Diagnosing Insulin Resistance by Simple Quantitative Methods in Subjects With Normal Glucose Metabolism
Diagnosing Insulin Resistance by Simple Quantitative Methods in Subjects With Normal Glucose Metabolism
Diagnosing Insulin Resistance by Simple Quantitative Methods in Subjects With Normal Glucose Metabolism
nsulin resistance (IR) is a pathological tension, glucose intolerance or type 2 di- known as the QUICKI (quantitative insu-
situation characterized by a lack of abetes, hyperuricemia or gout, abdominal lin sensitivity check index) (12) and
physiological response of peripheral obesity, hypercoagulability and defects in McAuley (13) indexes. In addition, sev-
tissues to insulin action, leading to the the fibrinolytic system, hyperandro- eral components of the metabolic syn-
metabolic and hemodynamic distur- genism, fatty liver, and an increased inci- drome (type 2 diabetes, abdominal
bances known as the metabolic syndrome dence of coronary heart disease (1). obesity, or dyslipidemia) are pathophysi-
(1). The main features of this condition The interest of IR and metabolic syn- ologically related to IR and indicate a high
include dyslipidemia (high triglyceride drome lies in their high prevalence in the probability of its existence.
and low HDL cholesterol levels), hyper- population and the associated high death The goal of this study is to identify a
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● reliable yet simple indirect method for de-
tection of IR, a disturbance with high
From the Endocrinology Service, Hospital Clı́nico Universitario, University of Valencia, Spain.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Juan F. Ascaso, MD, Department of Medicine, University prevalence in the general population of
of Valencia, Blasco Ibáñez 15, E-46010 Valencia, Spain. E-mail: [email protected]. nondiabetic subjects.
Received for publication 10 February 2003 and accepted in revised form 18 August 2003.
Abbreviations: ATP III, Adult Treatment Panel III; HOMA, homeostasis model assessment; IR, insulin
resistance; MMAMG, minimal model approximation of the metabolism of glucose; QUICKI, quantitative RESEARCH DESIGN AND
insulin sensitivity check index.
A table elsewhere in this issue shows conventional and Système International (SI) units and conversion METHODS — Participants were re-
factors for many substances. cruited by voluntary participation
© 2003 by the American Diabetes Association. through advertisement among hospital
staff and personnel. The sample selection total cholesterol, triglyceride, free fatty Statistical analysis
was performed using a random sampling acid, and glucose levels were determined For the descriptive analysis, and after hav-
method (14). After clinical screening using enzymatic methods; HDL choles- ing checked the normality of the variables
(medical history, physical examination, terol was measured after precipitation using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the
and laboratory tests), only healthy sub- with polyanions. Apolipoprotein B was usual central and dispersion methods
jects with inclusion criteria were random- determined by immunoturbidimetry and were used: average, SD, and 95% CI. We
ized into the study. A total of 65 subjects, insulin by radioimmunoassay. used the Mann-Whitney U test to com-
44 men and 21 women aged 30 – 60 years, pare the quantitative variables, 2 test was
were studied. Clinical methods used to compare proportions, and the
The following inclusion criteria were All tests (oral glucose tolerance test and correlation between two variables was
used in this study: normal glucose metab- intravenous glucose tolerance test) were studied with the Spearman test. Sensitiv-
olism (fasting blood glucose ⬍6.1 performed in the Metabolic Unit near the ity, specificity, and probability ratio were
mmol/l, 2-h postprandial glucose ⬍7.8 laboratory with a clinician or a nurse in calculated with the usual methods (18).
mmol/l), fasting plasma triglyceride level attendance, in accordance with standard All statistical analyses were performed us-
⬍2.25 mmol/l, and general analytical procedures (15). ing the statistical program SPSS (version
evaluation (hepatic, renal, and thyroid The intravenous glucose tolerance 10; SPSS, Chicago, IL).
function, complete blood count, uric test, with the extraction of multiple blood
acid, and standard urine analysis) within samples for measurement of glucose and
normal limits. All subjects were non- insulin levels, calculation of the MMAMG
smokers (never smoked or absence of indexes of Si, and use of glucose indepen- RESULTS — The general characteris-
smoking for at least the preceding 2 years) dent of insulin (Sg), was conducted after a tics of the group studied, 65 subjects
and were not taking any medications. Al- 12-h fast and with the patient resting su- comprising 44 men and 21 women aged
cohol consumption was ⬍35 g per day. pine for at least 15 min before initiation of 30 – 60 years, are shown in Table 1. Mean
Body weight and physical activity habits the test. Two baseline venous blood sam- values for systolic and diastolic blood
had been stable for 3 months preceding ples (t ⫽ ⫺15 min and t ⫽ ⫺5 min) for pressure; BMI; waist circumference;
the study. measurement of plasma glucose and insu- plasma leptin, total cholesterol, triglycer-
The following exclusion criteria were lin levels were collected. At t ⫽ 0, a bolus ide, HDL cholesterol, apolipoprotein B,
used in this study: age outside the range of of 300 mg glucose/kg body wt in a 50% fasting glucose, and insulin levels; Si in-
30 – 60 years, consumption of a hypoca- glucose-saline solution was administered dex; and indirect indexes to measure IR
loric diet, or weight gain or loss ⬎10% in over a period of ⬃60 s. At t ⫽ 20 min, a (HOMA, QUICKI, and McAuley) are in-
the 3 months preceding the study. Other bolus of 0.03 units/kg body wt of regular cluded in these data. Statistically signifi-
exclusion criteria included hypothyroid- insulin (Actrapid; Novo Nordisk, Prince- cant differences between the men and
ism; liver, kidney, or heart failure; and ton, NJ) was administered intravenously. women were found for blood pressure;
neoplasia. After the two baseline samples, 26 addi- waist circumference; triglyceride, HDL
Clinical history was obtained from all tional blood samples were collected for cholesterol, apolipoprotein B, and insulin
subjects, including age, sex, personal measurement of glucose and insulin lev- levels; Si index; and indirect formulas of
medical history, intake of drugs, smoking els at times t ⫽ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, IR.
and alcohol consumption, levels of phys- 16, 19, 22, 24, 25, 27, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, The same parameters are shown in
ical exercise, previous history of high 90, 100, 120, 140, 160, and 180 min Table 2, separating the subjects according
blood pressure or diabetes, and symp- (10,16). The Si index was calculated using to presence or absence of abdominal obe-
toms of coronary heart disease, ischemic the MINMOD computer program (15). sity (waist circumference ⬎102 or ⬍102
stroke, or peripheral vascular disease. In addition, three indirect indexes for cm in men and ⬎88 or ⬍88 cm in
Family history of high blood pressure, di- the assessment of IR were calculated. The women). Significant differences were
abetes, coronary heart disease, or dyslip- HOMA index uses the formula described found in all parameters, with the excep-
idemia was also ascertained. In all by Matthews et al. (11): insulin (U/m) ⫻ tion of plasma total cholesterol, free fatty
participants, blood pressure was mea- [glucose (mmol/l)/22.5]. The QUICKI in- acids, fasting glucose, and glucose 2-h
sured after a 10-min rest period, and dex is based on the logarithmic transfor- post– glucose loading test.
readings were recorded at 5-min inter- mation: 1/(log insulin ⫹ log glycemia in We selected the 75th percentile value
vals. Body weight and height, BMI, and mg/dl) (12). Finally, the IR index de- as the cutoff point to define IR (Table 3).
waist circumference were measured using scribed by McAuley et al. (13), based on This point corresponded to a fasting
standard methods. the increase of plasma triglycerides and plasma insulin level of 12 mU/l and a
Blood samples were collected after a insulin, using the equation ⫽ exp [2.63 – HOMA of 2.6. The 25th percentile for the
12-h overnight fast and deposited in dry 0.28 ln(insulin in mU/l) – 0.31 ln(triglyc- Si value was 2.1 ⫻10⫺4 mU 䡠 l–1 䡠 min–1,
tubes with EDTA. The plasma was sepa- erides in mmol/l)] for the quantification and QUICKI and McAuley indexes were
rated immediately using refrigerated cen- of peripheral insulin sensitivity, was also 0.33 and 5.8, respectively.
trifugation at 2,500 –3,000 rpm for a calculated. The results of calculating the Spear-
period of 10 min. The samples were pro- The Adult Treatment Panel (ATP III) man correlation between the Si index ob-
cessed either immediately or during the (17) diagnostic criteria were used to es- tained using the MMAMG technique and
first week after conservation at ⫺20°C. tablish the presence of the metabolic the calculated indirect indexes of IR are
As previously described (15), plasma syndrome. shown in Table 4. A statistically signifi-
cant correlation was found with all the existence of metabolic syndrome (Table eral population of nondiabetic subjects.
parameters. 5). Recent results from our group have
When confronted with the results ob- shown that IR can be detected in up to
tained with the MMAMG technique, the CONCLUSIONS — The goal of this 31.8% (19) of an adult population, in
sensitivity and specificity diagnosis were study was to identify a reliable yet simple agreement with figures observed in other
higher for the indirect, calculated index indirect method for detection of IR, a dis- populations (20). Moreover, the meta-
proposed by McAuley, followed by the turbance with high prevalence in the gen- bolic syndrome, a condition pathophysi-
Without With
abdominal obesity abdominal obesity P
n (men/women) 37 (21/16) 24 (16/5)
Age (years) 41.2 (9.7) 46.1 (9.4) 0.005
BMI (kg/m2) 25.1 (2.9) 27.7 (2.4) ⬍0.001
Waist circumference (cm) 85.4 (12.8) 106.6 (8.5) ⬍0.001
Leptin (mol/l) 18.8 (10.3) 27.5 (13.8) 0.013
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 119.1 (18.1) 129.9 (9.1) ⬍0.001
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 73.0 (9.7) 79.7 (6.3) 0.001
Total cholesterol (mmol/l) 5.39 (1.30) 5.76 (1.20) 0.266
Triglycerides (mmol/l) 1.12 (0.45) 1.63 (0.36) ⬍0.001
HDL cholesterol (mmol/l) 1.28 (0.31) 1.08 (1.19) 0.006
Apolipoprotein B (g/l) 0.98 (0.31) 1.14 (0.25) 0.024
Fasting free fatty acids (mol/l) 392.4 (145.2) 413.8 (164.4) 0.721
Fasting plasma glucose (mmol/l) 4.90 (0.50) 5.13 (0.49) 0.174
Fasting plasma glucose at 120 min (mmol/l) 5.29 (1.36) 5.89 (1.80) 0.153
Fasting plasma insulin (mU/l) 8.5 (4.1) 13.1 (4.4) ⬍0.001
Fasting plasma insulin at 120 min (mU/l) 37.0 (25.3) 61.8 (36.7) 0.001
Si (⫻10⫺4 mU 䡠 l⫺1 䡠 min⫺1) 4.5 (1.8) 2.4 (0.9) ⬍0.001
HOMA 1.8 (0.8) 2.9 (1.1) ⬍0.001
QUICKI 0.38 (0.02) 0.33 (0.02) ⬍0.001
McAuley 7.9 (1.5) 6.0 (1.0) ⬍0.001
Data are means (SD).
Table 3—Si values (MMAMG) and indirect insulin resistance tests for the different percentiles agreement with the value of 2.6 at the
(entire group n ⴝ 65) 75th percentile found in the present
P10 P25 P50 P75 P90 With respect to the QUICKI index,
our value of 0.33 at the 25th percentile is
Si 1.7 2.1 3.2 4.9 6.6 in agreement with results published by
Fasting plasma insulin 5.0 6.5 10.0 12.0 17.2 Hrebicek et al. (26) in a sample of 253
HOMA 1.1 1.4 2.3 2.6 4.1 healthy volunteers.
QUICKI 0.31 0.33 0.34 0.36 0.38 The index proposed by McAuley et al.
McAuley 5.2 5.8 6.7 8.5 9.8 (13) for the diagnosis of IR consists of a
score based on weighted combinations of
fasting insulin, BMI, and fasting triglycer-
ides, using the equation previously
ologically related to IR, also has an insulin, similar to the value (16.0 mU/l) shown. Our results show that, at the 25th
elevated prevalence in adult populations, previously found by us in a different percentile, the calculated McAuley index
varying from 0.8 to 35.3%, after adjust- group of subjects (15). In the Paris Pro- was 5.8. When compared with the Si
ment for age (3) and depending on the spective Study (7), hyperinsulinism was value obtained by the MMAMG method,
criteria used for establishing the diagno- defined as fasting plasma insulin level the sensitivity of this index was signifi-
sis. The main clinical interest for the early ⬎16 mU/l or a level of 62 mU/l 2 h after cantly higher than that of the HOMA or
detection of IR and the metabolic syn- the oral glucose tolerance test. The exis- QUICKI indexes. Therefore, our results
drome stems from its evolution over time tence of these values multiplied the risk of are in agreement with those reported by
toward the occurrence of type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease by 1.6 in the sub- McAuley et al. (13), who, when compar-
dyslipidemia, hypertension, and high risk jects affected. Fasting plasma insulin lev- ing the hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic
of coronary heart disease. els ⱖ12 mU/l have also been proposed by clamp, found this indirect index to be
In the present study, we investigated other authors as the cutoff between sub- most sensitive for predicting IR in eugly-
the presence of IR in subjects with normal jects with and without IR (13). cemic individuals. It seems possible that
fasting glucose levels using Bergman’s Another indirect index studied, the the inclusion in the McAuley score of two
MMAMG, modified with administration HOMA index, has been validated with the fundamental components of the IR syn-
of insulin (15). This technique has been hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp drome, i.e., fasting hyperinsulinemia and
widely validated versus the hyperinsu- technique by Bonora et al. (22), who elevated plasma triglyceride levels, con-
linemic-euglycemic clamp. A good corre- found a highly significant correlation (r ⫽ tributes to the high sensitivity of this
lation between the indexes calculated by ⫺0.820, P ⬍ 0.0001). Therefore, HOMA method.
both methods indicates that the MMAMG is considered a valid method to assess pe- The clinical and biochemical pa-
is an easier but still reliable method for ripheral insulin sensitivity in epidemio- rameters independently related to the Si
calculation of the Si index in normal sub- logic studies. In a group of adult subjects index in our study were waist circum-
jects (21). As one of the indirect indexes without clinical or biochemical IR param- ference (abdominal obesity), blood
for diagnosing IR, we have used the fast- eters or family history of diabetes or dys- pressure, and plasma leptin, triglycer-
ing plasma insulin values, considering the lipidemia, we found a P75 HOMA value ide, and HDL cholesterol levels. Our re-
75th percentile (P75) to be the IR index ⬎3.2 and ⱖ3.8 for the P90 (19). These sults coincide with those published by
(P75 ⫽ fasting insulin value of 12 mU/l). values are in the same range (3.3– 4.0) as Boyko et al. (27), who found an inde-
For the 90th percentile, the correspond- those described by Haffner et al. (23) in pendent predictive role for the develop-
ing insulin value was 17.2 mU/l fasting populations in which diabetes did not de- ment of diabetes in fasting plasma
velop after years of monitoring. Other glucose levels, BMI, and waist-to-hip ra-
groups (24,25) have found HOMA values tio and a nonlinear association with
Table 4—Correlation between IR measured between 1.7 and 2.5 in subjects with nor- plasma triglyceride and leptin levels.
by the Si index (MMAMG) and the indirect mal glucose tolerance. These figures are in We have not found any relation with
Table 5—Validity of the indirect diagnostic tests and presence of the metabolic syndrome
r P
against the standard established as the Si index obtained by the MMAMG method modified
HOMA ⫺0.660 ⬍0.001 with insulin administration
QUICKI ⫺0.660 ⬍0.001
McAuley 0.718 0.001
Probability ratio
Fasting plasma insulin ⫺0.690 ⬍0.001
Sensitivity Specificity of a positive test
Waist circumference ⫺0.640 ⬍0.001
Leptin ⫺0.270 0.030 HOMA 0.65 0.87 5.1
Systolic blood pressure ⫺0.558 ⬍0.001 QUICKI 0.65 0.87 5.1
Triglycerides ⫺0.631 ⬍0.001 McAuley 0.75 0.91 9.2
HDL cholesterol 0.520 ⬍0.001 Fasting plasma insulin 0.57 0.81 5.32
Fasting plasma glucose ⫺0.113 0.368 Metabolic syndrome 0.66 0.91 7.8
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