Important Questions IP

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Important Questions IP Question Bank

1. What is token
2. What is program counter
3. What is Pseudocode
4. What is source code
5. What is time complexity
6. What is space complexity
7. What is algorithm explain any 2 characterstics.
8. Define flow chart.
9. What is conditional operator write its syntax
10. What is topdown approach.
11. What is bottomup approach.
12. What are primitive data types.
13. What is typecasting.

Long Questions:
1 Explain the block diagram of a computer
2 Explain the basic structure of c program with an example
3 Discuss primitive data types and variable with example
4 Explain what is constant with declaration and initialization.
5 Explain the input and output function with syntax and example.
6 What is algorithm and write characterstics of algorithm. draw algorithm for Quadratic
7 What is flow chart explain shapes used in flow chart. Draw a flow chart foe quadratic
8 Explain about the time complexity and space complexity of an algorithm
9 Discuss about topdown approach and bottomup approach
10 What is operator. Explain types of operaters.
11 What is typecasting? explain its types. Differentiate between typecasting and


1. What is if else statement write syntax.

2. Write a program to check number is positive or negative.
3. What switchwrite and its syntax
4. Define loop write types of loop
5. Write for loop with syntax.
6. Write while loop with syantax
7. What is entry loop.
8. What is exit loop.
9. Write any 2 difference b/w break and continue.
10. What is break statement
11. What is continue statement

Long Questions:
1. What is conditional statement explain its types.
2. Explain multi way selection statement with an example(if else if)
3. What is switch statement explain with an example.
4. What is loop explain its types with examples
5. What is for loop explain with syntax and example
6. Differentiate pretest loop and post test loop.(while VS DO WHILE)
7. Differentiate between if else and switch statement
8. Explain the break and continue with an example
9. WAP to find sum of digits of a number.
10. Wap to find reverse of a number.
11. Write a program to find factorial of anumber.
12. WAP to find fivonacci series upto n numbers.
13. Wap to check number is prime or not
14. WAP to print 1-n prime numbers.
15. WAP to print 5 15 25 35 45 55 65…..
16. WAP to print series
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1. What is array. write syntax and declare an array.

2. What string in c write syntax
3. What is difference between scanf(%s), gets()
4. What is 2D array write its syntax and declare.
5. Write any 4 string functions.
6. What is sparce matrix
7. What is getch() and getche()
8. What is strcat()
9. What is strlen()
10. What is strrev()
Long Questions:
1. What is array explain types of array with example.
2. What is array store elements of integer in array find sum of elements.
3. WAP to Sort the elements in array.
4. WAP to find smallest number in ARRAY.
5. WAP to find largest number in Array.
6. What is 2D array explain with an example.
7. WAP to find transpose of the Matrix.
8. WAP to matric multiplication
9. What is one subscript and two subscript in array explain with examples.
10. WAP to find min and max number in array find average.
11. WAP to find second largest element in array.
12. Write what is string explain string handling functions.
13. WAP to find length of string with using predefined function.
14. WAP to check string is palindrome.
15. WAP to concatenate two strings with using string strcat()

1. What is function explain its syntax.
2. What is pointer arithmetic.
3. What is NULL pointer.
4. What is actual argument
5. What is return in C.
6. What is pointer write its syntax.
7. What is commandline argument.
8. Write any 4 ram names
9. What is recursion.
10. What is extern storage class.

Long Questions:
1. What is function explain its types with examples.
2. Explain the categories of functions(userdefined)
3. What is recursion. WAP factorial of number using recursion.
4. Wap to find product of digits using function.
5. WAP to find sum of digits using function.
6. What is storage class and explain its types.
7. What is scope and lifetime of variables
8. What is call by value and call by reference explain with the swapping of two values.
9. What is Recursion explain GCD of 2 numbers using recursion.
10. Differentiate call by value and reference.
11. What is pointer explain syntax , declaration with an example.
12. What is pointer arithmetic explain what are the operations we can perform.
13. What is pointer to pointer explain with an example
14. What is dynamic memory allocation Explain malloc(), calloc(), Realloc(), Free()
15. What is commandline argument explain with example. to print product of two
numbers and Wap to print a table.

2 marks

1. What is sizeof in union.

2. What is difference between text file and binary file.
3. What is fseek() write any two functions.
4. Liast any 2 methods random acess in files.
5. What is bitfield
6. What is typedef
7. What is Enum in C.
8. What is structure write its syntax.
9. Write any 4 file modes.
10. What is fgets()
11. What is fputc()

Long Questions:
1. What is structure explain with an Example.
2. Explain the nested structure concept with an example
3. What is union explain with an example.
4. Contrast between structure and union.
5. Explain structure to array
6. Explain structure to function
7. Explain self referential structures with example
8. Explain Enumeration with an example.
9. Explain Bitfields with example.
10. Explain typedef with example
11. Explain various modes of file.
12. Explain copy content of one file to another.
13. Explain the functions of files 1)fprintf 2)fscanf 3)fputc,4) fgetc, 5)fseek 6)fgets
14. Explain Random Acess in files with example.

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