Ijest V3i8 5
Ijest V3i8 5
Ijest V3i8 5
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology ENGINEERING,
MultiCraft Vol. 3, No. 8, 2011, pp. 54-65 SCIENCE AND
© 2011 MultiCraft Limited. All rights reserved
R.C. Sharma1*
Department of Mechanical Engineering Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana, INDIA
Corresponding Author: e-mail: [email protected], Tel +91- 8059930977
This paper presents the influence of rail vehicle parameters on vertical and lateral ride behavior. The analysis considers
coupled vertical-lateral 37 degrees of freedom mathematical model of an Indian Railway General Sleeper ICF coach formulated
using Largangian dynamics. Both vertical and lateral irregularities of the railway track, considered as random function of time
are incorporated in analysis. The ride analysis of the mathematical model suggests that discomfort frequency range lies from 4 to
10.5 Hz and improvements in the design of rail vehicle coach are required for better ride comfort. It is seen from parametric
analysis that car body mass, secondary suspension vertical damping, primary suspension vertical damping and wheel base are
the most sensitive parameters influencing vertical ride. While lateral ride is significantly influenced by car body mass, roll &
yaw mass moment of inertia and secondary suspension lateral stiffness.
Keywords: Parametric analysis; Vertical ride; Lateral ride; Ride comfort, Power spectral density
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ijest.v3i8.5
1. Introduction
The dynamics of railway vehicle represents a balance between the forces acting at the wheel-rail contact point, the inertia forces,
the forces exerted by the suspension and the gravitational forces. Of these, the basic characteristics at the wheel-rail interface such
as friction, geometry, and elasticity in the contact area are hardly under control. But the vehicle configuration, suspension and to
some extent track parameters can be varied over a certain range, limited by different criteria of performance i.e. lateral stability,
ride comfort, curve negotiation, wear, dynamic loads and economy considerations.
The travel of rail vehicle on track is always a coupled motion. There exists a coupling between vertical and lateral motions. The
vertical irregularities of the track cause both vertical and lateral vibrations in the rail vehicle. In addition, the different rigid bodies
i.e. carbody, bolsters, bogie frames and wheel axles execute different angular motions i.e. roll, pitch and yaw which influence the
dynamics of the rail vehicle system significantly. In developing the mathematical model to study vertical response, it would not be
adequate to include bounce, pitch and roll degrees of freedom of the components. On the other hand, for the lateral response
model, it would not be sufficient to use lateral, yaw and roll degrees of freedom of the components. There has been extensive work
done by researchers on lateral and vertical dynamics of the rail vehicle to analyse these motions separately. The coupled dynamics
of railway vehicle has also been studied (Zhai et al., 1996 and 2009) in the past. Largrangian method is generally used for the
analysis of coupled vertical-lateral dynamics of moving vehicle. This method has been used earlier for the analysis of vertical-
lateral dynamics of four wheel roadway vehicle (Nathoo and Healey, 1978) and of three-wheel roadway vehicle (Ramji, 2005).
In the present work a coupled vertical-lateral mathematical model of an Indian Railway General Sleeper Coach is formulated
using Largangian dynamics and its vertical and lateral motion has been studied. Both vertical and lateral irregularities of railway
track are incorporated and are considered as random function of time. The mathematical model is validated comparing simulated
results with vertical and lateral acceleration data obtained through actual rail vehicle testing and the ride comfort is evaluated using
specified international standards (ISO 2631, 1997).
The objective of present work is the parametric study of railway vehicle in the context of vertical and lateral ride behavior. The
ride behavior of the rail vehicle is studied by varying its one parameter at a time in order to estimate its individual effect on vertical
and lateral ride. The rail vehicle parameters taken into consideration are carbody mass and roll, pitch, yaw mass moment of inertia
55 Sharma / International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 8, 2011, pp. 54-65
values, primary & secondary suspension parameters and wheelbase of bogie frame. The present study is carried out in the
frequency region of interest of human vibration sensitivity. The effect of each parameter on ride behavior is studied by varying
original value from -20% to +20%.
2. Mathematical modelling
The equations of motion of rail vehicle are obtained in the following form
.. .
[ M ]{ y i } + [C ]{ y i } + [ K ]{ y i } = [ Fr (ω )] (1)
Where [M ] , [K] and [C ] are the 37×37 mass, stiffness and damping matrices respectively for vehicle.
56 Sharma / International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 8, 2011, pp. 54-65
1 k Rz = 1 kWz + 1 k SL
+ 1 k Sz + 1 k SSz (2)
1 c Rz = 1 cWz + 1 c SL
+ 1 c Sz + 1 c SSz (3)
In present work irregularities in the railway track surface are considered random and represented by power spectral density
functions. Vertical and lateral irregularities of a straight track, represented by the Equations (6) to (10) are considered and are of
the type S (Ω) = C sp Ω − N (Goel et al, 2005). Auto-spectral density variation of vertical unevenness of track surface (mm2/cycle/m)
as a function of spatial frequency Ω at the eight wheel-rail contact points is represented as follows
s11z (Ω) = s 22z (Ω) = ... = s88z (Ω) = 0.0958 Ω −2.1382 (6)
Where s11 (Ω) , s 22 (Ω) ,..., s 88 (Ω) are the diagonal elements of the matrix S r (Ω) 8×8
z z z
It is assumed that the vertical input between left and right wheel for a particular axle acts simultaneously and cross-power spectral
density function of vertical unevenness between the left and right rail is represented as
s12z (Ω ) = s 34z (Ω) = s 56z (Ω ) = s 78z (Ω ) = 0.0257 Ω −2.3945 (7)
The vertical input for different axles act with a time lag which is the ratio of longitudinal distance between them and vehicle
speed e.g. the cross spectral density function of vertical unevenness between left wheel of the front bogie front wheel axle and the
right wheel of the front bogie rear wheel axle is represented as
The functions s14z and s41z are same except that sign of their imaginary parts are reversed.
Auto-spectral density variation of lateral irregularity of track surface (in mm2/cycle/m) as a function of spatial frequency Ω at the
eight wheel-rail contact points is represented as follows
s11y (Ω) = s22y (Ω) = ..... = s88y (Ω) = 0.0554 Ω−2.2686 (9)
It is assumed that the lateral input between left and right wheel for a particular axle acts simultaneously and cross-power spectral
density function of lateral irregularity between the left and right rail is represented as
s12y (Ω ) = s34y (Ω) = s56y (Ω) = s78y (Ω) = 0.0287 Ω −2.3082 (10)
The transformation of spectral density of surface profile expressed in terms of spatial frequency [ S r (Ω)] so that in terms of
temporal frequency [ S r ( f )] is that of the speed of the vehicle i.e. V (in m/s).
S r ( f ) = S r (Ω ) / V (11)
58 Sharma / International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 8, 2011, pp. 54-65
4. Ride behavior
For computation of complex frequency response function, harmonic input is given at one wheel at a time while the inputs at the
remaining wheels are kept zero. Equation 1 may also be written as
([M ] (−ω 2 ) + [C ](iω ) + [ K ]) yi eiω t = [ Fr (ω )]qr eiω t (12)
H r (ω ) = ( y i / q r ) is the complex frequency response function for r th input. The irregularities in the railway track surface are
random and are represented by power spectral density functions. In this work vertical and lateral irregularities are represented by
the equation of the type S (Ω) = C sp Ω − N (Goel et al., 2005).
For a linear system subjected to random inputs, using input–output relationships for spectral densities, the auto and cross-spectral
density matrix of the response [ S yy (ω )] may be written as
The complex frequency response functions [ H r (ω )]37×8 can also be defined as the ratio of the response rate to unit harmonic input
at a given point. The superscript T denotes transpose of matrix. It may be noted here that above equation is used independently for
vertical and lateral irregularities of the track. In the evaluation of vehicle ride quality, the power spectral density (PSD) for the
acceleration of the carbody mass center as a function of frequency is of prime interest. The mean square acceleration response
(MSAR) expressed as (m/sec2)2/Hz, which is nothing but PSD of acceleration may be written as
Power spectral densities of accelerations of loaded carbody obtained by mathematical modeling in vertical and lateral directions
are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4 respectively. The rail vehicle is considered to be moving at a constant speed of 80 km/hr over
straight track discussed in Section 3. Since the ride comfort of rail vehicle is evaluated for sitting passengers traveling for short
journeys, it will be sufficient for the purpose of ride comfort, to consider ISO fatigue decreased proficiency (FDP) boundary for 4
hours duration only as this is normally the maximum duration of travel time in a seated posture. The result of vertical PSD
acceleration response (Figure 3) indicates that the response of loaded GS coach lies well within the ISO-2631 comfort criteria
except for frequency range from 5 to 10.5 Hz. The result of lateral PSD acceleration response (Figure 4) indicates that the response
of loaded carbody lies well within the ISO comfort criteria except for frequency at nearly 4 Hz, where the peak value is obtained.
Therefore it may be concluded on the basis of present analysis that discomfort frequency range lies from 4 to 10.5 Hz and
improvements in the design of rail vehicle are required for better ride comfort.
vertical PSD acceleration
ISO 4 Hrs
(m/s 2) 2/Hz
ISO 4 Hrs 1
1 0.1
0.1 1 10 100 0.001
0.1 1 10 100
frequency in Hz
frequency in Hz
Figure 3. PSD of vertical acceleration (in (m/s2) 2)/Hz) of Figure 4. PSD of lateral acceleration (in (m/s2) 2)/Hz) of
loaded carbody from simulation loaded carbody from simulation
In order to validate the present mathematical model of vehicle and track it is important that simulated results must be compared
with results obtained from acceleration measurements through actual testing. The results from actual testing are obtained from
Research Designs Standards Organisation, Lucknow. The rail vehicle is moved at a constant speed of 80 km/hr over straight track
described in Section 3. The data acquisition is completed in two stages. In the first stage the record is obtained for 2 Km straight
specimen run-down track and this record is verified covering a long run of about 25 Km in the second stage. A strain gauge
59 Sharma / International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 8, 2011, pp. 54-65
accelerometer (Range: +1g & +2g; Frequency response: 25 Hz; Excitation: 5V AC/DC; Sensitivity: 360 mV/V/g; Damping:
silicon fluid) is placed at floor level near bogie pivot of the rail vehicle. The acceleration data is recorded in time domain with
National Instruments cards (Sampling rate: 100 Samples/s, Resolution: 12 Bit) using Lab View software program and this record is
converted in frequency domain using Fast Fourier Transformations (FFT). Power spectral densities of accelerations of loaded
carbody obtained through actual testing in vertical and lateral directions are shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6 respectively.
Figure 5: PSD of vertical acceleration (in g 2/Hz) of Figure 6: PSD of lateral acceleration (in g 2/Hz) of loaded
loaded carbody from tests. carbody from tests
Figure 7: PSD of vertical acceleration (in g 2/Hz) of Figure 8: PSD of lateral acceleration (in g 2/Hz) of loaded
loaded carbody from simulation carbody from simulation
Power spectral densities of accelerations (in g2/Hz) of loaded carbody obtained simulations in vertical and lateral directions are
shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8 respectively for comparison with actual testing results. The theoretical and actual results compare
reasonably well except that the peak values are obtained at slight different frequencies. The limitations of the modelling and tests
that are affecting the comparison are as follows:
• The carbody in modeling is assumed as a rigid body discounting the influence of flexible structure.
• Braking system, lower plank and other systems are difficult to be incorporated in the analysis.
• The mass of the track is not considered to any of assigned degree of freedom.
• In actual testing the sensor for acceleration measurements is placed at floor level of bogie pivot. This point is not exactly
where the centre of gravity of carbody is concentrated. In simulations the acceleration is determined at centre of gravity of
• In the present analysis contact patch is assumed as Hertzian ellipse and creep forces are considered as linear function of
creepage i.e. wheel axle set displacements and wheel axle set velocities. In actual the creep forces are non-linear functions
of wheel-axle set displacements and wheel-axle set velocities.
• In the present analysis suspension forces are assumed as linear function of displacement and velocities within the range of
their travel. In actual practice the piecewise linear theory is applicable considering the actual travel of the suspension
• The effect of wind drag forces are not considered in the present analysis. In actual the wind forces from longitudinal and
lateral directions significantly affect the dynamics of rail vehicle system.
• It is also possible that there may be a time gap between random inputs measurements of track and acceleration
measurements of vehicle as a result of which the track profile may have been changed.
• In the present analysis the random track irregularities are considered as stationary. In actual the sampled track may not be
exactly representing the whole track.
• In practice, defects may occur with the passage of time; in the bearings of the wheel axle sets and other moving parts
resulting in extra force inputs.
60 Sharma / International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 8, 2011, pp. 54-65
The ride behavior of the loaded carbody has been analyzed in Section 4. To allow optimization of design parameters to improve
vehicle ride quality, it will be necessary to conduct parametric analysis as this would provide the rail vehicle designer, vital
information regarding the extent to which each parameter influences the PSD or RMS acceleration response of the vehicle, when
moving at a constant speed. This information can be utilized to arrive at a suitable combination of the design parameters which can
aid in keeping the peak value of accelerations within the ISO comfort boundaries, resulting in an improved ride. Both the PSD and
RMS acceleration spectra yield similar information in terms of the magnitude and the frequency range, when used with their
respective comfort criteria, PSD acceleration response has been considered for the present study. The vertical PSD acceleration
and lateral PSD acceleration values corresponding existing parameters values for an ICF General Sleeper carbody are mentioned in
Table 2 at certain frequencies with in the frequency range of human comfort.
Table 2. PSD values of vertical and lateral acceleration corresponding to existing rail vehicle data
Vertical acceleration (PSD) in (m/s2)2/Hz Lateral acceleration (PSD) in (m/s2)2/Hz
0.7 Hz 1.0 Hz 2 Hz 4 Hz 10 Hz 3 Hz 4 Hz 7 Hz 10 Hz 15 Hz
9.34 1.38 0.41 0.68 1.66 0.0156 11.48 0.0507 0.0968 0.29
The present study is carried out for frequencies from 0.7 to 15 Hz as the higher frequencies do not affect human vibration
sensitivity and lower frequencies are important when motion sickness in passengers is evaluated. The ride behavior of the vehicle
is studied by varying one parameter at a time in order to estimate its individual effect. The parameters taken into consideration are
carbody mass & roll, pitch, yaw mass moment of inertia values, spring stiffness & damping coefficient of primary & secondary
suspensions and wheelbase of the rail vehicle. The effect of each parameter on ride behavior is studied by varying original value
from -20% to +20%. Few of the vehicle parameters do not affect either vertical or lateral ride behavior and therefore these
parameters are not discussed.
lateral PSD acceleration at critical frequency. The vertical acceleration values in mid frequency region are decreased with lower
primary suspension vertical damping coefficient values from the existing value. However with lower primary suspension vertical
pitch mass mi +20% pitch mass mi -20% roll mass mi +20% roll mass mi -20%
percent influence
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
-10 -15
Figure 9. Percent influence of carbody parameters on vertical Figure 10. Percent influence of carbody parameters on lateral
ride behavior ride behavior
20 50
percent infuence
percent influence
10 30
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
-10 0
-10 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
-20 frequency in Hz
-30 -30
-40 frequency in Hz
Figure 11. Percent influence of secondary suspension
parameters on vertical ride behavior Figure 12. Percent influence of secondary suspension
parameters on lateral ride behavior
vertical stiffness +20% vertical stiffness -20% vertical stiffness +20% vertical stiffness -20%
vertical damping +20% vertical damping -20%
vertical damping +20% vertical damping -20% lateral stiffness +20% lateral stiffness -20%
lateral damping +20% lateral damping -20%
percent influence
percent influence
0 5
-15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
-30 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
-45 frequency in Hz
frequency in Hz
Figure 13. Percent influence of primary suspension parameters
on vertical ride behavior Figure 14. Percent influence of primary suspension
parameters on lateral ride behavior
62 Sharma / International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 8, 2011, pp. 54-65
percent influence
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
-20 -15
-30 -30
frequency in Hz frequency in Hz
-40 -45
Figure 15. Percent influence of bogie frame wheelbase on Figure 16. Percent influence of bogie frame wheelbase
vertical ride behavior on lateral ride behavior
damping coefficient values, lateral PSD acceleration is increased in the frequency region of interest. Higher primary suspension
lateral stiffness and lateral damping values (Figure 14) from the existing values are preferred with respect to lateral PSD
acceleration as the acceleration values are significantly reduced in almost all frequency regions. Primary suspension lateral
stiffness and lateral damping has negligible effect on vertical PSD values of acceleration.
7. Conclusions
stability, the change in existing value of same parameter improves either vertical or lateral ride comfort which is investigated from
this analysis (moreover railway vehicle is not running on curves for a particular railway line), a sufficient thought can be given
regarding the change.
mC , B Mass of carbody and bolster respectively
m Mass of bogie frame and wheel axle respectively
BF , W
track irregularities
[ D1 ] Dynamic stiffness matrix
S r (Ω )8×8 Matrix describing spectral density functions for the eight wheel inputs in terms of spatial frequency Ω (cycle/m)
[ S r (ω )]8×8 Matrix describing spectral density functions for the eight wheel inputs in terms of circular frequency ω (radian/s)
64 Sharma / International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 8, 2011, pp. 54-65
The rail vehicle used for present analysis is ICF General Sleeper Coach of Indian Railways. The values of the rail-vehicle and
track parameters for the purpose of simulation are obtained from Indian Railways Research Department, Research Designs and
Standards Organisation, Lucknow (India) and given in Table 3.
3 mBF 2346 kg 21 z
k BBF 0.42375 MN/m 39 k Sy 30 MN/m
4 mW 1487 kg 22 y
k BBF 0.2324 MN/m 40 k SSy 50 MN/m
5 I Cx 63950 kg m2 23 z
cBBF 0.0589 MN-sec/m 41 cWy 4 MN-sec/m
6 I Cy 1470750 kg m2 24 y
c BBF 1 MN-sec/m 42 y
c SL 10 kN-sec/m
7 I Cz 1473430 kg m2 25 z
k BFWA 0.26935 MN/m 43 c Sy 50 kN-sec/m
8 I Bx 307 kg m2 26 y
k BFWA 11.5 MN/m 44 c SSy 70 kN-sec/m
9 I By 00 27 z
c BFWA 0.0206 MN-sec/m 45 tC 0.8 m
10 I Bz 336.5 kg m 28 y
c BFWA 0.5 MN-sec/m 46 tB 1.127 m
11 x
I BF 1546 kg m2 29 kWz 1000 MN/m 47 tW 1.079 m
12 I y
2893 kg m 30 k z
65 MN/m 48 lA 0.285 m
13 z
I BF 4298 kg m 31 k z
20 MN/m 49 z12 1.3275 m
14 I x
1181 kg m 32 k z 35 MN/m 50 z 24 0.1435 m
15 I Wy 108.5 kg m 33 cWz 0.5 MN-sec/m 51 z 46 0.194 m
16 I Wz 1181 kg m2 34 z
c SL 30 kN-sec/m 52 x12 7.3915m
17 z
k CB 35 MN/m 35 c Sz 40 kN-sec/m 53 x 46 1.448 m
18 y
k CB 17.5 MN/m 36 z
c SS 50 kN-sec/m 54 a 0.871 m
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65 Sharma / International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 8, 2011, pp. 54-65
Biographical notes
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The support provided by Centre of Transportation Systems, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee is thankfully acknowledged.
The authors would also like to thanks Department of Testing, Research Designs and Standards Organisation, Lucknow (India) for
providing the necessary data of an ICF General Sleeper Coach of Indian Railways for present analysis.
Biographical notes
R.C. Sharma received M.Tech. from Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi in 1998 and Ph. D. degree from and Indian Institute of
Technology Roorkee in 2010. He is working as a Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Maharishi Markendeshwar University, Mullana (Ambala). His
first degree in Mechanical Engineering is from Institution of Engineers (India). His area of research is rail vehicle dynamics and mechanical vibrations.