II Test 6th
II Test 6th
II Test 6th
Obtained Percentage:
Firma de la persona encargada: Probable time: 80 minutes
Group: 6th
Listen and read the instructions carefully. Raise your hand if you did not understand. Keep the order and do not speak with your
mates during the test. Use pencil to answer the exam. Check that your exam has 3 pages.
Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks was an African American woman who refused to give her seat up on a public bus to a white man. She was
arrested for breaking the law. Rosa parks helped to bring about changes in laws and worked so that all people would
have equal rights. She is known as the “Mother of the Freedom Movement”.
Column A Column B
You can use this device to show information like ( ) 1)
videos, practices or pictures reflected on the board or
to a wall
1. faster than
2. stronger than
3. braver than
5. the best
6. the youngest
Si su hijo(a) no realiza el examen el día indicado, tiene 3 días hábiles para presentar en el cuaderno de comunicados la
justificación respectiva y solicitar su reposición, de lo contrario tendrá un 1 de calificación.
El examen será de escucha, lectura y escritura. Los estudiantes deberán responder los ejercicios presentados según los
temas dados.
UNIT 1 WEEK 2 & 3
Responde a preguntas claves sobre un personaje en una lectura.
Who is she/he?
R.1.3. distingue información importante en un
What did she/he do?
texto visual cotidiano sobre los logros y las
How is she/he?
características personales de las personas.
Where was she/he born?
When was she/he born?