Artificial Intelligence MCQ

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Artificial Intelligence MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

1. What is the full form of “AI”?

a) Artificially Intelligent
b) Artificial Intelligence
c) Artificially Intelligence
d) Advanced Intelligence
Answer: b
Explanation: AI is abbreviated as Artificial Intelligence. It is used to create systems or build machines to think and work like

2. What is Artificial Intelligence?

a) Artificial Intelligence is a field that aims to make humans more intelligent
b) Artificial Intelligence is a field that aims to improve the security
c) Artificial Intelligence is a field that aims to develop intelligent machines
d) Artificial Intelligence is a field that aims to mine the data
Answer: c
Explanation: Artificial Intelligence is the development of intelligent systems that work and react in the same way that humans do.
Intelligence is a process or a component of the ability to achieve goals in the world. People, animals, and a few machines all have
different types and degrees of intelligence.

3. Who is the inventor of Artificial Intelligence?

a) Geoffrey Hinton
b) Andrew Ng
c) John McCarthy
d) Jorgen Schmidhuber
Answer: c
Explanation: John McCarthy was a pioneer in Artificial Intelligence research, helping to name the field and spending decades
teaching computers to grasp concepts that are intuitive to humans.

4. Which of the following is the branch of Artificial Intelligence?

a) Machine Learning
b) Cyber forensics
c) Full-Stack Developer
d) Network Design
Answer: a
Explanation: Machine learning is one of the important sub-areas of Artificial Intelligence likewise Neural Networks, Computer
Vision, Robotics, and NLP are also the sub-areas. In machine learning, we build or train ML models to do certain tasks.

5. What is the goal of Artificial Intelligence?

a) To solve artificial problems
b) To extract scientific causes
c) To explain various sorts of intelligence
d) To solve real-world problems
Answer: c
Explanation: Artificial Intelligence’s goal is to explain various sorts of intelligence.
6. Which of the following is an application of Artificial Intelligence?
a) It helps to exploit vulnerabilities to secure the firm
b) Language understanding and problem-solving (Text analytics and NLP)
c) Easy to create a website
d) It helps to deploy applications on the cloud
Answer: b
Explanation: Language understanding and problem-solving come under the NLP and Text Analysis area which involves text
recognition and sentiment analysis of the text. NLP ML model is trained to mainly do the task which processes human language’s
speech or text. For example voice assistant.

7. In how many categories process of Artificial Intelligence is categorized?

a) Categorized into 5 categories
b) processes are categorized based on the input provided
c) categorized into 3 categories
d) process is not categorized
Answer: c
Explanation: It is categorized into 3 steps Sensing, Reasoning, Acting
i) Sensing: Through the sensor taking in the data about the world
ii) Reasoning: Reasoning is thinking or processing the data sensed by the sensor.
iii) Action: On the basis of input and reasoning, acting is generating and controlling actions in the environment.
8. Based on which of the following parameter Artificial Intelligence is categorized?
a) Based on functionally only
b) Based on capabilities only
c) Based on capabilities and functionally
d) It is not categorized
Answer: c
Explanation: The two main categorizations of AI are based on the capability and functionality. Based on capability it is divided
into Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI), Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), and Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI). Based on
functionality it is divided into reactive machines, limited memory, theory of mind, and self-awareness.
9. Which of the following is a component of Artificial Intelligence?
a) Learning
b) Training
c) Designing
d) Puzzling
Answer: a
Explanation: Intelligence is intangible and is composed of mainly five techniques. Learning is the process of gaining knowledge by
understanding, practicing, being taught, or experiencing one thing. Learning enhances the awareness of any topic, hence learning
is one of the important components.
10. What is the function of an Artificial Intelligence “Agent”?
a) Mapping of goal sequence to an action
b) Work without the direct interference of the people
c) Mapping of precept sequence to an action
d) Mapping of environment sequence to an action
Answer: c
Explanation: A math function that converts a collection of perceptions into actions is known as the agent function. The function is
implemented using agent software. An agent is responsible for the actions performed by the machine once it senses the
11. Which of the following is not a type of Artificial Intelligence agent?
a) Learning AI agent
b) Goal-based AI agent
c) Simple reflex AI agent
d) Unity-based AI agent
Answer: d Explanation: There are mainly 5 types of agents:

12. Which of the following is not the commonly used programming language for Artificial Intelligence?
a) Perl
b) Java
Answer: a
Explanation: Perl is a scripting language. Whereas other programming languages are used to program AI machines.

13. What is the name of the Artificial Intelligence system developed by Daniel Bobrow?
a) program known as BACON
b) system known as STUDENT
c) program known as SHRDLU
d) system known as SIMD
Answer: b
Explanation: STUDENT is the name of the Artificial Intelligence system developed by Daniel Bobrow in 1964. Daniel Bobrow had
used LISP programming language to write this AI program for his PhD thesis.

14. What is the function of the system Student?

a) program that can read algebra word problems only
b) system which can solve algebra word problems but not read
c) system which can read and solve algebra word problems
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: The system STUDENT developed by Daniel Bobrow was written in LISP to read and solve algebra word problems of
high school books. This is referred as the achievement in the field of Natural Language Processing.

15. Which of the following is not an application of artificial intelligence?

a) Face recognition system
b) Chatbots
Answer: d
Explanation: Face recognition system, Chatbots, and LIDAR are the various applications of AI in various fields like security system,
business, automobiles etc. DBMS is used to store and manipulate data.
16. Which of the following machine requires input from the humans but can interpret the outputs themselves?
a) Actuators
b) Sensor
c) Agents
d) AI system
Answer: d
Explanation: Actuators are used in machines to convert energy from one form to another to perform a physical function. The
sensor is a device that receives signals from the physical environment to detect the changes. Systems receive input from humans
and interpret the outputs.

17. _________ number of informed search method is there in Artificial Intelligence.

a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 1
Answer: a
Explanation: There are four types of informed search methods. The four types of informed search method are best-first search,
Greedy best-first search, A* search and memory bounded heuristic search.
18. The total number of proposition symbols in AI are ________
a) 3 proposition symbols
b) 1 proposition symbols
c) 2 proposition symbols
d) No proposition symbols
Answer: c
Explanation: There are totally 2 proposition symbols. The two proposition symbols are true and false.
19. The total number of logical symbols in AI are ____________
a) There are 3 logical symbols
b) There are 5 logical symbols
c) Number of logical symbols are based on the input
d) Logical symbols are not used
Answer: b
Explanation: There are totally five logical symbols. The five logical symbols are:
a) Negation b) Conjunction c) Disjunction d) Implication e) Biconditional
20. Which of the following are the approaches to Artificial Intelligence?
a) Applied approach
b) Strong approach
c) Weak approach
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: Strong AI is used to build machines that can truly reason and solve problems.
Weak AI deals with building computer-based Artificial Intelligence that can act as if it were intelligent but cannot truly reason and
solve problems. Applied approach creates commercially viable “smart” systems.
In the Cognitive approach, a computer is used to test theories about how the human mind works.

21. Face Recognition system is based on which type of approach?

a) Weak AI approach
b) Applied AI approach
c) Cognitive AI approach
d) Strong AI approach
Answer: b
Explanation: Applied approach aims to produce commercially viable “smart” systems such as, for example, a security system that
recognizes the faces of people to provide access. The applied approach has already enjoyed considerable success.
22. Which of the following is an advantage of artificial intelligence?
a) Reduces the time taken to solve the problem
b) Helps in providing security
c) Have the ability to think hence makes the work easier
d) All of the above
Answer: d
Explanation: Artificial intelligence creates a machine that can think and make decisions without human involvement.

23. Which of the following can improve the performance of an AI agent?

a) Perceiving
b) Learning
c) Observing
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: b
Explanation: An AI agent learns from previous states by saving it and responding to the same situation better if it occurs again in
the future. Hence, learning can improve the performance of an AI agent.
24. Which of the following is/are the composition for AI agents?
a) Program only
b) Architecture only
c) Both Program and Architecture
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: An AI agent program will implement function mapping percepts to actions.

25. On which of the following approach A basic line following robot is based?
a) Applied approach
b) Weak approach
c) Strong approach
d) Cognitive approach
Answer: b
Explanation: Weak approach is concerned with the development of a computer-based artificial intelligence that can behave
intelligently but cannot really reason or solve issues. According to Weak approach, properly configured computers can mimic
human intellect.

26. Artificial Intelligence has evolved extremely in all the fields except for _________
a) Web mining
b) Construction of plans in real time dynamic systems
c) Understanding natural language robustly
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: Artificial Intelligence is used in all the fields to make work easier and complete the work before the deadline.
However, it could not excel in these fields. Hence, these areas need more focus for improvements.
27. Which of the following is an example of artificial intelligent agent/agents?
a) Autonomous Spacecraft
b) Human
c) Robot
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: Humans can be considered agents. Sensors include eyes, ears, skin, taste buds, and so on, whereas effectors include
hands, fingers, legs, and mouth. Agents are robots. Sensors on robots might include a camera, sonar, infrared, bumper, and so
on. Actuators can include grippers, wheels, lights, speakers, and other components. Based on its senses, autonomous spacecraft
makes decisions on its own.
28. Which of the following is an expansion of Artificial Intelligence application?
a) Game Playing
b) Planning and Scheduling
c) Diagnosis
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: In recent days AI is used in all sectors in different forms. All sectors require intelligence and automation for its

29. What is an AI ‘agent’?

a) Takes input from the surroundings and uses its intelligence and performs the desired operations
b) An embedded program controlling line following robot
c) Perceives its environment through sensors and acting upon that environment through actuators
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: An AI agent is defined as anything that uses sensors and actuators to perceive and act on the environment. It
receives information from its surroundings via sensors, executes operations, and outputs via actuators.

30. Which of the following environment is strategic?

a) Rational
b) Deterministic
c) Partial
d) Stochastic
Answer: b
Explanation: In a deterministic environment the output is determined based on a particular state. If the environment is
deterministic except for the action of other agents it is called deterministic.
31. What is the name of Artificial Intelligence which allows machines to handle vague information with a deftness that
mimics human intuition?
a) Human intelligence
b) Boolean logic
c) Functional logic
d) Fuzzy logic
Answer: d
Explanation: Many popular goods, such as microwave ovens, cars, and plug-in circuit boards for desktop PCs, employ the first
widely-used commercial form of Artificial Intelligence. It enables robots to handle ambiguous data with a dexterity that
resembles human intuition.
32. Which of the following produces hypotheses that are easy to read for humans?
a) Machine Learning
b) ILP
c) First-order logic
d) Propositional logic
Answer: b
Explanation: ILP (Inductive logic programming) is a subfield of artificial intelligence. Because ILP can participate in the scientific
cycle of experimentation So that it can produce a flexible structure.

33. What does the Bayesian network provide?

a) Partial description of the domain
b) Complete description of the problem
c) Complete description of the domain
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: A Bayesian network provides a complete description of the domain.

34. What is the total number of quantification available in artificial intelligence?

a) 4
b) 3
c) 1
d) 2
Answer: d
Explanation: There are two types of quantification. They are:
a) Universal b) Existential
35. What is Weak AI?
a) the study of mental faculties using mental models implemented on a computer
b) the embodiment of human intellectual capabilities within a computer
c) a set of computer programs that produce output that would be considered to reflect intelligence if it were
generated by humans
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: Weak AI is the study of mental faculties using mental models implemented on a computer.
36. Which of the following are the 5 big ideas of AI?
a) Perception
b) Human-AI Interaction
c) Societal Impact
d) All of the above
Answer: d
Explanation: The 5 big ideas are:

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