Jyotish - P.S. Sastri - Jaimini Astrology
Jyotish - P.S. Sastri - Jaimini Astrology
Jyotish - P.S. Sastri - Jaimini Astrology
M.A.. M.Litt.. Ph.D.. D.Litt.
Foreword by Dr. B.V. Raman
1. Aspects and Argalas 1
2. Karakas 6
3. Different Lagnas 10
4. Strength of the Rasis 15
5. Strength of the Planets 21
6. Some technical concepts 26
7. Longevity 30
8. Chara Dasa 39
9. Sthira and Trikona Dasas 43
10. Varnada and other Dasas 49
11. Judgement of Karakamsa 56
12. Arudha 62
13. Upapada 65
14. Houses and Interpretation 68
1 5 . D i s e a s e s a n d Death 73
16. Timing of Death 78
17. Female Horoscopy 83
18. Timing of Events-Chara Dasa 88
19. Timing and Ayanamsa 93
20. Timing of Events-Sthira Dasa 99
21. Timing of Events-Navamsa Dasa 104
Jaimini astrology is different from the system of Parasara
as developed and explained by Varaha mihira and others.
But there are chapters in Parasara's text explaining this
system which was later developed by Jaimini. This system
is unique in its aspects, interpretation, and dasas. One can
time the events within a month by following Jaimini's
Prof. B.S. Rao rendered valuable service by publishing
the first two chapters with translation and notes. Then Mr.
Kar brought out the next two chapters with his reading and
notes. In between Dr. B.V. Raman enlightened the readers
with his Studies in Jaiminy-Astrology. I am deeply
indebted to these three. Moreover, it was Dr. B.V.
Raman who prevailed upon me to write a series of articles
on the system of Jaimini as lessons for the common reader
interested in astrology. These lessons appeared in the
Astrological Magazine between January 1982 and October
1984. I am deeply obliged to Dr. B.V. Raman for enabling
me to bring these articles in a book form. By favouring me
with his valuable foreword he has placed me in a deep debt
of gratitude.
I am much obliged to Shri Narinder Sagar for bringing
out this book in an elegant style.
Jaimini Astrology
Editor: The Astrological Magazine Banglore.
Editor The Astrological Magazine
It is with great pleasure that I write a few words by way
of a Foreword to Prof. P.S. Sastri.s JAIMINI ASTROLOGY.
Prof.Sastri has been known to me for over three decades.
His erudition and deep insight into astrology, apart from his
scholarship in philosophy, Mantra Sastra etc., is profound.
Unassuming and not seeking limelight, Prof. Sastri's
dedication to astrology is sincere and sustained, as could
be seen from his innumerable articles published in THE
ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINE during the past four decades.
This work generally serialised in THE ASTROLOGICAL
MAGAZINE ;"Lessons in Jaimini Astrology" , explains as
simply as possible the distinguishing features of the Jaimini
system and its practical application and sets forth reliable
methods, peculiar to Jaiminis's genius, for forecasting lon-
gevity, profession, marriage and other important life-events.
Prof. Sastri.s treatment of Jaimini is clear, comprehen-
sive and easy to understand even by those who may not
know astrology. The book provides techniques and insights
which are eminently applicable to all horoscopes.
Principles of Jaimini astrology set forth in the following
pages will, I trust, contribute to a clearer understanding
and appreciation of a system that is unique though not very
popular with the majority of astrological scholars and
I wish the author all success and look forward to his
bringing out authoritative books on other aspects of astrol-
20 3 86
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1. Aspects and Argalas
In Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, Chapters 8 to 12 deal
with a system of astrology known popularly as Jaimini
system. There is also a work called Jaimini Sutras in four
chapters which offers a detailed account of a new system of
prediction. The Sutras are short aphorisms which have to
be elaborated and explained. They are difficult and prob-
ably because of this Jaimini is only casually referred to by
astrologers. He has only developed one of the path-ways
found in Parasara. Most of the principles are common to
both. But the methodology is different. These differences
are not insurmountable. The two systems are the two sides
of the same coin. While Parasara offers a more comprehen-
sive system, Jaimini develops an important aspect of the
same more thoroughly.
Jaimini gives a new set of planetary indications (
Karakatvas), a peculiar view of aspects, and a detailed list
of new Dasas. Each Dasa is earmarked for a particular
aspect of life. Karakatvas are variable. There is no distinc-
tion between a sign and a house. The methods for calculat-
ing the strength of planets and signs are very simple. But
this system presupposes a special ability on the part of the
astrologer for interpreting the chart. Yet on the points he
does not touch upon, he directs us to follow Parasara.
In this series we propose to explain Jaimini's system in
order to create an awareness of this system and of its
usefulness at a time when this tradition is fast disappear-
We start with an illustrative chart which we will call the
standard horoscope. It is that of a male born on September
28, 1948 at 5-23 a.m. I.S.T.(Lat. 23.50 N, Long. 78-50 E).
Ayanamsa was 21° 41' 51". The positions are shown in
Chart 1.
1. Following the text of Jaimini, we begin with aspects.
Here it is not the planet that aspects a sign or a planet. It
is the sign in which a planet is that determines the signs and
the planets there in that it can aspect. All movable (cardinal)
sign aspect all fixed signs except the one nearest; all fixed
signs aspect the cardinal signs except the one nearest; and
2 Jaimini Astrology
... Mandi Sat.
Mand 3.48 X Venus Juptt. Mar
Rahu 13.34.28 2.33 44 Sun
M n Ketu
RASI Navamsa
9.15.36 Lagna NPP
Jupit. Mer.24.44.58
0.8.8 M rc.
Ke 13.34.28
M 8.53.45 13.3 45
a.m. (LMT).
R ahu 1 0 .1 4
Here the
Sun and the
Moon have
the same
Asc. 14.26
Saturn R
(9.36) while
14.27 Rahu has
Sun 9.36 traversed
Mar .
28 31 Ketu 10.14 Moon 9.36
Mer . 15.30 Venus 11.55 1 9 °- 4 6 ' .
is Mars.
Since the
Sun and the Moon become merged in to one karakatva,
Rahu becomes the Amatyakaraka. Rahu is yet to cover 10°
14'. In Aries, and hence he covered 19° 46'. This gives him
a karakatva which has fallen vacant. In Jaimini, Rahu owns
Aquarius and Ketu is the owner of Scorpio.
Parasara.s system has natural or naisargyka karakas.
Persons born during the day have the Sun and Venus as the
karakas of father and mother respectively, and for a night
birth there are respectively the Moon and Saturn.
The native of the standard horoscope was born before
8 Jaimini Astrology
sunrise. We give the karaka lords of this chart as perJaimini
and Parasara.
Jaimini Karakas Naisargika
Atma Venus the Moon
Amatya Mars Mercury
Bhratri The Sun Mars
Math Saturn Saturn
Putra Mercury Jupiter
Jnati The Moon Mars
Dara Jupiter Venus
The strength or weakness of Atmakaraka determines
the general strength or weakness of the chart as a whole.
Rahu becomes a Karaka only when two or more planets
have the same longitude. Otherwise, he is not to be consid-
ered. By virtue of his benefic or malefic dispositions like
ownership, placement and exaltation or debilitation, the
Atmakaraka gives good or bad results. Amatyakaraka gov-
erns the intellect, religious or philosophical disposition and
the like. The other Karakas are to be interpreted in a similar
According to some authorities mentioned by Jaimini,
one and the same planet may represent the Karaka for
mother and children. If the'two karakatvas are given to the
same planet, difficulties n interpretation can possibly
arise. But these will be solved by pada, ghatika, and other
Lagnas mentioned by Jairnini. We will explain them later.
Jaimini gives the views of some authorities. According to
them we can know from Mars the details regarding brothe
rs, sisters, brother-in-law, stepmother, and paternal rela-
tions. Mercury refers to the maternal relations. Let us list
these views.
Mars Brothers, sisters, brother-in-law,
step-mother, paternal relations.
Mercury : Maternal relations.
Jaimini Astrology 9
Jupiter Paternal grand parents.
Venus Wife's or husband's parents, mater-
nal grand-parents, and disciples.
These minor karakas are important in prediction. When
two or more planets have the same longitude, these take
their place. The natural or naisargika karakas are:
The Sun Soul, vitality, fame, father.
The Moon : Mother, mind, genius.
Mars Lands, houses, strength, brothers.
Mercury Intellect, wisdom, speech, uncles.
Jupiter : Children, wealth, education, spiri-
tual progress.
Venus Wife or husband, pleasures.
Saturn Longevity, death, means of livelihood.
Rahu Maternal grand-parents, poison.
Ketu Paternal grand-parents, moksha.
There are many other karakatvas: but we have given only
the most important ones.
Of all the planets the strongest is the Sun and the
weakest is Saturn. In between the order of decreasing
strength is the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus. It is
possible to interpret the fortune of elder brothers from
Saturn. Varahamihira gives the strength of the planets in
the descending order thus: the Sun, the Moon, Venus,
Jupiter, Mercury, Mars. and Saturn. Where Jaimini is
specific, we should not accept in this system the views of
Varahamihira and others. Where he is silent, we are at
liberty to import their views into this system.
The sign occupied by Atmakaraka in Navamsa is
Karakamsa Lagna. Some valuable predictions are to be
made from this Lagna. Hence this Lagna should be noted
carefully, and the Navamsa chart should be prepared
correctly. -Jaimini Astrology
Jaimini Astrology
3. Different Lagnas
We have found out the method whereby we can fix the
karakamsa Lagna. There are some more Lagnas which play
a significant part in Jaimini's system. We will now turn to
them. Some Lagnas determine the Dasa system and the
order of the sub-periods; some are useful in prediction; and
others for a deeper analysis of a house. In calculating some
of these Lagnas there are different methods and we give here
the method suggested as scientific by Dr. B.V. Raman in his
Studies in Jaimini Astrology.
1. Arudha: This is also called Pada Lagna. Count from the
sign concerned to the place where its lord is ; and from
the sign the lord is, count the same number to get the
Arudha of that sign. In the standard chart Lagna is
Virgo. Its
lord is in the
Mantra Kos 2nd; and the
2nd from
Rajya him is Scor-
Arudha Chart pio which is
the Arudha
Lagna The
Vahana Lagna Upapada ♦
Dara. lord of the
bhratri 2nd is in the
10th from it
and the 10th
from him is Aries which is Kosapada. The lord of the
12th is in the 2nd from it, and the 2nd from it is Libra
which is called Upapada. The Arudha of the 3rd is called
Bhratripada, of the 4th vahana, of the 5th mantra, of the
7th dara, of the 9th bhagya. and of the 10th rajya. These
are the technical names employed. The chart gives the
Arudhas of nine houses. For the other three houses also
we can calculate similarly. Thus if the lord of the Lagna
is in the 4th, Arudha Lagna will be the 7th, and if he is
in the 7th, Lagna itself will be the Pada Lagna.
2. Chandra Lagna: The sign in which the Moon is located
at the time of birth is the Chandra Lagna or Janma Rasi.
In the standard horoscope the Moon is in Cancer and
this is the Chandra Lagna.
Jaimini Astrology 11
3. Bhava. Lagna; The sign that rises at birth is sometimes
called Bhava Lagna byJamini. In the example it is Virgo.
At many places this has a different meaning and we have
to arrive at it by calculation.
Find the time that elapsed from sunrise to the time of
birth. If it is in hours and minutes, convert it into ghatis
and vighatis. Multiply this by 6. Add the product to the
longitude of the Sun or to that of the Lagna. If the Lagna
is an even sign, the product is to be added to the
longitude of the Lagna: and if the Lagna is an odd sign,
the addition is to the longitude of the Sun.
The native of the standard horoscope was born at 5.
22.48 a m. (I.S.T.) and this is 5.8.8. L.M.T. The sunrise
that day was at 5. 54. 8. The birth ghatis were 58 ghts
45 vgh. Multiplying this by 6 we get 348.30 or in
decimals 348.5. The Lagna being Virgo is an even sign,
and its longitude from the beginning of Aries is 152°35'
or in decimals 152.6. Adding these two we get 501.1.
Expunging 360 we get 141.05. The Bhava Lagna is Leo
21° 05..
4. Hora Lagna: Each hora has a duration of two and a half
hours which is equal to one sign or 30 degrees. Each
ghati covers 12 degrees. Multiply the birth ghatis by 12.
Add the product to the longitude of the Sun if the Lagna
is an odd sign; or add it to the longitude of the Lagna,
if the Lagna is an even sign.
In our example the birth ghatis 58 5'multiplied by 12
give 697. Lagna being even, add 152° 35. (in decimals
152.6) to this. We get 849.6. Expunging multiples of
360. we get 129.6. Hora Lagna is Leo 9.6 as the Hora
5. Ghatika Lagna: Here each ghati is equivalent to 30
degrees. Multiply the birth ghatis by 30 and add the
product to the longitude of the Lagna.
In our example the birth ghatis are 58.5. Multiplying
this by 30 we get 1742.30 (in decimals 1742.5). Adding
this to the longitude of Lagna 152.6 (in decimals) we get
1895.1. Expunging multiples of 360 we get 95.1. Ghatika
Lagna is then Cancer 5.1.
12 Jaimini Astrology
6. Vamada Lagna:
(a) When Janma Lagna is an odd sign, we have to
count from Aries to the Lagna in the clockwise manner.
When it is even, count from Pisces to the Lagna in the
anti-clockwise manner.
(b) Likewise count from Aries or Pisces to the Hora Lagna
as it is odd or even.
(c) If both Janma Lagna and Hora Lagna are odd signs, or
if both are even signs, add the above two. If one is odd
and the other even, take the difference between these
(d) Then count the product from Aries if the Janma Lagna
is odd, and from Pisces if it is even.
In the example Janma Lagna is Virgo, an even sign. Hora
Lagna is Leo, an odd sign. From Pisces the 7th is Virgo
and from Aries the 5th is Leo. The difference between
these is two because one is even and the other odd.
Since Janma Lagna is an even sign, we have to count
from Pisces backwards. The 2nd is Aquarius which is
the Varnada Lagna.
On these lines we can arrive at the Varnada signs for all
the other 11 signs. The Varnada of the 2nd house can
be had by considering the 2nd house from Lagna and
the 2nd from Flora Lagna as Lagnas. The 2nd house in
our example is Libra, the 7th from Aries. The 2nd from
Hora Lagna is Virgo. the 7th from Pisces. The difference
is zero. Since the Lagna here is Libra, zero which means
12 is counted from Aries in the clockwise manner. Then
the Varnada of the 2nd house is Pisces. In this way we
get the following for the other houses of the standard
Vamada of the 3rd house : the 5th and the 7th =the2nd =Aquarius.
Varnada of the 4th house : the 9th and the 5th = the 4th = Cancer.
Varnada of the 5th house : the 3rd and the 9th = the 6th = Libra.
Vamada of the 6th house : the 11th and the 3rd= the 8th = Scorpio.
Vamada of the 7th house : the 1st and the 11th = the 10th= Gemini.
Jaimini Astrology 13
Varnada of the 8th house : the 1st and the 1st = 0th = Pisces.
Varnada of the 9th house : the 11th and the 1st = the lOth = Gemini.
Varnada of the 10th house: the 3rd and the 11th = the 8th = Scorpio.
Varnada of the 11th house: the 9th and the 3rd = the 6th = Libra.
Varnada of the 12th house: the 5th and the 9th = the 4th = Cancer.
Moveable sign 15
Let us add these three strengths and find out the total
strength of the planets.
Planet Moolatrikona Amsa Kendra Total
The Sun 15.00 30.00 15.00 60.00
The Moon 30.00 7.5 60.00 97.5
Mars 15.00 45.00 60.00 120.00
Mercury 22.5 15.00 60.00 97.5
Jupiter 45.00 3.75 15.00 63.75
Venus 7.5 60.00 60.00 127.5
Saturn 7.5 22.5 30.00 60.00
The strongest planet in the standard horoscope is Ve-
nus, followed by Mars, the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, the Sun
and Saturn. Mars and Mercury have the same strength; and
so have the Sun and Saturn.
Lord of the 2nd and the 9th is very powerful and he is
with the lord of the 11th who has only the third place. Lord
of the 3rd and the 8th is powerful and is with the lord of the
Jaimini Astrology 25
1st and the 10th who has a third place. The weakest planets
are in the 1st and the 12th indicating his weak constitution.
His Karakamsa Lagna is aspected by Mercury (lord of the
4th and the 7th) and Saturn (lord of the 11th and the 12th).
The Sun (lord of the 6th) and Jupiter (lord of the 1st and the
10th) are in the 2nd aspected by the 5th lord from the 6th.
The lord of the 2nd and the 9th is in the 3rd unaspected. The
Karakamsa chart is important. The sign in which Atmakaraka
is located is an important point. Here it is Cancer and it is
unaspected. These are to be remembered before we go
Jaimini Astrology
6. Some Technical Concepts
There are some technical terms employed by Jaimini for
determining longevity and other things. We will explain
them now.
Dvara Rasi: It is the sign in which a Dasa begins or the
sign whose Dasa is under consideration. It is also known as
Paka Rasi. When we consider the Dasa of Virgo, then Virgo
becomes Dvara Rasi.
Bahya Rasi: Count from Lagna to the Dvara Ras': and
when the same number is counted from Dvara Rasi we get
the Bahya or Bhoga Rasi. If the Lagna is Virgo and the Dvara
Rasi is Capricorn, it is the 5th from Lagna: the 5th from this
is Taurus which is Bahya Rasi.
If the Dvara Rasi is 2nd from Lagna the Bahya Rasi is 3rd
These results about the 1st and the 5th from karakamsa
can be applied to the 2nd and the 3rd houses also (1.2.116-
117) .
Interestingly enough, Jaimini gives a new definition of
Kemadruma Yoga in 1.2.119. If malefics are in the 2nd and
the 8th from Janma Lagna, Arudha Lagna or Atmakaraka,
there is Kemadruma Yoga. The Moon.s aspect on these
makes it still worse (1.2.120).
The results given above will be experienced in the major
or minor periods of the Rasis (signs of the zodiac).
12. Arudha
We have noticed how to find the Arudha of any house.
The number of signs from the house to where its owner is
located has to be counted from that planet to get the Arudha
of that house. In the standard horoscope, the lord of the
Lagna is in the 2nd, and the 2nd from him is Scorpio which
is the Arudha Lagna, also called Pada Lagna. These padas
of the 1st, the 7th and the 12th play an important part in
Jaimini's system. In our standard chart, these padas are
respectively Scorpio, Virgo and Libra. Just as we used the
term Karakamsa to mean the sign in Navamsa occupied by
Atmakaraka, we use Pada or Arudha to mean the Arudha of
Lagna only.
Planets in the 1 1 th from Arudha make one wealthy. If
benefics are associated with it, the wealth is lawfully
acquired. In our example. the 1 1 th from Arudha is Virgo
which has the Sun aspected byJupiter. A malefic joining or
aspecting it makes the sources unlawful. It is better if the
11th has benefics, planets in exaltation or in moolatrikona
or in own house. and the like. Planets in the 12th from
Arudha makes one a spendthrift. The Sun, Rahu and Venus
joining or aspecting the 12th make one lose his money by
governmental actions; and this is definite if the Moon
aspects them. Mercury.s association with the 12th brings
losses through relatives or quarrels. Jupiter there makes
one pay more and more taxes. The association of Mars and
Saturn in the 12th gives expenditure through brothers. If
the planets mentioned in the 12th house are in the 11th.
there will be gains through those very sources (1.3.1-12).
Jupiter Ketu
The Moon and Venus in her Hora Lagna make her highly
skilled and sensuous (4.3.39). When the Navamsa Lagna of
her Hora Lagna is with Ketu or has malefic association, her
morals can be suspect (4.3.42 45).