Admin Order No. 2008-01

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City
Tel Nos. (632) 929-66-26 to 29 • (632) 929-62-52
929-66-20 • 929-66-33 to 35
929- 70-41 to 43

DENR Administrative Order fU06al

No. 2008- G1


WHEREAS, Article II, Section 16 of the Constitution· provides that the State
shall protect and advance the rights of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in
accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature;

WHEREAS, unscrupulous and unsustainable exploitation of, our natural

resources have contributed to the destructive effects of natural calamities, resulting in the
loss of lives and destruction of properties and the environment;

WHEREAS, the presence of air, water, land and toxic pollution have endangered
human health, safety and the quality of life;

WHEREAS, the advent of global wanning and climate change have made the
country and its natural ecosystems more vulnerable to the effects of extre~e weather

WHEREAS, there is a need to protect the environment and natural resources for
stability and growth of the natural ecosystems, promote human health, safety and the
quality of life for the benefit of the present and future generations;

WHEREAS, there is a need to coordinate, integrate and provide focus on the

numerous enforcement functions, programs and activities of the Department;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSE L. ATIENZA, JR., Secretary of the Department

of Environment and Natural Resources, by the powers vested in me by laws, do hereby
issue the following orders:

Section 1. Creation of the Task Foree Kalikasan. There is hereby created

the Task Force K.alikasan, hereinafter referred to as the Task Force (TFK), under the
Office of the Secretary, as the lead implementing unit in the enforcement of various laws,
rules and regulations of the Department
Section 2. Scope and Covenge of Enforcement. The Task Force shall be
responsible for the enforcement of all environmental laws, whose responsibility is vested
in the Department, including, among others:

Let's Go Green
a Presidential Decree No. 1586 - Philippine Environmental Impact
Statement System.
b. Presidential Decree No. 705 - Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines.
c. Republic Act No. 6969 - Toxic and Hazardous Substances and Nuclear
Wastes Control Act of 1990.
d. Republic Act No. 7586 - National Integrated Protected Area Systems Act
of 1992.
e. Republic Act No. 7942 - Philippine Mining Act of 1995.
f. Republic Act No. 8749 - Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999.
g. Republic Act No. 9003 - Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of
h. Republic Act No. 9275 - Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004.
1. Republic Act No. 9175 - Chain Saw Act of 2005.
J. Republic Act No. 9147 - Wildlife Act.
k. Provisions of other laws dealing with the protection of the environment
and natural resources, including relevant international commitments of the
Philippines and the Deparbnent. ·

Section 6. Organi7.ational Structure. The Task Force shall be composed of the

following units and functions:

a Office of the Executive Director:

• Manage the day-to-day administrative operations of the Task Force.

• Supervise and provide leadership and guidance in the enforcement
operations of the Task Force.
• Recommend the grant of monetary rewards or incentives to
informants of vital information that lead to the successful
apprehension and prosecution of violators.
• Recommend the deputation of persons and organizations that can
assist in the enforcement of environmental laws, rules and
regulations and conduct appropriate trainings.
• Execute orders of duly constituted authorities and adjudication
• Coordinate will all appropriate offices within and outside the
Department for the efficient and effective implementation of the
enforcement functions of the Department.
• Perform other functions as may be directed by the Secretary.

b. Office of the Deputy Executive Director:

• Assist the Executive Director in the day-to-day management and

operations of the Task Force.
• Formulate and recommend the plans and programs of the Task

c. Administrative and Logistics Division or AD MIN:

• Ensure the availability and provision of resources and logistics for

the management and operations of the Task Force.
• Provide the necessary financial controls, accounting and auditing
system in the generation, use and disbursement of resources.
• Coordinate with all appropriate offices in the performance of its
• Perform other functions as may be directed by the Executive

d. Intelligence and Investigation Division or INTEL:

• Gather, receive, collate and process/evaluate information critical to

the operation of the Task Force.
• Conduct intelligence and counter-intelligence . operations to
identify violators of environmental laws.
• Prepare intelligence reports and assessment.
• Conduct researches and maintain a data base of information
relating to violations of environmental laws, rules and regulations
and other information needed in strengthening the protection of the
environment and enforcement of environmental rules and
• Coordinate with all appropriate offices in the performance of its
• Perform other functions as may be directed by the Executive

e. Operations Division or OPERATIONS:

• Direct the conduct of operations and cause the immediate arrests

and detention of suspected violators of environmental laws rules
and regulations.
• Conduct administrative confiscation proceedings over apprehended
forest products, wildlife, mineral and other natural resources.
• Conduct investigation for the purpose of gathering evidences for
• Facilitate referral of cases to appropriate bodies for the proper
disposition of suspected violators and for the forfeiture and seizure
proceedings against confiscated goods, properties and accessories.
• Participate, support and assist in all legal proceedings related to the
prosecution of offenders.
• Monitor and follow-up the progress of on-going investigations and
prosecution of cases file by the Task Force.

• Coordinate with all appropriate Offices in the performance of its
• Perform other functions as may be directed by the Executive

Section 7. Staffing. The Secretary shall determine the staffing pattern and designate
the necessary officials and personnel that will compose the Task Force.

Section 8. Funding. Initial funds for the operations of the Task Force shall be taken
from the Office of the Secretary. For 2009 and thereafter, funds for the Task Force shall
be taken from the regular budget of the Center, as may be proposed and approved in the
General Appropriations Act, and other appropriate sources.

Section 9. Support of Other Offices. All Offices in the Department, including

attached corporations and field offices, are hereby directed to provide the necessary
support and logistics in the operations of the Task Force.

Section 10. Rules of Engagement. The Task Force shall formulate and recommend
appropriate rules of engagement that will guide the enforcement operations of the Task

Section 11. Performance Evaluation and Accomplishments. The Office of the

Undersecretary for Policy and Planning shall undertake the periodic review of the
performance and accomplishments of the Task Force, pursuant to Section 4, Item 4.2.3 of
DAO No. 01 (Implementing Rules and Regulations of Executive Order No. 192), dated
January 13, 1988, whereby policy and planning was tasked with monitoring and
evaluating the programs of the Department.

Section 12. Separability Clause. If for any reason, any section or provision of this
Order is declared invalid, the remaining portions not affected shall continue to be in full
force and effect.

• Section 13. Repealing Clause. All orders, rules regulations and issuance~ or parts
thereof, which are inconsistent with this Order are hereby repealed o . modified

Section 14. This Department Administrative Order shall take effect imm 1ately.

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