Listening & Strucutre

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Section 1

Listening Comprehension

1. (A) The doctor was too busy to see him. 10. (A) He wants to ride with the woman.
(B) He doesn't need to see the doctor. (B) He doesn't have money to buy a car now.
(C) The woman should use the ointment. (C) He doesn't know how to drive a car.
(D) His skin condition has gotten worse. (D) He'd rather walk to school

2. (A) Accept the man's offer. 11. (A) Her cousin has just gotten up out of bed.
(B) Walk home. (B) Her cousin will be away all week.
(C) Give the man a ride. (C) Her cousin will let her stay at his place.
(D) Go for a walk with the man. (D) Her cousin is too busy to spend time with
3. (A) The man is mistaken.
(B) The error will be corrected. 12. (A) She won't be able to come to dinner.
(C) She didn't know about the problem. (B) She would like to invite the man to the
(D) Grades were sent late. theater.
(C) She doesn't like to go out on Fridays.
4. (A) Thursdays and Fridays. (D) It was kind of the man to give her the
(B) Tuesdays and Fridays. tickets.
(C) Wednesdays and Thursdays.
(D) Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. 13. (A) Ask the librarians for help.
(B) Borrow an article from Dr. Frazier.
5. (A) He's sorry he gave the woman the wrong (C) Ask Dr. Frazier for a reference.
directions. (D) Find a quieter place to study.
(B) His friend works in the dean's office.
(C) He can't give the woman directions. 14. (A) He doesn't want to take the course.
(D) He's also looking for the dean's office. (B) He doesn't know anyone who has taken
the course.
6. (A) She wants to eat chicken salad. (C) He thinks the course requirements are
(B) The chicken salad is gone. unfair.
(C) She dropped the man's food. (D) He has a general understanding of the
(D) She'll bring the tuna salad. course requirements.

7. (A) Wait and see how she feels in 24 hours. 15. (A) Frustrated because he cannot see the
(B) Go home and take her medicine. manager immediately.
(C) Return to the grocery store to pick up (B) Afraid of the manager.
some aspirin. (C) Pleased with the manager's style.
(D) Go to the nearby pharmacy. (D) Sorry he arrived too late to see the
8. (A) He didn't wear a watch.
(B) He had trouble getting to the place. 16. (A) Make a copy of his notes for her.
(C) He didn't want to leave the place. (B) Ask his professor for help.
(D) He had no idea how far it was. (C) Attend the review sessions.
(D) Go to the chemistry lab this evening.
9. (A) Joan left it in her shopping cart.
(B) Kathy got it for Joan.
(C) Joan picked it up from a student.
(D) Kathy never mailed it.
17. (A) The woman may be exhibiting too many 25. (A) He has a new job at the tennis court.
paintings. (B) He no longer likes to play tennis.
(B) He's pleased the woman has her own (C) He's too busy to give tours of the
show. campus.
(C) He's willing to help the woman get ready (D) He hasn't had a chance to play tennis
for the show. lately.
(D) He'll let the woman exhibit some of his
paintings. 26. (A) The woman worked hard in the course.
(B) Taking the course is a great experience.
18. (A) Drop out of school. (C) The woman's experience made it
(B) Take fewer courses. unnecessary for her to take the course.
(C) Graduate early. (D) He knew that the woman had taken the
(D) Study more seriously. course before.

19. (A) Calculate how much each project will 27. (A) She'll make an appointment at the clinic
cost. later.
(B) Take time to relax. (B) The clinic will be closed this afternoon.
(C) Discuss her stress with the project leader. (C) She's already seen the doctor once today.
(D) Decide which project is most urgent. (D) She plans to be immunized this
20. (A) The man shouldn't wear his glasses in
class. 28. (A) His desire to be an accountant isn't strong
(B) The man's glasses may be too weak. enough.
(C) The man shouldn't sit so close to the (B) He doesn't have the skills necessary for
board. accounting.
(D) The man's glasses are no longer in style. (C) She's better at arithmetic than he is.
(D) He has always been good at arithmetic.
21. (A) She isn't interested in being a historian.
(B) She hasn't chosen a course of study. 29. (A) The man should have used citations from
(C) She's studying American history. the journals.
(D) She's a very good student. (B) The library has very few anthropology
22. (A) He wishes the weather were warmer. (C) The journal collection is large as well.
(B) He's not sure when spring officially (D) She can't find the anthropology journals.
(C) He often feels tired during the winter. 30. (A) Her brother insisted that she help with
(D) He has no time to enjoy the spring his plumbing.
weather. (B) She refused to fix her brother's faucet.
(C) She didn't know about her brother's
23. (A) Move out of the South Dorm. problem.
(B) Find a bigger room. (D) Her brother helped her repair the
(C) Look for a room in the South Dorm. plumbing.
(D) Stay where she lives now.
31. (A) With a knife.
24. (A) Sally rarely borrows money. (B) On the edge of some metal.
(B) Sally rarely repays loans quickly. (C) On some glass.
(C) Sally has had a lot of expenses lately. (D) On a piece of paper.
(D) He's never lent Sally any money.
32. (A) How much the cut hurt. 40. (A) Staring at the dolls longer.
(B) How deep the cut was. (B) Crying loudly.
(C) How easily he was cut. (C) Blinking their eyes rapidly.
(D) How concerned the woman was. (D) Reaching for the dolls.

33. (A) The amount of skin affected by the cut. 41. (A) They're born with the ability.
(B) The cause of the cut. (B) They're exceptionally intelligent.
(C) The amount of bleeding. (C) They learned it from playing with dolls.
(D) The number of nerve endings irritated. (D) They've learned it from their parents.

34. (A) Take a pain reliever. 42. (A) Language acquisition may be negatively
(B) Let the cut dry out. affected.
(C) Keep the cut closed. (B) Babies used in experiments often develop
(D) Go to a doctor. emotional problems.
(C) Parents may force their children to learn
35. (A) Keep it elevated. at too early an age.
(B) Put a bandage on it. (D) Early coaching will interfere with
(C) Clean it. creativity.
(D) Ignore it.
43. (A) To describe Jefferson's role in history.
36. (A) The presence of life-forms far below the (B) To introduce a tour of Jefferson's home.
Earth's surface. (C) To train a group of architects.
(B) The risk of infection from rare strains of (D) To raise money for the Monticello
bacteria. Historical Society.
(C) Fictional representations of a hidden
underground world. 44. (A) They knew each other.
(D) The reliability of evidence collected by (B) Palladio designed buildings in Virginia.
new drilling methods. (C) Jefferson studied in Italy.
(D) Jefferson read books on Palladio's work.
37. (A) Its texture.
(B) Its size. 45. (A) He made his house too large.
(C) Its preservation. (B) He constructed a fence around his
(D) Its shape. property.
(C) He built his house on a mountain.
38. (A) The bacteria would be killed by the (D) He transported unnecessary materials.
human immune system.
(B) The bacteria would die if brought to the 46. (A) It provides a good view of the area.
surface. (B) It's surrounded by several towns.
(C) Many antidotes and remedies are (C) It's accessible to major roads.
available. (D) It's near a nature preserve.
(D) Drilling operations are always closely
monitored. 47. (A) Mr. Richardson.
(B) The university president.
39. (A) That babies understand language before (C) A new committee member.
they can speak. (D) The committee chairperson.
(B) That babies have simple Mathematical
skills. 48. (A) They sold T-shirts.
(C) Babies' preferences for different kinds of (B) They sold photographs.
toys. (C) They had a garden party.
(D) The influence of television on babies. (D) They ran tours of the nursery.
49. (A) It was the only nursery in their price 50. (A) Review the budget.
range. (B) Visit Richardson's Nursery.
(B) It was nearest the university. (C) Listen to a speech by the university
(C) They had worked with the nursery president.
before. (D) Conduct a tree-planting ceremony.
(D) Mr. Richardson was a friend of the
committee chairperson.
Section 2
Structure and Written Expression

1. After quartz, calcite is the _____ in the crust of (C) such things as of
the Earth. (D) things as of such
(A) mineral is most abundant
(B) mineral that most abundant 7. One of the tenets of New Criticism is that a
critic need not tell readers _____ about a story.
(C) most abundant mineral that
(D) most abundant mineral (A) which thinking
(B) what to think
2. Regarded as the world’s foremost linguistic (C) that thinking
theorist, Noam Chomsky continues _____ new (D) to think what
theories about language and language learning.
(A) for creating 8. The outer ear, _____ the fleshy pinna and the
(B) by creation auditory canal, picks up and funnels sound
waves toward the eardrum.
(C) to create
(D) create (A) includes
(B) which it includes
3. _____ any area receives more water than the (C) which includes
ground can absorb, the excess water flows to (D) of which includes
the lowest level, carrying loose mineral.
(A) Being 9. The chair may be the oldest type of furniture,
(B) Whenever _____ its importance has varied from time to
time and from country to country.
(C) When might
(D) Is (A) but when
(B) until then
4. In 1935 seismologist Charles F. Richter (C) in spite of
devised _____ for rating the strength of (D) although
(A) for the numerical scale 10. When wood, natural gas, oil, or any other fuel
(B) the scale is numerical burns, _____ with oxygen in the air to
(C) a numerical scale produce heat.
(D) a scale of numerical (A) combining substances in the fuel
(B) substances in the fuel that combine
5. After the Second World War the woman wage (C) substances in the fuel combine
earner _____ a standard part of middle-class (D) a combination of substances in the fuel
life in the United States.
(A) who became 11. Deserts are arid land areas where _____
(B) becoming that which through evaporation than is gained through
(C) became precipitation.
(D) to become
(A) the loss of more water
(B) loses more water
6. Celluloid and plastics have largely replaced
(C) is more water lost
genuine ivory in the manufacture _____
(D) more water is lost
buttons, billiard balls, and piano keys.
(A) of such things as
(B) as of such things
12. When goshawk chicks are young, _____ 14. Fish are the most ancient form of vertebrate
parents share in the hunting duties and in life, and _____ all other vertebrates.
guarding the nest.
(A) from them evolved
(A) the both (B) evolved them
(B) both (C) to evolve
(C) both of (D) they are evolved
(D) and both
15. _____ 350 species of sharks, and although
13. Not only _____ among the largest animals they are all carnivorous, only a few species
that ever lived, but they are also among the will attack people.
most intelligent.
(A) About
(A) are whales (B) Where about
(B) whales (C) There are about
(C) some whales (D) About the
(D) they are whales

16. The dandelion plant has a straight, smoothly, and hollow stem that contains a white, milky juice.

17. Of the much factors that contributed to the growth of international tourism in the 1950’s, one of the
most important was the advent of jet travel in 1958.

18. The Canadian province of Alberta it is believed to have some of the richest oil deposits in the world.

19. Elizabeth Bishop’ s poems are frequently long and carefully constructed, uses elaborate rhyme or

20. California has more land under irrigation than any another state.

21. Thomas Moran’ s magnificent, colorful paintings onto Wyoming landscapes captured the spirit of the
western wilderness in the late nineteenth century.

22. Emily Dickinson, among the greatest women poets in the English language, died with all of hers
poems unpublished, except for seven that appeared in publications of limited circulation.

23. Protecting Florida’ s coral reefs in difficult because some of the corals are very fragile: even the
touch of a diver’s hand can kill it.
24. Martin Luther King, Jr., is well known for organize the huge human rights march that took place in
Washington in 1963.

25. A lightning flash produces electromagnetic waves that may travels along the Earth’s magnetic field
for long distances.

26. One of the earliest plants domesticated in the Western Hemisphere, manioc was introduced to Europe
by Spaniards returning from the New World.

27. Besides the age of nine and fifteen, almost all young people undergo a rapid series of physiological

28. The frequency of meteors in the Earth’ s atmosphere increases when the Earth passes through a
swarm of particle generated by the breakup of a comet.

29. Ponds are noted for their rich and varied types of plant and animal life, all maintain in a
delicate ecological balance.

30. In the 1920’s cinema became an important art form and one of the ten largest industry in the United

31. To improvise effectively, a musician must thorough understand the conventions of a given musical

32. During the Jurassic period plant life was abundance, providing herbivores in particular with a plentiful
supply of food.
33. Some maple trees are raised for their sap, which has a high sugar content for yields sugar and syrup.

34. Long before boats became important in recreation, they were valuable to people for many essential
tasks, included transportation and fishing.
35. Asteroids may be fragments of a planet shattered long ago or from material the nuclei of old comets.

36. The first Native Americans to occupy what is now the southwestern United States were the
Big-Game Hunters, which appeared about 10,000 B.C.

37. Some hangars, buildings used to hold large aircraft, are very tall that rain occasionally falls from
clouds that form along the ceilings.

38. Most sand dunes are always in motion as wind pushes sand upward one side of each dune, over the
top, and down the other side.

39. Farms of maize, beans, and tobacco, the Wendat, Native American tribes that inhabited present-day
Michigan, lived a sedentary life in densely populated villages.

40. Recently scientists have apply new tools of biochemistry and molecular biology to investigate the
structure of human hair.

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