V5 Koldunic Sorcery Revised
V5 Koldunic Sorcery Revised
V5 Koldunic Sorcery Revised
I don’t care how powerful you think the Almighty is, the Second
Inquisition will never move east of the Carpathian Mountains.
That land had been claimed by the devil long ago. Its true masters
hide in the shadows of ancient keeps and secluded mountain
strongholds. Places of hidden evil and unfathomable danger, where
none return from. It is not the abundance of Revenant families or
the flesh crafting mastery of its nightmarish overlords that gives me
pause. No, it is the ancient mastery of Koldunic Sorcery that
will see you, and your men, dead before the next sunrise.
Just imagine it, the land itself seeking your demise. The ground
turns muddy under your feet, forest paths change at random and
sudden sinkholes open to devour those that stray. Cold winds blow
and howl, robbing you of any sleep, all the while torrential
downpours leave you soaked to the bone. Men die from exposure in
their sleep and the temperature can suddenly drop so far below
freezing that even the fuel in your tanks turns solid. Lightning
sparks freak forest fires, the flames moving in unnatural ways to
capture your allies in a hellish embrace. And that’s all before you
even face the Koldun himself.
Verified by:
Ludvik Hindenmar
Equerry of the Holy Father
September 20th 1937
Credits Special Thanks
Written By: Peter Vulic Kirra-lee Huber (original playtest team and
Developed By: Peter Vulic supportive partner, without who, none of this
Edited By: Peter Vulic would have been possible)
Mike Minford (editorial assistance)
Stephen Leckie (editorial assistance)
2019 White Wolf Entertainment AB. All rights reserved.
Vampire: The Masquerade®, World of Darkness®,
Storytelling System™, and Storytellers Vault™ are
trademarks and/or registered trademarks of White Wolf
Entertainment AB. All rights reserved.
For additional information on White Wolf and the World
of Darkness, please, visit: www.white-wolf.com,
www.worldofdarkness.com and www.storytellersvault.com.
How to use this Document? Tag: All abilities are given a tag. A tag
describes what sort of medium the power uses.
The document should be read just like any other Only those capable of perceiving reality under that
World of Darkness book. You will need the core V5 tag can pick up on its use and even then, it might be
rulebook to understand most of its rules. On the beyond their scope to do so. If a creature is resilient,
following pages you will find rules for Necromancy. to a single tag the power possesses, but not the
This includes a re-write of its old powers as well as other then it can still be affected as per normal. A
special and optional rules to improve your gameplay single power usually will have more than one tag:
experience. ▪ Physical: uses and functions through sound,
The powers have been written in a way that is sight, smell, taste, and/or touch.
hopefully clearer than what the main rulebook ▪ Mental: uses and functions through the use of
provides. telepathy or simply in the mind of the creature.
▪ Spiritual: uses the connection through the
Please read the segments on the current and Umbra (or spiritual energy) to function.
following page for a better understanding of how to
use the document. Range & Targets: Describes the range of the
power and how many individuals it impacts. This
The Breakdown will not always be a physically determined range but
can be categorized as Vocal, Visual or Scent range,
Each power is broken up into the following meaning the range extends to how far a character
segments: can see, smell or how many people can hear him.
Description: a quick summary of the power, Conditions: Describes what conditions must be
including some additional information for how it met for the power to work.
functions, impacts the user and what its
effects actually are. The description is generally Risk: Advises primarily how easily another
broken down into italicized text and normal text. individual can perceive the use of this power and
The italicized text is meant more as an how likely it is. This is primarily meant to give the
in-story description of the power or its origins while player an understanding of the risks involved when
the normal text actually advises you on its effects. using this power in public.
Type: All powers have a type attributed to them. Cost: Tells the player what cost must be paid for
These are: the power’s activation.
▪ Abilities: requires the user to actively Test: Advises what test a player must pass for the
deviate that they are using this power. power to activate. The test difficulty will always be a
▪ Reflexive: the ability only becomes number in a bracket ( ). As long as the result is
available if the right circumstance presents equalled or exceeded the power activates. In
themselves during which point a player may circumstances where no test or value is provided the
declare that they are activating the power. power activates automatically.
▪ Upgrade: these powers augment or
permanently enhance the user. They have no Resistance Roll: Describes what values the target
cost and are always active. uses in order to attempt to resist the powers effects
▪ Ritual: these powers require a character's (if any). The difficulty for the Resistance Roll is
attention, ingredients and, usually, a either a pre-determined value ( ) or is simply made
prolonged period of time to perform properly
against the users test result.
but their effects are generally, long lasting and
powerful. Duration: Advises how long the power
remains active for or rather how long its effects
remain active.
Values The last two will be new for most players as these
additions do not feature in the main rulebook.
Many of the powers written here will provide you A discipline Bonus is granted to any user of the
with a distance and duration which is slightly ability and generally grows more powerful the more
different from the main book which uses a more dots the player invests in that discipline. The Bonus
open system of play. Treat these more as guidelines is generally a passive one or it augments the powers
to give you a better understanding of the extent of in the Discipline further.
each power and its effects.
A discipline Bane is the inherent danger which
Distance and weight will always be provided in comes from using the discipline. These can vary but
metric followed by imperial measurements in the one rule they all share is that a discipline Bane
brackets. Both are rounded up or down to the only affects those users and clans who do not
closest round number for ease of gameplay. naturally have access to the Discipline to begin with
Duration is always provided in normal time and as part of their Clan (or bloodline) inherent abilities.
game time. Normal time being hours, days, weeks For example, Dominate is a discipline which several
etc. and game time being provided in Actions, clans have access to. So Ventrue and Tremere
Rounds, Scenes and Sessions. Normal time will characters will outright ignore the discipline bane
always be provided in brackets next to Game time. for Dominate. However, a Gangrel who gained
Just like distances these are meant to provide a access to Dominate (by either being taught or as
guideline more than an actual hard rule and are part of their Predator Type) will always be impacted
meant for ease of gameplay. by the discipline Bane as it is not a power his Clan is
naturally accustomed to.
Enhanced Mortals
In either event discipline Banes & Bonuses are
You might often encounter the phrase Enhanced optional rules and most powers work just as easily
Mortal. This is simply a tag given to all creatures without their implementation. So, if you feel like
who are mostly human (or a normal animal) but had they would slow your game feel free to disregard
been altered by scientific or supernatural means to them.
be stronger, faster or more resilient than general
mortals. Ghouls, Flesh Creations, Zombies, Thin- Cainite Sorcery
Bloods, Kinfolk etc. can all be considered Enhanced
Mortals. In the current version of the V5 rule set there is
only a single form of Sorcery, referred to as Blood
LARP Friendly Sorcery. In the remastered books all forms of
Kindred sorcery are referred to as Cainite Sorcery
Some abilities can be somewhat difficult to instead and these are split into several variations.
represent in a Live Action Role Play The rules provided are meant to keep each form of
(LARP) setting. Due to this the author had Cainite Sorcery separate from the others, but you
added a symbol of an ankh (such as the can still use the umbrella term of Blood Sorcery for
one on the right) to all powers which he your games and include them all under the single
personally considers to NOT be LARP friendly. category if you wish.
This is simply the authors personal preference and if
you feel like a power can enrich your gaming
experience than by all means use it.
Clans With Access to
Banes & Bonuses Koldunic Sorcery:
Before you get into the full explanation of each
power there will be a page which explains the nature
of the discipline at length, how it works, its bonuses
and its banes.
KOLDUNIC SORCERY Koldunic Sorcery Explained
Koldunic Sorcery is similar to Thaumaturgy in idea, Koldunic sorcery is an art which is firmly tied to the
but entirely different in its nature. While both are land itself. It gives its users immense powers but
considered Cainite Sorceries, in their own way, also comes with many conditions regarding its use.
Kolduns rely on their connection and power over
the land, rather than Kindred vitae. They The power Koldunic sorcerers wield is conditional
communicate with the spirits of the elements and and based entirely on their connection to the land
either barter or bend them to their will. While, itself, or more accurately, the elemental spirits of the
seemingly, a nature based shamanic practice it is by land.
no means good, so much so that it is primal. This bond can either be forged amicably, over time,
The first practitioners of Koldunic sorcery were clan the practitioner communicating, bartering, and
Tzimisce who, legends say, gained access to its placating the local spirits, or it can be established by
unique rituals via a pact with the earth daemon force, with the practitioner bending and dominating
Kupala. As the Fiends embraced fleshchange over those same spirits to his will.
Koldunism, in later centuries, the practice had Regardless of their approach, Kolduns are daunting
largely fallen out of favour with the clan. opponents. Even the lowest of their order can
These nights Koldunic Sorcery is no longer based conjure spells which put other Cainite Sorcerers to
around clan affiliation or Kindred vitae. This had shame, while a master can bring about natural
allowed some of its practices to resurface, to varying cataclysms.
degree, amongst other Cainites. Despite its Koldunic sorcery is a unique hybrid between
abandonment, clan Tzimisces still maintains many traditional Cainite rituals and disciplines. Some of its
of the original occult texts and rituals on Koldunism powers act much like normal Cainite abilities, while
and even today makes up the majority of its most others are more akin to sorcerous rituals.
skilled practitioners.
Path Rating Obtaining Koldunic Sorcery
The test roll for successfully manifesting a Koldunic Rituals in Koldunic Sorcery can be obtained, story
ritual is somewhat unique. Its value is the users wise, in one of three ways.
highest path rating + the ritual path rating. Let’s
break this down to make it easier. Either the Koldun is already pre-established, during
character creation, and his progression is simply
Path Rating: Your Path Rating is equal to the down to trial and error.
highest-level ritual you possess in a given path.
A user is taught Koldunic Sorcery by someone else,
Highest Path Rating: If a user has access to with prior knowledge on its secrets.
several different Koldunic paths, then the Highest
Path rating is always equal to the highest-level ritual Or, the user has a unique bloodline which has
the user possesses in any of their chosen Koldunic strong spiritual ties to their homeland.
paths. Unlike other disciplines, characters cannot gain
Ritual Path Rating: Is equal to the highest-level access to Koldunic Sorcery through diablery.
ritual a user has in a path to which the ritual, he is When purchasing Koldunic rituals, the rules are
attempting to manifest, falls under. Note that when slightly modified again. The value of the ritual is
it comes to users who only have access to a single always based on its level and not the number of
path their test can be simplified as Path Rating x 2 rituals the character already possesses. This means
as the Highest Path Rating and Ritual Path Rating its value is usually X times 3 xp, with X being equal
will always be the same in those circumstances. to the level of the ritual the character wishes to
Examples: Let’s take user A, B and C. purchase. However, to purchase a ritual the
character still needs to have as many dots in the
User A knows 5 rituals and has access to a single path, the ritual originated from, as is the ritual level
path. Three of the rituals are level 1, and two are (just like any other discipline).
level 2. As he has access to a single path his Highest
Path Rating and Ritual Path Rating will be the same Occult Knowledge
and equal 2 as his highest-level ritual is 2.
Koldunic Sorcery must be studied and taught if the
User B knows 3 rituals and has access to a single user has any hope of success. Due to this a Koldun
path. He knows one ritual at level 1, one ritual at can only use those Koldunic powers whose Level is
level 2 and one ritual at level 3. As he has access to a equal to, or lower, than his occult rating. This will
single path his Highest Path Rating and Ritual Path be represented on every ritual as part of that
Rating will be the same, but as his highest-level power’s conditions.
ritual is 3, his Path rating will be 3 as well.
Land bonds have a score of 1-5. While there is no A land bonds main function is to provide the player
room to keep track of its level on your character with an idea on which rituals they can conjure. All
sheet, its value is easy to remember and doesn’t powers have a land bond rating listed under their
change much. requirements. Unless the characters land bond
equals, or exceeds, this score they cannot use the
Level 1 – is achieved once the Koldun spends a chosen power.
month in a given area (performing the bonding rite
at least once per week). Each path has its own type of Land Bond and
Bonding Ritual. This means if your Koldun is a
Level 2 – is achieved once the Koldun spends a year practicioner of several Koldunic paths then he will
in a given area (performing the bonding rite once have to satisfy the spirits of each path seperatley.
per week).
Bonding Rite
Level 3 – is achieved once the Koldun spends a
decade in a given area (performing the bonding rite In order to maintain their land bond effectively a
once per week). user needs to follow certain rituals to placate the
elemental spirits he is trying to beseech. These differ
Level 4 – is only achieved if the Koldun had spent between the varying paths and its practicioners will
two decades in a given area (performing the need to perform one specific to each path to
bonding rite once per week) and had also either maintain their relationship with the spirits of that
been born or embraced in the same area. given path.
Level 5 – is only achieved if the Koldun had spent Each such ritual will be written at the start of each
three decades in a given area (performing the Path.
bonding rite once per week) and had also been born
in the same area. Shamans & Ususrpers
Missing a single bonding rite should not outright Kolduns practice two aproaches to casting their
undo the Koldun’s Land Bond rating outright but it abilities.
would strain their relationship with the spirits they Shamans take their time to form a spiritual
are attempting to placate. Likely some form of connection with the land, nurturing relationships
sacrifice or deal will have to be made in order to re- with elemental entities and asking them for aid.
forge their relationship with those entities they Their land bond grows given time and their
offended. This mechanic is mainly left to the connection to the land.
Storyteller himself and is an excellent tool for
creating interesting plots. Usurpers on the other hand forcefully usurp the
powers of the land. Their Land Bond is always
Storywise land bonds can also suffer if the Koldun considered to be at level 2, however it can never
takes advantage of the spirits or the local area is climb higher than that. Regardless how powerful the
somehow spiritually supressed/corrupted, user, there exist some entities which are simply
complicating the Kolduns attempts to properly use beyond their ability to control.
their rituals. Additionally, certain Kindred abilities
outright repel spirits from assisting the Koldun. Ofcourse Kolduns can change their practices if
Oblivion, Obtenebration, Infernus, Serpentis and needed but it is always easier to break a relationship
Vicissitude all make use of pre-existing spiritual than it is to mend it. So while a Koldun can always
entities that are anathema to elemental spirits, declare themselves a Usurper, it will be very difficult
makings their practicioners poorly suited to the to consider themselves a Shaman again, once this
roles of Kolduns. threshold is breached, the spirits after all have long
Unlike Blood Sorcery, Koldunic rituals are not When using Mortal Koldun’s apply the following:
overly reliant on Kindred vitae. Blood is still a
• Establish why the Koldun even has access to
component but it is dependent on its connection to
Koldunic sorcery in the first place.
the elemental spirits of the land. This means that
• Mortal Kolduns are limited to those powers with
certain mortals, with a strong spiritual bond to the
the Ritual Type. They can never use Abilities nor
local area, can also use Koldunic Sorcery. However
do they benefit from Upgrades.
they will rarely achieve such heights of mastery as
Cainite Kolduns. • In place of a Rouse Check a Mortal Koldun must
sacrifice some of his own blood in the ritual. This
The spirits of the land are enduring and lack a comes at the cost of two points of Superficial
proper grasp of time. To a spirit a day can seemingly Health Damage, for each Rouse Check requiered.
last a decade and a century goes by in the blink of
an eye. Spirits need to trust the Koldun to lend
them their power. This trust takes a long time to
build, time which a normal mortal simply does not
have. The only way mortals can combat such
limitations is by having an unbroken bloodline of
Kolduns who maintain such ties from generation to Quick Fact Sheet
generation. Sadly, in modern society, such
Key Test = Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
bloodlines are nearly extinct. Rating.
Mortals are also prevented from forcefully bending If the user follows a single Path then his Key Test =
2 x Path Rating
the spirits to their will in their practicies (meaning
they are effectively prevented from using the Path Rating = Highest Ritual level in a given Path.
Usurper aproach). They can still try, but without the
Highest Path Rating = The highest ritual level
presence of the Beast or the ancient bond with
across all your Paths.
Kupala (the demon who initially granted Cainites
acess to Koldunism), Mortals lack the personal Ritual Path Rating = The Path Rating of the Path
power needed to assert their will effectively. that the ritual belongs to.
Obtaining Koldunic Sorcery: You can start with
Luckily, for some mortals, spirits also have
it, be taught, obtain it naturally through a bloodline,
incredibly long memories and can sense a creatures
but NEVER gain it through diablery.
ancestral bond. Due to this some mortals, who grew
up under completley normal ciscumstance, find that Common Requirements: Time, Rouse Checks,
they have a hidden talent for Koldunic sorcery. Land Bond rating and Occult rating.
Their newfound power owing much to a distant Can Mortals use Koldunic Sorcery? Yes,
ancestor who performed a great service to the provided they have some significant practitioners in
spirits in question. their ancestry.
Bonding Rite = Must be performed once per week
to maintain the user’s connection to the spirits.
Each path has its own bonding rite, and each ritual
only satisfies the bonding requirements of the given
path. If you have several paths, you will need to
perform several different bonding rituals per week
(1 for each path).
The Path Of Earth
Earth is the most commonly practiced Koldunic path due to the natural relationship both Kindred and
Mortals have with the land. Its abilities turn the very ground against the Koldun’s enemies. Vegetation comes
to life; earthquakes shake the ground and fissures open up to hungrily devour their unfortunate victims.
Bonding Rite
The bonding rite for the Path Of Earth is perhaps the most straightforward. Kindred need to spend a day
slumbering buried in soil, at least 2 meters (6 feet) deep. They cannot be in a coffin or in an underground
base, they need to be physically covered by and touching the dirt.
Mortals can perform a similar ritual but they instead meditate an entire night while covered by dirt with their
faces being open to the sky.
Manifesting Earth Rituals
Earth rituals can be manifested in any location, although many of its powers are dependent on the presence
of natural soil.
Earth Spirits
Earth Spirits are slow and ponderous beings. Their nature is marked by long eons of slumber, followed by
short bursts of activity. They are creatures of habit and hate when the natural rhythm of the world is
disturbed. Mining, building, and drilling interrupts their sleep, making them foul tempered and violent. They
are enduring beings; most can remember a time when civilisation was just getting started, while the oldest
had existed before humans even walked the earth.
Talk is cheap when it comes to earth spirits, they respect action and cherish commitment. Out of all the
elemental beings, earth spirits have the longest memory and are most likely to honour ancient pledges. They
take their oaths incredibly seriously and will fulfill them even if their benefactor never knew they existed in
the first place.
When it comes to other elementals, the earth spirits are in constant battle against the spirits of water, who
seek to burrow across their domains. They see wind spirits as annoying messengers that interrupt their
dreams. Meanwhile, fire spirits are viewed as short lived beings with far too much power and far too little
wisdom, capable only of destruction and little else.
Path Of Earth
Level 1
Grasping Soil Fingers Of Biatowieza
As an enemy moves to strike the Koldun, they find The Koldun forms a bond with the flora
their feet have sunk into a muddy field. surrounding his haven, with the plants actively
hampering his enemies.
The ground around the Koldun actively
protects them. Any individual who the Koldun had By performing this ritual once per week, the Koldun
identified as an enemy, or with obvious negative is able to form a special bond with the vegetation
intentions against them, will find the soil, near his haven. Any intruder within 30 meters (100
underneath their feet, changed to a muddy slurry feet) of the user’s haven will find the area difficult to
that greatly hampers movement. navigate.
In game terms the power only affects those enemies In game terms they will suffer a 1 dice penalty to all
who are in contact with the ground. Individuals who rolls associated with Dexterity and/or Stamina. This
can levitate or fly over the affected area will not be penalty does stack with Grasping Soil and other
impacted. effects.
Those affected suffer a 1 dice penalty to all rolls ❖ Type: Ritual
associated with Dexterity and/or Stamina. ❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
Additionally, the ability can also significantly impact ❖ Range & Targets: The entire area within 30
other powers. meters (100 feet) of the user’s haven.
For instance: Celerity users would be unable to use ❖ Cost: 1 Scene
most of their abilities (such as Blink), as the surface, ❖ Conditions: Occult 1. Earth Bond 1. The
they are attempting to traverse, turns against them. ritual will only work if the haven is
Certain Potence powers, such as Soaring Leap, surrounded by an abundance of plants (forest,
won’t work either, as the victim merely sinks deeper green house, garden). The ritual must be
into the soil, when attempting to push off the performed once per week to maintain its
ground. bonus.
❖ Risk: Low. Plant life seems to be capable of
On the other hand, abilities such as Weight of a
minor movements. Luckily such occurrences
Feather can counter the effects of Grasping Soil
are easily missed.
entirely as the target is not heavy enough to sink ❖ Test: None
into the dirt. ❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Type: Ability ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) for the ritual, after
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual which its bonuses last for a week.
❖ Range & Targets: Targets any enemy within
5 meters (15 feet) of the user.
❖ Cost: 1 Scene
❖ Conditions: Occult 1. Earth Bond 1. The
power only affects natural soil. It will provide
no benefits to its user if they are in a parking
lot or on a solid stone slab.
❖ Risk: Moderate. The ground underneath the
Koldun’s enemies changes quickly and returns
to normal just as quick. Luckily the power’s
effects are often interpretated as the victims
simply being careless with their steps.
❖ Test: None
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes of meditation)
to activate, after which the bonus lasts for the
remainder of the current and next Scene (1
Grondrska’s Impasses Level 2
Claiming dominion over the forest, the Koldun
alters its paths, confounding the enemy and causing
Terra Patientia
them to become lost. The user’s connection to the earth grows ever stronger, making
The user can completely re-arrange nature paths. them as resilient as the land around them.
Plant life grows over well-trodden footpaths, The user can ignore 1 point of Superficial Health
obscuring them fully. Thorn bushes completely Damage per Scene, up to their current Earth Bond
block access points and open fields turn to muddy rating.
The effects of this power make any attempt to ❖ Type: Upgrade
navigate the affected area all but impossible, while ❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
causing those inside the woods to become ❖ Range & Targets: Targets the user himself.
hopelessly lost. ❖ Cost: None
In game terms, anyone attempting to navigate the ❖ Conditions: Occult 2. Earth Bond 2. The
upgrade only lasts as long as the Bond level is
forest halves (rounding down) any dice rolls which
at least 2, and the user is standing on natural
involve Survival, Stamina, Intelligence or Wits. soil.
❖ Type: Ritual ❖ Risk: None. The user simply seems either
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual incredibly lucky or resilient.
❖ Range & Targets: The entire area within 1 ❖ Test: None
kilometre (half a mile) of the ritual site. ❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Cost: 1 Session ❖ Duration: Permanent.
❖ Conditions: Occult 1. Earth Bond 1. A ritual Crumble The Keep
sacrifice must be provided, either human or an
animal. Only natural areas can be affected. By smearing blood on a structure, the Koldun condemns it to
The extent of this power is also limited as a slow, but inevitable, collapse.
solid man-made structures (highways,
railroads, buildings) are not impacted. If successful, the user curses a structure. Over the
❖ Risk: High. The ritual requires a sacrifice, and course of a month, cracks will begin to form,
the ability is best used in remote areas, where supports will start to sink and the building will
the sudden change to local terrain will not be become less and less stable. On the last day of the
as evident. curse the structure collapses fully.
❖ Test: None
❖ Resistance Roll: None ❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Duration: 1 Session (6 hours) to complete the ❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
ritual and for the terrain to reshape itself. ❖ Range & Targets: A single building within
Afterwards the area is permanently altered. Touch Range.
Do note that the Koldun is changing the ❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
vegetations natural position, so eventually ❖ Conditions: Occult 2. Earth Bond 2. The
(roughly within a year) the flora will return to user must perform the ritual inside the
normal. targeted building. The Koldun can impact any
structure but only buildings no bigger than a
house can fully collapse, the rest are simply
Earth Spirits & Nature Spirits ❖ Risk: Low. The curse progresses slowly and is
easily missed, although the ritual itself seems
It is important to note that earth spirits are not occult in nature.
always related to, or even care, about flora & ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
fauna. It is perhaps more accurate to say that, Rating (3)
due to their relative longevity, when compared ❖ Resistance Roll: None
to mortals, earth spirits form a symbiotic ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to complete the
relationship with the spirits of nature. ritual. The curse itself lasts a month.
Mouth Of Djabalek Level 3
The blood which wets the soil can tell you a lot
about its owner.
Hungry Earth
This ritual has 2 effects: The victim sinks into the ground, as though it was
quicksand, vines quickly grow to ensnare their
The first is, that through the ritual the Koldun can limbs and, finally, bedrock itself opens up to
summon spilt blood, which was recently absorbed devour them fully.
by the surrounding soil. The blood can be used in
the Koldun’s rituals or to nourish him directly This ability works similarly to Grasping Earth with
(although it provides no Resonance bonus). three notable exceptions:
The second occurs if the Koldun passes the test The first is that its victims continue to sink further
with 5 successes, or more. In this instance, once the and further into the ground. With each passing
blood is summoned, the spirits of the earth whisper round, those affected, sinking a further half a meter
its secrets to the Koldun, potentially revealing key (2 feet) into the earth. Eventually the victim is
information about the blood’s properties. The swallowed whole, unless the Koldun is stopped.
blood can still be used as normal afterwards. The second is that the Koldun must maintain a
❖ Type: Ritual trance while the power is in effect and will be
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual unable to perform any actions, other than
❖ Range & Targets: The entire area within 10 maintaining their ability.
meters (30 feet) of the ritual. Finally, the way the ability is activated is also
❖ Cost: 1 Scene +1 Blood Point different (check Duration).
❖ Conditions: Occult 2. Earth Bond 2. The
ritual only works on natural soil. The spilt ❖ Type: Ability
blood cannot be older than a week. ❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
❖ Risk: Moderate. The blood literally bubbles to ❖ Range & Targets: A single individual within
the surface and creates a small puddle, 5 meters (15 feet) of the user.
allowing the summoner to make full use of it. ❖ Cost: 1 Round + 1 Rouse Check
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path ❖ Conditions: Occult 3. Earth Bond 3. The
Rating (3) same conditions which apply to Grasping Soil.
❖ Resistance Roll: None ❖ Risk: High. The power causes targets to sink
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes) to complete into the dirt in full view of others.
the ritual. ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
Rating (4, if the user possesses Grasping Soil
the difficulty is reduced to 3)
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Round (1 minute) to activate the
ritual. Afterwards the ritual remains active for
1 Scene (10 minutes) or until the Koldun’s
trance is broken.
Root Of Vitalits Level 4
Placing a hand on an ancient tree, the Koldun
disappears into its gnarled depths.
The White Tower
If successful, the Koldun disappears as As the Koldun slumbers, the ground around them
they touch a tree. They may than travel along the reshapes itself into a shell made of rock and
tree’s roots to emerge from the body of another tree elemental bone, protecting them from harm.
within 100 meters (300 feet) of their initial point of The user is protected by a hardened shell while they
entry. slumber. The shell is made from stone and bone like
❖ Type: Ability material. It completely obscures the user’s presence
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual from mundane senses and is as tough as a safe.
❖ Range & Targets: A single tree within Touch When the user awakens the shell crumbles into dust
range, that is at least as wide as the Koldun, as though it was never there in the first place. The
must be targeted by the power’s initial upgrade is only active while the user is slumbering
activation. Afterwards the user must re- or torpored.
emerge from another tree within 100 meters
(300 feet), that is again at least as wide as the ❖ Type: Upgrade
Koldun himself and is also loosely connected ❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
to the initial targeted tree through a root ❖ Range & Targets: Targets the user himself.
system. ❖ Cost: None
❖ Cost: 2 Rounds (one to disappear and one to ❖ Conditions: Occult 4. Earth Bond 4. The
re-emerge) + 1 Rouse Check upgrade only lasts as long as the Bond level is
❖ Conditions: Occult 3. Earth Bond 3. Check at least 4, and the user is laying on natural soil.
Range & Targets. ❖ Risk: Minor. This ability often helps maintain
❖ Risk: Moderate. The user disappears into a the Masquerade.
tree, this will appear obviously supernatural ❖ Test: None
but is hard to believe. ❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path ❖ Duration: Permanent.
Rating (4)
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 2 Rounds (1-2 minutes), 1 Round
to disappear and 1 Round to re-appear.
Level 5 Cataclysm Table
Kupala’s Fury Roll a D10 and apply the results bellow. Roll once for a
category 5 earthquake, twice for a category 6 earthquake and
With the climax of the ritual achieved, the 3 times for a category 7 earthquake. Duplicates of the same
ground begins to writhe and shake. Cracks result are simply discarded.
open, landslides occur on mass and
buildings crumble to dust. 1 – The Sleeper Awakens: Somewhere, deep underground,
the earthquake had awakened an ancient entity. Whether a
This ritual requires 10 mortal sacrifices to be Kindred Elder, Demon or trapped Bane, only the Storyteller
buried alive during the course of the ritual. can say.
The targets are picked by the spirits of the
earth themselves (left to the storyteller 2 – The Tower Crumbles: A skyscraper, inside the city
discretion). metro area, crumbles in on itself. Hundreds, or even
thousands, of lives are lost and the tragedy is considered a
If successful, the user causes an earthquake to national disaster. The impact of such a catastrophe will
impact the local area. The extent and strength cause the character of the city to change drastically.
of the earthquake is dependent on the number
of successes the user makes: 3 – Gas Lines Severed: The shifting ground had caused
gas lines to be cut and fires to erupt throughout the city.
7-8 successes – causes a category 5 There will likely be both human and collateral loss, along
earthquake. with many angry Kindred.
8-10 successes – causes a category 6
earthquake. 4 – Warrens Lost: Sewer lines are shattered and secret
11+ – causes a category 7 earthquake. caverns collapse. All havens underground, particularly those
owned by the Nosferatu, are either damaged or outright
The storyteller can also make use of the destroyed. Best keep your accomplishments a well-kept
cataclysm table on the right to establish the secret, less the sewer rats pay you a visit.
rituals unique effects on the wider area.
5 – Highway Collapse: A large highway overpass had
Regardless of, if the ritual is a success or not, collapsed during the earthquake. Dozens are killed and
it reduces ALL of the Koldun’s Bond ratings public transport, via car or bus, grounds to a complete
to 0, forcing him to re-establish his standstill for days.
connection with the elemental spirits
afterwards. 6 – Critical Infrastructure Compromised: Power plants
are damaged, and the grid shuts off. Restoring basic
❖ Type: Ritual electricity can take a few days. However, the real danger
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual comes into play if power generation is supplied by a dam or
❖ Range & Targets: Impacts the entire nuclear power plant.
local area within 10 square kilometres (5
square miles) of the ritual site. 7 – Hungering Earth: As the ground shifts it either
❖ Cost: 1 Session + 3 Rouse Checks destroys or complicates the re-emergence of any Kindred
❖ Conditions: Occult 5. Earth Bond 5. 10 who is currently using Earth Meld to slumber the day/night
mortal sacrifices. away.
❖ Risk: High. While the ritual is
conducted away from prying eyes, its 8 – Railroad Disruption: Heavy bulk transport, via
effects are downright devastating and trainlines, is completely cut off, as railroads had shifted
will dramatically impact the local area. dangerously and will require months of repair.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path 9 – Landslides: Large landslides are triggered, causing local
Rating (7)
roads to be impassible. Large arterial routes are still open
❖ Resistance Roll: None
but more isolated communities are completely cut off.
❖ Duration: 1 Session (6 hours) to
complete the ritual. The earthquake itself 10 – Minor Damage: While the earthquake did hit the area,
only lasts for a few minutes but its it failed to cause any significant damage, aside from
effects are obviously far reaching. widescale panic.
The Path Of Wind
Similar to Earth, the path of Wind is generally an easy pathway for most Kolduns to undertake, due to its
familiarity with mortals. Its avatars are however enigmatic, elusive and free spirited, making them difficult to
fully understand.
Still those who master the path find that they will always have an ally in most places of the world. Wind
spirits tend to be well traveled and love to whisper to one another. Through their aid the Koldun can send
messeges on the air itself, strike enemies with gale force winds or even conjure terrible storms to devastate an
Bonding Rite
A Wind bonding rite is one of the easier forms of ritual for Kolduns to attempt, yet it does requier some
unique geography to achieve. The Koldun must ascened to a high point in his area. Traditionally these were
mounthain tops, but in the modern era tall skyskrapers can also be used, the spirits of the wind seeming to
care little whether those who wish to talk to them use natural or manmade means. After ascending to the
location of the rite, the Koldun must whisper his prayers against the wind, hoping the spirits will catch their
words. This does mean that the Koldun must be exposed to the elements directly and cannot take shelter
inside a structure during the ritual. The rite is the same for both Kindred and Mortal Kolduns. Sadly wind
spirits are easily distraced. After each bonding rite the user rolls a D10. If the result is 1-5 the spirits failed to
heed the whispers of the Koldun and the bonding rite fails. If the result is a 6-10 the bonding rite succeeds.
Fortunatley wind spirits whisper to each other so the Koldun’s Land Bond rating cannot fall bellow 3 when
traveling from one location to another. Level 4 and 5 still need to be achieved as normal.
Manifesting Wind Rituals
Wind rituals and powers cannot be used inside enclosed areas or underground. Large enclosed spaces such as
empty warehouses or caves count as enclosed areas.
Wind Spirits
Wind spirits are carefree, enigmatic and playful beings. They roam the world with little care for anything
other than their own adventures. During their travels they enjoy watching other beings struggle and toil
below them all the while commiting the most interesting events to memory.
Always on the move, wind elementals love to gossip and chatter amongst one another. Status is established
by the number and magnituted of events each spirit bore witness to. These observations are than weaved
into stories, fables and tales, which they whisper to one another during their travels.
However, one should never confuse the positive outlook of wind spirits for that of friendship. They are
notorious tricksters, skilled liars and are, above all else, easily distracted, making them unreliable allies at best.
When it comes to other elementals, wind spirits have a very positive outlook on their cousins. They love
fueling the destructive force of their fiery brothers and find it hilarious when they blow water spirits off
course. Only the dour earth elementals are capable of projecting dread into their hearts, for within the deep
caves and dark chasms of the earth do wind spirits often get lost and imprisoned. The isolation and
stagnation turns them spiteful and desperate, willing to accept any bargain, if only to be let lose on the world
once more.
Level 1
Breath Of Whispers Burebista’s Throne
The Koldun whispers messages into the wind. The Koldun can momentarily enter a trance to gain a better
perspective of their surroundings.
The user gathers a handful of dried leaves into his
hands. He holds these close to his mouth as he The user temporarily enters a trance as an air spirit
whispers his message and opens his palm, allowing grants them visions of their immediate
the dried remains to be picked up by a sudden gust surroundings, from a bird’s eye view of the area.
of wind. This allows the Koldun to potentially uncover
The intended target will receive the whisper within hidden assailants, traps and gives them a better idea
the next hour. of their surroundings.
Design Notes The user can hear the excited chatter of spirits.
Wind spirits do not care about politics or long-
Although all powers written here can be used winded speeches, but love dramatic changes on the
normally in your games, I would advise limiting physical and spiritual realm. The character is just as
them based on your Kindreds Blood Potency likely to find out the spirits are excited with the
using the following. awakening of a secret elder as they are about the
newest skyscraper being built. Exactly what is heard
Level 1 Powers – can be manifested by Blood
is left to the Storytellers interpretation.
Potency 0 or higher.
❖ Type: Ritual
Level 2 Powers – can be manifested by Blood
❖ Tag: Mental & Spiritual
Potency 1 or higher. ❖ Range & Targets: Local area.
Level 3 Powers – can be manifested by Blood ❖ Cost: 1 Scene
Potency 2 or higher. ❖ Conditions: Occult 1. Wind Bond 1.
❖ Risk: None. The user is simply meditating.
Level 4 Powers – can be manifested by Blood ❖ Test: None
Potency 3 or higher. ❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to capture enough
Level 5 Powers – can be manifested by Blood chatter and find the most relevant topic.
Potency 4 or higher.
Level 2 Pietrosu’s Hospitality
The spirits of the wind seem to favour the Koldun
Biting Gale and actively rush to his defence when threatened.
Remembering old grievances, the Koldun curses his enemies Gusts of wind seem to emanate from the
with cold winds that drain them of their vitality. user when they are threatened. These manifestations
If successful, the user curses a target. When are created passively and occur regardless of if the
outdoors the target will be constantly accompanied Koldun is conscious of the oncoming danger.
by a cold wind. Even in hotter climates the gust will Any form of fire is instantly extinguished when
be unwelcomed and cause the target to quickly within 2 meters (6 feet) of the Koldun.
become tired. Sadly, this protection does not extend to fires fed by
In game terms, while the target is outdoors, it highly flammable substances, such as jet fuel,
cannot use Willpower to re-roll its dice. napalm or similar. The power also cannot extinguish
a raging inferno, such as a house fire, although it
will make it easier for the Koldun to forge a path
❖ Type: Ritual through a burning structure without being
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual immediately set alight. Finally, as strong as the
❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single individual spirits are, they have no power over flames whose
within 100 kilometres (50 miles) of the user, origin is supernatural in nature.
whose name is known to the Koldun.
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check ❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Conditions: Occult 2. Wind Bond 2. A ❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
handful of ice or snow is needed for the Ritual ❖ Range & Targets: Targets any fire within 2
and is used during its manifestation. Each meters (6 feet) of the Koldun.
target can only be cursed once per Chronicle. ❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
❖ Risk: Moderate. While the ritual itself is ❖ Conditions: Occult 2. Wind Bond 2. The
occult in nature, the real danger to the bonuses for this upgrade are only granted
Masquerade comes from the wind itself which while a Bond level of 2 is maintained and only
follows the target around in an unnatural apply when the Koldun is outdoors.
manner. ❖ Risk: High. As helpful as the power is the
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path user cannot turn off this ability, leading to a
Rating (3) possible Masquerade breach caused by their
❖ Resistance Roll: None very presence.
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to conjure the ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
ritual. The target is afterwards cursed for a Rating (3)
week. ❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to complete the
ritual, afterwards the effects of the ritual last
for 1 week.
Breeze Of Lethargy Level 3
Calling on the mischiefs spirits of the wind to torment his
enemies, the Koldun causes his victim to suffer countless
Theft Of Mokosh
sleepless nights. The Koldun robs an individual of oxygen.
If successful, the target is haunted by the sound of If successful, the Koldun creates a bubble around a
howling winds. These follow them around night and target that starves them of all oxygen. As long as the
day, robbing them of any quite moment or rest. The Koldun focuses on his ability the bubble will follow
sound of the howling winds can only be heard by the target around until the power ends.
the target itself and never seems to have a clear While this ability can obviously be used to suffocate
origin. a mortal, it is equally adept at starving flames of
While cursed the target cannot recover Willpower their oxygen, were the Koldun to manifest the
after resting and suffers a 1-point penalty whenever ability on himself or an ally.
trying to focus or when using any ability that forces
them to enter a trance like or meditative state. ❖ Type: Ability
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single individual
❖ Type: Ritual within 10 meters (30 feet) and line of sight.
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual ❖ Cost: 1 Rouse Check
❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single individual ❖ Conditions: Occult 3. Wind Bond 3. The
within 100 kilometres (50 miles) of the user, Koldun must focus this power on the target
whose name is known to the Koldun. and cannot perform any other actions while
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check doing so.
❖ Conditions: Occult 2. Wind Bond 2. The user ❖ Risk: Low. The power itself can be extremely
must slice their own palm during the ritual (no subtle as it can imitate a range of medical
damage is caused, the cut small enough to be issues.
negligible) and loudly scream the targets name ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
into the wind. An individual can only be Rating (4)
targeted once per Chronicle by this ritual. ❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Risk: High. While the powers effects are ❖ Duration: 1 Round (a few seconds) to
subtle, the ritual itself is loud and draws manifest the ability. Afterwards, the power
attention to itself. remains in play until the Koldun’s focus is
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path broken, the target moves beyond 10 meters
Rating (3) (30 feet) or the user voluntarily ends the
❖ Resistance Roll: None ability.
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to complete the
ritual, after which the target is cursed for a
The Starvation Of Marena Level 4
With a deep exhale the Koldun causes the
temperature in the room to suddenly drop below
Ride The Tempest
freezing. The Koldun travels on the wind with the spirits.
If successful, the temperature in the area To perform the ritual, the Koldun will
surrounding the Koldun drops to -50 degrees need a high vantage point (open to the
Celsius (- 58 degrees Fahrenheit). At this elements) and must wait for a storm to occur.
temperature most fires struggle to remain lit, water If successful the Koldun will disappear during the
flash freezes and both mortals and Kindred are height of the storm, turning into ashes to be picked
severely hampered. up by the wind. He will than travel at the speed of
While the Koldun himself is unaffected by the the wind to his desired destination, which can be
sudden drop in temperature those around him face anywhere in the world. Sadly, air spirits can be an
a serious risk of frostbite. Anyone affected needs to unfocused bunch and the further the destination is,
pass a Resistance Test at the end of each Round or the more likely the Koldun will re-materialize in the
suffer 1 point of Superficial Health Damage, in the wrong location at the wrong time.
case of Supernatural Creatures, or 1 point of If the test is failed the Storyteller has full control
Aggravated Health Damage, in the case of Mortals over where and when the Koldun re-materializes
and Enhanced Mortals. (following the rules for Range & Targets and
❖ Type: Ability Duration).
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual ❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Range & Targets: Targets everyone within ❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
10 meters (30 feet) of the Koldun, excluding ❖ Range & Targets: Targets the user himself.
the user himself. The Koldun may materialize anywhere else in
❖ Cost: 1 Rouse Check the world, but it has to be in an open area and
❖ Conditions: Occult 3. Wind Bond 3. not inside a building or underground.
❖ Risk: High. As the temperature suddenly ❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 2 Rouse Check
drops, panic and confusion will occur. ❖ Conditions: Occult 4. Wind Bond 4. The
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path Ritual can only be attempted during a storm.
Rating (4) ❖ Risk: High. The power is dangerous both to
❖ Resistance Roll: None the Masquerade and the user as the Koldun
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes). The power could, for instance, materialize in the middle
cannot be voluntarily ended, nor does it of a busy town square during midday, only to
automatically cease to exist once the Koldun is turn to ash in front of hundreds of onlookers.
incapacitated. ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
Rating (4 + 1 for every 100 kilometres (50
miles) the Koldun wishes to materialize away
from their current ritual site.)
Auras & Curses ❖ Resistance Roll: None
Despite Wind rituals/powers limitation, ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes) to complete
preventing them from manifesting inside the ritual, after which the actual travel time for
buildings, this rule does not apply if the target the Koldun lasts roughly 1 minute per
had moved from outside to indoors. The
limitation simply dictates that wind
rituals/powers cannot be manifested while the
user is inside a building or underground.
Meaning so long as the initial point of
manifestation is above ground, the ritual/power
will still persist even if the user/target retreats
underground or inside a structure (depending on
each power’s unique limitations of course).
Level 5 Cataclysm Table
Fury Of The Night Sky Roll a D10 and apply the results bellow. Roll once for a
category 1 storm, twice for a category 2-3 storm and 3 times
The wind howls, rain comes down in a for a category 4-5 storm. Duplicates of the same result are
torrent and lightning splits the sky as the simply discarded.
Koldun works the spirits into a frenzy.
1 – The Tempest: The effects of the storm are
This ritual requires 10 mortal sacrifices to be supernatural in nature as Oblivion itself reaches out from
hurled off a high point to their deaths during the underworld. All spirits of the dead (ghosts, wraiths,
the course of the ritual. The targets are picked spectres) are temporarily banished from the area, for an
by the spirits of the wind themselves (left to unspecified amount of time (storytellers’ choice) and
the storyteller discretion). Necromantic rituals are severely hampered.
If successful, the user causes a powerful storm 2 – Hurricane: The storm turns into a proper
to impact the local area. The extent and cyclone/hurricane. Large swathes of the city are damaged,
strength of the storm is dependent on the flooded or cut off from the outside world. An evacuation is
number of successes the user makes: called and there are many casualties. The city will need
months to recover.
7-8 successes – Category 1 storm.
8-10 successes – Category 2-3 storm. 3 – Twister: A tornado forms on the outskirts of town.
11+ – Category 4-5 storm. Although short-lived it devastates the areas it travels
The storyteller can also make use of the
cataclysm table on the right to establish the 4 – Downed Airline: The sudden change in weather caught
rituals unique effects on the wider area. an airliner off guard and the plane crashed on the outskirts
of the city. The death toll is in the hundreds.
Regardless of, if the ritual is a success or not,
it reduces ALL of the Koldun’s Bond ratings 5 – Gale Force Winds: Powerful winds tear through the
to 0, forcing him to re-establish his city, uprooting trees, flipping cars, and causing widescale
connection with the elemental spirits damage.
6 – Electric Storm: Lightning splits the sky and thunder
❖ Type: Ritual booms through the night. Several buildings catch fire, and
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual the energy grid is compromised as the strikes create a
❖ Range & Targets: Impacts the entire dangerous feedback loop in several areas.
local area within 10 square kilometres (5
square miles) of the ritual site. 7 – Flash Freeze: The temperature plumets well below
❖ Cost: 1 Session + 3 Rouse Checks freezing in a matter of minutes. While nobody is likely to
❖ Conditions: Occult 5. Wind Bond 5. 10 freeze to death, water pipes throughout the city burst and
mortal sacrifices. the city’s water supply is compromised. The falling
❖ Risk: High. While the ritual is temperatures are usually preceded by heavy rainfall which
conducted away from prying eyes, its causes trees and power lines to become caked in ice, making
effects are downright devastating and them unstable.
will dramatically impact the local area.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path 8 – Blizzard: Snow begins to quickly pile in, and visibility is
Rating (7) reduced to near zero. While the city is brought to a halt for
❖ Resistance Roll: None a few days, isolated communities are completely cut off for
❖ Duration: 1 Session (6 hours) to the better part of a month.
complete the ritual. The storm itself can
last for several hours and its effects are 9 – Hail: Large chunks of hail pummel areas of the city
far reaching. causing widescale property damage.
10 – Minor Damage: While heavy rain and wind ravages
the area, the damage it causes is negligible.
The Path Of Water
Water shapes civilization. Waterways, oceanic currents and natural reseviours determine whether a harvest
will be bountiful, trade easy and life possible. Kolduns who study the path of water unsurprisingly reside near
coastal areas or large rivers. Their abilities allow them to redirect currents, cause floods and more.
Bonding Rite
Water is not a natural enviroment for humans, although it is integral for life to flourish. Its bonding rituals
are subsequently difficult and dangerous to its practicioners.
In order for a Kindred to perform the Water Bonding Rite they must spend the day slumbering completley
submerged under a natural body of water. This must be either a lake, ocean or river. They cannot use
manmade bodies of water, such as purpose built reserviours or public pools. While they can use a container
(such as a casket or metal cylinder) to protect them from sunlight, they cannot remain dry during the process
if the rite is to work.
For Mortals the rite is significantly more dangerous. It requiers a helper to assist the practicioner as the
mortal Koldun needs to be drowned during the rite and then resuscitated for the bonding rite to be
Manifesting Water Rituals
Water Rituals must be cast near a large body of water with the Koldun at least partially submerged in it.
Water Spirits
The spirits of water are colourful and mysterious beings. They believe existence to be ruled by fate and keep
to their pre-determined journey with zeal. They divide into two camps, changing between them as one age
comes to a close and another begins.
Those water elementals that reside in rivers and oceans are travelers who follow their assigned currents. With
them they bring the gifts of life and prophecy. They are peacful and patient beings, following the path of
least resistence. As long as their journey remains unobstructed, or an alternative route can be sought, they
will remain pacif. However should one take their presence for granted or bar their passage they will risk a
destructive confrontation.
Those that reside in lakes and glaciers are former travellers who completed their journey and earned their
rest. They slumber, remaining dormant for eons at a time, until a new age dawns to set them on a new
journey, once more. Within them is held the wisdom of ages past, knowledge that is seldom relinquished
without a fight.
Water spirits have a tumultuous relationship with other elementals to say the least. Fire spirits are downright
terrified of their presence and water elementals have little love for the careless destruction their flame born
cousins inflict.
Earth spirits are in a constant state of war with the passage of their water-born brethren and the two
relentlessly battle against one another.
Finally, air spirits are unpredictable at best and are just as likely to blow water elementals off course as they
are to help them on their journeys.
Danubian Voices Level 2
The spirits of the water whisper their secrets to the Koldun.
Watery Haven
During the course of the ritual, Water Spirits, of the
local waterways, whisper their secrets to the The Koldun simply disappears as he sinks into the
Koldun. This reveals any revealing suspicious water.
behaviour near their shores or secrets hidden in If successful the Koldun merges with the
their depths. local body of water and can reappear within 1
❖ Type: Ritual kilometre (half a mile) of their original location,
❖ Tag: Mental & Spiritual within the same body of water.
❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single large body ❖ Type: Ability
of water (river, lake, ocean). The local water ❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
spirits will be able to reveal any secrets they ❖ Range & Targets: Targets the Koldun
know within 10 kilometres (5 miles) of the himself. The Koldun can re-emerge within 1
user. kilometre (half a mile) of his original location.
❖ Cost: 1 Scene ❖ Cost: 2 Rounds + 1 Rouse Check
❖ Conditions: Occult 1. Water Bond 1. The ❖ Conditions: Occult 1. Water Bond 2. The
ritual must be performed while the user is at Koldun can only use this ability when in
least partially submerged in the targeted body contact with a natural body of water. They
of water and a sacrifice must be offered may only re-appear in the same body of water.
(mortal or animal). ❖ Risk: Low. The Koldun simply disappears as
❖ Risk: Moderate. The ritual requires a sacrifice he sinks underneath the water surface.
to be made. ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
❖ Test: None Rating (3)
❖ Resistance Roll: None ❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Scenes (1 hour) to complete the ❖ Duration: 1 Round (a few seconds) to merge
ritual and receive any information from the with the water followed by another Round
spirits. (another few second) to re-materialize.
The Misfortune Of Chernogolov Level 3
It is said river spirits can influence the flow of fate. The
Koldun calls upon this mystical fact to curse his enemies.
Fog Over The Sea
If successful, the Koldun curses a target to have The Koldun walks on water, proving to all that
perpetually bad luck. In game terms, from this point monsters and saints are not that different after all.
on, until the curse ends, the target changes all results If successful, the Koldun can walk on the
of a 10 to 1s and all critical successes to failures surface of any body of water without sinking.
whenever making any sort of roll. Note that red dice
critical successes do not become bestial failures, ❖ Type: Ability
merely blanks. ❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: Targets the Koldun
❖ Type: Ritual himself.
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual ❖ Cost: 1 Rouse Check
❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single individual ❖ Conditions: Occult 3. Water Bond 3.
whose name is known to the Koldun. ❖ Risk: Very High. The power is blatantly
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check supernatural.
❖ Conditions: Occult 2. Water Bond 2. The ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
targets name must be known, and the ritual Rating (4)
can only be performed on the banks of a river ❖ Resistance Roll: None
(the ritual specifically targets river spirits). ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour)
❖ Risk: Low. Although occult in nature, there is
nothing overtly supernatural about this power. The Insults Of Krivda
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
The images within the water gain a voice of their
Rating (3)
own and outright taunt their victim.
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to manifest the This is an upgrade for Pool of Lies. The
ritual, after which the curse lasts for a week. illusions now gain a vocal component that only the
The Weeping of Kruchina victim himself can hear. The spirits feed off the
target’s anxiety and prevent the victim from using
Spirits of sorrow strike at the Kolduns enemies. Willpower to re-roll any of their dice. Additionally,
the manifestations often outright taunt the victim
If successful, all individuals within 5 meters
causing it to attack the illusions if it fails their
(15 feet) of the Koldun will begin to weep
resistance roll.
and sob uncontrollably.
❖ Type: Upgrade
❖ Type: Ability
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
❖ Tag: Mental & Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: Targets the Koldun
❖ Range & Targets: Targets everyone within 5
metres (15 feet) of the Koldun, excluding the
❖ Cost: None
Koldun himself.
❖ Conditions: Occult 3. Land Bond 3. The
❖ Cost: 1 Rouse Check
bonuses for this upgrade are only granted
❖ Conditions: Occult 2. Water Bond 2.
while the Land Bond level is maintained.
❖ Risk: High. While a group of Mortals will
❖ Risk: Moderate. The power can be noticed by
look peculiar, a group of Kindred crying
more than just its intended target.
blood, will outright breach the Masquerade.
❖ Test: None
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
❖ Resistance Roll: Willpower test (2 – the roll
Rating (3)
should only be made once per day, when
❖ Resistance Roll: Those affected can
voluntarily suffer 1 Point of Superficial
❖ Duration: Same as Pool Of Lies.
Willpower Damage to delay the effects by 1
Round (a few seconds).
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes), until the user
voluntarily ends the ability or is incapacitated.
Level 4
The Banks Of The Baska
The Koldun marks a victim for death. Should they be foolish enough to traverse large bodies of
water vengeful spirits will drag them down to an early grave.
If successful, the Koldun curses a target. From this point on, whenever the victim attempts
to traverse large natural bodies of water (lakes, rivers, oceans) they will be targeted by
wrathful water spirits.
On the surface this seems like nothing more than a stream of bad luck (the victims boat
capsizes due to a sudden wave, thick ice breaks apart underneath them, or a muddy
embankment surprisingly gives way leaving the target tumbling into the frigid waters).
Once the target is submerged, at least hallway within the water, they begin to drown, as
though they do not know how to swim, and will sink rapidly. The victim is than kept in its
watery grave, the spirits unwilling to relinquish their prize, until the curse is broken.
❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single individual within 100 kilometres (50 miles) of the
user, whose name is known to the Koldun.
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 2 Rouse Checks
❖ Conditions: Occult 4. Water Bond 4. Only a single individual can be cursed by the
Koldun at any one time.
❖ Risk: Moderate. The effects of this ritual appear completely mundane on the surface.
However, were authorities to attempt to retrieve the body, before the curse is lifted,
they would be puzzled at the strange tugs and pulls preventing them from retrieving
the corpse.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path Rating (4)
❖ Resistance Roll: Strength + Stamina (7) to escape the pull of the water spirits once
submerged. Several rolls may be required to escape the waters entirely (storytellers’
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to complete the ritual. Afterwards, the effects of the ritual
last for 1 week.
Level 5 Cataclysm Table
Tide Of Doom Roll a D10 and apply the results bellow. Roll once for a
River Flood, twice for a Flash Flood and 3 times for a
Tides become erratic, torrential rains come Coastal Flood. Duplicates of the same result are simply
down and waters rise. discarded.
This ritual requires 10 mortal 1 – Levithan: An eldritch entity, usually confined to the
sacrifices to be drowned during the course of depths, is awakened, and moves amongst the supernatural
the ritual. The targets are picked by the spirits community. This can be a Lasombra or Gangrel elder,
of water themselves (left to the storyteller Rokea or something far more dangerous (left to the
discretion). storyteller’s discretion).
If successful, the user causes large bodies of 2 – Devouring Tide: Waters swell suddenly. Dams
water to behave unpredictably, causing collapse, barriers are swept away, and large portions of the
currents to suddenly change, banks to city are suddenly and violently flooded. There is widescale
overflow or entire reservoirs to disappear loss of life and property.
overnight. The extent and strength of the
event is dependent on the number of 3 – Underground Waters: Catacombs, subways and other
successes the user makes: underground locations become completely submerged for
up to a year.
7-8 successes – River Flood
8-10 successes – Flash Flood 4 – Titanic Loss: A rouge wave crashes into a cruise ship,
11+ – Coastal Flood ferry, or cargo vessel, causing it to capsize. Loss of life is
significant as the waves claim the ship.
The storyteller can also make use of the
cataclysm table on the right to establish the 5 – Storm Surge: An excessive amount of rain plummets
rituals unique effects on the wider area. down in a very short amount of time. Large portions of the
city come to a standstill, power is lost, and low-lying areas
Regardless of, if the ritual is a success or not, are at risk of quickly becoming submerged.
it reduces ALL of the Koldun’s Bond ratings
to 0, forcing him to re-establish his 6 – Bubble Up: The flood causes sewage systems to be
connection with the elemental spirits overwhelmed. Sinks, toilets, and shower drains become
afterwards. clogged and raw sewage begins to bubble up from them.
The stench is appalling.
❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual 7 – Muddied Waters: The flood causes large amounts of
❖ Range & Targets: Impacts the entire sediment, rocks, and mud to clog up local waterways. This
local area within 10 square kilometres (5 greatly impacts the city’s supply of drinking water. Water is
square miles) of the ritual site. still plentiful; it is simply tainted and likely to carry diseases.
❖ Cost: 1 Session + 3 Rouse Checks
8 – Drought: As the waters recede, they recede fully,
❖ Conditions: Occult 5. Water Bond 5. 10
causing a largescale drought to impact the area for the next
mortal sacrifices.
❖ Risk: High. While the ritual is few months.
conducted away from prying eyes, its 9 – Torrential Downpour: It rains and rains and rains, for
effects are downright devastating and days on end. While it does not cause an outright flood to
will dramatically impact the local area. occur, it does submerge many underground facilities, makes
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path transportation difficult and generally causes life to be
Rating (7)
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Session (6 hours) to 10 – Minor Damage: While floodwaters ruin businesses
complete the ritual. The flood itself can and homes, they quickly recede without a lasting impact.
last for several days and its effects are far
The Path Of Fire
Conflagration, destruction and re-birth. Fire had always been a critical element for the natural cycle of life.
Fire spirits are capricious and volatile beings, ever eager to spark the next conflagration and feed on the land
as they once more rage across the surface. They are simple but dangerous beings and many a Koldun had
been devoured by flames, when losing control of their rituals.
Bonding Rite
Fire elementals desire to grow and devour, an act that can only be achieved by feeding on any flammable
substance near them. In order for the Koldun to form a bond with fire spirits, they must ritualistically brand
themselves each time. This is the same for both Mortal and Kindred Kolduns, although it is far more
dangerous for its vampiric practitioners given the bane of fire.
In game terms each branding causes 1 point of Superficial Health Damage to Mortals and 1 point of
Aggravated Health Damage to Kindred.
Casting Fire Rituals
Fire rituals can be cast in any location that is relatively dry and sheltered enough for a flame to start. An open
flame is often necessary in fire-based rituals, as offerings are commonly burned during the process.
Fire Spirits
Destructive, spiteful, hateful, these are but a few words used to describe the spirits of fire. Yet despite their
all-consuming attitude, fire elementals are a necessary evil. Their short and violent lives scar the land it is
true, but they also make room for new things to flourish in their wake. Fire can indeed burn beautiful and
pure things to ash, but it also devours corruption and rot in equal measure.
The relatively short lifespan of fire elementals gives them an incredibly rich society and they divide
themselves into several camps.
The Freeborn are those fire elementals who are sparked to life naturally or via accident. As they awaken, they
are inspired by the songs of wind spirits who sing to them of their fiery predecessors. They travel across the
land, devouring anything and everything in their wake until they are either put down or run out of fuel. Such
elementals know that their lives are measured in days, weeks, or months at best, so they seek to grow as large
and powerful as possible during this time to imprint their own legend onto the world.
The Shackled are those elementals who are created by mortals for the purposes of war and industry. They are
powerful and destructive beings, always eager to escape the confines humans had built for them.
The Docile are those elementals who warm human homes and reside in their fireplaces. Such elementals are
long-lived, compared to their cousins, and form a dual bond with their human masters. On one hand they
love the humans who bring them sustenance and they admire observing their lives. On the other hand, they
are still flame born entities and will escape at any given opportunity to explore the wider world.
Finally, the most ancient and powerful fire spirits, are the Buried. These entities reside deep in the earth,
within pools of magma and subterranean fires that had been burning since the earth was first born. Here
they do battle with earth spirits and one another, until one of their number becomes powerful enough to
escape their confines and emerge onto the world in an eruption of magma, fire and death.
The relationship between fire spirits and other elementals is almost universally sour. They are in a constant
state of war with earth elementals underground and despise their water born cousins with a passion. Only
wind spirits are seen with anything approaching favour as they often spread the fires of flame born entities.
Level 1
Fiery Courage Heat Wave
Flames do not phase the Koldun, regardless of how much its Exhaling deeply the Koldun issues forth a scolding
spirit whisper about his destruction. hot wind that causes burns upon contact.
The user is not frightened by fire. Kindred do not The user exhales and a hot gust of wind
perform Fear Frenzy checks when burned or that materializes from seemingly nowhere. The wind
subjected to open flames. causes burns to blister on any target within range.
This ability can only cause burns and dry out
❖ Type: Upgrade material, it can never outright spark a fire.
❖ Tag: Mental & Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: Targets the Koldun ❖ Type: Ability
himself. ❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
❖ Cost: None ❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single individual
❖ Conditions: Occult 1. Fire Bond 1. The within Visual Range and 5 meters (15 feet) of
bonuses for this upgrade are only granted the Koldun.
while the Fire Bond level is 1 or higher. ❖ Cost: 1 Round
❖ Risk: None. The power has no overtly ❖ Conditions: Occult 1. Fire Bond 1. The
supernatural effects. ability can only be used once per night.
❖ Test: None ❖ Risk: High. While the hot wind is invisible the
❖ Resistance Roll: None effects of the power are clearly supernatural.
❖ Duration: Permanent ❖ Test: None
❖ Resistance Roll: While there is no outright
Resistance Roll available, targets can attempt
to take cover or try and dodge the incoming
Starve The Flames attack (at the discretion of the Storyteller).
❖ Duration: 1 Round (a few seconds), to inhale
The body of the Koldun tricks other fire spirits, making them and exhale, resolving the powers effects.
believe he is one of them. This robs the flames of their potency,
preventing the user from catching alight. On Fire
The user cannot be set on fire. He can still be Fire damage occurs in two ways. Either the
damaged by direct fire attacks such as dragon fire target takes direct damage from a fire-based
rounds, Molotov cocktails or flamethrowers. attack or the target had been set on fire and is
However, once the initial flames die down, he is not currently burning.
set ablaze as most targets would be. For all intense Direct fire damage is generally easy to apply as
and purposes, he is no longer flammable. its value is pre-written in its description.
❖ Type: Upgrade When a target is actively on fire however things
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual can get somewhat complicated. To simplify this,
❖ Range & Targets: Targets the Koldun apply the following:
A target is not considered on fire unless a
❖ Cost: None
significant portion of its body is enveloped in
❖ Conditions: Occult 1. Fire Bond 1. The
bonuses for this upgrade are only granted flames and actively causing damage.
while the Fire Bond level is 1 or higher. If this is the case than the target takes 1 point of
❖ Risk: Low. The user seems flame resistant. Aggravated Health Damage at the start of each
This is either seen as lucky or unusual at new Round.
worst. If the victim wishes to put the flames out than
❖ Test: None they must sacrifice a Round to drop and roll.
❖ Resistance Roll: None During this time, they are completely vulnerable
❖ Duration: Permanent to enemy action. A Willpower test can be asked
for if the target wishes to ignore the flames.
Level 2
Flame Surge Wicked Combustion
Marking a weapon with a runic symbol the With a twist of the wrist the Koldun ignites a fire.
Koldun draws hungering fire spirits to it, feeding If successful, the user can ignite dry or
its destructive potential. flammable material. He cannot target living
If successful, the user marks an item or weapon objects or other Kindred.
with a runic symbol. When the weapon launches a ❖ Type: Ability
flame-based attack (flamethrowers, firearms using ❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
dragon fire rounds, torches) or an item is set fully ❖ Range & Targets: Targets any item or
alight, the fire it produces is twice as intense and location within Visual Range and 5 meters (15
powerful as normal. In terms of rules the weapon feet) of the Koldun.
receives a +2-damage modifier (on top of any pre- ❖ Cost: 1 Rouse Check
existing modifiers). ❖ Conditions: Occult 2. Fire Bond 2. Only dry
However, such power does not come without a and lifeless material (Kindred excluded) can be
price and each time the weapon/item is used it targeted.
forces the practitioner to roll a D10. On a 1 the ❖ Risk: Moderate. You are causing a sudden fire
weapon violently ignites or even detonates (if it is to occur out of nowhere.
ammunition based), harming its wielder. ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
Rating (3)
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: Until the flames are put out or
subside on their own.
Hungering Conflagration
The Koldun marks a victim to be devoured by fire.
If successful, the user curses a target. While
❖ Type: Ritual the curse is in effect the target will
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual essentially become flammable and any small flame,
❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single weapon making contact with its skin, will set it ablaze. The
or item within Touch Range. fire itself will also be extremely difficult to put out.
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check In game terms any attempt to extinguish the victim
❖ Conditions: Occult 2. Fire Bond 2. The rune will suffer a 2 dice penalty.
is created by branding/burning it into the side
of the weapon/item. Only one such weapon ❖ Type: Ritual
can be enhanced at any one time, by the user. ❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
❖ Risk: Low. The ritual is occult in nature but ❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single individual
does not seem supernatural. The increase in within 100 kilometres (50 miles) of the user,
firepower is simply put down to technology. whose name is known to the Koldun.
After all, most mortals are rarely exposed to a ❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
basic firearm, let alone something as complex ❖ Conditions: Occult 2. Fire Bond 2. The
as a fire-based weapon. targets name must be known to the user.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path ❖ Risk: Low. While the ritual is occult in nature,
Rating (3) its effects are hard to explain and difficult to
❖ Resistance Roll: None link to the Koldun.
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to complete the ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
ritual, after which the effects last until the Rating (3)
Koldun casts the ritual on a different ❖ Resistance Roll: None
weapon/item, or the weapon/item is ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to manifest the
destroyed. ritual, after which the curse lasts for 3 days.
Level 3 Spark Of Calamity
Marking the home of those who offended him, the Koldun
Devouring Flames sends forth calamitous flame spirits to rob the victim of their
As the Koldun drinks his fill he also ritually shelter.
sacrifices their victim to the flames. If successful, the user curses a structure. To
This power can be used reflexively on any successfully perform the ritual the user needs to
victim the Koldun drains dry, simply prolonging the have a copy of the keys to the building or their
act of feeding by an additional Round. As the user equivalent (pass code, security card, etc.). If
drains a target dry, they dip their finger in the successful, the building is cursed and will suffer a
residue blood of their victim and draw a mark on serious fire at some point during the next week
their corpse. As the Kindred leaves, the body of the (Storytellers choice). The user can target any
victim bursts into flames and burns until nothing structure with this power. However, while smaller
but ash remains. buildings, such as houses, are likely to be completely
destroyed, large structures, such as skyscrapers or
This Ritual can be performed in place of the warehouses, only suffer limited damage.
Bonding Rite to maintain the Koldun’s Fire Bond
rating. ❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
❖ Type: Ritual ❖ Range & Targets: A single building within
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual 100 kilometres (50 miles).
❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single individual ❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
the Koldun had just killed by draining them ❖ Conditions: Occult 3. Fire Bond 3. The user
dry. must place the key, to the property he is trying
❖ Cost: 1 Round to curse, into an open flame during the ritual.
❖ Conditions: Occult 3. Land Bond 3. The state of the key after the ritual does not
❖ Risk: Moderate. While this ritual is often used matter.
to mask the nature of the victim’s death, the ❖ Risk: Low. The curse seems like an
flames it produces can easily spark a larger unfortunate, but every day, occurrence.
fire. ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
❖ Test: None (there is no test) Rating (4)
❖ Resistance Roll: None ❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Round (a few seconds) to mark ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to complete the
the victim and 1 Round (a few seconds) for ritual. The curse itself lasts for a week or until
the corpse to ignite. Afterwards the body will the building randomly catches fire (at the
burn for 1 Scene (10 minutes) until only ash storyteller’s discretion).
Level 4 Level 5
Swarog’s Fury Fiery Demise
The Koldun sets his enemies ablaze with a mere The Koldun had made so many pacts and deals
look. with fire spirits that upon his death they violently
rush to claim his soul, often to deadly effect.
If successful, the user can set an individual
on fire with a glare. When the user dies his body detonates instead of
rotting away. Those nearby have a few seconds to
❖ Type: Ability
prepare for the fiery conflagration to come. Roll a
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
D10 and apply the following:
❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single individual
within Visual Range and 10 meters (30 feet) of - X equals your D10 result.
the user. - Every individual within X number of meters,
❖ Cost: 2 Rouse Check will suffer X number of Aggravated points of
❖ Conditions: Occult 4. Fire Bond 4. Eye Health Damage, as the flames wash over them.
Contact must be made. All structures, individuals and items within this
❖ Risk: High. The target randomly combusts, range are set ablaze.
much to the horror of onlookers. - Every individual within 2 times X number of
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path meters, will suffer X number of Superficial points
Rating (5) of Health Damage, as the heatwave causes burns
❖ Resistance Roll: None and scaring. This is in addition to any Aggravated
❖ Duration: 1 Round (a few seconds) to ignite a Damage received by the initial ball of flame. The
target, after which they remain on fire until heat wave is not treated as a fire-based attack (for
the flames are extinguished. the purposes of the Kindred Bane of fire).
- The blast itself is heard by everyone within 10
times X number of meters.
❖ Type: Upgrade
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: Targets the Koldun
❖ Cost: None
❖ Conditions: Occult 5. Fire Bond 5. The
bonuses for this upgrade are only granted
while the Fire Bond level is 5.
❖ Risk: Very High. Not that the user will care.
His demise is like an explosion, even if
supernatural beings are not suspected, the area
will be on a heightened state of alert from
here on out.
❖ Test: None
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: The ability automatically activates
as the user dies. Upon his death those around
him have 1 Round (a few second) to act,
before the Kindred’s body explodes. There are
subtle warning signs as the Koldun’s corpse
begins to sizzle and smoke.
The Path Of Calamity
Path Of Calamity
The most skilled, or the most insane, of Kolduns dare tempt fate and combine their knowledge of the
elemental Paths to create unique and devastating spells.
The elemental spirits tend to be counter-opposed to one another. Earth spirits dislike the volatility of fire
spirits. Air spirits believe earth spirits to be stagnant. Water spirits envy the freeflowing nature of air spirits
and so on. It takes a powerful Koldun to convice such counter opposed forces to set aside their differences
and work with one another. Such arrangements are always volatile and short, but while they last, they
produce some of the most terrible effects imaginable.
Bonding Rite
There is no Bonding Rite for the Path of Calamity. Instead, to cast its powers, the Koldun needs to have an
adequet path rating in all the separate paths associated with the power he is attempting to cast.
In essence the Path of Calamity is a list of Amalgams for Kolduns.
Casting Rituals of Calamity
All calamity rituals have different requierments, however do be mindful that nearly all of them are risky. If
the ritual fails, it means that the elemental spirits have turned their ire upon one another, with the Koldun
trapped in the centre of such a conflict.
The Storyteller is welcome to interpratate this as he wishes but at the very least a Koldun should suffer 1
point(s), per power level, of Superficial Health Damage each time they fail to meet the test requierments for
any Calamity power.
Level 1 Ashen Storm
Singing into the night sky, the Koldun tricks the wind into
Boiling Fog abducting the sleeping desert spirits.
Placing a hand into a large body of water the Koldun wills If successful then, within 3 days of the conclusion
the liquid to begin evaporating, creating large amounts of fog. of the ritual, a dust storm will come to the area and
The user must perform this ritual while partially last for 1 night. During the storm visibility will be
submerged in a natural body of water. At the severely impacted when outside of shelter. Although
conclusion of the ritual a thick mist will cover the the storm doesn’t do any permanent damage, it
surface of the large body of water. The mist will certainly makes life difficult while it lasts.
extend 10 meters (30 feet) in height and covers an ❖ Type: Ritual
area of 1 kilometre (half a mile) around the ritual ❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
site. ❖ Range & Targets: Affects the entire area
Do note that the power doesn’t actually bring the within 1 kilometre (half a mile) of the ritual
water to a boiling point it simply creates mist site.
through supernatural means. ❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
❖ Conditions: Occult 1. Earth Bond 1. Wind
❖ Type: Ritual Bond 1. An hourglass must be used during the
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual ritual. Regardless of the amount of sand in the
❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single natural hourglass, it will only run out when the
body of water. sandstorm arrives. Breaking the hourglass has
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check no effect on the outcome of the ritual after it
❖ Conditions: Occult 1. Fire Bond 1. Water had been cast. The hourglass itself is treated as
Bond 1. The ritual must be performed while a supernatural item until the storm arrives.
partially submerged in the targeted body of ❖ Risk: High. Causing a dust storm to manifest
water. itself in parts where it does not usually occur
❖ Risk: Low. The ritual is occult in nature and is suspicious. The ritual itself also produces a
the sudden appearance of fog can be temporary supernatural item in the form of
somewhat suspicious. the hourglass. While it is hard to trace any of
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path this back to the Koldun it will mean the city
Rating (3) itself will be under increased scrutiny.
❖ Resistance Roll: None ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) for the ritual to be Rating (3)
completed, afterwards the effects last until the ❖ Resistance Roll: None
end of the Session (6 hours) ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to complete the
ritual. The dust storm will arrive in 3 days.
When it arrives, it lasts for 1 Session (6 hours).
Cutting Blizzard Level 2
Sweeping his hands in a wide arc a cold wind
blows towards the enemy. Sharp shards of ice travel
Kupala’s Exhalation
with the gust of wind, cutting and impaling the The Koldun barters with the stoic Earth spirits to
Koldun’s enemies. release their prisoners.
If successful, the user can target a single individual. If successful, billowing gases will begin to
The target is treated as being hit by a ranged leak out from the earth, needing only a spark to
weapon with a +2-damage rating. ignite them.
❖ Type: Ability ❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual ❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: Targets any enemy within ❖ Range & Targets: Targets an area of roughly
Visual range and 10 meters (30 feet) of the 10 square meters (30 feet) within 1 kilometre
Koldun. (half a mile) of the ritual site.
❖ Cost: 1 Rouse Check ❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
❖ Conditions: Occult 1. Wind Bond 1. Water ❖ Conditions: Occult 2. Earth Bond 2. Wind
Bond 1. Bond 2. The Koldun must be familiar with the
❖ Risk: Moderate. You are creating sharp targeted area.
projectiles from seemingly nowhere. ❖ Risk: Moderate. The effects of the ritual are
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path often seen as a simple gas leak, but repetitive
Rating (3) use of such a power can raise suspicions.
❖ Resistance Roll: None, however the target ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
can still attempt to take cover or dodge the Rating (3)
incoming blow if the Storyteller deems ❖ Resistance Roll: None
appropriate. Do note that the shards of ice ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour) to complete the
move as fast as a bullet. ritual, the gases will leak from the ground for
❖ Duration: 1 Round. the next day and can potentially be ignited,
causing an explosion to occur. Do note that
even if no ignition takes place, an
overabundance of gas can still suffocate
Pontos Euxenios Sunken Tomb
The Koldun combines the life-giving properties of The victims instantly sink into the mud the
Water and Wind spirits to heal. moment they step onto the riverbanks.
If successful, the user creates an enchanted This power can be voluntarily activated
body of water. It has two effects: when the target steps into ankle deep water. If
successful, the victim is immediately submerged 2
Any mortal or enhanced mortal submerged in the
meters (6 feet) underground.
waters will be able to downgrade all Aggravated
points of Health Damage to Superficial or, if they ❖ Type: Reflexive
have no Aggravated Damage, heal all Superficial ❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
Points of Damage. ❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single individual
within Visual Range and 10 meters (30 feet) of
Any Kindred that slumbers the day away, while the Koldun.
submerged in the water, will downgrade all ❖ Cost: 1 Rouse Check
Aggravated points of Willpower Damage to ❖ Conditions: Occult 2. Water Bond 2. Earth
Superficial or, if they have no Aggravated Damage, Bond 2. The target must step into ankle deep
heal all Superficial Points of Willpower Damage. water and the surface must be natural (sand,
mud, dirt, lose rocks). Can only be used once
Regardless of who uses it, those who benefit from per Scene.
the water’s unique properties will afterwards find ❖ Risk: Moderate. Those who witness the
themselves absent minded, their thoughts filled with power will believe the target was the victim of
the need to travel, and their dreams overflowing a freak sink hole.
with memories of past events they were never part ❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
of. Rating (3)
❖ Resistance Roll: While there is no Resistance
They will suffer a 2 dice penalty on all their rolls, as Roll, the effects of this ability only
the influence of both Wind and Water spirits takes inconvenience Vampires. Due to their nature,
its toll. they will be able to claw their way out
eventually or even use abilities (such as those
❖ Type: Ritual
from Protean) to simply re-emerge.
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
❖ Duration: The power is instantaneous.
❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single body of
water (at least large enough to submerge a
body into it).
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
❖ Conditions: Occult 1. Water Bond 2. Wind
Bond 2. The body of water used does not
have to be naturally occurring. The power can
only be used once per week.
❖ Risk: Moderate. The healing properties of the
water are quickly apparent for all to see.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
Rating (3)
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 hour), to complete the
ritual. Afterwards the pool of water will
remain enchanted until someone uses it,
destroys it or a week had passed. The dice
penalty for using the poll lasts for 1 week.
Level 3
Subterranean Ignition
With a flick of his wrist, the Koldun ignites a
pocket of gas under the target’s feet.
If successful, the Koldun will ignite a
pocket of gas underneath the target’s feet. The
results vary greatly depend on the users test roll:
4 – successes: The ground shakes and cracks,
causing the target to become wrong-footed,
suffering a 3 dice penalty on their next Physical
5 – successes: A jet of boiling hot water or steam
shoots out from the ground causing 1 point of
Aggravated Health Damage to Mortals and 2 points
of Superficial Health Damage to Kindred.
7+ – successes: A jet of flames shoots out from the
ground causing 1 point of Aggravated Health
Damage and sets the target on fire.
❖ Type: Ability
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single individual
within Visual Range and 10 meters (30 feet) of Frigid Touch
the Koldun.
❖ Cost: 1 Rouse Check. With a simple touch the Koldun can freeze their
❖ Conditions: Occult 3. Earth Bond 3. Fire victim in place.
Bond 3. The power only works if the target is If successful, the user inflicts 2 Points of
at ground level or lower. Natural soil is not Superficial Health Damage. Those targets damaged
needed as the effects will rip through any
by the effects of this power suffer a 1 dice penalty
concrete or similar obstruction.
to all their physical rolls. Multiple negatives, caused
❖ Risk: Moderate. The power seems like a freak
maintenance disaster. by repetitive activations, of this power, do stack.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path ❖ Type: Reflexive
Rating (4) ❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
❖ Resistance Roll: None ❖ Range & Targets: A single individual within
❖ Duration: 1 Round (a few seconds) before Touch Range.
the pocket of gas is exhausted. ❖ Cost: 1 Rouse Check
❖ Conditions: Occult 3. Wind Bond 3. Water
Bond 3. The user can only manifest this ability
if he had successfully grappled a target or is
currently maintaining physical touch with
❖ Risk: High. You are freezing a victim in place.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path
Rating (4)
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Round (a few second) to
manifest once physical contact is made.
Level 4
Perun’s Fury
The Koldun raises one hand to the sky
and the other towards their intended
target. As lightning arcs from the sky,
it travels through their body to strike
the intended victim.
If successful, the user causes lightning to
strike their victim. The lightning causes 3
points of Aggravated Health Damage to all
targets and is considered a fire-based attack.
For each failed Rouse Check the user himself
takes 1 point of Aggravated Health Damage
as the electricity is re-directed through their
body. This damage too, is fire based.
❖ Type: Ability
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual
❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single
individual within Visual Range and 100
meters (300 feet) of the Koldun.
❖ Cost: 2 Rouse Check
❖ Conditions: Occult 4. Wind Bond 4.
Fire Bond 4. Can only be performed
under an open sky.
❖ Risk: Very High. You are acting as a
conduit for lightning. The electric blast
itself, not to mention the thunder it
causes, will cause wide-scale damage
and is extremely noticeable.
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual
Path Rating (5)
❖ Resistance Roll: None. Only the
highest level of Celerity users can hope
to dodge this attack.
❖ Duration: 1 Round (a second) for the
lightning to be cast.
Level 5 Cataclysm Table
Eruption Roll a D10 and apply the results bellow.
The ultimate expression of power, the 1 – Apocalypse: The volcano erupts with apocalyptic fury.
Koldun shakes the very foundations of the Nearly half the city is immediately destroyed and the other
world. half is at serious risk. The volcano billows out enough dust
that it affects far flung areas and influences local climate.
This ritual requires 10 mortal sacrifices to be
burned alive during the course of the ritual. 2 – Pyroclastic Death: A pyroclastic cloud envelopes the
The targets are picked by the spirits of fire outskirts of the city, instantly killing anything not taking
(left to the storyteller discretion). shelter underground. Local airways are disrupted, and planes
caught by the blast are brought down.
If successful, the user causes a volcanic
eruption to take place. 3 – Tsunami: The volcano, the Koldun had planned to
denotate, remains inert. Instead, an underwater eruption
The storyteller can make use of the cataclysm takes place, causing a massive tidal wave to impact the
table on the right to establish the rituals nearest coast. Large scale loss of life is unavoidable and
unique effects on the wider area. local shipping is thrown into chaos.
The ritual must be performed on sites near an 4 – Rain Of Fire: The detonation had thrown numerous
active volcano or significant tectonic activity. flaming debris into the air which now come crashing down.
Large portions of the city are set aflame and anyone not in
Once the final mortal is sacrificed and the
cover is at risk of being struck by the flaming projectiles.
ritual concluded, the eruption happens almost
instantaneously. The Koldun is also 5 – Ash Fall: Although the initial blast does not outright kill
performing the ritual in a site either near the or damage anything, the volcano produces a phenomenal
epicentre of the disaster or in a tectonically amount of ash which falls across the city in thick layers. The
active area, so the likelihood of their own sun is completely obscured as ash all but submerge low
survival is slim. lying areas.
Regardless of, if the ritual is a success or not, 6 – Billowing Blast: The volcanic activity ignites pockets
it reduces ALL of the Koldun’s Bond ratings of gasses trapped deep beneath the surface. Geysers of
to 0, forcing him to re-establish his flame shoot out into the sky; homes are set ablaze and gas
connection with the elemental spirits pipes ignite. While the butchers bill is relatively low, fires
afterwards. continue to blaze for weeks on end.
❖ Type: Ritual 7 – Molten River: A large fissure forms on the side of the
❖ Tag: Physical & Spiritual volcano and a slow, but unstoppable, river of magma makes
❖ Range & Targets: Impacts the entire for the city. While it only affects the city’s outskirts and its
local area within 10 square kilometres (5 progress is slow, anything in its path is burnt to ash.
square miles) of the ritual site.
❖ Cost: 1 Session + 3 Rouse Check 8 – Boom: A powerful explosion rips through the side of
❖ Conditions: Occult 5. Fire Bond 5. the volcano. While effects of the magma flow, ash and
Earth Bond 5. 10 mortal sacrifices. pyroclastic cloud are negligible, the sonic boom rips through
❖ Risk: High. While the ritual is the city, shattering windows, bursting eardrums and
conducted away from prying eyes, its knocking people off their feet.
effects are downright devastating and
will dramatically impact the local area. 9 – Rumbles: A small earthquake hits the area. While
❖ Test: Highest Path Rating + Ritual Path extensive damage is done to underground structures the city
Rating (7) itself, and the wider area, are unaffected.
❖ Resistance Roll: None
10 – Suspicious Silence: Nothing happens. For all intense
❖ Duration: 1 Session (6 hours) to
complete the ritual. The eruption occurs and purposes, the Koldun believes the ritual had failed. The
a few moments after the last mortal is Storyteller rolls again on this table the following night, re-
sacrificed. rolling any further 10s.
This Document is part of the Shadowfall expanded universe.