Durathane NY 45
Durathane NY 45
Durathane NY 45
based) and allow to cure for a minimum 4 hours and a smoking. It is recommended to wear gloves, goggles
maximum 12 hours. If time is lapsed for more than 12 and nose masks while application. Incase of splashes
hours, the primed surface should be abraded to have on the skin, dampen the cloth with thinner PUT 503 and
mechanical key. wipe the hands with the cloth. Wash then with soap and
water. Dried film is non toxic.
Ensure that the surface is clean and dry before applying
Durathane NY 45. Stir resin thoroughly and then mix 5 Incase of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of
parts of resin with 1 part of hardener by volume. Mix in water and seek medical advice. Incase of continuous
small portions enough to last for 2 hours or less. Allow exposure to vapours, the applicator should be
to cure for 4 hours. immediately moved to get fresh air.
Ref.: CPPL/06-21/238