ABUL BASHAR - ALAMNAGAR - BOLIARPUR - SAVAR - Soil - 15 02 2023. - 1
ABUL BASHAR - ALAMNAGAR - BOLIARPUR - SAVAR - Soil - 15 02 2023. - 1
ABUL BASHAR - ALAMNAGAR - BOLIARPUR - SAVAR - Soil - 15 02 2023. - 1
February, 2023
House No.- 1016, Avenue- 09, DOHS, Section-12, Mirpur, Pallabi, Dhaka-1216.
Cell: 01711873616, 01816510083. E-Mail: [email protected]
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
NMC Natural Moisture Content
PSD Particle Size Distribution
UCCT Unconfined Compression Test
ODCT One-dimensional Consolidation Test
Gs Specific Gravity
wc Moisture Content
LL Liquid Limit
PL Plastic Limit
PI Plasticity Index
qu Unconfined Compressive Strength
e o Initial Void Ratio
cc Compression Index
cs Swelling Index
cv Co-efficient of Consolidation
ø Angle of Internal Friction
cu Undrained Cohesion
γwet Unit Weight of Soil in Wet Condition
γdry Unit Weight of Soil in Dry Condition
N Standard Penetration Resistance Value (SPT)
N60(cor) Corrected SPT Value
qu(net-ult) Net Ultimate Bearing Capacity
Adhesion Factor
Qs Frictional Resistance Capacity
Qb End Bearing Capacity
All the activities i.e. drilling boreholes at site, collection of soil samples, field & laboratory
tests are conducted under the compliance of ASTM standard. Geotechnical drilling locations
are selected and set out by client’s representative.
This report only depicts the subsoil conditions at the specific location of bore hole at the
specific time at which the boring is made. As such, the soil conditions adjacent to the
borehole locations could vary from those encountered in the borehole.