Prosthetics 2

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DATE: ……………………. TIME: 3 HOURS ( )


1. This paper consists of:

 Section 1 (40 Multiple Choice Questions)
 Section 2 (8 Short Answer Questions)
 Section 3 (1 Long Answer Question)

2. Attempt ALL Questions

3. Write the EXAMINATION NUMBER given on all the answer sheets provided and on the
question paper.

4. Ensure that all examination answer scripts are handed in at the end of the examination

5. Ensure you sign the examination register provided

EXAMINATION NUMBER ………………………………………………………………


1) Extra depth in shoes. A requirement for; -

a. Prosthetheses
b. Orthoses
c. Fracture reduction
d. Long hour standing
2) Lateral gaping of below knee prosthesis is solved by; -
a. Out setting
b. Changing the foot size
c. Weight loss
d. Inserting
3) Extra depth in shoes. Is a requirement for; -
a. Prosthetheses
b. Orthoses
c. Fracture reduction
d. Long hour standing
4) Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease affecting; -
a. Joints
b. Bones
c. Muscles
d. Patients
5) A fixed and restricted joint motions on a lower limb fracture, walking is facilitated by;
a. A toe spring
b. Muscles
c. Plaster boot
d. Rocker bar
6) A very ugly leg with good function, is amputated for the reason of; -
a. Weight bearing
b. Cosmetic
c. Shortening
d. Vaulting
7) On descending stairs, mark-timing, the beginner of AK amputee should; -
a. Shift weight to the prosthesis and lower the sound limb
b. Keep weight to the sound limb
c. Keep weight supported by crutches
d. Use long leg supports
8) For AK socket fabrication, stump perimeters are measured.
a. Horizontally at the ischial level
b. Oblique at the ischial level
c. Vertically at the ischial level
d. Transversally at the ischial level
9) On sagittal-plane gait analysis, those at mid-stance point are better observed at
a. Rear
b. Behind
c. Front
d. Top
10) Interface is the; -
a. Joint facets
b. Muscle insertion
c. Socket wall – stump surface contact
d. Socket contours
11) The rigid dressing in early prosthetic management, the purpose is to; -
a. Stop bleeding
b. To add weight on residual limb
c. To protect infections
d. Control edema
12) A model of weight bearing
a. Custom shoe last
b. An out-flare shoe last
c. A regular shoe last
d. An in-flare shoe last
13) Endo-skeletal prosthesis is
a. Crustacean
b. Exo-sketch
c. Pegleg
d. Modular
14) During AK amputees gait analysis, the weight acceptance phase is best observed at; -
a. Front
b. Rear
c. Side
d. Behind
15) An outward curve taken by an AK amputee’s prosthesis during gait analysis is as a result
of; -
a. Dorsiflexion
b. Inversion
c. Eversion
d. Plantar – flexion
16) The reverse Thomas heel is an indication of; -
a. A lateral longitudinal drop of an arch-support
b. Medial arch support
c. Transverse arch-support
d. Subtalar – eversion
17) Collection of fluid into the soft tissue
a. Sinus
b. Edema
c. Boil
d. Viscous
18) Knee flexion is delayed by; -
a. Posterior tilted socket (extended socket)
b. Flexed socket
c. Foot –ankle assembly placed posteriorly
d. Toe – break posteriorly
19) The rocker bar facilitates walking mostly on; -
a. Polio boot
b. Prosthesis
c. Plaster cast
d. Compensated orthotics
20) Rotation of vertebrae would be observed at the
a. Mid-sagital plane
b. Frontal plane
c. Sagittal plane
d. Transverse/ horizontal plane
21) The secondary curve of the spine is; -
a. Lordosis
b. Kyphosis
c. Scoliosis
d. Spondylolisthesis
22) With shoes the portion between the ball and the anterior border of the heel is the;-
a. Shank area
b. Ball of the foot
c. Shank piece
d. Vamp
23) in gait analysis of above knee amputee, the walking up hill is known as; -
a. delayed knee flexion
b. walking down hill
c. rocker bar
d. skidding
24) lower back pain is managed by; -
a. compensation
b. spinal brace
c. correction
d. corset
25) lateral thrust over below knee amputee is solved by; -
a. changing the foot size
b. in-setting
c. out-setting
d. weight loss
26) one of the muscles bellow flex the spine only
a. illiuacus
b. Sartorius
c. psoas minor
d. psoas major
27) kyphosis is the; -
a. primary curve
b. secondary curve
c. scoliosis
d. spinous process
28) methods of studying gait. Significantly the human bodyln normal walking is due to; -
a. gravity, speed, muscular contraction, inertia and floor reaction.
b. Cadence, speed, muscular contraction, inertia and floor reaction.
c. Gravity, muscular contraction, inertia and floor reaction
d. Gravity and speed.
29) Out –growths in bones;-
a. Are spurs
b. Bone edge
c. Ridge
d. Tubercle
30) The stump shrinks fastest if; -
a. Cylindrical
b. Bulbous
c. Conical
d. Doom
31) A model of weight- bearing- foot
a. Custom shoe last
b. An –out flare shoe last
c. A regular shoe last
d. An in-flare shoe last
32) Gait
a. The style of walking
b. Stance phase and double support
c. Double support and stance phase
d. Double support and stance phase
33) Biomechanics is divided into two;-
a. Mechanics and science
b. Mechanics and biology
c. Biology and mathematics
d. Mathematics and mechanics
34) Appliances are divided into two, which one is designed to replace a lost part of a living
a. Orthosis
b. Cockup splint
c. An AFO
d. Prosthesis
35) Extra depth in shoes. A requirement for ;-
a. Prosthetheses
b. Orthoses
c. Fracture reduction
d. Long hour standing
36) Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease affecting; -
a. Joints
b. Bones
c. Muscles
d. Patients
37) A very ugly leg with good function, is amputated for the reason of; -
a. Weight bearing
b. Cosmetic
c. Shortening
d. Vaulting
38) A model of weight bearing
a. Custom shoe last
b. An out-flare shoe last
c. A regular shoe last
d. An in-flare shoe last
39) The secondary curve of the spine is; -
a. Lordosis
b. Kyphosis
c. Scoliosis
d. Spondylolisthesis
40) With shoes the portion between the ball and the anterior border of the heel is the;-
a. Shank area
b. Ball of the foot
c. Shank piece
d. vamp


1) three methods of stabilizing bodies are ;-

a. …………………………………………..
b. ………………………………………….
c. ………………………………………………
2) Three major components of stance phase are ;-
a. …………………………………………………..
b. ……………………………………………………
c. ……………………………………………………….
3) joints in human body with more than one axis ;-
a. …………………………………………………..
b. ………………………………………………………..
c. ………………………………………………….
4) The rotator curve muscles;-
a. …………………………………………………
b. …………………………………………………….
c. …………………………………………………
5) Synearthrosis,
a. …………………………………………………….
b. ………………………………………………………..
c. …………………………………………………………
6) Determinant of comfort for socket depends on ;-
a. …………………………………………………………
b. …………………………………………………………..
c. ……………………………………………………….
7) ………………. Bandage wrap cast helps to produce the stump model.
8) ………………. Is distinguished from walking by double support phase.
9) ……………….. Surface area of contact to stump-socket containment in below knee
prosthesis for relative loading is contributed by the socket contours.
10) ………………… Support phase enables the center of gravity to reach its
amplitude on a sinusoidal path in a normal human locomotion.



I. A well labeled diagrams on A-P and M-L alignments of both AK and BK

prostheses. Showing clearly the prosthetic components being arranged
geometrically and weight line/ground reaction passing through with the required
a. Draw BK and AK prostheses.
b. Indicate A-P and M-L lines passing through required dimensions
c. Indicate weight lines and ground reaction force
d. Show prosthetic components parts

Thank you.

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