occupied by malefics, one is hanged or guillotined. If such
malefics are aspected by Rahu. There will be capital punish-
ment. Saturn and Rahu in the 3rd from the Arudhas of the
1st and the 7th or from their Navamsas indicate death of a
violent nature; or one may die of kidney trouble. Mars and
Ketu in that place show constant ailments Of such a nature (
The nature of death has to be examined by considering
the nature of the signs, their lords, and the strength and
vargas of the 3rd and the 8th. If the houses 3 and 8 from
Lagna or Atmakaraka have the vargas of Taurus and
Sagittarius predominantly, and they have Mars in them,
one will have boils. tumors and inflammation of the ears
and the neck. If the Moon is there, one will have inflamma-
tory complaints. If it is Libra, one is beaten to death, and if
it is Leo, one dies of the bite of reptiles. If the 3rd and the 8th
are in the Navamsas of Taurus and Scorpio, death is from
poisonous creatures. If the 8th is aspected by Leo and
Scorpio, death comes from mice and similar creatures. If
this 8th has Saturn, one swallows poison; if it is associated
with Mercury, one has diarrhoea and dysentery (3.3.24-34).
These are some of the significant combinations given by
Death caused by fire, explosion, drowning, fall and the
like is dushta or unnatural death. It is subha or natural if
it is after some ailment. We give first the combinations for
the causes of death.
1. Malefics in the 3rd from Lagna or Atmakaraka. Benefics
there give a natural death. Mixed influences modify the
result mentioned (2.2.12-14: 3.3.3).
2. The 3rd house from Lagna or Atmakaraka associated
with the Sun (by aspect or location)-hanging, behead-
ing; with Mars-fire, weapons, injuries; with Saturn and
Gulika polson; snake bite, drowning, etc., with Gulika
- -

and the Moon-hard and indigestible food; with the Sun

and Rahu snake bite; with the Moon-consumption;
- -

Saturn-rheumatism, windy diseases; Ketu-dropsy; Ju-

piter-indigestion, vomiting, phlegm; Venus-venereal dis-
eases (2.2.15-25).
Jamini Astrology 75
3. Malefics in the 3rd from the Navamsas of the Arudhas
of the 1st and the 7th give an unnatural death (3.3.4).
4. The 5th from Lagna Arudha or the 7th Arudha or their
Navamsas are moveable ones for an unnatural death (
5. If the 3rd houses from Lagna and the 7th Arudhas or
their Navamsas are moveable and immoveable, or both
common sign. There is an untimely death (3.3.7).
6. If the 8th from Lagna or Atmakaraka, and the 3rd from
the Navamsas of the Arudhas of the 1st and the 7th are
afflicted by malefics, there is unnatural death (3.3.16).
The nature of death is explained by Jaimini with refer-
ence to the 8th house from the sign occupied by the lord of
the karakamsa (3.3.35). Other factors also are involved.
Benefic association (occupation or aspect) with the 3rd
from Lagna or Atmakaraka gives death near holy places (
2.2.26). Any association of Jupiter or Venus to the 3rd
makes one conscious at the time of death (2.2.28). The
reverse happens with malefics. If the 8th from Lagna, the
3rd from Atmakaraka, the 6th from the Navamsa or the 6th
from Karakamsa be Aquarius, death is natural though one
may be unconscious then. If it is Sagittarius, one will be
fully conscious at the time of death (3.3.98-99).
The signs from the place where the lord of Karakamsa is
located have significance. The reference is to the 8th from
the sign occupied by the lord of Karakamsa. If it is Aries or
Pisces, one has natural death; Taurus-beaten to death by
a stick; Gemini-death by poison; Cancer-cholera or acute
fever; Leo-death at the hands of the enemy; Libra leprosy:

Sagittarius-lethal weapons cause fatal wounds; Capricorn-

violent death (3.3.35-46).
If the 8th from the sign occupied by the lord of Karakamsa
has the Sun, there is danger from weapons, fire and
enemies: the Moon-death by drowning: Mars-boils, poison-
ous eruptions; Mercury-falling from mountains and the
like; Jupiter-killed by a near one because of a difference of
opinion; Venus-venereal diseases; Saturn-poison; Rahu or
Ketu-poison, snakebite, imprisonment, missiles; Saturn
76 Jamini Astrology
and Rahu-bandits and sticks; Jupiter and Rahu-abhichara (
black magic). The aspect of Jupiter and Saturn on the 8th
is to be interpreted with reference to the signs involved (
3.3.47-57). All these. it need not be said, get modified or
nullified by other factors.
Jaimini introduced the term Kaulaka which means 1/
6th part of a sign. Each has five degrees. These follow the
regular order of the signs from Aries to Pisces. Each sign has
six kaulakas in it. The first kaulakas of the 12 signs from
Aries onwards are-Aries, Libra, and so on. The odd signs
start from Aries kaulaka and end with Virgo. The even signs
start from Libra and end with Pisces. With reference to these
kaulakas predictions are made.
If the kaulaka of Atmakaraka is afflicted by malefics, one
will suffer from diseases. If the Atmakaraka is in the afflicted
first kaulaka, there is disease of the forehead; second-
disease of the hair; third-complains concerning blood;
fourth-eye trouble; fifth-injury from beasts of prey; sixth-
diseases of the tongue (3.3.58-64). These kaulakas have to
be afflicted if these results were to appear.
The signs from Atmakaraka are divided into two groups-
previous six (7 to 12 from him) and the six from him. These
refer to Karakamsa lagna and the positions in Rasi chakra.
Thus if Venus as Atmakaraka is in Pisces Navamsa, we take
Pisces for this count. If this Venus is in Cancer in the
natural chart. he is in the 5th from Karakamsa. If Rahu or
Ketu is with Atmakaraka in the previous six signs. there are
diseases of the larynx and tongue; Saturn and Mandi with
Atmakaraka in the previous six signs, there is inflammation
of the throat or tumour; Mars with Atmakaraka there-
pulmonary consumption (3.3.65-67).
The nature of death is also to be interpreted from the
Navamsa Rasi of the 7th from Atmakaraka or Lagna. For
example if it has the Sun, choking of the excretory system
is the result. If the 8th from the Navamsa of the 7th from
Atmakaraka is Sagittarius, one is put to death by a weapon.
If it is Aquarius, death is by lightning. If the 11th from the ,
Navamsa of the 7th from Atmakaraka is Aquarius and if
Atmakaraka is in an odd sign, death is at the hands of the
enemies. The Navamsa of the 7th from Atmakaraka having
Jamini Astrology 77
many vargas of Saturn, Mars and Rahu brings death from
the enemies. The same result follows if some or all of these
malefics are together with the lord of the 8th (counted from
the Navamsa of the 7th from Atmakaraka). Note the lord of
the 8th from the Navamsa of the 7th (counted from
If the sign occupied by this 8th lord is associated with the
Sun or the Moon or Mars, one is killed by a near relative. If
Saturn is there, death is from fire or quarrel. Note the 8th
lord of the Navamsa sign of Atmakaraka or the 8th lord of
the Navamsa of the 7th from Atmakaraka; if he is in the
Karakamsa, death is from fire, disputes and the.like (3. 3.68-
80). In all these combinations, the signs should not be the
debilitation signs of the planets (3.3.82).
If Saturn is with the lord of the 8th from the Karakamsa
or if he is with the 8th lord of the Navamsa of the 7th from
Atmakaraka, death is due to love affairs. If in this combina-
tion Saturn is debilitated, one takes poison and dies (3. 3.83-
16. Timing of Death
JAIMINI gives many combinations for predicting the
time of death; Chara. Sthira and Niryana Sula Dasas appear
to yield tolerably accurate results about the time of death.
Dr. B. V. RAMAN in his Studies in Jaimini Astrology has
selected some important principles. We will first summarise
these and then give other details based on Jaimini.
1. If Saturn, Rahu or Ketu are in the 7th from Lagna or
Atmakaraka, death comes in the first, second or third
division. That is, if one has a short life, death is in the
first part; if medium life. it is in the second part; and if
long life, it is in the third part.
2. Death is possible in the periods of the Rasis which are
the 1st. the 5th and the 9th from the 8th house (3.2.26).
3. Saturn in the 8th gives death in the Dasa of that sign.
4. If the 8th has both benefic and malefic influences. the
Dasa of the 8th Rasi can give death (4.2.3).
5. In Sthira Dasa death comes in the Dasa of the Maraka
Rasi provided it falls within the groups called short.
medium and long. If one has a long life, the Dasa of this
Rasi brings only ill-health (2.1.30).
6. The Dasa of a Rasi becomes a maraka if it has malefics
both sides, or if it has malefics in the 8th and the 12th
from it (2.1.32).
7. Death can come in the Dasa of the 8th or the 12th Rasi
if it is not aspected by any, except Venus and a weak
Moon may aspect it (2.1.33).
8. If Rudra or a malefic is in the 2nd or the 8th from lagna.
the Moon or Atmakaraka, the Dasa of the Rasi previous
to it can be fatal. The same happens if Dvara and Bahya
Rasis are afflicted (3.2,22,30).
9. The Dasa of the 8th sign from the Sun and Venus (
10. Longevity in Sthira Dasa is generally from Brahma to
Mahesvara (2.1.53) or the reverse (3.2.33).
Jamini Astrology 79
11. Dasa of the Rasi occupied by Rudra (2.1.41 ; 4.2.2).
12. In Sthira Dasa, the period of the Rasi having Mahesvara.
The sub-periods will be those of the Rasis the 1st, the
5th and the 9th from the sign occupied by the lord of the
8th from Mahesvara.
13. The strongest of the lords of the 3rd, the 6th, the 8th
and the 12th from Atmakaraka can be fatal. The Dasa
will be that of the sign occupied by such a lord.
When two or more become maraka signs, one has to
choose the appropriate sign keeping in mind whether the
native has short, medium or long life. Then we have to fix
the sub-periods as follows:
1. Find the strongest among the lords of the signs the 3rd,
the 6th and the 12th from Atmakaraka. This will be the
sub-period (2.1.55).
2. Sub-period of the Rasi having Rudra.
3. Sub-periods of the Navamsa Rasis occupied by the lords
of the maraka, Rasi and the 8th from it.
In addition to these, note the Dvara and Bahya Rasis. If
both or afflicted, death is possible in their own Navamsa
Dasas (2.1.15). If the lord of the 8th from Lagna is exalted,
one gains a Navamsa Rasi Dasa of nine years (2.1.17). In
such a case note the Rasis in trine to the lord of Lagna and
the 8th, Death is possible in the periods of these signs or in
the Navamsa Dasa of the sign occupied by the lords of these (
2-1-18). Death has to be determined in the Navamsa Dasa
of the 8th sign (3.2.27).
Find the stronger Rasi between Lagna and the 7th. One's
own death takes place in the Sula Dasa of the stronger Rasi.
or of the 5th, or of the 9th from it ;2.3.18). The nature of
death is to be judged from the 8th from lagna, the 3rd from
Atmakaraka, the Navamsa Rasi of the 6th and the 6th from
karakamsa (3.3.96). If the Atmakaraka is in any of these
places, death is from a fall (3.3.97). If any of these places is
Capricorn. death is due to the ailments of the digestive
system; and if it is Aquarius, it is from enemies: and if it is
Virgo, it is due to possession (graha bheeti) or abhichara
80 Jamini Astrology
(black magic) (3.3.100-102) .
Determine the 2nd sign from the Sun and Saturn count-
ing it in the direct order (if the signs are three from Aries and
three from Libra) or in the direct order. These are important
to determine death (3.3.103). If the 2nd houses from the
Sun and Saturn become the 9th and 1st houses, one suffers
from foot-disease, if they are the 6th and the 8th, the fingers
will suffer. Ketu in these 2nd houses gives defective limbs.
If malefics aspect it, one loses his legs (3.3.104-107).
Death is to be judged in the sub-period of the stronger
sign in the 6th from Lagna and the 7th. Also we have to
consider the strength of the 3rd from Atmakaraka (3.3.117-
118). One's own death is to be found out from the 3rd if
Lagna or Atmakaraka is a movable sign, from the 2nd if it
is fixed sign, and from the 4th if it is a common sign. Since
the 9th and the 10th houses from Lagna are auspicious
ones, the Dasas of these cannot kill the native. Generally
the nature of death should be known from the 3rd house (
Death of one's wife can take place in the Chara Dasa of
the Rasi occupied by Jupiter or of the Rasis in the 5th and
the 9th from it (2.2.10). We have noted that the 5th also is
a maraka house for wife.
The Sula Rasis (the 1st, the 5th and the 9th) of Chara
Dasa can indicate the death of relatives. The 11th refers to
elder brothers and sisters, and the 3rd to the younger ones.
Cousins and other relatives are governed by jnatikaraka.
Mercury refers to maternal relations, as Mars refers to the
paternal. Jupiter governs paternal grand-parents while
Venus refers to the maternal ones.
Note the stronger Rasi between the 3rd from Lagna and
that from the 7th. The Sula Rasi the 1st, the 5th and the 9th,
Dasa of this sign enables to predict the death of younger
brothers and sister. The Niryana Sula Dasas the 1st, the 5th
and the 9th of the sign from the stronger sign between the
5th from Lagna and that from the 7th refer to the death of
children (2.2.11). Similar Sula Dasas concerning the stron-
ger 11th refer to the death of the elder brothers and sisters.
In a similar way we have to deal with the various karakas
Jamini Astrology 81
which were explained in the 2nd part of these series. All this
requires great skill in handling the various Dasas, measur-
ing the strength of the signs and planets. and interpreting
the conjunctions and aspects of the planets. This is really
a stupendous task and probably for this reason the system
ofJaimini has not become very popular. Still one should try
to experiment with this system and find out how far it agrees
with the facts.
Find whether the Sun or Venus is stronger. The stronger
one is the maraka for father (2.2.1). If the weaker one is
aspected by a malefic, he becomes the real maraka (2.2.3).
The death of the father takes place in the Dasas of the Sula
Rasis (the 1st, the 5th and the 9th) from (a) the sign
occupied by the pitrumaraka, or from (b) the lord of the 8th
from pitrumaraka (2.2.5). If the Sun becomes a maraka and
is on the 9th degree and the lord of the 8th is on the 28th
degree, the latter becomes maraka being stronger.
Consider the 9th from Lagna and the 9th from the 7th.
Note who is more powerful. Death of the father takes place
in the Niryana Sula Dasa of the more powerful Rasi (2.3.19).
Death of the relatives has to be judged from the Navamsa
of the concerned karakas (3.3.81). The 2nd is the maraka
house of the native. The 3rd is the house of death for the
parents (3.3.87-88). The 3rd is the 12th from the house of
the mother and the 7th from that of the father. Thus the 7th
and the 12th also are maraka houses. The 4th is the maraka
house for brothers and cousins, and the 5th for the wife (
3.3.89-90). Here Jaimini seems to take the 4th as the house
of kalatra; or the 5th being the 11th from the 7th, the 1 1 th
also may be a maraka house. The 6th is the maraka house
for children, and the 7th for enemies. If the respective
maraka house are afflicted by malefics, the concerned
persons will have an unhappy death. If the 8th from a house
indicating mother, son, wife and the like is afflicted by
malefics, the concerned one has an unhappy death (3.3.91-
Matrumaraka is the stronger between the Moon and
Mars (2.2.2). If the weaker one is aspected by a malefic, he
becomes the maraka (2.2.3). This death occurs in the Chara
Dasa of the Sula Rasis (the 1st, the 5th and the 9th) from
82 Jamini Astrology
the 8th from Matrumaraka Rasi or from the Rasi occupied
by the lord of the 8th from Matrumaraka Rasi.
Consider the stronger sign between the 4th from Lagna
and the 4th from the 7th. Death can take place in the
Niryana Sula Dasa of the 1st, the 5th and the 9th houses
from the stronger Rasi (2.3.23).
Longevity of the mother should be judged from Lagna
and the 5th, for her death can take place in the Dasas of
these signs (3.3.119-120). Here we have to apply the
principles given earlier for the native's own death, taking
the sign concerned as the mothers Lagna. If these signs are
the Navamsa Rasis of Mars, the mother will not die during
the Dasas of these signs because the stronger of the Moon
and Mars represents the mother (3-3-121).
17. Female Horoscopy
DR. B. V. RAMAN in his Studies in Jaimini Astrology
summed up some principles offered by Jaimini for inter-
preting female charts. Jupiter in a trine from Mercury or
Lagna in her Navamsa makes her chaste and devoted to her
husband (4.3.80). The same result appears if Venus is in the
Navamsa Lagna (4.3.82). Ketu in Lagna or in a trine from
Navamsa Lagna makes her repulsive. She will be highly
intelligent if in her Navamsa the Moon is in Taurus and the
4th has Mercury and Venus (4.3.54). She lacks feminine
grace and delicacy if Saturn is in her Navamsa Lagna or in
its trines (4.3.84-85). If Ketu is in that Lagna or in a trine to
it, she becomes indolent, mean, filthy, low and vindictive (
4.3.55, 87-88), The association of Mars with her Lagna
makes her irritable and passionate (4.3.57). If the Navamsa
Lagna is the 9th or the 12th from her Janma Lagna, she may
become debased and vile. (4.3.70-71).

The Moon and Venus in her Hora Lagna make her highly
skilled and sensuous (4.3.39). When the Navamsa Lagna of
her Hora Lagna is with Ketu or has malefic association, her
morals can be suspect (4.3.42 45).

If 8th from her Upapada is aspected by Mars and Ketu,

she is cruel-hearted and she may even kill her husband.
The Sun in trine to her Navamsa Lagna makes her a widow.
The same result arises when the Moon is in the 3rd from
Atmakaraka or from Varnada lagna. Mars and Ketu in the
8th from her Hora Lagna make for early widowhood.
Saturn and the Moon in Hora Lagna give a short stature.
Saturn and Venus there make her beautiful. Ketu here with
Saturn gives her a doubtful character. If this Lagna has the
Navamsa of Mercury, she may have a loose life (4.3.35-38).
What is said of Hora Lagna holds good of the Navamsa of this
Lagna (4.3.40). Mercury and Venus in her Hora lagna make
her passionate due to the absence of attachment (4.3.41).
This seems to apply to some of the so-called spiritual
centres where unbridled sex-life is openly advocated.
If Ketu is in the Navamsa Lagna of Hora Lagna and
receives the aspect of Mercury and the Moon she moves
freely through all classes of people (4.3.44). When there are
84 Jamini Astrology
many malefics in the 2nd and the 8th. she becomes a widow.
Mars and Ketu in the 8th from Lagna or Hora Lagna make
her a widow. If the 8th is aspected by Mars and Ketu. she
may kill her husband. If Mars and Ketu are in the same sign
in the Navamsa chart, she destroys her husband by herself
or with the aid of others; but is this sign is one of debilita-
tion. the contrary result appears. When Mars and Ketu are
in the same Navamsa and are mostly in their own vargas,
then while killing her husband she gets killed (4.3.46-52).
If her Lagna or Navamsa Lagna is aspected by the Sun.
she has deformed teeth (4.3.56). When the Lagna is aspected
by or associated with other malefics, she becomes wicked
and irascible. But a benefic association makes her mild and
placid. Malefics in her Lagna make her vicious. A benefic
there makes her a woman of character. Both benefics and
malefics in her Lagna give her an ordinary or normal
character. In this way the benefics or malefics in the 8th give
the good or bad results as given above; but those in the 7th
will give only half of the indicated results. Benefics or
malefics give good or bad results as mentioned above, also
when they are in trines or in the 3rd, the 6th, the 11th. If in
these places, these planets are in their debilitation. the
contrary results will happen. It is good to have debilitated
planets in the 2nd or 8th house of woman's chart. The
results will be favourable if malefic planets are in benefic
signs or mixed signs (4.3 58-67). If a malefic is in sign with
benefic influence, its malefic nature gets counterbalanced.
If the varnada of her 6th house is in the 12th from Lagna.
she will be skilled (4-3-68). When the Navamsa lagna is the
11th from her Janma Lagna, she attains moksha; if it is the
9th, she becomes sinful. If it is in the Navamsa of the Sun.
she is widowed early in life. If the Sun is in a trine to her
Navamsa Lagna, she becomes a widow at an early age. If the
Moon is in the 3rd from her Lagna, atmakaraka or varda
lagna in the Navamsa chart, the same result is to be
predicted. When Mars is in a trine to her Moon, she will be
ugly, deformed, and irascible: and this is so even when Mars
is in a trine from the Navamsa Lagna. Mercury in a trine
from her Navamsa Lagna makes her barren (4.3.72-79).
Jupiter in a trine from Navamsa Lagna makes her deeply,
devoted to her husband. Venus in Navamsa Lagna or in its
Jamini Astrology 85
trine makes her fortunate and deeply devoted to her hus-
band (4.3.81-83). Rahu in Navamsa Lagna or its trines gives
her employment in all kinds of activities to serve her own
ends (4.3.86).
All these, says Jaimini, can be applied to the varnada
lagna and its bhavas (4.3.89). Thus we can say that if Ketu

varnada-lagna-arein the same Navamsa sign, she will be low

and filthy and she will lose her sight (4.3.90). The loss of
sight or eyes occurs in the major period of trimsarnsa sign
of the varnada lagna and in the sub-period of the varnada
lagna in the varnada dasa. (4.3.91). The trimsamsas of
Jaimini are the kaulakas; and they should not be confussed
with Parasara's trimsamsa. The loss of sight can also occur
if malefics are in the trines of the varnada lagna. If the
planets in the varnada lagna and its trines are in debilita-
tion, the results will be inaccordance with the nature of the
signs (4.3.92-93).
Some of these observations can be made even with
reference to the charts of men.
In a woman's chart children have to be judged from the
5th from Lagna, atmakaraka, Jupiter and the Sun. If these
are benefics in the angles and trines and if they are in
benefic vargas, she will have children. If the Sun, Mars and
Saturn are in the angles and trines, there will be sons;
daughters will be born if the Moon and Mercury are there.
The same results should be predicted even from the aspect
and association of the concerned planets (4.4.1-5). More-
over. the 7th house in a woman's chart is the house of
children (4.4.37). Jamini also asks us to consider the 9th
house. Putrakarakas or indictors of children are Mercury
and Ketu in addition to the Sun and Jupiter. The stronger
between the 9th or its lord and the Moon should also be
taken as putrakaraka, beside the atmakarka and the lord of
Lagna (4.4.38-40).
Jaimini also gives importance to the time of the first
menstruation of a woman. Cast a chart for that time. If there
are malefics in the 8th from this Lagna, she becomes a
widow: and more so if malefics are associated with that
house. When the malefic is exalted in the 8th, she becomes
a widow late in life; and if this malefic is debilitated there,
86 Jamini Astrology
widowhood is in early life. If both malefics and benefics are
associated with the 8th. this widowhood is in middle life.
When malefics in the 8th are aspected by the Moon and
Mars. She becomes a widow. When there is a malefic in the
8th and he is in the first Navamsa, she delivers a posthu-
mous child. In such a case if malefics are in the 3rd or the
11th, then also she will have a child (4.4.6-13).
Th e s i g n as pecting the 7th from Lagna o f h er fi rs t
m e n st ru a tion deter m ines the na ture of the pers o n s h e
marries. If there is in an exalted planet in the 7th, the nature
of the husband should be determined from the Navamsa
lord of the 7th (4.4.16-17). The Sun and Venus in the 7th
can suggest extra-marital affairs; and if planets other than
these two are present, there will be no such thing. In
interpreting this menstruation chart Ketu is considered to
be a benefic. But Ketu becomes a malefic if he is joined with
or aspected by malefics. She will have a child if the Sun,
Rahu, Jupiter or Venus is in the 7th. Here Jaimini asks us
to interpret from Chandra Lagna (the natal Moon) also. If the
Moon is in the vargas of Jupiter and in the Navamsa of the
lord in whose sign the Moon is, there will be children. If the
lord of atmakarasamsa and Mars are in the Navamsa of
Pisces, then also there will be a child. Full Moon is with
Ra h u ; t h e M oon is in be ne fic Va rgas and ha s b en efi c
aspects; the moon is in a friendly Navamsa; the Moon is with
benefics -these are some of the combinations for the woman
to become a mother. If the atmakaraka or the Moon is in
Cancer or Scorpio in the Navamsa chart, or if the Moon has
the benefic vargas of these signs, she becomes a mother (
The Sutras ofJaimini in four chapters deal with a variety
of problems. The so-called prenatal epoch based on adhana
lagna for the rectification of the time of birth is explained
and interpreted in 4.3.2 to 8 and 3.4.3 to 54. Here he
discusses the duration of pregnancy, development of the
foetus, fertilisation, delivery, nature of the child and so on.
The growth of foetus, gestation, delivery and the nature of
the child are discussed 4.1.1 to 41 and 4-3-95 to 115. The
interpretation of adhana lagna appears in the Sutras 4.1,
42 to 54.
Jamini Astrology 87
Throughout, the emphasis is on Navamsa, arudha,
karakamsa, hora and varnada lagnas. While applying his
principles, we have to remember his views about aspects.
With some modification Jamini.s principles can be applied
within the framework of the traditionally accepted system
of Parasara. It should be pointed that Parasara's text has
some chapters which were developed by Jamini.
This series of 18 lessons now draws to a close. These
lessons are intended to awaken the students of astrology to
an important branch of Hindu predictive astrology. May
Parasara and Jamini bless all students of astrology.
The students of astrology will benefit greatly from Dr.
B.V. RAMAN's Studies in Jaimini Astrology and from the
translatlonof the Sutras by the late Prof. B. Suryanarain
Rao (Chapters 1 and 2) and by Mr. S.K. Kar (Chapters 3 and
18. Timing of Events- Chara Dasa
TIMING EVENTS astrologically is not an easy task.Our
directional system based on Dasa and Any-ardasa is
useful to some extent in arriving at the probable time of an
event. Here we have also to go into vidasa. sookshmadasa
and other sub-divisions. Even then the astrologer is beset
with difficulties. To arrive at the correct balance of Dasa at
birth we should have a reliable value of Ayanamsa and this is
not easily available. There are claims and counterclaims for
the Ayanamsa used by Lahiri, and also for that adopted by
The Astrological Magazine. The latter is the Ayanamsa of
the Raivatapaksha, and it was followed by the late
Swami Kannu Pillai and by earlier computers of our
panchangas. Having experimented with both the
Ayanamsa values on the same charts for many years, we
are convinced that the Raivati paksha value-known more
widely as Dr. B. V. RAMAN's Ayanamsa-enables us to
time the events fairly correct.
Even then our troubles are not over. When one Antardasa (
sub-period) is for three months and 18 days, there is at the
other end a sub-period of 40 months. It is not easy to fix the
approximate time in the latter cast. We have to take into
consideration the planet governing the major period, that
governing the sub-period, the relation between the two.
their ownerships and placements, aspects on them asso-
ciation of planets with them, their Karakatvas, the karakatvas
of the signs and houses, and so many other things. All this
might appear to be tedious or laborious. But it is unavoid-
able. Some would also ask us to note the transit position
and even the solar return chart. The principle involved in all
this is very simple. No safe predictions can be made follow-
ing only one principle.
A safe method, which, when related with the Dasa
system of Vimshottari, gives us a better timing of events, is
the Chara Dasa propounded by Jaimini. We propose to
illustrate it with a chart based on Dr. B. V. RAMAN's value
of Ayanamsa. The native was born on 23-10-1894 at 6-20
a.m. (16.19 N. 80.39 E). The balance of Mercury period at
birth was years 6-2-2.
Jamini Astrology 89
The alma, amatya, bhratru, matru, putra, jnati and
Jamini Astrology 89
darakarakas are respectively Venus, the Moon, Jupiter, the
Sun,The atma.Mars
Saturn, amatya.and bhratru,
Mercury. matru,
For Charaputra,
Dasajnati and
darakarakas are respectively Venus, the Moon,
Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius form theJupiter, the
Sun. Saturn. Mars and Mercury. For Chara Dasa
group of odd signs. The rest are even signs. If the 9th from Aries,
Taurus. Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius form the
Lagna belongs to the odd group, the sequence of Dasas is
group of odd signs. The rest are even signs..If the 9th from
clockwise from Lagna;
Lagna belongs to the oddotherwise it issequence
group, the anti-clockwise.
of DasasThis is •
distance from the sign concerned to the sign where
clockwise from Lagna; otherwise it is anti-clockwise. its lord
located minus
from the one gives
sign the number
concerned of years
to the of thatitssign.
sign where lord
is located minus one gives the number of years of that sign.
Rahu Mars (R)
Mars (R) J u p i t e r ( S t ) Jupiter (St) If sign
a the Dasa in theof
8.37 5.54
5.54 1 5 . 2 5 15.25 a sign in
even group is
even group is
MC 13.53
MC 13.53
to be be calcu-
Moon 25.13 lated,
l a t e d , t hthe e
RASIcalculated. 25anti-
clockwise. counting
c o u n t i n g i iss
S a t u r n 7.19 wise.
wise. If the
If the
Ketu 8.37
Ketu 8.37
lord of a sign
2.41 Sun 8.41
Sun 8.41
Ascndt. 14.33 Venus 29.2
Venus 29.2 lord of a sign
Ascndt. 14.33 isis in
in his
his own,
iitt ggives
i v e s 112 2
years. If the lord is debilitated, one year is deducted, and if
exalted, If the
added. Hereone theyear
9th is deducted,
belongs to theand oddif
group. The one year
Dasas Here is from the Libra
9th belongs
clockwise. to the odd
group. The order of Dasas is
Saturn and Rahu own Aquarius and Mars and Ketu own3from Libra clockwise. Since
3.,rpio,and for Rahu
these two ownsignsAquarius there and Mars and
are special rules. Ketu own
In this
c h a r t forf r othese
m L two a g nsigns
a ( Lthere i b r a are
) o special
n w a r drules.
s w e Ing this et
chart from Lagna (Libra) onwards we get and 10 years. Since Lagna is on
14°, 33', we get years 5-1-24 only
10,10,6,4,5,9,12,3,5,12,9, and lOyears. Since Lagna is on for Libra Dasa.
14°, Let
33',uswelookget at years 5-1-24after
the events onlynoting
for Libra the Dasa.
strength of the
houses and planets. The shadbalas are 9.4 (Mars), 7.8 (
Let us look
Mercury), 6.8at(thetheMoon)
events 6.7 after noting the
(Venus), 6.3 strength
(Jupiter),of5.8 the(
Saturn) and planets.
and 5.74 (the The
Sun).shadbalasAs per Jaimini, are 9.4 (Mars), 7.8
the strength of
the planets6.8 (the Moon)
is Venus (2.07),6.7 the(Venus),
Moon and 6.3 Saturn
(Jupiter), (1.75), 5.8
Jupiter (1.625),
(Satum) and 5.74Mars (the (1.125),
Sun). Asthe perSun (.94) the
Jaimini, and strength
Mercury of (.
77). Jaimini's method shows Virgo
the planets is Venus (2.07), the Moon and Satum (1.75), to be the strongest and
Taurus the weakest. Houses 3,1, 11 and 4 are only slightly
Jupiter (1.625), Mars (1.125), the Sun (.94) and Mercury
better than the 8th. The 12th house is followed by houses 2,
10,6,9 Jaimini's
and 7. methodThe weak shows Virgo to
8th house be the strongest
aspected by the Sun, and
Saturn the andweakest.
the MoonHouses indicates 3,1,the 11 native's
and 4 are only slightly
digestive and
the 8th. Jaimini's
The 12thsystem house of is followed
longevityby houses
based on
2,10,6,9 and 7. The weak 8th house aspected by the Sun,
Lagna and Hora Lagna gives him 79.975 years. Libra being
Satum and the Moon indicates the native's digestive and
breathing troubles. Jaimini's system of longevity based on
Lagna and Hora Lagna gives him 79.975 years. Libra being
90 Jamini Astrology
between benefics, and the 9th having a benefic. this is
increased to a maximum of 90.125 years. His Chara Dasa
comes to an end on 1934-12-17.
He lost his father on 1911-11-3. Venus Dasa, the Sun
Antardasa and Saturn Vidasa began on 1911-10-16 and it
was for 57 days. For the 9th house Venus owns the 12th;
and from Venus the owner of the 12th is the Sun who is in
the 2nd with Saturn. At that time transit Saturn was in
Aries opposed to Jupiter. In the Chara Dasa of Sagittarius
there was the sub-period of Leo till 1911-12-17. From the
9th house the maraka place was Sagittarius while the Sun
is debilitated. Sagittarius is aspected by Jupiter and Venus.
while Leo is afflicted by Saturn and Mars and it is also the
Arudha Lagna. Jaimini's principle has come close to the
event. as did the Vidasa principle.
In the Dasa of Sagittarius the sub-period of Aquarius
began on 1914-6-17; and he left for England (1914 August)
for his studies, Houses 3 and 5 are involved; the 3rd is
aspected from the 9th house by Jupiter, ruler of the 6th.
This coincides with Venus (in 12) Dasa, Mars (in 7) Antara,
and Mercury (lord of the 9th and the 12th) Vidasa. When his
mother died on 1929-3-20, there was the Sun-Rahu-Rahu (
from 1929-2-19 to April 7,1929). For the 4th house the Sun
is the lord of the 8th and Rahu is in the 6th from the Sun.
Matrukaraka is the Sun, as per Jaimini. There was the Dasa
of Pisces Rasi and the sub-period of Virgo (1928-9-17 to
1929-6-17). The 4th from Arudha Lagna has karanakaraka
the Sun in the 12th.
The Sun Dasa and Jupiter sub-period was till 1930-11-
1. A younger brother died in October of that year. Jupiter is
in the 7th from the 3rd and the Sun is debilitated in the
llth. The 3rd from Upapada is Pisces and Jaimini asks us
to look into this. There was till 1930-12-17 the sub-period
of Cancer in Pisces. Cancer is aspected by Mercury who is
aspected by Mars; and Pisces has Rahu. Bhratrukaraka is
Jupiter as per Jaimini and Mars as per Parasara.
In Venus Dasa, Saturn Antara, and Saturn Vidasa (
1920-11-5 to 1921-5-5) his wife had an attack of cholera
followed by smallpox, Saturn rules and Venus is lord of the
8th. This agrees with Aquarius Dasa and the sub-period of
Jamini Astrology 91
Taurus (1920-10-17 to 1921-3-17). Taurus is the weakest
and is the 2nd from the 7th. The two signs are afflicted by
The major period of Taurus was from 1945-12-17 to
1948-12-17. In the sub-period of Capricorn (1946-9-17 to
1946-12-17) one of his promising sons died at the age of 22 (
on 1946-11-7). The 5th from Upapada (Capricorn) is Tau-
rus which is afflicted and so is the 5th from Lagna by
putrakaraka Saturn. In Vimshottari it was Mars-Saturn-
Venus (1946-10-9 to 1946-12-16). The same set of planets
were involved. Transit Saturn was on 17° 3. in Cancer on
that day. Before the end of Taurus Dasa he left his home
village for good.
In Gemini Dasa and sub-period of Aries (1949-5-17 to
1949-10-17) he built his own house. The karaka of house
Jupiter is in Gemini while the karaka for land is in Aries.
This-was in Mars-Venus-Rahu; and this Vimshottari period
does not appear to fit in neatly, as does the Chara Dasa
period. At the fag end of Venus sub-period in Mars one of his
sons turned insane; and it was in Gemini Dasa and the sub-
period of Pisces. Saturn's aspect on Mars, the 6th-8th
relation of Mars-Venus and Mars-Venus being in the 3rd
and the 8th from Lagna are some factors that fit in. Gemini
has the stationary Jupiter, the natural karaka of children,
while Pisces has Rahu, planet of mental aberration. In
Rahu-Jupiter-Venus (1954-11-12 to 1955-4-6) this son
was chained. These three are in mutual squares. The Dasa
of Cancer. the 6th from the 5th, began from 1953 12 17 and
- -

this happened in the sub-period of Taurus which is afflicted

by Saturn, putrakaraka as per Jaimini. This Taurus is the
5th from Upapada and it fits in. Taurus Dasa or Antardasa
have always played havoc in his life. In the sub-period of
Taurus in Leo Dasa (1971-12-17 to 1972-9-17) his grand-
daughter lost her husband, Leo is the 7th from the 5th and
it is afflicted by Saturn and Mars while Taurus is afflicted
by Saturn alone. One is the 8th from Upapada and the other
the 5th. In Vimshottari he has Jupiter-Saturn-Venus from
1972-1-10 to 1972-6-12.

Thanks to the tenancy laws that hit the middle classes

having no political influence, he has to sell all his lands at
92 Jamini Astrology
the fag end of the Moon sub-period in Jupiter (ended on
1981-8-25). Jupiter is in the 6th from the 4th. and retro-
grade Mars and Saturn afflict his Moon. This coincided
again with the sub-period of Taurus in the major period of
Virgo (1980-10-17 to 1981-8-17).
One can get more or less similar results from Sthira
Dasa. His Pisces Dasa in Sthira Dasa began on 1980-6-5,
while the sub-period of Virgo is from 1984-2-17 to 1984-12-
17. In the even signs the first sub-period is that of the 12th
and in the odd ones it is the 2nd.
We may note also that from his karakamsa Lagna (Virgo)
the 6th Amsa which is also the Navamsa Lagna has Jupiter
and the Moon. From Lagna the 9th has Jupiter and the 12th
has planets that give moksha. His Jupiter Dasa ends on
1984-12-25, while the Virgo Dasa ends on 1984-12-17.
Houses 1, 5 and 9 from Atmakaraka can bring about death;
and it is the 1st he is having now. Rahu with Venus in
karakamsa made him a successful adept in Vana Durga and
in the worship of Sri Chakra.
Of the factors given by Jaimini for timing the death of a
native we may note the following which apply to the
horoscope. Rahu is in the 7th from Atmakaraka, and death
will be in the 3rd or last part of the long life given by the
chart. The trines of the 8th house-Taurus, Virgo and
Capricorn-are death-inflicting here. Of these, Virgo falls in
the last part. Since the 8th is aspected, it is the 12th Rasi
Dasa that would be the last. In Sthira Dasa longevity
extends from Brahma to Maheswara and both these are
represented by Mars in Aries. He is having Pisces Dasa in
Sthira Dasa and it is the 12th from Maheswara. The Dasa
of Rudra can be the last. Rudra is Venus who is in Virgo and
now he is having the last Virgo sub-period in Virgo Chara
Thus a coordination of Vimshottari with Jaimini's Chara
Masa enables us to time the events very precisely. The
Vimshottari may fail because of the limitations of the
astrologer; but Jaimini's Chara Dasa system is not so
Complicated. We propose to illustrate the timing of events
m subsequent articles.
19. Timing and Ayanamsa

THE timing of events astrologically is a highly compli-

19.problem. It involves the coordination
cated Timing and Ayanamsa
of the Vimshottari
DasaTHE withtiming Jaimini's
of events systems and transits.
astrologically is a highlyAbove all it
involves also the Itquestion
cated problem. involves of Ayanamsa.
the coordinationThe example
of the taken
in Dasa
this article casts doubts
with Jaimini.s systems on theand Ayanamsa
transits. Above followed all itby
Lahiri (22° also
involves 44' the
44"). The chart
question is cast as
of Ayanamsa. The per the Raivata
example taken
in this(Dr.
paksha article
B. V.casts
RAMAN's) doubtsAyanamsa
on the Ayanamsa which isfollowed21° 17' 54". by
Lahiri's (22° gives
44' 44"). The chart
a balance of theis cast
Moon asDasa
per the as 2 Raivati
paksha (Dr. B. V. RAMAN's) Ayanamsa
8 months and 9 days; and Raman's Ayanamsa gives 1 year, which is 21° 17. 54".
Lahiri's value
7 months and 8 days. gives a balance of the Moon Dasa as 2 years,
8 months and 9 days: and Raman.s Ayanamsa gives 1 year,
7 months and 8 days. Date of
birth D a t1920-
e of
Ascendent Ketu
birth 1920- at
11 1.6.24
- 22 at
Neptune (R)
19-7 a.m.
1 1 . 6 (1ST),
Uranus Jupiter (R) 23-25
Neptune (R)
Lat. 16.19
8.41 RASI 19-7 a.m. (IST),
Moon 21-12 .R A S I
Saturn 9R)
Jupiter (R) 23-25
Merc 0-0521-12
Moon S a t 19-35
urn 9R)
N, 16.19
Lat. Long.
9-370-05 1 9 - 3 5
N , L oE. ng.
Sun 9-37 Rahu 80.39 E.
X Venus 29-58
22-23 29-57 Mars 4-53 The
Mars 4-53 T
Shadbalash e
are as fol-
are as fol-
Venus Rahu
Rahu lows
l o w s ( i(in n
Ascdt.Ascdt. Rupas):
Rupas): Ju- Ju-
: Moon
piter 8.71,
piter 8.71,
Jupiter (R)(R)
Jupiter Mars
Mars 7.48, 7.48,
t h e S Sun
7 . 3 3 , t hthe
Uranus Moon
Moon 6.93,
Uranus(12) Mars
Mars Saturn (R)
M 6e rTcCuUr Ty y
Rahu Saturn (R) M
L__I__L 6 . 8 2 , VVe-
| 6.82, e-
nus 5.24,
Saturn 5.11. The strength of the Bhavas is as follows: nus 5.24, X9.
The strength
IX-8.26,of the Bhavas
VI-7.18, is as follows: X-
9.23,1-9.07, IV-8.28, IX-8.26, VI-7.18, V-7.16,VII-6.56, XII- XII-
6.3, II-6.05, XI-5.72, VIII-4.24 and III-3.97. Though wedo
6.3, 11-6.05, XL-5.72, VIII-4.24 and 111-3.97. Though we do
not accept the Bhavas as per Sripati, we give them here for
accept the Bhavas as per Sripati,
who would like to investigate. As per Jaimini the we give them here for
those who of
strength would like toisinvestigate.
the planets as follows: Venus As per2.25, Jaimini the
2.0, theof the planets
Moon and Saturn is as 1.0follows:
each, theVenus Sun and 2.25, Mars Jupiter
2.0, the Mercury
each, Moon and Saturn
.5625, and 1.0Rahueach,
.75.theTheSun and Mars
strength of Rahu .625
each. Mercury .5625, and Rahu .75. The strength of Rahu
94 Jamini Astrology
is given only to get Mercury as Brahma and to determine the
Chara Dasa period of Aquarius. The strength of the houses
is as follows: Scorpio 5.125, Taurus and Capricorn 4.75
each, Leo 4.125. Libra 3.75. Sagittarius and Pisces 3.0
each, Aquarius 2.5, Aries 1.875, Gemini and Virgo 1.56
each. Shadbala places Venus and Saturn at the end while
Jaimini places Mercury last. Shadbala give Bhavas 12,2 11,
8 and 3 at the end. Jaimini shows houses 2,4 and 7 at the
end. In Jaimini the position in Rasi is the same as in Bhava.
Chara Dasa ofJaimini is clockwise from Pisces and gives
in order 9,6,6,7,6,7,8,1,11,8,5 and 4 years. For reasons
which will be explained separately, the balance of the first
Dasa is determined. When its lord of debilitated, the equiva-
lent years of the expired degrees and minutes is deducted
from the total years of the house. When its lord is exalted,
the equivalent years of the unexpired portion are added to
the years given by it. Otherwise the period is left untouched.
Before proceeding further we give the dates of the major
events in the native's life. Marriage 1936.4.16; first employ-
ment 1944.7.21; accident from snakes 45.7.20; death of
wife 46.7.14; death of a brother 46.11.7; marriage 47.1.30;
fresh job 48.1.2; death of a son 52.10.4; serious ailment
60.2.9; better j ob 60.6.20; marriage of a child 61.25; opera-
tion 62.11.17; operation for a duodenal ulcer 68.1.4; death
of a near one 72.3.26; marriages of children, 78.12.3, 79.3.9
and 83.1.9; operation for a tumour 82.5.12; cataract opera-
tion 83.2.16; construction of a house 80.8.14. Some other
details may be touched upon in the course of this article.
First take a crucial event for the proper Ayanamsa.
Lahiri.s value show that the sub-period of the Moon in Rahu
was from 45.8.13 to 46.9.13. Can this Moon kill the wife?
The other Ayanamsa shows the sub-period of Mars in Rahu
from 45.8.12 to 46.8.30. Rahu in the 2nd from the 7th and
aspected by Saturn can kill the wife. But the Moon as lord
of the 11th well placed in the 5th is not capable of doing so.
Mars as lord of the 3rd and the 8th in the 2nd but in the 12th
from Rahu afflicted by Saturn has the ability. This gives the
truth that Lahiri's Ayanamsa is not always reliable for
timing the events.
In this chart Karakamsa is Pisces, Atmakaraka is Venus
and Dasakaraka is Mercury. While Arudha is Scorpio, the
Jamini Astrology 95
Upapada is Aquarius. From the Upapada the Sula Rasi is
Libra where we find Rahu and Mars who are in the 12th from
Arudha Lagna. The wife died in Rahu-Mars-Sun-Rahu (
Da sa-Antardasa -Vidasa-Sukhsmadasa); and to be pre-
cise, even in the Sukshmadasa there was the Pranadasa of
Mars at the moment she died. Note the exchange of houses
by the Sun and Saturn. The marriage was in Rahu-Saturn-
Jupiter-Saturn. Hence Lahiri's Ayanamsa is inapplicable at
least to this chart.
The first Chara Dasa of Pisces is increased to 9 years, 1
months and 17 days as the lord is exalted. Darapada is
Taurus and Upapada is Aquarius. Accordingly the marriage
took place in Taurus Dasa-Makara Antardasa and Karaka
Vidasa. Karakamsa Lagna is Pisces and Cancer is the 5th
house. Gemini is the Sularasi for Upapada and it is the 2nd
from Dasapada. In the Chara Dasa of Gemini while the sub-
period of Gemini (began on 46-6-2) were operating the wife
died. Curiously enough Rahu-Mars-Sun began on 46-7-10.
Thus far we find an agreement between Vimshottari and
Chara Dasa; and both have proved that Lahiri's Ayanamsa
is not applicable.
Let us turn to accidents and ill-health. Accidents have
something to do with houses 6,8 and 12, and with Mars,
Saturn, Rahu and Uranus. The accident from the snakes (
45.7.20) was in Lahiri's Rahu-Moon-Rahu-Venus and in
Rahu-Moon-Sun-Rahu of ours. The Sun as lord of the 6th
has an exchange with Saturn who aspects Mars and Rahu
according to both Parasara and Jaimini. The 2nd lord Mars
is in the 8th with Rahu. The Moon is combust with the 6th
lord. Lahiri.s value does not help. In Chara Dasa this was
in Gemini-Leo- Makara. Note in Amsa Rahu being in Gemini,
the weakest as per Jaimini and the 8th from Arudha Lagna.
The signs are in 6-8 relation.
Mars. Rahu and Saturn are the sources of ill-health. The
first serious ailment from a duodenal ulcer (60-2-9) was in
Jupiter-Mars-Venus-Saturn of the Vimshottari. The 5th
house refers to the stomach, and it is Jaimini's Sularasi
from Lagna, Arudha Lagna and Karakamsa. The zodiacal
5th, Leo also rules the stomach. This agrees with Chara
Dasa Leo- Leo-Scorpio. Jaimini's aspects of Mars, the Sun
and Mercury fall on Leo.
96 Jamini Astrology
The abdominal operation of 68.4.1 was preceded by a
near fatal attack on 68.3.13. The attack was in Saturn-
Mercury-Saturn-Moon (began on 68.3.7) and the operation (
68.4.1) was in Saturn-Mercury-Saturn-Rahu (began on
68.3.30). The 5th from Lagna, Cancer, and the zodiacal 5th,
Leo, are involved. There was the Chara Dasa of Virgo and the
sign was hemmed in between the worst malefics. The sub-
period was of Leo, the 6th house of the stomach. The attack
was in the Vidasa of Sagittarius (maraka sign from Arudha),
and the operation was in that of Makara. Mars, Saturn and
Rahu were then transiting near or on the degree of the
The operation of 62.11.17 was in Virgo-Capricorn-Scor-
pio which agrees with Saturn—Saturn-Saturn. The benign
tumor was removed surgically in Mercury-Mercury-Venus
which consides with the Chara Dasa Sagittarius-Virgo-
Libra. The surgery for cataract was in Sagittarius-Leo-
Scorpio. Houses 6th and 9th are involved and the planet
ruling the house of the eye was in the 8th. This was in
Vimshottari Mercu ry-Mercury-Rahu.
This correlation of the Vimshottari with Chara Dasa
enables us to fix the actual time of the event almost within
a week. It is such a timing that an astrologer is expected to
Profession involves houses 10 and 6, Karakamsa, and
the Arudha of the 10th. The last is Aquarius in this chart.
The 10th lord of exalted in the 5th and the planet of service
is in the 6th. Vimshottari Rahu-Moon-Jupiter started on
44.7.20. Lahiri's Ayanamsa places this in Rahu-Sun-Rahu.
But this does not account for the fact as clearly as the other
value. Gemini Chara Dasa,Tula sub-period and Mesha
Vidasa began on 44.7.19. Gemini as the 5th from the
Arudha of the 10th and Tula as the 9th from Arudha are
concerned here. Capricorn with the Sun (lord of 6). the
Moon and Mercury is square.
The next job on 48.1.2 was in Jupiter-Jupiter-Venus-
Mercury (began on 47.12.29); and it explains the facts. It
could not be in Jupiter-Jupiter-Jupiter as the major period
of Jupiter was quite eventful. The period was Cancer-Mesha (
began on 47.12.15). The house having the 10th lord is
involved. The next major jump on 60.6.20 was in Leo-Leo
Jamini Astrology 97
Cancer agreeing with Jupiter-Rahu-Rahu-Mercury (ended
on 60.6.21).
The marriage on 47.1.30 was in Jupiter-Jupiter-Saturn-
Venus (began on 47.1.26). Saturn as the lord of the Upapada
is in the 7th from it. Venus is the Kalatrakaraka in Arudha
lagna. In Navamsa Saturn and Venus aspect one another.
Lahiri's value places it in Rahu-Mars-Saturn which is clearly
indicative of death or ill-health of the partner. Jaimini gives
Chara Dasa Cancer-Gemini-Pisces (from 47.1.30) and it also
shows the shadow of death preceding the event.
The brother's death was in Jupiter-Jupiter-Jupiter-
Sun. Jupiter is in the 3rd from the 3rd, and the Sun is in a
badhaka house for the 3rd. This agrees with Gemini-
Gemini- Aries-Gemini and Aries are maraka houses for the
3rd. The death of a son was in Jupiter-Mercury-Rahu (
ended on 52.12.7) agreeing with Cancer-Cancer-Capri-
corn. Capricorn is afflicted by Saturn's aspect as well as by
that of the lord of the 3rd and the 8th. The other death of
72.3.26 was in Saturn-Venus-Saturn, agreeing with Scor-
The house is governed by Jupiter and he had his own
house on 80.8.14. Saturn-Jupiter-Venus-Jupiter began on
80.8.5). Though Venus and Saturn are weak in shadbala.
Jupiter and the 4th are strong. Jupiter's aspect on Venus
is significant. The Arudha of the 4th is Leo where Saturn is
placed. Saturn and Venus are in quadrants to this sign. In
Chara Dasa there was Scorpio-Scorpio-Aries from 80.7.15
onwards. Scorpio has the Atmakaraka who aspects Aries
along with Saturn. It is significant that the planets or
houses or both involved are similar in Vimshottari and
Chara Dasa systems. It is equally important to note that
this agreement strengthens the conviction that Raivata
paksha (Dr. B. V. RAMAN's) Ayanamsa is nearer the truth.
Consider the auspicious functions. The marriage of a
daughter on 61.2.5 was in Jupiter-Rahu-Saturn-Venus.
The Arudha of the 5th is the 5th itself. Jupiter aspects
Venus. Saturn is in the Sun's house (also the 7th from
Upapada), and the Sun is with the Moon in Saturn-aspected
by Mars. This agrees with Chara Virgo-Libra (began on
60.7.28). The next on 75.10.10 was in Saturn-Mars-Mer-
98 Jaimini Astrology
cury-Venus; and there was Scorpio-Taurus ending on
75.10.20. That on 78.12.13 was in Saturn-Rahu-Mars-
Moon; and Scorpio-Capricorn ended on 79.4.3. The event of
79.3.9 was also in this . The marriage on 83.1.9 was in
Mercury-Mercury-Rahu-Rahu; and on this day began Sag-
From the foregiong some conclusion can be drawn
clearly. First. the Ayanamsa of Raivata Pasksa gives more
accurate timings of events. Second. Vimshottari Dasa re-
sults and Jaimini's Chara Dasa results coincide. Third,
Jaimini's Dasa pinpoints an event within a week or at the
most within a month. Fourth, transits appear to influence
only sometimes, and that too when the events are fairly well
indicated by the Dasa-Antardasa results. Thus the ailment
involving surgery in 1968 was in Virgo-Leo. Saturn, Mars
and Rahu were transiting the Lagna degree aspecting Virgo
and Sagittarius. The operation taking place in Makara.
Vidasa was ruled by Sun, and in Vimshottari it was Saturn-
Mercury-Saturn-Rahu. As per Lahiri's value Mercury was
in Sagittarius and vargottama. How can he give such a
result? Place him in Capricorn and you have a combust
Mercury aspected by Parasara.s Mars, while the Sun is the
lord of the 6th being the ruler of the zodiacal 5th. The 5th
in Jaimini governs the stomach. Jaimini's Saturn and
Venus (lord of the 3rd and the 8th) aspect the Sun- Mercury-
Moon combine.
20. Timing of Events-Sthira Dasa
THIS time we take up the chart of a great scholar, a
versatile genius. The method followed in timing the events
is a correlation of Vimshottari system with one ofJaimini's
Dasa systems. In Vimshottari we reckon with dasa,
antardasa, vidasa and sukshma dasa in order to limit as
narrowly as possible the period of occurrence. The chart is
that of the late Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao, the founder of
modern Indian astrology.
Born on 1856-2-12 at 12-12 noon (LMT) 18.0 N, 84.0E.
Moon Ascendant Ayanamsa
18.29 13.9 Saturn
R ahu 6 -9 3-20 20° 24..
of Venus
J upit . 2 1 .3 8 Dasa:
Me r . 9 - 2 7
Sun 1 - 1 2 years, 12-
X 1-45 RASI 9-3.
T h e
Venu Ket u 6- 9 s t r ength
20-35 M ar 0-53
of the
planets as
p e r
R a h u
Jaimini are
worked out
in Dr. B. V.
NAVAMSA Studies in
Sun. Venu trology.
Mercury Ketu Moon
Mar They are:
Saturn Jupiter 2-
25; Mer-
cury 1-625; Venus 1-5: the Sun 1-25; Saturn 1-125; the
Moon 1-0; Mars 0-5625. The houses have the following
strengths: Aquarius 6-125; Libra 5-0; Sagittarius 4-25;
Aries 4-0625; Gemini 3-96; Cancer and Pisces 3-25 each;
Virgo 2-625; Taurus 2-0; Leo 1-75; Capricorn 1-375; Scor-
pio 1-0625. The weakest are the Moon, Mars and the 7th
100 Jamini Astrology
house. The karakas are: Atma-Jupiter: Amatya-Venus:
bhratru- the Moon; matru-Mercury; putra-Saturn; jnati-the
Sun; and dara-Mars. Jupiter is both Brahma and Rudra.
while Mercury is Maheswara. Of the houses 1,7 and 10 (
having Brahma). the last is the strongest. Hence this is a
chart to which only Jaimini's Sthira Dasa alone can be
applied. It starts from Aquarius and has a balance of 2
years, 2 months and 23 days.
The lords of Lagna and the 8th house give a longevity of
76.56 years. while the 1st and the 8th houses give 87.5
years. The average of these two gives 82.032 years. He
passed away in 1937 after completing 81 years.
The timing of the events must show a strict correspon-
dence between Vimshottari and Sthira Dasa in this chart;
and if it does, it again proves the validity of the Ayanamsa.
and it shows the way to time the events. We take up only the
major events in his life.
The Karaka for mother is Mercury as per Jaimini. And in
the aphorism 3.3.88 we read: matapitroh dviteeyam. From
the 2nd to the 2nd predict the death of the parents. As per
Parasara the karaka for mother is the Moon and the owner
of the house is the Sun. The 4th is afflicted by Saturn, and
the Moon is afflicted by Mars. From Arudha lagna the 4th
lord is in the 6th and Ketu is in the 4th. He lost his mother
at the fag end of Venus period. Mercury as Jaimini.s
matrukaraka is in the 8th from a rudha afflicted by Mars.
aspect. Aries/Sthira Dasa started on 1867-5-5. Niryana
Sula Dasa started with Scorpio and the mother.s death was
in Libra.
He lost his father on 1891-8-27. Vimshottari Rahu began
on 1891-5-21. His Rahu-Rahu-Rahu-Venus (dasa.
antardasa. vidasa and sukshma dasa) began on 1891-824.
Rahu in the 12th and Venus in the 8th are bad for the
father. Rahu is with the lord of the 7th from the 9th and is
afflicted by Mars, while Venus is under the spell of Saturn.
Cancer sthiradasa began from 1891-5-25. As per Jaimini's
aphorism 3.3.88 the death of the parents has to be seen,
from the 3rd house and Cancer is the 3rd house. The
mother's death was in the Dasa of Aries, the 3rd house from
Atmakaraka Jupiter.
Jamini Astrology 101
He lost his only elder brother in December 1915. The
sub-period of Ketu in Jupiter began on 1915-4-27. The 11th
house refers to the elder brothers and sisters. From the 11th
the maraka is Mercury and the malefics to that house are
the Sun, Saturn and Venus. Jupiter in the 12th and Ketu
in the 8th to that house are malefic. The Vidasa of Jupiter
operated till December 22, 1915. Jaimini states: jnati varga
bhratradi triteeyah (3.3.89). Death of the brothers is to be
predicted from the 3rd to the 2nd-that is the 4th house. This
refers to the younger ones. In the aphorism 2.3.23 we are
asked to take the 11th from Lagna or the 7th, whichever is
stronger, and predict the death of elder brothers from its
sula misy-. Here Lagna is stronger and its 11th is Pisces. The
sula rasis are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Bhratrukaraka
is the afflicted Moon who affects with Rahu. the sign
Scorpio; and Saturn affects the 1 1 th. When sthira Libra
Dasa was operating (from 1915-5-5), its bahya rasi (Pisces)
was afflicted by Saturn and aspected well by Venus. So in
the sub-period of the sula rasi Scorpio the brother died.
This sub-period was from 1915-12-5.
He lost his first wife in 1903. The major period of Venus
was from 1902-12-9. Venus was in the 8th and he is a
maraka for the 7th house. As per Jaimini, the karaka for
wife is Mars and he is in the 7th from Upapada and is with
Ketu. From the Upapada the sula rasi is Leo and in the
sthira Leo Dasa the sub-period of Pisces ended on 1903-9-
5; and it coincides with the Moon vidasa. As per Parasara
the Moon has the aspect of Mars indicating death after an
abortion. Mars. influence is common to both the Dasas.
Incidentally we may refer to Jaimini's aphorism: Kalatram
chaturtham (3.3.90)-the death of the wife is to be predicted
from the 4th to the 2nd. This is the 5th house. That is, for
Jaimini. the house of the wife is the 4th. He had the sthira
dasa of Leo. the 4th house from Lagna severely afflicted
from the 6th and 12th houses.
He was seriously ill in the sub-period of Rahu in the
major period of Jupiter (1922-12-27). Jupiter is a first-rate
malefic, ruling Pisces which refers to feat. Rahu is in the
12th, the house governing feet. The feet were swollen and
two toes of the foot had to be removed. The feet in Jaimini
come under the 9th. The 9th from Amakaraka is afflicted by
102 Jamini Astrology
Mars and Ketu. The Scorpio Dasa began on 1922-5-5.
Scorpio-owned Mars is afflicted by the Moon and Rahu, and
has malefics in its 8th and 12th houses.
He passed away early in 1937. The sub-period of the
Moon in Saturn was from 36-4-24 to 37-11-24. They are in
the 2nd and the 12th from Lagna; and Saturn has an
exchange with Mercury, thereby becoming death-inflicting.
The Moon as the lord of the 3rd (house of longevity) is in the
house of loss (the 12th). In Sagittarius sthtra dasa the sub-
period of Leo ended on 1937-2-5. Let us see how this sthira
dasacan bring about his death after he completed 81 years.
Of the various principles given by Jaimini those which
apply to the present case are to be noted:
(1) Aquarius has both Mahesvara and Rudra.
(2)The trines of the 8th houses Sagittarius. Aries and Leo.
(3) The 8th houses from the Sun, Venus and Lagna are
respectively Virgo, Cancer and Sagittarius.
(4) The strongest of the lords of the 3rd, the 6th, the 8th and
the 12th from Atmakaraka are Mercury and Saturn.
Thus we get Aquarius, Sagittarius. Cancer, Virgo and
Gemini as death-inflicting Rasis. Of these Sagittarius
and Virgo are aspected by Saturn, while Gemini and
Virgo have the aspect of Venus. Sagittarius falls in the
age group. The sub-periods can be those of the houses
2,6 and 12 from Karakamsa which is Aries. Pisces is
stronger than Virgo. Taurus is the weakest of the three.
In the major period of Sagittarius death can come in the
sub-period of Virgo or Pisces only. He passed away in
that of Virgo which at that time was afflicted also by
transit Saturn.
His graduation in 1884 was towards the end of the
Moon's major period which agrees with the sub-period of
Virgo in the major period of Sthira Gemini. His first book (
1882) came within Gemini-Gemini, coinciding with the
sub-period of Venus in the Moon. Juptter in Karakamsa
with Venus in the 7th made him a versatile writer. The next
book in 1892 was in Rahu-Rahu agreeing with the sub-
period of Taurus in Cancer Mahadasa. The second in
Jamini Astrology 103
Karakamsa is Taurus aspected by its own lord. THEASTRO-
LOGICAL MAGAZINE was founded in 1895. The sub-
period of Jupiter in Rahu was from 1894-2-3. Jupiter is
in the 10th; but the major lord is not favourable.
Curiously enough the sub-period of Sagittarius in Cancer
sthira dasa was from 1895-6-5. These two signs are in
shashtashtaka (6/8).
Here the sthira dasa is in the clockwise direction. The
sub-periods of even signs are followed in the anticlockwise
direction. We have deliberately followed this principle in
spite of Dr. B. V. RAMAN.s book only to stimulate investi-
gative research. Our attempt so far has been to see that the
events are timed with reference to two different systems.
This shows that there is no contradiction between the two
systems of Parasara and Jaimini. In fact we have the whole
of Jaimini's system in some chapters of Parasara's text
21. Timing of Events-Navamsa Dasa
THE Vimshottari system offers a precise way of timing
events. But since the duration of a Vidasa can be spread
over a number of months, we have to fix the time of an event
within a month with the help ofJaimini's Dasa systems. We
have earlier correlated Vimshottari with Chara and Sthira
Dasa. Now we propose to relate it to Navamsa Dasa also.
Details: Birth 1889-11-14 at 11-3 p .m. (L. M.T.) 25.25 N,
82.0 E. Ayanamsa 20.52. Balance of Mercury Dasa: Years
11-7 14-10 T h i s
X 21-24 Rahu
Nept. (R) chart of
P a n d i t
Nehru is
19-20-12 Moon
24-25 Ascendant
taken from

RASI B . V .
12.15 RAMAN's
14-10 Ketu 18-35 Mars
16-38 1-43 8-48 Venus
11-25 Horoscopes.
J upit er Sun 3-17 A s p e r
Jaimini the
Mercury Neptune are as fol-
lows: The
Rahu Sun
Sa t ur n
Moon 2.5;
V e n u s
NAVAMSA 1.875; Jupi-
Jupiter ter 1.5; Mer-
cury 1.125;
Venus Uranus
Moon Saturn 1.0;
the Sun
.9375; and
Mars. 625.
Cancer and Sagittarius 5. 75 each; Taurus and Libra 4.375
each; Gemini and Virgo 4. 125 each; Pisces 3.5; Leo 3.4375;
Aquarius 2.5; Capricorn 2.25; Scorpio 2.125; and Aries .
Lagna is strong and it is an even sign. Navamsa adds
strength to lagna. Hence we take here Navamsa Dasa. With
J amini Astrology 105
p the help of this Dasa one can predict suffering, death,
prosperity, power and the like. Since Lagna is an even
movable sign, the first Dasa is that of the abhimukha' (
adarsa) Rasi which is Aquarius. The owner Saturn being on
12° 15.. the balance of Aquarius Dasa is years 5-3-27. Those
who would like to follow Sthira Dasa, the balance of Libra
Dasa is years 2-7-28. Both these are in the clockwise order.
Chara Dasa is anticlockwise from Cancer.
Karakamsa is Sagittarius, having the Moon and Venus
aspected by debilitated Mercury. This made him a good
author. In Rasi Lagna has the Moon and is aspected by the
Sun. This explains his authorship. Both in sade sati, he
was drawn into political turmoil in the second round, while
the third made him the first Prime Minister of free India.
During the sub period of the Moon in Ketu (1905 3 22
- - -

to 1905-12-22) he was in England and his studies ended

with his return to India in December,1912 which was in
Venus-Venus- Saturn-Rahu (Dasa, Antardasa, Vidasa,
sukshma dasa). Ketu with Jupiter in Sagittarius is exalted
and is aspected by yogakaraka Mars. The major and sub-
lords are in the 6th and Lagna, and Mars is the lord of the
5th and the 10th. At the time of his return houses 4, 2 and
12 figure prominently. His marriage took place on 1916-2-
23, Vasanta Panchami. He had Venus-Moon-Sun from
1916-2-19. The dasa was that of Cancer and the sub-period
was that of the lord of Lagna. The 2nd lord's vidasa was in
progress then. The Sun is the 7th lord also in Amsa while
the other two are in the 11th.
Navamsa Aries Dasa was from 1904-3-11. It was in May
1905 that he reached England. The sub-period of Taurus
and the Vidasa of Scorpio ended on 1905-5-19. Houses 10,
11, 5 and 4 are involved. The aspect of Saturn (lord of the
7th and the 8th) on houses 4 and 10 and that of the Sun on
the 10th are significant. Vidyakaraka is in the 4th with its
own lord, indicating science and law. His return in Decem-
ber 1912 was in Aries-Pisces-Cancer (from 19-12-11 to 19-
3-14). The count is anti-clockwise for the even signs. From
1916-2-18 to 1916-3-11 he had Taurus-Aquarius-Capri-
corn-Taurus, and Aquarius has the aspect of Kalatrakaraka.
and Capricorn is aspected by the lords of the 2nd and the
106 Jamini Astrology
7th. The marriage on 1916-2-23 could be only in this
period. Aquarius is also the Upapada and Capricorn is the
I I th from Dasapada.
In December 1921 he went to j ail as a Congressman and
was released on 1923-1-31. The arrest was in Venus-
Jupiter-Venus (from 1921-12-4 to 1922-5-21). Jupiter is
the lord of the 6th from Lagna and Venus as well. The release
was in Venus-Jupiter-Rahu which ended on 1923-4-19.
The arrest was in Navamsa Dasa Taurus-Gemini-Aquarius (
from 1921-12-11 to 1922-1-4) explaining the event within
a span of three weeks. The release was in Gemini-Cancer-
Taurus (1923-1-26 to 1923-2-19).
He was elected President of the Indian National Congress
in Venus-Ketu (1929-4-19 to 1930-6-19); and when he was
elected there was the Vidasa of Rahu. The 6th house refers
to vocational activities also, as it is the 9th from the 10th:
The 10th house is aspected by Venus and Ketu. The historic
resolution on independence was taken as a pledge from
1930-1-26, during Venus-Ketu-Jupiter (1929-12-17 to
1930-2-13). The election was'in Navamsa Gemini Dasa and
sub-period of Aries (from 1929-9-11) which is the 10th from
Lagna aspected by the political planet and by the planet of
the masses. Gemini-Aries-Libra began on exactly 1930- 1-
26. This once again shows the conformation of the one Dasa
system by the other, and Jaimini.s method enables us to
pin-point an event within three weeks.
In the Sun's sub-period in his own major period (1930-
6-19 to 1930-10-7) he was taken to jail again. The Sun is in
the house of Mars and in Amsa he is in the 6th with Saturn.
Navamsa Karakadasa began on 1931-3-11. This sign is
hemmed in between malefics and is afflicted by the Sun. The
arrest which was in Gemini-Taurus (1930-6-1 I) shows how
the start of the Sun's major period coincides again.
His Sun-Rahu was from 1931-8-13. These are in 6th-8th
relation in Rasi and Amsa as well. From the 9th the Sun is
in the 9th as the lord of the 6th. The father died in the
Vidasa of Ketu and this was followed by his return to j ail.
The house of death for the parents, says Jaimini (3.3.88),
is the 3rd. Here Virgo is the 3rd. When the Vidasa of Virgo
started in Cancer-Gemini, the father died. The major and
Jamini Astrology 107
are in 2nd-12th relation. From Cancer the sub-period is
that of the 8th sign.
By August 1933 his wife was seriously ill. In January
1935 she had an attack of paralysis, and she passed away
in 1936. Saturn's sub-period in the Sun was from 1933-4-
25. The Sun is in the 2nd from the 4th, and has Saturn in
his 10th afflicting the natal 4th then. Her death was in the
last sub-period of the Sun's major period. The paralytic
stroke was in Mercury's sub-period. Mercury ruling the
nerves is in the 12th from the Sun. In Navamsa Dasa he had
Cancer-Aries from 33-6-11. The 4th house is involved. Aries
is the 8th from the 3rd. She had paralysis when he passed
through Cancer-Aquarius (from 34-12-11), the signs in
6th-8th relation.
His wife was seriously ill in September 1935 and she
passed away on 1936-2-28. His Sun-Venus-Saturn was
from 1936-2-10 to 1936-4-7. From the 7th house the Sun
owns the 8th which has Saturn in it. The karaka for wife is
in the 12th from the major lord along with the natal 12th
lord both being afflict by Saturn. Upapada is Aquarius and
he was having the Dasa of the 6th sign from this. The sub-
period was that of the 12th from Upapada. Vidasa of Gemini (
1936-2-18 to 1936-3-11) shows the event. Vidasa and
Antaradasa signs are in 6th 8th relation. As per Jaimini the
death of the wife is to be predicted from the 5th (3.3.90). The
major Dasa is that of the Sula-Rasi from the 5th which has
in it Dasakaraka.
The period of the Moon (from 1936-6-19) is not a happy
one as the Moon is between two malefics. The Moon-
Mercury-Venus was from 1942-8-1 to 1943-1-21. He was
arrested in August 1942. Mercury is lord of the 12th from
Lagna and the Moon. This coincides with Leo-Scorpio-Virgo (
46-7-26 to 46-8-19). Leo has Rudra planet Saturn also and
Virgo is afflicted by Mars.
Vimshottari Mars Mahadasa was from 1946-6-19 and in
his own sub-period, he headed the Interim Government.
Mars is a yogakaraka and is in Aries Navamsa, aspected
there by Jupiter and Saturn. Curiously enough this took
place in the sub period of Aries in Leo (from 1946 3 11 to
- - -

1946-12-11). He was free India's first Prime Minister from

108 Jamini Astrology
1947-8-15 in Mars-Rahu-Venus (from 1947-7-18 to 1947-
9-21). This was in Leo-Taurus-Gemini (1947-7-25 to 1947-
8 -18). Taurus and Leo are aspected by Mercury and Venus
while Gemini by Mars, Jupiter and Ketu.
Vimshottari Rahu Mahadasa was from 1953-6-19. Rahu
in Gemini afflicts the nervous system. The sub-period of
Ketu in the 6th was from 1963-12-19. Vidasa of Mars was
from 1964-5-4 to 1964-5-26 when he passed away. Rahu in
the 12th, Ketu in the 6th and Mars in the 3rd can somehow
explain the demise.
Let us consider Jaimini. Mercury is Brahma while Sat-
urn is both Rudra and Maheswara. Since the chart shows
long life, death cannot come in Rudra or Maheswara sign
which period ended when was only 59 years old. It can arise
in the trinal signs to the 8th. Since the Dasas of Aquarius
and Gemini cannot end a long life, the death inflicting sign
is Libra, the 9th from the 8th. The 8th signs from the Sun
and Venus do not apply as they fall in short and middle life.
The signs having malefics in the 8th or the 12th are Cancer,
Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius. Except
Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn and Virgo, the others fall in
middle life. Virgo having the aspect of Jupiter cannot kill.
Capricorn Dasa comes after his 94th year, Scorpio after his
76th year, and Libra after his 68th year. Scorpio is aspected
by the Moon and it cannot kill. Thus we are left only with
Libra Dasa in Navamsa Dasa system. Antardasas can only
be those signs owned or occupied by the lords of the 6th. the
2nd and the 12th from Atmakaraka.
In this chart the major Navamsa Dasa of Libra was from
1958-3-11 and the sub-period of Gemini was from 1964-3-
11. Gemini is again trine to the 8th house and it is in trine
to Libra. He fell ill in the Sub-period of Taurus (the 8th from
Venus and Libra); and he was critical in the Vidasa of Leo (
1964-4-26 to 1964-5-17). Leo has Rudra; but being aspected
by Mercury and Venus, it cannot kill. The death came in
Virgo vidasa of Libra-Gemini. Libra is afflicted by Rahu,
Jupiter and Ketu. The span of the Vidasa is just 22 days.

So accurate is the Jaimini method and it agrees with

109 Jamini Astrology
In Sthira Dasa the death was in Leo Dasa (Rudra Rasi)
and Virgo Antardasa (from 1964-4-12 to 1965-3-12). In the
Moon Dasa it was in Libra Mahadasa which was from 1954
November to 1966 November.

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