Firefighting Trainning Instructions May 2018

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(Safety & Security Department IOBM)

1. Introduction

These instructions deals with the precautions needed to minimise the risk
of fires, how fires are caused and how to extinguish them, with a focus
on using firefighting equipment and apparatus to extinguish various types
and sizes of fires including rescue in smoke filled enclosed spaces.

A well-trained employee with an on-site fire extinguisher can put out

small, non-hazardous fires effectively. However, to do this safely, the
employee must have knowledge of equipment and portable fire
extinguisher limitations, in addition to the hazards associated with
fighting fires. There may be situations where employee firefighting is
warranted to give other workers time to escape, or to prevent danger to
others by spread of a fire.

2. Aim

The objective is to develop a greater awareness of the hazards of fire and

tackle small fires by providing periodical training to all staff & students.

3. Objective

a. Understand the nature of fire and how it spreads.

b. Identify the dangers of Smoke and Fire.

c. Identify specific hazard areas and reduce hazards.

d. Distinguish between different types of fire extinguishers and their

suitability in attending to the different types of fires .

e. Fire protection and Preventive measure

4. Training
All employees, Students and guards should be trained to use fire extinguishers. It is
recommended the training session cover how to handle; what type of extinguisher
to use; and the PASS system of early-stage firefighting. It is also recommended
that fire training be conducted periodically or different segments may be provided
training as per their availability. They should be provides hands-on practice
extinguishing a fire.

5. Firefighter

A firefighter is a rescuer, primarily to extinguish hazardous fires that

threaten life, property and the environment as well as to rescue people
and equipment from dangerous situations.

A well-trained security guard, student and employee with an on-site fire

extinguisher can also put out small, non-hazardous fires effectively.

However, to do this safely, the employee must have knowledge of

equipment and portable fire extinguisher limitations, in addition to the
hazards associated with fighting fires.

There may be situations where employee firefighting is warranted to give

other workers time to escape, or to prevent danger to others by spread of
a fire. However the responsibility lies with securit y department to
prevent and React against any Hazard.

6. Fire

Fire is a chemical reaction. Fire is created due to ignition in any

inflammable material due to heat and uses oxygen to survive. Fire is the
result of the reaction between the fuel and oxygen in the air. Ignition
sources can include any material, equipment or operation that emits a
spark or flame. It requires three elements to be present for the reaction to
take place and continue. The three elements are

a. Fuel

b. Oxygen

c. Heat
(Often referred to as the fire triangle)
The responsibility lies with security department to prevent and React against any
Fire Hazard.

7. Smoke

The byproduct of fire is smoke. The smoke released by any type of fire
(Paper, bush, crop, waste or wood burning) is a mixture of particles and
chemicals produced by incomplete burning of carbon-containing
materials. All smoke contains carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and
particulate matter.

Smoke and poisonous gases in the smoke are very dangerous. Most often
people are hurt by the smoke and the poisonous gases, not the flames.
Smoke is irritating to the eyes, nose, and throat, and its odor may be
nauseating. Inhaling carbon monoxide decreases the body's oxygen
supply. Main danger from smoke is reduced visibility, while the adverse
effect on body functions is chocking due to the acidic gases and vapors.

Smoke can slow the escape from a burning building and prolongs the
exposure to harmful effects of toxic products.

Smoke normally spreads two to three feet above the ground, so try to
walk on your four feet or crawl at lower level while passing through
smoke filled area. Use wet towel on your mouth and nose.

8. Causes of Fire
a. Faulty Electrical wiring and equipment.
b. Loose connections.
c. Low quality extensions.
d. Poor House Keeping i.e. stacking of inflammable material.
e. Overloaded Electrical systems.
f. Overheating of equipment.
g. Careless handling of gas burners, cigarettes, naked flames and inflammable
h. Spontaneous combustion-Sun / direct Heat.
i. Playing with fire-Fire crackers.
9. Classification of Fire
Types of fire are separated into different classes based on the fuel source involved.
Knowing the classes of fire will help you choose the appropriate extinguisher.

A –Class Fire Solid Wood, Paper, cloth, etc

B –Class Fire liquids Paint, Oil etc

C – Class Fire Gases Carbon Mono Oxide

D – Class Fire Metals Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Copper

Water must not be used on metal fires.

E – Class Fire Electrical Electric wires & Cables

10. Fire Extinguishers

A fire extinguisher is a portable cylinder coloured in red with white

labeling. Normal capacity 1.5 to 25 lbs. Range: 3 to 15 Feet. Duration:
Discharge in 5 to 30 sec. Fire Hydrant-30 Meter hose with nozzle are
kept on each floor of a building. Jet water will go up to 50 to 60 feet.

11. Types of Fire Extinguishers

Use the right type of extinguisher for fighting the fire. Use the fire extinguisher
only if you have attended training.

a. Water - wood, paper, Textile-Not for Electric & Oil Class A.

b. Soda Acid-wood,paper, Textile-Not for Electric & Oil-Class A.
c. Foam - Oil, Metals-Not for electric-Class A,B & D
d. Dry Powder – Oil & Electric Class A,B & C
e. CO2 & BCF Halon–Electrical Fire-Not for metals-Class A,BC
12. Methods of Extinguishing Fire
a. Cooling the fuel by removing heat (e.g., by applying water).
b. Smothering by cutting off oxygen supply (e.g., by applying foam, carbon
c. Starving the fire by removing the fuel.(e.g., stopping gas flow during a
pipeline fire).
d. Inhibition by stopping the chain reaction.(e.g., by applying dry chemical
e. Above Can be achieved by:
(1) Beating

(2) Blanketing

(3) Use of Sand

(4) Use of water

(5) Foam

(6) Carbon Di-Oxide

(7) Dry Chemical Powder


Fire & Security department and area supervisor will be notified immediately when
a fire is spotted.

a. Points to Consider

(1) IDENTIFY – Common classes of fires.

(2) SELECT – Proper type of extinguisher.

(3) EVALUATE - when it is safe to fight.

(4) APPLY PASS - Method to operate a Portable

b. Three A’s (A.A.A)

If a person discover a fire follow the 3 A’s i.e. Activate, Assist and
Attempt. When fire is detected:

a. Activate the buildings fire alarm system or call others and phone
to notify emergency services

b. All personnel will be alerted and evacuated as needed.

c. The person spotted should start shouting “Fire”, “Fire”.

d. Blow the whistle repeatedly.

e. Use emergency phone list and try to call the concerned staff and
Fire brigade.

f. Press the call point button for sounding bells or sounders.

g. In some buildings there will be bells and sounders linked with

Smoke detection system. Try to activate detection system
sounders. The alarm must be audible in all areas.

h. Break the glass & press/operate call point or any alarm nearby.

i. Assist those who are in immediate danger or who are

incapacitated. Do this without risk to yourself.

j. Do not run & Don’t Use lifts. Help handicap.

k. Attempt to fight a fire only after the first two steps have been
completed and you feel confident in yourself to do so. Always
have an exit to your back in case you need to escape. Never
attempt to fight a fire if there is a heavy smoke condition. Smoke
can be extremely toxic and will reduce your visibility. Only fight
small fires, no larger than the size of a small was te basket. Small
fires will grow big very fast.
l. The PASS method will be used to extinguish the fire by those
employees who have been properly trained.

m. On hearing the alarm area or building will be evacuated


n. Follow the exit signs

o. React Upon discovering a fire or smoke:

R – Remove person in immediate danger.

E – Ensure doors are closed to confine the fire and smoke.

A – Activate the building Alarm.

C – Call the Fire & Security Department.

T– Treat all fires as dangerous. Evacuate and go to your assembly point if


14. Fire Emergency principles

R – Rescue

E – Exposure

C – Containment

E – Extinguishment

O – Overhaul

15. Must Know

a. The places where Fire extinguishers and water hose reel are kept.

b. The location of main fire points and hydrant.

c. Emergency telephone numbers.

d. Class of Fire and which type of extinguisher to use.

e. The escape route or emergency exit.

f. How Fire Extinguishers operate.

16. DO’s and Don’t’s

a. Do not allow to use lift. Use only staircase.

b. Do not run to fire zone without extinguisher.

c. Close doors and windows as you leave the fire zone.

d. Do not panicky.

e. Do not open closed doors if smoke coming out.

f. Do not switch on any electric device or Exhaust fan.

g. Leave the danger area quickly. Do not waste time to collect

personnel belongings.

h. Always leave yourself an exit and ensure it is clear .

i. Never attempt to fight a fire unless it is Safe to do so.

j. Remember it can be dangerous to use the wrong extinguisher .

k. Do not move in smoke covered area while standing. Only crawl.

l. Do not jump out of window at high floor.

17. Use of Portable Fire Extinguisher-PASS Method

Remove the cylinder from wall hook and break the seal and:

a. Pull the Pin.

b. Aim the nozzle at the bottom of fire.

c. Squeeze the lever to allow the agent to come out.

d. Sweep the nozzle from right to left or vice versa.


Evacuate and go to your assembly point if situation warrants or order to do so.

a. Keep all emergency exit routes free from obstruction .

b. Use Your nearest available Fire Exit

c. Crawl on four limbs if there is smoke. As smoke stays always two

or three feet above the ground.

d. Keep wet cloth or mask on mouth, to save from choking due to

inhaling of smoke & Poisonous gasses.

e. Do not go back for personal belongings

f. Do not use Lifts

g. Do not re-enter building till advised to do so

h. Make your decision to leave before you are threatened. People do

die in emergencies, often when they leave late.


a. Flammable Liquids. Ethanol, acetone and a whole range of other

solvents. These require to be stored properly in a fire rated
cabinet. These should have appropriate signage on them. Avoid
storage of solvents / Flammable materials. Waste should be
disposed of regularly

b. Flammable Gases. Hydrogen, Acetylene. Need to be secured

Leak testing should be carried out

c. Flammable Solids. Carbonaceous materials. Wood ( furniture),

Paper (tissues, books and office paperwork), cardboard (boxes),
foam and plastics (packing materials, contents of upholstered
furniture), textiles (clothing, curtains), animal bedding materials.


a. Naked Flames - Bunsen Burners

b. Hot Surfaces - Hotplates

c. Faulty Electrical Equipment

d. Loose and un covered Electric connections

e. Extension leads are a particular hazard and have caused fires in

the past


g. Materials stored up against vents of fridges and centrifuges

h. Chemical reactions

i. Hot Oils.

21. Prevention

a. Proper storage and handling of flammable and combustible

materials will help prevent fires from occurring

b. Prevent generation of Static electricity. It is important to dissipate

this electric charge through grounding.
c. Naked Flames be kept covered or switched off.

d. All Electrical equipment should be subject to Checking / Testing

for faults by specialists.

e. Extensions leads should be tested and ensure they are not being

f. Loose connections should be tapped.

g. Prohibit smoking and other sources of ignition. No-smoking signs

should be posted in all regulated areas’.

h. All work areas will be kept free of debris and other combustible

i. Each fire extinguisher will be inspected monthly to make sure it is

in its designated location and has not been tampered with or

j. Each fire extinguisher will be clearly visible with nothing

obstructing or obscuring it from view.

k. Don’t allow rubbish and waste to accumulate.

l. Inspections. When justified by the size or nature of the operation,

security services personnel or other assigned personnel must
frequently inspect buildings, storage areas, employee quarters,
and work areas.

m. Post emergency telephone numbers and reporting instructions at

the job site.

n. All equipment must be inspected periodically.

o. Do not burn waste materials inside the premises.

22. Fire fighting Teams

The basic tasks of firefighting Teams include, fire suppression, rescue,

fire prevention, basic first aid, and investigations. All Deans are
responsible to nominate their office staff for these teams on
yearly basis.

Firefighting is further broken to extinguishing, ventilati on, search and

rescue, salvage, containment, mop up and overhaul.

a. Fire Prevention Team (Will take all measures to prevent fire)

(1) Responsible to check any inflammable material inside


(2) Responsible to inspect fire fighting equipment of their


b. Safety Team

(1) In case of Fire they have to give alert to all. Call to all
emergency numbers.

(2) Switch Off the main Electric Panel.

(3) Call fire brigade

c. Extinguish Team

(1) This team should attempt to extinguish the fire.

d. Salvage Team

(1) This team should help to people or handicapped to rescue.

(2) Check for the trapped people.

(3) Conduct rescue using breathing apparatus and rescue lines

e. Search & Rescue Team

(1) Search and rescue the public. Conduct rescue using breathing
apparatus and rescue lines
f. Evacuation & Medical Team
(1) Responsible to mark evacuation route with signs & will
manage evacuation

(2) Take care of injured and casualties.

23. State of Fire Extinguishers

Extinguisher Type Capacity Quantity Location
AFFF (Foam) 50 Ltr 02 15-11-18
Dry Chemical Powder 50 kg 02 15-11-18
Dry Chemical Powder 01 kg 02 15-11-18
Dry Chemical Powder 06 kg 46 15-11-18
CO2 03 kg 38 15-11-18
CO2 06 kg 08 15-11-18
CO2 35 kg 01 15-11-18
HFC -236 Halotron 04 kg 46 15-11-18
Fire Hose Reel Point SSK
Buckets 12
Fire Blankets
Fire Alarm
Fire Control Panel
Smoke Detectors
Fire Alarm – Manual
Call point

24. Locations of Fire Extinguishers

S# Location Qty Type Remarks

01 Main Gate
a SAM Office 1
b ASO Office 1
c Main Guard Room 3
Total 05 ABC powder – 03
C02 - 02

02 Admin Building
a Ground Floor (Both Sides) 2
b 1st Floor 2
c 2nd Floor (Purchase Dept) 3
Total 07 CO2 - 07

03 Academic Building
a Basement 1
b Ground Floor (Left Side) 2
c First Floor (Left Side) 2
Total 05 ABC Powder ,02
CO2, 03

04 IT Building
a Ground Floor (Both Sides) 2
b 1st Floor (Both Sides) 2
c 2nd Floor (Both Sides) 2
d 3rd Floor (Both Sides) 2
Total 08 ABC Powder 08

05 Library Building
a Basement (Right Sides) 2
b Basement (Left Side) 2
c Ground Floor (Left Side) 2
d Ground Floor (Right Side) 5
e (Ground Floor) AC Shop 1
Total 12 ABC Powder, 12

06 Eng. Building
a Ground Floor (Left Side) 2
b Ground Floor (Right Side) 1
c Gr Floor Wksp (Left Side) 1
Total 04 ABC Powder 04

07 Old Exam. Building

a Basement (Exam Hall) 2
b Ground Floor (Right Side) 1
c 1st Floor (Right Side) 3
d Top Floor (AC Shop) 1
Total 07 ABC Powder 01
Halatron 06

08 Student Activity Center

a Ground Floor (Both Sides) 2
b Ground Floor (Sitting Hall) 2
c Ground Floor (Kitchen) 1
d 1st Floor (Both Sides) 2
Total 07 ABC Powder 04
CO2 03

09 Generator Room
a Main Hall (Entrance) 2
b Main Hall (Beside 2
c Main Hall (Operator Loc) 4
Total 08 CO2 08

10 Media.S.Bldg (Old)
a Main Entrance 5
Total 05 ABC Powder 05


11 CHS 54
a CHS Guard Room 1
b Basement Room-102 1
c Basement Room-105 1
d Basement Room-109 1
e Sports Hall 4
f School Hall 2
g Ground Floor Entry Gate 1
h Main Library-(Ground 2
i Room-201 (Madam’s 1
j Room-201 (Principal’s 1
k Canteen 1
l Room-202 1
m Room-203 1
n Gallery (Right Side) 1
o Electric Panel Room 5
p Gallery (Left Side) 1
q Room-102 1
r Room-304 (First Floor) 1
s Room-305 1
t Room-308 1
u Electric Panel Room - (T 1
v HM Office/Secondary 2
w Room-208 1
x Room-209 1
y Room-306 (Biology Lab) 1
z Computer Lab 1
aa Room 404 (2nd Floor) 1
bb Room-405 (2nd Floor) 1
cc Gallery (2nd Floor) 1
dd Room-309 1
ee Electric Panel Room - (T 1
ff Gallery-(2nd Floor Left 1
gg Room-301 1
hh Room-503 (3rd Floor) 1
ii Room-502 1
jj Gallery-(3rd Floor Left 1
kk Gallery-(3rd Floor Right 1
ll Room-507 (Both Sides) 1
mm Gallery-(3rd Floor Both 2
nn Room-406 1
oo Room-404 1
TOTAL 54 ABC Powder 16
Halation 38


25. Emergency Phone Numbers


021-35090961-7 then Dial Extn-
IOBM - Exchange
PTCL-Inquiry : 1217
IOBM - Universal Number 111-00-2004 then Dial Extn
HOD Security Major Nadeem 03333451968, Extn 345, 021-35092663
Snr Security Offr, Major Asad 03458252111 Extn 775
ASO Security, Mr.Faheem 03473546226 Extn 362
ASO Security Ms. Uzma 021-35090961-7 Extn 362
Security Supervisor Sub Arif 03226940643 , Extn 222 / 399 ,021-35092663
Security Supervisor Sub Iqbal 03092989114 , Extn 222 / 399 ,021-35092663
Security Supervisor Mr.Naseer 03003586526 Main Gate Extn 222 & Gate 4
Alam (Night) Extn 399
Exch #: 021-35090066, HM: Iftiqhar 0333-
IOBM Area Police Station
3016369 ,
(PS-Ibrahim Haidri)
SHO #: Sohail Akber: 0300-9207045
Exchange: 021-34494201 – 0310-8484047
84 Wing Bhitai Rangers - Adjutant: DSR Masood 03003210110
COD Company Wing Comd: Lt.Col.Fawad Raza 0316-
(IOBM Area) 1238484
Second In Comd: Maj.Mumtaz 0345-
DSR: (Area) Asghar: 0313-9996815
Police 15, Rangers 1101, Army-1135, Traffic
Help Lines
1915, CPLC 1102
Indus: 021-35112717 , NMC: 111-222-662,
Hospital Civil: 99215740, 99215960, Agha Khan:
34930051 Extn 1091
Ambulance Aman 1021 , Chipa 1020, Edhi 115
SO Ashraf Mughal: 0300-2208234, Majeed:
Traffic Police Ibrahim Haidri
KE: 118, Electrician Waheed: 0333-3595473
Utilities , Nafees: 0333-2353761, Admin Arif Sh:
0300-2461746, Railway: 117
Fire Brigade 16, 021-35066260-1, Landhi: 35015888-988
Fire Brigade-Central Fire
CFO:021-37773252, 99215007-8, 37724891-2
Bomb Disposal Squad (021- 39212680, 39212690,
99212690) 39212646,39212655,32416626, 37722645
CPLC Korangi: 35114444,
CPLC / CM Complaint Office
DSP : 0300-3060476,
Civil Defense 32412222, 32415111

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