Computer Crime Lesson Notes
Computer Crime Lesson Notes
Computer Crime Lesson Notes
FORM 2 6
Computer crime is an act performed by knowledgeable computer user, sometimes
referred to as a hacker that illegally browses or steal’s a company’s or individuals
private information.
Computer crime can also referred to as cyber-crime, e-crime, electronic crime or
electronic crime.
Below is a listing of different computer crime today:
Child pornography - Making or disturbing child pornography.
Cracking - breaking or deciphering codes that are being used to protect data.
Cyber terrorism- Hacking, treats and blackmailing towards a business or a
Cyberbullying or cyberstalking- Harassing others online.
Creating malware – Writing, creating or disturbing malware (e.g viruses and
Denial of service – Overloading a system with so many requests such that it
cannot serve the normal requests.
Espionage – spying on a person or business.
Fraud – Manipulating data, e.g changing banking records to transfer money to
an account.
Harvesting – Collect account or other related information on other people.
Identity theft – pretending to be someone you are not.
Intellectual property theft – Stealing practical or conceptual information
developed by another person or company.
Phishing – Deceiving individuals to gain private or personal information
about that person.
Salami slicing - Stealing tiny amounts of money from each transaction.
Scam – tricking people into believing something that is not true.
Spamming – Distributed unsolicited e-mail to dozens of different addresses.
Spoofing – Deceiving a system into thinking you are someone really are not.
Unauthorised access – Gaining access to systems you have no permission to
Wiretapping – Connecting a device to a phone line to listen to conversations.
Hacking – it is an illegal practice by which a hacker breaches for computers
security system of someone for personal interest.
Unwarranted mass- surveillance-Mass surveillance means surveillance of a
substantial fraction of a group of people by the authority especially for the
security purpose, but if someone does it for personal interest, it is considered
by cybercrime.
Possible Criminals for cyber crime
Disgruntled employees
Business Rival
Professional Hackers
Drug Traffickers
2. Pocket Sniffers
Apart from locating you via your computer, someone with a program like a
pocket sniffer can actually grab the data type and read it (if it is unencrypted).
Remember data is sent in packets. They can listen to for key words such as
login and passwords to gain access to information.
3. Bluetooth Locating
Bluetooth broadcasts a stronger signal than Wi-Fi covering greater distances.
Whole pages of information can be snapped up (using photographing
techniques) and transferred onto a computer by Bluetooth.