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International Journal of Engineering & Scientific Research

Vol.4 Issue 12, December 2016,

ISSN: 2347-6532 Impact Factor: 5.900
Journal Homepage:, Email: [email protected]
Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal - Included in the International Serial
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Automatic Determination of PID Controller

Parameters by Using Simulink and Its
Justification in Simulating Vehicle Active
Suspension System

Jasmin Sehovic, B.Sc.*

Boran Pikula, Ph.D.
This paper will present the development of oscillatory models of active suspension system. It is
accomplished by modifying oscillatory models of passive suspension system by introducing
active force into the system presented by PID controller. One-dimensional, two-dimensional and
three-dimensional vehicle oscillatory models with active suspension system are formed.
Adjustment of PID controller parameters was conducted automatically by using Simulink
programme. Analysis and comparison of individual oscillatory parameters for one-dimensional,
two-dimensional and three-dimensional oscillatory model of passive and active suspension
system were also completed. The obtained results of vertical movement of sprung mass (vehicle
body) and unsprung mass (wheels), as well as sprung mass angle rotation around x and y axes of
a vehicle justify the use of PID controller for simulating the behaviour of a vehicle active
suspension system.
Key words:PID controller, Simulink, active suspension, vertical oscillations, sprung mass,
unsprung mass

PhD candidate, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Sarajevo, University of Sarajevo,
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Associate Professor, Faculty of mechanical engineering Sarajevo, University of Sarajevo,
Bosnia and Herzegovina

21 International Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research, Email: [email protected]
ISSN: 2347-6532 Impact Factor: 5.900

1. Introduction
Movement of a vehicle on the road is always accompanied by the influence of external and
internal forces, which are transferred to the vehicle through wheels. As the vehicle bodyleans on
the wheels by means of suspension system, this causes the occurrence of oscillation of the
vehicle body in direction of the vertical axis of the vehicle and around the axis of the vehicle.
Suspension system is an important system whose role isto provide comfort and safety to
passengers and cargoes for all road vehicles. These two parameters are always in negative
conjunction with each other, which means that a compromise between safety in the movement of
vehicles and passenger comfort must be created. It is possible to influence these two elements
through damping characteristics andstiffness elements of suspension system for classic (passive)
suspension systems. [1, 2].

However, during vehicle movement and particularly under the influence of inertial forces in the
longitudinal motion, as well as the effects of centrifugal force of a vehicle in a curve, significant
oscillations of the vehicle sprung mass occur. The aforementioned swinging of a sprung massas a
result of theinfluence of the gyroscopic moment additionally undermines stability of a vehicle.

Due to this, recently an active research has been developed on the introduction of semi-active
and active suspension for modern passenger vehicles, which aim to minimize or even completely
eliminate the swinging of asprung mass.In order to achieve this task, certain elements in
suspension system must have variable parameters of damping and stiffness [3]. Oscillatory
vehicle models are introduced to conduct research on oscillatory behaviour of vehicles in the
analysis of performance of suspension systems [4]. Oscillatory models can be solved and
analysedby using any of the MBS (Multi Body Simulation) programmes,or numerically by using
MATLAB or by simulation using Simulink. One of the most commonly used software for
analysis of these models is Simulink within package programme Matlab [5]. Modellingof active
suspension system in Simulink is normally reduced to optimizationby PID (Proportional Integral
Derivative) controller through analysis of ¼ vehicle model [6]. The general equation of this
controller is given by equation (1), and the general scheme of the controller is shown in Figure 1

22 International Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research, Email: [email protected]
ISSN: 2347-6532 Impact Factor: 5.900

1 𝑑𝑢
𝑥 𝑡 = 𝐾𝑝 𝑢 𝑡 + 𝑢 𝑡 + 𝑇𝑑
𝑇𝑖 𝑑𝑡 (1)

The most important segment in optimizing PID controller is determining its parameters Kp, Ki
and Kd. In the example shown in [8] Ziegler-Nichols method,which is used to determine these
parameters, was explained. However, Simulink provides the possibility of automatically
determiningparameters and in this paper these parameters will beautomatically determined using
the block of PID controller in Simulink programme. Some parameters of oscillatory behavior of
the sprung mass (body) and the unsprung mass (wheel) in the case of passive and active
suspension system will be analysed and compared. The analysis will be carried out for cases ¼,
½ and a full vehicle model.

Figure 1. Block structure of PID controller

2. Forces and moments acting on a vehicle

The equations of vehicle motion in the study of vehicle dynamics are usually represented by a
system of equations in the coordinate system (Txyz) related to the vehicle in the center of gravity
of the vehicle T. The x-axis is longitudinal and it is directed at the vehicle, the y-axis
isperpendicular to the lateral vehicle plane, and the z-axis is perpendicular to the horizontal
vehicle plane. The resultant forces and moments are shown in Figure 2. in the directions x, y and
z-axes which can act on a vehicle in general case of vehicle movement.

The general equations for resulting force and moment which act on a vehicle are presented by the
following equation:
𝐹 = 𝐹𝑥 𝑖 + 𝐹𝑦 𝑗 + 𝐹𝑧 𝑘
𝑀 = 𝑀𝑥 𝑖 + 𝑀𝑦 𝑗 + 𝑀𝑧 𝑘

23 International Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research, Email: [email protected]
ISSN: 2347-6532 Impact Factor: 5.900


Fx – resulting force acting on a vehicle in the direction of x-axis,

Fy – resulting force acting on a vehicle in the direction of y-axis,
Fz – resulting force acting on a vehicle in the direction of z-axis,
Mx – resulting moment acting on a vehicle around x-axis,
My – resulting moment acting on a vehicle around y-axis,
Mz – resulting moment acting on a vehicle around z-axis.

In order to form the oscillatory model,the effect of all the forces is neglected, apart from the
vertical one. Next, the oscillatory models of vehicles for the analysis of activesuspension systems
are presented.

Figure 2. Vehicle with coordinate system

3. Vehicle oscillatory models

3.1. One-dimensional vehicle model
The most commonly used model of vehicles during the analysis of oscillatory behaviour on
vehicles, especially passenger vehicles, is one-dimensional model with two masses (sprung mass
mVand unsprung mass mT), as shown in Figure 3. This model is often called ¼ of vehicle model.

24 International Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research, Email: [email protected]
ISSN: 2347-6532 Impact Factor: 5.900

Figure 3.shows that the influence of damping in the tire is ignored for this analysis.

Figure 3. One-dimensional oscillatory model with two masses

Equations of oscillation of sprung mass – the vehicle body (mV) and unsprung mass - wheels
(mT) in the direction of z-axis is presented next. Equation of oscillation of sprung mass in the z-
axisdirection is as follows:
d 2 zV  dz dz 
mV   kV  V  T   cV zV  zT   f  0 (3)
 dt dt 

Equation of oscillation of unsprung mass in z-axis direction is as follows:

d 2 zT  dz dz 
mT   kV  T  V   cV ( zT  zV )  cT ( zT  z P )  f  0 (4)
 dt 
dt dt

In the equations (3) and (4) parameterfpresents the force which is used by active suspension
system to perform settling and damping of oscillations of sprung mass of vehicles (mV).

3.2. Two-dimensional vehicle model

This model is also called the model of half of a vehicle. Two-dimensional model replaces the
vehicle more precisely because it takes into consideration suspension of sprung mass over two or
more axles. Based on this model it is possible to analyse vertical as well as oscillations around
the axis perpendicular to longitudinal plane of the analysed vehicle oscillatory model (mV).
Model which replaces the vehicle during the analysis of oscillatory behaviour of a vehicle is
shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. shows sprung mass (mV), front axle unsprung mass (mTP), rear axle unsprung mass
(mTZ). It can also be seen that sprung mass has an inertion moment around y-axis (axis

25 International Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research, Email: [email protected]
ISSN: 2347-6532 Impact Factor: 5.900

perpendicular to longitudinal plane) marked asJY. Active forces which perform settling down of
vertical oscillations are marked asfP andfZ.

Figure 4. Two-dimensional oscillatory model with three masses

Equations which describe the given model are based on the conditions of dynamic balance
presented with the following equations:
– Equation (5) illustrates the sum of all forces acting on sprung mass in z-axis direction:
d 2 zV  dz dz d   dz dz d 
mV  kVP  V  TP  a1   kVZ  V  TZ  a 2 
 dt dt   dt dt 
dt dt dt (5)
 cVP zV  zTP  a1   cVZ zV  zTZ  a 2   f P  f Z  0

– Equation (6) illustrates the sum of all moments around y-axis:

d 2  dz dz d   dz dz d 
JY  a1  kVP  V  TP  a1   a 2  kVZ  V  TZ  a 2 
 dt dt   dt dt 
dt dt dt (6)
 a1  cVP zV  zTP  a1   cVZ zV  zTZ  a 2   f P a1  f Z a 2  0

– Equation (7) illustrates the sum of all forces acting on front unsprung mass in z-axis
d 2 zTP  dz dz d 
mTP  kVP  V  TP  a1 
 dt dt 
dt dt (7)
 cTP ( zTP  z PP )  cVP ( zV  zTP  a1 )  f P  0

– Equation (8) illustrates the sum of all forces acting on the rear unsprung mass in z-axis
d 2 zTZ  dz dz d 
mTZ  kVZ  V  TZ  a 2 
 dt dt 
dt dt (8)
 cTZ ( zTZ  z PZ )  cVZ ( zV  zTZ  a 2 )  f Z  0

3.3. Three-dimensional vehicle model

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ISSN: 2347-6532 Impact Factor: 5.900

This model is also called the full vehicle model and it has seven degrees of freedom of
movement. Seven degrees of freedom are represented by the vertical movement of sprung mass
(mV) and four unsprung masses(mTP and mTZ) in z-axis direction, as well as angular movements
of vehicle aroundxand y axis, all of which describe this system. Three-dimensional vehicle model
with five masses is presented in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Three-dimensional oscillatory model with five masses

Equations which describe model presented in Figure 5, which were formed from the dynamic
balance conditions, are as follows:

– Equation (9) illustrates the sum of all forces acting on sprung mass in z-axis direction:
d 2 zV  dz dz d d   dz dz d d 
mV  kVP  V  TPL  b1  a1   kVP  V  TPD  b2  a1 
 dt dt   dt dt 
dt dt dt dt dt
 dz dz d d   dz dz d d 
 kVZ  V  TZD  b2  a2   kVZ  V  TZL  b1  a2 
 dt dt dt dt   dt dt dt dt  (9)
 cVP ( zV  zTPL  b1  a1 )  cVP ( zV  zTPD  b2  a1 ) 
 cVZ ( zV  zTZD  b2  a2 )  cVZ ( zV  zTZL  b1  a2 ) 
 f PL  f PD  f ZL  f ZD  0

– Equation (10) illustrates the sum of all moments around x-axis:

d 2  dz dz d d   dz dz d d 
JX  b1kVP  V  TPL  b1  a1   b2 kVP  V  TPD  b2  a1 
 dt dt   dt dt 
dt dt dt dt dt
 dz dz d d   dz dz d d 
 b2 kVZ  V  TZD  b2  a2   b1kVZ  V  TZL  b1  a2 
 dt dt dt dt   dt dt dt dt  (10)
 b1cVP ( zV  zTPL  b1  a1 )  b2 cVP ( zV  zTPD  b2  a1 ) 
 b2 cVZ ( zV  zTZD  b2  a 2 )  b1cVZ ( zV  zTZL  b1  a 2 )  cTS 
 b1 ( f PL  f ZL )  b2 ( f PD  f ZD )  0

– Equation (11) illustrates the sum of all moments around y-axis:

27 International Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research, Email: [email protected]
ISSN: 2347-6532 Impact Factor: 5.900

d 2  dz dz d d   dz dz d d 
Jy  a1kVP  V  TPL  b1  a1   a1kVP  V  TPD  b2  a1 
dt 2  dt dt dt dt   dt dt dt dt 
 dz dz d d   dz dz d d 
 a 2 kVZ  V  TZD  b2  a2   a 2 kVZ  V  TZL  b1  a2 
 dt dt dt dt   dt dt dt dt  (11)
 a1cVP ( zV  zTPL  b1  a1 )  a1cVP ( zV  zTPD  b2  a1 ) 
 a 2 cVZ ( zV  zTZD  b2  a 2 )  a 2 cVZ ( zV  zTZL  b1  a 2 ) 
 a 2 ( f ZL  f ZD )  a1 ( f PL  f PD )  0

– Equation (12) illustrates the sum of all forces acting on front left unsprung mass in z-axis
d 2 zTPL  dz dz d d 
mTP  kVP  V  TPL  b1  a1   cVP ( zV  zTPL  b1  a1 ) 
dt 2  dt dt dt dt 

 cTS  cTP ( zTPL  z PPL )  f PL  0
b1  b2

– Equation (13) illustrates the sum of all forces acting on front right unsprung mass in z-axis
d 2 zTPD  dz dz d d 
mTP  kVP  V  TPD  b2  a1   cVP ( zV  zTPD  b2  a1 ) 
dt 2  dt dt dt dt 

 cTS  cTP ( zTPD  z PPD )  f PD  0
b1  b2

– Equation (14) illustratesthe sum of all forces acting on rear right unsprung mass in z-axis
d 2 zTZD  dz dz d d 
mTZ  kVZ  V  TZD  b2  a2 
 dt dt 
dt dt dt (14)
 cVZ ( zV  zTZD  b2  a2 )  cTZ ( zTZD  zPZD )  f ZD  0

– Equation (15) illustrates the sum of all forces acting on rear left unsprung mass in z-axis
d 2 zTZL  dz dz d d 
mTZ  kVZ  V  TZL  b1  a2 
 dt dt 
dt dt dt (15)
 cVZ ( zV  zTZL  b1  a 2 )  cTZ ( zTZL  z PZL )  f ZL  0

4. Setting PID regulator coefficients

There are several methods for adjusting the coefficients of the PID controller, which can be seen
in [9]. However, when the coefficients of the PID controller are adjusted in Simulink, it is
possible to perform automatic adjustments. Figure 6. shows this way of setting the PID controller
in Simulink.

28 International Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research, Email: [email protected]
ISSN: 2347-6532 Impact Factor: 5.900

Figure 6.Adjustment of PID controller parameters

At the very beginning, it is necessary to enter arbitrary values for the parameters (P), (I) and (D).
After that, the button Tune is clicked, and the form like the one in Figure 7. is shown.
Figure 7.shows the appearance of a signal to be adjusted, with default values from Figure 6.
(dashed line) and the appearance of the signal after the adjustment. The values of the parameters
(P), (I) and (D) can be seen in the lower right corner. This appearance of the signal is
automatically offered to the programme user who can change its appearance. This is achieved by
moving the slider Response Time and Transent Behavior.

29 International Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research, Email: [email protected]
ISSN: 2347-6532 Impact Factor: 5.900

Figure 7. The form for optimization of PID controller parameters

Once the satisfactory values of controller parameters are obtained, the button Update Block
should be clicked, and then the new parameters are automatically entered into the appropriate
fields, as seen in Figure 8.After which the Simulink model can be started and further analysis of
the problem can be continued.

Figure 8. PID controller parameters after adjustment

If the model created in Simulink is correct, there will be no need for additional adjustments, as
this block will automatically adjust (P), (I) and (D) parameters to optimal values.

30 International Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research, Email: [email protected]
ISSN: 2347-6532 Impact Factor: 5.900

5. Simulation and results

Simulation and analysis of the results are carried out for the vehicle models presented in Section
3. Values of certain parameters of the vehicle and suspension system are given in Table 1.
Characteristics of vehicles for the masses and the position of center of gravity in Table 1. are
obtained by references in [10]. The data for radius of inertia around the x-axis and y are obtained
by references in [11]. In the equations, figures (6), (10) and (11)JXandJY are determined
according to the literature [11].

J X  mV  i X2  409,6 kgm 2 , J Y  mV  iY2  1277 kgm 2 (16)

The remaining parameters of the suspension system are obtained from empirical research.
The following section provides diagrams of oscillatory behavior of sprung mass and unsprung
mass of the vehicle for all three models. Each diagram shows a comparison between passive and
active suspension system. In order to prevent repetition of results and maintain their consistency
during presentation of results, only some of the results of oscillatory behavior are shown for each
respective model in order to provide a clearer comparison of passive and active suspension

Figures9., 10.and 11. show comparative diagrams of vertical movement, velocity and
acceleration of sprung mass for¼ vehicle model for case of passive and active suspension
system. Road profile is defined as a trapezoidal obstacle on the road.

It can be seen from Figures9., 10.and 11. that with the active suspension applied to ¼ vehicle
model, a decrease in amplitude and period of oscillation occurs.

31 International Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research, Email: [email protected]
ISSN: 2347-6532 Impact Factor: 5.900

Figure 9. Vertical travel of sprung mass mV

Figure 10. Sprung mass mV vertical travel speed

Figure 11. Sprung mass mV vertical travel acceleration

Figure 12. shows vertical travel of the wheels (unsprung mass) in two-dimensional oscillatory
models in case of passive andactive suspension systems. In this case, the impulse in the system is
represented by two obstacles on the road in the form of a square.

32 International Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research, Email: [email protected]
ISSN: 2347-6532 Impact Factor: 5.900

It can be seen from Figure 12. that the regulation of suspension using a PID controller reduces
the amplitude and period of oscillationsas well as the vertical movement of unsprung mass
(wheel) of vehicle.
In order to analyse what happens to the sprung mass during vehicle movement, Figures 13.,
14.and 15. show the angle of rotation, angular velocity and angular acceleration of rotation of the
sprung mass around the y-axis.

Figure 12. Two-dimensional model vertical travel of unprung masses

Figure 13. Rotation angle of sprung mass(mV) around y-axis

33 International Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research, Email: [email protected]
ISSN: 2347-6532 Impact Factor: 5.900

Figure 14. Angular speed of sprung mass (mV) around y-axis

Figure 15. Angular acceleration of sprung mass (mV) around y-axis

It can be seen from Figures 13., 14., and 15.that by applying PID controller with this oscillatory
model a reduction of the amplitude of oscillation for sprung mass mVwas achieved.

Table 1. – Vehicle characteristics

Description Label Value
One-dimensionalvehicle model
Sprung mass mV 250 kg
Unsprung mass mT 30 kg
Suspension system stiffness cV 25000 N/m
Tire stiffness cT 145000 N/m
Suspension system damping kV 2200 Ns/m
Two-dimensional vehicle model
Sprung mass mV 500 kg

34 International Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research, Email: [email protected]
ISSN: 2347-6532 Impact Factor: 5.900

Front unsprung mass mTP 60 kg

Rear unsprung mass mTZ 60 kg
Front and rear suspension system stiffness cVP=cVZ 25000 N/m
Front and rear tire stiffness cTP=cTZ 145000 N/m
Front and rear suspension system damping kVP=kVZ 1500 Ns/m
Radius of inertia around y-axis iY 1,13 m
a1 0,933 m
Vehicle centre of gravity in longitudinal plane
a2 1,557 m
Three-dimensional vehicle model
Sprung mass mV 1000 kg
Front left and right unsprung mass mTPL=mTPD 30 kg
Rear left and right unsprung mass mTZL=mTZD 30 kg
Front and rear suspension system stiffness cVP=cVZ 25000 N/m
Front and rear tire stiffness cTP=cTZ 145000 N/m
Torsion stabilizer stiffness cTS 45000 N/m
Front and rear suspension system damping kVP=kVZ 1500 Ns/m
Radius of inertia around x-axis iX 0,64 m
Radius of inertia around y-axis iY 1,13 m
a1 0,933 m
Vehicle centre of gravity in longitudinal plane
a2 1,557 m
b1 0,706 m
Vehicle center of gravity in transverse plane
b2 0,706 m

Results of the simulations of passive and active oscillatory model of a full vehicle are provided
next. Road profile which the vehicle is moving on is defined in Figure 16.
Analysis of the change of angle rotations of sprung mass around x-axis (angle) and aroundy-
axis (angle)was performed. Results were presented in Figures 17. and 18.

35 International Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research, Email: [email protected]
ISSN: 2347-6532 Impact Factor: 5.900

Figure 16. Road profile to be used in three-dimensional model analysis

Figure 17. Rotation angle of sprung mass (mV) around x-axis

Figure 18. Rotation angle of sprung mass (mV) around y-axis

36 International Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research, Email: [email protected]
ISSN: 2347-6532 Impact Factor: 5.900

Figures 17. and 18. show that by applying PID controller with oscillatory model of full vehicle
the amplitude of oscillation of sprung mass aroundxandy axis of the analysed model was
decreased, and settling time is faster, too.

6. Conclusion
Analysis of oscillatory models of vehicles carried out in this paper has shown that the
mathematical models that describe the oscillatory passive suspension systems can be easily
modified, so as to describe the models with active suspension systems. Three oscillatory models,
described herein, have included PID controller as an element of regulation which is installed
between sprung mass and unsprung mass.

It is shown that by using block of PID controller in Simulink program automatic adjustment of
parameters of PID controller can be performed. Thus avoiding the complicated setting the
parameters of the PID controller by methods available in the literature. Automatically set values
of parameters of PID controller have shown in the analysis of oscillatory behavior of certain
parameters in oscillating models the justification of use of this type of controller for modeling
active suspension system of vehicles.

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Label Unit Description
a1, a2 [m] Coordinates of vehicle gravity center in vehicle longitudinal plane
b1, b2 [m] Coordinates of vehicle gravity center in vehicle transverse plane
cT [N/m] Tire stiffness
cTP [N/m] Front tire stiffness
cTS [N/m] Torsion stabilizer stiffness
cTZ [N/m] Rear tire stiffness
cV [N/m] Suspension system stiffness
cVP [N/m] Front suspension system stiffness
cVZ [N/m] Rear suspension system stiffness
f [N] Active force in suspension system regulation

38 International Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research, Email: [email protected]
ISSN: 2347-6532 Impact Factor: 5.900

fP [N] Active force in front suspension system regulation

fPD [N] Active force in front right suspension system regulation
fPL [N] Active force in front left suspension system regulation
Fx [N] Sum of all forces acting on a vehicle in x-axis direction
Fy [N] Sum of all forces acting on a vehicle in y-axis direction
FZ [N] Sum of all forces acting on a vehicle in z-axis direction
fZ [N] Active force in rear suspension system regulation
fZD [N] Active force in rear right suspension system regulation
fZL [N] Active force in rear left suspension system regulation
iX [m] Radius of inertia around x-axis
iY [m] Radius of inertia around y-axis
JX [kgm2] Moment of inertia of sprung mass around x-axis
JY [kgm2] Moment of inertia of sprung mass around y-axis
Kp Proportional coefficient of PID regulator
kV [Ns/m] Suspension system damping
kVP [Ns/m] Front suspension system damping
kVZ [Ns/m] Rear suspension system damping
mT [kg] Mass of unsprung mass
mTP [kg] Mass of front unsprung mass
mTZ [kg] Mass of rear unsprung mass
mV [kg] Mass of sprung mass
MX [Nm] Sum of all moments acting on a vehicle around x-axis
MY [Nm] Sum of all moments acting on a vehicle around y-axis
MZ [Nm] Sum of all moments acting on a vehicle around z-axis
Td Derivative coefficient of PID regulator
Ti Integral coefficient of PID regulator
zP [m] Impulse from the road
zPP [m] Impulse from the road acting on a vehicle front axle
zPPD [m] Impulse from the road acting on a vehicle front right wheel
zPPL [m] Impulse from the road acting on a vehicle front left wheel
zPZ [m] Impulse from the road acting on a vehicle rear axle

39 International Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research, Email: [email protected]
ISSN: 2347-6532 Impact Factor: 5.900

zPZD [m] Impulse from the road acting on a vehicle rear right wheel
zPZL [m] Impulse from the road acting on a vehicle rear left wheel
zT [m] Travel of unsprung mass in z-axis direction
zTP [m] Travel of front unsprung mass in z-axis direction
zTPD [m] Travel of front right unsprung mass in z-axis diretion
zTPL [m] Travel of front left unsprung mass in z-axis diretion
zTZ [m] Travel of rear unsprung mass in z-axis direction
zTZD [m] Travel of rear right unsprung mass in z-axis diretion
zTZL [m] Travel of rear left unsprung mass in z-axis diretion
zV [m] Travel of sprung mass in z-axis direction
 [rad] Angle of rotation of sprung mass around x-axis
 [rad] Angle of rotation of sprung mass around y-axis
 [rad] Angle of rotation of sprung mass around z-axis

40 International Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research, Email: [email protected]

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