Product Unit - 2
Product Unit - 2
Product Unit - 2
Concept & Importance, Product classification, Concept of
Product Mix, Branding, Packaging & Labelling, Product life-cycle,
New product Development.
In our daily life, we buy different kinds of products so as to satisfy our varied needs. In
this way, we can say that the product is one which has the capacity to satisfy our
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wants/needs. that is why the product is at the time defined as a bundle of potential
utility. A product may be regarded from the marketing viewpoint as a bundle of benefits
which are being offered to the consumer.
A product is the item offered for sale.
A product can be a service or an item.
It can be physical or in virtual or cyber form.
Every product is made at a cost and each is sold at a price.
The price that can be charged depends on the market, the quality, the marketing and the
segment that is targeted.
a) A product needs to be relevant: the users must have an immediate use for it. A product
needs to be functionally able to do what it is supposed to, and do it with a good quality.
b) A product needs to be communicated: Users and potential users must know why they
need to use it, what benefits they can derive from it, and what it does difference it does
to their lives. Advertising and 'brand building' best do this.
c) A product needs a name: a name that people remember and relate to. A product with a
name becomes a brand. It helps it stand out from the clutter of products and names.
d) A product should be adaptable: with trends, time and change in segments, the product
should lend itself to adaptation to make it more relevant and maintain its revenue stream.
Features of Product:
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1) Tangible Attributes: The first and foremost important feature of a product is
its tangibility. It means that it may be touched, seen and its physical presence
felt, like, cycle, book, pencil, table etc.
2) Intangible Attributes: the product may be intangible in the form of service,
such as banking, insurance or repairing services.
3) Exchange value: Every product, whether tangible or intangible, should have an
exchange value and should be capable of being exchanged between the buyer and
seller for a mutually agreed consideration.
4) Utility Benefits: Another important characteristic of a product is that it should
have a utility like a bundle of potential utility or benefits.
5) Consumer Satisfaction: Another feature from the marketing viewpoint is that
the products should have the ability to deliver value satisfaction to consumers for
whom they are intended.
6) Business Need Satisfaction: The last also equally important characteristics of
a product is that in order to be a product, it should also have the attribute to
satisfy a business need.
7) Differential Features: Another important feature from the marketing point of
view is that the product should have differential features, i.e., it can be
differentiated from other products. Different types of packaging and branding
can help create the image of product differentiation in the consumer.
Importance Of Product:
Product decisions are taken first by the marketers and these decisions are the centre
to all other marketing decisions, such as price, promotion, distribution etc.
Product is the engine that pulls the rest of the marketing programmes and fills in the
needs of society. It represents a bundle of expectations to consumers and society.
Someone has said, “If the first commandment in marketing is: know the customer, the
second is know the product.”
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Product is the Centre of all Marketing Activities. Product is the pivot and all the
marketing activities cluster around it. Marketing activities such as advertising,
sales promotion distribution, buying, selling etc. are all made possible only on
account of the product. It is the product which is purchased, sold, advertised,
distributed etc.
Starting Point of Marketing Planning. To the marketer, products are the building
blocks of a marketing plan. Marketing planning is done on the basis of the nature,
quality and the demand of the product. Product policies decide other policies.
Product is the Key to Market Success. Product is the key to market success. That
is why the marketing manager emphasizes and insists on the need of product for
getting success in his business.
Centre of Consumption and Satisfaction. From the consumers’ point of view, the
product is the centre of their consumption and satisfaction. It is the philosophy of
the modern marketing concept.
Importance from social Viewpoint. From a social viewpoint also, the product
satisfies the needs of society. On the one hand, product satisfies the need of
consumers and on the other, it provides employment and standard of living to
millions of people.
Corporate Need Satisfaction. The basic corporate need for profits is satisfied
by-products. It is the product through which a company exploits market
opportunities and generates sales volume and revenue. Adequate sales volume and
revenue ensure corporate profitability essential for business survival and growth.
A Competitive Weapon. Product is the competitive weapon of very great
potential. Whenever competitive pressures develop in the market, consumer
preference changes or otherwise there emerges a need for change in the
components of the product.
For example, competitive advantage may be gained by changing the package, color,
size, quality, innovation or even trading terms.
In short, the product is the soul and centre of all our marketing activities.
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Consumer goods are produced for the personal use of the ultimate consumer, while
industrial goods are produced for industrial purposes. There are many goods, such as
typewriters and stationery can be classified as both industrial and consumer goods.
Consumer products,
Industrial products.
Consumer Products:
Consumer products are those products that are bought by the final customer for
Convenience products,
Shopping products,
Specialty products, and
Unsought products.
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Specialty Products: Specialty Products are high priced branded product and
services with unique features and the customers are convinced that this
product is superior to all other competing brands with regard to its
features, quality and hence are willing to pay a high price for the product.
These goods are not purchased frequently may be once or twice in lifetime
and are distributed through one or few exclusive distribution outlets. The
buyers do not compare specialty products.
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Industrial Products:
Industrial Products are purchased by business firms for further processing or for use in
conducting a business. The distinction between consumer product and industrial is based
on the purpose for which the product is bought. Like a kitchen chimney purchased by a
consumer is a consumer product but a kitchen chimney purchased by a hotel is an
industrial product.
a) Material and parts – Material and parts include raw material like agricultural
products, crude petroleum, iron ore, manufactured materials include iron, yarn,
cement, wires and component parts include small motors, tires, and castings.
b) Capital items – Capital items help in production or operation and include
installations like factories, offices, fixed equipment’s like generators, computer
systems, elevators and accessory equipment’s like tools office equipment’s.
c) Supplies – Supplies include lubricants, coal, paper, pencils and repair maintenance
like paint, nails brooms.
d) Services – Services include maintenance and repair services like computer repair
services, legal services, consultancy services, and advertising services.
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