Soal Ukk X SN Mia Iis

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Sekolah Menengah Atas Islam Terpadu


Jl. Toyogiri Selatan Kelurahan Jatimulya Kecamatan Tambun Selatan Kabupaten Bekasi Telp. (021) 82432633/82432509


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

Hari/Tanggal : Kelas/Program : X/SSN

Jam : Peminatan : IPA-IPS
Waktu : 120 menit Kode Soal :

Petunjuk :
1. Awali dengan membaca Basmallah.
2. Pergunakanlah pensil hitam (2B) yang lunak untuk menulis: Nama Peserta, Nomor Peserta, Tanggal Tes, Kode Soal,
Kelas/Program, Tanda Tangan, dan Mata Pelajaran, serta menghitamkan bulatan kecil pada LJK (Lembar Jawaban
Komputer) sesuai dengan petunjuk.
3. Jawaban dikerjakan dengan cara menghitamkan bulatan pada pilihan jawaban yang Anda anggap benar.
4. Apabila ada jawaban yang keliru dan Anda ingin memperbaikinya, hapuslah jawaban yang keliru itu dengan karet
penghapus hingga bersih kemudian hitamkan jawaban lain yang Anda anggap benar.
Contoh: Pilihan semula : A B C D E

Dibetulkan menjadi : A B C D E

5. LJK jangan sampai rusak, terlipat, basah, atau kotor

6. Periksa dan bacalah soal dengan teliti sebelum Anda menjawab
7. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang dianggap mudah
8. Kerjakan seluruh soal pada LJK yang telah disediakan
9. Jumlah soal sebanyak 40 butir pilihan ganda
10. Laporkan kepada pengawas jika terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau jumlah soal yang kurang
11. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas
12. Tidak diperkenankan menggunakan kalkulator atau alat bantu hitung lainnya

A. Soal Pilihan Ganda

Pilihlah satu jawaban yang menurut Anda paling benar!
Text 1 (for questions number 1 – 3) e. All parents
3. The competition will last for . . . days.
a. 2 d. 5
b. 3 e. 6
c. 4
4. Rob : My sister has been sick for two days.
So I have to accompany her in the hospital.
Dick : I am sorry to hear that, I hope she
will get better soon.
Rob : Thanks.
What expression show in the bold sentence
based on the dialogue?
a. Warning
1. What program can the students do b. Proud
individually? c. Sympathy
a. Story Telling Contest d. Thanking
b. Choir Contest e. Complimenting
c. Basketball Match 5. Vita : Hi, Dewi, oh Gosh! What happens to
d. Wall Magazine Competition your finger?
e. Basketball Competition Dewi : Hi, Vita, well I have just cut my
2. Who were invited to attend the Youth Pledge finger.
day ceremony? Vita : How did it happen?
a. All employee Dewi : I peeled an apple and knife, you
b. All students know!
c. All staff Vita : I see. Dewi look! It keeps bleeding…
d. All teachers
Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris/X-SSN/MIA-IIS/UKK/1718

Complete the sentence into a good sentence! e. To entertain people about Cassanova
a. How happy you are 10. How long is the sale?
b. I don’t know about it a. five days
c. I know you have a lot of money b. six days
d. Don’t do that c. seven days
e. What a terrible situation for you d. eight days
6. Jane : Hi Tia, I saw you with Mira e. Nine days
yesterday at the police office. What 11. What goods get 25% off?
happened? a. Bags and briefcases
Tia : Really? I accompanied Mira to b. Bookcase and chairs
report the police. Mira lost her purse when I c. Dining tables and leather sofas
was in the market d. Necklaces and watches
Jane : ……………………………… e. Necklaces and bag
a. How happy you are Text 3 (for questions number 12 -13)
b. I don’t know about it
c. I know you have a lot of money
d. Don’t do that
e. What a terrible situation for you
7. Amin : I'm sorry for being late. My car
broke down on my way here.
Mr.Budi : ..............................
Amin : Thanks for your advice. I'll do that.
a. You should call a taxi
b. My driver can help you
c. I think I will send you a driver
d. You'd better have it checked regularly.
e. Don’t mind it
8. Mella : Uhh. I can't breathe in this small hot
room. The air conditioner doesn't work. 12. Fill the form with the right answer!
Ria : ............. It may give us fresh air. a. Chigie Sugiarto
Mella : It's a good idea. Thank you. b. March 4, 2004
a. I'll lock the door tightly c. Indonesian
b. I'll take you to the right place d. [email protected]
c. I'll open the window wide e. 082104032004
d. We'll move the door quickly 13. Fill the form with the right answer!
e. I’ll close the door a. Chigie Sugiarto
b. March 4, 2004
c. Indonesian
Text 2 (for questions number 9 - 11) d. [email protected]
e. 082104032004
This week only Text 4 (for questions number 14 - 16)
Last weekend, my friends and I went
SAVE 25% camping. We reached the camping ground after we
Men's and women's clothing Shoes, coats and walked for about one and a half hour from the
sweaters, swimwears, jeans. parking lot. We built the camp next to a small river.
Jewelry: watches, rings, earrings, necklaces It was getting darker and colder, so we built a fire
SAVE 40% The next day, we spent our time observing
Furniture: leather sofas, dining tables and chairs, plantation and insects while the girls were preparing
bookcases. meals. In the afternoon we went to the river and
Luggage: bags and briefcases caught some fish for supper. At night, we held a fire
9. What is the purpose of the text above?
camp night. We sang, danced, read poetry, played
a. To guide people to go to Cassanova
magic tricks, and even some of us performed a
b. To persuade people to buy things in
Cassanova standing comedy.
c. To inform people about things sold in On Monday, we packed our bags and got
Cassanova ready to go home.
d. To ask people things in Cassanova

“Barangsiapa yang mengerjakan kebaikan seberat dzarrahpun, niscaya dia akan melihat (balasan)nya.” (QS Al Zalzalah: 7) 2
Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris/X-SSN/MIA-IIS/UKK/1718

14. What was the writer experience? nation is one of the reason why he is well
a. Family experience remembered.
b. Holiday experience
c. Camping experience 17. In 1956 Hatta resigned as vice-president….
d. Overseas experience The synonym of the underlined is …
e. Parking experience a. Surrendered
15. Where did they build a camp? b. Maintained
a. In parking lot c. Kept in position
b. At home d. Became
c. In the ground e. Quit
d. In the school 18. What made Moh. Hatta arrested?
e. Next to a small river a. Because he was exiled to Boven Digul
16. Which of following statement is false b. Because he studied in Netherlands
according to the text? c. Because he was vice-president
a. They held a fire camp night in the d. Because he joined a political organization
afternoon called “Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia”
b. They catch fish in a river for dinner e. Because he was born in Bukittinggi
c. It takes about one-half hour to get to 19. ‘Dr. Moh. Hatta passed away in 1981.
the camping site of the parking lot What is the synonym of passed away?
d. They performed a standing comedy at a. Lived again
night b. Died
e. They come home on Monday c. Kept the position
d. Brought back
Text 5 (for questions number 17 – 21) e. Joined in
Mohammad Hatta 20. What is the main idea of paragraph four?
Every year has its great men and women a. The Japanese invasion
who are remembered for what they have done for b. Moh Hatta was exiled to Boven Digul
their country. One of Indonesia’s great men is Dr. c. Moh. Hatta activities in political
Mohammad Hatta. He was a man with a deep love organization and arrested
for his country and people. d. The nationalist movement
Dr. Mohammad Hatta was born in e. The study in Netherlands
Bukittinggi on August 12 th, 1902. While still in 21. Which statement is not true based on the text?
junior high school in Bukittinggi, he became a. Moh Hatta gained his doctorate in
interested in politics and joined the League of Netherlands
Young Sumatrans. b. Moh. Hatta was arrested by colonial
He left Bukittinggi to study in Batavia. government only once
Then he went to the Netherlands. He studied c. Japanese brought Moh. Hatta back to java
economics and gained a doctorate degree there. d. Moh. Hatta became the first vice-president
During his stay there he was active in the national in Indonesia
Movement. Because of his activities, he was e. He was founding father of Indonesia
arrested. 22. X : We’ll have a long holiday next
In 1923 Hatta returned to Indonesia. He month. What are you going to do?
joined a political organization called “Pendidikan Y : ....
Nasional Indonesia”. One of its goals was to X : I hope you have a nice trip.
develop political awareness among the Indonesian a. I am thinking of going to Bali
people. His activities again led to his arrest. The b. Sorry, I can’t tell you
colonial government exiled him to Boven Digul, c. It’s not your business
and later to Banda Naira. Shortly before the d. I have nothing to do
Japanese invasion. He was brought back to Java. e. I don’t know what to do
When the Japanese surrendered in August 23. ........................ He is polite.
1945, Soekarno and hatta proclaimed Indonesia’s a. I don’t think
Independence. Hatta became the first vice- b. I don’t
president of the Republic of Indonesia. c. What do you
In 1956 Hatta resigned as vice-president d. What your opinion
and devoted himself to writing. On march 14, e. I don’t understand
1981, dr. mohammad Hatta passed away in 24. Bowo : I feel tired and I feel dizzy.
Jakarta. Sri : I think …. Don’t leave the bed if it
Nowadays, he is no longer living among is not necessary.
us. However, his spirit of loving the country and a. you must sing

“Barangsiapa yang mengerjakan kebaikan seberat dzarrahpun, niscaya dia akan melihat (balasan)nya.” (QS Al Zalzalah: 7) 3
Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris/X-SSN/MIA-IIS/UKK/1718

b. you should lie down and have some rest 33. I left the coffee for a minute to cool because it
c. you can see the doctor tonight was ……hot to drink.
d. I will take you to the hospital A. Too D. To
e. I must take some rest, too B. Enough E. Not
Choose the best answer! C. Very
25. The buildings … of marble and granite. 34. He wasn't strong ……….to lift that heavy box.
A. were made A. Enough D. So
B. was made B. Very E. Too
C. was make C. To
D. were make 35. There aren't……….. policemen in our town.
E. was making A. Too D. Not
26. A negative anonymous letter … on my car last B. Enough E. Much
morning. C. So
A. was left
B. is left Text 6 (for questions number 36 - 40)
C. is leaving
D. was leave Octopus
E. is leave
27. The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of The Octopus is an ocean creature with eight
Indonesia … by the Committee for Examination effective feet which it utilizes as hands. These are
of Indonesian Independence and the Preparatory called tentacles or limbs. “Octopus” originates from
Committee for Indonesian Independence. two words that have meaning “eight feet”.
A. were written
B. was written The octopus, the squid and the cuttlefish fit in
C. was write with the same family that has no outside shells.
D. was wrote Their bodies are secured totally with skin. Along
E. is writing these lines the assortment of an octopus is delicate. It
28. What is the formula of passive voice of simple would appear that a huge blow up. A completely
past tense? developed octopus can be as huge as 8,5 meters from
A. S + is/am/are + V3 + by agent the tip of one arms to the tip of another. It can weigh
B. S + were/was + V1 + O as much as 45 kilograms.
C. S + were/was + V3 + by agent
Other than utilizing its tentacles or limbs to
D. O + is/am/are + V3 + by agent
catch little fish, ocean plants, crab and lobsters, the
E. S + was/were + V2 + O
octopus additionally utilizes them against its
29. Agus painted the entire house.
adversaries. The octopus wraps its appendages
A. The entire house was painted by Agus
around the exploited person and crushes it before
B. The entire house were painted by Agus
eating it
C. The entire house is painted by Agus
D. The entire house is painting by Agus The octopus escapes from its adversaries by
E. The entire house was painting by Agustus giving out a thick dull liquid to obscure the water. It
30. She lost her car last night. can likewise change the color of its body to match its
A. Active voice surroundings. It escapes its enemis by doing this.
B. Passive voice
C. Present tense 36. Which group of sea creatures belongs to the
D. Future tense same family with octopus?
E. Perfect tense a. turtle and crab
31. My motorcycle was stolen in the parking area. b. shrimp and crab
A. Active voice c. crab and cuttlefish
B. Passive voice d. cuttlefish and squid
C. Present tense e. turtle and shrimp
D. Future tense 37. How much a fully-grown octopus can weigh?
E. Present continuous a. 25 kilograms.
32. Last year, this child _____. b. 35 kilograms.
A. is adopted c. 45 kilograms.
B. was adopted d. 55 kilograms.
C. will be adopted e. 65 kilograms.
D. is adopting 38. Before the octopus eats its victim, the
E. being adopted octopus ………
a. changes the color of its body

“Barangsiapa yang mengerjakan kebaikan seberat dzarrahpun, niscaya dia akan melihat (balasan)nya.” (QS Al Zalzalah: 7) 4
Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris/X-SSN/MIA-IIS/UKK/1718

b. realizes a thick dark fluid

c. bite it
d. crushes it
e. match it
39. What does the word “octopus” mean in
a. Eight feet d. Dark fish.
b. Fish. e. Vampire
c. Ghost Sea
40. What does the octopus do to run away or
escape from its enemy?
a. It stings the enemies.
b. It gives out a thick dark fluid to darken
the water.
c. It swims.
d. It runs.
e. It changes the color of its body

“Barangsiapa yang mengerjakan kebaikan seberat dzarrahpun, niscaya dia akan melihat (balasan)nya.” (QS Al Zalzalah: 7) 5

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