Hood 1.2
Hood 1.2
Hood 1.2
PAPER SERIES 2008-01-0098
Kimberly Stevens
The Ohio State University
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Kimberly Stevens
The Ohio State University
region of the hood, this grid was more finely spaced for After the first set of runs, the pressure taps were
the first 250mm of the depth. Spacing of the lollipops removed from the hood, and the tubing and taps were
was set every 50mm in width and depth. After the first moved downstream to the next row of grid points (Figure
250mm, in the flatter portion of the hood, the grid 4). After the first couple iterations, repeatability of the
spacing was relaxed in depth to every 100mm (Figure 2). pressure data was verified by moving the pressure taps
A CMM machine was used to accurately record in space to a previously measured row. Pressure was again
where the lollipops were set. Later this data was used in recorded and compared to the previously recorded data.
the CFD model to match the pressure records in the
CFD model to the identical location on the test vehicle.
All in all there were 16 rows of 25 pressure taps.
However, because of the geometry of hood, the last row
(# 16) had the outer three pressure taps in the same
position as the previous row. This can be seen in the
upper left hand corner of Figure 2.
(UH-L) 26
hood. (UH-R) 27
Hood Deflection
shows the pressure coefficient curves for the left edge
points. Note that the both sets of curves almost lay on
top of one another. However, it should also be noted
that only near the front portion of the hood are the
pressures coefficients dramatically bigger than the
(measured) underhood pressure coefficients (from
Figure 8). While numerical correlation - based on curve- Left Side Right Side
to-curve comparison for Figure 15 or Figure 16 - would Figure 17. Deflection Measurements for Testing and
be meaningless, the point-to-point errors are in the range Modeling
of 5-8% near (but not on) the leading edge of the hood.
Figure 19 shows the negative static pressures (thus the Figure 22 shows the local negative pressures on the
leading edge shows "high" values) on the hood for a hood and clearly the apparatus was affecting the local
CFD solution with and without the measurement flow field. Basically, the target was to get the apparatus
apparatus. While it shows that the apparatus did have to cause the least amount of change to the local
an effect on the hood pressure distribution, the true pressure field on the hood itself.
effect of the wedge-apparatus was probably pretty
localized; however, there is always room for
improvement and the design of a more aerodynamic - No
and, thus, less intrusive - measurement apparatus was Apparatus
coefficients, as compared to the no apparatus target, for pressures - for this single vehicle - were correlated within
the designs in Figure 25 are: wedge = 0.811, airfoil = 0.5% for the taped condition and judged OK to use as an
0.880, and airfoil + splitter = 0.889. input to a FEA model. A full underhood pressure model
is judged not necessary due to the relatively low
underhood pressures measured (again, for this vehicle)
None and the relatively high suction pressures near the area of
interest (the front corners of the hood). The method is
validated within 2% and 9% for left/right hood deflections.
The overall modeling method needs more refinement,
Wedge but can be used for styling direction as it impacts hood
(Current) lift. More investigation into the FEA portion of the
method and the static/dynamic (taped/untaped)
conditions is warranted and planned. Nevertheless it
Airfoil bears repeating that this method would be best for A-to-
Only B comparisons and not absolute values for deflection.
Airfoil @ 0 deg
Airfoil @ 10 deg REFERENCES
Airfoil+Splitter @ 10 deg