Information –
Preparing for
Your Hospital
Your orthopaedic consultant has recommended a hip
replacement. This booklet aims to provide you with all the
information you will need about the operation and
preparing for your hospital stay.
Please read it carefully and bring it with you to all your appointments and when
you attend hospital for your operation. There is space at the back of the
booklet to write down your questions.
What is a hip replacement? hip may be used to help with post-
operative pain relief.
Total hip replacement surgery is a Some people wish to be asleep during
well-established operation, and the operation, other prefer to be
approximately 90,000 hip awake. The consultant or senior
replacements are performed in the UK anaesthetist will consider your
each year. preference and advise which
anaesthetic is the most appropriate
A hip replacement involves removing taking into consideration your general
the worn joint surfaces in the hip joint health and own preferences.
and replacing them with metal and
plastic/ceramic components fixed to Why do I need a hip
the bone to fill the gap. replacement?
The operation is usually performed The majority of hip replacements are
through an incision over the side of performed because of osteoarthritis
the hip. The length of the incision is of the hip.
normally about 20cm long but may be
longer. What is osteoarthritis of the hip?
knee. The pain can travel further What treatments are there for
down the leg below the knee. The osteoarthritis of the hip?
pain is usually constant and typically
worsens over a number of years but Your doctor will initially recommend
can deteriorate rapidly over a matter painkillers, anti-inflammatory tablets,
of months. Sleep is frequently exercise and occasionally a walking
disturbed by pain when the condition stick. You may gain some benefit from
is advanced. The hip joint is typically physiotherapy although the benefit
stiff, and movements of the hip are typically is not lasting. If you have
painful. You may have difficulty intrusive and disabling pain, hip
reaching down to your toes. You may replacement surgery will be
well walk with a limp. The x-ray shows considered.
narrowing of the joint space and
sometimes deformity of the joint. When is the right time to undergo a
hip replacement?
What causes osteoarthritis of the
hip? Generally speaking, the time to
consider a hip replacement is when
In the majority of cases no cause is painkillers are having little effect. Also,
identified although many people will when the pain and associated
be aware that other members of their disability are significantly
family have had the condition. There compromising your quality of life.
are a few conditions in childhood that
can lead to arthritis of the hip in later Risks and benefits of the
life including hip dysplasia (previously operation
known as congenital dislocation of the
hip), perthes disease in childhood and Most surgeries go well without any
slipped capital epiphysis. Other causes complications and the majority of
include rheumatoid arthritis and patients reports remarkable relief of
traumatic injury to the hip. pain and improvement in mobility.
Your surgeon will discuss the risks
with you prior to the operation
allowing sufficient time for you
to consider them and make an Blood clots:
informed decision about whether you
are happy to proceed with surgery. There is a risk of blood clots in the leg
The vast majority of people following a hip replacement. The risk
undergoing a hip replacement are is increased in individuals with a prior
happy with the result with relief of history of blood clots and those with
pain and restoration of function. some other medical illnesses. To
reduce the risk, you need to mobilise
The main risks include: when medically fit, do the exercises as
advised and drink plenty. We will
Infection: provide you with blood thinning
tablets or injections, which are
If a superficial infection in the skin or continued 35 days after the operation.
superficial tissues occurs, it will
usually respond to the provision of The symptoms or signs of a blood clot
antibiotics. Occasionally, however a include swelling of the leg, calf pain
deep infection occurs and if this and/or tenderness. It is very common
happens further surgery to remove for your leg to be swollen following a
the implanted hip replacement may hip replacement, which does not
be required and either replaced as a necessarily mean you have a blood
one-stage procedure or a two-stage clot, but if you have any concerns
procedure. You may also require a medical advice should be sought.
prolonged course of antibiotics. The
risk of deep infection occurring is less Dislocation:
than 1% of patients. Many
precautions are taken to reduce the Occasionally (1-2% of patients) the
likelihood of infection including ball and socket joint separate. This
screening you for infections usually happens in the early days soon
preoperatively (skin and urine), giving after the operation before the tissues
you antibiotics at the time of the around the joint have healed and
operation and performing your made a strong scar. This may require
operation in specially adapted clean another operation to restore the
air operating theatres. alignment of the joint. Occasionally a
dislocation may occur long after
surgery if the joint became very worn nerve pain and/or loss of movement
or loose. of your ankle/foot requiring a splint.
Occasionally your leg lengths are The risk of death is small but generally
unequal before your operation considered to be 1:200. The risk is
because of the osteoarthritis. Your increased in older individuals and in
surgeon will try to correct any the presence of other significant
difference in your leg lengths at the illnesses. Your preop health check
time of the operation, but he/she may should pick up the majority of health
not be able to equalize your leg issues but some are not easily
lengths exactly. Occasionally one leg is detected.
left longer by a small number of
millimetres and a small shoe insert is What is the success of the
required to compensate for the operation?
The vast majority of people
Nerve or blood vessel injury: Very undergoing a hip replacement are
rarely damage can occur to one of the happy with the result, relief of pain
major arteries or nerves to your leg at and restoration of function. Patients
the time of the operation. The risk is who follow the follow the pre and
very small but is higher in individuals post-operative instructions detailed in
with a very shortened leg pre- this booklet recover more speedily
operatively due to hip disease usually and enjoy better long-term outcomes.
from childhood or if you have had
operations to the hip previously. If Enhanced recovery
such an event were to occur this could
be a limb threatening situation. In the All hip replacements patients follow
event of a blood vessel injury this may an enhanced recovery pathway which
require vascular surgery but may supports high quality care. Enhanced
result in the loss of the limb. In the recovery programmes aim to deliver
event of nerve damage this could evidence-based care at the right time
result in potentially lifelong disabling and ensure that you are actively
involved in your own recovery Please also bring a fresh urine
process. specimen with you in a sterile
container (available from GPs or local
The main elements of enhanced chemist). Please dress in loose fitting
recovery are good quality pre-op clothes.
education, improving and optimizing
health prior to surgery, sharing If you have any allergies be sure to
information, good pain control, early inform the nursing staff about these,
mobilization and early introduction of e.g. LATEX will require changes to
diet and fluids. your theatre time management plan.
Enhanced recovery programmes have require patch allergy skin testing prior
been shown to reduce time in hospital to admission to ensure correct
and speed up recovery, reduce artificial knee component is used.
complications and increase patient
satisfaction. We want you to feel You will see the nurse who will ask
involved in your care and understand you questions about your general
what you can do to aid your recovery, health and you will have the following
so please do not hesitate to ask us if tests/investigations:
you are not sure of anything.
• Height/weight/blood pressure
Before your operation • Urine specimen
• Blood tests (these may vary
Pre-operative (pre-op) assessment depending on your medication)
You will be required to attend hospital • ECG (heart tracing)
for pre-operative assessment before • Knee/chest x-ray (depending on
surgery to assess your general health medical history and clinical
and establish a discharge plan. examination)
• MRSA screening
Please bring with you a current • CPE screen if you have been
prescription/list of your medications admitted for an overnight stay
with doses and original names to your • into any hospital in the past
appointment. The nurses will need to • 12 months
know about any over the counter or
herbal medication you are taking too.
You may also be required to see the The benefits of early mobilization
consultant anaesthetist at a separate are:
clinic appointment before your
operation. • Reduced risk of a chest infection.
• Less muscle wastage, so that
You will receive a letter inviting you to movement and mobility are
attend the education group once your maintained.
investigation results from preop have • Decreased fatigue and tiredness.
been reviewed. • Reduced risk of developing a
blood clot in your legs and lungs.
Preparing for your operation
You will have a shorter hospital stay
What is Enhanced Recovery? Evidence reducing the complication risks and
has found that patients can recover infection following your surgical
from their surgery faster than procedure.
previously thought. This is due to
improvements in medication, surgical Education Group
and anaesthetic techniques. This
means following surgery you will have All patients undergoing hip or knee
a shorter hospital stay reducing the replacement surgery are required to
risks of complications and infection attend an education group. The
following your surgical procedure. education group gives you
information about your operation, the
The aim of the Enhanced Recovery enhanced recovery programme and
Programme is to get you back to full how you can play an active part in
health as quickly as possible. A large your recovery.
part of your recovery is down to your
own motivation. The earlier you start The aim of this session is to prepare
to get up and mobilise, eat and drink you for your operation and give you
normally the more likely you are to the opportunity to meet the
recover quickly and reduce the risk of orthopaedic therapy team. You will be
developing complications. shown your exercises and walking aids
and advised on what to expect when
you come into hospital. You will not
be offered an operation date until you Suitable footwear
have attended the education group.
An occupational therapist will assess Well-fitting slippers, shoes or trainers
you and discuss your home situation (no mules) and ensure footwear has
with you and how you will manage on rubber sole for grip.
discharge. Any equipment or Toiletries
adaptation needs will be identified at Soap, flannel, toothbrush / paste,
this point. brush / comb, wet wipes, etc.
Snacks/Fruit op exercises and help with pain but
will help you to regain movement
For example: ready to eat prunes quickly post-operatively. Also walking
/ dried apricots to aid bowel a short distance each day will help
movement. stamina.
Carbohydrate drinks (pre-op) Maintain your skin integrity:
NOT TO BE TAKEN IF YOU ARE Your skin should ideally be free from
DIABETIC any breaks. To aid with this please
avoid activities that could cause any
You will be provided with 6 concerns such as gardening. Animal
carbohydrate loading drinks to take scratches and insect bites can also be
prior to admission. You need to take 4 potential source of infection which
the night before surgery, and 2 on the could postpone your surgery. If you
day of surgery, both in the last hour suffer from long term skin issues such
you are allowed to drink. For example, as eczema or psoriasis, ensure you use
if you are due in at 7am, you take your creams as directed by your
them at 6am. If you are due in GP/dermatologist to keep your skin
hospital at 11am, then take them at condition at its best.
10am. If you are diabetic, you will not
be issued with theses drinks. PLEASE SEE THE END OF THE BOOKLET
Regulate your bowels:
Planning for your return home
Many patients are already taking pain after surgery
relief before their surgery. This can
cause constipation. It is important It is very important that your home
that your bowels are opening situation is suitable for you following
regularly and smoothly before your your surgery.
operation. To achieve this you are
encouraged to increase the fibre in Preparation of your home
your diet and eat a well-balanced diet. environment will be discussed at the
The pre-operative nurses will question education group and with the
you about your bowel habit and occupational therapist at the one to
provide both verbal and written one session at the group.
advice to aid with the management of
constipation. Ensuring that you eat well in the
days/weeks before your operation
should help you to recover more
Information about your hospital
Have your house ready for your arrival stay
back home. Rearrange items that are
frequently used to easily accessible Smoking
heights avoiding very low or very high
storage. Remove loose rugs. Smoking is not allowed anywhere on
hospital ground: this includes the use
Make sure there is room to walk from of electronic cigarettes.
room to room without obstacles
getting in your way and remove any Smoking is also actively discouraged
clutter. before and immediately after your
surgery. You may find it helpful to
How long will I be in hospital? You will discuss giving up smoking with your
normally be admitted to hospital on doctor or practice nurse prior to
the day of surgery and will be admission, or with our smoking
discharged when you are medically fit cessation officer.
and have met all your therapy goals.
Dietary Requirements
Will my hip be painful afterwards?
You will have a wide choice of meals
It is normal for the hip wound to be to select from. If you have any special
sore post-operatively, but the pain dietary requirements, please inform
improves on a daily basis. Strong nursing staff on admission.
painkillers are prescribed after the
operation. Mobile Phones
How much time will I need to take off Mobile phones may be used whilst
work? you are in hospital, but please show
consideration for the other patients
Generally speaking, you will need 2-3 around you whilst using your phone.
months off work following the
operation to allow you to recuperate. Visiting
You will be able to work from home to
a limited capacity within this period if• Open visiting in operation, we ask that
you wish. mealtimes are avoided
• Visitors are limited to 2 persons Orthopaedic surgery infection rates
per bed are measured in accordance with a
• To assist in the prevention of national surveillance programme and
infection control we require all results are reported and reviewed on
visitors to use the hand hygiene a quarterly basis. It is not possible to
station at the entrance of the avoid infection completely – but the
ward when entering and exiting staff at Manchester Orthopaedic
• Visitors are asked not to sit on the Centre work extremely hard to ensure
bed; there are visitors chairs that the environment is safe for
available patients and visitors.
• You will be following an active
rehabilitation programme, which You should avoid touching any
will involve one to one activities wounds or dressings that may have
during these times been applied as part of your care.
• You are asked to limit the number Good basic hygiene is also important.
of phone calls to the ward. If you Members of staff who are required to
could nominate one relative, touch your skin should wash their
please to cascade the information. hands before and after examination
(using soap and water or hand gel). All
Reducing the risk of infection our protocols demand this essential
Manchester Hospitals maintain the procedure and we would welcome
highest standards in relation to you to ask us if we have washed our
infection control. hands.
All patients who come into hospital It is important that your visitors are
are at greater risk of acquiring aware of your vulnerability to
infection than the general population. infection and that they should contact
This is partly because of their general the ward for advice on visiting if they
health and partly because any kind of are suffering from and infection, cold,
treatment can make them temporarily vomiting or diarrhoea, to reduce the
more vulnerable. The use of risk of transmission to vulnerable
antibiotics, which may be necessary, patients.
and are lifesaving, also makes patients
more vulnerable to resistant bacteria. A week before your operation you will
be contacted by a member of the
team to make sure you are well
enough for your operation and that
you still want to proceed with the
Useful Numbers
Trafford Wythenshawe
Ward 12 Admissions: 0161
F4 inpatients: 0161 291 4887
746 2414
Ward 12 Inpatients: 0161 746 2110 Enhance Recovery Nurse:
Orthopaedic Senior Nurse: 0793 0161 291 4887
257 0978 Orthopaedic Occupational
Therapist: 0161 291 6596 (Ward
Orthopaedic Occupational Therapist:
A5) 0161 291 2110
0161 746 2717
Orthopaedic Physiotherapist:
Orthopaedic Physiotherapist: 0161
(inpatients) 0161 291 6596 (Ward
746 2053 A5)
Pre-op Assessment clinic: Trafford: (outpatients) 0161 291 2178/2179
0161 746 2781 Pre-Op Assessment Clinic: 0161
Orthopaedic Pathway Co-ordinator: 291 2054
0161 746 2759 or Bleep 138 via MRI
switchboard for any pre-operative
In patient ward: 0161 276 8688
Orthopaedic Occupational
Therapist: 0161 701 0267
Orthopaedic Physiotherapist: 0161
701 0267
Pre-Op Assessment Clinic:
0161 276 3624
Useful Exercises
• The following exercises should be started before your operation as this will
help strengthen your muscles in preparation for your post op
• You should re-start your exercises immediately after surgery: the therapy
team will guide you through this process making any adaptations as
• You should continue your exercises on discharge.
• We recommend that you do the following exercises four times a day,
repeating each exercise ten times. If you find the exercises difficult, you
may need to build up to ten repetitions gradually.
Ankle Pump
Quad Sets
Inner range quads
Heel Slides
Hip Flexion
Hip Abduction
Hip Extension
No Smoking Policy For advice and support on how to
give up smoking, go to
Please protect our patients, visitors www.nhs.uk/smokefree.
and staff by adhering to our no
smoking policy. Smoking is not Translation and
permitted in any of our hospital Interpretation Service
buildings or grounds, except in the
dedicated smoking shelters in the It is our policy that family, relatives or
grounds of our Hospital site. friends cannot interpret for patients.
Should you require an interpreter ask a
member of staff to arrange it for you.
© Copyright to Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust