Dr. Sarang Vyawahare Is A Consultant Rheumatologist

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Facts about Total Knee and Hip Replacement

1. When did the Frist hip and knee replacements take place?

One of the most significant orthopedic surgical advancements of the twentieth century is total knee
replacement. Total knee arthroplasty began in 1860, when Themistocles Gluck, a German surgeon,
surgically inserted the first crude hinge joints made of ivory. Pig bladder, nylon, femoral sheath, anterior
bursa of the knee, cellophane, and a variety of other materials have been employed since then, with
mixed outcomes.

Metal (alloys) was first used in total knee replacement surgery in the late 1930s, and implants for knee
replacement surgery have improved through time. As a result, joint replacements have become more
durable and long-lasting. Furthermore, the surgical techniques for implant placement have substantially
improved. This enables shorter procedures, shorter hospital stays, and a faster return to regular activity

Hip replacement surgery was first performed in the late 1800s. Many of the patients at the time were
veterans who had had terrible battlefield injuries that had resulted in serious hip illnesses. Ivory, glass,
and several sorts of metals were among the materials employed in these early procedures. In the
twentieth century, materials and operations improved quickly, resulting in the contemporary implants
we use today.
2. What are the advantages of joint replacement surgery?

The primary advantage of joint replacement surgery is that it relieves arthritis pain. The ability to move
without pain will improve your quality of life by allowing you to resume activities and improve your
general health. Furthermore, most arthritis patients have malformed knees and hips, which are rectified
during joint replacement surgery, allowing them to walk more comfortably.

Unfortunately, the surgery will not give you back the hip or knee you had when you were young.
However, it can allow you to return to activities and experiences you’ve been unable to enjoy because of
your joint pain.

3. When is the best time to have a joint replacement?

The most frequent symptoms of arthritis are pain and stiffness. This is usually worse in the morning and
becomes better over the day. Too much activity, on the other hand, might exacerbate pain.

You may only feel pain or discomfort while climbing or going downstairs in the early phases. As arthritis
progresses, your knees will become distorted and you will have continual discomfort.

Obtaining X-rays of your knee or hip and discussing your symptoms with a Joint specialist doctor are the
only ways to determine if arthritis is the source of your pain.

If arthritis is the cause of your pain, you and your doctor may decide that a joint replacement is the best
option for you.

4. Can I Stay Away From Surgery?

Your orthopedic specialist in Delhi may suggest the following non-surgical treatments before
recommending surgery:

 Loss of weight
 Physiotherapy
 Anti-inflammatories and pain relievers
 Injections of cortisone (a steroid)
 Injections of Hyaluronic Acid (Gel)

In rare circumstances, these remedies may provide temporary relief from knee and hip discomfort.
Surgery, on the other hand, maybe the best option if symptoms persist or worsen. Delaying or refusing
surgery for an extended period of time may necessitate a more complicated operation with a less
favorable outcome.

5. Are there any risks involved?

Joint replacement carries the same dangers as any other operation. Bleeding and infection are the two
most common dangers. After any major operation, blood clots are likely to form in your legs. Overall,
the risks are minor, and many precautions are taken to avoid such problems.

Dislocation, in which the ball comes out of the socket, is a risk particular to hip replacement surgery.
However, with the introduction of new implants and surgical procedures, this risk has been greatly

6. What are some of the reasons why someone would need to consult a joint replacement specialist?

Hip and knee discomfort can be caused by a variety of factors. However, you may need to seek advice
from a specialist to figure out what's causing your problems. If arthritis is the source of your pain, you
will most likely be referred to a joint replacement surgeon to explore non-operative and surgical
options for pain relief.

Visit Dr. Sarang Vyawahare is a Consultant Rheumatologist in Aurangabad with considerable

experience treating orthopedic, arthritis, joint replacement procedures, and autoimmune illnesses. Get
a consultation from the top physicians at the best orthopedic hospital in Aurangabad.

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