For Colored Girls... Rainbow Is Enuf
For Colored Girls... Rainbow Is Enuf
For Colored Girls... Rainbow Is Enuf
l- cess at Joseph Papp's Public Theater and on Broadway, the 0bie Award-
winning for colored girls who have considered suicide/when the rainbow is enuf
has excited, inspired, and transformed aud[ences all over the country. Passionate
and fearless, Shange's words reveal what it is to be of color and female in the
twentieth century. First published in 1975 when it was praised by The New Yorker
for "encompassing every feeling and experience a woman has ever had," for
colored girls who have considered suicide/when the rainbow is enuf will be read
and performed for generations to come. Here is the complete text, with stage
directions, of a groundbreaking dramatic prose poem written in vivid and powerful
language that resonates with unusual beauty in its fierce message to the world.
Scribner Poetry
Published by Simon & Schuster New York
lilffilflilffil[ilil llllillll[ll
u.s. $9.00
ISBN 0-tBq-Bqrah-1 Can. $13.00 011?0100
The critie applaud Ntozake Shangob
for mlorcd girls who hwe considercd suicide/
when the minbmr is enuf
sassafrass, cypress & indigo
betsey brornm
a choreopoem/
ntozake shange
scribner poetry
for the spirits of my grandma poems by title
viola benzena murray owens
and my great aunt
dork phroses 3
effie owens josey
graduotion nite 7
no ossistonce 73
i'm apoet
Iotent ropists'
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents sechito 23
either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.
Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, Iiving or dead, toussaint 25
is entirely coincidental.
AII rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole i used to live in the world 36
or in part in any form.
pyromid 39
First Scribner Poetry edition 1997
SCRIBNER POETRY and design ile trademilks of Macmillan Libra4r Reference USA, lnc., no more love poems #1 42
used uder license by Simon & Schuster, the publisher ofthis work.
become evident as we directed our energies toward
clarifying our Such joy & excitement I knew in Sonoma, then I would commute
]ives-& the lives of our mothers, daughters, & grancimothers_
back the sixty miles to San Francisco to study dance with
as women. During the same period, Shameless Hussy press
& The Raymond Sawyer, Ed Mock, & Halifu. Knowing a woman's mind
oakland women's press coilective were arso reading anywhere
& spirit had been allowed me, with dance I discovered my body
& everywhere they could. In a single season, Susan Griffin,
more intimately than I had imagined possible. With the
|udy Grahn, Barbara Gravelle, & Alta, were promoting the poetry acceptance of the ethnicity of my thighs & backside, came a clearer
& presence of women in a legendary male_poet,s environment.
understanding of my voice as a woman & as a poet. The freedom
This is the energy & part of the style that nurtured
for colorcd to move in space, to demand of my own sweat a perfection
girls . . .
that could continually be approached, though never known, waz
poem to me, my body & mind ellipsing, probably for the first
More stable as a source of inspiration & historical continuity waz
time in my life. ]ust as Women's Studies had rooted me to an
the Women's Studies program at Sonoma State College, where
articulated female heritage & imperative, so dance as explicated
I worked with |. f. Wilson, ]oanna Griffin, & Wopo Holup over
a by Raymond Sawyer & Ed Mock insisted that everything African,
three year span. Courses designed to make women's lives &
everything halfway colloquial, a grimace, a strut, an arched
dynamics familiar to us, such as: Woman as Artist; Woman as
back over a yawn, waz mine. I moved what waz my unconscious
Poet; Androgynous Myths in Literature; Women,s Biography
I & II; knowledge of being in a colored woman's body to my known
Third World Women Writers, are inextricably bound to the
everydayness. The depth of my past waz made tangible to me in
development of my sense of the world, myself, & women,s lan_
Sawyer's Anonse, a dance exploring the Diaspora to contemporary
guage. Studying the mythology of women from antiquity to the Senegalese music, pulling ancient trampled spirits out of present
present day led directly to the piece sechito in which a dance
tense Afro-American Dance. Watching Ed Mock re-create the
hall girl is perceived as deity, as slut, as innocent & knowing.
Step Brothers' or Bert Williams' routines in class or on stage, in
Unearthing the mislaid, forgotten, &/or misunderstood women
black face mimicking Eddie Cantor or Gloria Swanson, being
writers, painters, mothers, cowgirls, & union leaders of our
the rush of irony & control that are the foundation of iazz dance,
pasts proved to be both a supportive experience & a challenge
not was as startling as humbling. With Raymond Sawyer & Ed Mock,
to let them down, not to do less
than-at all costs not be less Paula Moss & I learned the wealth of our bodies, if we worked,
woman than-our mothers, from Isis to Marie Laurencin, Zora
if we opened up, if we made the dance our own.
Neale Hurtson to Kathe Kollwitz, Anna May Wong to
Calamity |ane. The first experience of women's theater for me as a performer
xl xil
waz the months I spent with Halifu Osumare's The Spirit space. & I did. The space we used waz the space
of us if I found
Dance, a troupe of five to six black women who depicted
the I knew: Women's Studies Departments, bars, cafes, & poetry
history of Black dance from its origins in western Africa thru With the selection of poems changing, dependent upon our
to centers.
the popular dances seen on our streets. without a premeditated
or audience & our mood, & the dance growing to take space of its
conscious desire to create a female piece, that's what, in
fact, own, so that Paula inspired my words to fall from me with her
Halifu did. working in san Francisco & Berkerey public schoors body, & The Sound Clinic working with new arrangements of
as an adjunct to Ethnic studies, I learned the mechanics of self- Ornette Coleman compositions & their own, The Raggae Blues
production & absorbed some of Halifu's confidence in
her work, Band giving Caribbean renditions of ]imi Hendrix & Redding' we
the legitimacy of our visions. After some 73 performances
set dates for Minnie's Can-Do Club in Haight-Ashbury' The
with The spirit of Dance, I reft the company to begin production poets showed up for us, the dancers showed up for us, the
of. for colored girls . . .
women's community showed up, & we were listed as a'must see'
in The Boy Guordion. Eight days after our last weekend
In the summer of. tgrq I had begun a series of seven poems,
at Minnie's, Paula & I left to drive cross country to New York
modeled on |udy Grahn's The Common Womon, which were
to to do 'the show,' as we called it' at the Studio Rivbea
explore the realities of seven different kinds of women. They
in New York.
were numbered pieces: the women were to be nameless
& assume
hegemony as dictated by the fullness of their lives. The first
of Our work in San Francisco waz over. With the courage of
the series is the poem, 'one' (orange butterfries & aqua sequins),
children, we staged the same sort of informal & improvised cho-
which prompted the title & this is for colored girls who have
reopoems at Rivbea during the summer Music Festival. Instead
considered suicide/ when the roinbow is enuf. I waz smitten
by of the standing-Room-only crowds we wele accustomed to in san
my own language, & called all the performances I waz to give
Francisco, my family & a few friends came to see our great
from then on by that title. In other words, all the readings & project. One of these friends, Oz Scott, & my sister' Ifa Iyaun'
choreopoetry that Paula Moss & I developed after that summer girls ' ' '
waz who were instrumental in the development of for colored
for colored girls. . . . we started at the Bacchanar & worked sawtheshowthatnight.ozofferedtohelpmewiththestaging
through the winter at Ed Mock's Dance studio with the assistance
of the work for a New York audience, since Paula & I obviously
of West Coast Dance Works, setting pieces & cleaning up
didn't understand some things. We moved from the Rivbea
poems. I found two bands, The Sound Clinic
[a horn trio) & to the old Reliable on East 3rd street to work through some of the
|ean Desarmes & His Raggae Brues Band, who agreed to work with ideas Oz had & the new things Paula & I were developing'
xii/ xiii/
Gylan Kain of the Original Last poets waz working there
every picked up our option to produce us as a Workshop under Equity's
Monday night. We worked with him & any other poets
& Showcase Code at Henry Street. With the assistance of the
dancers who showed up. Several members of the
original New New York Shakespeare Festival & ]oe Papp, we received space &
York show came to us just this haphazardly. Aku Kadogo
& I both a set, lights & a mailing list, things Paula & I had done without
had scholarships at Diane Mclntyre's sounds-in-Motion
Dance for two years. We opened at Henry Street with two new actress-
Studio. I asked her if she felt like improvising on the
Lower dancers, Thea Martinez & ]udy Dearing. Lines of folks & talk
East Side, she agreed & has been with the show ever
since. all over the Black & Latin community propelled us to the Public
Laurie Carlos stopped by one evening. She stayed.
Somehow Theater in ]une. Then to the Booth Theater on Broadway in
word got out & people started coming to the back room
of this September of rgz0.
neighborhood bar. we were moved to a new bar down
the street,
DeMonte's, after eleven weeks of no-pay hard-work
three sets Every move we've made since the first showing of for colorcd
a night-maybe a shot of cognac on the house.
girls . . . in California has demanded changes of text, personnel, &
staging. The final production at the Booth is as close to distilled
The show at DeMonte's waz prophetic. By this time,
December as any of us in all our art forms can make it. With two new
of 7975, we had weaned the piece of extraneous theatricality,
actresses, ]anet League & Rise Collins, & with the help of Seret
enlisted Trazana Beverley, Laurie Carlos, Laurie Hayes,
Aku Scott, Michelle Shay, & Roxanne Reese, the rest of the cast is
Kadogo, & of course, paula & I were right there. The
most prescient enveloping almost 6,000 people a week in the words of a young
change in the concept of the work waz that I gave up
directoriar black girl's growing up, her triumphs & errors, our struggle to
powers to Oz Scott. By doing this, I acknowledged that
the become all that is forbidden by our environment, all that is
poems & the dance worked on their own to do &
be what they forfeited by our gender, all that we have forgotten.
were. As opposed to viewing the pieces as poems, I came
understand these twenty-odd poems as a single statement,
a I had never imagined not doing for coloted girls. ' ' ' It waz just
my poems, any poems I happened to have. Now I have left the
show on Broadway, to write poems' stories, plays, my dreams'
we finally hit at DeMonte's. Those institutions I had shunned as
for colored girls . . . is either too big for my off-off Broadway
apoet-producers, theaters, actresses, & sets_now were
taste, or too little for my exaggerated sense of freedom, held over
essential to us. /or colored girls who hove consid ered suicide/
from seven years of improvised poetry readings. Or, perhaps,
when the rainbow is enuf waz a theater piece. Woody King
the series has actually finished itself. Poems come on their own
xiv/ xv/
timel i am offering these to you as what i've received from this
for colorcd girls who
world so far.
hove consid ered suicide /
The stoge is in dorkness. Horsh
music is heord os ciim blue lights
come up. One ofter onother, seven
women run onto the stage from
each of the exits. TheY all frceze in
postures of distress. The follow
spot picks uP the IodY in brown' She
comes to life ond looks qround ot
the other lodies. All of the others
are still. She wolks over to the lady
in red ond calls to her. The IodY
in red makes no response'
Iody in brown
dark phrases of womanhood
of never havin been a girl
half-notes scattered
without rhythm/ no tune
distraught laughter fallin
over a black girl's shoulder
it's funny/ it's hYsterical
the melody-less-ness of her dance
don't tell nobodY don't tell a soul
she's dancin on beer cans & shingles
& interrupted solos she's half-notes scattered
unseen performances without rhythm/ no tune
sing her sighs
are we ghouls? sing the song of her possibilities
children of horror? sing a righteous gospel
the joke? let her be born
let her be born
don't tell nobody don't tell a soul & handled warmly.
are we animals? have we gone crazy?
lady in brown
i'm outside chicago
i can't hear anythin
but maddening screams
lady in yellow
& the soft strains of death
i'm outside detroit
& you promised me
you promised me . . .
Iady in purple
somebody/ anybody
i'm outside houston
sing a black girl's song
bring her out Iady in red
to know herself i'm outside baltimore
to know you
but sing her rhythms Iady in green
carin/ struggle/ hard times i'm outside san francisco
sing her song of life
she's been dead so long Iody in blue
closed in silence so long i'm outside manhattan
she doesn't know the sound
of her own voice lady in oronge
her infinite beauty i'm outside st. louis
4/ s/
Iady inbrcwn of the Iodies start to dance. The
& this is for colored girls who have considered suicide lady in green, the lady in blue, ond
but moved to the ends of their own rainbows. the lody in yellow do the pony,
the big boss line, the swim, and
everyone the nose dive. The other lodies
mama's little baby likes shor.tnin, shortnin, donce in ploce.
mama's little baby likes shortnin bread
mama's little baby likes shortnin, shortnin, lady in yellow
mama's little baby likes shortnin bread it was graduation nite & i waz the only virgin in the crowd
bobby mills martin jerome & sammy yates eddie jones & randi
little sally walker, sittin in a saucer all cousins
rise, sally, rise, wipe your weepin eyes all the prettiest niggers in this factory town
an put your hands on your hips carried me out wit em
an let your backbone slip in a deep black buick
o, shake it to the east smellin of thunderbird & ladies in heat
o, shake it to the west we rambled from camden to mount holly
shake it to the one laughin at the afternoon's speeches
that you like the best & danglin our tassles from the rear view mirror
climbin different sorta project stairs
Iady in purple movin toward snappin beer cans &
all mercer county graduated the same nite
As the lody in brown tags each of cosmetology secretarial pre-college autoshop & business
the other lodies they frceze. When all us movin from mama to what ever waz out there
eoch one hqs been togged the Iody
in brown freezes. Immediotely that nite we raced a big ol truck from the barbeque stand
"Doncing in the Streets" by Mortho trying to tell him bout the party at jacqui's
ond the Vqndellos is heqrd. All where folks graduated last year waz waitin to hit it wid us
6/ 7/
i got drunk & cdnt figure out The Dells singing "Stay" is heord
whose hand waz on my thigh/ but it didn't matter
cuz these cousins martin eddie sammy jerome & bobby we danced doin nasty ol tricks
waz my sweethearts alternately since the seventh grade
& everybody knew i always started cryin if somebody actually The lady in yellow sings olong
tried to take advantage of me with the Dells for o moment. The
at jacqui's lady in orange ond the lody in blue
ulinda mason was stickin her mouth all out jump up and parody the lody in
while we tumbled out the buick yellow ond the Deils. The lady in
eddie jones waz her lickin stick yellow stores ot them. They sit down.
but i knew how to dance
it got soo hot doin nasty ol tricks i'd been thinkin since may
vincent ramos puked all in the punch cuz graduation nite had to be hot
& harly jumped all in tico's face & i waz the only virgin
cuz he was leavin for the navy in the mornin so i hadda make like my hips waz inta some business
hadda kick ass so we'd all remember how bad he waz that way everybody thot whoever was gettin it
seems like sheila & marguerite waz fraid was a older man cdnt run the streets wit youngsters
to get their hair turnin back martin slipped his leg round my thigh
so they laid up against the wall the dells bumped "stay"
lookin almost sexy up & down-up & down the new carver homes
but me & my fellas we waz dancin
ulinda alla sudden went crazy
since 1963i'd won all kinda contests went over to eddie cursin & carryin on
wid the cousins at the POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE DANCES tearin his skin wid her nails
all mercer county knew the cousins tried to talk sense to her
any kin to martin yates cd turn somersaults tried to hold her arms
fore smokey robinson cd get a woman excited lissin bitch sammy went on
8/ s/
bobby whispered i shd go wit him lody in blue
fore they go ta cuttin some niggah sweating all over you.
fore the police arrived
we teetered silently thru the parkin lot Iady in red
no un uhuh it was good!
we didn't know nothin bout no party
bobby started lookin at me lady in blue
yeah i never did like to grind.
he started looking at me real strange
like i waz a woman or somethin/ Iady in yellow
started talkin real soft what other kind of dances are there?
in the backseat of that ol buick
wow Iady in blue
by daybreak mambo, bomba, merengue
i just cdnt stop grinnin.
when i waz sixteen i ran off io the south bronx
The Dells singing "Stay" comes in cuziwaz gonna meet up wit willie colon
ond all of the lodies except the lody & dance all the time
in blue join in ond sing olong. mamba bomba merengue
lady in yellow
lody in blue do you speak spanish?
you gave it up in a buick?
iody in blue
Iady in yellow old
yeh, and honey, it was wonderful. my papa thot he was puerto rican & we wda been
cept we waz just reglar niggahs wit hints of spanish
lady in green so off i made it to this 36 hour marathon dance
we used to do it all up in the dark con salsa con ricardo
in the corners . . . 'suggggggggggar' ray on southern blvd
70/ 77/
oooooooooooooh the sounds
next door to this fotografi Place
jammed wit burial weddin & communion relics sneakin in under age to slug's
next door to la real ideal genuine spanish barber to stare ata real 'artiste'
up up up up up stairs & stairs & Iotsa hallway & every word outta imamu's mouth waz gospel
wit my colored new jersey self &if jesus cdnt play a horn like shepp
didn't know what anybody waz saying waznt no need for colored folks to bear no cross at all
cept if dancin waz proof of origin
i was jibarita herself that nite & poem is my thank-you for music
& i love you more than poem
& the next day
i kept smilin & right on stePPin more than aureliano buendia loved macondo
if he cd lead i waz readY to dance more than hector lavoe loved himself
if he cdnt lead more than the lady loved gardenias
i caught this attitude more than celia loves cuba or graciela loves el son
i'd seen rosa do more than the flamingoes shoo-do-n-doo-wah love bein pretty
72/ 73/
forty poems 2 plants & 3 handmade notecards i left twitch hips wit me cuz
town so i cd send to you have been no help to me i done forgot all abt words
on my job aint got no definitions
you call at 3:00 in the mornin on weekdays i wanna whirl
so i cd drive 271/z miles cross the bay before i go to work with you
charmin charmin
but you are of no assistance Music storts, "Che Che CoIe" by
741 15/
lady in red Iody in blue
so come on a friend is hard to press charges against
16/ 77/
iody in blue stay employed
ticket stubs from porno flicks in his pocket and take us out to dinner
lady in purple
Iody in blue
wit closed mouth
bein betrayed by men who know us
lody in blue
pressin charges will be as hard lady in purple
as keepin yr legs closed & expect
while five fools try to run a train on you like the stranger
we always thot waz comin
lady in rcd
these men friends of ours lady in blue
who smile nice that we will submit
18/ 7s/
lady in purple lody in purple
we must have known we see them at the coffeehouse
20/ 2u
Iody in blue & nobody came
tubes tables white washed windows cuz nobody knew
grime from age wiped over once once i waz pregnant & shamed of myself
legs spread
anxious The lady in blue exits stage left
eyes crawling up on me volm.
eyes rollin in my thighs
metal horses gnawin my womb Soft deep music is heord, voices
dead mice fall from my mouth calling " Sechita" come from the
i really didnt mean to wings ond volms. The lady in
i really didnt think i cd purple enters from up right.
just one day off . . .
get offa me alia this blood Iady in purple
bones shattered like soft ice-cream cones once there were quadroon balls/ elegance in st. louis/ laced
mulattoes/ gamblin down the mississippi/ to memphis/ new
i cdnt have people orleans n okra crepes near the bayou/ where the poor white trash
Iookin at me wd sing/ moanin/ strange/ liquid tones/ thru the swamps/
i cdnt have my friends see this The lody in green enters from the
dyin danglin tween my legs right voim; she is Sechito ond for
& i didnt say a thing the rest of the poem donces out
not a sigh Sechito's iife.
or a fast scream
to get sechita had heard these things/ she moved
those eyes off a me as if she'd known them/ the silver n high-toned laughin/
get them steel rods outta me the violins n marble floors/ sechita pushed the clingin
this hurts dust wit painted toes/ the patch-work tent waz
this hurts me stale lights snatched at the shadows/ creole
221 23/
carnival waz playin natchez in ten minutes/ her splendid immobile/ she made her face like nefertiti/ approachin her
red garters/ gin-stained n itchy on her thigh/ blk-diamond own tomb/ she suddenly threw/ her leg full-force/ thru the
stockings darned wit yellow threads/ an ol starched taffeta canvas curtain/ a deceptive glass stone/ sparkled/ malignant
can-can fell abundantly orange/ from her waist round the on her ankle/ her calf waz tauntin in the brazen carnie
splinterin chair/ sechita/ egyptian/ goddess of creativity/ lights/ the full moon/ sechita/ goddess/ of love/ egypt/
2nd millennium/ threw her heavy hair in a coil over her neck/ 2nd millennium/ performin the rites/ the conjurin of men/
sechita/ goddess/ the recordin of history/ spread crimson oil conjurin the spirit/ in natchez/ the mississippi spewed
on her cheeks/ waxed her eyebrows/ n unconsciously slugged a heavy fume of barely movin waters/ sechita's legs slashed
the last hard whiskey in the glass/ the broken mirror she furiously thru the cracker nite/ & gold pieces hittin the
used to decorate her face/ made her forehead tilt backwards/ makeshift stage/ her thighs/ they were aimin coins tween her
her cheeks appear sunkenT' her sassy chin only large enuf/ thighs/ sechita/ egypt/ goddess/ harmony/ kicked viciously
to keep her full lower lip/ from growin into her neck/ sechita/ thru the nite/ catchin stars tween her toes.
had learned to make allowances for the distortions/
but the heavy dust of the delta/ left a tinge of grit n The lady in green exits into the
darkness/ on every one of her dresses/ on her arms & her stage left volm, the lady in purple
shoulders/ sechita/ waz anxious to get back to st. louis/ exits into up stage left.
the dirt there didnt crawl from the earth into yr soul/
at least/ in st.louis/ the grime waz store bought The lady in brown enters from up
second-hand/ here in natchez/ god seemed to be wipin his stage fight.
feet in her face/
lady in brown
one of the wrestlers had finally won de library waz right down from de trolly tracks
tonite/ the mulatto / raul/ was sposed to hold the boomin cross from de laundry-mat
half-caste/ searin eagle/ in a bear hug/ 8 counts/ get thru de big shinin floors & granite pillars
thrown unawares/ fall out the ring/ n then do searin eagle ol st. louis is famous for
in for good/ sechita/ cd hear redneck whoops n slappin on i found toussaint
the back/ she gathered her sparsely sequined skirts/ tugged but not til after months uv
the waist cincher from under her greyin slips/ n made her f ace cajun katie/ pippi longstockin
christopher robin/ eddie heyward & a pooh bear waz disqualified
in the children's room cuz Toussaint
only pioneer girls & magic rabbits belonged in the ADULT READING ROOM
& big city white boys & i cried
i knew i waznt sposedta & carried dead Toussaint home in the book
but i ran inta the ADULT READING ROOM he waz dead & livin to me
& came across cuz TOUSSAINT & them
they held the citadel gainst the french
TOUSSAINT wid the spirits of ol dead africans from outta the ground
TOUSSAINT led they army of zombies
my first blk man walkin cannon ball shootin spirits to free Haiti
[i never counted george washington carver & they waznt slaves no more
cuz i didnt like peanuts)
TOUSSAINT waz a blk man a negro like my mama say became my secret lover at the age of 8
who refused to be a slave i entertained him in my bedroom
& he spoke french witida flashlight under my covers
& didnt low no white man to tell him nothin way inta the night/ we discussed strategies
not napolean how to remove white girls frorn my hopscotch games
not maximillien & etc.
not robespierre TOUSSAINT
waz layin in bed wit me next to raggedy ann
TOUSSAINT L'OUVERTURE the rright i decided to run away from my
waz the beginnin uv reality for me integrated home
in the summer contest for integrated street
who colored child can read integrated school
15 books in three weeks 1955 waz not a good year for lil blk girls
at the afternoon ceremony Toussaint said 'lets go to haiti'
26/ 27/
i said 'awright' or TOUSSAINT'S gonna get yr ass'
& packed some very important things in a brown paper bag de silly ol boy came round de corner laughin all in my face
so i wdnt haveta come back 'yellah gal
then Toussaint & i took the hodiamont streetcar ya sure must be somebody to know my name so quick'
to the river i waz disgusted
last stop & wanted to get on to haiti
only 150 widout some tacky ol boy botherin me
cuz there waznt nobody cd see Toussaint cept me still he kept standin there
& we walked all down thru north st. louis kickin milk cartons & bits of brick
where the french settlers usedta live tryin to get all in my business
in tiny brick houses all huddled together i mumbled to L'OUVERTURE'what shd I do'
wit barely missin windows & shingles uneven finally
wit colored kids playin & women on low porches sippin beer i asked this silly oI boy
28/ 2s/
are ya any kin to him The lady in brown exits into the
he dont take no stuff from no white folks stage right volm.
& they gotta country all they own
& there aint no slaves'
The lady in red enters from the
that silly ol boy squinted his face all up
stage left volm.
'looka heah girl
& i'm right heah lookin at ya Iady in red
& i dont take no stuff from no white folks orange butterflies & aqua sequins
ya dont see none round heah do -rra?'
ensconsed tween slight bosoms
& he sorta pushed out his chest silk roses dartin from behind her ears
then he say the passion flower of southwest los angeles
'come on lets go on down to the docks meandered down hoover street
& look at the boats' past dark shuttered houses where
i waz real puzzled goin down to the docks women from louisiana shelled peas
wit my paper bag & my books round 3:00 & sent their sons
i felt TOUSSAINT L'OUVERTURE sorta leave me whistlin to the store for fatback & black-eyed peas
& i waz sad she glittered in heat
til i realized & seemed to be lookin for rides
TOUSSAINT }ONES waznt too different when she waznt & absolutely
from TOUSSAINT L'OUVERTURE eyed every man who waznt lame white or noddin out
cept the ol one waz in haiti she let her thigh slip from her skirt
& this one wid me speakin english & eatin apples crossin the street
yeah. she slowed to be examined
toussaint jones waz awright wit me & she never looked back to smile
no tellin what all spirits we cd move or acknowledge a sincere 'hey mama'
down by the river or to meet the eyes of someone
st.louis 1955 hey wait. purposely findin sometin to do in
30/ 37/
her direction delighted she waz desired
she waz sullen & allowed those especially
& the rhinestones etchin the corners of her mouth schemin/ tactful suitors
suggested tears to experience her body & spirit
fresh kisses that had done no good tearin/ so easily blendin with theirs/
she always wore her stomach out & they were so happy
lined with small iridescent feathers & lay on her lime sheets full & wet
the hairs round her navel seemed to dance from her tongue she kissed
& she didnt let on them reverently even ankles
she knew edges of beards . . .
from behind her waist waz aching to be held
the pastel ivy drawn on her shoulders The stoge goes to dorkness except
to be brushed with lips & fingers for o speciol on the lady in rcd,
smellin of honey & jack daniels who lies motionless on the floor; as
s2l 33/
she cda been slapped upside the head & cried herself to sleep.
or verbaily challenged
but she never waz
& the ones who fell prey to the
34/ 85/
All the lights fade except for a NO MAN YA CANT GO WIT ME/ I DONT EVEN
speciol on the lody in red; the lady KNOW YOU/ NO/ r DONT WANNA KISS YOU/
in red exits into the stage left volm. YOU ArNT BUT 72 YRS OLD/ NO MAN/ PLEASE
The lady in blue enters from up NO/ PLEASE/ I CANT USE IT
fight. i cd stay alone
a woman in the world
lody in blue then i moved to
i usedta live in the world HARLEM
then i moved to HARLEM i come in at dusk
& my universe is now six blocks stay close to the curb
s6/ 37/
like ol silk stockings nice is such a rip-off
cats cryin/ children gigglin/ a tavern wit red curtains reglar beauty & a smile in the street
bad smells/ kissin ladies smilin & dirt is just a set-up
sidewalks spittin/ men cursing/ playin
i usedta be in the world
The lody in oronge enters, she is a woman in the world
beingfollowed by a mon, the i hadda right to the world
Iody in blue becomes thot mon. then i moved to harlem
for the set-up
THAN THE DAY BEFORE & ALL THAT'S MORE N YOU six blocks of cruelty
NIGGAH EVER GOTTA HOLD TO piled up on itself
CANT YA SEE THIS IS $5' closin
38/ 3s/
we all saw him at the same time one day after another
& he saw us cept for the one who loved him
i felt a quick thump in each one of us he appeared irregularly
didnt know what to do expectin graciousness no matter what
we all wanted what waz comin our way she cut fresh strawberries
so we split her friends callt less frequently
but he found one went on hunts for passin fancies
& she loved him she cdnt figure out what waz happenin
then the rose
the other two were tickled she left by his pillow
& spurned his advances she found on her friends desk
when the one who loved him waz somewhere else & there waz nothing to say
he wd come to her saying she said
yr friends love you very much i wanna tell you
'i have tried he's been after me
& they keep askin where are you all the time
she smiled says he's free & can explain
wonderin how long her friends what's happenin wit you
wd hold out is nothin to me
he waz what they were lookin for & i dont wanna hurt you
he bided his time but you know i need someone now
he waited til romance waned & you know
the three of us made uP stories how wonderful he is
bout usedta & cda been nice
the season waz dry her friend cdnt speak or cry
no men they hugged & went to where he waz
no quickies wit another woman
not one dance or eyes unrelentin he said good-bye to one
40/ 47/
tol the other he wd call the music loud enuf/ so there is no rne but dance/ & when
he smiled a lot i can dance like that/ there's nothin cd hurt me/ but
i get tired & i haveta come offa the floor & then there's
she held her head on her lap that woman who hurt you/ who you left/ three or four times/
the lap of her sisters soakin up tears & just went back/ after you put my heart in the bottom of
each understandin how much love stood between them yr shoe/ you just walked back to where you hurt/ & i didnt
how much love between them have nothin/ so i went to where somebody had somethin for me/
love between them but he waznt you/ & i waz on the way back from her house
love like sisters in the bottom of yr shoe/ so this is not a love poem/ cuz there
are only memorial albums available/ & even charlie mingus
Shorp music is heord, eoch lody wanted desperately to be a pimp/ & i wont be able to see eddie
donces os if
catching o disecse from palmieri for months/ so this is a requium for myself/ cuz i
the lady next to her, suddenlY have died in a real way/ not wid aqua coffins & du-wop cadillacs/
they oll frceze. i used to joke abt when i waz messin round/ but a real dead
lovin is here for you now/ cuz i dont know anymore/ how
lady in orange to avoid my own face wet wit my tears/ cuz i had convinced
ever since i realized there waz someone callt myself colored girls had no right to sorrow/ & i lived
a colored girl an evil woman a bitch or a nag & loved that way & kept sorrow on the curb/ allegedly
i been tryin not to be that & leave bitterness for you/ but i know i did it for myself/
in somebody else's cup/ come to somebody to love me i cdnt stand it
without deep & nasty smeliin scald from lye or bein i cdnt stand bein sorry & colored at the same time
left screamin in a street fulla lunatics/ whisperin it's so redundant in the modern world
slut bitch bitch niggah/ get outta here wit alla that/
i didnt have any of that f or you/ i brought you what joy Iody in purple
i f ound & i f ound joy/ honest fingers round my f ace/ with i lived wit myths & music waz my ol man & i cd dance
dead musicians on 78's from cuba/ or live musicians on five a dance outta time/ a dance wit no partners/ take my
dollar lp's from chicago/ where i have never been/ & i love pills & keep fight on steppin/ linger in non-english
willie colon & arsenio rodriquez/ especially cuz i can make arms so therc waz no possibility of understandin
& you YOU & be white/ we're right in the middle of it/ no use
came sayin i am the niggah/ i am the baddest muthafuckah holdin out/ holdin onto ourselves/ lets think our
out there/ way outta feelin/ lets abstract ourselves some families
i said yes/ this is who i am waitin for & maybe maybe tonite/ i'll find a way to make myself
& to come wit you/ i hadta bring everythin come witout you/ no fingers or other objects just thot
the dance & the terror which isnt spiritual evolution cuz its empty & godliness
the dead musicians & the hope is plenty is ripe & fertile/ thinkin wont do me a bit of
& those scars i had hidden wit smiles & good fuckin good tonite/ i need to be loved/ & havent the audacity
lay open to say
& i dont know i dont know any more tricks where are you/ & dont know who to say it to
i am really colored & really sad sometimes & you hurt me
more than i ever danced outta/ into oblivion isnt far enuf lody in yellow
to get outta this/ i am ready to die like a lily in the i've lost it
desert/ & i cdnt let you in on it cuz i didnt know/ here touch wit reality/ i dont know who's doin it
is what i have/ poems/ big thighs/ lil tits/ & i thot i waz but i waz so stupid i waz able to be hurt
so much love/ will you take it from me this one time/ & that's not real/ not anymore/ i shd be immune/ if i'm
please this is for you/ arsenio's tres cleared the way still alive & that's what i waz discussin/ how i am still
& makes me pure again/ please please/ this is for you alive & my dependency on other livin beins for love
i want you to love me/ let me love you/ i dont wanna i survive on intimacy & tomorrow/ that's all i've got goin
dance wit ghosts/ snuggle lovers i made up in my drunkenness/ & the music waz like smack & you knew abt that
lemme love you just like i am/ a colored girl/ i'm finally bein & still refused my dance waz not enuf/ a itwaz all i had
real/ no longer symmetrical & impervious to pain but bein alive & bein a woman & bein colored is a metaphysical
dilemma/ i havent conquered yet/ d.o you see the point
Iody in blue my spirit is too ancient to understand the separation of
we deal wit emotion too much soul & gender/ my love is too delicate to have thrown
so why dont we go on ahead & be white then/ back on my face
& make everythin dry & abstract wit no rhythm & no
reelin for sheer sensual pleasure/ yes let's go on
441 45/
The Iodies in red, green, ond brown lady in red
enter quietly; in the bockground my love is too complicated to have thrown back on my face
aII of the lodies except the lody in
yellow ore frozen; the lody in lady in green
yellow looks at them, walks by my love is too music to have thrown back on my face
them, touches them; they do not
move. everyone
Iady in yellow music
my love is too delicate to have thrown back on my face The lady in green then breaks into
a dance, the other ladies follow
her leod ond soon they are all danc-
The lady in yellow storts to exit
ing and chonting together.
into the stoge right volm. /ust os she
gets to the volm, the lady in brown
lady in green
comes to lif e.
yank dankka dank dank
Iody in brown
my love is too beautiful to have thrown back on my face
46/ 47/
everyone [but storted by the lady in yellow) and complicated
delicate and complicated
delicate and complicated
delicate and complicated
and complicated
everyone fbut storted by the lady in brown] and complicated
and beautiful
and beautiful The donce reoches o climox ond oll
48/ 4s/
me play this duet/ wit this silver ring in my nose/ ego walked round like Rodan's shadow/ waz a man faster
honest to god/ somebody almost run off wit alla my stuff/ n my innocencef waz a lover/ i made too much
& i didnt bring anythin but the kick & sway of it room for/ almost run off wit alla my stuff/
the perfect ass for my man & none of it is theirs & i didnt know i'd give it up so quik/ & the one running wit it/
this is mine/ ntozake 'her own things'/ that's my name/ dont know he got it/ & i'm shoutin this is mine/ & he dont
now give me my stuff/ i see ya hidin my laugh/ & how i know he golit/ my stuff is the anonymous ripped off treasure
sit wif my legs open sometimes/ to give my crotch of the year/ did you know somebody almost got away with me/
some sunlight/ a there goes my love my toes my chewed me in a plastic bag under their arm/ me
up finger nails/ niggah/ wif the curls in yr hair/ danglin on a string of personal carelessness/ i'm spattered wit
mr. louisiana hot link/ i want my stuff back/ mud & city rain/ & no i didnt get a chance to take a douche/
my rhythms & my voice/ open my mouth/ & let me talk ya hey man/ this is not your perogative/ i gotta have me in my
outta/ throwin my shit in the sewar/ this is some delicate pocket/ to get round like a good woman shd/ a make the poem
leg & whimsical kiss/ i gotta have to give to my choice/ in the pot or the chicken in the dance/ what i got to do/
without you runnin off wit alla my shit/ i gotta have my stuff to do it to/
now you cant have me less i give me away / & i waz why dont ya find yr own things/ & leave this package
doin all that/ til ya run off on a good thing/ of me for my destiny/ what ya got to get from me/
who is this you left me wit/ some simple bitch i'll give it to yal yeh/ i'll give it Io ya/
widda bad attitude/ i wants my things/ round 5:00 in the winter/ when the sky is blue-red/
i want my arm wit the hot iron scar/ & my leg wit the & Dew City is gettin pressed/ if it's really my stuff/
flea bite/ i want my calloused feet & quik language back ya gotta give it to me/ if ya really want it/ i'm
in my mouth/ fried plantains/ pineapple pear juice/ the only one/ can handle it
sun-ra & joseph & jules/ i want my own things/ how i lived them/
& give me my memories/ how i waz when i waz lheref Iody in blue
you cant have them or do nothin wit them/ that niggah will be back tomorrow, sayin 'i'm sorry'
stealin my shit from me/ dont make it yrs/ makes it stolen/
somebody almost run off wit alla my stuff/ & i waz standin Iody in yellow
there/ lookin at myself/ the whole time get this, last week my ol man came in sayin, 'i don't know
& it waznt a spirit took my stuff/ waz a man whose how she got yr number baby, i'm sorry'
50/ 57/
lady in brown or get a mornin paper
no this one is it, 'o baby, ya know i waz high, i'm sorry' didnt nobody stop usin my tears to wash cars
cuz a sorry
lady inpurple
'i'm only human, and inadequacy is what makes us human, & i am simply tired
if we was perfect we wdnt have nothin to strive for, so you of collectin
might as well go on and forgive me pretty baby, cause i'm sorry' i didnt know
i was so important toyou'
Iody in green i'm gonna haveta throw some away
'shut up bitch, i told you i waz sorry' i cant get to the clothes in my closet
for alla the sorries
lady in oronge i'm gonna tack a sign to my door
no this one is it, 'i do ya like i do ya cause i thot leave a message by the phone
ya could take it, now i'm sorry' 'if you called
to say yr sorry
lady in red call somebody
'now i know that ya know i love ya, but i aint ever gonna else
love ya like ya want me to love ya, i'm sorry' i dont use em anymore'
i let sorry/ didnt meanta/ & how cd i know abt that
Iody in blue take a walk down a dark & musty street in brooklyn
one thing i dont need i'm gonna do exactly what i want to
is any more apologies & i wont be sorry for none of it
i got sorry greetin me at my front door letta sorry soothe yr soul/ i'm gonna soothe mine
you can keep yrs
i dont know what to do wit em you were always inconsistent
they dont open doors doin somethin & then bein sorry
or bring the sun back beatin my heart to death
they dont make me happy talkin bout you sorry
52/ 53/
well lady in red
i wiil not call there waz no air/ the sheets made ripples under his
i'm not goin to be nice body like crumpled paper napkins in a summer park/ & lil
i will raise my voice specks of somethin from tween his toes or the biscuits
& scream & holler from the day before ran in the sweat that tucked the sheet
& break things & race the engine into his limbs like he waz an ol frozen bundle of chicken/
& tell all yr secrets bout yrself to yr face & he'd get up to make coffee, drink wine, drink water/ he
& i will list in detail everyone of rny wonderful lovers wished one of his friends who knew where he waz wd come by
& their ways with some blow or some shit/ anythin/ there waz no air/
i will play oliver lake he'd see the spotlights in the alleyways downstairs movin
loud in the air/ cross his wall over his face/ & get under the
& i wont be sorry for none of it covers & wait for an all clear or til he cd hear traffic
iloved you on purpose
i was open on purpose there waznt nothin wrong with him/ there waznt nothin wrong
i still crave vulnerability & close talk with him/ he kept tellin crystal/
& i'm not even sorry bout you bein sorry any niggah wanna kill vietnamese children more n stay home
you can carry all the guilt & grime ya wanna & raise his own is sicker than a rabid dog/
just dont give it to me that's how their thing had been goin since he got back/
i cant use another sorry crystal just got inta sayin whatta fool niggah beau waz
next time & always had been/ didnt he go all over uptown sayin the
you should admit child waznt hisf waz some no counts bastard/ & any oI city
you're mean/ low-down/ triflin/ & no count straight out police cd come & get him if they wanted/ cuz as soon as
steada bein sorry alla the time the blood type & shit waz together/ everybody wd know that
enjoy bein yrself crystal waz a no good lyin whore/ and this after she'd been
his girl since she waz thirteen/ when he caught her
on the stairway/
54/ 55/
to go to school & they kept right on puttin him in ass/ or come sit wit ya when they lock yr behind
remedial classes/ he cdnt read wortha damn/ so beau up/ cause they gonna come for ya/ yagoddarnn lunatic/
cused the teachers of holdin him back & got himself they gonna comef & i'm not gonna have a thing to do
a gypsy cab to drive/ but his cab kept breakin wit it/ o no i wdnt marry yr pitiful black ass for
down/ & the cops was always messin wit him/ plus not nothin & she went on to bed/
gettin much bread/
the next day beau willie came in blasted & got ta swingin
& crystal went & got pregnant again/ beau most beat chairs at crystal/ who cdnt figure out what the hell
her to death when she tol him/ she still gotta scar he waz doin/ til he got ta shoutin bout how she waz gonna
under her right tit where he cut her up/ still crystal marry him/ a get some more veterans benefits/ & he cd
went right on & had the baby/ so now beau willie had stop drivin them crazy spics round/ while they tryin
two children/ a little girl/ naomi kenya & a boy/ kwame beau to kill him for $f S/ beau waz sweatin terrible/ beatin
willie brown/ & there waz no air/ on crystal/ & he cdnt do no more with the table n chairs/
so he went to get the high chair/ & lil kwame waz in itf
how in the hell did he get in this mess anyway/ somebody & beau waz beatin crystal with the high chair & her son/
went & tol crystal that beau waz spendin alla his money & some notion got inta him to stop/ and he run out/
& nuts/ now he hadta get alla that shit outta crystal's their daddy tried to kill her & kwame/ & he just wanted
mind/ so she wd let him come home/ crystal had gone & to marry her/ that's what/ he wanted to marry her/ &
got a court order saying beau willie brown had no access have a family/ but the bitch waz crazy f beau willie
to his children/ if he showed his face he waz subject waz sittin in this hotel in his drawers drinkin
to arrest/ shit/ she'd been in his ass to marry her coffee & wine in the heat of the day spillin shit all
since she waz'1.4 years old & here when she 22/ she wanna over hisself / laughin/ bout how he waz gonna get crystal
throw him out cuz he say he'll marry her/ she burst to take him back/ & let him be a man in the house/ & she
out laughin/ hollerin whatchu wanna marry me for now/ wdnt even have to go to work no more/ he got dressed
so i can support yr all up in his ivory shirt & checkeredpants to go see
56/ s7/
crystal & get this mess all cleared up/ crystal felt naomi givin in & held her tighter/
he knocked on the door to crystal's rooms/ & she naomi/ pushed away & ran to her daddy/ cryin/ daddy, daddy
didnt answer/ he beat on the door & crystal & naomi come back daddy/ come back/ but be nice to mommy/
started cryin/ beau gotta shoutin again how he wanted cause mommy loves you/ and ya gotta be nice/
to marry her/ & waz she always gonna be a whore/ or he sat her on his knee/ & played with her ribbons &
did she wanna husband/ & crystal just kept on they counted fingers & toes/ every so often he
screamin for him to leave us alone/ just leave us looked over to crystal holdin kwame/ like a statue/
alone/ so beau broke the door down/ crystal held & he'd say/ see crystal/ i can be a good father/
the children in fronta her/ she picked kwame off the now let me see my son/ & she didnt move/ &
floor/ in her arms/ & she held naomi by her shoulders/ he coaxed her & he coaxed her/ tol her she waz
& kept on sayin/ beau willie brown/ get outta here/ still a hot lil ol thing & pretty & strong/ didnt
the police is gonna come for ya/ ya fool/ get outta here/ she get right up after that lil ol fight they had
do you want the children to see you act the fool again/ & go back to work/ beau willie oozed kindness &
you want kwame to brain damage from you throwin him crystal who had known so lil/ let beau hold kwame/
round/ niggah/ get outtahere/ get out & dont show yr
ass again or i'll kill ya/ i swear i'll kill ya/ as soon ascrystal let the baby outta her arms/ beau
he reached for naomi/ crystal grabbed the lil girl & jumped up a laughin & a gigglin/ a hootin & a hollerin/
stared at beau willie like he waz a leper or somethin/ awright bitch/ awright bitch/ you gonna marry me/
dont you touch my children/ muthafucker/ or i'll kill you gonna marry me . . .
you/ i aint gonna marry ya/ i aint ever gonna many ya/
for nothin/ you gonna be in the jail/ you gonna be
beau willie jumped back all humble & apologeticf i'm under the jail for this/ now gimme my kids/ ya give
sorry/ i dont wanna hurt em/ i just wanna hold em & me back my kids/
get on my way/ i dont wanna cuz you no more trouble/
i wanted to marry you & give ya things he kicked the screen outta the window/ & held the kids
what you gonna give/ a broken jaw/ niggah get outta here/ offa the sill/ you gonna marry me/ yeh, i'll marry ya/
he ignored crystal's outburst & sat down motionin for anything/ but bring the children back in the house/
naomi to come to him/ she smiled back at her daddy/ he looked from where the kids were hangin from the
58/ 5s/
Iady in yellow
fifth story/ at alla the people screamin at him/ &
he started sweatin again/ say to alla the neighbors/
you gonna marry me/
Iady in green
i stood by beau in the window/ with naomi reachin cool
for me/ & kwame screamin mommy mommy from the fifih
story/ but i cd only whisper/ & he dropped em Iady in oronge
lady in purple
makin me whole
Iady in oronge
lody in red
i waz missin somethin lady in green
Iady in purPle
somethin so imPortant
lody in blue
all the gods comin into me
lady in orange
layin me open to myself
somethin promised
lady in red
lody in blue
i waz missin somethin
a layin on of hands
60/ 61/
62/ 63/
the lady in blue. The ladies sing
first to each other, then groduolly
to the oudience. After the song
peoks the Jodies enter into o closed
tight circle.
Iady inbrcwn
& this is for colored girls who have considered
suicide/ but are movin to the ends of their own