Admin Order No. 2008-01
Admin Order No. 2008-01
Admin Order No. 2008-01
WHEREAS, Article II, Section 16 of the Constitution· provides that the State
shall protect and advance the rights of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in
accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature;
WHEREAS, the presence of air, water, land and toxic pollution have endangered
human health, safety and the quality of life;
WHEREAS, the advent of global wanning and climate change have made the
country and its natural ecosystems more vulnerable to the effects of extre~e weather
WHEREAS, there is a need to protect the environment and natural resources for
stability and growth of the natural ecosystems, promote human health, safety and the
quality of life for the benefit of the present and future generations;
Let's Go Green
a Presidential Decree No. 1586 - Philippine Environmental Impact
Statement System.
b. Presidential Decree No. 705 - Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines.
c. Republic Act No. 6969 - Toxic and Hazardous Substances and Nuclear
Wastes Control Act of 1990.
d. Republic Act No. 7586 - National Integrated Protected Area Systems Act
of 1992.
e. Republic Act No. 7942 - Philippine Mining Act of 1995.
f. Republic Act No. 8749 - Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999.
g. Republic Act No. 9003 - Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of
h. Republic Act No. 9275 - Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004.
1. Republic Act No. 9175 - Chain Saw Act of 2005.
J. Republic Act No. 9147 - Wildlife Act.
k. Provisions of other laws dealing with the protection of the environment
and natural resources, including relevant international commitments of the
Philippines and the Deparbnent. ·
c. Administrative and Logistics Division or AD MIN:
• Coordinate with all appropriate Offices in the performance of its
• Perform other functions as may be directed by the Executive
Section 7. Staffing. The Secretary shall determine the staffing pattern and designate
the necessary officials and personnel that will compose the Task Force.
Section 8. Funding. Initial funds for the operations of the Task Force shall be taken
from the Office of the Secretary. For 2009 and thereafter, funds for the Task Force shall
be taken from the regular budget of the Center, as may be proposed and approved in the
General Appropriations Act, and other appropriate sources.
Section 10. Rules of Engagement. The Task Force shall formulate and recommend
appropriate rules of engagement that will guide the enforcement operations of the Task
Section 12. Separability Clause. If for any reason, any section or provision of this
Order is declared invalid, the remaining portions not affected shall continue to be in full
force and effect.
• Section 13. Repealing Clause. All orders, rules regulations and issuance~ or parts
thereof, which are inconsistent with this Order are hereby repealed o . modified
Section 14. This Department Administrative Order shall take effect imm 1ately.
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