Werewolf - 100 Stargazer Kinfolk
Werewolf - 100 Stargazer Kinfolk
Werewolf - 100 Stargazer Kinfolk
Credits Special Thanks to:
Written By:Neal Litherland Special thanks to everyone who helped me expand the
Developed By: Neal Litherland and Josh Heath definition of what it can mean to be a Kinfolk to
Edited By: Josh Heath any tribe!
Art by: Pixabay and White Wolf Art Packs
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27. Yuri Agapov: A long, lean man with sorrowful eyes, 31. Darsh Rao: A man with the lean, hungry look of a
Yuri was raised in Yekaterinburg, Russia. While never marathon runner, and a mischievous twinkle in his dark
much of a student as a young man, there were some eyes, Darsh has found an unorthodox way to teach the
lessons he took to heart from the feet of his tribal elders. lessons of suffering; violence. While most associate the
Several of his novels, which follow the cycles of suffering, tribe’s teachings and philosophies with peace, Darsh
understanding, and enlightenment of everyday people, encourages his students to get into the ring and hammer
have found their way onto international bestseller lists. on each other until someone yields. Because every
Described as bleak even for Russian literature, there are swollen eye and split lip brings them one step closer to
several readers out there who have managed to pull the an important realization; that they do not need the lies
lessons from between the lines of his stories to grasp their society has sold them. Pointless jobs, two-hundred dollar
deeper meaning. jeans, a television that costs three times what their last
one did but is a few inches wider… it’s all pointless.
28. Farrin Sabri: Farrin developed her gnostic talents And they are very angry about being lied to for so long.
early, and though she was urged to seek guidance and Darsh has been harnessing this pent-up fury, and once it
training, she insisted that all the teachers she needed reaches critical mass, he plans on turning it against the
were already with her in the hills of Kurdistan. Whether corporations who have been abetting the Wyrm in order
the voices of the ancestors spoke to her, or she heard the to fatten their own pockets.
32. Aakriti Sharma: Dr. Sharma knows that suffering as if it had been mere days. With gnosis singing through
cannot be ended. It’s a part of existence, whether she her veins, many relic weapons awaken at her touch. Even
likes it or not. With that in mind, she takes it upon stranger, the spirits in them respond as if they’ve been
herself to provide as much care, peace of mind, and waiting for her to take them up once more. She seems to
healing as she can. She has a standing offer for cubs from draw servants of the undead to her, but according to her
any tribe to accompany her on her rounds so that they teachers among the Heavenly Successors of the Demon-
can see the aftermath of the kinds of battles they hold in Eater, she has the capacity to handle nearly as much as a
such high regard. To make them look at knife wounds, full-fledged garou.
animal attacks, and blunt trauma up-close, before any
elders fill their heads with ideas of honor and glory 37. Li Xiu: One of a family of seven, Li Xiu serves the
steeped in blood. She reminds them their actions will Stargazers in one of the most humble ways; helping to
have consequences, and that you cannot use a blade to support one of their temples in Tibet. While primarily a
end a cycle without also cutting off a part of yourself. shepherd, spending the long days with her wooly charges
and reading poetry written centuries before she was born,
33. Hitesh Patil: A park ranger in the denser parts of she is often asked for her insight by those who serve in
Oregon, Hitesh can go for days (and sometimes weeks) the temple proper. Because it is, ironically, her isolation
without seeing another soul. The quiet of the forest from so many situations that gives her an outsider’s
comforts him, and he believes that if more people could perspective; one that has proven intensely valuable to
sit quietly with Gaia that it would solve more of the her tribe, who may miss the forest for the trees when it
world’s issues than any warrior’s gift. No one has asked comes time to make their decisions.
his opinion, though, so he generally keeps it to himself
during his long vigils atop the watch tower. 38. Ishwar Khan: Ishwar knows the power of a public
statement, especially in a modern world where there
34. Eswari Yatin: Born and raised in Southern California, are eyes everywhere. He is a protest vandal, never
Eswari’s parents were among those Stargazers left behind resting, and always speaking to those who ask about why
in America after the tribe decided to try to return to he took the actions he did. In his most recent protest
their ancestral lands. Opting to protect Gaia in her own he’s destroyed dozens of anti-homeless measures with
way, Eswari has made quite a name for herself as a green a sledgehammer, and then asked why so many people
engineer. She’s worked on several geothermal power are angry that he broke stones that were causing living
plants, and has been instrumental in scaling up ocean people harm? Because they cost money, a concept we
thermal energy power to an industrial level in several invented, and which so many put above the lives of
locations. Every coal fired plant that shutters its doors, others? It’s an uncomfortable question, and one that’s
and every pipeline that’s no longer viable, is a victory as been taken up as something of a rallying cry by many
far as Eswari is concerned. who are tired of being caged and controlled.
36. Akshita: It’s said that when we die our essence returns
to the great cycle. Akshita believes that her essence
has been reborn again and again, refusing to rest until
she has completed her mission; the eradication of the
living dead. Though still a young woman in this life, she
remembers names and deeds from hundreds of years ago
100 Stargazer Kinfolk 11
39. Falguni Sultana: An older, motherly figure, Falguni show they give. Though their tunes are aggressive,
runs a small kebab shop in Mogadishu, India. Her family tapping into the history of their nation, their message is
has performed the same job for a dozen generations, meant to unify their audience. To bring people together,
now, and they’ve become something of a fixture in the not for war, but to overcome the things they struggle
local community. Not only that, but Falguni has become against. Judging from the turnout, that message is exactly
a surrogate parent to many, dispensing her wisdom and the sort of thing people want to hear.
watching as the ripples of her words shake the pond.
Small changes, perhaps, but small changes can add up to 44. Oleander: Tucked away in a back alley shop across
large ones over time. the courtyard from a tea house, Oleander is like a rose
blooming in winter. Dressed in loose, flowing clothes
40. Ahmet Yilmaz: Born in the countryside near Adana, with their long hair unbound, Oleander’s mahogany skin
Turkey, Ahmet has the long face and soft middle that is covered in a mural of teachings, and lessons. When
often marks one as a career truck driver. His hours alone someone is sent to them to tell their tale, Oleander
on the road have given him a great deal of time to reflect immortalizes it on that person’s skin so that the deeds and
and allowed him an introspection that few other careers lessons are never forgotten. Pain and peace intertwined,
can truly offer. Occasionally Ahmet picks up a passenger, the tattoo chair is both altar and pulpit, and there is
holding forth to them throughout the night as they drive. always someone looking to be the subject of the next
He can’t know for sure, but he believes at least some of sermon.
those who climbed into his cab meant him harm. Yet for
one reason or another, they decided not to hurt him. He 45. Dipti Abbasi: An outspoken sex worker with a large
hopes that what light he was able to share has helped online following, Dipti’s cause is to try to pick away at
them on their path, wherever it may lead. the knots of taboo, shame, and social control that’s often
interwoven with sex (particularly in Western society).
41. Gentle Stream: Long and lean, this wolf has a curious From the ancient carvings found on temple walls, to the
nature that has led her far and wide in terms of the land women’s liberation movement, she has been trying to
she’s walked through. What’s most unusual about her, explain the nature of these shackles imposed on people
though, is that she seems drawn to fera kin; almost by the cultures they live in, their upbringing, and even
as if she can sniff them out. Perhaps her most noted themselves. Because it is only once we see those chains
friendship is with Winter’s Judgment, a white tiger she that we can be honest with ourselves about who we are,
rescued from poachers that had stolen him from under and what we desire. Once that has been done, we will
his own people’s noses. Though the tiger walks with a be able to leave those bonds behind, and step out of the
limp now, the big cat rarely leaves Gentle Stream’s side. cave into the light.
42. Song Fan: It is said by those who know him that Song 46. Siddhartha: Found in the depths of the dark web,
Fan feels the wrath of the wolf far more than many other Siddhartha wears the name of one of the most famous
Stargazer kin do. Trained by the People’s Army, images seekers of enlightenment. Those who have questions,
of glory filled his head when he volunteered against the or who seek to understand deep lore, may find that
wishes of the tribe. It is only now, after years of climbing Siddhartha is willing to help them. Who exists behind
over bodies and washing blood from under his fingernails, the screen name, though, no one seems to know for
that the old words of his elders have returned to haunt certain. Some believe it is one of the Stargazer elders,
him. There was no glory in his service. No honor. Just testing those who would seek a deeper understanding.
brute ugliness acting as a hammer against the enemies of Others say that Siddhartha is a powerful spirit bound by
those in power. He laughs at the irony that it is the young the Weaver, only able to reach out sporadically into the
who most need to hear the warnings of old warriors like construct of the web. Speculation has even suggested
himself, but that they are the ones the least capable of that Siddhartha might be a title, passed down from one
actually hearing the wisdom in those words. sage to another as the years go by.
53. Emily Ran: With her short hair and long skirts, Emily
has been underestimated by most people who have stood
across a courtroom from her. Those who have tried to
push her from her path have found that she refuses to be
budged, and that despite her diminutive stature she will
roll over those that get in the way of her arguments. An
attorney who represents those detained for crimes they
have not committed, as well as for those seeking release
based on changed behavior, she has been an ardent foe of
the prison-industrial complex, as well as the state using
power to hold anyone that poses no risk in bondage.
74. Indra Dalal: Regarded as a wise man by many, 78. Harish Patil: A heavy-boned man with a thick belly
Indra spends a portion of every day sweeping a shrine and a drooping mustache, Harish is internationally
in Hyderabad, India. People have often asked him why known for his skills as a chef. What he promises those
he does it, and his response is always as simple as it is who dine with him is an authentic meal; something that
direct. “Because it needs to be done.” On its face it will tell them a story of the region it came from. More
looks simple, but the lesson is that too often we wait for than just the food, Harish delivers the courses with small,
others to do things for us. We wait until a proper time, elegantly written notes. These act as keepsakes; pretty
or until we have permission, and all of the time we wait, little reminders for those who took a taste of another
neglect, or ignore the task, it grows harder and harder to place. It may not lead to world peace, but as Harish says,
accomplish. Not everyone grasps this lesson, but those it is hard to hate someone when you love to sit and dine
who do have carried it forward in their own lives. with them.