Dose-Response and Substitution Analyzes of Sweet B
Dose-Response and Substitution Analyzes of Sweet B
Dose-Response and Substitution Analyzes of Sweet B
Edited by:
Weimin Ye,
Background/Methods: Prospective studies investigating sweet beverages and body
Karolinska Institutet (KI), Sweden
weight associations show inconsistent results. Within the SWEET project, we
Reviewed by:
Wenbin Liang, examined prospective dose-response associations of sugar-sweetened beverages
Fujian Medical University, China (SSB), low/no-calorie beverages (LNCB), and fruit juice with body weight-related
Liu Yang,
Shandong University, China
outcomes among 78,286 Dutch adults followed for ∼4 years. Baseline intakes were
Farzad Shidfar, assessed using a validated food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ) with 150 ml representing
Iran University of Medical
a standard serving. Outcome variables were body weight change, waist circumference
Sciences, Iran
change, overweight/obesity, and abdominal obesity. Associations were investigated by
Edith J. M. Feskens using linear and non-linear dose-response analysis, as well as substitution models while
[email protected] adjusting for multiple socio-demographic, lifestyle, health, and dietary variables.
Specialty section: Results: Participants were 46 ± 13 (mean ± SD) years old and 60% were women.
This article was submitted to Adjusted dose-response analyzes indicated an association between SSB and LNCB,
Nutritional Epidemiology,
and both body weight (+0.02 kg/year; SE 0.01 and +0.06 kg/year; SE 0.01) and
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Nutrition waist circumference changes (+0.04 cm/year; SE: 0.01 and +0.11 cm/year; SE: 0.01).
Received: 03 March 2022 Associations for overweight/obesity and abdominal obesity incidence were +3% (95%CI:
Accepted: 01 June 2022 1.00–1.06) and +2% (95%CI: 0.99–1.06) for SSB and +8% (95%CI: 1.06–1.11) and
Published: 24 June 2022
+5% (95%CI: 1.03–1.07) for LNCB, respectively. Substitution of SSB with LNCB was
Buso MEC, Brouwer-Brolsma EM,
associated with higher weight change (+0.04 kg/year), waist circumference change
Naomi ND, Harrold JA, Halford JCG, (+0.09 cm/year), overweight/obesity incidence (+6%), but not abdominal obesity
Raben A and Feskens EJM (2022)
incidence. For fruit juice, we observed beneficial associations for intake levels below ∼1
Dose-Response and Substitution
Analyzes of Sweet Beverage serving/day with weight, waist circumference change, and overweight/obesity incidence,
Consumption and Body Weight in and no association with abdominal obesity. Subsequent substitution analyzes indicated
Dutch Adults: The Lifelines Cohort
Study. Front. Nutr. 9:889042.
a small beneficial association for the replacement of SSB with fruit juice on weight
doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.889042 (−0.04 kg/year) and waist circumference (−0.04 cm/year), but not with other outcomes.
Conclusions: Overall, our results suggest that habitual consumption of both SSB and
LNCB may adversely affect weight-related outcomes. In contrast, fruit juice consumption
<150 ml may be beneficial with respect to weight and waist circumference.
Keywords: waist circumference, overweight, abdominal obesity, population study, non-calorie sweeteners
code University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG). The Assess Health (SQUASH) (29) and the Activity Questionnaire
Lifelines Cohort Study has been approved by The Medical for Adults and Adolescents (AQuAA) (24) and physical activity
Ethical Review Committee of the University Medical Center in is thus reported as MET-min/week for light, moderate and
Groningen. All participants provided written informed consent intense exercise and in min/week for sedentary behavior (i.e.
before participation. watching TV).
Measurements of body weight, waist circumference, and Statistical Analyzes
BMI were carried out at baseline and follow-up by trained Baseline characteristics are presented by mean (SD), median
professionals. Body weight was measured to the nearest (25th, 75th percentile), or n (%) where appropriate. To evaluate
0.1 kg with a digital scale (SECA 761) after participants were the nature of the dose-response relationships between beverages
asked to wear light clothing and remove shoes. Height and and weight related-outcomes, restricted cubic spline analysis
waist circumference were measured to the nearest 0.1 cm, (three knots) was performed (30). The fit of the spline model
with a stadiometer (SECA 222) and measuring tape (SECA was tested against a linear model with a likelihood-ratio test.
200), respectively. BMI was obtained by dividing the weight To evaluate the association between beverage consumption
of participants by height squared (kg/m2 ). Weight change and weight and waist circumference changes, multiple linear
(kg/year) and waist circumference change (cm/year) were regression was used. To evaluate the associations between
calculated by subtracting the baseline measure to the follow-up beverage consumption and incidence of overweight/obesity and
measurements and dividing by the follow-up time, (i.e., weight abdominal obesity, Cox proportional hazards regression with
follow-up – weight baseline)/years of follow-up). Incidence robust variance estimation and a constant follow-up time was
of overweight/obesity were defined by a BMI ≥25 kg/m2 at used to obtain unbiased incidence proportion ratios (IPR) (31,
follow-up and abdominal obesity with a waist circumference 32). To investigate the association with weight-related outcomes
>94 cm for men and >80 cm for women, based on the when replacing each serving of SSB with a serving of either
World Health Organization (WHO) cuts offs points (26). LNCB or fruit juice, theoretical substitution analyzes were
Additionally, participants were asked whether they wanted conducted by means of a leave-one-out model (33). This model
to lose weight, which we interpreted as “desire to lose included the sum of all beverages as one variable followed
weight (yes/no).” by the beverages defined as replacement, as well as all other
covariates as modeled in the analyzes. In a sub-sample of
Dietary Assessment Lifelines where water consumption was available (N = 22,859),
In the Lifelines Cohort Study, dietary intake was assessed with a we additionally studied the replacement of SSB and LNCB
semi-quantitative 110-item food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ). with water for comparaison purposes. In all models, potential
A detailed description of the FFQ can be found elsewhere confounders were identified based on a priori knowledge.
(23, 27). In short, average energy and nutrient intakes were Models were adjusted for sex and age (model 1) + height
calculated by multiplying the frequency of consumption by and baseline weight (or baseline BMI for overweight/obesity
portion size and nutrient content per gram using the 2011 incidence models) or baseline waist circumference (for models
Dutch food composition table (28). For the current analyzes, with waist circumference or abdominal obesity as outcome;
SSB was defined as soda sugar drinks or lemonade (both model 2), + education (low, medium, and high), physical activity
carbonated and non-carbonated). Fruit juice corresponded to (light, moderate and intense in METs-min/week), sedentary
100% fruit juice and other fruit drinks. LNCB was defined as all behavior (min/week), alcohol intake (ethanol categories: non-
items covering “diet soda or light soda.” Baseline measurement consumers, ≤10 g, >10–20 g, and >20 g/day), smoking (never,
of the diet was performed between 2006 and 2013. For this former or current), dietary variables (g/day), namely meat,
analysis, a standardized serving of 150 g (∼150 ml) was calculated dairy, legumes, vegetables, nuts, fruits, potatoes, fats, grains, tea,
in all studies based on the smallest standard packaging for coffee, sugary food intakes and other beverages (servings/day,
soft drinks. i.e., SSB adjusted for fruit juice and LNCB and vice-versa)
and history of diseases (self-reported diabetes and history of
Covariates CVD, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia; model 3). As total
Covariates, including age (years), sex (men/women), educational energy may mediate and thus attenuate the associations under
level (low, medium, or high), smoking status (never, former or investigation, particularly in the case of SSB and fruit juice, the
current), and medical history (yes/no), were assessed with either final models were tested with and without adjustment for total
self- or interview-administered questionnaires (23). Educational energy intake (model 4). Additional analyzes were performed
level was categorized into less than secondary school qualification adjusting for desire to lose weight (yes/no) and sensitivity
(low), secondary school diploma up to university classes but analyzes were conducted by excluding participants with any
no Bachelor’s degree (medium), and Bachelor, Master or PhD self-reported health conditions at baseline (i.e., diabetes type 2,
degree (high). Participant history of diseases (type 2 diabetes, CVD, hypercholesterolemia, or hypertension). We also tested the
CVD, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia) were assessed by interaction for BMI (<25 and ≥25 kg/m²), sex and age (<46 years
self-report or medical staff at recruitment and subsequent visits. old and ≥46 years old) and studied the stratified data accordingly.
Physical activity was assessed using the Short Questionnaire to All analyzes were performed using R 3.6.1 and RStudio 1.0.
BMI, body mass index; SSB, sugar-sweetened beverages; LNCB, low/no-calorie beverages; CVD, cardiovascular diseases.
RESULTS with higher BMI lost weight and waist circumference [−0.13
(SD 1.82) kg/year; and −0.07 (SD 2.15) cm/year]. Participants
Participants (n = 78,286) had a mean age of 45.9 (SD 12.7) years with overweight/obesity also reported a higher desire to lose
and 60% were women (Table 1). Baseline mean BMI was 26.0 weight at baseline (79 vs. 29% in participants with normal BMI).
(SD 4.2) kg/m2 and 45% of the participants had a normal BMI Of the 35,202 participants with normal BMI at baseline, 4,884
< 25 kg/m2 . Mean body weight change during follow-up was (14%) developed overweight or obesity and out of the 31,292
+0.02 (SD 1.58) kg/year and mean waist circumference change participants with normal waist circumference at baseline, 6,896
was +0.01 (SD 2.04) cm/year. On average, participants with (22%) developed abdominal obesity (Table 1).
normal BMI gained weight and waist circumference [+0.21 (SD Overall, 62% of participants consumed SSB, 57% LNCB, and
1.20) kg/year and + 0.10 (SD 1.88) cm/year], while participants 77% fruit juice. Median [25th−75th percentile] baseline intakes
FIGURE 1 | Adjusted dose-response associations of SSB, LNCB, and fruit juice consumption with body weight change (kg/year) (A) and waist circumference change
(cm/year) (B) in the Lifelines Cohorts Study; Models were adjusted for age, sex, height, baseline weight or baseline waist circumference (for models with waist
circumference as outcome), education, alcohol intake, smoking, physical activity, all dietary factors, total energy intake and history of diseases. SSB, sugar-sweetened
beverages; LNCB, low/no-calorie beverages.
were 0.1 [0.0; 0.6] servings/day for SSB and LNCB, and 0.2 [0.0; Dose-response analyzes suggested a weak non-linear
0.6] servings/day for fruit juices. In general, those consuming the association between SSB and body weight (P non-linear = 0.04),
highest levels of SSB and fruit juice were more likely to be men, but not with waist circumference (P non-linear = 0.24),
were younger, had less often a chronic disease history, and had a overweight/obesity incidence (P non-linear = 0.27) or abdominal
slightly lower BMI and higher energy intake (all P-trend < 0.001; obesity incidence (P non-linear = 0.70; Figures 1, 2). Each
Supplementary Table 1). Concerning LNCB, those consuming increase in SSB serving/day was associated with a +0.03 (SE
the highest levels were more likely to be women, to be younger, 0.01) kg/year increase in weight change and a +0.05 (SE 0.01)
and to have a higher BMI (all P-trend <0.001). SSB and fruit cm/year increase in waist circumference change after adjusting
juice consumption were both positively correlated with energy for height and baseline weight or waist circumference (model
intake (r = 0.34 and r = 0.21 respectively; P <0.001), while no 2). Further adjustment for lifestyle variables and total energy
correlation was observed between LNCB use and energy intake intake slightly attenuated this association, +0.02 (SE 0.01)
(r = 0.005). kg/year and 0.04 (SE 0.01) cm/year (Table 2). Similarly, each
FIGURE 2 | Adjusted dose-response associations of SSB, LNCB, and fruit juice consumption with overweight/obesity incidence (A) and abdominal obesity incidence
(B) in participants with normal values at baseline (i.e., <25 kg/m2 for overweight/obesity and ≤94 cm in men and ≤80cm in women for abdominal obesity) in the
Lifelines Cohort Study; Models were adjusted for age, sex, baseline BMI or baseline waist circumference and height (for models with abdominal obesity as outcome),
education, alcohol intake, smoking, physical activity, all dietary factors, total energy intake and history of diseases; SSB, sugar-sweetened beverages; LNCB,
low/no-calorie beverage; IPR, incidence proportion ratio.
SSB serving/day increase was associated with a 5% increase in associated with neither changes in body weight nor waist
incidence of overweight/obesity (IPR 1.05, 95%CI: 1.03–1.08) circumference after adjusting for age and sex (model 1;
and a 5% increase in abdominal obesity incidence (IPR: 1.05, Table 2). However, in fully adjusted models, each increase of
95%CI: 1.02–1.07; model 2). After adjustment for dietary and one serving/day LNCB was associated with a +0.06 (SE 0.01)
lifestyle variables, these associations were attenuated to 3% (IPR: kg/year body weight change and a +0.11 (SE 0.01) cm/year
1.03, 95%CI: 1.00–1.06) and 2% (IPR: 1.02, 95%CI: 0.99–1.05), waist circumference change. Moreover, after adjustment for age
respectively (Table 2). and sex, each LNCB serving/day increase was associated with
Dose-response analyzes showed linear associations between a 20% increase in incidence of overweight/obesity (IPR: 1.20,
LNCB consumption and weight and waist circumference 95%CI: 1.17–1.22) and a 12% higher incidence of abdominal
(P = 0.75 and P = 0.07; Figure 1), and a non-linear obesity (IPR: 1.12, 95%CI: 1.04–1.09; model 1; Table 2), which
association between LNCB and overweight/obesity incidence attenuated to an 8% (IPR: 1.08, 95%CI: 1.06–1.11) and a 5%
(P non-linear = 0.04; Figure 2). LNCB consumption was (IPR: 1.05, 95%CI: 1.02–1.07) increase after full adjustment
TABLE 2 | Linear associations between sugar-sweetened beverages, low/no-calorie beverages, fruit juice consumption, and weight-related outcomes in the Lifelines
Cohort Study.
Outcomesa Total N/cases N SSB (serving/day) LNCB (serving/day) Fruit Juice (serving/day)
a Results given are β (SE) for body weight and waist circumference changes or as IPR (95%CI) for overweight/obesity and abdominal obesity incidences.
b Inparticipants with normal BMI (<25 kg/m2 ) at baseline.
c Inparticipants with normal waist circumference (≤94 cm for men and ≤80 cm for women) at baseline.
Model 1: adjusted for age and sex, Model 2: model 1 + height and baseline weight (or baseline BMI for overweight/obesity incidence models) or baseline waist circumference (for
models with waist circumference or abdominal obesity as outcome). Model 3: model 2 + education (categorical), physical activity (continuous), sedentary behavior (continuous),
smoking (categorical), alcohol intake (categorical) + intakes of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, meat, dairy, sugary foods, potatoes, fats, grains, coffee and tea (g/day) + LNCB and
Fruit juice (if model SSB and vice versa) + history of diseases. Model 4: model 3 + total energy intake (kcal/day).
BMI, body mass index; SSB, sugar-sweetened beverages; LNCB, low/no-calorie beverages; CVD, cardiovascular diseases; IPR, incidence proportion ratio.
(model 4). The non-linear association between LNCB and Substitution analyzes are shown in Figures 3, 4. Replacing
overweight/obesity incidence showed a steeper increase in risk one serving SSB with an equal amount of water or fruit
<1 serving/day intake and a more gradual increase at higher juice was associated with decreased weight (−0.02 kg/year,
levels (Figure 2 and Table 3). SE 0.01 and −0.04 kg/year, SE 0.01, respectively) and waist
Dose-response analyzes also indicated non-linearity for circumference (−0.04 cm/year, SE 0.02; for both beverages)
the associations between fruit juice with weight and waist (Figure 3). Substituting LNCB with water also showed an inverse
circumference (P < 0.001 and P = 0.01, respectively; Figure 1). association with weight (−0.05 kg/year, SE 0.01) and waist
Below an intake of ∼1 serving fruit juice/day, body weight circumference (−0.08 cm/year, SE 0.01). In contrast, replacing
and waist circumference decreased, while no associations were SSB with LNCB was positively associated with increased weight
observed above this threshold (Table 3). Accordingly, a J-shaped (+0.04 kg/year, SE 0.01) and waist circumference (+0.08
association was present for the association between fruit juice cm/year, SE 0.01). Only the substitution of one serving SSB
intake and overweight/obesity incidence (P non-linear = 0.02; with an equal amount of LNCB was associated with higher
Figure 2). Compared to non-users, participants consuming ≤1 overweight/obesity incidence (IPR: 1.06; 95%CI: 1.02–1.10) while
serving/day had an 11% reduced overweight/obesity risk (IPR: the substitution of one serving LNCB with one serving water was
0.89, 95%CI: 0.83–0.95) while no association was observed at associated with reduced overweight/obesity incidence (IPR: 0.91;
higher intake levels (Table 3). A weak linear association was 95%CI: 0.86–0.97) (Figure 4). None of the other substitution
observed for fruit juice and abdominal obesity incidence (IPR: analyzes related to overweight or abdominal obesity incidences
1.03, 95%CI 1.00–1.06; P non-linear = 0.49; Figure 2 and showed any association.
Table 3). Stratified analyzes are included as Supplementary Tables 4–6.
Adjusting for or excluding participants with “desire to lose Analyzes stratified by BMI category showed an interaction for
weight” or participants with self-reported health conditions SSB consumption and body weight change (P interaction <
at baseline (i.e. type 2 diabetes, CVD, hypertension, and 0.001; Supplementary Table 4). In participants with normal
hypercholesterolemia) did not substantially alter the associations BMI (< 25 kg/m2 ), each increase in SSB serving/day was
for any beverage (Supplementary Tables 2, 3). associated with a +0.04 (SE 0.01) kg/year change in body
Buso et al.
TABLE 3 | Adjusted associations between sugar-sweetened beverages, low/no-calorie beverages, fruit juice consumption, and weight-related outcomes categorized by intake levels.
N total/cases 29,637 36,967 8,134 3,548 33,938 33,497 7,697 3,154 18,220 51,831 6,945 1,290
Body weight 78,286 ref −0.04 −0.03 (0.02) 0.04 (0.03) ref 0.03 (0.01) 0.09 (0.02) 0.20 (0.03) ref −0.07 (0.01) −0.07 (0.01) −0.09 (0.05)
change (0.01)
Waist 78,286 ref −0.03 −0.01 (0.03) 0.09 (0.04) ref 0.08 (0.02) 0.20 (0.03) 0.40 (0.04) ref −0.06 (0.02) −0.03 (0.03) −0.02 (0.03)
circumference (0.02)
Overweight/ 35,202/4,884 ref 0.94 0.92 1.16 ref 1.06 1.18 1.26 ref 0.89 0.94 1.00
obesityb (0.88–1.00) (0.83–1.01) (1.04–1.28) (1.01–1.11) (1.10–1.26) (1.13–1.38) (0.83–0.95) (0.84–1.03) (0.82–1.18)
Abdominal 31,292/6,896 ref 0.99 1.01 1.06 ref 1.06 1.12 1.13 ref 0.99 1.05 1.04
obesity c (0.95–1.04) (0.93–1.08) (0.95–1.16) (1.02–1.10) (1.05–1.19) (1.02–1.25) (0.94–1.04) (0.97–1.13) (0.90–1.21)
a Results given are β (SE) for body weight and waist circumference changes or as IPR (95%CI) for overweight/obesity and abdominal obesity incidences.
b For overweight/obesity incidence in each intake category n = 11,858; n = 177,740; n = 3,861 and n = 1,743 for SSB; n = 16,935; n = 14,745; n = 2,658 and n = 864 for LNCB, and n = 7,124; n = 24,230; n = 3,255 and n = 593
Fruit Juice.
All models were adjusted by age, sex, height, and baseline weight (or baseline BMI for overweight/obesity) or baseline waist circumference (for models with waist circumference and abdominal obesity models as outcome), education
(categorical), physical activity (continuous), sedentary behavior (continuous), smoking (categorical), alcohol intake (categorical), intakes of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, meat, dairy, sugary foods, potatoes, fats, grains, coffee and tea
(g/day), LNCB and Fruit juice (if model SSB and vice versa), history of diseases (diabetes, CVD, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia) and total energy intake (kcal/day) (model 4).
BMI, body mass index; SSB, sugar-sweetened beverages; LNCB, low/no-calorie beverage; CVD, cardiovascular diseases; IPR, incidence proportion ratio.
June 2022 | Volume 9 | Article 889042
FIGURE 3 | Adjusted substitution associations of one serving of beverage with another with body weight change (kg/year) and waist circumference change (cm/year)
in the Lifelines Cohorts Study; Models were adjusted for age, sex, height, baseline weight or baseline waist circumference (for models with waist circumference as
outcome), education, alcohol intake, smoking, physical activity, all dietary factors and history of diseases. Error bars represent the 95% CIs. SSB, sugar-sweetened
beverages; LNCB, low/no-calorie beverages.
FIGURE 4 | Adjusted substitution associations of one serving of beverage with another with overweight/obesity incidence (IPR, 95%CI) and abdominal obesity
incidence (IPR, 95%CI) in participants with normal values at baseline (i.e., <25 kg/m2 for overweight/obesity and ≤94 cm in men and ≤80 cm in women for abdominal
obesity) in the Lifelines Cohort Study; Models were adjusted for age, sex, baseline BMI or baseline waist circumference and height (for models with abdominal obesity
as outcome), education, alcohol intake, smoking, physical activity, all dietary factors, and history of diseases; SSB, sugar-sweetened beverages; LNCB, low/no-calorie
beverage; IPR, incidence proportion ratio.
weight while in participants with overweight/obesity no overweight/obesity (Supplementary Tables 4, 5). Additional
association was observed (0.00 kg/year, SE 0.01). Moreover, stratification by sex indicated that the association of LNCB
the impact of substituting one serving SSB with an equal with abdominal obesity was slightly more pronounced in men
amount of LNCB was more pronounced in overweight/obese (IPR: 1.06, 95%CI: 1.03–1.10) than in women (IPR: 1.03, 95%CI:
participants (+0.06 kg/year, SE 0.01) compared to participants 1.00–1.06, P-interaction = 0.04; Supplementary Table 4)
with normal BMI (+0.02 kg/year; SE 0.01, P interaction < 0.001; with a similar observation for the substitution analysis
Supplementary Table 6). Stratification by BMI also showed an (Supplementary Table 6). In contrast, the beneficial association
interaction for fruit juice and body weight (P interaction < 0.01) observed between fruit juice and body weight change at moderate
with a stronger inverse association among participants with doses was stronger in women than in men (P interaction = 0.03).
We did not observe any other substantial evidence of effect with incidence overweight/obesity. To date, only a few other
modification with BMI, sex, or age. prospective studies have investigated the theoretical substitution
of different beverages (20–22). In our study, substituting both
DISCUSSION SSB and LNCB with water was associated with less weight
and waist circumference gain. Other studies have found similar
In our study among 78,286 Dutch adults, habitual intakes of SSB beneficial results for the replacement of SSB with water and
and LNCB were linearly associated with most weight outcomes. associations with weight change (20) or incidence obesity (21).
A J-shaped association was observed for fruit juice showing a However, substituting LNCB with water was not associated with
beneficial consumption below ∼1 serving/day for all outcomes any adiposity measures in other prospective analyzes (21, 22).
except abdominal obesity incidence. In addition, the theoretical Interestingly, we found J-shaped associations between fruit
substitution of SSB with LNCB was associated with an increase in juice and weight, waist circumference, and incidence of
weight and waist circumference. Replacing one serving SSB with overweight/obesity during follow-up. Non-linear continuous
an equal amount of fruit juice was associated with decreases in dose-response associations between fruit juice consumption
weight and weight circumference. and weight-related outcomes have not been reported before.
The positive associations observed between SSB and weight However, our results are in line with previous findings for
outcomes in our study are generally in line with earlier studies CVD risk (18, 19). Khan et al. (19) observed a non-linear
(4, 16, 17). A meta-analysis including 174,252 adults, mostly from J-shaped curve with a beneficial association between 100%
the US, showed that each daily serving (= 250 ml) increase in SSB fruit juice and CVD incidence at moderate doses (∼150 ml)
was associated with a 0.22 kg (95%CI: 0.50–1.20) higher weight but no association at higher doses. D’Elia et al. (18) reported
gain over 1 year (4). Furthermore, the positive associations similar results in prospective studies of 100% fruit juice with
between SSB consumption and overweight/obesity incidence CVD incidence. However, the borderline linear association
align with recent meta-analyzes by Schlesinger et al. (16) and observed with abdominal obesity incidence suggests that the
Qin et al. (17), which reported an increased overweight/obesity consumption of fruit juice, even at moderate intake, might still
and obesity risk with each additional SSB serving, i.e., 5% (RR: be recommended against. Thus, further research on the potential
1.05, 95%CI:1.00–1.11) (16) and 12% (RR: 1.12, 95%CI:1.05– beneficial effect of fruit juice is warranted.
1.19), respectively (17). However, it needs to be emphasized that Mechanically, the adverse association between SSB and
our results are rather modest compared to these – predominantly increased body weight can be supported by several biological
US - studies, which may be explained by lower SSB intake levels mechanisms (28, 29). The high-calorie content of SSBs and
in our population (4, 16, 17) and a relatively short follow-up time the lack of energy compensation can lead to a disturbed
of ∼4 years in our study. More consistent results may be observed energy balance and thus weight gain. SSBs also contain rapidly
once the follow-up time exceeds 5 years (34). absorbable carbohydrates that affect insulin secretion and blood
We also observed positive associations between LNCB glucose and possibly later insulin resistance (30). In contrast,
consumption and body weight outcomes; stratifying the data biological mechanisms for the association between LNCB and
for those with normal vs. overweight showed similar results. weight are unclear. Factors other than energy intake may
Moreover, substitution analyzes, showed that the replacement of explain the adverse associations found with habitual LNCB
SSB by LNCB was adversely associated with weight and waist and future weight gain. LNCB has been suggested to indirectly
circumference changes. Previous meta-analyzes of prospective affect intestinal glucose absorption, appetite, and hormone
studies on Low/No calorie sweeteners and weight outcomes dysregulation through activation of sweet taste receptors (38,
generally report either no association or positive associations (9, 39). Other potential mechanisms include altered gut microbiota
12, 13, 17, 35). To illustrate, a recent meta-analysis of prospective leading to glucose intolerance and insulin resistance (38, 39).
studies reported a 21% (RR: 1.21) increased risk of obesity Nevertheless, evidence for these mechanisms in human RCTs
for each 250 ml LNCB increment (17). The latest WHO report is limited and was not demonstrated by other studies when
also acknowledges observed positive prospective associations of compared to water or unsweetened products (9, 40–42) or when
LNCB consumption with incidence obesity and BMI, but not used as a control in RCTs of SSB (43, 44). In contrast to
with other adiposity measures (36). However, meta-analyzes of SSB or LNCB, Fruit juices contain health-promoting nutrients
RCTs do not support these observational findings and generally such as antioxidants (i.e., polyphenols) and other bioactive
report a beneficial impact of LNCB on body weight measures substances (i.e., vitamins and minerals) (45). These nutrients
(9–11, 13, 36, 37). Conflicting findings between observational could explain the benefits observed with moderate consumption
studies and RCTs might be due to differences in design and of fruit juice on certain health outcomes as they may play a role in
follow-up time where potential reverse causation or residual lowering oxidative stress, inflammation, and improving glucose
confounding may explain adverse findings in observational metabolism (46, 47). After a certain level, these benefits may be
studies. It may be that overweight participants consume LNCB counterbalanced by the sugar and calorie content of fruit juice
instead of SSB to manage their weight, while their overall leading to a detrimental effect on body weight measures through
weight management strategy is not sufficiently effective. This similar mechanisms as SSB. However, such a phenomenon
phenomenon of reverse causality may explain why the adverse remains a hypothesis (46).
association of replacing SSB with LNCB in our study was An important strength of our study is the large sample
slightly stronger in the higher BMI category and why replacing size allowing for well-powered stratification and adjustment
LNCB – but not water – for SSB showed an adverse association for multiple covariates. Our study is one of the largest
studies on the association and replacement of sweet beverages codebook, and analytic code will be made available upon
conducted in European adults so far. In addition, we used request pending application, payment, and SWEET consortium
prospective measures of body weight and waist circumference, agreement. Requests to access these datasets should be directed
rather than self-reported anthropometrics. Furthermore, we at: [email protected].
included a variety of outcome measures, i.e., continuous
waist circumference change, obesity, and abdominal obesity ETHICS STATEMENT
incidence. And last but not least, we evaluated both measures of
continuous and dichotomous weight and waist-related outcomes The studies involving human participants were reviewed
together with the exploration of non-linear dose-response and and approved by The Medical Ethical Review Committee
substitution associations. A limitation of this study is that of the University Medical Center in Groningen. The
habitual dietary intake is only assessed at baseline. Dietary patients/participants provided their written informed consent to
assessment at multiple time points might have provided more participate in this study.
insight into whether the adverse associations observed in
observational studies are caused by the beverage itself or other AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
associated behaviors. Second, we were not able to distinguish
between different types of fruit juice and different types of JHar, JHal, and AR are coordinators of the SWEET project
LNCB, and, therefore, we were not able to investigate potential and together with EF initiated the research question. MB
differential effects of consumed sweeteners on weight gain. For and NN prepared the data for analyzes. MB, EB-B, and
example, a recent study demonstrated increased weight gain and EF analyzed the data and drafted the manuscript. All
hunger with saccharin intake but no change in energy intake, authors critically revised the manuscript for important
indicating that mechanisms other than energy intake might be intellectual content and approved of the final version
implicated for this specific sweetener (48). With the use of to be published.
different blends of sweeteners on the market, it is particularly
relevant to further investigate specific effects in the future. Third, FUNDING
our questionnaire included 100% fruit juice along with other
fruit drinks, which limits comparison with other studies that This EU-project under the acronym SWEET has received
used specifically 100% fruit juice. However, according to the funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
last consumption survey in the Netherlands, pasteurized orange, research and innovation programme, grant agreement
apple, and mixed juices composed 90% of the total fruit juice No. 774293.
consumption in the Netherlands in the same time period as our
study (49). Thus, we assume that the fruit juices consumed in this ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
study were mostly 100% fruit juice.
To conclude, our study indicates that habitual consumption The authors wish to acknowledge the services of
of both SSB and LNCB may adversely affect weight-related the Lifelines Cohort Study, the contributing research
outcomes. In contrast, consumption of moderate amounts of centers delivering data to Lifelines, and all the
fruit juice (<150 ml) may be beneficial with respect to body study participants.
weight and waist circumference.
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
The data analyzed in this study is subject to the following online at:
licenses/restrictions: Data described in the manuscript, 889042/full#supplementary-material
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2016). Available online at: Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in
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are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance
Conflict of Interest: JHal is on the International Sweeteners and Mars Scientific with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted
Advisory Boards and together with JHar and AR have received honorariums from which does not comply with these terms.