Capter-8 JSON

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JavaScript Object Notation [JSON]

 Like XML, JSON also is a "Language” & Platform Independent Language" which helps to store
and transport data

 However, compared to XML, it’s a lightweight, easy for applications to parse and generate by
avoiding complicated parsing and translations

 JSON, as the name implies, which consists of data similar to "Object Notation of
JavaScript".It's an extension of JavaScript

 Hence if we receive data from a server in JSON format, we can directly use it like any other
JavaScript object

 The filename extension of JSON is “.json“

 MIME type (Content Type) of JSON is "application/json“

 JSON syntax is derived from JavaScript object notation

 Examples of Data Formats:


String str1 = "


String str2 = "EmpID=123 | EmpNM=Deepak | EmpSal=200.12";










JSON Syntax

Data is in "name : value" pairs

Data is separated by "commas“

“ Curly braces" hold objects

"Square brackets" hold arrays


 JSON data is written as name/value pairs.

 A name/value pair consists of a field name (Should be in double quotes) followed by a

colon-followed by a value


"employee-name“ : “Deepak”

JSON value

 In JSON, values must be one of the following data types




4.NULL Object (JSON object) Array Object Array


-String values must be written with double quotes

-Numbers must be an integer/decimal values

-Boolean values must be true/false

-JSON NULL values must be null


{ "name":“Deepak", "age":35, "isEmployed":true, "girlFriend":null }

JSON Object

 Values in JSON can be objects

 JSON Objects are -surrounded by curly braces { }

-JSON object data is written in "key:value" pairs

-Each "key:value" pair is separated by a comma

-Keys must be String and Values must be a valid

-JSON data type (String, Number, Object, Array, Boolean or null)

 EG :


"name":"Praveen D",




JSON Array

 Values in JSON can be arrays

 JSON Arrays are -surrounded by "Square Brackets [ ]“

-JSON Arrays values is separated by a comma

-Array values must be a valid JSON data type

-(String, Number, Object, Array, Boolean or null

Example 1:-

"employees":[ “deepak", “ram", "Malleshwar" ]

Example 2:-



cars":[ "GM", "BMW", "Audi" ]


JSON data has a data type , light weight XML data is type less
JSON types: string, number, array, Boolean,
null ,Object All XML data should be string
Data is readily accessible as JSON objects XML data needs to be parsed.
JSON is supported by most browsers. Cross-browser XML parsing can be tricky
Retrieving value is easy Retrieving value is difficult
A fully automated way of DE Developers have to write JavaScript code to serialize/
serialization/serialization JavaScript. de-serialize from XML
The object has to be express by conventions - mostly
Native support for object. missed use of attributes and elements.
It supports only UTF-8 encoding. It supports various encoding.
It doesn't support comments. It supports comments.
XML documents are relatively more difficult to read
JSON files are easy to read as compared to XML. and interpret.
It is less secured. It is more secure than JSON.
JSON Parser

 JAX-RS, JACSON, JERSEY is a Java API helps us to convert Java Object to JSON& vice-versa

 The Process of converting Java Object to JSON is called as "Marshalling" OR "Serialization“

 The Process of converting JSON to Java Object is called as "Unmarshalling" OR


Write Java Parsing Program to convert JAVA To JSON


Write Sterilizations java program to convert java to JSON


Write Marshalling program to convert JAVA to JSON


Step 1 : add Jackson dependency in POM.xml file

EG :





Step 2 : create Java business class [Pojo Class]

package pac;

public class Employe {

int rolNum;
String name;
boolean mstatus;
int[] moobileArr;
public Employe(int rolNum, String name, boolean mstatus, int[]
moobileArr) {
this.rolNum = rolNum; = name;
this.mstatus = mstatus;
this.moobileArr = moobileArr;

public int getRolNum() {

return rolNum;
public void setRolNum(int rolNum) {
this.rolNum = rolNum;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public boolean isMstatus() {
return mstatus;
public void setMstatus(boolean mstatus) {
this.mstatus = mstatus;
public int[] getMoobileArr() {
return moobileArr;
public void setMoobileArr(int[] moobileArr) {
this.moobileArr = moobileArr;

Step 3 : create one Java Object to Pojo class

Eg :

int[] arr = {988777,98887};

Employe emp = new Employe(10, "yogesh", false, arr);

Step 4 : write parsing program using JACKSON

ObjectMapper objMapper = new ObjectMapper();
objMapper.writeValue(new File("./employe.json"), emp);


Write Java Parsing Program to convert JSOn to JAVA


Write deSerilizations java program to convert JSON to JAVA


Write UNMarshalling program to convert JSN to JAVA

Step 4 : Parsing program to convert JSON to JAVA

ObjectMapper objMapper1 = new ObjectMapper();

Employe e1 = objMapper.readValue(new File("./employe.json"),

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