REVIEW: services or core benefits that consumers are really buying when they obtain a product. 2. Actual Product - A product's parts, quality level, features, design, brand name, packaging and other attributes that combine to deliver core product benefits. PRODUCT MIX 3. Augmented Product - Additional -People satisfy their needs and wants with consumer services and benefits built products. A product is anything that can around the core and actual be offered to a market to satisfy a need or products. want. Usually, the word product suggests a physical object, such as a car, a television set or a bar of soap. -However, the concept of product is not limited to physical objects - anything capable of satisfying a need can be called PRODUCT CLASSIFICATIONS a product. DURABLES -In addition to tangible goods, products Products which have a long interval include services, which are activities or between repeat purchases because benefits offered for sale that are of their long-lasting nature. essentially intangible and do not result in Floor polishers, cars, tv sets, etc. the ownership of anything. NON-DURABLES -Examples are banking, airline, hotel and Products which have stronger household appliance repair services. between repeat purchases because Broadly defined, products also include of they are consumables. other entities such as Detergents, processed meats, snacks, PERSONS etc. PLACES SERVICES ORGANIZATIONS Products which are essentially ACTIVITIES intangible because they are no IDEAS physical items involved. Training services, tent rentals, etc. TYPES OF CONSUMER PRODUCTS 3. Emergency Goods - Are purchased -Consumer products are those bought by when a need is urgent such as final consumers for personal umbrellas during a rainstorm, or boots consumption. and shovels during the year's first -Marketers usually classify these goods snowstorm. Manufacturers of based on consumer shopping habits. emergency goods will place them in Consumer products include convenience many outlets to make them readily products, shopping produces, specialty available when the customer needs products and unsought products. them. -These products differ in the way PRODUCT ATTRIBUTES consumers buy them, so they differ in how -Developing a product involves defining they are marketed. the benefits that the product will offer. These benefits are communicated and delivered by tangible product attributes, such as quality, features and design. -Decisions about these attributes are particularly important as they greatly affect consumer reactions to a product. 1. Product Quality - Quality is one of the marketer's major positioning tools. Quality has two dimensions - level and consistency. In Convenience goods can be divided further developing a product, the marketer must into staples, impulse goods and first choose a quality level that will support emergency goods. the product's position in the target market. 1. Staples - Are goods that consumers - Here, product quality stands for the buy on a regular basis, such as milk, ability of a product to perform its toothpaste or bread. functions, it includes the product's overall 2. Impulse Goods - Are purchased with durability, reliability, precision, ease of little planning or search effort. These operation and repair, and other valued goods are normally available in many attributes. places because consumers seldom - Although some of these attributes can seek them out. Thus, chocolate bars be measured objectively, from a and magazines are placed next to marketing point of view, quality should be checkout counters because shoppers measured in terms of buyers' perceptions. may not otherwise think of buying them. 2. Product Features BRANDING - A product can be offered with varying - Perhaps the most distinctive skill of features. The company can create more professional marketers is their ability to features by adding higher-level models. create, maintain, protect, reinforce and -Features are a competitive tool for enhance brands. differentiating the company's product - A brand is a mark of distinction that can from competitors' products. Being the first be sensed usually in a form name, term, producer to introduce a needed and sign, symbol, design or a combination valued new feature is one of the most of these, which is used to identify the effective ways to compete. goods or services of one seller or group 3. Product Design of sellers and to differentiate them from - Another way to add product those of competitors. distinctiveness is through product design. - Thus, a brand identifies the maker or Some companies have reputations for supplier of a product. outstanding design. Some companies FUNCTIONS OF A BRAND have integrated design with their It identifies the Product or service corporate culture. It communicates messages POINTS OF PARITY AND DIFFERENCE It functions as a legal property - Points of Parity (POP): these are market WHY BRAND? expectations about what products in For the Customer: a particular product category should Brands convey information. be or should have. These are Brands signal consistent quality. associations that are not necessarily Brands confer status. unique to the brand but may in fact be Brands reduce customer risk. shared with other brands. Brands make many purchases - Points of Difference (POD): refer to decision easier. attributes or benefits that the market For the Company: associates primarily with a particular Brands enhance loyalty brand, to the point that the market Brands allow charging of premium believes that no other brands offer prices. these attributes or benefits to the same Brands inoculate the company from degree as that the brand. some competitive action. Brands assist in segmentation, targeting and positioning. Brands encourage channel’s support. ELEMENTS OF A BRAND trying it and hopefully becoming loyal to it. - Mark-Up Pricing - Uses the total cost of producing a product and adding a mark-up to receive profits.
- Loss Leader - The Loss Leaders are the
products being sold at such low prices as an enticement to buyers to step foot PRICE MIX in the store. IMPORTANCE OF PRICING - Nearly Predatory - Predatory Pricing is It is the product’s monetary value to a method in which a seller sets a price make it available for sale in the so low that other suppliers cannot market. compete and are forced to exit the Pricing creates product quality market. perception. MEDIUM PRICING STRATEGIES Pricing indicates the profit margin of - Going Rate - Determines its product a company. price based on industry rates rather Price is one of the main factors in than on either production costs. customer buying decision process. - Perceived Value Pricing - A proactive and marketing-based pricing method whereby the price of the product is based on value of the product to the market. This will require market research in order to determine just how much the target market believes the product is worth to them. - Discount Pricing - Giving the target market a sense of discount if they will purchase more quantities and/or if LOW PRICING STRATEGIES they purchase regularly. - Market Penetration - Price is low to ✓ Product Bundling – giving a discount to attract volume. Also involves setting customers if they by two different the price even lower than planned to products. Example Combo Meals, Price attract as much of the market into Packs (toothbrush paired with toothpaste), 10% off to any vegetable purchase (up to 300) if the customer purchased at least 500 pesos worth of meat. ✓ Holiday and Special Occasions Discount – discounts given on special occasions like Birthdays, holidays, etc. Example: 50% off to the birthday celebrant if he/she dined with at least 5 persons in the restaurant. ✓ Price Discounts – discounts given to customer if they purchase more quantities of the product. (“Buy 1 get 1 20% off) ✓ Loyalty Discount – a discount given to loyal customers. “20% off to selected items Prestige Club Holders (SM)” ✓ Partnership Discount – a discount given to customers if they are a cardholder of a business partner. “10% off on selected items if your purchase at Ororama and if you are a PAG-IBIG cardholder”. - Odd Number Pricing - Prices that end in non-rounded odd numbers such as 9.95 or 99.50 are said to give consumers the perception that the prices are not as expensive as they actually are. HIGH PRICING STRATEGIES - Market Skimming Pricing - Setting the price high in order to milk the segments with higher disposable incomes, with the price gradually being reduced over time to milk the next income tiers, and so on. - Prestige Pricing - Is a pricing strategy that involves keeping a high price for a product or service to communicate high quality or luxury.