FIDEX FS Brochure 2018

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CT, DR, and Fluoroscopy - All In One Machine

Animage has released the 2017 model of the Fidex Full System, the Fidex-FS, the
industry’s foremost multi-modality X-ray CT scanner designed and built specifically for
the veterinary community. Fidex-FS has three functions which are CT, DR and
Fluoroscopy. Incorporating the latest technological advances in flat panel displays, the
new dynamic large 17” x 17” panel generates superb studies and significantly improves

Fidex-FS has a larger field of view in all three modalities, instantaneously converts to
high quality DR, and allows full-size Fluoroscopy. The FIDEX combination of these
modalities into one machine conserves valuable space, leverages financial resources, and
increases your operational effectiveness. It is fast becoming the world-wide favorite.

Fidex-Classic will coexist with Fidex-FS, and continue to provide an economical solution
if only the CT and small field Fluoroscopy functions are preferred to the full system.
ThLV combination of CT, DR, and FL inWR one machine creates
unprecedented economies of space, OHYHUDJHV ILQDQFLDO Fidex Benefits
this, FIDEXwill place the benefits of the diagnostic power of CT ™ Improved cash flow from t i
house and outsidereferralsLQWR
into your hands thereby enablingbetterdecision making during
critical moments prior to taking action, saving both time and DGYDQFHGGLDJQRVWLFLPDJLQJ
money while increasing the quality of careGHOLYHUHG. FDSDELOLWLHV

The FIDEX solution delivers a proven imaging system without
the need for additional power installation or room modifications.
FIDEX is easy to operate anddelivers superb value in total cost
of ownership. FIDEXrunsfroma standard 110V or 220V wall YHWHULQDU\DSSOLFDWLRQV%DVLF and
outlet, requires no cooling beyond standard office temperature $GYDQFHGPRGHVfitYDULRXV
controls, has similar shielding parameters to standard
radiography systems, and can easily fit through standard ™ NXPHURXVWLVVXH ilte and
doorV and hallways for easeofinstallation.FIDEXinstalls in ZLWKRXWWKHQHHGWRUHVFDQDQLPDO
aslittleasan hour and can bereadyto operate within two hours.
™ ume u t aet l t at
Rest assured your FIDEX will be fully supported through an a ilitate e i ie t l
available DQQXDOmaintenance SODQ providing peace ofmind for

™ Easy Satient access as a result of

open c-arm design

™ Ability for oblique, lateral, and


CT abdominal study with contrast.

CT nasal study volume rendering.

Simple Operation FIDEX Technology Image Quality

The FIDEXGUI software was Animage co-developed the patent FIDEX stateoftheart image quality
written from the ground up for pending Automated Breathing resolves detail below 5PP in
veterinary clinics. The basic Control (ABC ) System.
radiography and fluoroscopy, and
mode, which provides default The ABCTM System is an Animage down to PP in CT ZKLFK LV
settings, HQDEOHs a first time proprietary and fully automated better than standard human CT
user to produce high quality system that controls the breathing of scanners.
images ZLWK FRQILGHQFH. Ad- an animal during active scanning
vanced users haveaccessto using a Hallowell Ventilator thereby DICOM Compliant
additional controls with a single removing artifacts due to motion.
It is estimated that up to 75% of FRQVXOWDWLRQ ZLWK WHOHUDGLRORJLFDO
FIDEX is all about ease of all non-diagnostic scans are the VHUYLFH SURYLGHUV YLD RQHFOLFN
use and e g mi . The C-arm direct result of motion artifacts. LPSRUW DQG H[SRUW of DICOM 
designprovidesopenaccess to images )XUWKHUPRUH FIDEX is
the patient from both sides of The FIDEX system incorporates compatiblewith most radiology
the scanner for easy not only standard MPR and MIP workstations and DICOM manage-
positioning and preparation.AQ slices and slab visualization, but mentsoftwareSDFNDJHV.
optional ODUJH IXOO floating DR also the latest available volume
table SURYLGHV more working rendering filters for optimum 3D FIDEX offers the means to make 
room, especially for ODUJHU visualization. These configurable \RXU practice immensely  more
animals. The boom arm with visualization modes offer productive andSURILWDEOH by adding
monitor (standard with FL) can powerful ways to facilitate the DGYDQFHG GLDJQRVWLF LPDJLQJ
be rotated to any position for accurate mapping and planning FDSDELOLWLHVWR\RXUEXVLQHVV)LGH[
RSWLPXP visibility  u i g i te - of surgical procedures.
e ti

CT Yolume rendering of brainZLWKFRQWUDVW.

DRRIWKHleg, 17” x 17”.

To learn more about FIDEX and its

advantages, please contact us at:
CT Volume rendering showing
displacement of a dog’s right lung by Web
a large tumor, as well as calcification
within the tumor, selectively Phone 925-416-1900 x121
omitting display of tumor tissue. Sales Stephen Della Ratta
[email protected]
Fidex Side View
I -FS e i i ati
 Computed Tomography (CT) with up
to 24cm x 72cm (9” x 28”) scan size
 One-Shot Digital Radiography (DR),
optional large full-floating table
 High quality fluoroscopy (FL): 5 to 45
frames per second, real-time display,
AVI storage, and DSA capability

 X-ray source: 60-120 kV, up to
 Detector: 43cm x 43cm (17” x 17”)
 Patient table motorized up/down,
 Open C-arm design

Fidex Top View  Optional adjustable boom-mounted

monitor (standard with FL)
 Power requirements (50Hz-60Hz)
Scanner: 220V
Workstation: 110V or 220V

 DICOM-3 compliant throughout
 Optional add-on workstation for in-
office viewing software
 Ultra fast volume CT image
reconstruction using Exxim
Computing Corporation’s market
leading COBRA algorithms
 Animage proprietary GUI for
veterinary applications. Provides
data base access, scan control,
evaluation, storage and export
 Image visualization of slices:
orthogonal or oblique planes, slabs,
 Integrated 3D volume rendering

5165 Johnson Drive, Pleasanton, California 945 8 925.416.1900


Animage, LLC (, founded in 2008 to bring advanced imaging products

into the veterinary market, is a subsidiary of Exxim Computing Corporation (www.exxim- of Pleasanton, Ca. Exxim is a specialist in 3D imaging, with products for
tomographic image reconstruction and 3D visualization for medical and NDT applications.
Exxim is privately held.

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