Werewolf - 100 Stargazer Kinfolk

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Credits Special Thanks to:
Written By:Neal Litherland Special thanks to everyone who helped me expand the
Developed By: Neal Litherland and Josh Heath definition of what it can mean to be a Kinfolk to
Edited By: Josh Heath any tribe!
Art by: Pixabay and White Wolf Art Packs
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Section 1 3

Garou Nation, but they are both still fighting the

Introduction same fight.

The strength of the wolf is the pack, and this is

the truth that has led the Garou Nation to so
many victories over the centuries. Lone wolves are
a rarity, and even rarer still are those who thrive
without a pack the safeguard them. The Stargazers,
though, are that rarity; werewolves who walk a path
of balance, and who often remain apart from the
affairs of the world around them. Philosophers and
sages, these unusual hermits possess great wisdom
that their cousins can rarely hear over the constant
beating of the drums of war.

While there are fewer garou of this tribe now than

at nearly any time in history, the Stargazers’ kinfolk
carry on the legacy and ideals of their tribe. Scholars
and teachers, warriors and leaders, the Stargazers
may no longer consider themselves a part of the

100 Stargazer Kinfolk 5

compiling data for the continued search for the newest
100 Stargazer Kinfolk reincarnation of Klaital Starcatcher. While she can alter
1. Aamir Gohar: With the gaunt frame of an ascetic, and
some records, and make minute adjustments to help
the patient smile of a favorite grandfather, Aamir lives
camouflage the intentions of the camp, she doesn’t dare
near the foot of the mountains in Eastern Afghanistan,
do too much lest her superiors begin to suspect that it’s
in a cave that has its own freshwater spring which he’s
more than dedication to her job that keeps her in the
furnished with the necessities of life. With his simple
office at all hours.
robes and long hair, he offers hospitality and counsel
to anyone who finds themselves on his doorstep. Over
3. Abdul Bakshi: Living on the outskirts of Kokand,
the many years he has lived in that cavern he has
Uzbekistan, Abdul manages a tavern and hostel that
been visited by warriors of a dozen nations; Kurds and
has stood in one form or another since the days of the
Russians, Americans, Englishmen, and many others.
Silk Road. The liquor he pours, and the beds he makes,
These soldiers with their hollow eyes often wished to put
serve the same purpose now as they did then, though
down their weapons but were too afraid to do so. Aamir
the inn itself is much further off the beaten path in the
sat with them, listened to them, and talked with them.
modern age than it was during the days of horse-drawn
He helped them find a new path. One wall of his home
caravans. That isolation makes the place less useful for
is a display of the weapons left behind by those who no
gathering whispers and listening to the happenings of
longer needed them; a testament to those who have
the world, but it does make it far more useful as a place
been reborn within the mountain.
for the Stargazers and their kin to rest, recuperate, and
to find their balance once more. The place, much like
2. Zhang Min: Slender, graceful, and often wearing a
garou themselves, exists between worlds in a way that is
small, personal smile, Min is a low-level administrator
both terrifying, and comforting, to those who spend time
in Beijing’s records division. Praised as hard-working,
among its aging bricks and ancient memories.
dedicated, and trustworthy by her superiors, she uses
her position to help the garou of the Khital Puck. With
her access to information, she spends hours everyday


4. Constance Bedi: With a British mother and an Indian riddle, though, that he gained the attention of the garou
father, Constance understands balance, as well as the of the World Tree. Though they have attempted to keep
suffering one endures when they cannot bring their him on a short leash, Aarush has yet to find a horizon he
different worlds into harmony with one another. Like doesn’t want to walk toward.
a mountain standing strong between the winds and the
sea, however, she has refused to yield to the pressures 8. Bodhi: Raised by her family in a remote corner of
that assail her. An academic who has taught both in Bhutan, Bodhi’s kin care for and protect the waters of
Calcutta, India as well as in London, England, her work the spring known as the Woven Wyld. This spring is
on cultural influence, life balance, societal interaction, a unique balance of the Weaver and the Wyld; two of
and confluence of life factors has combined sociologically the elements of creation. The place was sanctified and
gathered numbers with her own experiences and research warded centuries ago and has had caretakers ever since.
to help form a path for coping with the modern world. A Many elders have claimed the waters can help a garou
path that it seems more people need every day. recover from harano, and that the very air around the
spring is thick with gnostic potential. Some even believe
5. Dr. Albert Wu: Born in California and educated at that children conceived there have a better chance of
UCLA in Berkeley, Dr. Wu can be deceiving at a glance. experiencing their first change. Bodhi hasn’t seen any
With his long hair, casual manner, and relaxed dress evidence of that among her own family, but it hasn’t
code, people tend to mistake him for a beach bum rather stopped many members of the tribe from coming there
than a medical professional. An insightful psychiatrist, once they’ve been wed just in case there is some truth
he provides unique cognitive therapy and drug regimens to that belief.
to troubled patients in order to help bring them back
into balance with themselves. He has freely offered his 9. Dane Chang: With a heavy stomach and wide
services to those in the Garou Nation as well and has shoulders Dane has often been compared to Budai
often said that for all the fine talk about glory, honor, (the smiling figure often mistaken for Buddha by
and pride, death leaves its mark on all of us. Rage and many Westerners). Always laughing and telling jokes,
grief can become interchangeable, and that must be Dane is infamous on-stage for a comedy style that
addressed if one’s mind and spirit are going to survive. is simultaneously philosophical and intensely crude.
Perhaps his most often-repeated lesson so far has been
6. Chen Li: With thousands of followers on social what he calls being the landlord of your own mind. “You
media, and millions of views on her videos, Li teaches have to be a landlord in your brain. If something there
people around the world the core tenants of Buddhism, ain’t paying rent, it needs to get the fuck out. Those
meditation, and of letting go of things which truly do embarrassing moments of dumb shit you did in middle
not matter. She has discussed how to purge wrath, fear, school? That time your mom said something snippy and
and the myriad stresses that build up in our minds from it made you cry when you were a freshman? Get a knife,
replaying the past, and worrying about the future. While cut it out, and toss it! Trust me, you flush out all that
she often feels like she’s putting messages in a bottle and garbage, you’re gonna be walking on air cause there’s
throwing them out into the ocean, she is doing the best nothing up there but stuff paying you dividends, people.”
she can to amplify the work of the Sacred Thread the
only way she knows how. 10. Tenzin Long: Living on a remote ranch in New
Mexico, Tenzin’s family has held their land since the
7. Aarush Bakar: Born near an aged temple in the hill great migration several centuries ago. While the simple
country of Nepal, Aarush was always adventurous as a home may not look like much to outsiders, it has been
child. Gone for long hours at a time, he would often tell universally recognized as neutral ground by all of those
fanciful tales of where he’d gone, and what he’d done. who operate in the area. Meetings between the Garou
His mother and father paid him no mind at first, but Nation and the nuwisha, the gurahl, the Beast Courts,
when his grandfather heard the stories he knew the and other parties have all been made possible thanks to
boy had been given a rare gift. Seeking out the galliard Sanctuary. And though Tenzin may just be an old woman
called Heaven’s Smile, Aarush has learned to master with a gray braid and wrinkles in the corners of her eyes,
his gnostic talents, if not his wanderlust. Though barely the steel in her spine brooks no argument from those
old enough to be considered a man by most, Aarush has who would claim her hospitality. Those who think that
delved deep into the Umbra in search of knowledge. It being soft and being kind are the same thing are quickly
was when he returned with the answer to a forgotten dissuaded from that belief while under her roof.
100 Stargazer Kinfolk 7
11. Cold Mother: A wolf who has rarely found a pack 15. Daria Beven: Tall and dark-haired, with a
for long, Cold Mother has learned a simple wisdom that mischievous smile and a twinkle in her eyes, Daria grew
often takes men their whole lives to understand. It is up on the road. A traveler, as her family had been for
that freedom from want, from disappointment, and from centuries, Daria’s blood flowed over the mountains of
the suffering of the world is easy to achieve. All one must northern India, and tied her to the Stargazers. Able to
do is live in the now, not in what has been, or what may find her way by the sun and stars if need be, she’s often
yet be. It may be impossible for man to truly do this, but claimed there was nowhere she couldn’t get to if she set
it has kept the wolf sanguine throughout most of her life. her heart and mind to the task. She’s proven it isn’t an
idle boast more than once, but it wasn’t until she snuck
12. Bataar: Thought of by some as a fish who doesn’t into a hidden shrine near the foot of the Himalayas that
understand how troubled the waters he navigates are she came to the attention of Darsha Joshi. The caretaker
because it is his home, Bataar lives the way many of his who pacified the spirits, Darsha offered Daria a new life
ancestors did centuries ago. On the plains of Mongolia, if she were willing to step through the door, and to learn
he sees the world primarily from his saddle. Though the truths of the world that was her birthright. It has
his movements may seem random to those watching been a long journey since then, but one that has opened
from afar, there is a method to the places he goes and Daria’s eyes far wider than she ever would have dreamed.
the things he does. Those who understand his patterns
will be able to find him with relative ease, and he is 16. Ram Pradhau: A student of history, both the known
always happy to travel with garou, shifters of the Beast and the secret, there are few things Ram does not know
Courts, or fellow kin alike. Often the lessons he teaches about the city of Kathmandu in Nepal. He tries to remain
go unnoticed in the moment, and it is not until he has on good terms with the City Mother, who represents one
parted ways with a companion that what seemed like a of the most consistent factions of the Garou Nation in
casual remark or fireside tale will come back to them, the city, and this often means that Ram must attempt to
underlining an important truth. mediate disputes between the garou and the Beast Courts
without seeming to take a side. A valuable resource for
13. Chakshiri Kohli: Slender as a cedar pole, but strong anyone seeking to plumb the city’s secrets, the black-
as teak, Chakshiri was born on the shores of the Ganges bearded man has a surprisingly sharp nose for danger for
River. Spending her days harvesting fish, Chakshiri someone who claims to walk the path of a pacifist.
makes a secondary living salvaging junk with her boat.
Though it’s not easy, she comforts herself by knowing 17. Chimi: Born on the outskirts of Thimphu, Bhutan,
she’s doing what she can to help undo at least some of Chimi spent most of her childhood wandering the hills
the damage the river has endured. While rarely pleased and learning the lay of the land. Though she had been
for tribal affairs to intrude on her life, she has made assigned male at birth, it was during her time away as an
her vessel available for transporting items, as well as apprentice trail guide under her uncle that Chimi really
members and allies of her tribe. When such a journey embraced her true self. Her uncle, a quiet man given to
presents itself Chakshiri is polite, but little more, and is understatement merely nodded and said, “Good,” when
always happy to see the backside of any such affair. Chimi worked up the courage to tell him her truth.
She’d worried for weeks he would send her away, or look
14. Hemang “Old Wolf” Jha: At a glance, Hemang looks at her differently after she spoke up. The only difference,
no different than many men of his native Nepal. Short though, was that he introduced her as his niece to their
and rangy, his hair is close-cropped, and his face is kept next clients before they began their next trek up the
smooth with a finely-honed razor. He keeps goats and mountain path.
chickens on his remote patch of land, and he generally
does his best not to be a bother to anyone. Only those
who have seen him provoked know there is more to him
than what meets the eye. A former ghurka whose medals
were almost too numerous to wear on his dress uniform,
he has occasionally shared his insight and experience
with those who ask him for it. He has taken the field only
a handful of times in service to the tribe, but every time
he did so a champion of the Wyrm was laid low either by
his hand, or with his aid.
18. Damyanti Mangal: With a powerful, whipcord 22. Kete: Raised outside the city of Atai in Mongolia,
physique, Damyanti has studied the staff since her Kete’s gnostic talent manifested early. While she has
girlhood in Agra, India. Though she was pressed to never been strong, even for a kinfolk, Kete’s real talent
master the use of that weapon knowing she might have seems to be finding the edges of the supernatural world
to face supernatural threats one day, Damyanti has and peeking across the borders. From the fey courts, to
found her staff is also quite useful against the pedestrian the secrets of the enlightened wizards, to the traditions
predators of the everyday world. Well-known throughout of private tribes like the Uktena, Kete’s intellect and
her home, several members of India’s infamous Gulabi understanding (along with her silver tongue) has helped
Gang came to learn from her. Those who are scared, her make allies that startle even her handlers in the
who are in danger, or who bear the scars of their past World Tree.
have often found more than martial skill while kneeling
at Damyanti’s feet; they have also found compassion,
23. Eclipse: Born under the shadow moon, Eclipse has
empathy, and a way to heal as they move forward.
lived most of his life in the mountains watched over by
his kin. His mate, Running Stream is younger than he is,
19. Brian Chow: A scientist at Hawaii’s observatory,
and she’s borne several litters of puppies over the years.
Brian often jokes that of everyone he’s ever met in the
tribe he may be the only literal Stargazer. Despite his Though he’s rarely been asked, those few garou who’ve
easy manner and casual humor, Brian is an astrophysicist spoken to him find there’s a kind of wisdom in the old
and astronomer with few peers in the field. He’s also wolf’s thoughts. “The world changes. If there is no place
found that unusual activity in the aether of space tends for the changers in this new world, then another must
to be cause for concern among the tribe, so he attempts take up their burden. When the wolves fade away it is
to contact them any time he notes something untoward the foxes, the hounds, and their cousins who will walk
taking place in the heavens. the same lands they once did. We are all connected in
this struggle.”
20. Mae Lin: There are few places in the world more truly
isolated than the deep bush of the Australian outback.
When her family was transported as punishment a dozen
generations ago, though, they saw the vast emptiness as
a blessing rather than a burden. With hundreds of miles
between herself and what most would call civilization,
her little corner of the world is far from uninhabited.
Atop a butte where she cares for a small garden and a
potent shrine she inherited from her grandmother, Lin
finds her peace is rarely disturbed. When someone does
put in the effort to find her and speak with her, she’ll at
least hear them out. Most who come seeking her counsel,
or her teaching, tend to leave disappointed, though.

21. Faris Tamboli: A wanderer who travels the world with

his thumb out and a travel-worn pack over one shoulder,
Faris doesn’t look like much at a glance. Dressed in a
simple coat and ragged trousers, with a long beard and
a wide smile, he seems friendly enough to most, though.
His dark eyes are as sharp as the silver kris he wears in a
sheathe beneath his arm, however, and he can bare his
steel before most can blink when it becomes necessary.
A headhunter trained by the Heavenly Successors of the
Demon-Eater, Faris has ended a dozen threats with his
own hands, and he acts as a probing scout for the camp’s
elimination packs when something is too much for him
to handle on his own.

100 Stargazer Kinfolk 9

24. Elma Kalmati: A traveling teacher throughout voices of the spirits themselves, Farrin grew in power as
Pakistan, Elma has taught in the homes of the wealthy she reached adulthood. Now a grandmother, those who
and the slums of the impoverished alike. From music have seen her enter her whirling, dancing trance know
to mathematics, she has instilled dozens of lessons into there is nothing to do but wait until she has finished. A
the generations who will follow her. Perhaps the most lesson that many cubs sent to her by the Trance Runners,
important thing she has tried to teach them, however, is as well as more than one Black Spiral Dancer, have had
kindness. Though it is a hard plant to grow in the soil of to learn the hard way.
some hearts, but as she has watched that lesson blossom
she comforts herself with the knowledge that it was more 29. Basanta Mishra: Known to many only as a rumor in
than worth the effort. Mumbai, India, Basanta is a tall, skinny man with a full
beard and simple (though threadbare) clothes. Those
25. Haru Watanabe: Spending most of his life in a who seek the renowned guru are given daily tasks by him
corner of Nebraska, Haru made a name for himself as a to complete; sweeping a courtyard, sitting quietly on a
landscaper and natural engineer. Though he’s in his 60s street corner, or giving away everything in their pockets
now, he plants at least one tree every day the same way to those who might need it. One of his favorite lessons
he has since he was a small boy. Whenever apprentices is to have a student fast, and then to set a meal before
or interviewers ask him about this habit, he always smiles them they are not allowed to touch. When asked what
and paraphrases one of his favorite quotes. “It is a wise the purpose of that lesson is, he always smiles and says,
man who plants trees knowing it is his grandchildren, “Suffering may teach you much, but do not do it blindly
not himself, who will enjoy their shade and their fruit.” or pointlessly. Especially not just because an elder who is
supposedly wiser than you are told you to do it.”
26. Aarohi Misra: Raised in Oakland, California, Aarohi
always had an artistic gift. A student of the tribe’s 30. Rain: No one seems to know where Rain was born,
teachings, she has channeled their lessons into works or to who she truly owes her loyalty. A beautiful woman
that stand in museums, artist collectives, and in the whose features speak of Tibet, and whose accent easily
courtyards of several noted institutions. Her sculpture dances from one language to the next, she acts as an
“From The Ashes” was forged from the barrels of weapons emissary of the garou of the Inner Path. Always arriving
reclaimed from the streets, and each one now guides and with an open hand of friendship, as well as offers of aid
supports a flower blooming at its tip. “Reason” is a statue and alliance, she seeks the most expensive of gifts from
of a man made from blades, his every angle an implied the Garou Nation… trust. With every passing year,
threat. She takes the tools of war, and then uses them to though, more people owe her favors, and pay her loyalty.
show the lies and hypocrisy of conflict; something that Loyalty that has always been valued and rewarded,
has hit many garou hard when they’ve laid eyes on her which is more than many can say for the loyalty they
work. gave to the Silver Fangs.

27. Yuri Agapov: A long, lean man with sorrowful eyes, 31. Darsh Rao: A man with the lean, hungry look of a
Yuri was raised in Yekaterinburg, Russia. While never marathon runner, and a mischievous twinkle in his dark
much of a student as a young man, there were some eyes, Darsh has found an unorthodox way to teach the
lessons he took to heart from the feet of his tribal elders. lessons of suffering; violence. While most associate the
Several of his novels, which follow the cycles of suffering, tribe’s teachings and philosophies with peace, Darsh
understanding, and enlightenment of everyday people, encourages his students to get into the ring and hammer
have found their way onto international bestseller lists. on each other until someone yields. Because every
Described as bleak even for Russian literature, there are swollen eye and split lip brings them one step closer to
several readers out there who have managed to pull the an important realization; that they do not need the lies
lessons from between the lines of his stories to grasp their society has sold them. Pointless jobs, two-hundred dollar
deeper meaning. jeans, a television that costs three times what their last
one did but is a few inches wider… it’s all pointless.
28. Farrin Sabri: Farrin developed her gnostic talents And they are very angry about being lied to for so long.
early, and though she was urged to seek guidance and Darsh has been harnessing this pent-up fury, and once it
training, she insisted that all the teachers she needed reaches critical mass, he plans on turning it against the
were already with her in the hills of Kurdistan. Whether corporations who have been abetting the Wyrm in order
the voices of the ancestors spoke to her, or she heard the to fatten their own pockets.
32. Aakriti Sharma: Dr. Sharma knows that suffering as if it had been mere days. With gnosis singing through
cannot be ended. It’s a part of existence, whether she her veins, many relic weapons awaken at her touch. Even
likes it or not. With that in mind, she takes it upon stranger, the spirits in them respond as if they’ve been
herself to provide as much care, peace of mind, and waiting for her to take them up once more. She seems to
healing as she can. She has a standing offer for cubs from draw servants of the undead to her, but according to her
any tribe to accompany her on her rounds so that they teachers among the Heavenly Successors of the Demon-
can see the aftermath of the kinds of battles they hold in Eater, she has the capacity to handle nearly as much as a
such high regard. To make them look at knife wounds, full-fledged garou.
animal attacks, and blunt trauma up-close, before any
elders fill their heads with ideas of honor and glory 37. Li Xiu: One of a family of seven, Li Xiu serves the
steeped in blood. She reminds them their actions will Stargazers in one of the most humble ways; helping to
have consequences, and that you cannot use a blade to support one of their temples in Tibet. While primarily a
end a cycle without also cutting off a part of yourself. shepherd, spending the long days with her wooly charges
and reading poetry written centuries before she was born,
33. Hitesh Patil: A park ranger in the denser parts of she is often asked for her insight by those who serve in
Oregon, Hitesh can go for days (and sometimes weeks) the temple proper. Because it is, ironically, her isolation
without seeing another soul. The quiet of the forest from so many situations that gives her an outsider’s
comforts him, and he believes that if more people could perspective; one that has proven intensely valuable to
sit quietly with Gaia that it would solve more of the her tribe, who may miss the forest for the trees when it
world’s issues than any warrior’s gift. No one has asked comes time to make their decisions.
his opinion, though, so he generally keeps it to himself
during his long vigils atop the watch tower. 38. Ishwar Khan: Ishwar knows the power of a public
statement, especially in a modern world where there
34. Eswari Yatin: Born and raised in Southern California, are eyes everywhere. He is a protest vandal, never
Eswari’s parents were among those Stargazers left behind resting, and always speaking to those who ask about why
in America after the tribe decided to try to return to he took the actions he did. In his most recent protest
their ancestral lands. Opting to protect Gaia in her own he’s destroyed dozens of anti-homeless measures with
way, Eswari has made quite a name for herself as a green a sledgehammer, and then asked why so many people
engineer. She’s worked on several geothermal power are angry that he broke stones that were causing living
plants, and has been instrumental in scaling up ocean people harm? Because they cost money, a concept we
thermal energy power to an industrial level in several invented, and which so many put above the lives of
locations. Every coal fired plant that shutters its doors, others? It’s an uncomfortable question, and one that’s
and every pipeline that’s no longer viable, is a victory as been taken up as something of a rallying cry by many
far as Eswari is concerned. who are tired of being caged and controlled.

35. Kalama Singh: Born on the island of Oahu, Kalama

has spent far more of his life on the water than he has
on land. A sailor, distance swimmer, surfer, and more, he
tries to stay out of tribal politics as best he can. While
he’s got one or two friends from the Bone Gnawers on
the mainland, and he’s met a traveling rokea here and
there, he considers the ongoing conflict to largely be
other people’s business. If someone needs a swim buddy,
a moving partner, or a weekend crew mate he’s usually
ready to lend a hand, but he wants no part of the fighting.

36. Akshita: It’s said that when we die our essence returns
to the great cycle. Akshita believes that her essence
has been reborn again and again, refusing to rest until
she has completed her mission; the eradication of the
living dead. Though still a young woman in this life, she
remembers names and deeds from hundreds of years ago
100 Stargazer Kinfolk 11
39. Falguni Sultana: An older, motherly figure, Falguni show they give. Though their tunes are aggressive,
runs a small kebab shop in Mogadishu, India. Her family tapping into the history of their nation, their message is
has performed the same job for a dozen generations, meant to unify their audience. To bring people together,
now, and they’ve become something of a fixture in the not for war, but to overcome the things they struggle
local community. Not only that, but Falguni has become against. Judging from the turnout, that message is exactly
a surrogate parent to many, dispensing her wisdom and the sort of thing people want to hear.
watching as the ripples of her words shake the pond.
Small changes, perhaps, but small changes can add up to 44. Oleander: Tucked away in a back alley shop across
large ones over time. the courtyard from a tea house, Oleander is like a rose
blooming in winter. Dressed in loose, flowing clothes
40. Ahmet Yilmaz: Born in the countryside near Adana, with their long hair unbound, Oleander’s mahogany skin
Turkey, Ahmet has the long face and soft middle that is covered in a mural of teachings, and lessons. When
often marks one as a career truck driver. His hours alone someone is sent to them to tell their tale, Oleander
on the road have given him a great deal of time to reflect immortalizes it on that person’s skin so that the deeds and
and allowed him an introspection that few other careers lessons are never forgotten. Pain and peace intertwined,
can truly offer. Occasionally Ahmet picks up a passenger, the tattoo chair is both altar and pulpit, and there is
holding forth to them throughout the night as they drive. always someone looking to be the subject of the next
He can’t know for sure, but he believes at least some of sermon.
those who climbed into his cab meant him harm. Yet for
one reason or another, they decided not to hurt him. He 45. Dipti Abbasi: An outspoken sex worker with a large
hopes that what light he was able to share has helped online following, Dipti’s cause is to try to pick away at
them on their path, wherever it may lead. the knots of taboo, shame, and social control that’s often
interwoven with sex (particularly in Western society).
41. Gentle Stream: Long and lean, this wolf has a curious From the ancient carvings found on temple walls, to the
nature that has led her far and wide in terms of the land women’s liberation movement, she has been trying to
she’s walked through. What’s most unusual about her, explain the nature of these shackles imposed on people
though, is that she seems drawn to fera kin; almost by the cultures they live in, their upbringing, and even
as if she can sniff them out. Perhaps her most noted themselves. Because it is only once we see those chains
friendship is with Winter’s Judgment, a white tiger she that we can be honest with ourselves about who we are,
rescued from poachers that had stolen him from under and what we desire. Once that has been done, we will
his own people’s noses. Though the tiger walks with a be able to leave those bonds behind, and step out of the
limp now, the big cat rarely leaves Gentle Stream’s side. cave into the light.

42. Song Fan: It is said by those who know him that Song 46. Siddhartha: Found in the depths of the dark web,
Fan feels the wrath of the wolf far more than many other Siddhartha wears the name of one of the most famous
Stargazer kin do. Trained by the People’s Army, images seekers of enlightenment. Those who have questions,
of glory filled his head when he volunteered against the or who seek to understand deep lore, may find that
wishes of the tribe. It is only now, after years of climbing Siddhartha is willing to help them. Who exists behind
over bodies and washing blood from under his fingernails, the screen name, though, no one seems to know for
that the old words of his elders have returned to haunt certain. Some believe it is one of the Stargazer elders,
him. There was no glory in his service. No honor. Just testing those who would seek a deeper understanding.
brute ugliness acting as a hammer against the enemies of Others say that Siddhartha is a powerful spirit bound by
those in power. He laughs at the irony that it is the young the Weaver, only able to reach out sporadically into the
who most need to hear the warnings of old warriors like construct of the web. Speculation has even suggested
himself, but that they are the ones the least capable of that Siddhartha might be a title, passed down from one
actually hearing the wisdom in those words. sage to another as the years go by.

43. Gan: Tall and toned, decked out in a studded leather

jacket and with one side of her head shaved, Gan tends
to turn heads wherever she goes. Her band, Toregene’s
Decree, has been touring Mongolia for years now, and
they’ve been steadily growing in popularity with every
47. Ilyena Petrovka: Born in Kazakhstan near the Russian 50. Kirpal Attwal: Thick-shouldered and round-bellied,
border, Ilyena knew early on there was more to the world Kirpal has the voluminous beard and long hair of a
than what she could see. With her dark hair blowing in Sikh. Making his home on the south side of Seattle,
the wind, and her carved staff in-hand, she traveled as Washington, he is the owner of the Lost Caws animal
far as her legs would carry her. The further she walked, shelter. Friendly and optimistic, he believes that the
the more signs she saw of the Veil growing thinner, and right companion will teach someone far more than any
the more she heard the whispers of the umbra. As she lecture they could hear, or scripture they could read. The
learned to harness her gnosis, she also learned to walk animals he gives to people are, in a sense, Gaia’s own
those roads less traveled by. The things she has learned living, breathing testament. It is through learning to love
fill entire grimoires held by the World Tree, who pour them that people are changed for the better.
over her field notes to try to strain out the meanings of
her journeys. 51. Parvati Ganishka: On the airwaves out of Colorado
Springs for years, Parvati has offered patience and
48. Jitendra Mathna: A scribe in a chained library guidance with a caring voice, and an open heart to
maintained by the Stargazers, Jitendra has the elegant all those who tune-in to listen to her. Her show Seeing
fingers of a painter, and the disapproving eye of a strict With The Heart has offered advice for overcoming the
schoolmaster. While he doesn’t demand reverence for challenges of the world, without letting yourself become
the books, as even the most beautiful of them are merely hard or bitter. Letting go, moving on, and accepting
vessels for the knowledge they contain, he does expect that you can only control yourself are lessons that have
them to be respected by those who would use them. been heard by many… and Parvati’s words have closed
Knowledge is the seed that wisdom grows from, and he more than a few doors that the tendrils of the Wyrm may
views himself as nothing more than one of the tribe’s otherwise have snaked through.
many gardeners helping to make sure that seed grows in
fertile soil. 52. Daniel Kang: The owner and proprietor of The Next
Cycle in Salem, Oregon, Daniel upcycles everything from
49. Yang Jiao: Living in Hong Kong, Jiao is no stranger to furniture, to clothes, to electronics in order to creation
conflict. While the Stargazers are known for not getting unique items of practical value. From waterproof rugs
involved in such affairs, Jiao is more than happy to do woven from plastic shopping bags, to murals made
what she can to help. Though she is not a fighter, she from discarded credit cards, his store moves tons of
provides medical aid to those who are harmed, offers garbage away from landfills every year. His hope is to
shelter to those who need to hide, and most importantly teach creativity, and to show that beauty can be made
she stands as a witness to record what’s happening on from anything. And perhaps, just perhaps, to turn more
her streets. She has refused to let the world close its eyes, people away from the idea of mass-produced things as
making them watch the violence unfold right alongside
a source of happiness and status in order to lessen the
strain on Gaia.

53. Emily Ran: With her short hair and long skirts, Emily
has been underestimated by most people who have stood
across a courtroom from her. Those who have tried to
push her from her path have found that she refuses to be
budged, and that despite her diminutive stature she will
roll over those that get in the way of her arguments. An
attorney who represents those detained for crimes they
have not committed, as well as for those seeking release
based on changed behavior, she has been an ardent foe of
the prison-industrial complex, as well as the state using
power to hold anyone that poses no risk in bondage.

100 Stargazer Kinfolk 13

54. Atharv Patel: A resident of Bombay, India, Atharv acts result horrifies some viewers and is deeply soothing to
as a spiritual counselor to those who are attempting to win others. When asked what the difference is, Leon often
high office. Though he lives simply in a small flat, he has chuckles and answers, “A little bit of wine often helps one
a way of seeing straight to the core of a matter in such put things in perspective.”
a way that will resonate with the public. Though some
have called him a kingmaker, Atharv simply tells those 59. Ami Banerjee: A filmmaker whose visions have been
who come to him to serve the people, and to forego the called simultaneously stark and hopeful, Ami retells the
temptations of both pride and wealth. Those who take his legends of the Stargazers in more modern and relatable
words to heart are the ones who become the hands that contexts. From a soldier’s forgiveness in Echoes of War, to
allow him to start building a better tomorrow. the tale of punishment, pain, and understanding during
the subjugation of India by the British in My Mother’s
55. Garima: A beautiful woman with a deep scar running River, she has received international acclaim for her
from her hairline to her jaw, few can hold Garima’s dark efforts. The lessons these stories teach have reached many,
gaze without flinching at what lives behind her eyes. There and the ripples in the consciousness of the viewing public
is a pain inside Garima that no gentle touch can reach, has helped push back against the dark seeds of the Wyrm.
and a suffering that burns hotter than a hundred hells.
She buried her surname along with those who had been 60. Anand: Considered mad by those who have met
taken from her, and ever since then she has served the him, and a fable by many of those who have not, Anand
Heavenly Successors of The Demon-Eater. Fire and silver does not look that unusual to those who lay eyes on him.
are her calling cards, and those unfortunate enough to fall Though his clothes tend toward the threadbare, and his
beneath her gaze have felt the wrath of the one known to hair is often wild and unkempt, he sounds pleasant enough
the servants of the Wyrm as the Scarred Lover. when he speaks. It’s the cold certainty of his gaze, though,
that chills many to the bone. One of the secret members
56. Sanjay Joshi: A slender, friendly man with flowing hair of the Ouroboroans, Anand seeks to use his gnostic talents
and a well-groomed beard, Sanjay possesses a unique gift to free the Wyrm from the Weaver’s pattern web. Only
not just among the Stargazers, but among all persons of the through such a drastic act, he believes, can the balance be
world; the ability to lead one’s heart to truth. Where facts restored, and the cycle once more set to rights.
can be difficult to grasp, and the mind may resist insight,
Sanjay can find the words to lead a listener down a wiser, 61. Chavvi Das: A mother of two, Chavvi runs a tea house
kinder path. One of the most highly skilled kin among in Eastern Kashmir near the border with China. Though
the Inner Path, Sanjay has built bridges and overcome located quite far off the main roads, travelers often seek out
reluctance in situations others considered impossible to the Lotus Room due to Chavvi’s social media following. A
progress through. very minor celebrity, Chavvi answers questions from her
viewers, and gives life advice while she prepares tea. The
57. Ina Narang: Living in the big sky country of Wyoming, key to both life and tea, as she so often says, is patience.
Ina maintains an escape that was first established nearly You need to let yourself steep before you find your truth.
two hundred years ago. Serpent’s Canyon, as it’s called, One should never trust something that is quick, easy, or
was a gift to the Stargazers from the Uktena who had used unproven.
it as a place of contemplation where they could escape
from the world to gaze inward. With walking gardens, 62. The North Star: Found hitch hiking along major roads
meditation pools, and two dozen shrines scattered about as often as he is walking along humble foot paths, the man
the grounds, there are always kin, garou, and even some known as the North Star always seems to appear out of
fera coming and going from Serpent’s Canyon. A place nowhere. With shaggy black hair, a round face, and loose,
of peace and healing, the layered protections have kept flowing clothes, most believe that he originally hails from
it safe from the servants of the Wyrm… thus far, at least. Tibet. There seems to be no rhyme or reason for when he
arrives, but it always has some effect on those he comes to.
58. Leon Sherazi: A French customs officer, Leon’s dual From offering late night counsel to a grieving mother, to
citizenship and position have been extremely useful to the providing insight at a moot, he claims to be driven by the
tribe on more than one occasion. A student of art, Leon voices of the ancestors, and the movement of the stars.
creates paintings and mosaics that focus on the surreal While not all who hear that explanation are satisfied by it,
nature of the infinite, and on the tiny, insignificant position only fools ignore what he has to say when he does arrive.
of both the observer, and their day-to-day problems. The
63. Darsha Amand: Living in Turkey, Darsha is a 67. Bandita Devi: Living in the countryside of Myanmar,
reporter who focuses on boiling the truth out of the Bandita’s life is relatively simple. She takes care of her
facts in a story. Her job, as she sees it, is to distill the household duties, walks through the woods, and practices
essence of a story, and to make absolutely certain her with her staff. When an aspirant who wishes to learn the
readers understand exactly what transpired. Cool and art of Kailindo arrives on her doorstep, many of them
collected when she’s on-camera, Darsha has stripped think it’s some kind of joke. Those who have the wisdom
away illusions from politicians and corporations in ways to recognize a test, though, treat her with respect, and
that have ended careers and shuttered doors. The truth, follow her instruction. Before a garou can learn to shift
as she so often says, is a greater weapon than any lie… if their forms in combat, they must let go of their pride.
you have the courage to wield it. Only once Bandita has deemed their minds are open will
she send them on the next leg of their journey.
64. Wind of Change: Nothing is eternal, and it is
man’s hubris that allows him to believe this applies to 68. Devansh Varma: Residing in the foothills of the
everything in creation except himself. A sleek, gray wolf, Himalayan Mountains, Devansh is a man who keeps to
Wind of Change is a creature of quiet contemplation. himself. The land he resides in has little to offer besides
Often accompanying his kin on long walks, they tread its natural beauty, but he finds it a soothing place to
ravines that once were heights, and scrabble over gravel spend his days. Long and lean from his walks and climbs,
that used to be a mountaintop. All things change, and the tribe has come to his doorstep only as a last resort.
accepting that change is what allows you to be content When a wrong must be righted, those who know of his
within the cycle… no matter what part of it you find deeds will ask him to fulfill his duty one more time. An
yourself in. agent of karma, as he grimly calls himself, Devansh has
only acted on the tribe’s behalf three times. But every
65. Ekaja Kane: An LGBTQ+ rights activist from time it was his hand that sent ripples throughout the
Eugene, Oregon, Ekaja has been waging a very particular world, as one life ended and the consequences spread to
battle over the past several years; dismantling the all those that life had touched.
mask of faith often used to hide bigotry, and hypocrisy.
While she has given speeches on the facts of many 69. Nastya Anosov: Able to say in images what many
issues, pointing out translation errors in holy texts, and cannot speak in words, Nastya’s works have captured
explaining how shifts in stances happened for political the interest of the public all throughout Russia. From
rather than spiritual reasons, she has also attempted to scattering bones beneath the statues of the “great heroes”
build bridges between communities of different faiths. of the past, to murals that depict the shame of a nation
Muslims, Christians, Jews, practitioners of native faiths, ruled by feckless oligarchs, the truth has ignited more
new age adherents, and others have been drawn together than quiet reflection among the people. As Nastya says,
under her coalition’s banner, rejecting the messages of “The first reaction upon being shown your own ugliness
doomsayers, false prophets, and naked opportunists who is to smash the mirror. But you cannot forget the things
seek to fleece those looking to believe in something. it showed you so easily.”
Every step forward drives the Wyrm back, and the war
she fights is no less vicious for being fought in people’s 70. Chul Kim: Living outside Seoul, South Korea, Chul
hearts and minds. is a third-generation beekeeper. A profession he feels is
more important now than at most points in history, more
66. Aakash Basu: The host of The Flow, a fairly successful than honey flows from his little plot of land. An odd
podcast with a growing audience, Aakash espouses confluence of energies permeates near his hives, creating
ideas for understanding life, and for helping people let a unique balance that is ideal for certain rituals, and for
go of the things that are holding them back. While his gathering gnosis. While he is less than welcoming to
advice is often couched in terms that could apply to those he does not know, it’s said that if Chul ever freely
anyone listening, those in the Garou Nation can read offers someone a jar of his honey to take with them when
between the lines to see the critique of their own failings they leave that it is a sign he has accepted them.
and flaws. From mastering your rage, to leaving behind
grudges, to admitting when you’re wrong and trying
to make amends, his program has garnered somewhat
mixed reactions from those who have a foot in the world
of the supernatural.
100 Stargazer Kinfolk 15
71. Damini Reddy: Often seen in cafes and hovering the desert, and with gnosis pooling inside her blood, she
around Wi-Fi hot spots in Spokane, Washington, most travels to the dens and lairs of the twisted creatures that
people assume Damini is a barista, an artist, or perhaps seek safety in isolation. With fire and silver, she’s purged
a digital assistant. Behind her black frames and pierced the undead and corrupted creatures of the Wyrm alike,
lip, though, is a keen mind that coordinates the archives before vanishing into the wastes leaving nothing but
and studies both for the Stargazers, as well as for many of blood and ashes behind her.
their allies. With a particular knack for cross-referencing
tribal myths with world history, Damini has located half 76. Avyan: Cultivating the air and persona of a guru,
a dozen lost shrines and relics from the comfort of her Avyan would have made a fine ragabash if he’d ever had
corner booth. While she has drawn some attention from his first change. By exploiting the desires of the wealthy,
opposition forces, so far it hasn’t been anything that her the elite, and the politically connected to appear wise,
local “friends” couldn’t deal with. he has actually wormed his way into the confidences
of many who control vast fortunes, as well as the pen
72. Anik Dara: A huge man whose shoulders ripple and the gavel of national power. While some have fallen
with muscles, and a grip that can crush a raw turnip under the sway of his words, and others merely keep him
to pulp, Anik is a bodybuilder of some renown on the in their entourage for the sake of appearances, he has
international scene. Referred to by some as India’s managed to wield vicarious authority in a hundred little
Colossus, Anik often speaks about the importance of ways. From new legislation, to unexpected donations, to
suffering in both transformation, and in life. “You can’t shifts in national discourse, a thousand ripples fan out
do anything without suffering. You need to learn to live from where his fingers trail in the waters.
with it, to embrace it, and to walk alongside it if you
hope to get anywhere on your journey. Otherwise you 77. Hiranya Dubey: A dancer by trade, Hiranya has
will never leave where you started for fear that it might slowly been working her way up in the film industry.
hurt.” Though she’s appeared in her share of Bollywood versions
of Western cinema, she’s making a far more concerted
73. Eta Marek: Residing in Wales, Eta makes frequent effort to appear in films that are wholly spun from her
visits abroad for her import/export business. A treasure own, native cloth. The last film she was in delivered one
hunter in sensible slacks, she travels markets, estate sales, of the most poignant scenes in her career thus far, where
and auctions looking for the strange and unique. She she tore off the gaudy outer layer of a stylized costume to
often has a sixth sense for finding items of significance reveal something far more traditional. “Being eaten by
to the garou, but more than once she has found items you does not make me worthy,” she declared, with fire in
that bear the taint of blood sorcery, or other dire magics. her eyes and scorn in her voice. That one line set media
Sifting through the past isn’t glamorous work, but it is talking, and has started quite a few conversations about
exciting (and rewarding) in a way that few other pursuits colonialism, global markets, and the Western gaze as it
have proven to be. affects the movie industry.

74. Indra Dalal: Regarded as a wise man by many, 78. Harish Patil: A heavy-boned man with a thick belly
Indra spends a portion of every day sweeping a shrine and a drooping mustache, Harish is internationally
in Hyderabad, India. People have often asked him why known for his skills as a chef. What he promises those
he does it, and his response is always as simple as it is who dine with him is an authentic meal; something that
direct. “Because it needs to be done.” On its face it will tell them a story of the region it came from. More
looks simple, but the lesson is that too often we wait for than just the food, Harish delivers the courses with small,
others to do things for us. We wait until a proper time, elegantly written notes. These act as keepsakes; pretty
or until we have permission, and all of the time we wait, little reminders for those who took a taste of another
neglect, or ignore the task, it grows harder and harder to place. It may not lead to world peace, but as Harish says,
accomplish. Not everyone grasps this lesson, but those it is hard to hate someone when you love to sit and dine
who do have carried it forward in their own lives. with them.

75. Falak Samara: A robed figure considered something

of a myth by those who frequent the Empty Quarter, few
see more of Falak than her eyes… if they see her at all.
Driven by the voices of the ancestors that whisper from
79. Idika Madan: A college professor in Vancouver, off clothing. Though her dark eyes gleam from above her
Canada, Idika’s specialty is providing context veil, there is no telling her age, or what she looks like
and explanations for social movements and their beneath her formless garb. She brings words of wisdom
repercussions throughout history. So often history is and comfort to those in pain, speaking to them of other
reduced to snapshots of individual moments, but without realms and other lives. Among the lost kin who find
understanding what led up to those moments (or what themselves with burgeoning gnostic talents, the Rag
came after) they become meaningless. History is a chain, Woman acts as both a shepherd and a teacher. Often,
and Idika watches as her students grasp it, pull on it, and she will escort these missing kin, leaving them at the
slowly begin to comprehend its nature. Everything that edge of the bawn to be found by those who keep a sept.
happens has consequences… for good or ill. Though any spirits guarding the sept will admit they saw
her, none will ever say who she is other than to refer to
80. John Yang: A museum curator in Dallas, Texas, her as The Walker of Ways.
John’s professional life has been spent untying the knots
of lies that so many people have just swallowed all across 84. Aaron Faris: A retired sailor, Aaron lives on the
America. From explaining who really built the Wild rocky Western coast of Northern Mexico. Every day he
West (mostly indigenous peoples, immigrants, and black ranges up and down the beach for miles, his staff in hand
people, with many early leaders being women), to the and his beard rippling in the breeze like a prophet out of
fact that Chinese immigrants had been in the Western the Old Testament. He always seems to cross paths with
hemisphere since the fall of the Aztec empire, it has been people lost in the wilderness, and these meetings tend to
a huge burden constantly correcting the inaccuracies of have loose threads of fate and potential hanging off their
film and history books alike. He takes what victories he edges. From runaway youths, to lost backpackers, to
can, though, savoring them with a long neck bottle at grieving widows and widowers, Aaron makes time for all
the end of the day. those he meets. Sitting with them, he often remarks how
steps in the sand are worn away over time. That what
81. Lost Wind: A wolf with preternatural senses, the once seemed so clear, and sharp, and permanent will be
rangy gray beast says she can hear the voices of those who worn away. Some, particularly those who are gripped by
stand on the other side of the Veil. That the totems and despair, often seem comforted by this. Though he offers
spirits speak to her and bid her to share their messages his aid, Aaron is careful not to carry burdens that are not
with the tribe. Treated as an oracle, she is watched his to shoulder.
over constantly by her mate, but also by a contingent
of bodyguards dispatched from the tribe. Only those 85. Jaya Muhammad: A songwriter by trade, Jaya has
capable of understanding a wolf’s speech will hear what composed dozens of beautiful pieces based on the beliefs
she says, though, which is why garou of the tribe must be and teachings of the Stargazers. While few of them
summoned when she wishes to share a message. have achieved any commercial success (especially since
Jaya only distributes her music through free platforms),
82. Emir Husseini: A young man with old eyes and many of them have become regular requests at Stargazer
premature streaks of gray in his dark hair, Emir is a trauma moots. They’ve even been played at moots held by the
surgeon who works primarily with Doctors Without Bone Gnawers and the Children of Gaia. Occasionally
Borders and the World Health Organization. Cool and Jaya has been invited to perform for these other tribes,
collected, even when thrust into hellish circumstances, and she always accepts, happy to do what she can
Emir provides aid to anyone with no judgment on where to encourage harmony among the often discordant
they stood in the fighting… an attitude that has earned relationships between the garou.
him some hostility from both the Garou Nation and
the Beast Courts when he has been mixed up in their 86. Kabir Chaudhuri: A survivalist who has spent a
struggles. But he pays their growls and threats no more majority of his adult life in the wilder outreaches of Nepal,
mind than he does falling artillery or screams of agony; Kabir has his diplomas hung on the wall of his cabin next
he is sanguine in his stances, and that surety gives even to his paintings. He has seen what the modern world has
the deadliest warriors pause in brooking him. to offer and has decided to consciously walk away from
it. While he’s happy to teach others to do the same, he
83. The Rag Woman: Considered little more than a mostly keeps to himself, and does what he can to nurture
myth in Afghanistan’s more rural provinces, the Rag the growth of the Wyld around him.
Woman appears from nowhere wrapped in layers of cast-

100 Stargazer Kinfolk 17

87. Aarohi Iyer: A California farmer, Aarohi has long suffering created by the greed and arrogance that underlie
been concerned with sustainable agriculture. From crop so much of modern capitalism. Her work has been the
rotations, to indoor growth strategies, to seeding the inspiration for many who have decided not to accept the
woods with fruit-bearing trees and bushes, she lives in status quo, and to push back against false scarcity and
the middle of a cornucopia that, should one desire, could divisive politics; who are demanding something better.
be replicated all over the country… if not the world. She
seeks only to provide an example, though, and to trust 92. Hu Chao: A biologist from Nanjing, China, Chao’s
in the wisdom of others to follow it once they’ve seen profession has aged him in this period of environmental
the results. decline. Consulting with learned sages among the tribe,
he has begun to suspect that the expansion of the Weaver
88. Karthik Korrapati: A protest speaker from Abu Dhabi is killing the Wyld, just as it bound the Wyrm and drove
in the United Arab Emirates, Karthik’s message has been it mad so long ago. Far from a novel believe, the numbers
to reiterate the core tenants that are the bedrock of he brings to the table have made the threat material,
many philosophies and faiths the world over. He reminds instead of leaving it in the realm of the purely spiritual
everyone that we are all brothers and sisters, and that or philosophical.
we are all in the same storm. We must help each other
to survive, and we must do that with kindness, care, and 93. Gulkia Marks: A world traveler, Gulika provides her
understanding. While he is often passionate, his speech followers with a window on things that exist beyond
turns to anger regarding lies, half-truths, and hedging their own horizons. Somewhere between a tourist and a
about who deserves help and respect. Everyone deserves reporter, she’ll provide her viewers the scenic view from
those things, at all times. There are no exceptions, for we the deck of a cruise ship, but then show what happens
are all connected. below decks and behind the scenes in order to shine a
light on how this industry actually operates. Destroying
89. Falguni Mishra: The proprietor of an orphanage the carefully-crafted illusions which are often fed to
for children rescued from natural disasters, wars, and tourists and travelers, she’s also helped bring attention
abduction by terrorist organizations, Falguni has been to those in need, and has helped find genuine beauty in
the rock for several generations of children awash in a places that others would never have thought to look for
cruel, uncaring sea. While she may not be saving the it.
world, as so many point out, for hundreds of survivors
that come through her doors she is the reminder that 94. Beriah Malka: A simple druggist who resides in Tel-
there is still kindness and safety in dark times. She kills Aviv, Israel, Beriah’s radical action is to refuse the hate
the roots of the Wyrm before they can take hold in the and division that noses around his door every single
hearts of those who have been hurt, preventing their day. Everyone is welcome through his door, and he does
spirits from being corrupted by its taint. what he can to demonstrate respect and unity for those
around him. Though he was not blessed with Gaia’s gifts,
90. Lalit Zaman: A photojournalist of no small many who have sought to hurt Beriah (or those under his
reputation, Lalit is a student of realism. While he has protection) have learned the hard way that for someone
captured the grandeur of nature, he has also focused on to be peaceful they must be capable of great violence.
the heart-wrenching bleakness in the eye of war, famine,
and poverty. Looking upon his work reveals the face 95. Ina Das: The fast clothing culture disproportionately
of suffering, tearing away the comforting lies and false wastes resources, hurts oppressed people, and does
glories about honor, endurance, or about how this is nothing but feed the greed of dozens of corporate
some far away problem that will never affect the viewer. entities. Years ago, Ina began a collective that has grown,
He forces those with eyes to look upon this ugliness, and creating unique, long-lasting, beautiful clothing. Made
then dares them to do something about it. from cast-off factory seconds and unsold bulk scraps,
these resurrected fabrics have been awakening the
91. Gavya Anand: A painter and sculptor, Gavya’s work conscience of many who fed this damaging industry in
has been called bare by some, and disturbing by others. the past. These changes are not enough to stop it, of
Bearing a resemblance to some of the work found in course, but they may be enough to get its attention, and
Ireland’s Victor’s Way park, Gavya combines the ideals to let it know that sustainable solutions will be the way
and stories of Buddhism with influence from artists of the future if they intend to survive.
like Zdislaw Beksinki in order to call out unnecessary


96. Aniket Vemulakonda: Born near Lucknow, India, 100. Gaurav Dayal: The garou are a disappearing
Aniket considers himself a pilgrim of change. Those breed, and even kin are less and less common in these
who are familiar with his deeds have described him as a dark, modern days. Dr. Dayal has been studying this
force of both creation, and destruction. One season he phenomenon, in conjunction with colleagues who have
may plant trees, clean rivers, or help fight fires to protect in-roads with the shifters of the Beast Courts. Though
people’s homes. The next he may sabotage pollution- this is a riddle that has plagued them for generations,
heavy factories, assassinate corrupt politicians, and purge Gaurav does the best he can to shine some light on
a den of the servants of the Wyrm with fire. He seems a the matter, and to do what he can to help the next
contradiction, but those who step back and watch his generation.
efforts will see a pattern emerge. A pattern that clearly
states all of his actions, the kind and the brutal alike, are
in service to Gaia.

97. Kalyani Kaur: An advocate for serious prison reform,

Kalyani left a career as a therapist to run for the U.S.
Congress. A firebrand who has entirely discarded the
language of fear, and of turning people into “others” by
labeling them as nothing more than criminals, she has
been gaining momentum on a platform many considered
impossible; removing useless laws, de-criminalizing
offenses, rehabilitating people, and providing a real
safety net so people don’t fall through the cracks. “The
nation has had enough of being afraid of each other,” she
says. “It’s time to come together, and to fix the problems
that keep our prisons full in the first place.”

98. Devansh James: A former sheriff’s deputy in southern

California, Devansh is aware of exactly how corrupt
law enforcement can be. The recordings he released to
both the governor and the press shone a spotlight on
everything going on in his department, from planting
drugs on innocent people, to racially-motivated killings.
The public outcry led to protest, and eventually to
terminations, but Devansh was one of those terminated,
losing his pension and his job despite any protections
the law offered him as a whistle blower. He’s operated
as a freelancer ever since. The tribe calls on his services
from time to time, and though many disapprove of his
methods, all agree that his heart is in the right place.

99. Megha Bhasin: A short woman with delicate glasses

and a penchant for cut offs, Megha is a botanist who has
set up her own hydroponic facility in rural Washington.
Doing her part to normalize the use of cannabis again, the
strains she develops are used for treating a wide variety of
conditions with old-fashioned medicine. Several parts of
her crop are also meant for use as entheogens, and they
are particularly valued by those who venerate lord Shiva,
in addition to her kin who use them as a meditation aid
to listen more clearly to Gaia.

100 Stargazer Kinfolk 19

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