Test 7 (Sept 2012)
Test 7 (Sept 2012)
Test 7 (Sept 2012)
Fund W X
Investment RM1,500 RM 1,500
NAV RM 0.27 RM 0.80
MER 1.5% 0
Exit fee 0 2%
2. Encik Azman invested in Fund W & Fund X with RM1,500 each for 7 years. Assume
that Fund W has a MER charge of 1.5% per annum, fund X has an exit fee of 2% and
both funds have the same returns. Encik Azman will gain more from Fund X. Is this
statement TRUE?
A. True
B. False because Fund W and Fund X have the same return
C. False because of the different fees imposed on both funds
D. None of the answers are correct
3. i) If given tax rate is 20% and inflation rate of 5%, what is the effective rate of return
after tax and inflation? Assume that the return rate is 10%.
A. 3%
B. 3.5%
C. 4%
D. 4.5%
A. The higher the tax, the higher the return on unit trust investment
B. The higher the investors are paying the marginal tax rate, the higher the effective
rate of return
C. The taxes paid by the unit trust schemes have no impact on the returns as the
incomes generated have already been taxed at sources
D. Inflation can erode purchasing power
4. Investor A & Investor B started investing with RM64,000 with the rate of return of
8.5% p.a for investor A. A few year later, both of them received RM128,000 each.
However investor B received the returns faster by 1.27years. When did investor B
receive her/his return?
A. 8.47 years
B. 9.77 years
C. 7.20 years
D. 10.0 years
A. 8.47%
B. 10%
C. 12%
D. None of the above option is correct
D. All of the above
8. What is the most important element an investor should consider before deciding to
invest in any investment?
A. Confidence
B. Risk
C. Intelligence
D. Professionalism
9. Puan Rahimah wants to gain exposure to the commercial property market in Kuala
Lumpur but with only a small amount of money RM 5,000, she was not able to invest
at all. Which is a good investment alternative for her?
A. Invest in equity index fund
B. Invest in any open ended fund
C. Invest in fixed income fund
D. Invest in real estate property trusts
12. The code of ethics and standards of professional conduct form the
_______________ .
14. What are the channels of complaint available to investors of unit trust schemes?
16. Generally fixed income funds are said to have lower risks than equity funds. What can
be expected from the return of these funds?
17. Which of the following category of unit trust is likely to depreciate most when the
overall stock market falls?
A. Equity trust
B. Property trust
C. Fixed income trust
D. Money market trust
18. i) Last year’s expenses for Chan family was RM25,000. This year expenses are
RM26,125. Assume that the inflation rate unchanged for next year, what is the
amount of expenses estimated for next year?
A. 25,225.50
B. 27,300.63
C. 27,333.23
D. 26,300.60
ii) If the investment return is 5% , marginal tax return is 20% and based on above
question inflation rate, what is the effective return after tax and inflation?
A. 3%
B. 0.15%
C. -0.5%
D. -1.5%
A. Bid price
B. Offer price
C. Repurchase price
D. Exit price
i. Equity Fund
ii. Money Market Fund
iii. Balanced Fund
iv. Hedge Fund
A. i, ii, iii, iv
B. iv, i, iii, ii
C. iii, iv, ii, i
D. i, iv, iii, ii
24. Generally, a unit trust that has 80% of its assets invested in growth stocks would be most
appropriate type of investment for the preparation of:
25. If the distribution declared is 3.5 cents per unit, how much is the NAV price per unit ex-
A. RM0.49 C. RM1.86
B. RM0.52 D. RM1.96
26. Based on the above answer and assume that a client invested RM10,000 ex-distribution,
how many units will she get for her investment?
27. If the initial service charge is reduced from 5% to 3% and based on the selling price ex-
distribution, how much savings can the client get, given the same investment amount in
previous question?
A. RM326.53 C. RM327.95
B. RM184.93 D. RM200.00
29. In year 1995, En. Jamal put RM50,000 in an investment that earned him 9% per annum.
Supposing the investment is able to deliver the above yearly return for the past as well as the
coming year, when will his money double?
Question 30 & 31
Number of units held before unit split : 18,000 units
Total value of investment before unit split : RM6,000.
Unit split ratio :1:3
30. How many units will the investor hold after the unit split exercise?
A. RM2,000 C. RM8,000
B. RM6,000 D. None of the above
32. Based on the latest performance table, Mei Ling enthusiastically tells you “Look! The
OMG Small Cap Fund was up to 36% last month, I think this fund may be best for me to
invest.” Knowing that choosing a fund merely based on best record in the previous month is
not in her best interest, what other aspect would you advise her to look into before investing
in the fund?
33. After discussing to a potential investor, the UTC finds out that the investor can accept
high risk, is looking for long-term capital gain and short term income. Which of the fund stated
below is suitable for this investor?
34. Sheila wants to be a millionaire. If she has RM500,000 and can earn 8% per annum, how
long would it take to achieve her goal?
A. 8 years
B. 9 years
C. 10 years
D. 11 years
35. Which one of the following stated below is the most likely benefit you will get with a
diversified portfolio that includes stocks, bonds and money market funds?
A. Higher returns that you get with a portfolio that is not diversified
B. The ability to balance both risk and return in achieving your financial goals.
C. A guarantee that your portfolio will not suffer if the stock market falls.
D. All of the above.
38. How many units was he entitled for the investment he made in the first year?
A. 15,000 units
B. 25,000 units
C. 35,000 units
D. None of the above is correct
39. What is the total amount of money he had invested in the first and second year?
A. RM7,500 C. RM12,700
B. RM5,200 D. None of the above is correct
40. Upon redemption in the 3rd year, calculate the raw return of the investment that he made
in the 1st year. (Assume no distribution was paid during the period).
A. 15%
B. 18%
C. 20%
D. 100%
A. Will fluctuate in respect to changes in the prices of equity index component stocks
B. Will fluctuate in respect to changes in interest rate only
C. Will not change at all to the ups and downs of the stock market
D. None is correct
A. Open-Ended trust
B. Universal Trust
C. Closed-Ended Trust
D. Regional Trust
A. 5% B. 4% C. 3% D. 2%
44. In general, which of the following category of unit trust is likely to depreciate most when
the overall stock market falls?
46. Mr. X wants to invest RM 200,000.00 in a unit trust fund. What is the maximum amount
can he borrows from a financial institution for the investment?
A. RM134,000.00 C.RM120,000.00
B. RM66,000.00 D. RM80,000.00
A. A strategy whereby investors buy more units when prices are high
B. A strategy whereby investors buy less units when prices are low
C. A systematic and regular investment of a fixed amount of money
D. A strategy for customers to invest all their capital at one time rather than on a regular
A. Form of collective investments that allow investors with similar objectives to pool their
B. An investment portfolio which only contains one type of asset
C. Form of collective investments whereby the unit holders are the shareholders of the
company they have invested in
D. An investment portfolio whereby the investors of the particular UTS will purchase the
securities in the portfolio directly
i) The average Fund Size for ABC fund during the year was RM 250, 492, 853. Calculate the
MER of the fund for the year ended 30 Dec 200X.
A. The Unit Trust Management Company (UTMC) must be overpaid for the
administrative expenses
B. The UTMC is managing the total fees and expenses well
C. The annual management fee must be revised downward
D. The UTMC is not managing the total fees and expenses well
Questions 50 & 51
Initial investment = RM80,000.00
Rate of return = 10%
Ongoing management fee = 1.5%
Service charge = 5%
50. What is the return of the investment after 3 years? (Use 4 decimal points for your
A. RM97,074.80 C. RM97,174.80
B. RM97,318.10 D. RM101,156.00
51. Assume that the ongoing management fee is 1% instead of 1.5%, what is the value of
investment after 3 years? (Use 4 decimal points for your calculation)
A. RM98,666.67 C. RM90,516.00
B. RM98,420.00 D. RM95,280.00
A. Advise the buyer to contact the agent once has made decision
B. To go through the prospectus together and leave the prospectus with the buyer to
C. Should ignore the buyer as this is a waste of time for the agent
D. Show the buyer some brochures and to take it back after that to be used for the next
appointment with a different prospect
0.50 RM1500.00
0.60 RM1500.00
0.70 RM1500.00
57. Given that the NAV per unit at the beginning of the day is RM0.65, and the NAV per unit
at the end of the day is RM0.66. Investor Z decides to redeem 10,000 units. Based on
Forward Pricing, how much will it cost?
58. The Malaysian Unit Trust Funds Performance Table is a useful tool because it…
59. Which statement regarding the EPF Members Withdrawal Investment Scheme is correct?
A. The income of real estate investment trusts (REITs) is mainly derived from the rental
income and capital appreciation of the property held by the trust
B. The portfolio of a real estate investment trust (REIT) can be switched to equities
easily as the assets are highly liquid
C. Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are not allowed to be listed
D. Unlisted unit trusts are not allowed to invest in real estate investment trusts (REITs)
A. A type of fund that allows anyone to collect money from others, much like people
collect money for charity
B. An investment fund which invests only in a specific collection of shares
C. A collection of investments which cannot be sold without permission of the owners
D. Another term used to describe a unit trust scheme
62. What would you not normally expect to find in the annual report of a unit trust scheme?
63. When was the first unit trust management company set up in Malaysia?
A. Will only make profit if returns from their investment are higher than the cost of their
B. Will not be affected by changes in the base lending rate set by their end-financiers
C. Are guaranteed to make profit in longer term
D. Need to keep on investing until the loan is fully settled
65. An investor wants to gain exposure to the commercial property market in Kuala Lumpur
but with only a small amount of money (approximately RM5,000), she was not able to invest
at all. Which is a good investment alternative for her?
67. Generally, what are the possible forms of return on investment can an investor expect
from investing in unit trusts?
I. Distribution
II. Capital appreciation
III. Interest
A. I & II
B. I & III
D. All of the optional answers are correct
69. Which of the following is the most appropriate thing to do if you meet a person who has
never invested in unit trusts and does not feel comfortable to invest in unit trusts?
A. Let the potential investor has a prospectus and go through with her
B. Comfort her by letting her know that unit trust is an investment with no risk
C. Show her the marketing brochure and take them back as you need to show the
brochure to another investor
D. Show her the excellent performance record of the unit trust fund and tell her that the
performance will repeat in the future.
A. I, II & III
B. I, II, III & IV
C. I, II, III, & V
D. All of the optional answers are correct
71. “Market risks” is a type of risks involved in investing in equity unit trusts and it means:
A. Stock values underlying the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the unit trust scheme fluctuates
in response to the activities of individual companies and general market or economic
conditions. Such movements will cause the NAV or prices of units to fall as well as
B. Poor Management of the scheme will jeopardize the investment of unit holders
through the lost of their capital invested in the scheme.
C. Unit holders might be forced to provide additional funds to restore their loan margin
when the value of the unit trusts scheme dropped drastically
D. None of the optional answer is correct.
72. One of the major benefits of investing in unit trusts is to gain access to the experience of
a professional fund manager. Which term best describes a professional fund manager?
A. Someone who has bought and sold many investments in his lifetime
B. A friend who always recommends the best stocks to buy
C. Someone who always manages in excess of RM500 million
D. Someone who has been professionally trained in the field of fund management
73. Unit Trust Management Company (UTMC) must issue a prospectus for each of its unit
trust schemes. The UTMC is required to:
74. Risk/return characteristics can vary significantly between two funds. Which of the
following statement is not correct comparison of the risk/return trade-off between investing in
a Capital Growth Fund (G) and a Capital Protected Fund (P)?
76. What is the risk of an investor directly investing in a small number of shares?
A. The investor is exposed to the risk of either making or losing large portion of her
B. The investor benefits from diversification of portfolio
C. The investor is able to consistently reap high returns of investment
D. It is easy for investor to select good company
77. A unit split in effect does not add value to the unit trust investors’ investment holding,
A. Makes sure that the fund managers are able to earn their fees
B. Is used by unit trust management company to lower the NAV per unit, thus enabling
new investors to invest in the fund
C. Is used to enlarge the fund size in Ringgit term
D. Is used to re-classify the fund to “Penny-Stocks” fund
I. Cut down all the unnecessary expenses and keep the money at home
II. Lower the tax rate of the investment
III. Invest the money in an instrument that can generate a higher return than the inflation
IV. Maximize the benefits of effective financial planning
A. I & II
B. I & III
D. All of the optional answers are correct
A. The fund will invest primarily in stocks which earn significant dividend income
B. The fund will normally generate returns which closely resemble the performance of a
stock market index, both in terms of risk and return
C. Generally the fund will be invested in stocks with higher growth potential and with
higher risk characteristic
D. The fund mainly invests corporate bonds, government securities and liquid assets.
A. To obtain information about the unit trust scheme and its performance
B. To receive profile of board of directors
C. To redeem units
D. To select shares for the unit trust scheme’s portfolio
A. Investors are entitled to receive unit trust certificate or statement for his investment
B. Unit trusts are professionally managed by the unit trust management company
C. Unit holders directly purchase the securities in the investment portfolio of the unit trust
D. Value of a unit will fluctuate
84. The best way for investors to minimize the impact of the initial service charge on unit trust
investments is to:
86. The fund manager of unit trust scheme is allowed to charge a management fee, the fee is
Question 87 & 88
87. Assume that the asset allocation of fund X and fund Y are as follows:
Fund X Fund Y
Equity Market 70% 0%
Money Market 10% 85%
I. It is best to buy when interest rates are peaking and bond yields are high
II. Manager’s fees and charges are generally lower compared to the equity fund
III. Fund prices will fall when interest rate rise
IV. No matter when you redeem your investment, you will get back at least your principal
amount or capital you have invested
B. I & III
D. All of the optional answers are correct
For internal circulation and training purposes only 17
90. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
92. Adam has invested RM5,000 in ABC Growth Fund managed by ABC Unit Trust
Management Bhd. Adam now owns ______________________.
94. One of your friends tells you, “By the time I retire in Year 2020, I believe the Kuala
Lumpur Composite Index (KLCI) will be many times what it is today. I’m happy with that. Give
me a fund that can best deliver the same result.” What would you recommend to him?
A. Buy a Balanced Fund because its investment returns are less volatile than the KLCI
B. For such a long investment horizon, don’t worry, buy any fund
C. Buy a Growth Fund because it can give him a return better than the KLCI by Year
D. Buy an Index Tracking Fund using KLCI as the benchmark
1) A 45) D 91) A
2) A 46) A 92) B
3) i) A 47) C 93) D
ii) D 48)A 94) D
4) C 49) i) D ii) B
5) B 50)B
6) B 51)A
7) B 52)C
8) B 53)D
9) D 54)D
10) D 55)B
11) D 56)A
12) A 57)C
13) B 58)C
14) D 59)D
15) D 60)A
16) A 61)D
17) A 62)D
18) i) B 63)C
ii)C 64)A
19) B 65)D
20) B 66)B
21) C 67)A
22) D 68)D
23) B 69)A
24) D 70)D
25) A 71)A
26) B 72)D
27) B 73)D
28) D 74)A
29) B 75)D
30) A 76)A
31) B 77)B
32) D 78)C
33) A 79)B
34) B 80)A
35) B 81)C
36) A 82)D
37) D 83)C
38) A 84)C
39) C 85)C
40) C 86)A
41) A 87)A
42) C 88)B
43) C 89) A
44) C 90) C