10 TH

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1. Holiday home work marks include in Annual result; hence submission of work post vacation is compulsory for
all students.
2. Holiday homework will be graded under the rubrics; originality, presentation and timely submission
3. Parents are requested to help their ward in completing his/ her homework.
4. Holiday Homework has to be done in a separate school register. No work in any other notebook/register will
be considered.
(1) Bio- sketch:- Yogi Aditya Nath.
(2) Report writing:- Paste 5 political report, Weather report of 15 days . Give suitable comment, A visit to your village.
(3) Make a tense chart and write 5 example of each.
(4) Writing a story (at least 200 words).
(5) Write A to Z five words each ending with “Y”.
(6) Write down 1 letter to the news editor The Times of India, letter to your friend for your birthday invitation.
(7) Self Introduction minimum 25 lines.

(1) Make a table of trigonometric ratio of:- 0 , 300, 450, 600, 900.

(2) Write a algebraic expansions (identities).

(3) Write an introduction of Aryabhatt with photo. (Minimum 3 pages)
(4) Make a table graphical and algebraic representation of a pair of linear equation in two variables.
(5) Learn and write formulae from CH-5 and 7.
(6) Write and learn square and cube 1 to 30.
(7) Write and learn formulae of trigonometry.
(8) Write and learn properties of all types of triangles.
(9) Learn tables 2 to 30.

(1) Write and learn the basic concept of chemical equation and reaction related to chapter 1.
(2) Write and learn the basic concept and chemical reaction of acid, base and salt and and also write and learn
the chemical name and chemical formula , chemical and physical properties, uses and preparation method
of (bleaching powder, plaster of Paris, baking soda, washing soda)
(3) Write and learn the law of reflection, refraction, refractive index, image formation of concave and convex
mirror and lens.

(4) Draw the following on the chart paper and labelled it.
(a) Alimentary canal of man. (d) Double circulation in man.
(b) Human respiratory system. (e) Excretory system in human beings.
(c) Internal structure of human heart. (f) Structure of a Nephron.

1) nso dh jpuk dfoRr vkSj loS;k ds vk/kkj ij calr dk o.kZu djrs gq, calr _rq dk ,d lqUnj euksgj fp= cukb;sA
2) egkohj çlkn f}osnh th dh Hkk"kk ‘kSyh ij ,d fuac/k fyf[k,A
3) 10 ist lqys[k fyf[k,A
4) dchjnkl th ds 10 nksgs O;k[;k lfgr fyf[k,A
5) fnYyh y[kuÅ dh dqN çfl) bekjrks ds uke fp= lfgr fpidkb;s o muds ckjs es fyf[k,A
6) Hkkjrh; lH;rk rFkk laLd`fr ds Ckkjs es de l de pkj istksa es o.kZu dhft,A
7) jke y{e.k ] ij’kqjke laokn dh lHkh pkSikbZ;k¡ rFkk nksgs ;kn djsaA
8) viuh ikB~; iqLrd fgUnh ls fdlh Hkh ,d dfo dh 10 jpuk,¡ fyf[k,A

S.St –
1) csjkstxkjh ls gkus okyh leL;k dk ,d foLr`r ys[k fy[ksA
2) Hkkjr ds ekufp= ij lHkh jkT; ,oa mudh jkt/kkuh dks n’kkZb,A
3) lR;kxzg ] vlg;ksx vkanksyu ,oa lfou; voKk vkankstu ds ckjs esa fyf[k,A
4) lRrk dj lka>snkjh ds izdkj ,oa mlds ifj.kke fyf[k,A

(1) Write the names of 20 countries with their capital .
(2) Write the name of all cabinet ministers of India.
(3) Write the name of all state with their capital.
(4) Write 10 basic etiquettes on A-4 sheet.
(5) Write the name of all Gold medalist of last Olympic with their game.

1) Make your e-mail id.
2) Learn and write the advantages and disadvantages of Social media.

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