Chapter.1 Researchguidesample
Chapter.1 Researchguidesample
Chapter.1 Researchguidesample
transform people inside the institution into valuable and productive team
overall school culture. In most cases, the status of the school is based on the
line-up of teachers that it has in its fold. In a school where most of its teachers
are highly qualified, experts and experienced, the expectation of the community
is that the culture that reigns in that school is near-the-ideal. In contrast, if the
school is peopled by teachers who are complacent and mediocre, then the
school leadership and organizational climate. For even if the teacher is highly
inconsiderate school head, then the performance of the former might get
affected, if not compromised for the worse. Similarly, a school that is staffed by
These factors are contributory to the average performance of the district in terms
The researcher being a teacher under the said district is, therefore,
1.4. Processes?
3.1. Directive;
3.3. Free-rein?
in the service?
The following null hypotheses were formulated for testing at the 0.05 level
of significance.
This study will serve as guide for the administrators of public schools
institution. Moreover, this study will also provide information on how to capitalize
Likewise, the result of the study will continue to give the researcher wider
Finally, the result of the study will be added in the literatures concerning