Unit One Conceptual Frameworks Definition of Leadership 1 - Directing 1.1. Basic Concepts of Directing
Unit One Conceptual Frameworks Definition of Leadership 1 - Directing 1.1. Basic Concepts of Directing
Unit One Conceptual Frameworks Definition of Leadership 1 - Directing 1.1. Basic Concepts of Directing
Conceptual Frameworks
Definition of leadership
1 . Directing
1.1. Basic Concepts of Directing
● It refers to the issuance of directives and the guidance and overseeing
subordinates that they are doing their job to the best of their ability.
● It is a managerial function that concerns itself with the total manner in
which a manger influences the action of his/her subordinates.
● Directing deals exclusively with people (that is, the human element), thus
it is a very delicate or sensitive function that mangers must take extreme
● There is a high degree of correlation between directing and work
. The importance of the directing function
● It initiates actions by giving directives and guidance to employees.
It integrates employees’ effort by coordinating actions of the members
and leading toward the objectives.
It attempts to get the maximum out of individuals by providing ways
to utilize the potentials and cafullypabilities of employees.
Directing facilitates changes by incorporating (adopting)
environmental and internal changes into the organization.
It also provides stability by balancing the different parts of the
organization so that it exists for a long period and its parts work in a
harmonious ways.
Unit Summary
The most influential person in these groups is usually called a leader.
Leaders are extremely important in a variety of organizational setting. Any
organizations (both formal and informal) need leaders to accomplish their
objectives. Indeed, organizations would be less efficient without leaders, and
in extreme cases, they would be unable to accomplish goals. For these and
similar reasons, leadership has been the center of attention. In this lesson,
students will be made to examine a number of, somewhat distinct,
perspectives of leadership as well as styles of leadership.
Leadership is about bringing about useful change, John Kotter and many
other modern management writers emphasis this definition of leadership.
This definition helps us to contrast leadership with the management role i.e.
leadership being about change and management about creating stability.
This reflects the primary challenge of modern organizations in that they need
both change and stability at the same time. This is sometimes called
dynamic equilibrium i.e an organization needs to match its pace of change
relative to the pace of change in the environment in which it operates
Chapter Two
2.1. Leadership Theories and its classification
Leadership theories can be classified into different categories or principal
a) Trait,
b) Behavioral.
c) Situational.
d) The path-goal.
e) Transactional and transformational theories
A, Trait Theories Before 1945,
Treit Theory
● Simlar in some ways Great man theory
most common approach to the study of leadership concentrated on
leadership was traits of a person.
Interpersonal skills
Leading by example
Sensitivity and tact
Maintaining high expectations
Criticism to trait theory
➤ leaders do not have to be great men or women by being intellectual,
geniuses or omniscient prophets to succeed, but they do need to have the
right stuffand this stuff is not equally present in all people.
➤ leadership is a dynamic process, varying from situation to situation with
changes in the leader, the followers, and the situation. B .Behavioral
Accordingly, in response to the criticism of the trait approach, theorists
began to:
Research leadership as set of behaviors.
Evaluating the behavior of ‘successful’ leaders,
Tadesse Regassa (Jimma Uuniversity) 16
Organization Man Managements
Adequate organization performance is
possible through balancing the necessity to
get out work with maintaining morale of
people at a satisfactory level
1.1 9.1
Impoverished Management Authority-Obedience
Exertion of minimum effort to get required Efficiency in operations results from
work done is appropriate to sustain arranging conditions of working in such a
organization membership way that human elements interfere to a
minimum degree.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
▶ Although there are many situational models and theories, most scholars
focus on the following situational leadership models that have received wide
attention in leadership research.
1. The Tannenbaum-Schmidt Continuum of Leader Behavior,
2. Fiedlers Contingency model.
3. The Paul Heresy and Kenneth H. Blanchard model.
Relationships Oriented Task Oriented
According to Fiedler
s contingency Model; he most favorable situation for
leaders to influence their groups is one in which they are well liked by the
members (good leader-member relations), have a powerful position
(strong position power), and are directing a well-defined job (high task
▶ On the other hand, the most unfavorable situation for leaders is one,
which they are disliked, have little position power, and face an unstructured
In a reexamination of old leadership studies and an analysis of new studies,
Fiedler concluded that.
1. Task-oriented leaders tend to perform best in-group situations that
are either very favorable or very unfavorable to the leader.
2. Relationship-oriented leaders tend to perform best in situations that
are intermediate in favorableness.
● This was developed by Paul Heresy and Kenneth H. Blanchard at the
center for leadership studies in the late 1930s.
● According to situational leadership, there is no one best way to influence
The more leaders can adapt their behaviors to the situation, the more
effective their attempts to influence will be.
Effective leaders believe that people have the potential to grow and that,
given an opportunity, they can and will respond.
If a leader simply says, ‘Go stand by the door and keep people from coming
through’ that is telling. On the other hand if the leader suggests, ‘Id sure
appreciate it if you would be willing to stand by the door to guide people
around the classroom because people coming through here have been
disruptive,” this would be an example of selling. One of the differences
between telling and selling is that selling answers why questions.
Readiness level 3 would include a person or group that’s able but has just
developed ability and has not had an opportunity to gain confidence in
doing it on his or her own. The appropriate behavior would be high amounts
of two-way communication and supportive behavior but low amounts of
To determine what leadership style you should use with a person in a given
situation, you must make several decisions.
- The key issue is how ready or receptive is the group to accomplish these
- If the group is at high level of readiness, only a low amount of leadership
will be required.
- If, on the other hand, the group is at a low level of readiness, considerable
leadership intervention may be required.
Some members of the group may be lower in readiness than the group as a
whole with respect to specific tasks. For example, a team member may be
R3 (able but insecure) with regard to responding to service problems on a
Leading is a full-time job that must be practiced every hours of every day
R4 R3 R2
Able and Able but Unable Unable and
wiling or Unwilling or but unwilling or
confident insecure willing insecure
▶ Vision is the ability of the leader to bind people together with an idea
▶ Transforimational leaders are relevant to today's workplace because they
are flexible and innovative
🔶 To inspire followers to share the leaders' values and connect with
the leader's vision
Transformational leadership was initially conceived of as a proccss
wherehy leaders strategically' transform the system or organization
to a higher level by increasing the achievenment and motivation of their
Tadesse Regassa (Jimma Uuniversity) 41
3. Leadership styles
The knowledge, skills and experience of the staff are not fully used.
It suppresses staff members’ initiative.
Employees cannot develop to their maximum potential.
Absence of the leader may mean that important work is not
Employees, under paternalistic style, feel free to frequently meet the leader
and look towards the redressal of their grievances, and also feel secure about
Finally, one should ask a question: which leadership style to choose? As has
been indicated earlier in this unit, different leadership styles have their
merits and limitations. The adoption of a particular leadership style depends
upon the consideration of a host of factors. Some of the very important
factors are the following:
A free rein leader does not lead, but leaves the group entirely to itself
as shown; such a leader allows maximum freedom to subordinates.
They are given a freehand in deciding their own policies and methods.
Free rein leadership style is considered getter than the authoritarian
style. But it is not as effective as the democratic style.
Benefits are martial or non-material rewards that one receives after having
performed a given job or task. Thus, extrinsic motivation is external to the
individual employee.
An employee who gains a sense of achievement and takes pride in his job
performance or receives recognition from his superiors, subordinates and
others for a job well done, experiences internal rewards which have their
greatest effect in long run job satisfaction. These rewards constitute intrinsic
motivation. On the hand, rewards for performing a job come in a form of
pay, bonuses, vacations, etc, which are enjoy from the job are examples of
extrinsic motivation.
If an organization has inadequate working conditions, wages, salary benefits
or job security, etc, that is extrinsic motivators, it will have difficulty in
hiring competent employees and turnover, absenteeism and grievances will
be high. It should also be noted that management cannot emphasizes on
intrinsic motivation, neglecting extrinsic motivation, because actually both
Chapter Four
4. Transformational Leadership
Transformational leadership blends the behavioral theories with a little dab
of trait theories. Transactional leaders, such as those identified in
The issue is more than simply who makes which decisions, rather it is
finding a way to be successful in collaboratively defining the essential
purpose of teaching and learning and then empowering the entire school
community to become energized and focused. In schools where such a focus
has been achieved, we found that teaching and learning became
transformative for everyone.