Chapter.1 Researchguidesample

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The success of any educational institution regardless of its size, nature of

operation, whether it is publicly or privately run, is reflected by the professional

performance of its teachers. This favorable outcome relies mainly on the

prevailing organizational climate and administrative style of its administrators that

affect the professional performance of teachers. Administrators who create

favorable organizational climate and provide administrative style that can

transform people inside the institution into valuable and productive team

members could improve the overall teacher professional performance.

Essentially, the professional performance of teachers is reflective of the

overall school culture. In most cases, the status of the school is based on the

line-up of teachers that it has in its fold. In a school where most of its teachers

are highly qualified, experts and experienced, the expectation of the community

is that the culture that reigns in that school is near-the-ideal. In contrast, if the

school is peopled by teachers who are complacent and mediocre, then the

students are most likely low performers.

But the professional performance of teachers may also be attributed to

school leadership and organizational climate. For even if the teacher is highly

qualified and full of expertise, if s/he is assigned to a school administered by an

inconsiderate school head, then the performance of the former might get

affected, if not compromised for the worse. Similarly, a school that is staffed by

congenial and cooperative teachers might transform an introvert teacher to

somebody who can well relate with others.

East Maasim District is reputedly known for its favorable organizational

climate complemented by being administered by highly-driven school heads.

These factors are contributory to the average performance of the district in terms

of overall school performance.

The researcher being a teacher under the said district is, therefore,

inclined to determine the existence or inexistence of a significant relationship

among organizational climate, administrative styles and the professional

performance of the teachers.

Hence, this study.

Statement of the Problem

The study seeks to determine the significant relationship among

organizational climate, administrative styles and professional performance of

teachers in East Maasim District.

Specifically, it seeks to find answers to the following questions:

1. How do the school administrators and teachers in East Maasim

District describe their organizational climate in the aspects of :

1.1. Physical Resources;

1.2. Human Resources;

1.3. Instructional Resources; and,

1.4. Processes?

2. Is there a significant difference in how the school administrators and

teachers assess the organizational climate in East Maasim District?

3. To what extent do the school administrators practice the following

administrative styles, viz.:

3.1. Directive;

3.2. Consultative; and,

3.3. Free-rein?

4. Is there a significant difference in the school administrators’ practice of

the administrative styles when grouped according to number of years

in the service?

5. What is the professional performance of the teachers based on the

Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form in

consideration of the following components, namely:

5.1. Teaching-learning Process;

5.2. Pupils’ outcomes;

5.3. Community Involvement;

5.4. Professional growth and development; and,

5.5. Advisory and ancillary management?

6. Is there a significant relationship between organizational climate and

the professional performance of teachers?

7. Is there a significant relationship between the practice of administrative

styles and the professional performance of teachers?


Hypotheses of the Study

The following null hypotheses were formulated for testing at the 0.05 level

of significance.

Ho1: There is no significant difference in how the school administrators

and teachers assess the organizational climate in East Maasim


Ho2: There is no significant difference in the school administrators’

practice of the administrative styles when grouped according to

number of years in the service.

Ho3: There is no significant relationship between organizational climate

and the professional performance of teachers.

Ho4: There is no significant relationship between the practice of

administrative styles and the professional performance of


Significance of the study

This study will serve as guide for the administrators of public schools

in East Maasim District, Division of Sarangani in examining and strengthening

their administrative practices inorder to improve the overall professional

performance of their teachers and the organizational climate of their respective

institution. Moreover, this study will also provide information on how to capitalize

organizational climate and administrative style inorder to improve professional

performance of teachers in the public school sector.


Likewise, the result of the study will continue to give the researcher wider

knowledge and deeper understanding of the characteristics and importance of

organizational climate and administrative style in relation to the overall

professional performance of teachers.

Finally, the result of the study will be added in the literatures concerning

the influence of organizational climate and administrative style on the

professional performance of teachers in the public school sector.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study will focus on determining the degree of influence of

organizational climate and administrative style in the professional performance of

teachers in East Maasim District, Division of Sarangani, as determine by their

administrators and teachers.

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