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MACE40102 / MACE60102




24 May 2022

09:45 − 11:45

Answer All Questions

Use separate answer book for each section, A and B

A formulae sheet is provided at the end of exam paper


Electronic calculators may be used, provided that they cannot store text.


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MACE40102 / MACE60102


Q1 [Hint: Each of the following questions may have more than one answer. Marks
are awarded only for fully correct answers. No explanations are required.]

(i) Which stiffness matrix of the laminate is independent of the position of the
reference surface?

(a) [A] (b) [B] (c) [D] (d) [G]

(ii) Which stiffness matrix of the laminate is affected by the layer stacking

(a) [A] (b) [B] (c) [D] (d) [G]

(iii) Which layup below makes A16 = A26 = 0?

(a) [0°/+45°/−45°/90°/−45°/+45°/0°]
(b) [0°/+45°/−45°/−45°/+45°/0°]
(c) [+45°/−45°/+45°/−45°]
(d) [0°/90°/0°/90°/0°/90°]

(iv) In which direction should the fibres in most of the layers be oriented in a
laminate which is subjected to in-plane shear loading?
(a) 0° (b) 90° (c) +45°
(d) 0°/90° (e) 45° (f) 0°/+45°/90°/−45°

(v) According to the concept “Action Plane” introduced in Hashin’s failure

criterion, which stress component has an effect on the matrix failure in uni-
directional fibre reinforced composite materials?
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3
(d)  12 (e)  13 (f)  23

[5  4 marks = 20 marks]

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MACE40102 / MACE60102

Q2 An uni-directional composite material is made up of isotropic constituents,

carbon fibre and epoxy matrix. The Young’s moduli of the constituents are
given as follows
E f = 200 GPa  f = 0.3 G f = 76.9 GPa
E m = 3.4 GPa  m = 0.35 G m = 1.26 GPa
where superscripts f and m denote fibre and matrix, respectively.
Determine the fibre volume fraction f f which makes the transverse Young’s
modulus E2 = 9.42 GPa and then find the longitudinal Young’s modulus E1, the
Poisson’s ratio 12 and shear modulus G12 at this fibre volume fraction.
[10 marks]

Q3 An uni-directional glass fibre reinforced lamina has the following local reduced
stiffness matrix:

46.9 4.6 0 
 
Q =  4.6 16.7 0  (GPa).
 
 0 0 5.5

This material is used to make a specimen with the fibre oriented at an angle of
45º to the x-axis as shown in Figure Q3. The specimen is then tested under a
plane stress state and strains are measured. The measured strains in the x-y
coordinate system are:
 x = −0.006 ,  y = 0.001 ,  xy = 0.015 .
Determine the stresses x,  y and  xy applied in the x-y coordinate system to
this specimen.
[12 marks]
y y


 = 45

Figure Q3

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MACE40102 / MACE60102

Q4 A composite laminate with a layup [0°/90°/90°/0°] is made of unidirectional

lamina. The thickness of each lamina is t = 1 mm. The lamina stiffness matrix is
given below:

138 3 0
 
Q  =  3 10 0 (GPa)
 
 0 0 5

And the strengths of the lamina are:

 1*t = 1500MPa ,  1*c = 650MPa ,

 2*t = 55MPa ,  2*c = 140MPa ,  12* = 75MPa .
(i) Find the laminate stiffness matrices [A] and [B] when the mid-plane is
taken as the reference surface. [9 marks]
(ii) If the laminate is subjected to the following generalised stresses:

Nx = 2N0, Ny = −N0, Nxy = 0.2N0, Mx = My = Mxy = 0.

Find the maximum load N0 (>0) at which no failure occurs in the 90° layers
in the laminate according to the maximum stress failure criterion.
[16 marks]

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MACE40102 / MACE60102


Q5 (i) List two advantages and three limitations of the open mould hand-layup
method of FRP manufacturing compared to the vacuum bag moulding
method of FRP manufacturing. [5 marks]

(ii) Propose the most appropriate FRP manufacturing method for each of the
following engineering applications, with explaining the reason(s) for your
(a) Cylindrical pressure vessels which will be used to store H2 gas at high
gas pressure.
(b) Large wind turbine blades.
(c) Body parts of luxury sports cars.
(Hint: Propose only one FRP manufacturing method for each application.
100 words maximum for the reason(s) for each application)
[10.5 marks]

(iii) Explain in detail and comment on the following observation:

Yacht hulls are usually made from autoclaved carbon fibre laminates rather
than chopped fibre mat of short glass fibres in a polyester matrix, in contrast,
leisure boats are often made from chopped glass fibre mats.
(Hint: your answer must be no longer than a one-third (1/3) length of a
page of your answer book). [7.5 marks]

(iv) (a) State the most notable characteristic difference between thermoset and
thermoplastic polymers [2 marks]
(b) With the use of appropriate sketches, show the major difference
between the orientation of the molecular networks (i.e. polymer chains)
of the thermoset and thermoplastic polymers. [4 marks]
(c) Give an example each for thermoset and thermoplastic polymer
materials commonly used to make FRP engineering composites.
[2 marks]

(v) List the key steps involving the thermoforming method of polymer
manufacturing. [2 marks]


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MACE40102 / MACE60102

Formulae Sheet

  = T −1     = T  
  = T T     = T −T  

A =  Q'l (zl − zl −1 )
l =1

B = 1  Q'l (z l2 − z l2−1 )


2 l =1

 A11 A12 0   A22 AA − A12 AA 0 
A A22 0  
= − A21 AA A11 AA 0  AA = A11 A22 − A12 A12
 21   
 0 0 A66   0 0 1 A66 

 cos2  sin 2  − 2 cos sin  

T  =  sin 2  cos 2
2 cos sin  

cos sin  − cos sin  cos2  − sin 2  

 cos2  sin 2  2 cos sin  

 
T −1
=  sin 2  cos2  − 2 cos sin  
− cos sin  cos sin  cos2  − sin 2  

1 f f fm
P = f f P f + f m Pm = f + m


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