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The Orakvlt

OSR Compatible Resources

By KD8QLN.Gaming
OraKVLT is a sandbox grid-crawler add-on for dark fantasy role playing
games with an emphasis on settlement-to-settlement travel and dungeon-
to-dungeon delving. It is designed to permit solo play, although
various elements are well suited for adaptation to games played with
multiple player/player characters and alternative game systems.
Players assume the role of a just-above-average human trapped amid the
chaos of a dying world. They may choose to fight for selfish means or
on behalf of a forsaken humanity…
As an everyman in a dangerous world, the game is largely an exercise
in logistics: you must ensure that you maintain supplies of food,
water, and treasure. The game continues so long as the party is
motivated to thrive, either as a nomad or homesteader.

Table of Contents
Introduction ......................................................... 2
Table of Contents .................................................... 2
Character Creation ................................................... 4
Background: Background, Starting Gear & Classes .................... 4
Class Gear & Ability Score Modification ............................ 5
Adventuring Gear & Item Overview ................................... 6
Quest Generator ...................................................... 7
Quest Type ......................................................... 7
Murder ............................................................. 7
Slog ............................................................... 8
Blaspheme .......................................................... 8
Pillage ............................................................ 9
Travelling to Complete Quests ...................................... 9
Settlement Generator ................................................ 10
Type .............................................................. 11
Surroundings ...................................................... 11
Authority & Prosperity ............................................ 11
Feature ........................................................... 12
Calamity .......................................................... 12
Settlement Surroundings Generator ................................... 13
Overland Travel & Random Encounters ............................... 13
Decaying Farmland ................................................. 13

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Desolate Plains ................................................... 14
Sparse Forest ..................................................... 15
Dense Forest ...................................................... 16
Swamp ............................................................. 17
Dungeon Generator ................................................... 19
Determine Dungeon Theme ........................................... 19
Determine Room Layout ............................................. 19
Determine Room Contents ........................................... 20
Rooms with Violence ............................................... 21
Rooms with Traps .................................................. 22
Rooms with NPCs ................................................... 23
Rooms with Treasure ............................................... 24
General Adventuring ................................................. 25
Initiative ........................................................ 25
Escaping Encounters ............................................... 25
Overland Travel & Resting ......................................... 25
Resting in Dungeons ............................................... 26
Lodging in Settlements ............................................ 26
Carousing ......................................................... 26
NPCs .............................................................. 26
Animals & Transport ............................................... 27
Buildings ......................................................... 27
Divination ov Misery ................................................ 27
Party Sheet ........................................................... 30
Quest Worksheet ..................................................... 31

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Character Creation
Take the following steps to generate 2-4 lost souls that comprise an
adventuring party.
1. Generate a background for the lost soul (the player character—the
a. This background determines a portion of their starting
2. Choose a class for that lost soul.
a. Like background, this class determines a portion of their
starting equipment and modifies their ability bonuses as
determined during character creation in your preferred
3. Provide the lost soul with 3D8 silver pieces (sp)so they may
purchase additional adventuring gear.

Background: Background, Starting Gear & Classes

Roll 1D20 and correlate the resulting value to the “Background” column
of the table below.

1D20 Background Item 1 Item 2 Archetypical

1 Alchemist Cauldron Mortar & Wizard
2 Beggar Empty Bottle Can of Grease Thief
3 Butcher Saw Bucket Fighter
4 Burglar Lockpicks Crowbar Thief
5 Charlatan Fake Jewels Dice Set Thief
6 Cleric Incense Holy Symbol Cleric
7 Cook Cook Pots Bellows Fighter
8 Cultist Demon Horn Illicit Cleric
9 Gambler Card Deck Dice Set Thief
10 Herbalist Mortar & Shovel Wizard
11 Magician Card Deck Wand Wizard
12 Mariner Fishing Rod Net Fighter
13 Mercenary Spyglass Blank Map Fighter
14 Merchant Quill & Ink Glass Marbles Wizard
15 Smith Tongs Drill Fighter
16 Performer Face Paint Instrument Fighter
17 Pickpocket Whistle Marbles Thief
18 Carpenter Chisel Glue Fighter
19 Student Blank Book Quill & Ink Wizard
20 Tracker Bear Trap Spyglass Fighter

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A lost soul is proficient in the use of the two items provided to
them from their background.

If the use of these items is in conjunction with a ability check, that

roll is made with advantage: the 2 D20 dice are rolled, and the
highest value is compared against the difficulty class of the ability

Class Gear & Ability Score Modification

Regardless of class, a lost soul begins their journey with 1D6 + CON
(or similar) hit points

Improve the PC strength bonus by 1.
1D20 1-9 10-16 17-20
Weapon Short Sword Sword Flail
Damage 1D6 1D6 1D8
Slots 1 1 1

1D20 1-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-19 20
Armor Light Light + Medium Medium + Heavy Heavy +
Shield Shield Shield
Damage 1D2 1D2 + 1 1D4 1D4 + 1 1D6 1D6 + 1
Slots 3 4 4 5 5 6

Improve the PC dexterity bonus by 1.
1D20 1-9 10-16 17-20
Weapon Knife Sword Bow
Damage 1D4 1D6 1D6
Slots 1 1 1

1D20 1-9 10-16 17-20
Armor Light Medium None
Damage Reduction 1D2 1D4 0
Slots 1 2 0

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Improve the PC constitution (or similar) bonus by 1.
1D20 1-9 10-16 17-20
Weapon Warhammer Flail Crossbow
Damage 1D6 1D8 1D6
Slots 1 1 1

1D20 1-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-19 20
Armor Light Light + Medium Medium + Heavy Heavy +
Shield Shield Shield
Damage 1D2 1D2 + 1 1D4 1D4 + 1 1D6 1D6 + 1
Slots 3 4 4 5 5 6

Improve the PC wisdom (or similar) bonus by 1.
1D20 1-9 10-16 17-20
Weapon Staff Knife Short sword
Damage 1D4 1D4 1D6
Slots 1 1 1

1D20 1-9 10-16
Armor None Light
Damage Reduction 0 1D2
Slots 0 1

Adventuring Gear & Item Overview

Slots are used to abstract the concept of encumbrance. An item—or
group of similar items—that weighs approximately 5 pounds consumes a
single item slot. Items that weigh more or are considerably bulky
consume additional items slots.

A lost soul can carry 10 + their strength ability modifier item


Carts and beasts of burden can be used to haul a number of items

indicated in the appropriate table of the “General Adventuring”
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Quest Generator
Roll the following dice at the same time to generate a quest for your
adventuring party:
• 1D4, 1D6, 1D8, 1D10

Die Property
1D4 Quest Type. The quest types consist of eliminating a target,
escorting valuable targets, delivering information or items,
and destroying items or structures.
1D6 Terms & Payment of/from completing quest objectives. For
example, some quests may require capturing quarry alive for
additional reward.
1D8 Details that reflect the struggles and viewpoints of the
working class and noble.
1D10 Location of the quest relative to the number of settlements
and settlement surroundings away.

Quest Type
1D4 Objective General Description
1 Murder Assassinate those that terrify and torment your benefactors.
2 Slog Lead or mislead the weak-bodied and feeble-minded through
bleak landscapes closer to the abyss.
3 Blaspheme Serve as a bringer of bad omens, rotting food, tools in
disrepair, and dusty tomes of forgotten wisdom.
4 Pillage Destroy sacred spaces and arcane artifacts to thwart enemies
and shield the craft from the undeserving.

Assassinate those that terrify and torment your benefactors.

1D8 Benefactor Quarry Rationale

1 Aristocrat Aristocrat To ensure the rightful line of succession
2 Commoner Aristocrat To liberate the settlement of an oppressor
3 Aristocrat Commoner To protect the honor of the family in the face
of insult
4 Clergy Commoner To silence a heretical voice gaining a
following in the region
5 Authority Rival To demoralize and destabilize a rival
Authority political authority
6 Merchant Rival To eliminate a source of competition in the
Merchant region
7 Commoner Monster To avenge the loss of an adventurous family

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1D8 Benefactor Quarry Rationale
8 Authority Monster To maintain the safety of the settlement

1D6 Payment Conditions for Payment

1-3 3D6 x Proof of your deeds must be brought to your benefactor.
4-5 1D6 x Payment for your deeds can be found on (or within) the
10s fleshly-slain corpse.
6 6D6 x Your quarry must be returned to your benefactor alive.

Lead or mislead the weak-bodied and feeble-minded through bleak
landscapes closer to the abyss.

1D8 Benefactor
1-2 Commoners … in an endless search of refuge from the evils of a dying
3-4 A Merchant … Traveling salesmen of snake oil and other cure-all for
common maladies.
5-6 The Clergy … Pilgrims who hope to gain favor of their gods.
7-8 Regional Authority … Death and Taxes are inescapable.

1D6 Escort Payment Conditions for Payment

1-4 1D4 + 1D6 x 10s The NPCs must only be escorted to a destination.
1 NPCs per Living If an NPC dies during the journey, pay is reduced.
5-6 1D4 + 2D6 x 10s The NPCs must be escorted to a destination to
1 NPCs per Living complete a task and then escorted to the origin.
NPC If an NPC dies during the journey, pay is reduced.

Serve as a bringer of bad omens, rotting food, tools in disrepair, and
dusty tomes of forgotten wisdom.

1D6 Deliver Payment Conditions for Payment

1-2 Message 2D6 x Receive payment from the message recipient
3-4 Goods 2D6 x Receive payment from the recipient of the goods
5 Message 4D6 x Deliver message to the recipient and relay a response
10s back to the originator
6 Goods 4D6 x Secure goods from another location and return them to
10s the originator

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1D8 Message Items
1 A Notice of Death in the Family A Collection of Artisan’s Tools
2 A Suicide Note A Vial of Poison
3 Instructions to Perform a Ritual A Dagger with Ornate Carvings
4 A Letter of Contempt A Human Skull
5 An Illicit Business Proposition A Musty Sack of Formal Attire
6 A Religious Pamphlet: “Brighter Days Several Jars of Fruit Preserves
7 A Recipe for Preparing an Herbal A Tome of Human Anatomical
Tonic Drawings
8 An Eviction Notice A Book of Obscene Etchings and

Destroy sacred spaces and arcane artifacts to thwart enemies and
shield the craft from the undeserving.

1D6 Objective Benefactor Payment

1 Destroy an Arcane Relic The Rival Clergy 4d6 x 10s
2 Vandalize a Sacred Space The Rival Clergy 2d6 x 10s
3 Burn a Rival’s Living Quarters or The Regional 4d6 x 10s
Food Source Authority
4 Steal a Valuable Piece of Artwork The Aristocracy 3d6 x 10s
5 Harvest An Illicit Substance The Commoners 2d6 x 10s +
6 Loot the Treasures of the The Commoners 1d6 x 10s +
Aristocracy Treasure

1D8 Substance Aristocratic Sacred Space

1 Upper Tablet A Golden Chalice A Makeshift Altar
2 Downer Tablet Silver Fining A Gathering Site
3 Screamer Tablet A Gold Ingot A House of Esoteric Tomes
4 Laughter Tablet Rare Books Catacombs
5 Acid Tablet Fine Cognac The Site of a Martyrdom
6 Raw Ether Dueling Pistols An Ancient Monolith
7 Dungeon Grass Fencing Foils A Royal Tomb
8 Dungeon Brew A Friendly Spit Cur A Fresco Depicting Key Events

Travelling to Complete Quests

Quests occur in dungeons that are either located within a settlement,
or approximately halfway between adjacent settlements. The “Travel
Worksheet” can be used to keep track of generated settlements and
surroundings as well as the passage of time during travel to quest
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1D10 Distance from Quest Origin (Settlement “A”)
1-2 Surroundings Shared by Settlements “A” & “B”
3-4 Settlement “B”
5-6 Surroundings Shared by Settlements “B” & “C”
7-8 Settlement “C”
9-10 Surroundings Shared by Settlements “C” & “D”

D6 Surroundings Days of Travel Days of Travel

(To Next Settlement) (To Quest Objective)
1 Decaying 1D4 1D2 + 1
2 Desolate Plains 1D3 + 1 1D2 + 1
3 Sparse Forest 1D4 + 1 1D2 + 1
4 Dense Forest 1D4 + 2 1D3 + 1
5 Dense Forest 1D6 + 2 1D3 + 2
6 Swamp 1D6 + 4 1D6 + 2

Settlement Generator
Roll the following dice at the same time to generate a quest for your
adventuring party:
• 1D4, 1D6, 1D8, 1D10, 1D12

Die Property
1D4 Settlement Type which infers approximate population, key
structures, and available services.
1D6 Settlement Surroundings shared between this settlement and the
1D8 Authority & Prosperity that reflects the struggles and
viewpoints of the working class and noble.
1D10 Notable Features to help bring some color to the bleak ad
dreary world.
1D12 Calamity that currently affects the settlement and nearby

Roll to generate the settlement that the adventuring party. Then

continue to generate additional settlements as needed to accommodate
for the travel the adventuring party will undergo to complete quests.

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1D4 Settlement
1 Village
2 Village
3 Town
4 Fortress & Keep

• Village: Some villages can be quite prosperous, but the majority

are not. The same can be said for the populace. Do not expect a
warm welcome if your party presents itself as a competition for
• Town: Larger than a village, towns offer a more diverse
marketplace that expands beyond the bare adventuring necessities.
• Fortress & Keep: More bricks and mortar than a village and town
combined. But don’t assume that security is guaranteed; a larger
populace presents a more attractive to the powerful demonic
forces not found in a typical bestiary.

D6 Surroundings Days of Travel To Next Days of Travel to Quest
Settlement Objective
1 Decaying 1D4 1D2 + 1
2 Desolate Plains 1D3 + 1 1D2 + 1
3 Sparse Forest 1D4 + 1 1D2 + 1
4 Dense Forest 1D4 + 2 1D3 + 1
5 Dense Forest 1D6 + 2 1D3 + 2
6 Swamp 1D6 + 4 1D6 + 2

Authority & Prosperity

D8 Authority Settlement Prosperity
1 Aristocracy Wealthy
2 Aristocracy Poor
3 Theocracy Wealthy
4 Theocracy Poor
5 Military Wealthy
6 Military Poor
7 Anarchy Wealthy
8 Anarchy Poor

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D10 Feature Description
1 Unintelligible A large percentage of the settlement’s population
Language speaks a language that is foreign to you.
2 Pitch Black The settlement is devoid of artificial light sources
at all times of the day.
3 High-Crime Area Expect an increased risk of encountering gangs of
4 Low Populace The settlement seems devoid of life with only minimal
5 Substance The settlement populace seems more preoccupied with
Epidemic securing the next high than survival itself.
6 Religious Fervor The settlement populace is being swept by the next
big religious movement. Expect sacrifices,
flagellation and other methods of atonement.
7 Unnatural Every member of the settlement maintains a cheerful
Optimism demeanor that can be quite unnerving at times.
8 Xenophobia It may be harder than normal to interact with a
populace who fears your very presence. However, it
may be possible to gain the trust of key members of
the community.
9 Mass Paranoia Citizens of this settlement are somewhat more
pessimistic than the average, considering the world
events: the worst has yet to come.
10 Public Mania Large portions of the population share a common tic,
such as an innate urge to dance.

D12 Calamity Details
1 Pestilence Infestation
2 Pestilence Infectious Disease
3 Pestilence Poisonous Air & Water
4 Destruction Clashes Between Rival Cults/Gangs
5 Destruction Wars of Conquest
6 Destruction Civil War
7 Famine Hyperinflation
8 Famine Shortage & Starvation
9 Famine Siege by Demonic Forces
10 Death Reclamation by Invasive Fauna
11 Death Increasingly Violent Wildlife
12 Death Major Natural Disaster

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Settlement Surroundings Generator
Overland Travel & Random Encounters
At the start of every other day of travel, roll 1D8 to determine a
random encounter.

Typically, resulting values of 7-8 indicate a hostile encounter, while

other values indicate points of interest respective to the

NPC Encounters
Typically, resulting values of 5-6 indicate an encounter with an NPC.
When encountering an NPC roll 1d4 to determine their reaction to your

1D4 Reaction Notes

1 Indifferent Indifferent NPCs will trade with the
adventuring party. On a DC12 charisma
(or similar) success, they can become
2 Indifferent helpful (but not friendly, see notes
3 Helpful The guidance of helpful NPCs reduces
travel time by 2 days.
4 Friendly The guidance of friendly NPCs reduces
travel time by 2 days.

In addition, the friendly travel

accompanies the party through the
surroundings; they mirror the stats
of the lowest-strength PC.

Decaying Farmland
Although decay is a natural phenomenon, the land is contaminated and
can no longer support life. The mass-casualty event of humanity’s food
source causes the surroundings to reek of death, both from rotten
flora and the emaciated corpse of farmers who have died in vain while
frantically tilling the soil in attempts to revive the dying earth.
Expect to find this tragedy adjacent to villages, towns, and

Overland Travel
Days of Travel to Next Settlement Days of Travel to Quest Objective
1D4 1D2 + 1

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1D8 Encounter
1 Barn
2 Scarecrow
3 Roaming Livestock Herd
4 Bountiful Harvest
5 NPC Encounter: Farmer
6 NPC Encounter: Farmer
7 Hostile Encounter
8 Hostile Encounter

Hostile Encounter
1 1D4 Creature (ex. Wild Dog)
2 1D4 Creature (ex. Wild Dog)
3 1D6 Creature (ex. Possessed Human)
4 1D6 Creature (ex. Possessed Human)

Name HP Morale Attack (Damage) Reaction (1D6)

Wild Dog 1D4 6 Bite (1D4 – 1)
Possessed 1D8 7 Dagger (1D4)
Human Short Sword (1D6)
Longbow (1D4)

Desolate Plains
At one point in time, the plains were picturesque. A delicate balance
of greenery supported majestic beasts and the vast horizon was well
juxtaposed against a clear sky. Majestic beasts still roam the plains,
but as mutated forms that lack the “gentle giant” nature of their
former selves. The power of these monstrosities is fortunately offset
by the high visibility that the terrain offers; although you are weak,
you at least have time to formulate a plan for survival.

Overland Travel
Days of Travel to Next Settlement Days of Travel to Quest Objective
1D3 + 1 1D2 + 1

1 Caravan Trail
2 Dense Scrubland
3 Rolling Hills

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4 Faults & Fractures
5 NPC Encounter: Rancher
6 NPC Encounter: Lone Merchant Caravan
7 Hostile Encounter
8 Hostile Encounter

Hostile Encounter
1 1D4 Creature (ex. Wild Dog)
2 1D6 Creature (ex. Possessed Human)
3 1D8 Creature (ex. Lesser Demon)
4 1D8 Creature (ex. Lesser Demon)

Name HP Morale Attack (Damage)

Wild Dog 1D4 6 Bite (1D4 – 1)
Possessed 1D8 7 Dagger (1D4)
Human Short Sword (1D6)
Longbow (1D4)
Lesser Demon 2D10 7 Slash (2D4)
Fireball (1D6)

Sparse Forest
A suitable amount of foliage to sustain small villages nestled within
and lumber mills for town. Although it is possible for threats to hide
amongst the modest foliage.

Overland Travel
Days of Travel to Next Settlement Days of Travel to Quest Objective
1D4 + 1 1D2 + 1

Random Encounter
1 Overgrown Path
2 Empty Hunting Lodge
3 Lake/Pond
4 Quarry
5 NPC Encounter: Lumberjack
6 NPC Encounter: Lone Adventuring
7 Encounter
8 Encounter

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Hostile Encounter
1 1D4 Creature (ex. Wild Dog)
2 1D6 Creature (ex. Possessed Human)
3 1D6 Creature (ex. Possessed Human)
4 2D6 Creature (ex. Feral Human)

Name HP Morale Attack (Damage)

Wild Dog 1D4 6 Bite (1D4 – 1)
Possessed 1D8 7 Dagger (1D4)
Human Short Sword (1D6)
Longbow (1D4)
Feral Human 2D8 6 Club (1D6)
Javelin (1D6)

Dense Forest
Fungi sprouts to considerable size in the shade afforded by ancient
trees and smooth stone cake in colorful mosses. The fungi feast on the
plentiful organic matter that is unfortunate enough to become lost in
the dark confines of the dense forest. Foliage becomes too plentiful
to accommodate human settlements. Instead, the dense forest is
populated with the most elusive and dangerous of creatures, who are
better able to ambush their quarry.

Overland Travel
Days of Travel to Next Settlement Days of Travel to Quest Objective
1D6 + 2 1D3 + 2

Random Encounter
1 Overgrown Path
2 Empty Hunting Lodge
3 Lake/Pond
4 Logging Camp
5 NPC Encounter: Hunter
6 NPC Encounter: Hermit
7 Hostile Encounter
8 Hostile Encounter

Hostile Encounter
1 2D4 Creature (ex. Hell Hound)
2 2D6 Creature (ex. Feral Human)

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3 2D6 Creature (ex. Feral Human)
4 2D10 Creature (ex. Lesser Demon)

Name HP Morale Attack (Damage)

Hell Hound 1D10 7 Pounce (1D4 + 1)
Bite (1D6)
Feral Human 2D8 6 Club (1D6)
(10) Javelin (1D6)
Lesser Demon 2D10 7 Slash (2D4)
(14) Fireball (1D6)

Algae-filled ponds and decomposing flora merge into inhospitable
surroundings for an adventuring party. Expect the slowest of
progression through the stinking mud.

Overland Travel
Days of Travel to Next Settlement Days of Travel to Quest Objective
1D6 + 4 1D6 + 2

Random Encounter
1 Waist-Deep Water
2 Swamp Gas
3 Ensnaring Roots
4 Wooden Walkways
5 NPC Encounter: Tribesman
6 NPC Encounter: Misunderstood Horror
7 Hostile Encounter
8 Hostile Encounter

Hostile Encounter
1 1D6 Creature (ex. Possessed Human)
2 2D6 Creature (ex. Zombie)
3 2D6 Creature (ex. Zombie)
4 2D4 Creature (ex. Skeleton Berserker)

Name HP Morale Attack (Damage)

Possessed 1D8 7 Dagger (1D4)
Human Short Sword (1D6)
Longbow (1D4)

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Name HP Morale Attack (Damage)
Skeleton 2D6 8 Battle Axe (1D8)
Berserker Zwei hander (1D10)
Zombie 3D6 10 Bite (1D6 + 2)
Scratch (1D4 + 1)

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Dungeon Generator
Determine Dungeon Theme
The theme of the dungeon determines the types of enemy combatants
located within. In turn, the theme can also be used for narrative

1D4 Easy Medium Hard

Hell Hound
Demonic Possessed Greater Demon Demonic
Stronghold Human Demonic Baron Overlord
Lesser Demon
Human Skeleton
2 Skeleton Berserker Lich
Warrior Zombie
3 Feral Shelter Wild Dog Feral Human
4 Cultist Temple Possessed Greater Demon

Determine Room Layout

These dungeons are always a linear arrangement of no more than 6 rooms
per floor connected via hallways in different configurations
determined randomly.

The entryway is determined randomly; roll 1D6 and enter the dungeon
via that room (where the left-most room is 1 and the right-most room
is 6.

If a structure demands being larger than just 6 rooms, add a floor (a

collection of another 6 rooms) with a stairwell location determined at
random (typically by rolling 1D6 correlated to the room number).

Layout 1

Layout 2

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Layout 3

Layout 4

Layout 5

Layout 6

Determine Room Contents

1D6 Contents Description
1-2 Empty An empty room that may serve as a place to recollect within
or escape to.
3 Violence Expect a conflict with a non-human creature. This conflict is
categorized as being either “Brutality” or “Ultraviolence”
depending on the anticipated difficulty of the encounter.
4 Traps Expect traps in these rooms. With this expectation, you may
be more apt to identify and disarm these obstacles. But be
aware that searching for non-existent traps is an obstacle in
of itself: time is a precious resource in the dungeon.
5 Wisdom Rooms of Wisdom are aptly named because they contain
fragmented pockets of humanity. In such a hostile world, do
not expect every NPC you meet to welcome you with open arms.
Do try, however, to leverage these characters against traps
and inhuman creatures.
6 Treasure Treasure is perhaps hyperbole describing the content of many
treasure-containing rooms. The value within these rooms range
from priceless to insignificant. Do not expect those treasure

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1D6 Contents Description
having great value to be left for the taking: guardians (both
human and inhuman) and traps are ever present threats.

Rooms with Violence

1D8 Encounter Notes
1-4 Brutality Generate a random encounter using the Brutality
guidance above.
5-6 Ultraviolence Generate a random encounter using the Ultraviolence
guidance above
7 Quest-Violence Generate a random encounter using the Brutality
guidance below.

If the current quest does not concern Murder, then

this room is instead populated by a NPC who is
knowledgeable of the dungeon. Gain advantage on 1
roll of your choice during the next hostile
8 Quest-Violence Generate a random encounter using the Ultraviolence
guidance below.

If the current quest does not concern Murder, then

this room is instead populated by a NPC who is
knowledgeable of the dungeon. Gain advantage on 1
roll of your choice during the next hostile

During the exploration of dungeons where Murder is not the primary

quest, PCs should stay aware of situations where the knowledge of
enemy combatants can be leveraged.

Brutality vs. Ultraviolence

1. Roll 1D8 for each member of the adventuring party. The rolled
result represents the approximate total hit points of all enemy
combatants in the encounter.
2. Modify the approximate total hit points determined in step one by
the severity of the encounter. The two options are brutality and
ultraviolence. Brutality encounters tend to be less punishing on
the adventuring party than ultraviolence encounters.
3. Determine specific enemy combatants; use the average hit points
provided in the bestiary to determine how many combatants can be
supported by the value determined in step two.
4. Determine specific hit points for each enemy combatant by rolling
the appropriate hit dice.
5. Commence battle!

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Encounter Severity Calculation

Brutality (1D8 x Party PC’s) – 1D8

Ultraviolence (1D8 x Party PC’s) + 1D8

Demonic Bestiary
In addition to the denizens of settlements and surroundings, the
adventuring party may encounter some additional creatures of mention.

Name HP Morale Attack (Damage)

Skeleton 1D6 6 Short Sword (1D6 – 1)
Warrior Longbow (1D6 – 1)
Possessed 1D8 7 Dagger (1D4)
Human Short Sword (1D6)
Longbow (1D4)
Hell Hound 1D10 7 Pounce (1D4 + 1)
Bite (1D6)
Skeleton 2D6 8 Battle Axe (1D8)
Berserker Zwei hander (1D10)
Lesser Demon 2D10 7 Slash (2D4)
Fireball (1D6)
Zombie 3D6 10 Bite (1D6 + 2)
Scratch (1D4 + 1)
Greater Demon 3D8 8 Bite (1D6 + 2)
Ram (1D8)
Demon Baron 4D6 10 Punch (1D10)
Locust Swarm (1D6)
Fireball (1D8)
Demon 5D6 12 Punch (1D10)
Overlord Locust Swarm (1D6)
Fireball (1D8)

Rooms with Traps

When entering a room with a trap, roll 1D8 to determine the
difficulty of the trap.

Roll 1D10 to determine the specific trap encountered as indicated on

the “Index of Traps” table.

Intel provided by friendly and hostile NPCs and creatures reduces the
DR of trap identification by 4 and the DR of trap disarming by 2.

If adventurers wish to process through a room containing a trap, the

party must attempt to identify the trap. If the trap is identified,
they may attempt to disarm the trap.

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Parties that do not successfully identify the presence of a trap
cannot attempt to disarm the trap, although they are able to make a
dodge attempt as the trap triggers.
If the trap is not successfully identified or disarmed, the trap is
triggered. Roll 1D20 for each adventurer to determine if they are able
to dodge the trap. If unsuccessful, they take damage respective to the
type of trap encountered.

1D8 Difficulty DR to DR to Disarm DR to Dodge

1-3 Easy 6 10 8
4-5 Intermediate 8 12 10
6-7 Hard 12 14 12
8 Very Hard 14 16 16

Index of Traps
1D10 Name Damage (Unsuccessful Dodge)
1 Trip Wire D4
2 Pressure Plate D8
3 Bear Trap D8
4 False Floor D4 + 2
5 Pungee Pit D6 + 2
6 Poisonous Gas D10
7 Ballista D8
8 Inrush of Sewage D6
9 Descending Ceiling D8 + 2
10 Snare & Net None

Rooms with NPCs

D10 Disposition Notes
2-3 Friendly No preoccupation with violence; available for
4-5 Friendly Preoccupied with Violence (Roll 1D8 to determine violence
severity; 1-5 = Brutality… 6-10 = Ultraviolence).
Disposition changes to Indifferent if not assisted.
6-7 Indifferent No preoccupation with violence; available for
8 Angry Roll 1D8 to determine violence severity; 1-5 = Brutality…
6-10 = Ultraviolence
9-10 Quest/Quest Assistance

Quest NPCs are those NPCs to which messages or goods must be delivered
or obtained. Quest NPCs may also be able to advise on the methods of
disarming traps or eradicating monsters.

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Rooms with Treasure
When entering a room containing treasure, roll 1D8 to determine if
there is a hostile presence guarding the treasure within.

1D8 Treasure Guard

1-4 Unguarded
5-6 Brutality
7-8 Ultraviolence

When entering a room containing treasure, roll 1D10 to determine the

specific nature of the treasure within.

1D10 Treasure
1-2 A Insignificant Trinket
3-4 A Mundane Item or Useful Tool
5-6 3D10 sp
7-8 Quest Item (or 6D10 sp)
9-10 Quest Item (or a Rare Occult Treasure)

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General Adventuring
Roll 1D6 to determine initiative.

• On a resulting value of 4-6, the adventuring party is able

initiate combat, while a resulting value of 1-3 allows the
hostile entity to attack first.
o If the initiative roll is 6, the adventuring party ambushes
or otherwise surprises the hostile entity.
o If the initiative roll is 1, the hostile entity can ambush
the party.
An ambush provides advantage to hit rolls in the first round of
combat: roll 1D20 twice and select the higher value for use against
armor class, difficulty rating, or similar.

Escaping Encounters
The decision for monsters to flee is often prescribed in the rule book
or bestiary of the system you are playing as a function of their base
morale, among other factors. When attempting to escape an encounter,
repeat the process described below for each member of the adventuring

Determine your character’s morale value by modifying a starting value

of 9 by your PRESENCE modifier (positive modified values lower the
morale value). Then, make further adjustments considering the
• If the PC is below 1/2 of their base hit points, lower the
morale value by 2.
• If an initial escape attempt was unsuccessful, lower the morale
value by 1 for each successive attempt.
Roll 2D6: if you roll higher than your character’s morale value, that
character is able to escape the encounter.

Escaping Overland Encounters:

Escaping an overland encounter carries a penalty of adding 1D4 days of
travel to the distance between adjacent settlements, or 1D3 days of
travel to the distance between a settlement and quest destination.

Overland Travel & Resting

Each night of travel ends when the party rests for the night. During
the night, there is a 1D6 chance of being attacked by a monster as the
party sleeps: on a roll of 1, the party is attacked and automatically
loses the roll-off for initiative.

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Resting in Dungeons
Resting is critical to survival after dungeon encounters. After any
short rest, roll 1D6: on a roll of 1, the party is attacked by a
wandering monster in the room or corridor that they are currently
located in. The monster automatically succeeds the initiative roll-
off, meaning they can attack first without a need for rolling 1D6.

Lodging in Settlements
Item Cost per Night (sp)
Bed 1
Stabling and Fodder 2

When in a settlement, you may choose to carouse.

1D8 Activity Benefit Consequence

1 Drinking Provides advantage to the Roll 1D6:
next hostile counter 1-2: Bad Hangover
escape attempt. 3-4: Poor Self Esteem
5-6: Barfight (-1D4 HP)
2 Trading N/A N/A
3 Resting Gain 1 advantage roll Consumes 1D3 days of
when travelling through effort
4 Questing Gain sp Carries a potential of
hostile encounters.
5 Studying Reduce travel time to Consumes 3 days of effort
next settlement (or
objective) by 1D4 days.
6 Gossiping Consumes 1 day of effort

NPC Reactions
When encountering an NPC during overland travel, roll 1D10 and compare
the resulting value to the table below.

D10 Disposition Notes

2-3 Friendly No preoccupation with violence; available for
4-5 Friendly Preoccupied with Violence (Roll 1D8 to determine violence
severity; 1-5 = Brutality… 6-10 = Ultraviolence).
Disposition changes to Indifferent if not assisted.
6-7 Indifferent No preoccupation with violence; available for
8 Angry Roll 1D8 to determine violence severity; 1-5 = Brutality…
6-10 = Ultraviolence
9-10 Quest/Quest Assistance

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Employing NPCs
PCs may employ a number of henchmen equal to their Charisma bonus +1.
When the Charisma bonus is less than zero, the PC is still able to
employ 1 NPC.

In combat situations the NPC mirrors the hit points and ability
bonuses of their employer.

Occupation Task sp/Day

Laborer Builds/Constructs/Manufactures 4
Technician Repairs 15
Medical Heals 25
Navigators/Guides Directs 8
Security Guards/Fights 10

Animals & Transport

Item Cost (sp) Inventory
Donkey/Ox 300 40
Horse 1000 30
Carriage 320 360
Cart 50 120
Wagon 120 240

Type Cost (sp)
Hovel 120
Row House 1200
Craftsman’s House 2400
Temple 75,000
Stronghold 100,000

Divination ov Misery
Much like the shadowy incantations whispered by other oracles, the
Divination ov Misery unveils answers to inquiries that shape the very
fabric of the world. These responses, dark in their simplicity, hold
the keys to your fate:

• Yes, Yes (And), and Yes (But)

• No, No (And), and No (But)

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But heed this warning: the questions posed to this malevolent oracle
should be crafted with cunning precision.

• A "Yes" shall favor the doomed soul who dares to seek the
oracle’s counsel, granting them a fleeting glimmer of hope in
this unholy land.
• A "No" shall thrust the forlorn adventurer into the depths of
despair, where madness and torment await their feeble attempts to
defy fate's cruel hand.
A further explanation of the overarching responses:

Response Outcome Notes

(Respective to Querent)
Yes, And… Most Favorable Yes, and another
(lesser) favorable
outcome occurs.
Yes Favorable
Yes, But… Generally Favorable Yes, but the outcome
is modified by a
(lesser) unfavorable
No, But… Generally Unfavorable No, but the outcome
is modified by a
(lesser) favorable
No Unfavorable
No, And… Most Unfavorable No, and another
(lesser) unfavorable
outcome occurs.

The simple oracle table can be used to quickly determine the outcome
of an action or event, and more. To use the oracle:

• Begin by asking a question. For example, what happens when I

pull the lever?
• Roll 1D20 and correlate the rolled value with the oracle table.
o Consider the misery present in the world: a more miserable
existence is less likely to bestow outcomes in your favor.

Outcome Misery 0-1 Misery 2-3 Misery 4-6

Yes, And… 18-20 19-20 20
Yes 13-17 14-18 16-19
Yes, But… 11-12 11-13 11-15
No, But… 5-10 7-10 9-10

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Outcome Misery 0-1 Misery 2-3 Misery 4-6
No 2-4 3-6 6-8
No, And… 1 1-2 1-5

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Party Sheet

Background &









- Name
- Quality

- Name
- Quality

- Name
- Quality
Quest Worksheet
1D4 Type
1D6 Terms & Payment
1D8 Details
1D10 Distance

Settlement A B C D

Surroundings A/B Surroundings B/C Surroundings C/D

1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5.
6. 6. 6.
7. 7. 7.
8. 8. 8.
9. 9. 9.
10. 10. 10.
OraKVLT ® 2023 KD8QLN.Gaming/Robert Fox
Your ability to reproduce, distribute, and modify this document for
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1. For personal use only, you may reproduce and distribute this
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a. You are NOT permitted to reproduce or distribute this
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2. For personal use or commercial purposes, you may create and
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a. Such modification includes—but is not limited to—adding
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i. Tables (and supporting notes) may be reproduced “as
is” or modified as needed.
ii. Except for personal use, artwork in this document may
not be reproduced or distributed without express
permission from the author, Robert Fox.
If you have questions about this license or whether a specific product
would fall within the license, you are welcome to contact me at
[email protected]

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