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Knowing business owners wear many hats, the introduction cuts to the chase about why marketing
must be a top priority. 50-90% of small businesses fail in the first 5 years. One reason for this is that
many small business owners simply don’t have the specialised knowledge of how to build a high
growth business. They are technicians e.g. plumbers, lawyers, financial advisers etc. who are good at
what they do but often they don’t have the skills to create a successful business. Many business
owners have gone from working for their idiot boss to becoming their idiot boss. Technical or industry
knowledge can only take you so far.
A second reason small businesses fail is running out of cash. Cash is the oxygen of your business, you
simply can’t survive without it. So you’ll need to learn how to consistently generate cash and how to
optimize your time. The answer to cash flow is marketing: the single biggest leverage point in any
business. Battling your suppliers for a discount will have a marginal effect on your bottom line. Getting
10% better at marketing can have a multiplying or exponential effect.
One of the biggest mistakes most small business owners make is mimicking marketing tactics from
large, successful companies in their industry. Major brands like Nike, Apple & Coca-Cola have
completely different objectives for their marketing (mostly name recognition or “branding”) and they
have exponentially different marketing budgets. You likely don’t have the time or budget for “getting
your name out there.” You need marketing strategy that’s trackable, measurable, and highly targeted
to make the most of your spend. At the crux of this book is the concept of direct response marketing,
which if followed correctly, will allow you to do just that - create a direct response marketing system
in your business.
The goal of direct response marketing is to get a highly targeted group of prospects to raise their
hand, indicate interest in your product or service and become buyers when they’re ready to do so.
Direct response ads are trackable, measurable, and use compelling copy. They make a specific offer
and demand a response.
A niche is a tightly defined portion of a subcategory. The reason we want as narrow a target market
as possible (which may seem counterintuitive) is because with a limited marketing budget you don’t
want your efforts to become diluted and weak. You also need your message to be super relevant and
specific so that people to say “hey, that’s for me.” Imagine a photographer who focuses on everything.
Does a bride want a photographer that does corporate photography, portraits, children's
photography and everything in between? No, she wants someone who is super focused on wedding
photography for her special day. Furthermore, specialists can charge more than generalists.
A quick exercise to help you identify your ideal target market is to take each market segment you
serve and rate them between 1 and 10 on Personal fulfillment (how much you enjoy dealing with a
type of customer), Value to the marketplace (how much will they pay and value it?) and Profitability
(how much money is there in it for you after all expenses are paid?). Here’s an example of the “PVP
Index” for the photographer where he learns family portraits are the segment to focus on:
TAKE ACTION: Now that you’ve got a more clear idea of the market to focus on, it’s important for any
marketing strategy to understand the mind of your customer and what makes them tick. One of the best
tools for getting in the mind of your customer is to become them by creating an avatar. Creating a
detailed description of your customer and their day to day can help you visualize life from their
1-Page Marketing Plan Summary
TAKE ACTION: Being as specific as possible; write out a narrative about your ideal customer. What’s
their gender, location, age, occupation, income range? What do they do when they first wake up in
the morning? What are their hobbies? What’s the one thing they care most about? It’s critical to
deeply understand the mind of your customer.
TAKE ACTION: Who is your target market? Fill in Square #1 on the One Page Marketing Plan.
A major theme of Chapter 2 is that you must understand your customer to create a message that
speaks to them and elicits action. Firstly consider, beyond the product or service, what result are they
actually buying? Is it piece of mind? Prestige? It’s necessary to research your target market to
understand what they want via surveys, observation or research. For example what are they buying on
Amazon or eBay? It’s also important to know what they don’t want. Knowing how to target your
customer’s pain is a very important skill. For example, if you sell customer management software
how does your product take away the pain and frustration involved in everyday customer
Even if you’re selling a commodity like coffee, you can set yourself apart by developing a Unique
Selling Proposition. A USP answers the questions: “Why should they buy?” and “Why should they buy
from me?” Or rather, if your competitor was across the road, why would a customer cross the road to
buy from you? Creating an apples (your competitor) to oranges (your business) comparison of your
offering can be in the way your product is packaged, delivered, supported or even sold. Note your
Unique Selling Proposition should not contain “me too” qualities like “great service” or “excellent
quality,” you must be truly setting your business apart. Avoid “lowest cost” in what sets you apart; this
is a losing game for anyone except behemoths like Walmart and Costco.
Beyond a compelling message, creating great copy around the message is paramount. You want to
create copy that pushes the emotional hot buttons of your target audience and is, above all,
authentic and personal (people buy from people after all, not corporations).
Finally, Allan makes the distinction between “marketing by accident” and “marketing on purpose.”
Many small business owners use a splattering of marketing tactics without strategy and pay for ads
which are useless (containing “me too” qualities like company name, logo, list of services offered, etc.).
To begin marketing on purpose make sure your message or ad has a single, clear purpose. Be clear
about the action you want your customer to take and remember that the point of the ad is not to sell
but to get the customer to indicate interest.
TAKE ACTION: What is your message to your target market? Fill in square #2 of your 1-Page Marketing
1-Page Marketing Plan Summary
Getting your message in front of your prospects is often the most expensive part of marketing. A key
concept in Chapter 3 is: what gets measured, gets managed. As previously mentioned, we are not in
the game of “getting your name out there.” What matters is this: did the marketing make you money?
Be ruthless with your ad spend: cut the losers and ramp up the winners. Also understand in
implementing any form of marketing, what you don’t know can hurt you. Hire experts that specialize
in whatever media you decide is right for your campaign; they’re worth their weight in gold.
In advertising, many small business owners look first to social media. Allan notes that social media is a
social space which can make selling awkward (the same way it would be if you walked into a party or
social gathering and tried to sell your services). Social media is great, however, for developing
relationships with prospects. Social media can also be a time suck, so track your time and money
spend carefully here in terms of cost of customer acquisition, like all other media.
Within the framework of direct response marketing (in which you get your customers to indicate
interest, provide them value over time, create long standing relationships where they buy from you
now and in the future), email marketing is a powerful way to create and maintain relationships with
your customers. If your website doesn’t have it already, email opt-in should be a key part of it. With
email you can keep a close dialogue with your customers and launch and test new products and
services. Using a commercial email system and making sure you have compelling content are key
components of email marketing.
A final, underutilized form of media is postal mail, which has become much less crowded and can
have significant impact in pushing your prospect towards a desired action. Allan advises against
having only one form of media or lead generation. Ideally you would use at least 5 forms of media and
most of them would be paid. Paid advertising is reliable and forces you to focus on return on
TAKE ACTION: What media will you use to reach your target market? Fill in square #3 of your 1-Page
Marketing Plan.
Now that you’ve given serious thought to who is in your target market, the message that will elicit a
reaction with this market and the media through which to reach them, in Chapters 4, 5 & 6 we’ll look
at capturing leads, lead nurturing and turning leads into paying customers.
1-Page Marketing Plan Summary
Chapter 4 opens making the distinction between businesses which are “hunters” and those which are
“farmers.” In the hunting strategy, advertising reeks of desperation, companies aggressively cold call
and spend huge resources trying to gain new customers. As the vast majority of your target market
is not ready to buy from you when they first learn of you or see your ad, a farming strategy whereby
you nurture leads over time, will yield a much higher return.
In the pie chart below, Allan reveals that if you tried to use an ad whose sole purpose is to
immediately sell, you’d be excluding 97% of your market as typically only 3% are ready to buy right
now. By creating a lead generating ad (the farmer strategy) you increase your addressable market to
40%. 3% to 40% is an increase in effectiveness by 1233%!
The next major point made in Chapter 4 is that not all customers should be treated equally. All other
things being equal, the more money you can spend marketing to high probability prospects, the
better your chances are at converting them to a customer. One way to identify high probability
customers is through an “ethical bribe” (for example, “7 costly mistakes to avoid in choosing a
wedding photographer”). If you’re a photographer selling to brides, including this download on your
website could create a nice list of high probability customers. You’ll need a CRM to create a database
whereby the names of the brides and their email addresses go into. You can then keep in touch with
them and can send valuable information and offers over time.
TAKE ACTION: What is your lead capture system? Fill in square #4 of your 1-Page Marketing Plan.
1-Page Marketing Plan Summary
The process of lead nurturing takes customers who are vaguely interested in your product or service
to a point where they’re ready to buy. Critical to this step in the process is that the money is in the
follow up. The majority of sales people give up after one contact. You don’t want to be a pest but a
welcome guest. You do this by sending valuable content like tutorials, articles, case studies, etc. This is
selling based on trust and an exchange of value.
Aside from content creation, most of the follow-up work can be automated using a good CRM
system that can be setup to automatically send emails or notify salespeople to contact a lead.
Automation systems allow you to robotically sift, sort and screen prospects so that you can leverage
your time effectively. Once a lead enters your system, market to them until they either buy or die.
Some prospects will convert to customers immediately, while others may take much longer to make
a buying decision. Either way you are building the relationship and they are moving closer to
becoming a customer.
Another way to systematize your follow up is to create a marketing calendar (for example, having
daily information going out on social media, a weekly blog post, a quarterly reactivation letter, and an
annual gift basket to all customers). Also consider event-triggered marketing activities, like next steps
after meeting someone at a conference. Implementation of a marketing system will only work if you
designate someone who will be responsible for these tasks. If you have the resources to designate
internally, great. If not, outsourcing via freelancer site and job boards will allow you to focus on the
marketing infrastructure while the day to day tasks are being carried out. Allan’s rule is that if
someone else can do the job 80% as well as you can, delegate the job.
TAKE ACTION: What is your lead nurturing system? Fill in square #5 of your 1-Page Marketing Plan.
Sales conversion depends on whether you create enough trust and demonstrate the value of your
service or product (vs. “sell, sell, sell”). The same way you wouldn’t ask someone to marry you on your
first date, aggressive sales strategies which pressure customers to buy immediately are outdated. You
want to focus on educating your customer and providing value over time which make the sales
natural and welcome.
Trust is the major barrier to sales, and as a small-to-medium sized business you are often starting in
negative territory. This is why lead nurturing is essential. By the time you get leads to the point of
sales conversion, they should already be pre-framed, pre-motivated and pre-interested. They
should be asking to buy from you. Your profit comes from the way you market yourself, so resolve to
stop positioning yourself as a commodity competing solely on price.
1-Page Marketing Plan Summary
To further instill trust, having a professional online presence is very important. Your website should
have professional design, a physical address and phone number for example. Allan also suggests
having a business domain vs. your personal email address. A CRM and or ticketing system (if relevant)
will help make you more efficient and effective, further increasing a prospect’s perception of your
The psychology of sales is important; customers buy with emotion not logic. As customers are
terrified of risk, consider reversing risk by providing an outrageous guarantee like a double money
back guarantee or unlimited service within a period of time. With pricing, if you’re inclined to cost cut,
know that customers often view a higher priced product as higher quality by default. Customers are
also more likely to buy with fewer options. Lastly, rather than discounting, increase the value of your
product or service by adding bonuses, increasing quantities or adding peripheral services that cost
you very little but give value to your customer.
TAKE ACTION: What is your sales conversion process? Fill in square #6 of your 1-Page Marketing Plan.
Back to the idea of farming vs. hunting, successful entrepreneurs not only work to acquire new
customers but spend time and effort turning current customers into raving fans.
By delivering a world class experience, you turn customers into a tribe of raving fans who want to buy
from you repeatedly. You create a tribe by continually wowing your customers, making it easy for
customers to deal with you, creating a sense of theater around your products and building systems
that enable you to consistently deliver a great experience.
Allan notes that people buy what they want, but often they don’t know what they need. As someone
creating a tribe, it’s your responsibility to ensure that beyond the sale the customer gets value from
your product or service. This often means spoon-feeding the process of getting results. Remember
that leadership is an attractive quality and people want to be led.
A theme of this book is that technology can and should be used to do the heavy lifting in your
business. But it must be used to reduce friction, not create it. Imagine that each piece of technology is
an employee. Set key performance indicators (KPIs) for each bit of technology and track it to make
sure it is effective. If not, fire that technology.
1-Page Marketing Plan Summary
Systems are where the scalability and money is in your business. Marketing, sales, fulfillment and
administration systems start with documented procedures that help the business run without you.
Business systems allow you to build a valuable asset, be more consistent with customers and scale
your business.
You will rarely make as much money running a business as selling one. Thus, if you’ve built thorough
business systems you are in a better position to sell your business when the time comes. Questions to
ask yourself: How will your business end? Who will buy your business? Will they buy it for the revenue,
customer base or intellectual property? Do you HAVE a business or ARE you the business?
TAKE ACTION: How will you deliver a world class experience? Fill in square #7 of your 1-Page
Marketing Plan.
Chapter 8 first provides tactical advice on the “back end” of the customer acquisition process: selling
more to existing customers. Allan’s advice:
1) Raise your prices: Just make sure you do it in a way that’s palatable to your customers and
provides a reason why.
2) Upsell: When prospects buy the primary expensive item first, the suggested add-ons feel
comparatively cheap.
3) Ascension: Sell your customers your higher priced premium products and services. Not only will
it make more money for you, your customers will actually be happier with the enhanced product
and are less likely to switch to a competitor’s premium product.
4) Frequency: Increase the frequency of existing customers’ purchasing by reminding them when
to buy and giving them a reason to come back.
5) Reactivate: Go through your customer database and pull out any past customers who haven’t
purchased in a while. Create a strong offer to bring them back to you with a gift card, coupon or
offer with a strong call to action.
Chapter 8 brings back the earlier concept that what gets measured, gets managed. Measuring,
managing and improving your numbers daily, weekly or monthly is key to building a high growth
business. The numbers to focus on in marketing are leads, conversion rate, average transaction value
and break-even point. If you improve leads, conversion rate, and average transaction value by just 10%
each you can increase your actual profit hundreds of percentage points, depending on your break
even point. These numbers are massive leverage points in your business.
TAKE ACTION: How will you increase customer lifetime value? Fill in square #8 of your 1-Page
Marketing Plan.
1-Page Marketing Plan Summary
Many business owners hope for referrals but do not have a system in place for making them happen.
Orchestrating and stimulating referrals is an active process, you can’t simply rely on “word of mouth.”
One of the best strategies to get referrals is simply to ask for them. Acknowledge your customers,
appeal to their ego. Offer them something valuable that they can give to the people they refer to you.
Make sure you you give them a good reason why they should refer you with something that benefits
them. You can also seek out complimentary businesses (for example like an accountant if you’re a
lawyer). In this case the accounting firm will have worked hard to get that customer. You can offer to
pay a finder’s fee or a commission if they send you qualified leads.
On the other hand, it may be profitable for you to sell your leads or exchange leads with a
complimentary business. You can also become an affiliate referral partner where you get paid a
percentage of the sales you bring in.
TAKE ACTION: How will you orchestrate and stimulate referrals? Fill in square #9 of your 1-Page
Marketing Plan.
The 1-Page Marketing Plan is all about implementation. Knowing and not doing is the same as not
knowing. Three of the main reasons entrepreneurs do not implement is paralysis by analysis,
perfectionism and the inability to delegate. Also don’t make the mistake of thinking that your
business is different. Know that these tactics and strategies have been proven time and again across
many industries.
Time is not money to entrepreneurs. Value and results are money, and winning in business requires a
relentless focus on the activities that deliver value--marketing being the key among them. Marketing
is a process that you do daily to build massive value.
Always ask yourself what business you need to be in, what technologies are going to disrupt your
industry and how to take advantage of coming technology changes. You need constant innovation
that customers care about and you need to focus on marketing. A great product or service is not
enough because no one knows how good you are until after the sale. The best marketer wins every
If you prefer to listen rather than read the book is available in audio format here: