Consolidated SOFP - Lecture Notes
Consolidated SOFP - Lecture Notes
Consolidated SOFP - Lecture Notes
Consideration transferred for acquisition of controlling interest is mostly different from value of S’s identifiable
net assets at acquisition date. This difference is called “goodwill” (if +ve) and “negative goodwill or bargain
purchase gain” (if –ve).
(i) NCI valued at proportionate share (ii) NCI valued at Fair value
(i) P’s share in S’s post acquisition profits are ADDED to P’s RE to make it Group RE
(ii) P’s share in S’s post acquisition other reserves (e.g. revaluation surplus) are ADDED to P’s other
reserves in Group reserves
It is shown as a part of equity in Group balance sheet and represents portion of S’s net assets that are not
owned by P
(a) NCI valued at proportionate share (b) NCI valued at Fair value
“S’s reserves” include revaluation reserve raised for group revaluation policy application
Goodwill is tested for impairment annually. In questions, impairment loss of goodwill may be:
- Given OR
- Determined by deducting “recoverable amount” from “carrying amount” of goodwill
Consolidation adjustment:
(a) NCI valued at proportionate share (b) NCI valued at Fair value
Total accumulated impairment loss is: Total accumulated impairment loss is:
(i) DEDUCTED from goodwill in “Goodwill (i) DEDUCTED from goodwill in “Goodwill
Working” Working”
(ii) DEDUCTED from P’s RE in “Group RE (ii) DEDUCTED from S’s RE in “Group RE working”
Memorandum entry:
Dr. Group RE Dr. Group RE (P’s share)
Cr. Goodwill Dr. NCI (NCI share)
Cr. Goodwill (Total)
- Debtor and creditor [due to inter-company trading]
- Loan (asset) and loan (liability) [due to inter-company loan]
- Inter-company current account
- P’s investment (asset) in S’s debentures (liability)
- Inter-company finance lease
Reason Adjustment
(1.) Error Correct error accordingly in relevant books
(2.) Cash in transit Dr. Cash (i.e. ADD in cash)
Cr. Receivables (i.e. DEDUCT from receivables)
(3.) Goods in transit Dr. Inventory (i.e ADD in inventory)
Cr. Payables (i.e. ADD to payables)
Memorandum entry:
Dr. Payable (Agreed / adjusted balance)
Cr. Receivable
P to S sale S to P sale
Memorandum entry:
Dr. Group RE Dr. Group RE
Cr. Inventory Dr. NCI
Cr. Inventory
URP adjustment on goods which have been written down to NRV by buyer:
URP adjustment will be made at “URP – NRV write down already recorded”. If NRV write down is more than
URP, then no adjustment for URP is needed.
Asset/Liability still exists in books of S Asset/Liability was sold / settled after acquisition
For asset: For asset:
FV adjustment (increase) is ADDED to: FV adjustment (increase) is:
(i) S’ net assets in “Goodwill working” (i) ADDED to S’s net assets in “Goodwill working”
(ii) Relevant asset’s NBV in Group SOFP (ii) DEDUCTED from S' RE in “Group RE working”
(i) DEDUCTED from S’ net assets in “Goodwill (i) DEDUCTED from S’s net assets in “Goodwill
working” working”
(ii) ADDED to Relevant liability’s NBV in Group SOFP (ii) ADDED to S' RE in “Group RE working”
Memorandum entry:
Dr. Relevant Asset Dr. Group RE
Cr. Goodwill Dr. NCI
Cr. NCI Cr. Goodwill
Cr. Relevant liability Cr. NCI
- In case of FV adjustment (decrease) to S’s net assets, above adjustments will be inverse.
- If subsequently S has accounted for any such fair value adjustment in its books, then reverse it to the extent
of the amounts above fair value adjustments.
It is calculated using same depreciation basis as of S in its books. This adjustment is not applicable if related
asset has been sold / realized after acquisition date.
Calculation of Extra accumulated depreciation:
= FV adjustment ÷ remaining useful life x years since acquisition
(above formula is for straight line method)
Consolidation adjustment:
Extra Accumulated depreciation is DEDUCTED from:
(i) Relevant asset in Group BS
(ii) S’s RE in Group RE working
Memorandum entry:
Dr. Group RE
In case of negative adjustment to S’s net assets, above adjustments will be reversed
Profit in inter-company sale of non-current asset is unrealized unless the asset is fully depreciated by buyer.
Calculation of Profit:
Profit = Sale value of Asset x margin %
Sale value of Asset x markup / (100 + markup)
Consolidation adjustment:
P to S sale S to P sale
Memorandum entry:
Dr. Group RE Dr. Group RE
Cr. Relevant asset Dr. NCI
Cr. Relevant asset
As asset is depreciated, a portion of seller’s profit is realized. Therefore, excess depreciation on profit is
deducted from seller’s profit on this sale OR added back to seller’s RE.
Calculation of Accumulated excess depreciation:
= Profit x depreciation % x years since sale of asset
[It is calculated using same depreciation basis as of buyer company in its books]
Consolidation adjustment:
P to S sale S to P sale
Excess accumulated depreciation is ADDED to: Excess accumulated depreciation is ADDED to:
(i) Relevant Asset in Group SOFP (i) Relevant Asset in Group SOFP
(ii) P’ RE in Group RE working (i.e. seller) (ii) S' RE in Group RE working (i.e. seller)
Memorandum entry:
Dr. Relevant asset Dr. Relevant asset
Cr. Group RE Cr. Group RE
Unrealized profit is the profit included in carrying amount of a non current asset transferred in inter-company
Calculation of Unrealized profit:
URP = NBV of Asset x margin %
NBV of Asset x markup / (100 + markup)
Profit on sale – excess depreciation charged by buyer to date
NBV appearing in books of buyer – NBV (ignoring profit)
Consolidation adjustment:
P to S sale S to P sale
Memorandum entry:
Dr. Group RE Dr. Group RE
Cr. Relevant asset Dr. NCI
Cr. Relevant asset
Consolidation adjustment:
The acquirer shall recognize, separately from goodwill, the identifiable intangible assets acquired in a
business combination (e.g. internally generated brand, internally generated customer list) in Group SOFP
even if their recognition was not allowed to S in accordance with IAS 38. The assembled workforce is not
an identifiable asset to be recognized separately from goodwill, any value attributed to it is subsumed into
goodwill. This recognition is treated like a fair value adjustment of an asset which had “zero” carrying
amount in S’s books.
A contingent asset (as defined in IAS 37) shall not be recognized at the acquisition date.
Nasir Abbas FCA
Memorandum entry:
Dr. Intangible assets
Cr. Goodwill
Memorandum entry:
Dr. Group RE
Cr. Intangible assets
[If subsequently such items were sold by S, then acquisition-date fair value is ADDED to S’s net assets in
“Goodwill working” and DEDUCTED from “S RE” in Group RE working. Moreover, no adjustment for
amortization is needed.]
Consolidation adjustment:
IFRS 3 allows the recognition of a contingent liability of S if it is a present obligation (i.e. not a possible
obligation) that arises from past events and its fair value can be reliably measured.
Case 1 – If obligation still exists at year end but S has subsequently not recognized any liability:
Fair value at acquisition date:
(i) DEDUCTED from S’s net assets in “goodwill working”
(ii) ADDED to current liabilities in Group SOFP
Case 2 – If S has subsequently recognized a liability at an amount different from acquisition date fair value:
1) Fair value at acquisition date is:
(i) DEDUCTED from S’s net assets in “goodwill working”
(ii) ADDED to current liabilities in Group SOFP
Case 3 – If obligation is settled by year end / S has subsequently recognized liability at acquisition date fair
Fair value at acquisition date:
(i) DEDUCTED from S’s net assets in “goodwill working”
(ii) ADDED to S’RE in Group RE working
If P has already accounted for this issue then no adjustment required in non-current liabilities
In case of consideration only in form of share exchange, if fair value of P’s shares is not reliably
measurable then fair value of S’s shares is used to find cost of investment.
If P has already accounted for this issue then no adjustment required in share capital and premium.
P may commit a further payment (generally a cash payment) contingent upon certain performance conditions
to be met in future. It is initially recorded as a liability at acquisition date fair value. It’s fair value is updated
at end of every year. It’s fair value may also be calculated as “committed cash amount x probability of meeting
the conditions”. In questions, generally, it is unrecorded.
P may transfer any other asset (e.g. property) as purchase consideration. In questions, generally, it is
Consolidation adjustment:
Only effect is on the calculation of Pre and Post acquisition reserves as follows:
Pre acq. reserves = S’s reserves at balance sheet date – income for the year x n/12
(n = no. of months from acquisition to year end)
Post acq. reserves= S’s reserves at balance sheet date – pre acquisition reserves
Income for the year x n/12
Group member should follow uniform accounting policies. However, if S follows different accounting
policies, then adjustments are made while consolidation to convert figures from S financial position in
accordance with group policies.
Types of dividends:
Pre acq. dividend: Dividend paid / payable (after acquisition) out of pre-acquisition profits
Post acq. dividend: Dividend paid / payable out of post-acquisition profits
Inter-company Eliminate:
operating lease “ROU asset” and “Lease liability” and adjust difference of both in lessee’s RE.
[If underlying asset was property, then lessor must have been following IAS 40. But from
group point of view it is PPE rather than Investment property, therefore, IAS 40
accounting shall be reversed and IAS 16 accounting shall be followed.]
Inter-company sale of In case of inter-company sale of property, if buyer rents out the property and follows
investment property fair value model for investment property, then no adjustment for URP shall be made.
Un-realized loss on Calculation of unrealized loss is same as studied for URP but the treatment is with
inter-company sale of inverse signs. However, if losses indicate an impairment, then no adjustment is needed
goods/PPE for URL.
Provisional amounts In 1st year of acquisition, if values are not yet finalized at year end then consolidation
will be made using provisional amounts. Next year, if provisional amounts are revised,
these adjustments shall be made retrospectively from acquisition date.
(P’s + S’s + Fair value adj. at acquisition – Acc. extra dep. on FV adj. – URP on asset sale + revaluation
policy application +/- any other adjustment)
Goodwill (W – 1) XXX
Investment XXX
(P’s + S’s – P’s investment in S eliminated)
Inventory XXX
(P’s + S’s – URP [P to S / S to P] + Goods in transit)
Receivables XXX
(P’s + S’s +/- correction of error– cash in transit – intercompany balance + any other asset recognized at acquisition)
Payables XXX
(P’s + S’s + goods in transit +/- correction of error – intercompany balance + contingent liab. recognized)
(W – 1) Goodwill
Note 2:
NCI is valued at fair value: Impairment loss of goodwill is deducted from S RE
NCI is valued at proportionate basis: Impairment loss of goodwill is deducted from P RE
1-Recorded by both 2-Recorded by both 3-Not recorded by (P) 4-Not recorded by (S) 5-Not recorded by both
Cash 80 R.E. 100 D.R. 80 R.E. 100 R.E. 100 D.R. 80
Income 80 Cash 100 Income 80 D.P. 100 D.P. 100 Income 80
No adjustment required. Eliminate Inter company (i). Add P’s share in S’s (i). Deduct S’s total dividend (i). Add P’s share in S’s
balance of 80 dividend to P’s RE in “Group from S’s post acquisition dividend to P’s RE in “Group
RE working” profits RE working”
Dividend Payable 80
Dividend Receivable 80 Dividend Receivable 80 Group RE 80 Dividend Receivable 80
Group RE 80 NCI 20 Group RE 80
Dividend Payable 100
(ii). Then eliminate inter (ii). Deduct S’s total dividend
company balance of 80 (ii). Then eliminate inter from S’s post acquisition
company balance of 80 profits
Dividend Payable 80 Group RE 80
Dividend Receivable 80 Dividend Payable 80 NCI 20
Dividend Receivable 80 Dividend Payable 100
Dividend Payable 80
Dividend Receivable 80